TAZEWELL REPUBLICAN VOL. 21 TAZEWELL, VA., THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1912 NO. 21 AMERICA BOASTS MIGHTIEST WARSHIP. The Superdreadnought Teias, Launched At Newport News Last Saturday, is The World's Greatest Sea Fighter. With the launching at Newport News, Saturday of the superdreadnought T?>xas the American navy counted as its proud possession the biggest and the most powerful battleship the world has ever seen. The Texas, with all her stores aboard, will displace 28.3G7 tons or 1,000 tons more the Dreadnought Arkansas, now about ready for commission. She is 573 feet long, 95 feet 2* inches beam, so that she will have almost 15 feet to spare in passing through the Panama canal locks. Her draft will be 28 feet G inches, and her speed 21 knots. The 27,000 horsepower required to maintain this speed will be developed in the case of the Tezas by twin screw vertical, triple expansion engines of the old type, which American naval engineers declare are the most economical and reliable for battleship practice. The Texas was launched 13 months from the date her keel was laid, prac? tical demonstration of the ability of American shipwrights to turn out war? ships as rapidly as any nation in the world. The Texas will be the first ship in the world to carry 14-inch (?tuns. She will have 10 of them distributed in five turrets, arranged on a central line from stem to stern. The biggest guns now afloat in the American navy are the 13 inch rifles of the famous old Oregon type, while the best the British navy can do is to point their 13 5 inch guns on their latest battle ships. In addition . to these monster guns the new Ameri- j can ship will carry lf> 5 inch rifles in : place of the little 3 and 4-inch (runs that were formerly regarded as sufficient for the secondary battery. The increase ing size and power of the torpedo boat destroyers and the enormous speed of the cruisers has brought about this doubling of the power of the secondary battery, which must be relied upon for quick work in meeting these attacks. The Texas will be clothed with armor in plenty; not only over her vitals, but even over the ordinarily exposed ends of the ship. In conformity with the new rule adopted by the Navy depart? ment, the details of it? thickness and and general disposition are withheld from publication. The Texas will not go into commission until December 17th, next year. As she emerges from the builders' hands her total cost will be about $10,000,000. The launching of the great ship drew tu th.- yard? of the Newport News Ship? building C'lrr.pany a notable gathering of tiistingushed perse .->. President Taft ?as represented l.y Secretary Meyer, who came- down from Washing ten with his family and his naval aid, LiU'Ut. Commar.der Palmer, on the Prvsidential yacht, ?isyliower. There was a liberal sprinkling of senators and representatives, most of the heads of the great naval bureaus, Gov. Colquitt of Texas, with a numerous delegation from that State, Gov. Mann of Virginia with his staff, and little Miss Claudia Lyon, daughter of Col. Cecial Lyon, Republican National committeeman from Texas, sponsor of the Texas. The New York which is being built at the New York navy yard, and which will probably be launched in July, is a sister-ship to the Texas. Lutherans in Session. The Southern Conference of the Vir? ginia Synod in the Lutheran Church met in Harrissonburg on Tuesday and will close today. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock the opening sermon was delivered by Rev J. J. Scherer, pastor of the First Luth? eran Church, of Richmond. Wednesday morning the first business session of the conference was held, at which time reports on the state of the church was heard. At 11 o'clock Rev. C. A. Marks, of Waynesboro, preached, following which conferential commun? ion was held In the afternoon at 2 o'clock? "Child Training in the Home" was discussed by Rev. W. P. Huddle, of Madison. One hour later the matter of "Family Prayer" was discussed in an eloquent and forcible manner by Rev. J. W. Shuey, of Portsmouth. The sermon at night was by Rev. C. Brown Cox, of Norfolk. The program for today will be: 9 a. m.?Business session. 