OCR Interpretation

The Roanoke daily times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1895-1897, June 11, 1896, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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Mature Arrayed in Her Brightest
Finds a parallel in every
section of the store. There's a
bright, crisp newness about
the stock, very pleasing to
prospective buyers.
Couple this with the ex?
treme moderation of our prices
and you have a twofold incen?
Our increasing patronage is
proof conclusive that you are
quick to see these things.
Here are some seasonable
selections which have received
marching orders. They'll
move downwards during the
next few days to the music of
doublequlck time. Kindly note
them :
Wash Goods Special.
Thirty-five styles of dainty
Dimities. Full 27 Inches wide;
perfectly fast colors; got a
i2^c yalue. The price is 8c.
Shirt Waist Special.
About 200 of them. All of
the newest and best designs;
made with bishop sleeves and
deep pointed yoke; laundered
collar and cuffs. Compare them
with any waist at $1.25. This
lot may go at 89c.
Sun Umbrella Special.
Fast Black Gloria Silk;
paragon frame; 26-inch; hand?
some assortment of natural
stick and Dresden handles;
cost you in a regular way
$1.25; we are going to give
you a pick of these for $1.
A Muslin Special.
Full yard wide; soft, fine,
even thread; finished for the
needle. Price by yard or piece
while it lasts, 6c.
A Bedspread Special.
Full double-bed size; heavy
crochet; in Marseilles patterns.
You've paid $1 for no better.
These are yours at 69c.
Underwear Special.
Just a case of fifty dozen
women's shaped Jersey Ribbed
Vests; low neck and short
sleeves; made of fine maco
yarn. We tempt you with
these at 10c, or three for 25c.
A Hosiery Special.
Assorted lot of Women's
Stockings; full regular made;
fast blacks and tan shades.
Actual value, i2j4c and 15c.
Price on this lot, 10c.
A Silk Special.
A dozen styles of rich Per?
sian Waist tfilks; all pretty
designs; width twenty inches.
Were $1.25 a yard. For this
occasion 89c.
Black Goods Special.
! A lot of Figured Mohairs;
very popular just now for the
separate skirt; raven's wing
jblack, and rich lustre; width
38 Inches. Price 35c.
French Serge Special.
Twenty shades; all of this
season's importations; pure
wool, warp and filling; width
46 iacheWorth in a regu?
lar way 69c. A choice of this
lot at 42J/3C.
IThe above specials have
seen carefully selected from
:he different departments, and
fou will find the values ex
ictly as represented. We like
0 give you these bargain sur?
prises because we know that
fou appreciate them. You can
juy freely from the lots quoted
I ibove, and with the full assur
mce that they are all under
regular prices.
26 Salem Ave.
Highest of all in Leavening Powcx.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Death of an Infant.
Elmer, the 2?year-old child of W. J.
Updike, died in Bluefinld and will be
brought to thin city to-day at noon. In
torment at Fairview Cometery.
Gone to Graham.
Profeisor Keeley and six members of
the Boanoke Maohine Works Oroheatra
will leave tor Oraham to day to furnlah
music for a german. They will return
home Friday.
Death of Mrs. Avers.
Mrs. Julia Ann Ayors, wife of Bishop
Ayers, died Tuesday at her homo, 314
Third avenue n. e., of consumption,
aired 40. The interment took place in
the City Cemetery yesterday afternoon.
Rast Roanoke llaptlst Church.
Work has at last commenced on the
construction of the Bast Boanoke Bap?
tist Churoh. Tho stone for tho founda?
tion is being hauled and it is believed
that the foundation work will begin be*
foro the ond of the week.
Price Itlackard Killed.
Prico Blackard was killed by a train
at Kenova, W. Va., on Monday. He
was a brother of Capt. Will Blackard,
a passenger engineer on the Radford
division. The romalnB were taken to
Adklns for Interment Tuesday.
R. i. I. Festival.
Tho festival of tho Roanoke Light In?
fantry at Crystal Spring on the nights
of tho 18th, 19th and 20th of June, will
bo very enj">7?.blo und It 1?. bnn?d tho
attendance will be Wrg", as it is held to
enable the Boldier boys to attend the
Confederate rounlon at Richmond.
Episcopal Diocese.
Rev. B. W. Patton and W. B. Stuart,
of Christ Church, snd Rev. Dr. W. H.
