OCR Interpretation

Tazewell Republican. [volume] (Tazewell, Va.) 1892-1919, August 12, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079154/1897-08-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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Jf for the little -while
That life has let to me, fair fortune's smil?
Could rest upon mc; if my closing days
Could be like- this October, all ablaze
With gold and scarlet; if I only might
Have hands both full of silvery delight,
And all that wealth can buy, or wealth re?
Could be at my command at wish of mine,
Just for a little while!
Ply child, take what is given to-day?
A little money for a little way.
If for the- little while
That life had left to me. the Musses' smile
Could rest upon me; if my closing days
?Could be like this glad morning, all ablaze
With sunlit fields and mountain tops of
. thought.
My poems be In every language sought;
If all that noblest genius can combine
Could come together at some word of mine,
Just for a little while!
My child, take What is given to-day?
A little knowledge for a little way.
If for the little while
That lifo has left to me, full many a mile
On land or sea, to east or west or north.
Across the world, I could at last go forth;
If I might mount the heights of Greece o*
Instead of climbing little hills at home;
If I might all the Alpine mountains view,
Instead of watching shadows on Mount
Just for a little while!
My chi'.J, take 'chat is given to-day?
A little climbing for a little way.
If for a little while
I could be very rloh; If pile on idle
Of gold or gems could be at last my own,
To take and kc*>p. or to be let alone;
If I could havr; enough to give away
To every sufferer, bid the wanderer stay
Ar.d eat and drink his fill; If every eye
Looked up with gratitude as I passed by,
Just for, a Utile while!
My chil<Ltako what Is given tc-day
A little, bejalpg for a little way.
If for tfeft l}tt>e while
That life has left to me affection's, smile
Could rest upon mo; If ray closing days
Coukl "be, like starry ever.lrgs. all ablaze
With blessedness: if lips I loved could tsay:
"It is so good lo be withyou to-day;"
If all that heart can hold of happiness
Could be my own, unfathomod. measure?
Just for a little white!
My child. take wliat Is given you to-day?
A little lovir.? for a little way.
->Julia H. May, in Congregationalism
I E Broken Compact- 1
\X TF.LL, for pity's sake, mother,
Y Y come here!" said Janet Logan.
She mood at the kitchen window, from
which she could sec the front gate.
' What is it '.'" asked Mrs. Logan. She
was stirring a small kettle of some?
thing on the stove, and ditl not want to
leave it to barn.
"I just nant you to look and see
what's coming- in at our front gate."
Mrs. Logan took a corner of her apron
for a holder and lifted the kettle and
its bubbling content? onto the back
part of the stove. Then she joined Janet
fit the window. A tall, slender, untidy
looking vvo'uan was entering the gate.
She had a blue-and-white soiled ging?
ham apron tied over her frowzy head
and her chocolate-colored calico dress
skirt was pinned up about her waist,
revealing a black quilted petticoat and
a pair of blue-stocking-ed feet thrust
into a pair of gorgeous carpet slippers
so much toe- large for her that her walk
shuffled to ke.?p the slippers on. .
"It's Jane Wadlin," said Mrs. Logan.
"I know it," replied Janet. "But will
you tell me what she has in that bas?
"Sure enough," said Mrs. Logan,
vaguely, as she peered over the tops of
lier spectacles.
Mrs. Wadlin carried with apparent
effort an enormous clothes basket piled
high with something covered over with
n soiled red-and-white tablecloth. The
?basket, which she held by either handle,
was so heavy that it pulled her head
and shoulders forward, and her face
was red and perspiring, although it
was a eool Monday morning in lateSej)
t ember.
"There's no telling what freak has
?truek Jane Wadlin now," said Mrs. Lo
But she and Janet soon knew the na?
ture of the freak that had struck their
caller that morning, for in a moment or
two the basket thumped up against the
kitchen door,which Mrs. Wadlin opened
without the preliminary politeness of
She dropped the heavy basket to the
floor and sat down on its contents, pant?
ing and wiping her red face with a cor?
ner of her soiled calico apron.
"My!" she gasped, "if I ain't about
tuckered out! Why! Ain't you wash?
ing to-day, Marthy Logan?"
"We have a very light washing this
week, and I haven't been in any hurry
About, beginning it," replied Mrs-. Lo?
gan. "A jar or two of my canned rasp?
berries had begun- to work, and I
thought I'd cook 'em ever again before
I begun to wash. I'd just told Janet
she'd better go down cellar and fetch
up the tubs and bring out what little
Wash we have."
"Then I'm just in time," said Mrs.
Wadlin. with satisfaction. "I've got an
pwful big wash this week, and while
I wus gathering it up a happy thought
ptruck me. Can't you guess what it
"Xo?, I don't know as I can."
"Well, it flashed across me: 'Why
can't I gather up my dirty duds and go
over and wash with Marthy Ltigan and
make a sort of a frolic of it?' When I
lived over in Peakville a friend of mine
named Mag Gra ves and mo washed to?
gether every Monday of the world. One
Monday she'd lug her things over to
my house, and the next I'd lug min?
over to hers, and we'd wash and visit
together. It was a real neighborly way
of doing, and we'd awful good times;
and it just flashed across me this morn?
ing: 'Why can't me and Marthy Logan
do that way?' ar.d here I am, with my
wash to begin it."