10 o'clock, paper on Article XIV Augsburg Con? fession, by Rev. B. S Dasher, of Mid dlebrook. 11 o'clock, sermon by Rev. J. F. Bruch, of Waynesboro. 2 p. m., business session. 3 o'clock, discussion of Topic, "Our Need of Ministers, How to Supply It," by Rev. J. A. Morehead, D. D., president of Roanoke College. The closing sermon will be delivered tonight by Rev. A. D. R. Hancher, of Staunton. "Back Home." W. D. Roberts, founder of the "Back Home" movement to the south, re? ceived the following letter from a cor? respondent in Illinois: Watseka, III., May 15, 1913. Mr. W. D. Roberts, Editor "Back Home" Magazine, Ashville, N. C. Dear Sir:?I received the "Back Home' magazine sent me by a friend in Virginia and enjoyed every line and picture in it, for it waa all so true. I have of ten thought of '-back home" since I left the south fovr ?, ears axe-, but since reading the magazine I desiro to be there more than I ever have be? fore. Like many others, I have been eon vinced by advertising that the west was the only country in the word; but when I came I found it was not. The south? ern states are just as good?much bet? ter in many respecta, and the land will produce just as much per acre if it is taken ear? of as well as the land out here. Virginia land is just as good, and people who have come west from Vir? ginia are finding that out. Thenwhv, indeed, not go "back home?" The time is coming soon when they will, and I tn one of them. I am farming 320 acres ; here and have been successful, but I: expect to settle down in some part of Virginia among my f rien Is, "bac* home, " if God spares my life awhile longer. The "back home" call gets close to me. I have a good many friends in the west to whom I am going to bave you send the "Back Home" Magazine. I will send you their names and the cash a little later, I know some of them want to go back to the south, and they will show the magazine to a good many others who have failed to find what they looked for in the far west. The "back home" movement is a great plan. Youra. truly, R. M. STRONG. The editor of the "Back Home'' Mag? azine, to whom the above letter was written, advises that on receipt of 8 cents to cover postage he will send free a copy to your friend in the west, but none will be sent except to persons i:i the west. Emory News Briefs. Emory, Va.. May 21. 1912 Mrs T. R. Handy returned from an extended trip to Alabama this week. Prof. John N. Brown and wife spent Sundsy at Atkins, Va., with his parents. W. B. Peters is having a new addition built to his dwelling, which adds much to its appearance and comfort. Prof. C. A. Brown, principal of the high school at Narrows, Va., was oi the campus Tuesday the 14th. l'rof. R. N. Ellntt, principal of tho high school at Sugar Grove, Va., visit? ed on the campus Tuesday the 14th. Bishop R. G. Waterhouse, ex-presi? dent of Emory and Henry College, ?a expected on the campus in a few days Prof L. W. Crawford will spend th?! summer in New York City as instructo: in the summer term of Columbia Uni ernraity W. M. Bunts preacnes an Odd Fellow sermon Sunday the 19th, at 3:00 p. m. at Bourne Memorial Church in W. Radford, Va. Financial Agent S. B. Vatlfht, was here Wednesday closing ouf a deal, s. II n tf Mrs. Barrett of Lenoir City, 1 ntv to the amount of 18,000. K. P. Carroll closed out hii work as teacher and preachi-rat Konna rock. Va , and now enter?