Moade and B. II. Illlleary. of St. Johns,
left yesterday afternoon to attond the
council of tho diocese of Southern Vir?
ginla, which convenes to-day and will
remain in session tho balanoo of the
Norfolk and Western Uniform?.
Nathan T. Lewis, ot Philadelphia,
has been hero tbo past two days taking
the measurements of tho many em?
ployes of the Norfolk and Western for
uniforms so that they can obtain them
as required. He %ooa from here over
the Western division of the system on a
similar orrand.
Harry Wards Here.
Harry Warde, the comedian of Bar?
low's Minstrel show, Is In tho city and
will remain for some time. Ho will en
?ertaln the people at Crystal Spring
Park during the timo when the Roanoko
Light Infantry will give their band
oonoert on the nights of tho 19th, 19th
and 20th.
Death of John R. Luck.
John R. Luck, a watchman in tho
shops, diod Tuesday night at his resi?
dence, 313 Seventh avenue northeast,
aged SO, and will bo burled this after?
noon at Fairvlow Cometery. The
funoral sorvice will be conducted by
Bev. S. L. Rico from the United
Urethren Church at 3 o'clock. Deceased
leaves a wife and daughter.
In I'ollco Court.
In police court yesterday morning the
following fines were assessed: Pat Oli?
ver, maintaining a auisance, S10; Mose
Dennis was given six months in jail for
attempting to steal some clothing from
tho bouse of Mr. Dulferwulll on Patter?
son avenuo, and Ernest, his brother,
was given three months in jail,
Mr. Rone Resigns.
Martha Washington College, Abing
don, is minus a president. A short time
since Rev. E. U. Rowe, of Macon, Ga.,
was elected to the presidency of the
college. He accepted, and a few days
ago be went to Ablngdon to take charge
of tho institution. He created some?
thing of a sensation by resigning on
Tuesday and leaving for his home In
M.con. _
The Goose Market.
The goose market to be given by the
Louise Dalby Missionary Society of the
First Presbyterian Cburoh, will be held
this evening in the vacant lot on Roa?
noke street between Churoh and Luck
avenues, next to J. H. Earman's. The
public are invited and an enjoyable time
is promised all who attend. A small ad?
mission fee will be charged.
The Last Meeting.
To-night will be the last of the Oos
pol meetings now being held In the Old
Opera Houao. The meeting will be
addressed by Rev. Dr. Broughton, of
Calvary Baptist Church, and Evangelist
Heath, the sweet Gospel singer, will
sing the song entitled "The Lost Ship."
A largo crowd will doubtless attend the
meeting to-night. If you fall to hear
Singer Heath you will miss a rare treat.
Will Go to Richmond.
The Roanoke Machine Works Guards
will have their second drill for this
week at their armory to-night. Thoy
are getting In shspe to go to the re?
union at Richmond. July 1 and 2, on
which trip Captain Taylor expects to
takn at least forty-one men. Ho urges
all his men to bo present at every meet?
ing so that they may get the benefit of
of the training for the trip. New uni
forms for the men neve been ordered
end will arrive next week. Tbe com?
pany is getting in good condition and
will no doubt make a fine appearanoe at
the oapltol. _
Birthday Party.
A birthday party will be given to*
night at the residence of Mrs. J. M.
Bennett, 514 Sixth avenue a. w., for the
benefit of the W. C. T. U. All who at?
tend may anticipate a good time. Re
fresbments will be served by the young
ladles. The reception will be held from
8 to 11 p. m. _
Haaonlo Officers Kleoted.
The following offloers have been
eleoted in Lakeland Lodge, Mo. 100. A.
F. & A. M., for the ensuing year: S.D.
Barnhart, W. M ; James Bowman, S.
W.; J. W. J. Goff, J. W.; W. L. An?
drews, treasurer; J. A. Swavely. secre?
tary; W. EL ERlofT, S. D.; P. B. Poague,
J. D.; W. EE. Waithall, tiler, The above
oUlcers will be installed on the night of
St. John's day, June 24.
June Marriages.
B. E. Adams was married to Miss
Minnie Smith yeetorday afternoon at
the residence of the bride's parents, on
Fourth avonue n. w., Rev. Leslie
Gooke olllciatlng. Jno. II. Trent was
also marrlod yesterday morning to
Mrs. Mlnta Wllmeth. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. S. L. Rice. A
marriage license waa also issued yester?
day to Hugh M. Mohen and Miss Alice
Chafln. _
A Berlous Accident.