Mrs. Logan looked aghast, while
Janet's face flushed with annoyance,
but Jane Wadlin's perceptions were not
keen enough to show her that she had
rnade a mistake.
*'I do love to be neighborly," she said,
as she got up and '.'rngged the red and
white tablecloth from the basket of
Soiled clothing. "I'll just sep'ratc my
colored things from the white ones, and
then we can pitch right in and wash and
irisit at the same time."
Mrs. Logan did not know what to do
or say. She was a woman of a very mild
and gentle spirit. Her friends often
eaid that "Martha Logan wouldn't hurt
(the feelings of a fly." She did not want
to hurt the feelings of Jane Wadlin, and
yet she felt that she could not enter into
the arrangement Mrs. Wadlin had made
regarding the washing.
Janet was also of this opinion, and yet
both mother nnu daughter felt that Mrs.
Wadlin was a woman who was not to be
offended with impunity. She was a j
good friend and a bitter enemy.
"Come, Janet," said Jane Wadlin, "run !
down cellar and get the tubs and we'll
pitch right in. The neighbors will think
we're awful slack if we don't get our
things all out by ten o'clock."
Janet glanced at her mother. Mrs.
Xogan struggled desperately but vainly
to invent some way of preventing what
she regarded as little less than a
Finally she said weakly: "Yes, Janet;
go down and get the tubs."
Janet's black eyes flashed and she was
*bout to soeak. "but Mrs. Logan fibook
her head and Janet kept silent. When
ehe reached the cellar she said angrily,
with an angry stamp of her foot on the
cellar floor:
"Well, of all the impudent perform?
ances! As if we didn't have work
enough of our own without doing any
of Mrs. Wadlin's! There's eight in her
family and only three in ours, and it's
just a scheme on her part to get most
of her washing done by some one else.
I>ut it'll be the last time she'll bring her
washing here, now see if it isn't!"
Janet repeated this resolve many
times during the day, and Mrs. Logan
made a similar resolution. Mrs. Wadlin
was notoriously slack and unsystematic
in her methods of work, and at inter?
vals of about two hours she would sug?
gest that they "eat a bite" and "visit a
It was nearly the middle of the after?
noon before the last of the "colored
things" were flaunting from the line in
the Logan back yard.
"And such a looking array of things
as they are! What will the neighbors
think?" said Janet, as she stood at the
window of her room, tired and cross,
and looked at the rows of pink and
purple calico aprons and frocks belong?
ing to the little Wadlins, and the pair
of huge blue overalls belonging to Mr.
Wadlin, mid the surprising array of
stockings in all sizes and colors belong?
ing to different members of the Wadlin
But Jane Wadlin was serenely happy.
"Now we can have a good long visit
together while our things are drying,
and then we can fetch them in and
dampen 'em down, and I'll have Wadlin
come over and get my things after sup?
per. I think it'd be real nice if we could
iron together, but I guess we can't, be?
cause I always bake, too, on my ironing
day. But I've enjoyed our washing to?
gether so much that I hope we can keep
it up right along. You and Janet will
fetch your things and come and wash
vwith nie next Monday, won't you?"
"Yes, indeed we will," said Janet, be?
fore Mrs. Logan could give utterance to
the excuse she had intended making.
When Mrs. Wadlin had finally gone
home Mrs. Logan said:
"Why, Janet, what did you mean by
telling Mis. Wadlin that we would come
over and wash with her next Monday ?
I siinph cannot stand it to have Jane
Wadlin and here washings here."
"Nor I," replied Janet, "'and our wash?
ing at her house will end it a!! and at
the same time keep as frcui quarreling
with Mrs. Wadlin. Trust me for that,
mother. I've a scheme of my own in
mind for putting an end to this unpleas?
ant arrangement."
Mrs. Logan somewhat reluctantly
consented to the carrying out of this
"scheme" when it was made known to
"Although I don't feel sure that it
will affect Jane Wadlin as you think it
will," she said to Janet.
It was about eight o'clock on the fol?
lowing Monday morning when Joe and
Jerry Hope, the sons of one of Mrs.
Logan's neighbors, appeared at Mrs.
Wadlin's with an enormous clothes
basket piled high with soiled things
of every sort. Each boy carried a pil?
low slip full of things in addition to
those in the basket.
"Here's a part of Mrs. Logan's wash,"
said Jerry, as he and Joe deposited their
burdens on the floor of Mrs. Wadlin's
rather cramped kitchen.
"She and Janet said they'd be along
pretty soon with the rest of it," said Joe.
"The rest!" said Mrs. Wadlin in dis?
may, as she looked at the great basket
and the overflowing pillow slips. "Well,
for pity's sake! I should think Marthy
Logan had gone to keeping a hotel or
opened up a laundry from the size of
her wash!"
This conviction was deepened when,
a few minutes later, Jnnet and Mrs.
Logan appeared by way of the back
ktrcets canning another clothes
basket full of things; and in addition
to this, Janet, carried a market basket
containing about a dozen glass fruit
"I know we've got a pretty big wash?
ing," she said, cheerily, "but there'll
bi three of us working together, j-ou
know, and I guess we'll worry through
it. And we thought we'd put up a
basket of peaches to-day. as they've a
lot of fine ones extra cheap at Smith's
fruit store, lie said he'd send a basket
up here by ten o'clock for us, and we
ca*n do them while we visit."
