fff THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. , , , , . NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY AHU'ST 1(5 ( 11)01. ) Joliet Lodges Vote to Obey Shaffer's Order , AFFECTS OVER 3,000 WORKMEN. Contract IB Identical With That to . Which Chicago Workers Adhered , ' but Plea of Tighc and Davis Wins 1 the Day Call Next at Milwaukee. Jollct , Ills. , Aug. 1C. The four lodges of the Amalgamated associa tion employes of the Illinois Stool com pany at the Jollct mills by a unani mous vote decided last night to obey the strike order of President Shaffer , The steel mills were closed at noon to enable the members of the associa tion to attend the meeting , which was called by National Assistant Secretary Tlgho after his arrival here yesterday. Ho was accompanied by Vice Presi dent Davis of the Fourth district. Both mon presented the sldo of the association to the local members. It was argued that In order ti. secure the organization of nonunion workers In the east It was essential that the western men would have to Join the etrlko movement. Mr. Tlghe also appealed to the fealty of the men to the association. Ho urged them to be men and stand by their union. His remarks were re ceived with enthusiasm and caused the vote that followed- . This action will close the entire Gteel plant hero , throwing out of em ployment nearly 3,000. The conference was In session from 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon until 9 o'clock last night before the decision , \vas reached. The Joliet men had the same con tract with the Illinois Steel company ns the South Chicago workers , who Wednesday night refused to listen to the arguments of Secretary Tlghe. Mr. Tlgho left at once for Milwaukee. PEACEMAKER TAKES A HAND. Efforts of B. M. Caldwell May Bear Fruit In Settling Strike. PIttsburg , Aug. 1C. Once inoro there are efforts afoot to settle the Btrlko being waged against the United States Steel corporation by the Amal gamated Association of Iron , Stool and Tin Workers , but their success Is prob lematical. Neither side will admit that there has been a single step to ward bringing about a rapprochement or Jiat tVere is ary prospect < .t au- - change ot peace proposals. B. M. Caldwell , formerly a mill owner of Mlnpo Junction , is known to have conferred with the strike leaders with a vlow to sketching a basis of settle ment which ho plans to place before the officials of the steel corporation. He Is believed to be the mysterious man who conferred with President Shaffer for more than two hours at the strike headquarters yesterday. Both Bides vigorously denied that they had either made overtures or received pro posals , but It is known positively that the plan Is under consideration. Mr. Caldwell Is acting Independently and does not represent either the manu facturers or the men. Meantime the contest between the ereat Interests Is being waged with vigor and slightly varying fortune. The steel corporation seemed to be eomewhat stronger at the lower Union mill of the Carnegie company In this city , although the strikers are still working hard to cripple or close It. , The corporation also added to the force at Wellsvlllc and announced that at last they had the plant running to Its full capacity. It had boon antici pated that the day would show some move on the part of the American Tin Plato company toward opening one or more of Its plants with nonunion men , hut nothing was done and there was no attempts at extensions In other directions. Three hundred men em ployed at the Seamless Tube plant at McKeesport , an auxiliary of the Na tional Tube company , threw done their tools and joined the strikers. It Is Bald they quit because they would not handle nonunion made material. Dur ing the day the strikers kept a close watch on the plants that are being operated with nonunion men and also kept alert pickets around the Carnegie plants and the works that are com pletely closed down. There were few developments , and except In the In- etanccs enumerated there have been no changes In the general situation. Good order was general throughout nfl the strike districts. I Union of Labor and Capital. I New York , Aug. 1C. The Press cays : J. Pierpont Morgan has planned the greatest labor union of the age , a union of labor and labor's ally cap ital. According to his plans , stock of the United States Steel corporation , rvalued at several millions of dollars at par , has been set asldo for the pur chase at Inside figures by the 105,000 men