-d Emory and Henry College for another year. Senior David S. Hogg, goes to Port Gibson, Miss., to enter Chamberlain Hunt Presbyterian Academy as teacher of English with a handsome salary. Dr. J. P. McConnell went to Rich? mond, Va., Thursday the lfjih, return? ing this morning, where he attended a business meeting in connection with Radford Normal. The delegates for the summer con? ference of the Y. M. C. A., to be held at Black Mountain, N. C, is being as? sembled, consisting of ten young men from this college. T. G. Litz, who went to Syracuse, N. Y., representing the State of Virginia in the Eastern Prohibition Oratorical Contest reports his winning fouith plrce out of about eight states rep? resented. The Daughters of tho Confederacy are preparing a program for Decoration Day in honor of the Confederate soldiers buried in the cemetery at this place. Stale s Attorney. S. W. Williams will be the speaker of the day. At a business meeting of the Athletic Association Wednesday, May loth, the following officers were elected for next year: President, Chas. C. Weaver; Vice-President, Phil D Morelock; Sec? retary Tennis, E. T. Browder; Captain Baseball Team, C. L. Logan; Captain Basket Ball Team, Sam Saffell. On Wednesday night, May 22nd, be? ginning at 7:45, an evening entertain? ment consisting of three plays namely, "Reveries of a Bachelor"; "The Silent System," and "The Sweet Family," will be given by the young ladies of the community for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A., and Athletic Association. Card of Thanks. Mr. C. F. Wall is grateful to his 1 many friends and neighbors for the ! consideration and sympathy bhown hin | in his recent bereavement in the deali ? of his wife. The constant attentioi and faithful service rendert?d by tha Doctors and nurses and kind friends is appreciated, not only by the afil?ete 1 husband but by the family of tue dt ce>ased, and her many Meada ne th. County. You tret a written guarantee with every Ring that Pobat sells, and lie wi.l ? refund your money if it is not exactly aa 1 he tells you. Draper-Gammon. , A pretty wed.ling was solemnized at ' the home at bride near Kmbreeviile, Tein., oa W'.dresday of last week, when Miss Mabel Stuart Gammon be- ? cam? the brido of Mr. Jeans F. Draper, ' a former residen! of this place. The bri.ii- i ames freim one of the oldest am) best famili. - n of Mr and Mrs. W. j L. Draper, who up to a few years ago ! Wit-' residents of this place, but now j living in WytheviUe. Following the! ceremony t h ?? ?ui'ipv young couple left ' for Washington. New York, Niagara i Falls and other points for an extended | bridal tour. Returning they will take j up their reaioVneo in Erwin, Tenn-, where Mr. Draper holds a position in i the motive power department of the Carolina, C?nchfield and Ohio Railway. Closing Exercises at The V. P. I. The program for the V. M. I. finals at Blacksburg, has been arranged and in? cludes sermons tnd speeches by notable men, the usual number of drills and dress parades and attractive dances. Tuesday, June 11th, will be "Alumni Day," when in nldition to the usual ex? ercises the Conrad Memorial Tablet will be presented by Senator Claude A. Swanson, an alumnus of the college. The complete program is: Friday, June 7th, 5 p m.?Battalion Parade. 9 p. m. ? Junior-Senior German. Saturday, Jun?> 8th, 8:30 p. n>.?Cele? bration of Litera -y Societies. Sunday, June 9th, 11 a m. ? Bacca? laureate Sermon by Rt. Rev. A. M. Randolph, of Norfolk. 8:30 p. m. ? Address to the Y. M. C. A. by Bishop Randolph Monday, June 10th, 11 a. m.? Address before the Literary Societies by Dr. I". W. Martin, of Woman's College, Lynch burg. 10 p. m.? Senior Promenade. Tuesday, June 11th, 9 a. m.?Annual meeting ot General Alumni Association. 11 a. m.?Address before association by Henry A. Wise, followed by the pre? sentation of Conrad Tablet by Senator Swanson. These will be followed by the Alumni luncheon, the "sham bat? tle," illumination of campus, the annu? al smoker and the senior german. Wednesday. June 12th, 10:30 a. m.? Formation for procession to Commence? ment Hall, the delivery of diplomas by IV' si.lent Barringer and address to the graduating class by Mr. EL F. Spinney, of Kansas City, Mo. 10 p. m.?Final Ball. Hon. L. B. Johnson, president of the Norfolk nnii Western Railway, delivered .-ski the German Hall of the . A r.: 29th that was heard with deep inter? ' by an audience that Ailed the largi room. Mr. Johnson's ?abject '? ireati Profes li ?i . ? Earth," and I'nis he declared to : ore. dwelling at length on the tendency of young men to leave the country for the oven eiL.es. the poesil :ities for advancement ?Jim.; lie in the study of agriculture and th" n,:ed for trained men in every field of the pi ta ?r.t.