OCR Interpretation

The Bennington evening banner. (Bennington, Vt.) 19??-1961, December 08, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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ice iim
Published every day except Sundays
and Holldays.
President Roosevelt and Ad
vis'ers Beach This Decieion.
Millionaire Under Oharge
Bribery on the Stand.
i m i
o) Oruiaer to Reconnoiter Fr ' 1 - v AT; -
Rumored Advanca. - I 1 I
ioliday Gifts
always the subject of deep
ItWtion to thc giver. Why
jt 8olve the problem by giv-
ig something UBoful. such as
Suit of Clothes; an Overcoat;
.Reefer; a Pair of Pants; a
it or Cap; an Uinbrlla; a
be warm suit of Underwear;
Muffler; a Pair Gloves;
Lcktie or a great raany
handsorae and
pes tuat we nuve
m our
Kltchio Block - Bennington.
Fire and
en Companies, ,
All Of Them Good
reliable Vermont Mufc
hiil. the best Jtioiue msurance
B '
is Low and Protection Absolute
"mcctliiE of the stockliolders of
ffitlonal Uank of Hennlarfton. Vt..
Iit the baiiklni; rooim on Tuesday,
10 o'ciock a. m . lor iuo pur-
ng a board of ulrcctors lor ttio
1. A. UKAVE8, Uastner. -
II, Vt, Doc. 8, 1903.
Dbak Siit:
You seo tho need of a Daily Puper and Advertisemonts Jiere
for. We need your paper and Advertlsements therelu.
You nope your paper will be read. So do we, especially our
Advertlsements concernlng
Wo hopo our ads will pay us. You also hope they will bb
pald for. You aro undoubtcdly the best editor lu town, belng
tho only one on our beach.
Wo aro the only peoplo in town
itra in tho rnatter of STATIONERY and BOOKS.
First National Bank
IPTAL S25.000 9
nvnn nct of tho Gonoral
lomoanv is emoowerad to
ior, guardian, roooivor, aaslgnoe or trusteo.
(The Company also aots
alo of atocKS, bunds, roal
markot for looal aecvKes. . i-
i'ORS: Pregidcnt, , CUJraves; Vlce-Preeldehti u. M. urar ; O. M
I C. Turner, w. u. iiagonn
One Year $3.0O
OnoMonth ; 25o
SlngloCopy lc
Invarlably in advanco.
FRANK E. 1I0WE, Editor and Piiblisher
Members of the Publlshers Press.
Telographlc news recelveu up to
the hour o( going to press.
You can almost hear Unclo Zed
Stanton keep stlll slnco it was an
nounced that in all probablllty Clem-
ent would be a candidate for Mvernor
noxt vear.
We.havo no apologios to offer or
promises to make in thls paper. I( tho
peoplo like it woll enough to support
it, it will continue. If they don't wo
shall not run it for fun or glory.
Spend your Chrlstmas money wlth
your homo inerchants and it is bound
to proflt you directly or indirectly.
What you send out of town will bc a
long time coming back.
A fool and hls money are parted
just as easlly nowadays as of old.
These woll known citizens of Barre
invested iDOOO in stock in a western
gold mino and aro now looking for tho
hole whero tholr money was sunk.
At a recent raeeting of a Montpelii r
woman's club a ballet was callod for
on some grave question of statc.
Thore were thirteen ladies present and
in examining tbo ballet box it was
found that twenty-tive votes were east.
Now the question that is agitnting tho
club members is who it was that voted
only once.
Pdople crltlclse a newspaper who
would bo ashaniod to havo their bost
friend look into tholr woodshed.
Don't you thlnk that if your work was
spread out to bo crlticnlly examined
and found fault with by every body as
the editor's is, there would be as
many weak points vislblo as there are
in the average newspaper.
Lawyer Archlbald of Manchester is
not afrald to toll a joke even if ho him.
self is the vlctim. In court the other
day Judgo Watson asked him relatlve
to a case in whlch Mr Archlbald's
name appeared on the docket as coun
sel. "I can't say" replled Mr Archi
bald, "inasmuch as my clients' fin
ances havo so much improved that he
has been able to engage anothor law
yer." Even the judge smlled.
jfhero is no need to tell readers of
the Banner that Christmas is ap
proaohing. That fact shows for itself
all over the paper, and tho most inter
esttng stories are to be found in the
advortlsing departraent. We do not
havo to ask people to read these var
ious announcements now for all aro
dolng it as a irmttor of , interest, as
a mattep of dollars and cents, as a
raattcr of course. Ths moro famlior
you aro wlth the advertising columns
the bettor enabled you w',11 bo to buy
goods to tho advantage of yoursolf
and your pocket book.
when it comes to dispensing
GOODS, and lead the orches-
BuUdingr, Bennington. Vt.