"Yes, I s'pose we can," said Mrs. Wad
II?, in a voice lacking greatly in the en?
thusiasm she had manifested on the
preceding Monday. "But I don't be?
lieve I've half line or clothes pins enough
for all this wash."
"Oh, we knew you wouldn't have,"
replied Janet, cheerily, "so we brought
our line and dozens of pins. They're
in the bottom of this basket."
"But I don't think that 3-ou can
stretch line enough in my back yard
for all these things."
"No, I don't suppose we can," saio
Janet, "but we can dry a good manv
things here in the house, and there's,
your large front porch; we can stretch
lots of line on it, and the rest of the
things we can spread on the grass and
hang on the fence."
Mrs. Wadlin was not a woman who
cared particularly "for looks," but the
idea of her front porch being used as
a drying ground for clothes was far
from agreeable to her. Her face red?
dened and she bit her lip when Janet
pulled the sheet away from the contents
of one of the baskets and said:
"We wash up all of our bed spreads
and blankets and curtaius at this time
of the year, and here's a basketful tc
begin on. Then my Grandmother Logan
is falling into feeble health, and moth?
er and I intend doing all of her washing
hereafter if she don't improve, and
we've quite a washing for her to-day.
But I don't believe that I can do a thing
until I've had a bite to eat. Supposing
.we have a little visit over a cup of tea?
And it would be nice if we could have
some of these peach preserves you said
you had been making, Mrs. Wadlin."
"Well, if I don't call that jcool!" said
Mrs. Wadlin, when she was alone in the
cellar getting a dish of her choice and
limited supply of peach preserve. "And
such a wash as they've lugged in here,
to say nothing of putting up a basket of
peaches at the same time!"
At nine, ten and eleven o'clock Janet
proposed "a bite to eat," and when the
basket of peaches arrived she said,
coolly: "Nov.-, Mrs. Wadlin, if you'll
just finish this tub of bedclothes, I'll
begin on the peaches, and we'll get a
lot done to-day."
Janet's naturally orderly instincts
seemed to have forsaken her that day,
and Mrs. Wadlin did not greatly ex?
aggerate the condition of her kitchen
when she said to herself, while hanging
out the second line of clothes:
"You can't move in that kitchen with?
out stepping on peach stones or peach
parings, and you can't get peach stains
out of anything! And Janet Logan
must be as hungry natured as a goat,
the way she wants to eat all the time!
It'll be five o'clock before we get this
wash out, and then the place will look
like it was a drying ground for the
whole town! If this is what washing
with the Logans means, I think I prefer
to wash alone hereafter!"
It was six o'clock when Janet threw
herself wearily into a big cushioned
rockinfiT-cheir in her own home, and
said, with her hand pressed tohorthrob
bing brow:
"I never was so tired before in all my
mortal life, and my head aches as if it
would burst! But Mrs. Wadliu will be
wearier than I am by the time she
brings nil of the things on the lines that
were not dry when we came away. Did
you hear her say, mother, that she was
afraid it wouldn't be 'quite convenient'
for her to wash here next Monday?"
"Yes, certainly I did," replied Mrs.
Logan. "I doubt if she ever finds it
'convenient' to bring her washing here
again. And yet we have preserved the
peace."?Youth's Companion.
Cessation of Labor Sometime* He
nnlta Dlaaatroualy.
A clergyman, elderly, but not old,
who has served an important parish
during a long period of years to the
entire satisfaction of his parishioners,
decides, not without sincere and tearful
remonstrance from them, to retire from
the pulpit and spend his declining
years in well-earned rest and undis?
turbed contemplation. His health is
vigorous, his mind clear, his heart hap?
py. But within a few weeks of his re?
tirement he is dead.
Or, instead of a clergyman, say a
lawyer, a doctor, a college president, a
statesman, an editor, or a businessman.
Make the necessary changes in descrip?
tive detail. There is no reason apparent
why he might not have continued in his
profession or occupation, for ten, twen?
ty or thirty-five years to come. "His
eye was not dimmed nor his natural
force abated." His retirement was vol?
untary and attended by all circum?
stances that could promise a happy and
unburdened sunset of life. But within
a little while, it may be a month, it
may possibly be a year or two, he is
Now let any one of our readers try to
count up from memory the instances
which he has known, or known of, with?
in a short time past, to which these
words apply. See if the number is not
surprisingly great. We have no space
now to discuss the subject, and it may
be that the theme |s too familiar to re?
quire comment. At any rate, to the
thoughtful mind the phenomena are
suggestive of some pensive reflections.
?Boston Advertiser.
Sue Learned from It a Truth aa lu
ciinngeablc as the lleavcna.
The small, anxious woman who was
keeping the boarding house suspected
that he was a crank the moment sne
saw him. What first excited her sus?
picion was the fact that, although he
was very thin, he habitually wore a
frock coat. There is something about
a thin man in a Prince Albert coat that
invariably excites the distrust of his
fellow men. She was not surprised
when this boarder came to her with the
announcement that he was going- to
"I'm very sorry," she iswered. "1
have done my best to make it comfort?