-resting paper that should bo. republished for general c:rcuistion. Reck Items. Rock, W. Va., May 21. Dr. and Mrs. Vermaliam were visit? ing Mrs. Tragg Sunday. Mrs. J. Mason Bailey has returned from a three v-eks visit to her old home in Franklir. county. Mi?s Lucy Simpson, one of the nurses at the hospital here, is visiting relatives in Tazewell county this week. The little Burkes boy, who had his legs cut off some time ago, was able to be taken to bis home at King ?Siding last week. Mrs. Lonly Moaslow, of Glen Lyn, is recoving nicely from an operation which she underwent in the hospital at this place last week. The Holiness people have been hold? ing a big meeting at this place for the past three weeks. Seven converts were baptized on last Sunday. Pullman Arrangement. Commencing May 26th Pullman sleep? er service will be established Winston Salem, N. C, and New York via Shen andoah Valley, Hsgerstown. Harrison burg and Philadelphia, leaving Winston Salem 2:00 p. m., daily; return service, leaving New York 6 34 p. m., and Philadelphia 8:53 p. m. Dining car service north of Koanoke. The sleeper now operated Gary, W. Va., New York will be changed to Gary, and Philadelphia. ? Firat-clasB service for Atlantic City, New Jersey Seashore Resorts and the North. Dining cart. Gary and Shenan doah. W. B. BEVILL, Genera) Passenger Agent 5-23 3w Order ot the Eastern Star. Tazewe-I Chapter will hold its regu? lar me.''iii|/rt <>r. the second Friday in each mont!, nt 7 p. m. during the win? ter ami 8 p. ro. ?iiring the summer. .1 meetings ?t the call of the Worthy Matron. Mrs C A Thomi-son, W. M. Miss Tkula Kiskr, A. M. ' J. N. Hassan, W. P. P0UNDIN6 MILL NEWS. Items Gathered by Our Correspondent About People Down the Clinch. Pounding Mill, Va., May 21. Born, to Mr and Mrs. Charles Chris? tian, a fine daughter. Miss Mattie Sayers spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends at Spring ville. Miss Rebekah Davis returned last week from visiting her brother in Cin? cinnati. David Cable, who has been Buffering from blood poison, is able to be out on crutches. Mrs Susan RingstafT is visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Mu'key, in Gra? ham thi-? week. Mrs. Alex Riley and Miss Lettie RingstafT were visiting friends in Rich lands last week. Miss Margaret Williams and niece, Miss Florence Harris, arc visiting rela? tives in Grundy. Miss Mary Belle Altizer entertained a number of her friends on Monday eve? ning in honor of her birthday. Miss Jessie O'Keeffe, of Tazewell, spent yesterday and today with her sis? ter, Mrs. R. K. Gillespie, of this place. The Odd Fellows from this place ex? pect to participate in the Decoration Day exercises at Bandy on next Sunday a week. W. M. Cecil, of Hot Springs. Ark., spent yesterday and last night at this place with his relatives, W. B Steele, and family. J. T. Altizer returned Friday from Alexandria. Va., where he went as a representative of the local lodge to the State Council of Red Men. Mrs. Lena Altizer, of Maxwell, and Miss Lettie Lovell. of Richlands, visited their father, Mr. John Lovell, at this place Saturday and Sunday. Choctaw Gardner, of Richlands, was ! here today looking over the old baryta mill property. Steele, Hurt & Com? pany are contemplating the erection of an SO-barrel flouring mill. Lena, the little 7-year-o!d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Altizer was cut right painfully in the leg by a nail in a gate at her home the other day Dr. Smith rendered the necessary medical atten? tion, and the little patient is doing nicely. Mrs. W. B. Steele and mother, Mrs. J. Marion McGuire, of Cedar Bluff, at? tended the lecture by Mrs. Ropp at Tazewell Tuesday night, being the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wynn and family while there. Thefii.nds of Mrs. Claude Trivett were ?-orry to hear of her death, which occurred today at Richlands. She is ! survived by her husband and two child- | ren. who have the sympathy of the en- ! tire community. She was before her marriage a Miss Long, of Maxwell. Following is the program for the quar? terly meeting at this place, which con v? n?'s here r:?'