Tueaday night the son of J. T. Mont?
gomery, of 413 Patton avenue n. e , with
some other boys waa following at a
swift run the Friendship Fire Company's
reel. As it wont down Seventh avonue
a dog ran out from a house and in doing
bo tripped up Young Montgomery, who
fell to tho ground Btrlking his head
against tho curb atone. lie was plokod
up and carried homo, where he has since
oeen delirious and It is believed that
Injuries will prove fatal.
1 he District Committee.
The Democratic State committee for
the Sixth district of Virginia will meet
at the Ponce de Loon Iiotol in this city
next Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock for
the purpose of elTecilng an organization
and appointing a time and place for
holding tho convention to nominate a
candldato for Congress for thla district.
Those compoaing tbe Sixth district com?
mitten are S. E. Jonos, of Roanoko; W.
T. Fltzpatrlck, of Bedford county; W.
EE. Calhoun, of Montgomery county; R.
W. Watkins, of Halifax county, and
O. L. Stearnes, of Salono.
Mistake of an Officer.
Tho name of Mr. McSherry, who waa
mentioned In Tuesday's Times in con?
nection with the police court proceed- I
Inga, was placed on tho dockot by mis?
take of one of tho otllcora. It seems
that this gentleman had complained to
the mayor about tho disorder prevailing
in tho neighborhood by reason of Mrs.
Byrd being thero. She had applied for
& warrant to Police Justice Williams for
tbe arrest of tho (irons brothers who re?
fused to issue it. She then went to Jus?
tice Camper and obtained a warrant,but
not for McSherry, but ho was summoned
as a witness in tho case against Mrs.
Byrd,who was arrested on the charge of
running a disorderly house. Mr. Me.
Sherry's name was uaed on account of
it being placed on the docket of tho po?
lice court, alonj; with the others who
were charged with creating a disturb?
ance, by Mrs. Byrd. Be is exonerated
from all blame, and It is believed that
the Gross brothers will also be exoner?
ated If the case ever comes to a trial.
Plana for the Office linlldtng.
The revised plans for tho new general
office building of the Norfolk and
Western railroad arrived yesterday
morning from Philadelphia, and bids
will be received for the construction of
the building at once, and although the
time for tbe closing of bids has not been
arranged, It is hoped that the matter
will be In such a Bhape that the contract
will be let within ten days or two weeks.
The revised plans do not materially
change the character of tbe building or
the material out of which It is to bo
constructed. The plans called for a
building six stories high inolndlng the
basement. The frontage on Jefferson
street remains unobanged, but the
Shenandoah avenue front will be twelve
feet narrower than the original plans
called for. Tbe first or basement story
will be of sandstone and the balance
will be constructed of brick made from
clay on the Ohio division of the road.
It is hoped that work will be commenced
on the new building in a very short
time. _
Italney Taken to Kentucky.
Yesterday morning Sheriff S. K.
Hodgkin, of Clark county, Ky., arrived
in the city from Richmond, accompanied
by Officer Flick, who had gone thero to
see the governor regarding the prisoner,
Billard Ralney, who was lodged In jail
here charged with murder. Sheriff
Hodgkin was armed with requisition
papers honored by Governor O'Ferrall
and Ralney was turned over to him by
the authorities of this city and in the
afternoon he started for the scene of the
alleged murder via Kenova, accompan?
ied by Policeman Park, who at one time
thought he had a sure thing of the S150
reward offered for Rainey's arrest. The
sheriff also carried with him a commu?
nication addressed to Governor Bradley
from tbe Roanoke officials In which
they claim tho reward offered by him,
and trlvo an account of how the Ken?
tucky policeman endeavored to take
Ralney away, which tbe governor of
^mik Send the^Children !
^M^M Whatever They Get Here Will 8e Just Right.
gjp A graduate in pharmacy always in charge.
?wscis^P*1^^*? We make a specialty of prescriptions.
VanLear Brothers,1
?aluiu Ave. nail Jefferson 8t
Virginia has since intimated would have
beun an illegal proceeding. The nolle j
now have every hope of securing there
ward they so justly earned.
Tho Flat Top Output Will I'robably Kearh
l.ooo.ooo Tons.