GURPLUS $5000.00
Assembly of Vermont thls
act as oxooutor, admlnistra-
aa agont in tne puronase ana
ostate, and in placlng of loanB.
9 V 9 " -curgei, lTcasurer
Apitolntment of Genernl Wood uud
Othur Arniy Ollicers Are C'oimlder
ciX to lle lleceaa Anpoliitiiieiita ,
aud IlenonilnntloiiK Sent ln.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. - President
Itoosevclt 1ms sent to the sennte the
nomluutioii of General Loonard Wood
to bc a uiujor gciicral of the ariuy und
thv nomlnution of 107 other arr..y olll
cers whosc promotlon Is depcndeut ou
thnt of Qeneral Wood.
Accoinpanylni; these uominutlou:
were those of nbout twenty-Ilve clvllluu
appolntces, Includlng thut ct Dr. W
H. Crum to bc collector of the port ot
Charleston, S. (!., and soiuc othera
whoin the president nouilnated in tlw
last reeens.
These appointmcnts nre eonsldcrrd
by thc president and hls advlsers to ba
recess nppolntinonts. The (inostlon of
thclr .status has been dlscuss'il thor
oughly by the president wlth the best
lawyers connectwl wlth the adinlntstra
tlon ln consress. Thc eoncluslon has
been renched that bctween the tlme of
the falllng of I'renldent l'ro Tenipore
Frye's pivel slcnlfylng the eoncluslon
of the extrnordtaary sesslon and the
calllng to order of the nennte in the reg
ular srssion of cijnst'ess an nppreelnble
Iapse of tlnic owiuTctl.
Whlle the iioin' 'loiis nre duted to
tnke effect from " tlme the cominls
slons were ilrst Isuod on the rccoss np
poIutnieutH, It Is the ciioral oplnlon of
meinbers of the sennte that the nouil
nees will retnln thclr old rnnk nntll
the iiomlnntlons are conflnned desplte
the fuct that all of the ollicers nffcct
ed have been servlng for nearly threc
tnontlis nnder the ndvanced rnnk and
pay to whleh they will ho entltled
when eonllrmed. On thls theory Gen
eral Wood will cease to set ve as inajor
KcnenU and will reaume lils rnnk of
brlBadler genenil nnd hold lt untll ho
Is conflrmed in thc hlRher rank. When
he Iseonllrmcd, howcvor. he will reeclve
n conimlsslon dated Auit. 8, and hls nd
vanced pay will take effect from that
The senntc conimlttce on nillltnry af
fulrs resnmed lts henrlng In the Wood
case, wlth Commander ,urlen Young
of the navy on the stand.
Cotnmandcr Young was subponaed
by the inllltary affalrs conimlttce at the
rcquest of Major Kstcs G. Itathbonc,
who had furnlshcd to the cominlttee a
llst of questlons whlch he deslred to
hnve addrcssed to the wltness. Mnch
testlraony was broiiRht out in rclntlon
to thc charge that Gencral Wood after
assumlng the dutlcs of Rovcrnor gen
cral of Cuba employed detectlves not
connected wlth the army to shndow ccr
raln nrmy offlccrs for the purj'ose of re
portlng tholr nctlons to him.
Xotlco has Lveu glven by the commHt-
tee to Senators Uanna and Teller. who
made the protests agalnst the conflrma
tlon of General Wood to be major gen
eral, thnt they inust have all of thclr
wltncsses here beforc Dec. 10, when lt
ls cxpectcd thc invcstlgatlon Will be
Mt-Clt'llnn I'nr I'rpRlilrnt.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-lt ls sald
that Chflrles Murphy Is nlmlng hlgh
for hls friend. George 11. McClellnn.