.xt week: Tuesday?11 a. m. preaching, follow? ed by a session of the quarterly confer? ence. Preaching again at 8 p. m. Weilnesday ?11 a. m. preaching, f?.l lowed by the sacrament. The public is cordi.il!> invited to at'end. The meeting will be followed by pro? tracted services, conducted by Rev. C. A. Pangle, assisted by Rev. R. r J r rell, of Wilmore, Ky., and Rev. W. L Vernori. Lebanon News. Lebanon, Va , May 21. Mr. Moore, of Roanoke, Va., spent a few days in town last week. Mr. Ed. Greever, of Tazewell was here on leg-1 business iast week. Mr. F. M. Kelly, who has been visit? ing in Johnson City, has returned to his home here. Mr. Earl Pruner and family, of West Virginis, are visiting Mr and Mrs. J. A Pruner here. Mrs. D. K. Banner left last week for the purpose of visiting her daughter in West Virginia. Miss Adi Aldercm, who ha:' b? en visiting friends in Honaker, Va., has returned to her home here. McReynolds, who seriously stabbed Combs at Cleveland a day or two ago, has been captured and lodged in jail here. It is thought that the wound of Combs will prove fatal. Mr. Lawrence D. Goner, of Norfolk, Va., was here last week defending the insurance company in the case of Mays administrator, vs. the Russell Fork Transportation Company. Charles M. Jenks, jr. operated on at the Lewis-Gale hospital, in Koanoke, last week for acute appendicitis, is, his friends will be glad to know, much im? proved. His father accompanied him to Roanoke. Attention Veterans. Special Order: The Veterans of Browne- II aaman Camp will meet at Tazewell Court House on June S, Memorial Day prompt? ly at 10 a. ru., for the election of? fiicers and to transact other busines. By order of JAS. P. WHITMAN, Commandkr. Boyer & Co have just received a manufacturer's sample line of Letfttl er Goods, which includes Purses, Pocket books, Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Ladies' , Handbags, etc.,?over ?500 pieces, no two alike. Roosevelt Wave Roils Or. On the face of the returns available from Tuesday's presidential preferen? tial primary in Ohio, indications are that Colonel Thedore Roosevelt has car? ried the state over President Taft by something like 50.000 majority. This overwhelming victory will give Colonel Roosevelt the six delegates at large from Ohio, and he will probably control two-thirds of the district delegates to the Republican National Convention. Following the receipt of news from the primary, the Taft headquarters in Washington declined to comment on the result in Ohio until more complete re? turns had been announced, but Senator Dixon, manager for Colonel Roosevelt, issued a statement in which he said: "There is no further room for argu? ment. Ohio has spoken. By a major? ity of probably 50,000 she has declared for Theodore Roosevelt as the republi? can nominee for President. Roosevelt will have forty-eight delegates in Mr. Taft's own state "Theodore Roosevelt will be nomi? nated as the republican candidate for President on the first ballot at Chicago, and will be elected in November by the biggest majority ever given a presi? dential candidate. This is the end of the contest." Woodrow Wilson carried the state on the democratic ticket over Judson Har? mon, his opponent, by about 10.000 ma? jority. Thus the Buckeye State swat? ted both her native sons. Death of Mrs. Wall. It seems but yesterday that Mr. Frank Wall brought pretty Miss Mary Claytor from Thompson Valley to his home here, a bride, but on Sunday her fair form was laid for its endless sleep in Maple wood cemetery. An acute attack of uremia, following chronic appendicitis, was the cause of her sudden death. The funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at the Wall residence by the Rev. W. W. Carson. To the young husband, the bereaved mother and many friends and relatives goes out the sym? pathy of the entire community. Floyd Allen Convicted. Floyd Allen, first of the Carroll coun? ty desperadoes to be tried for the kill? ing of Judge T. L. Massie, Common? wealth's Attorney W. M Foster and three other persons in the court house at Hillsville a short time ago, was on last Friday in the circuit court at vVythe ville, convicted of murder in the first degree. Following this conviction, Claude Swanson Allen, son of Hoyd, was arraigned for trial, charged with the killing of Judge Mas.