"You have, indeed. I have been pro?
foundly impressed by jour solicitude
for my well being and I assure you that
as I journey onward through life, per?
haps never to encounter this boarding
house again, it will be sweetly refresh?
ing to recall that sometime and some?
where I have known a landladj' whe
gave a thought to her boarders other
than to keep tab on when the rent came
The lady heaved a little sigh and
"If you feel that wa}* about it," she
said, "I don't see why you are going to
leave us." j
"I can't stand suspense," was the an?
swer. "Present discomfort is better
than complete ease combined with a
future that bristles with the terrors of :
uncertainty. I am becoming attached
to this place. I would rather move now 1
and break the ties while they are still
slender than linger till the frost comes 1
again and be obliged to have my traps
carted around! town while I seek other 1
lodgings in cold weather." !
"But I don't see why j-ou will have !
to move at all."
"You are not experienced in running
a boarding house."
"It's true that I have been engaged in 1
this business only a short time. But I 1
don't see how you found it out. I (
thought I was providing exceedingly ]
good accommodations." !
"Yes. The excellence of the estab- ?'
lishment in all its branches was what ]
first excited my suspicion. Then I re- ;
solvedtoput you to the test. Iknewthat
I could determine with absolute accur?
acy whether you were a novice and all
this care and attention to detail merely ]
the results of early enthusiasm. You ]
will remember that this morning I said
something at breakfast about the cof?
fee's being rather slow to settle."
"Yes. It seemed a little heartless of ?
you to call attention to it before folks,
and I gave the cook a good talking to
about it. I am sure it will not occur
again." V ?
The thin boarder looked down upon (
her and smiled indulgently. 1
"It is to bad," he commented, "that
this solicitude which does you so much
credit should have been the means of 1
my detecting your secret. Had you
been old1 in the business, when you 1
heard me say that it took the coffee a
lon^>- time to settle, you would have cast
tin icy look around the table aud said !
that it reminded you of some people. .
That is a form of repartee that was in- i
vented shortly after Adam and Eve left 1
the Garden of Eden to look for other ac?
commodations, and no one but a begin- .'
ner would have let the opening pass. I '
am sorry, but I prefer the peace of ,
mind that comes from a settled policy ^
to basking in the sunshine of iuxury
only to see it, day b}- day, obscured)by 1
the shadow of a mercenary economy. ?
This evening I will pay you the seven !
dollars and a half that I owe you and
then we will part. ,
A long, hard line that had never been
there before came into the face of the ?
lit tie landlady. She had taken her first 1
lesson in the eternal truth that the
more one fries to please people the less '
one Is likely to succeed.?Detroit Free '
Is Well Enough for the Poor, Dnt
Let the Rich Spend.
Bave at fashion and preach economy
if you will. It is all the better for the
world that rich people should spend (
thejr money lavishly instead of hoard- t
ing it. Every flounce on the skirt of j
fnat glittering belle, ridiculous as it ,
may be from an artistic point of view, ?
helps to make some dressmaker's assist- !|
ant more certain of her week's work. f
Everything'she "cannot possibly live s
without," though it be a gewgaw, suit- <
able for a squaw, makes it so much, j
more certain that every shopkeeper in ?;
the land shall prosper.
So, when her father scorning the
red brick mansion in which her parents
took delight, spends a year or two in
elaborating a palace of white marble,
he finds work for so many scores of la?
borers who else might starve or go
to the poorhouse. So that finery is paid .
for, so that one only "buys for cash,"
there is more good than harm in the
long run in what seems like extrava- '
p-acce. An unpaid debt is a theft, and
a theft is a crime; but honestpurchases
which do not first or last bring" this
about, and looking at the good done to
the masses and not at one individual
bank account, cannot be called extrav?
agance. A miser does more harm to
bis fellowmen than a spendthrift, and
the only alarming point in the present
universal show and glitter is that un?
lucky people with inadequate purses
may seek to take a part in it at the ex?
pense of trustful tradesmen.
If only the rich become extravagant,
we say hurrah, and go ahead, even if
you do not leave a million or so to a
poorhouse when you die. Your cook and
coachman and tailor and jeweler, your
wife's dressmaker, and all the host of
working folk paid to minister to 3'our
far-reaching whims, have no need of
one.?N. Y. Ledger.
How a Xew Utrecht Girl Saved the
American Army.
Here Is a good story that was enacted
in 1770, but just discovered by the
writer who, in his researches among
the manuscripts of the Long Island His?
torical library and the New Utrecht
library found in the daily reports of
Col. Jaqus Cropsey, reference to the
following historic facts:
It was hard times in the colonies in
August, 177G. Disaster had followed
the fortunes of the American armies
and this fact was well known to the
English generals. Orders had been is?
sued to give a decisive blow, which it
was expected would annihilate the pa?
Cen. Washington was called hurried
ly to New York and calls were issued
for recruits from all parts of the col?
onies, as it was expected a determined
battle would lie fought on the westerly
end of Long Island. For weeks each
side was gathering their cohorts for
what was believed would be the final
struggle. The English, under Lord
Howe, brought their troops in vessels,
which were anchored in Gravesend bay,
and the arrival of additions to the fleet
were of almost daily occurrence.