Statcnients made by members of the
houso from New York and by other
frlends of the mayor eleet indlcntc that
the leader of Tauimany deslres lo pre
sent the natnc of Mr. McClcllan to the
Dcmocrats of the country as n candl
dnte for president, nnd he would Ilke
to do it at the next natlnnn'Pconrciv
tlon instead of wnltlng for the con
ventlon to be hcld ln 11)08. Thls Is
Fald to 1m the renson why Mr. Munhy
ls llglitliig sliy of inaklng nny ngree
mcnt wlth Dnvld B. Hlll to have the
New York delegatlon to the next Dem-
oerntlc natlonnl ronventlon vote solld
ly for Judge Alton W, I'nrker.
Thrr- Ili-Mllix nt llutlrr.
IIUTIKH, I'a., IJec. 8. Tliere were
thrcc deatns from typhoUl fever dur-
Ing tho nlght. A number of new ases
have been reported. The lotal number
of fever cascs so far reported ls 1.1S0
nnd the totnl of dcaths 8.1. -The com
mltteo sald that lt was preparcd for n
struggle of from slx wecks to three
months. A fuud of $100,000, it was es-
tltnatcd, would be necessnry, The to
ver now seenis to bo near lts helght
Moro thnn n -hundred nurscs are In
Biitler, and they nre worklng nlght and
dny In hospllnls nnd privnte resldences
nttendlng the fever pntlents.
Wo n ii-ii lllil Mt. l'l-lrr'n Ac.
HASTINGS, Golo., Dec. 8. Eleven
wlves of strlklng cbal mlncrs here nt
tacked Marshnls Hlghtowcr nnd AYay
brlght whlle the ollicers were razlng
some shnntles on the Vlclor Kuel cojn
pnny's property ln the Itnllnn qunrter.
Mnrle Vanelll struck Hlghtowcr on thc
hend with n butcher's cleaver, ncarly
cutting off an car. Other womcn gave
Wnybrlght a scvcre heatlng. The wo
mcn were nrrested.
Mra, Curtln'd Soildrn Denth.
BEI.I.EKONTE, I'a., Dec. 8. Mrs.
Cntherine I. Curtln, wldow of Andrew
G. Curtin, Pennsylvnnlu's wnr gov
ernor nnd who served ns a represcntn
tlve ln the Forty-scventh. Forty-clghth
nnd Forty-nlnth congresses, dled snd
denly here of apoplexy, nged elghty
four yenrs. Mrs. Curtin wns strlcken
whlle eatlng lunchcon nnd dled wlth
in an hour.
Chnrired Wltli EmlellnHr f 100,000.
MEMPIIIS, Tcnn., Dec. 8. Jnmes M.
Edge, nlUA Jaincs Knnc, has been ar
restedm)y local detectlves chnrged
wltHwITg n Inrgc sum of money,
salJHbout $100,000, from tho
Wjank of Paterson, N. J.
Aoonnrd Sald FJuiphntlit 'i7 That H'
Dld .Not Commlt Any Crlnie,
A'or Wu lle u Fuulllve
J'roni Jui tlce.
AIJ1AICY, N. Y Dec. S.-WHIIaiu
Zelgler, the Scw York uillllonalre whc
ls chnrged wlth bribery in the stnte oi
Mlssourl, nppcnred lu person beforc
Governor Odell here In tho proceedlngs
to iiiduce thc govomor to HUtrendci
him to the nuthorltles of that state to
stand trla!.
Zelgler Is charged with supplying
$15,000 v.-hlch was used to brlbe legts
lators of Mls.jourl to prcvcnt thc re-
peal of a law prohiblting the sale ol
alum hnklng powders.
lle was represonted by Delancy
NIcoll, former dlstrlct attoniey of New
York; John M. ltowcrs. Edward Lnu-
terbncli, Joliu M. I.lndsay and Wllllam
J. Undcrwond. The nppllcatlon wu-
prcssed by K. C. Crowe, attorney gen
cral of Mlssourl, ii-,id Judge Thoinaa
IJ. Hnrvey of St. I.ouls.
A liurd tlghf was ninde to foree the 1
Mlssourl olllc'.als to show thc exact
dates when Mr. Zelgler was In'Mls
sourl. Mr. Zelgler denled emphatlcnlly that
he had couunltted any bribery or that
he was a fugttlve from justice nnd de-
clarcd that the whole procccdtng wns
a mnllclous nct of oppresslon, lnsplrcd
chlcfly by hls pcrsonal enciules. These
enemles he narced as Evelyc . Bald-
wln, whom, he Bayn, he icharged
for fallure to cnlrJ out fo' i'ully tho
Zelgler-Bnldwln arctle e dltlun; Tnt-
terson Baln, wliose enr ;v lie says.
grcw out of untlalum i.rosecutfons ln
Mlssourl, and F. A. Udell, wlth whom
he had a coutrorersy through Zelgler's
nttempt to secuM control of the I'rovl
dent Chemlcal works In St. Louls.