-ie, and evidence in his cast? is now being heard by the jury. Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards, the two most desperate of the clan, con? tinue at large. Cove Creek News. Cove Creek, Va., May 23. Rev. W. W. Hicks will preach at this place Sunday at 11 a. m. Mr M. J. Dutton, of Groseclose was visiting friends here Sunday. Mr. Ed Wynn, of Burkes Garden, was visiting friends here Sunday. Mr. Ed Gregory visited his sister, Mrs. T. L. Shufflehanrer, Saturday and Sunday. The Misses Higginbotham took a party of friends in the Cove kodaking Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Evelyn Henderson, of Kimtiall, W. Va., is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J E. Gilliam. T. L. Shulllebarger and J. H. Crab tree attended the quarterly meeting in Burkes Garden Sunday. Mr. A. E. Jennings, of Bluefield, W. Va., was calling on Miss Lucy Stimson Sunday who was visiting here. Misses Lula and Rose Stimson of Rocky Gap, and Miss Lucy Stimson, of Adkins, Va., were visiting their Aunt Mrs. Higginbotham Saturday and Sun? day. Burkes Garden Local News. Burkes G ?mien, Va., Ma. 21. II P Eagle spent last week in New? port News. Mr. and Mrs. M Casst-ll and children are visiting relatives in Wytheville. Mrs T. R. Boiling and children and the formers father, Steve Fox, are visit ing Mrs. Jim Repasa in Bristol. Hugh McMeans had hia leg badly broken Sunday afternoon by being ac cidently thrown from his buggy. The many Meads of Miss EttaGreere r will be pleased to know that she is get ting along nicely at the hospital at Richmond. The friends of Min* Alma Henirger will be sorry to bear that she ia fixing to go to Richmoiid f?.r an operation right away. The Quarterly Meeting ?as held in | the Glade church Saturday and Sunday and every ono who atteniied had a very enjoyable time. Prof. EL M Eagle and wife rendered beautiful music. Build Branch Roads into Coal Fields. The Louinville and N. shville, the Chesapeake and Ohio and Norfolk and W ex tern railways are all building branch lines in order to reach the rich coal de? posits of Eastern Kentucky, which are soon to be developed. The Norfolk and ffestora is building from Williamson, W. Va, down Pond Creek, in order to (reach extensive coal properties lying along this creek, and which are now be? ing opened. The Norfolk and Western and Chesapeake and Ohio are building connections with the coal fields about Jenkins, Ky., where the Empire Coal Corporation is spending $40,000,000 in making developments. The company is building mining towns and opening up mines at immense cost. These opera l tions will hardly be ready for the market before next year. Fraud Paint. The worst mistake one is likely to make in painting is wrong paint, it is ; easy to make this year when paint is so ! high. We all say "Ours is the best"; and ?there are 1000 of us. One is best; I but a dozen are so near on a level that j no one knows, for sure, that his is the I on?. The worst paints are worse liars; they know what they are, put-on a bold face, ; and brazen it out. Their one true argument is low price; but low-price paint is always, must be, i a fraud; it is made to cheat cheatable ! people. DEVOE John E Jackson sells it. _ ? LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ? NOTICE We have decided to pay for the present 26 cents for good mer? chantable wool. H G. and M. L PEERY. May Z\. North Tazewell. Va. June promises to be a veritable month of brides in our little town. Already the marriages of three of our fairest ! belles has been announced, and as one young Miss expressed it, "their ex? ample may prove an epidemic." Among those attending the democrat? ic state convention in Norfolk today are the following from this county: Judge