The Bluefleld Telesrraph of yesterday
lays: The Flat Top field continues at
the head of the list of bituminous coal
producers, the output for the week end?
ing May 30 having been 74,350 tons, as
against 69,203 tons for the preceding
week, showing a gain of over 5,000 tons
in a single week, and an increase of
nearly 205,000 tons in the shipments for
the year, as compared with those of the
aamo period last year.
At a proportionate rate of Increase
the total shipments of coal from the
Flat Top field will oloaely approximate
the enormous total of 4,000,000 tons for
the present year, to say nothing of the
Immense quantities consumed in the
manufacture of coke, and which does
not figure at all in the reports of the
coal shipments
The New River field still retains sec?
ond place, with total shipments for the
year of 1,310,260 tons, and an increase
over the corresponding period of last
year of 141,191 tons, making a total coal
ahlpment for the five months of 1896
from the two West Virginia fields of
2.92G.639 tons?an increase of 340,15".
tons over tho corresponding period of
On the other hand, the three Pennsyl?
vania fields reported show a net decrease
of 21,684 tons for the week, but ono of
the three districts?Beech Creek, show?
ing an increase, which is more than off?
set by the decrease In the Clearfield and
Broad Top dlBtrlntB.
For Sale.
I have two (2) good young work horses
suitable for farm or wagon purpose at
private sale. Can bo seen at Knepp's
livery stable on South Jefferson street
now. A. D. Hatciikk.
ltonds For Sale.
The People's National Bank of
Lynchburg will oiTer for Bale by way of
public auction at Its banking house in
the city of Lynchburg, Va., on Wednes?
day, the 17th instant, at 11 o'clock a. m ,
88,000 of the first mortgage bonds of the
Duval Engine Co.. of Boanoko, Va.
J. W. Ivey, Cashier.
June 9, 1s90.
Okdek a gallon of nice Ice cream
from JoneB. 'Phone 51.
Best dinner. 25 cents ? Borfher's.
Condensed Testimony.
Ciias. B. Boon, Broker and Manufac?
turer's Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies
that Dr. King's Now Discovery has no
equal as a Cough remedy. J. I). Brown,
Prop. St. James Hotel, Ft.Wayno, Ind ,
testifies that he was cured of a cough of
two years standing, caused by La
Orippe. by Dr. King's New Discovery.
B. F. Merrill, Baldwinavlllo, Mass, says
that he has used and recommended It
and never knew It to fail and would
rather have it than any doctor, because
It always cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 E.
25th St., Chicago, always keeps it at
hand and has no fear of Croup, because
It instantly relieves. Freo trial bottles
at Paul Massle's Pharmacy.
The Cafe at Crystal Spring is now
YoST-FouKEK Co. soil lawn mowers.
You can got tho best Insect powdor,
and at the right prices, at 11. C. Barnes'.
"Ho putB up prescriptions."
Washington Heights.
dahcino at the Heights every Tues?
day and Friday nights throughout tho
summer season. Dancing from s o'clock
to 12 o'clock p. m. Reduced rates on
street cars.
Have yon Been our new lawn swing?
Yost-Forrer Co.
Picnics and lawn parties supplied
with ice cream. Bates reasonable.
Jones' Bakery, 37 Salem avenue.
BlOOEST bargaina In harness at Yost
Forrer Co.'s.
If It required an annual outlay of
$100 00 to insure a family against any
serious consequences from an attack of
bowel complaint during tho yoar there
are many who would feel It their duty
to pay It; that they could not atTord to
risk their lives, and those of their
family for euch an amount. Any one
can get this insurance for 25 cents, that
being the price of a bottle of Chamber?
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcoa
Remedy. In almost every neighbor?
hood some one has died from an attack
of bowel complaint before medicine
could be procured or a physician sum?
moned. One or twodosea of this romody
will cure any ordinary csbo. It
never falls. Can you afford to take the
risk for so small an amount? For sale
by the Chas. Lyle Drug Company.
StbawbbBBT Ice cream at Crystal
Spring. _
We are reoelvlng to-day a large
lot of the celebrated
In the following flavori:
OX tail. I QUARTO, 30c CAM,
ItOI II.LON, I tints, 540?- CAN.
chicken GUM.RO J
HAM, 1
TONOUE. I . ,..N
'Phone 152.
206 Commerce Street.
The Season is here for us to clear depart?
ments, and we are doing it with a vim.