employed by the companies that rnr.ko up the great steel trust. It is contemplated to form this co-partner chip between the shareholders and the employes of the United States Steel corporation. P Textile Workers to Strike. ' Fall River , Mass. , Aug. 1C. The de termination of the textile workers In the Fall River print cloth mills to etrlke , If the attempt to cut-wages about 15 per cent Is made , was voiced last night at the textile council ses elon. The sentiment ot the councl wns cryntnllzoil In n motion it. . * 's rocotmneiiA , 'o ctu'h organization iidin alctl roflltUnnco to nn utU'iniit to to- luco wages , on the ground tliut the imposition Is nnlinslnoBs-llUo niul nn- ustlllablo In the present condition of ho cotton timnufncturlnK Industry. BRISK riQHTING AT PANAMA. Ftebela Are Gradually Closing In On That City and Also on Colon. Kingston , AUK. 10. The British Btonmor Durlon hna arrived here from Colon ami brings reports of heavy lighting Monday on the outskirts of Panama and Colon. The lohols were Btuadlly advancing on tlio towns proper. A largo number of men ban looii woumk'd. A largo number of wounded nion be longing to the government troops wore taken to Colon Monday. This Is re garded as an Indication of the persist ency of the rebel attacks. The con verted cruiser Namonna has been found practically useless , owing to the bungling attempts to mount heavy guns on her. The Dnrlon brought 40 passengers who were obliged to leave Colon In order to escape the danger and to avoid conscription. Both sides are committing atrocities. In the attack made on the government troops Saturday a few miles out of Colon the rebels defeated the govern ment forces and ono of the latter was afterward found shot In the abdomen with both legs an.nutatcd. This wan a reprisal for th < > torture by Iho gov ernment of political prlsoneis. GRANT MAKES GOOD CAPTURE. Leader of Insurgents In Province of Batangas Surrenders. Manila , Aug. 10. Second Lieutenant Walter S. Grant of the Sixth cavalry , whllo scouting with a detachment near Taal , Batangas province , has niado what military authorities con sider to be the most Important cap ture since Agulualdo was made pris oner. Grant captured Colonel Martin Cabrera , his adjutant and six other insurgents. Cabrera had been growing In power for some time. He controlled all the insurgents in southern Batan gas and also those west of the city ot Uatangns. Colonel Panganlban , a captain and 20 men , with 20 rifles and consider able ammunition , have surrendered to Lieutenant Smith of the Twentieth Infantry near Lnzos. They formed a portion of General Malvar's com mand. After taking the oath of alle giance they were released. Captain Policarplo , a lieutenant and five men from the Sixth company of Malvar's command also surrendered to Coloael Baldwin , refusing ut the same time payment for their rifles and revolvers and saying that they sur rendered for peace and not for money. THOMPSON IS CONVICTED. Former Postmaster at Havana Must Pay Fine or Go to Jail. Washington , Aug. 1C. Fourth As sistant Postmaster General Ilristow has received a telegram from Inspector specter General of Posts In Cuba Fos- nos stating that the tihil of B. P. Thompson , formerly postmaster at Havana , lias been concluded and that Thompson was convicted. He % vas sentenced to pay a fine of $400 or servo six months In prison. Thompson was accused of causing to he issued In his own behalf while post master four money orders for $ 100 and putting a due bill in the drawer in place of the cash. It was further charged that when he learned that an Inspection of the office Was Imminent ho placed $400 In the drawer from remittances ho had just received , postponing the entry of these remit tances until after the Inspection , when he withdrew the $400 , replaced his due bills and entered the remit tances. Arrest Another Suspect. Washington , Aug. 1C. Chief Post- office Inspector Cochran was notified by telegraph that Inspector Houck of the St. Louis division has caused the arrest of Walter Stratton for complic ity In the hold-up of the Missouri , Kan sas and Texas train near Caney , I. T. The dispatch announces that the evi dence Is complete against six of the nine men under arrest. Fairbanks Talks to Kansas Veterans. Hutchlnson , Kan. , Aug. 1C. Senator C. W. Fairbanks of Indiana was the guest of honor at the state G. A. R. reunion at Camp General Sickles here yesterday. Senator Fairbanks ad dressed several thousand veterans and was accorded a warm greeting. Boers Defeated Near Steynsburg. Middleburg. Cape Colony. Aug. 1G. Colonel Gorrlnge had a successful en gagement with General Krltzengor and Commandants Erasmus , Pyper and Cachet near Steynsburg Aug. 13. Eras mus and Cachet were mortally \rounded. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Fifteen harvest hands were robbed of $150 near Hastings , Minn. Several sensational arrests are ex pectcd In the New York police scandal James Cummlngs Is accused of the murder of his brother near Stearns Mich. Helen Gould Is Involved In a line fence war at Tarrytown with a wealth } New York broker. The Venezuelan army Is roportecTtb have gained several moro victories over the Insurgents. Sir William Laird , Ironmaster , rail road president and politician , died a Glasgow Wednesday. Tropical Storm Completely Iso lates Alabama Town. ALL TRAINS ARE ABANDONED. Storm Playo Havoc With New Orleans Shipping Alarm Is Felt for Safety of Summer Resorts and Houses nn Bay Beach. Atlanta , Aug. 1(5. ( The tropical storm which has boon raging along he gulf coast for two days has com- > lotoly Isolated the city of Mobile , Ala. , rom the outsldu world. It IB known hat considerable damage has been lone along the water front In Mobile , nit whether there baa been any loss of llfo or not Is moro conjecture , s'othlng hud been heard from the country south of Mobile up to the time the last wire to Mobllo failed. At 4:30 yesterday afternoon the West ern Union olllce In Mobile was aban- loned , the water at that time bolng hreo feet deep In the operating room. Two hours later communication was iad for a few minutes with Mobllo. The Associated Press operator there tad made his way to the operating room In a boat. Ho took up his posi tion on top ot the switchboard , sov- erul feet above the flooded ofllco , and letachlng the Associated Press wire 'rom Its place In the board , sent this : 'Am on top of the switchboard here with a lineman. The water Is over three feet deep In this room and It Is still rising. The wind Is blowing at Jio rate of 50 miles nn hour and wo ook for worse things tonight. The justness district Is deserted " Here the wlro failed and nothing more could bo heard from him , al though the most persistent efforts were made. The water at 3 p. m. was re ported as high as In the great flood of 1893 , although at that tlmo the wind was not as high. From Mobile to Fort Morgan , a distance of 15 miles , and on both sides of the bay , summer resorts and summer houses are located. These were. It Is believed , In the direct path of the storm. It Is feared there has been loss of llfo on some of the Isl ands In Mississippi sound located just outside the bar below Fort Morgan. Advices from Flomaton , Ala. , wore to the effect that the gulf storm struck that place at 9 o'clock on Its flight to the north. At midnight the storm was raging with no signs of abatement. No damage had boon done In the city of Flomaton up to that hour. Flqmaton Is GO miles north of Mobile and no trains o'h the Louisville and Nashville have gone south of that place since yesterday. A report received over a railroad wlro says that the mill of the Dixie lumber company , two miles north of Mobllo , was carried away by the storm and several emplojes were killed. STOR'M STILL CONTINUES. Tempest is General All Along tlie Southern Coast. Now Orleans , Aug. 1C. The storm which has been sweeping the gulf coast from Pensacola and moving west during the past two days has prostrated telegraph and telephone wires to such an extent that news from the outlying sections is hard to g 't. The greatest fears have been enter tained for the safety of the people living at Port Eads , which is at the mouth of the Mississippi river , and for the ships that started for sea just be fore the storm began. The wires to Port Eads have been prostrated sliu-f Tuesday night at 8 o'clock , but tin Picayune reached a man who left there at 2 o'clock Wednesday. Ho was at IJuraH , which is CO miles down the river , and the farthest point with which there Is wire communication at the present tlmo. This man describes the storm which swept that section as a regular tidal wave , similar to the ono which resulted In such awful loss of life In 1893. Ho Bays all the peopio living on the east bank of the river have moved up to the "jump , " which Is 15 miles from the mouth of the rlvt-r. The house of a man named Cobden , half a mile above the quarantine sta tion was swept away , and the 15 mem- bora of the family , Including nine chil dren , were drowned. The quarantine buildings were badly damaged , but no one Injured. The government boat General Reese Is believed to have been lost. The pile driver at Port Eads was sunk. The tugboat Buras was driven ashore near the lighthouse , and later It was reported that she had sunk. Her crew were said to have been saved. The tugboat Velasco went down to Pass L'Outro , which Is the eastern mouth of the river , with two barges. When last seen she had her decks awash , and Is believed to have gone down. If this boat and her barges have been lost , 20 moro peopio have been drowned. There are numer ous reports of Individual casualties along the river from Buras to the passes. Not a single vessel has passed up the river slnco the storm began and great fears are entertained for the ones which arc expected. There Is serious apprehension concerning the Chenlero Camlnadn and Grand Isle sections , on the south Louisiana coast , west of the Mississippi river , where 2,000 lives were lost In 1893 by the tidal wave. Up to this writing no word has been received from that sec tion , which Is largely Inhabited by fish ermen , mostly Chinese and Malaya. ' Up to last midnight everything HCCUIed to III- Safe lit tlll > MlHHlHHlpIll , rtiiist towns. Hay HI. Louis , Pass Chris- j linn. Illloxl MlHHlnnlppI City and Oiean | Springs lull since then not nnnl him been lu'iinl fiom them. All \\lies nro down but i.o gu-at fear In inter tllllK'll. MANY PHYSICIANS LICCN3CD. Qtatc Oonrd Also Cites an Old Practi tioner to Appear lor Trial. Hes Moliies. Aug. H5.-'Uo | nlnto board of health and hoard of medlcnl examiners incl In Its otllco yesterday Owing to the absence of ono member of the hoard , who IH In Kuropo , It wan Impossible to ( alto tip the question of tlio disputed colleges or to take any nrtlon regarding ( ho roguhulty of any college | ) r. \t. \ o. Hroiuly. ace usi'd of IrregnlarltleH , wan c-ltod to upiicar at the next mooting of the hoard for trlnl Dra , csihRon , AdnniH and Powers were nanied aH delegati'H from ( ho hoard to attend the meeting of ( ho American Public HealfTi iiHHciclatloii In Iluffalo next month , Ir Kennedy the necrolary , will wrlto n papei lint will not go. The hoard granted rcrdfl cates to M omhalincnt and to 07 phynl china ( o practice medicine In Iowa OBSTRUCTION IS REMOVED. Arcli Rock In San Francisco Harbor Destroyed by Nltro-Gelatlne. San KranclBco , Aug. 1C. . Shortly after noon Arch Hock , ono of tin1 gicnt CHt oliHtnictlons to imfo navigation In San KranclHi-o hay , wan duntioyod ever : to tons of nltrogelallim hclnn cmplojod to remove the rocK , which lay ubont midway Imtween Alc-iilraz Inland and Iline Point. The lock \VIIH sovc-ral acres In extent and all but IIH nutnmlt was under wner. The explo slon wa not off by electricity and HO great was the conouRBlon that rod. and debris were Hcattorod over a great area and n column of water ami nloue ever 1,000 feet In height arose from the bay presenting a wonderful night. The force ol the explosion was tnrrlllc and could be felt In many HectlniiH of the city. Largo quantities of were destroyed. ANTHRAX CASES AT PENDER. Four Head of Cattle Die on Fred Smith's Farm. Ponder , No ! ) . , Aug. 1(5. ( Fred Smith , a fanner ono mile from Fred GilHtor'n , lost four head of cattle fiom anthrax. Mr. Smith did not realize the fearful ness of the disease and skinned ono of the COWH. He let his hogs have the carcass and Inside of two hours 15 hogs were dead. Ills big dog nte a portion of the carcass and died In a few minutes. Mr. Smith1 cut his flngor whllo skinning the creature and when he reached town his hand was swollen stiff. He was persuaded to go to a physician for treatment. The doctor Is unable to say whether ho can snvp him. but the swelling scorned to lip checked somewhat before ho left town for home. DEPUTY POSTMASTER MISSING. Marshalltown Man Disappears When Shortage Is Found In Accounts. Marhlmlltown , la. , Aug. 10. Deputy Postmnfcter Max KrusKopf of thin city Is chared with a shortage of $ li < Mj ( and clinrtH to take him Into custody ycstonliiy developed the fact that ho liad hidden. When Postofllco Inspect or Kotchnin discovered the discrep ancy In Kruskopf's accounts ho sent for a marshal , who arrived too Into to find his man. Kruskopf at noon pur chased a ticket for Cedar Rapids , but did not board any train. Ho had boon employed In the postofllce ton years. Hays Said to Have Resigned. San Francisco , Aug. 1C. It Is re ported hero that C. M. Hays , president of the Southern Pacific , has resigned The retirement of President Hays Is said to bo duo to the curtailment of his powers slnco the transfer of the road to the Harriinan interests by the Spoyers was made. President Hays Is under contract with the Southern Pn- clllc for five years at a salary of $55.