S. C. Graham and A S Higginbotham. of this place; R. B, Williamson and S. N HulTard. of Craham, and A. W. Landon, of P. eahontas. Henry Crockett, who has been in Texas and other southwestern ptRtes for th'^ past year and a half, catching the spirit of the "back home ' move? ment now pervading that section, ar? rived here Saturday to again make Tazewell his home. The announcement of C enfederate Decoration Day, appearing in last week's issue as on June r.Oth, should have read June 3rd. as the beautiful ceremony of decorating the grav. s ? f our fallen heroes will be observi'd the first Monday in June. Ascension Day will be ob.ervi! t??. Clinch Valley ?"ommandery. No. Jo. K T., by public se-vices at the Main street Methodist church on rex: Sunday at 11 a. m. Rev. E E Wiley will preach a special sermon on the occasion, and vis? iting Sir Knights are invited to attend. Salesman's line samples of Ladies Hand Bhits, Pocket Hooks ami Purses ard leather goods at wholesale prices at Boyer's. The commencement exercises of the high school will be held at the chapel on next Wednesday evening at h o'clock, at which time the diplomas, medals and scholarships will be awarded to the graduating class. The program is not yet complete, and cannot b?' published. Zacharia Belcher, a well known farm <>r living near Shawver Mi Is. died su?l ilenly on Monday from a h. mmorhage of the brain o . Saturdaj be erees ab. ut his wo'k as o*ual, I u*. on Sui taken ill, the end foil wir g on M lie ?s survived by his widow aidti.. children, one son an?! four ?laughters The General Assembly of the Presby? terian Church in session in Louisville. Ky , on Monday \?>t'?l to meet in At? lanta, Ga., in 1913 The southern wing of the Church will meet there at the same time. This probably fin?? sail an . tTort to find a basis on which to unite th>- two divisions of the C.lurch in tr.i country. Ellen Morton, the seven year old daughter of Mr. ar.d Mrs J E Morton, of G'aham, was on Tuesday bitten bj ? bulldog belonging to Rev J E Sr.ri-g, the Methodist minister h> Grnham, an.1 'ght painfully hurt The child, wi'b s-v? ral companions, had gone on*o the parsonage lawn to play when attacked by the vicious animal. It isn't thought the child's injuries are fatal The Music Club will give a three act play at the high school chapel tomorrow night a? 8 o'clock. This club has made an enviab'e rep'itati >n 'or tbeir musical ability and have presented mu^ic. Is, op? rettas and concerts above I age of amateur performances. A drama i? an entirely new venture for this club but judging from the dramatic skiii dis? play o in the presentation of th*' vari? ous operettas by the club the play Fri? day night will be well worth the price of admission which will be 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. The senior editor of the Clinch Valley News is carrying around a "boated" nose, the result of being thrown fr. m his horse, which became frightened at a passing automobile. In this reaped it may be said, there is some ca^. among some of the automohilists here as to running too fast and running at night without lighls, ar?i some are using their muffler cut out too much. l>?t thee be a tightening of the lines be? fore a fatal accident happens. The su tomobilista ought to do this themselves i before the authorities are compelled to FAIR ASSOCIATION HOLDS MEETING. Preparations Are Being Made For The Great? est Exhibition In the History of The As scciation?September 17-19 the Dates The executive committee of the Taze? well Fair Association held a meeting in thecifice^ the secretary on Monday night, and took steps to make the fair, to be held September 17th, 18th and l'Jth, bigger and better than ever. The first thing decided on by the com? mittee was to abide by the action of the Virginia, Carolinas and Georgia Circuit of Fairs, to declare all stake races to go regardless of the number of entries it being the concensus of opinion that such action would bring us better races, as the foreign stables would arrange to bring their string of horses here, if as? sured the races would not be