Gen. Washington was preparing for
meeting the enemy and had in pursu?
ance of a well arranged plan erected
defenses extending from Wallabout to
Bay Bidge.
During this time four farmers, Gerrit
De Nyse, of King's Highway, Tunis
Cropsey, Abram Bennett and Cornelius
Lott, of Bay Bidge, owned a fishing net
;ind boats and had a small building or
but on the Van Brunt farm, just where
\voca Villa now stands, in which they
kept their nets and oars and had beds
for use when they occasionally stayed
aver night. They fished nearly every
lay; they were patriots and with the
arrival of the English fleet saw their
opportunities gone for fishing, but not
for long, because the English fleet
needed fish and a squad of marines had
soon found the owners and they were
pressed into service to furnish fb1
the lleet. They met at the hut and de
eided to bo willing workers, but with
the secret intent of making daily re?
port of what they might see and hear
to the officers in command of the pa?
triot forces; and thus they fished, re?
ceived the British gold, made them?
selves friendly to the English and each
evening the result of their observa?
tions were given to Bymeicka De Nyse,
the youngest daughter of Gerri* De
Syse, and she carried the news the next
morning to Washington's headquarters,
riiat this information was desirable
ind important goes without saying and
the patriot fishermen were instructed
to pursue their plan and on the first
knowledge of a move on the part of the
English they were to get word to Gen.
iVashington. The day the fact of a
itart was learned fishing had never
)een better and the largest load was
taken to the admiral's ship and the
Inest fish were for his table. Every
noveniont of the fishermen was de
ayed, to give all the time possible to
ook and talk, and when the quartet
net at the hut at dusk it was with the
satisfaction of having done a good day's
vork for the patriotic cause. They gave
o Bymeicka full details of the British
dans and no' maiden ever bore a mes?
sage of more import to the world than
hat carried that night by Bymeicka
")e Nyse to Gen. Washington. It gave
dm the knowledge that enabled him to
nect the attack of the British and to
?etreat successfully and thus avoid the
lefeat that surely would have been the
?esult had it not been for the faithful
erviees of Gerrit De Nyse, Tunis Crop?
sey, Abram Bennett and Cornelius Lott,
10t forgetting Bymeicka De Nyse. The
soil on which stands Avoca Villa should
>e a sacred spot to aH lovers of the
Jnited States of America.
Bymeicka made the acquaintance of
he officer of til guard at Gen. Wash
ngton's headquarters, Lieut. John
Valker, of Bhodc Island, to whom she
vas married at the close of the war.
Their descendants are the Walkers, of
?rovidence, B. L?Brooklyn Eagle.
Honne keeping,
Recalling the much harder condi
icms of housekeeping of the times of
?ur grandmothers and likewise of their
nothers before them, we are impressed
vith the fact that the women who sur
nountfed successfully so many ob
tacles must have been made of really
tough fiber. The modern appliances
vhich give us everything for our tables
n highly condensed and beautiful
orms, ready for use, with the mini
num of preparation, were then un?
known. They pounded the pepper and
pulverized the sugar, and rolled the
;alt. So far from having electric lights
0 command at the touch of a mysteri?
ous knob, they had not even lucifer
natches. The fire had to be kept in
>y strenuous care, and sometimes one
vent to her neighbor's to borrow a
landful of fire with which to light her
iwn. Nothing was easy. Everything
?equired hard, persevering and unre
cnting labor, so that we may well be
levc that the women of that elder day
vere far from being incapable. Incapa
ile women may, for the brief seasons of
?outh, while the seo shell color tints
he rounded cheek and the "beaute de
liable" beams in the bright eyes, win
1 passing tribute from thoughtless
neu. But the women who wear well
nust know how to meet emergencies,
iow to, larder and see their, orders
tbeyed, how to hold themselves in calm
lomposure, whatever tempests are
ibroad.?N. Y. Ledger.
Sn^grestiona for the Stck.
Flaxseett lemonade is excellent for a
oldi To a pint of water add the juice.
>f two lemons (carefully removing the
:eed?) and three heaping teaspoonfula
if flaxseed. Let the mixture simmer
. few minutes, then sweeten it to the
?ste and' let it boil. Bemove and strain
nd set it away to cool. Take a good
rwallow once or twice an hour. The
:old) will relax and the throat will feel
greatly soothed) by the drink.?N. Y,
Her Renaon.
Clara?Why did you ask Tom to givo
Mcycle lessons, instead of Jack?
Martha?Because Jack said I could
learn in two lessons, and Tom said it
ivould take a dozen or so.?N. Y. Jour?
Edwin ArtKtih Abbey when at leisure
iats the elusive cricket ball or goes
loisebaek riding.
In England Dairymen Pay Mach At?
tention to It.
It is within the last 20 years that the
movement toward improved breeds of
goats has been going on in Europe.
The first British show of goats was
held in 1875 under the patronage of
Baroness Burdett-Coutts, who has al?
ways taken interest in the matter. In
1871) the British Goat society was or?
ganized with the object of improve
ing the breeds of goats and increas?
ing their capabilities for milk produc?
tion. Under the auspices of that so?
ciety flock books and a stud goat reg?
ister are published nt f-oqucnt inter
vals, and classes arc provided for goats
nt the leading shows of the United
Kingdom. The points aimed for in
breeding were a fine, smooth coat of
short, glossy hair, horns, if any, small,
dark colored and curving backward,
with large milk yield fixed as an es?
tablished characteristic of the ewes.