Upon tha qucfltlcn of belng n fugltlvo
from justice, he declared that he had
slnce tho dateu .illegcd been threo tl.'ues
oienly In tbo atnte of Mlssourl uprm
personal Ituslncss, whose oxact nature
ho set forth in hls statement
Ze'gler's counsel thcn called a Ionp,
8eri?s of wltnesses, Includlng Mr. ZcIk
ler's privafu ecretiry and buslnehs
assoclntcs, to cover almost every day
in March, 1001, all of them tendlng to
show that Zelgler was not out of the
Btate or clty of New York on the days
ln question.
The hearlng was Interspersed wlth
splcy tllts between counsel, and once
Governor Odell cnutloued Mr. Bowers
ngnlnst the use V)f "so much red pep
por." At the close Gorernor Odell sald he
would glve tho Ml?ourl people two
weeks ln whlch to submlt briefs and
Zelgler's rouiisol two wceks nftcr that
ln,wl)lch to an&wer them.
Utah Mrlkc Sltantlon.
SALT LAKE CTTY, Dec. 8.-Another
conference wns hcld bctween Governor
Wells and representatlves of thc strlk
lng coal mlncrs In an endeavor to reacb
a bnsis of ngreement for n settlement
of the strlke, but nfter sevcral hours of
dlscusslon the conference broke up
wlthout result. Attorneys Elder and
Fowler, representing tho mlners. told
the governor that lf the state troopo
were wlthdrnwn all tho cnmps would
bc compIetPly unloiilzed wlthln throe
W.iumn SlUer ICIllrtl hr Trnin.
MOUNT VEHNON, X. Y,, Dec. 8.
A womnn. evldcntly n nilser, who hnd
morc thnn n thousnnd dollars lu gold
and bank uotes coneenled In bags liung
about her ncck nnd under her sklrts,
wns struck nnd klllod Instantly by tho
Pittsfield oxpress at tho Mount Ver
non stntion of the New York nnd Ilnr
em rnllroad. The womnn, who wns
poorly dre3sed, hnd evldcntly been In
New York shopplng nnd hnd come to
West Mount Vernon on n trolley car. v
XfBro Snvecl From Moli.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. S.-.Ioc Irwln, a
negro, nged seventeen, narrowly cs
capcd harsh trcatmeut nt the hnnds
of n mob In East St. Louls followlng
the shootlng by Irwln of Edward I.nw
son, n white man, nged thlrty," whose
homc Is in Mount Vernon, III. Two
hundred persons were In the crowd
thnt gathered nfter the shootlng. but
qulck work by pollcemen snvwl the ne
gro. Lnwson Is not expected to Hve.
Illch Crnnk glnrven lllmrlf.
DEItBY, Conn., Dec. S.l'ossessed of
$S0,000, nll lu nioney, Eugi'ne Crofutt,
slxty-two yonn old, n recluse of Hunt
ington, iins dled here. The old mnn hnd
been fnlling for sevcral yenrs from not
eatlng sutlicicnt fnod, nnd n month ngo
nfter n fnintlng flt hls condltlon becnme
serlous.The dylng mnn's plen wns that
buying food wns n waste of money nnd
thnt he could not nfford It.
Clvlc Klrctlona nt Portlnnd.
POUTLAXD, Me Dec. 8.-.IameH P.
Kuxter (Bi'ii.) wns clected mnyor of
thls clty over Darlus H. Ingrnhnm
(Dem.). The vote for mnyor was: Bax
tcr (Hep.), 4,720: Ingrahnm (Dem.),
3.147; Kox (Soc.), 238; Perry (Prq.), 159.
Haxtcr cnrrled sevcn of tlie nlne wnrds.
The council will stnnd twenty-one lte
publlcuns to slx Democrnts.
ninncr to McCti-Unn.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. - Mayo
Elcct George B. McClellnn of Greater
New York wns glven u compllmentnry
dlnner lnst nlght by the - Democrntlc
dclegntes In thc honse of n'presentn'
tlves from New York clty nnd stnte.
Hon.-.Tohn Shnrp Wllllnms, tho Dcmo-
cratlc leader In the house, was n gnest
of honor.