canceled on account of not enough entries. The secretary read a protest against this condition from the secretary of the Au? gusta, (Ga .) Fair Association, but the MBt of the Association here was to sustain action of the president. Ma? jor Samuel Walton, of Falbe Mills, who, at a recent meeting of the secretaries of the circuit, insisted this was the best way to secure good racing in this sec? tion. The questions of attractions, adver? tising and arrangement of displays were discussed and it was agreed to take vig? orous action action to make tne displays in all departments the best ever seen on the local grounds. The ?juestion of a Chil ?ren's Depart? ment was discussed at length but de? cided not to make a separate depart? ment for them now, but arrange for ? '? premiums in the various depart? ment to be accorded to children, under sixteen years of age, who would sjbmit Bens of their own work for com? petition, among themselves and not to be juJirt-d by the standards adopted for judging the work of adults in the same MfktS. It was also decided, so far as coul?! be done, to si cure spoe lelists in the various departments to act as judges to insure h fair, imi artial and ju-t judgment of the exhibits Arrangements were made for the paying of the expenses of j'J'ig? s, superintendents and their assist? ant-- sod for this amount to be sufficient to cover the paying of the way of these officers into the grounds as it was the intention to cut down the pass system to a mininum The following were appointed as su nennt. r.dcnts of the various depart Ho s?s : nd Track, C. J. Moss; Cat.le. Sheep un?i Hoga, John Got-e; Agricult? ure. J A. I.-she; Poultry, A. S Gree ver; Minerals and Timber, J. N. Har nmn; Entomology, Dr. Isaac Peirce; Domestic, Mra. L A. Tynes; Needle? work. Mrs Isaac Peirce with Mrs. H. C. Pobst as assistant. Dr. R. P. Copenhaver was appointed marshal; F red Steel in charge of assign? ment of stalls, and W. G. O'Brien as assistant secretary. The meeting was full of enthusiasm and each one felt that Tazewell was the best county in the state and deserving of th?' verv best fair and left with the determination that each individual of the committee woeaM use their utmost endeavor to see that it had such a fair. temp?rance Lecture. A large crowd, c eosidering tr>e othe? attractions in >ur city, greet? : Sin . I M R-ipp, of StM**s*M*ad*)ah, v the Ms n ?treat Methodist church h r Tuesday e?ening to hear her : d ?ress to th?? Woman's Christian Temper.. Union. Mrs. Ropp captivated her audi? ence?handsome in appearance, witb graceful g??stures, a well modulated de? livery, and an earnestness in the mes -he hud for th>- people of our little city?she rn^dr a lasting imi.r s no: her liudience an 1 a cali for tutor? s r erice while ?n the town thai ee?< i staggered one ?fss ear noel in ihi'?ause Ooyesterdaj mor %.T?dar. to the pupils ot Miss Boar? n'l p ivste school. A 4 i 'clock in the aft araoon snotLe r se rvice was : eid at the Methodia' church at d aitaio in the eve? ning at ? o'clock ?Rev. E. E Wiley giving up his prayer-meeting appoint? ment that she might have another op? portunity to deliver her mt-*sageof t?-m perance to the people. This morning she will address the pupils of the high s boot Mrs R h.p ia a n-itive of W s'in: ton county, the ?laugh er of Major Horten ?tain, "f Wallace's Switch, and no stran ?, as she was on sev? ral occa? sions i he guest of Rev. J. oir.ss Mow bray and R v. H. M Fju'h h the time they wore serving charges in tbe county. Paint and "Paint." Paint itself costs $2.lo pergsJkm lember that Lim oolj tfl 00 per gallon, and that "Pa i reeds -"r usv consist.? of 1 p ?rts Paint end 3 parts OU. Cons-f; leur!; pain that y?'U should buy Paint and Oil SKPA?ATEI.v mix them yours -If sad .- ? M' e 16 cents per gallon. There y L. ?J? M. Paint (prepared in s> mi past?- form) mix thr-;e quarts cf Oil i carli 1 gallon L ?Si M. and imke -. of Paint ready for use at $1.65 . Call?n J. A.'Gr.ever, Tiz^well, Vs. You will find the bes u.^Bortment of > all kinds of Jewelry at Pooet's that has I aver bean kept in TazewelL