Great improvement has resulted not
only from careful selection among na?
tive goats, but also, and to a still larger
extent, from the iniiportation of su?
perior breeds. One of the most suc?
cessful breeds jet introduced is the
Toggenburg from Switzerland. These
goats have many desirafjle qualities.
They are short haired, nearly always
hornless, and are unsurpassed as milk?
ers. The accompanying illustration
portrays the Toggenburg goat Swiss
Beauty, which took the second prize
for hornless goats at the last British
dairy show, the first prize going to a
cross-bred of the same exhibitor.
Swiss Beauty was bred and exhibited
by Mr. A. C. MeMinn, of London, who
has for some time been a spirited fan?
cier and breeder. ? Orange Judd
How to Tell What Cows Are AUllcted
with tbc Disease.
iL P. Miller, of Ohio, says that tu?
berculosis is one of the most danger?
ous diseases to be found in the cow
stable, and one about which people
kucw too little. This disease in ca**' ?
is identical with consumption : . the
human family and is transmissible
from men to cattle and vice versa.
The tuberculin test so generally used
now for determining what animals
may be diseased is based upon the
knowledge that the disease is produced
by bacteria, or by millions of them
rather, and the theory that they pro?
duce disease by developing a poisonous
substance in the system. Tuberculin,
used in making the test, is simply a
beef broth solution of this bacterial
toxinc, secured by growing the bacilli
in beef broth and straining out the
bacilli through a porcelain dish. It
was found that a small amount of the
tuberculin introduced into the circula?
tion of a tuberculous cow induced
fever, a rise of two degrees in tempera?
ture being considered indicative of the
presence of the disease. The test is
not infallible, but reasonably sure. The
instruments used are a hj'podermlc
syringe, and a thermometer for each
ten cows, and an extra one to replace
broken ones. The first day one man to
each 20 cows, and one \ J keep (he rec?
ord, are needed. The second day it re?
quires one man to each ten cows to take
the temperature. It requires accuracy
but no especial skill. Temperatures
have to bo taken from six in the morn?
ing until twelve at night, each day.
If the tuberculin test proves all that is
claimed for it (there are some skeptics)
the day is coming when all cows will
je tested and the liability- of families
contracting consumption or other dis?
eases from tuberculous cows will be
lessened,?Dakota Field and Farm.
The Coloring of Ilutter.
One of the nice points In butter-mak?
ing Is to color the butter the proper
shade, as the quantity of color used
must almost continuously be eh:.nged,
According to the season. Great care
must be taken to use the propcrninount
of salt. A butter-maker's eye or taste
may deceive him, and ho may not sec
butter other tlnr his own make more
than once or twice a year, perhaps not
lhat often, so it is pretty hard for h.m
to fix his eye on the proper shade for
;clor and his taste for the proper1
amount of salt.?Field and Farm.
Division of Dnlry Pnstnres, (
The pastures should be divided into'
two or more fields. The roots are weak"
med by too close cropping by the stock
ind the land is exposed to the extent of
baking from loss of moisture. The
weeds are also enabled to get a foothold
to mature and fill the soil with noxious
seeds. The success of the dairy is large?
ly dependent upon the flush, clean pas
lures and the abundance of food the}
supply. This gives to unused pastures
:ime to g-row and thicken, which is Im?
portant to insure plenty of pasture late
in the fall.
Bacteria Play nn Important Part In
the Work of the Dairy.
"The necessity of bacteriology in
dairy products" was discussed by Prof.
McDonnell, of the Pennsylvania state
lollege, at the recent dairymen's meet?
ing. As it was exceedingly interest?
ing, I report a few of the salient points.
The speaker stated that only a few
years ago physicians were the only per
soru/wbo were thought to have any in?
terest in this subject, while the fact is,
we are indebted to bacteria for very
many of tho good things of life. Bac?
teria come to us as friends and not al?
ways as enemies, as was supposed a few
vears ago.
Every delicacy supplied to us is large?
ly dependent upon bacteria. We could
have neither good butter nor cheese
without them; in fact nothing of a j
delicacy in the dairy can be had with?
out bacteria, except condensed milk,
which he did not regard as a delicacy.
These bacteria all belong to the vege?
table kingdom, are of vegetable origin,
and are of many different forms. Some ,
move through liquids while others re?
main quiet; 25,000 of them can lie side
oy side in an inch of space. Some of j
the bacteria act only on dead matter, ,
while another class produces.ite.acid 1
of milk, and others produce (hor.rbma
so very desirable in butter?and also the
If dairymen ?were careful to have
clean stables for their cows very many
undesirable bacteria could be kept
from the milk and less trouble would
result. It is not true, as some seem to
think, that the bacteria come from the
cow with the milk. If milk could be
kept from coming' in contact with the
air?which is filled with bacteria?while
the cow is being milked, it could be
kept pure for an indefinite period.
Great care should be taken to have all
milk vessels clean if the dairyman de?
sires the best possible product. Typhoid
fever bacteria develop very rapidly in
milk, and as a result the malady often
spreads very rapidly. Scalding milk
kills all organisms.?George Spitler, in
Ohio Farmer.