TVcnt'her VroM
Cloudy nnd colderi
Iherly wlnds.
( oinniniiilrr of (lie Crulner Atlnnla
1VU1. uU-li CoiimI Kur Slim of
lloklllll on l'nrl of Cuveru
' nient nt Uouoia.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. The dls
putc'j ot the crulser Atlanta to the gulf
of Darieu ls of grcat hnportuuce and
Interest in connectlon wlth the rumor
from Colon pf the departure of Colom
blan soldlers for the isthmus of l'ana
ma. Thls ls about 180 mllcs east of
Colon, and tho crulse in those waters
will cnable her commander to kecp ln
oae touch wlth developments in the
Colomblan sltuution orlglnatlng lu and
nbout the viclnlty of Cartugenu, from
whlch place, lt ls rumored, the soldlers
are to mnrch on the isthmus.
Naval oSlclals decllne to say whether
tho dlspatch of the Atlanta to thc gulf
of Darlttu ls the result of any lntlma
tlons of warllk operatlona on the part
of Colombla. They content themstlvea
wlth expresslng the oplnlon that lt will
bc Impos'slblc Mr Colomblan troops to
march orerland to Colon or I'anama
because of the lmpnsslblllty of the
country to be traversed. Ncvcrtheless
the depnrture of the vesscl Is regarded
as signltlcant as indtcntlng the inten
tlon of the ottlclnls of the UnlteU Statcs
to be on the alcrt.
To the Coloniblans ln Wnshlngton the
reports from t'olon prmluced n mystl
fylng effect. They will not say wheth
er they belleve the rumors or not.
"Perhaps It Is so. 1 do not know,"
sald one of them as he shruggcd hls
shoulderi. The Colombluns belleve
there arc 3,000 or morc soldlers at
Cartagena tnd at the vnrlous points
along the seaconst avallablc for such
a purpose as that atatcd ln the dls
pntch from Colon should the govern
mcnt deslre to use them.
Itegnrdlng tho report thnt Colonel
Torres, one of the Colomblan oflicers,
had been pald ?S,000 in gold to embark
hls troons on Iward the Royal Mall
steamer Orinoco and be transferred to
Bavanllla, General Reyes iald that th
acts of Colonel Torres ln.eccepting the
monej' was now under lnqulry ln Car
tagena by fllclnli of hls government, to
b followed by a court martlal of that
offlcer ln tbi event that thc reports as
to Celonl Torres were found substan
tlated to theirsatlsfactlon.
uenerai ueyes is iuu awauing iui-
ther instructlons from hls goTernment
pendlnr any further move ln connec
tlon wlth hls mlsslon here.
Ilepnrt From Colon Thnt Inllimni Ia
lo He Attnckrd.
COLON, Dec. 8. A rumor Is In clrcu-
lation here to the effect thnt 3,000 sol
dlers have left Cartagena for the pur
pose of Invadlng the isthmus, but de
talls are unknown. The report proha
bly had lts source ln Port Llmon, Costa
Itica, where lt was brought by steamer
from Curtagena.
Tho only posslble means of npproach-
Ing Panama ls by uarrow nnd dllllcult
uountaln passec through the Indlnn
ix)untry. The Unlted States crulscr AV
lnntn ls now oll tlio Indlnn coast.
The Vnltcd States nuxlllnry crulser
Dlxle today lnnded n company of ma
rlnes, wjio have cstabllshed a eamp nt
Emplre Statlon, near Culebra cut. The
bnttleshlp Malne is coallng near Ilocas
dcl Toro.
Overrulrd Allcinir)'' I'rnyer.
BAIriMOHE, Dec. S.-In the Unlted
Rtntes dlstrlct court, in the cnse of Co-
himlnis Ellsvyorth Upton and Thomns
W. McGregor, on trinl for consplracy to
defraud tho governiuent on mall iwuch
contracts, Judge Morrls overrulcd the
prnycr of attorneys for thc defensc
to take the cnse from tho jury on the
ground that the government had falled
to prove a prlmn fucle cnse agnlnst thc
I'nNtor .Vcnrlj- l,ot IIU 1,1 ff.
ItOSENDALE, X. Y., Dec. 8.-The
Romnn Cnthollc Church of St. I'eter's
af thls plnce hns been dcstroyed by
llrc. The loss Is estlmnted at $20,000.