- 000 a year. Burney Dismissed From Service. Ardmoro. I. T. , Aug. 1C. W. n. Burney , Indian commissioner In the matter of appraising townslto proper ty , was yesterday dismissed from the service by Thomas Hyan , acting MT- rotary of th < J interior. Burney icfused to appraise townslto property , being advised by Governor Johnston of the ' Chlcknsaw nation not to do so , hence | his removal. | Warship Going to Panama , Washington , Aug. 1C. It has been definitely decided to have a warship proceed to the Pacific side of the Isthmus. Thus far the orders to the * 'wa do not take It beyond Son Fran Cisco , but cither that ship or the I Ranger will bo sent. Pythlans Meet Next in Ds Molnes. Cedar Rapids , la. , Aug. 1C. The Pythian grand lodge adjourned yester day afternoon to meet next year at DCS Molnes , the date to ho selected by the grand officers. George W. East wood of Montlcollo was elected grand vice chancellor. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. William Plnl58ton and John Marsh were killed Thursday at Stuart , I. T. . by a premature explosion of 500 pounds of dynamite. At Sidney , Mo. , Fred Foster was killed and Thomas Buster was badly bruised by a bolt of lightning that btruck n store building. Harvey Scott of Farlbault , Minn. . willed that his fortune of $70.000 bo burned because he could not find a charity worthy of the gift. H-i-H-I-H- Gct What You Ask for al O GROCERY. ALL OHDKKS itro filled promptly and \sitn care. ; Our goods are JUST-CLASS in every particular. ; We know precisely what \vauted by our custom ers. We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money. South Hide Main St. , between 'M and ! M. Ttdophono 41. -M-M-M-M-M-M-M--M-M--M-M : O. A. hUlKAUT , PRBHIDKNT. W. II JOIINHON , UAHHIBn. ( MIAH. H. IWIDUK , VICE I'IICMIDKNT I.I.O PASKV > AUv , Ann T C AMI IBB The Citizens National Bank. Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000. liny nnil Hull uiclmiiK' " on Ilitx country niul ! 1 inirtx ( Knrnim. 'I'nrin ' I/OHIIN. Director ! . CAUI , AHMI H , W II. JOIINHON , I HAH. h HRMIOK CV HUAAHCII. ( J , M HWANK. ( i. A I.UIHAIIT. T. K. MKMMINIIKB.i \ Hi HHIONH nnd hy the tuont modern in The Idonl fiimlly liovornK" Kucp 11 caw tit homo iirul unjoy UH cnollnit r > frcehrncnit clurlnif the uullry Huruuier arid ovonlnn" 'I'lionii our nit'tnt In UiH city If you w.int u bunutlful lltliotiriipli booklet ttuu eunil to JOHN GUND BREWING CO. , LA CROSSE , WIS. Railroad and Business Directory. bo o o ca 5- 5O CD R. R , TIME TABLE. Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley. KAHT DCI'AllT. Omaha Passenger tHrtam Chicago Kxprotm lillOpm I'.AHT AttUlVF. Chicago KxprnRs 7 . "SI p m Oniahit I'aBHVntfor iJ.IOpm WKMT DIPAUT. Illack HilU nxproM 7lOpm : Vordl ro 1'ansoiiK'or 12.10 p m Vordl ro Accommodation 9Mam UKHT. AUUIVK Illack Hills Kxprf.es Ufit : ) pm Vnnli rn l'a * ) nfor , . 8-OS a m Vordigro Acconiuuxlatloa 7:2Upm : Tim Chicago and lilack Hill" Exprotw arrives and departs from Janctlon dnpot The Omaha and Vnrdlgro trains arrive arid depart from city depot. H. C. MATBAC , Agent , Union Pacific. ODTn DEPART. 'Columbus Accommodation Qpm : ) Omaha , Denver and I'acitlc Coast 11 X ) a in NOBTII. AEUIVE Columbus Ace mmodatlon 10:30pm : Omaha , Denver and 1'ricltic coaxt 9AXpm Connect * at Norfolk with K. . K .V M V. Kolng wont and north , and with the C. Bt. V. M. & O for poluti tiortti and eait K. W JCNKMAN. Agent. . . Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha. BAST. DIPABT SImix City and Omaha Passontter . .rt:3Uam : Bioui ( UtyPiutrtoUK'or liOOpm \\IHT. ABEIVK Slonx City Passen r lOiSSam Blom C'ity and Omahrt Passanttor . . . . 7 ISO p m Connects at Norfolk with K. , K A M. Y. going west and north , anil with the U. I' , for pointa eonth. V. W. JCNEMAN , Agent , ftaily except Sunday c. s. HAYES , Fine Watch _ Repairing. /IISS / MARY SHELLY DRESSMAKER,1 ) yor Ilaum DroH.1 Store. 3peno p& ovelmnn 3oots and Shoes , Repairing Neatly Dons. J.B.HERMANN , : ontraetop and Builder 117 Fourth Street. M. E. SPAULDINQ , Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avenue. HSpEP'S Cheapest and Bent. Norfolk Avenue J.W EDWARDS ALL \VOEK ODABANTKKD. Cor DrnaBch are aud Uli St. The Norfolk Horseshoe