A Nc? Kind Which Ih Snld to Accom?
plish Great Thing*.
One of the puzzling things in dairying
is the bad habit that calves and heifers
acquire of self-sucking and sucking
each other. To remedy this, this muz?
zle is said to be equally etfective for
foals, and having no spikes cannot hurt
the mother when calf or foal attempts
to suck. When weaned the flap of
leather in front can be removed by un?
buckling the straps, and the other part
converted into a useful leather head?
stall. This muzzle docs not hinder ani?
mals from eating grass, even if it be
very short, as the flap, if properly fixed,
goes out in front sufficiently to enable
them to graze with freedom. After hav?
ing them on for a day or two they be?
come quite adepts at feeding with them.
The two leather straps underneath the
headstall, one on each side, and extend?
ing to the flap in front, can be shortened
or lengthened at will. The two iron
clips which are riveted on the front
flap of the muzzle are to prevent it roll?
ing up when the leather gets wet.?
Farm Journal.
How to Torn a Promising; Calf Into a
Profitable Cow.
When calves are intended to be
grown for cows it is a great mistake to
feed them so heavily as to increase the
tendency to fatten. Often this can be
seen at birth in the thick, bull-like
neck and heavy head. In such case it
is best to fatten and sell to the butcher,
no matter what stock may be its ances?
try. But frequently also the calf which
seems to be all right for a good milker
is fed so heavily and on such fattening
food that its tendency for life to pro?
duce fat and beef rather than milk and
butter is full}' established. To grow a
good cow the calf should not be stunted,
says American Cultivator. That will
impair digestion, which is just as im?
portant for the cow as it is for a beef
animal. Calves intended to be kept for
cows should have much succulent food,
with enough of the kind of nutrition re?
quired to make large growth. Then it
will be well developed and come early
into heat. It is always advisable to
breed as early as possible. Then when
the tendency to milk production has
been fully established, good feeding
with the best food will turn the product
of the feed into the milk pail, where it
will be most for the farmer's profit to
have it.
Pertained Flutter In England.
Perfumed butter on the dinner table
Is the latest fad of some wealthy peo?
ple in London, England. The dairies
where this butter is made are as odor?
ous as the florist's shop or the labora?
tory of a perfumer. In the first place
the butter is made in small pats, like
those in ordinary use. Each pat is
wrapped in a bii of fine muslin and
placed on a bed of rose leaves specially
prepared in an earthen jar. On top an?
other layer of the fresh and delicate
rose leaves is placed before the jar is
filled with a solid chunk of ice. Then
the jar is placed in a refrigerator and
allowed to remain there for ten hours
when the pats are ready for the cus?
The American mulberry Is a very
excellent fruit for sauce or pie. ^
The One Thin? Accessary.
"Have you got all you want for the
cycling excursion?" asked his wife.
"Yes, I think so?the lamp, the
wrench, the oil?yes."
"I knew you'd forget it," she re?
marked; "the most necessary thing for
the trip. Here."
And she handed him the court-plas?
" Cures talk " in favor
of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
as for no other medi?
cine. Its great cure3 recorded in truthful,
convincing language of grateful men and
?women, constitute its most effective ad?
vertising. Many of these cures are mar?
velous. They have won the confidence of
the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa?
rilla the largest sales in the world, and
have made necessary for its manufacture
the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's
Sarsaparillais known by the cures it has
made ?cures of scrofula, salt rheum and
eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia
and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver
troubles, catarrh?cures which prove
Is the best-in fact the One True Blood runner.
u?.j) r\'it cure liver in?; eas>'{0
IlOOCl S FlIlS take, easy to operate. 25c,
Sip ani Carriage mM a Specialty.
Perfect fit guaranteed in every instance.
Prices reasonable.
Wanted?An Idea *
Who con think
of some simple
thing to patent?
Protect your ideas; they may bring you weattb. i
WriteS?HN WEDDERBORN & CO., Patent Attor
neys. Washington. D. C, for their $1.800 prize offer |
?ad new Ust or one thousand Inventions wanted.
How Good Constitutions Are
Transmitted to Children.
A mother who is in good physical condition transmits to her
children the blessings of a good constitution.
The child fairly drinks in health from its mother's robust con?
stitution before birth, and from a healthy mother's milk after.
Is not that an incentive to prepare for a
healthy maternity?
Do you know the meaning of what is popu?
larly called those "longings," or cravings,
which beset so many women during pregnancy?
There is something lacking in the mother's
blood. Nature cries out and will be satisfied
at all hazards. One woman wants sour things,
another wants sweets, another
wants salt things, and so on.
The real need all the time is
to enrich the blood so as to
supply nourishment for an?
other life, and to build up the
entire generative system, so
that the birth may be possible
and successful.
If expectant mothers would
fortify themselves with Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com?
pound, which for twenty years
has sustained thousands of wo?
men in this condition, there
would be fewer disappoint-1
meats at birth, and they would not experience those annoying
" longings."