Pather Lcnez, the pnstor of the church,
was overcome by smoke and narrowly
escnped wlth hls llfe whlle nttemptlng
to snve tho sncred vessels whlch were
nfterward snvcd by hls nsslstant, Ka
ther Curamlngs.
ainrdrr Wlth Stnvv Wood.
OKLAIIOMA CITY, Okln., Dec. 8.
Oscnr Letheredge klllrd Oscnr Smlth,
hls brother-ln-lnw, here, cnishlng the
boy'a skull wlth n stlck of stove wood,
and probably fntnlly wounded .1. E.
Smtth, nnother brothor-ln-law, bccause
th&boys trled to cject Letheredge from
their fnther's home, where Letheredge
hnd forced an entrnnce to see hls di
vorced wlfe.
Flvp Yenm' Scntenre for ,Frnud.
COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 8.-IIarry J.
Hoover plended gullty to maklng false
entrlcs nnd frnudulent lssue of n cer
tlllcntc ns cnshler of the t'eoplc's Na
tional bank of Newark, O., ln the Unlt
ed States court here. He wns sen
tenced to Hve yenrs in the penltentlnry.
nUhop Innle Dend nt Ilnnkojr.
CUMIIKItLAND, Md.. Dec. 8.-A cn
ble message from Hnnkow, Chlna, an
nounccs the dcnth of Blshop Jnmes Ad
dison Ingle of the Protestnnt Eplscopnl
nlnroli nt fovpf. thlrtv-slx venrs old.
Blshop ingle was grnduatetl ln 1883
from the UnlvoJ-alty of Vlrginla.
SDencrr'n ft.lfe Ebblnir Avrny
LONDON, Dec. 8. A bulletln lssuedi
iate last nlghj snys that Mr. Ilerbert
Spencer ls stlll nllve, but that he I
verv fccble ffiid hls condltlon Is mo
Berloua. It Mtenrei the. cnd lt near.
Commencing Tues. Nov.24
Ending Sat. Dec. 5.
Great reduction in prices will prevail all through our
store and apecial Forctng prices will be made in our Ladies'
Cloak, Suit, Skirt and Millinery Departraent, where we ahall
make all effort possible to close out every suit and coat in
these dpartments iu order to make them move in a rush. "We
have stripped off all profits, and even sacrificed some of the
cost too. We ahall offer 12 and i7 dollar tailored suits at
$6.98- ! ""d 18 dollar auits at $7 98, 10 and 12 SO.cloaks
at $6.58, others at $4.98. I-00 an( 1.50 reduction on trimmed
hats. Same proportional cut on ready-to-wear hats. Don't
delay, come at once, you certninly fneed some of these gar
mcnts just when eold 'weathfr is starting in. Seeour circulars
for full partictilars and prices. v
437 MAIN ST.
For all thlngs necessary for a coroplete wardrobe, goods of startllDg
quality and for prices to come within the llmlts of a mcager purse, go to
The one opinlon isf our 'urs ecllpse anything in town, or out, as to
their real value. Some cholco ones left for you. Elegant dress patterns with
trimmlngs to match,. and sllk drop skirts.
A complete assortment of muslin underwear just opened. We can fur
nish evorythlng ln our llno the best, and guaranteo the lowest prices. Holl
day goods arrlvlng ln large quantities.
TwoStores tk 4s3 and 457 Hain St
New tiawks Block, Main St.
Opposite Methodist Church
II j. W. John's ARbestoal'alnts.Patton's-'Sun Proot" Palnts.BonoaVnrnhh Co. Var
nlshes, "Graplilte Elastlo" Roof Palnt, "Muresoo" Wall Coallng, "Adamant Wal
Plaster, "Nepoaset" Dulldlng PnpcrslLovejoy Scotlonal Ladders ::: :;:
Hardwood FlaUblng a Spcclaltv. Speclal Wlndow and Door Scrcens.
(pfflcc and Shop, 277 Union
I mako a siecialty of dry hard wood, olthor sawed, sawod and split
or four foot lengths, dry, hard and soft wood kindllngs and coal
of all klnds. I have a large stock and can 1111 ynu orders
promptly, prices satlsfuctory.
If your hens are not laying,
aro wonderlul egg prouucors.
Offlco and Yard
9 9
St. Yard, County St., fooi School
try somo of my PouKry Fdods, they
Foot School Stroa
k Offlce: o wail Ht., j - . w. u. uason, MepcsonuM

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