In the following letter to Mff. Pinkham, Mrs. Whitney demon*
strates the power of the Compound in such cases. She says:
" From the time I was sixteen years old till I was twenty-three, I
was troubled with weakness of the Wdneys and terrible pains when
my monthly periods came on. I made up my mind to try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and was soon relieved. After I
was married/the doctor said I would never be able to go my full time
and have a living child, as I was constitutionally weak. I had lost
a baby at seven months and a half. The next time I commenced
at once and continued to take your Compound through the period
of pregnancy, and I said then, if I went my full time and the baby
lived to be three months old, I should send a letter to you. My
baby is now seven months old and is as healthy and hearty as one
could wish.
" I am so thankful that I used your medicine, for it gave me the
robust healfh to transmit to my child. I cannot express my grati?
tude to you; I never expected such a blessing. Praise God for
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and may others who are
suffering do as I did and find relief, and may many homes be bright?
ened as mine has been."?-Mrs. L. Z. Whitney, 5 George St., E.
Somerville, Mass.
You Need
Another f-I&t,
Something different from what you bought earlier?something for a change that
is chic, stylish and just suits the season. We have just the thing?not too ele?
gant, but just dressy enough, and it doesn't cost much. If you need a hot
weather hat, a dainty finish for your summer suit, we have it. An examination
of our stock shows we have too many hats on hand, and to reduce these and
also to give our customers a bargain Unexcelled in Tazewell.
We Shall Cut the Prices on Them
Exactly One-Fourth.
Then a $0 bat will cost you only $2.25 and a $2 hat will cost you only $1.50 aud
a $1 hat only 75c, the rest in the same proportion.
Do Not Lose This Opportunity.
- kfmv BUILDING,-?<o.
Tazewell, - - Virginia.
E. D. BROWN, Proprietor.
Board and Lodging by day, week or month. Meals at all
hours at 2oc. Table first class.
the queen's new train.
Royal Ilallroad Comforts for Her
Afred Majesty.
While the principal railway com?
panies have always 'possessed' special
saloons reserved" for the use of her maj?
esty, there has been no regular "queen's
train" until the present year. Now,
however, the Great Western Railway
company, upon whose line the queen
travels frequently, has celebrated the
diamond jubilee by constructing a
brand-new train of six carriages?a
'handsome, and? indeedi, splendid se?
ries of saloons connected by flexible
gangways. This is to be reserved en?
tirely for the use of the queen and royal
family. The queen's coach proper Is
54 feet long, while the other saloons,
corridor coaches and: luggage vans av?
erage a slightly greater length. n>r
majesty's own traveling compartment
is wonderful!}- comfortable, with every
possible contrivance and convenience
which can add to the monarch's ease
during her journe3fs. Her favorite arm?
chair on a-swinging pivot, and) the sofa,
both upholstered in white silk rep, are
situated on one side, close to the great
plate glass windows, while within easy
reach of the royal chair is an electric
bell audJ a small folding writing table.
The compartments for attendant^ are
upholstered in, white morocco, and the
train is illuminated throughout by the
electric light, which her majesty has at
last consented to employ. In her own
apartment a cluster of six incandescent
lamps give light, which can be regu?
lated to the taste of the occupants The
exterior of this splendidi coach has at
tach of its four corners a large lion's
heads surmounted by a goldicrown. The
engine has special hydraulic devices,
tvhich will be fitted to funnel and driv?
ing-wheel splashers, and) the royal
train, thus drawn, must certainly pro?
vide an imposing spectacle for the
queen's subjects.?London Black and
White. _r_r
Dca-lnning; at the Wrong End.
Uncle Dave?Old Seth PUlsbury, the
Iruggist, was a mighty smart man, but
le had no luck. He invented a first
dass cure for rheumatism, but he
i-ouldn't get nobody to try it.
Uncle Steve?He didn't go about it
-ight. How could he expect anyone to
try It when he never got no testimo
ilals??Brooklyn Life.
?Clevedon, WisT, 15 years ago had a
big hotel and a population of over 1,000.
S'ow its houses are the baiting places
jf tramps, who pay no rent. Two hun
Ired of them find the place a quiet re?
sort, and it is called Trampville.
Shropshire Bucks
Thoroughbred Shropshire Buck Lambs,
Price $10.00.
These lambs are gilt edge in breeding
and style.
Pedigrees can be seen bv applying to
GEO. W. GILLKSP1E, at'Tazewell, Va.,
or to R. K. QILLESPIE, Pounding .Mill,
Central ? Hotel,
(Near Courthouse Square)
SURFACE & WHITE, ? ? mprifc
Livery Stable attached. Good Sample
Rooms. Table fare the best. Nice Bed?
rooms, etc.
VIRGINIA: In the clerk's office of
Tazewell circuit court, July 13,1S97.
B. Y. Fox, complainant)
vs. >In chancery.
C. J. Fox, deftndant J
The object of this suit is to obtain a di?
vorce, ? vinculo matrimonii for the com?
plainant from the defendant, and it ap?
pearing from affidavit on file in said office
that C. J. Fox is a non-resident of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, it is ordered
that she appear here within fifteen davs
after due publication of this order and do
what is necessary to protect her interest in
this suit, and that copies hereof be pub?
lished and posted as prescribed by law.
A copy. Teste:
H. Bane Hakman, Clerk.
W. B.Spratt ) ?
G. W. St. Clair/P-^

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