The result is: You can buy a number
of lines ofjgoods here just now at a
saving of 25 to 50 per cent.
The ones in a community who are quick to
appreciate a good thing when they see
it are being benefited. How aboutyou?
About Sixty-five Shirt Waists.
These Waists have been $1 00 all
season. We have decided to close
them out, aud have dropped the
price to
50c Each.
Just note this?hnlf of former
price. You'll want to see these at
Another lot of Shirt Waists at
79c. These embrace waists oi best
styles of the season, which have
been $1, (1.25 and some $1.50.
These go at 79c eac h.
We sold a pile of these yesterday.
Can't last Ions.
Silks Cut in Two.
Wo make the hist reduction of
Fancy Silks. This price is bound to
close them at the rate tliey are
Just think of it ! Best quality
Persian or Warp Printed Silks.
Have been 75c, $1 ai d $1.25. We
give you the pick of the lot at
59 cents.
Noi oue-half value of some of
them. Longer you wait the smaller
the assortment.
Parasols to be Slaughtered.
White China Silk Parasols, which
have been $1.25, go at 99c.
China Silk Parasols, lined with
tinted silks in Nile, pink and blue,
which have been $3, go at $2.
Plain lauen Parasols, which have
been $1.50, are now $1.10.
Linen Parasols, fancy silk-liued,
havt been $3.87, arc now $'2.09.
Woven Polka Dot Parasols,which
have been $2.25, are now $1.79.
Fancy Rainbow Striped India Silk
Parasols, have been $2 50, are now
$1 SS.
lllack China Silk Para-o's, silk
lace-edged ruilles, have been $3, are
now $2.
Not many of Ihem, Those prices
will close ihem quickly. >';et here.
tylas^ Our counters are fall of the rarest values you
have ever seen in Dry Goods. See them.
Hats L
Trimmed 1
Free I
oi Charge/
J Hats
I Trimmed
I Free
V Charge,
The Attractions
at our store never c?aso. Values every
day urow ?mit er?while our prices ie
main ihe lowest?quick cash buying?a knowledge of just what is
wanted?quantities never too lar^e for us are the factors that always
secure us the best at the lowest prices.
Our Trimmed Hats are tlio Cheapest Hats in
town an?! there Is daintiness as well as cheap
noss. Unt If the Hats wore cheap before what
are they to-day. for every low price hut tiecii
still further lowered.
Trimmed Hats, K?nnet!? and Toques; come and
see them and select a
98c, SI.50. S2.R0 and S3.50
Elegant designs which heretofore sold at f-.'.V)
to $7.50.
At SI.50.
A special lot of Children's Trimmed Hats
with Daisies, Kibbons, Popple* and other pretty
tlowers, and In untilmmed shapes there's not a
store In town where the variety is Bretter or the
prices more moderate. \o'i can begin almost
anywhere In prices and stop?well almost any?
where too.
f>00 Ladies' and Children's Dress Shape Hats,
all this season's styles, that have heeu selling at
75c and tli will be on sale this week at
23c Each,
U'ack and Colors.
Kine Imported White I.enhorrs for Women and
Children, worth 75c, |1 ami #1.35,
Now 29c, 39c and 69c.
A June sale of a lot of Straw llraidg In all
thades, per yard
There are too many flowers
here - we admit it?there is only
one way to brln*.' you wise
women here to take it away.
This Is the way:
At l2Kc
special clearing sale of spring
Flowers, all the balaiico of onr Kreuch foliage
form?rlv sold at t&C, 75c, *.?8e and 11.35, at lSXc.
P) txiies of the very best Korket Mu-Nots lu a'.l
colors, former prlco ft'.ic, at tajfe.
8 boies of White and Yellow Daisies, former
price Uc and r.ic, reduced to 13Xc.
the latest belts.
leather Holts and Leather covered Hscklcs
with the caulsllp patent brickie. Krem variety of
49c and 98c.
Gilt UrIts that were 7V and 11 25. ten dtrrerent
styles <>t buckles, plain ur Fancy Belting,
Now 49c.
Black 811k Helte with silver. Hold, Oxodlzed
or [Slack [Suckle,
? our i:re*t Kit hoi: salts the past few weck?
have exceeded any ever attempted here. It
seems the way we sell ribbons that they have no
real value.
1,000 yards at the lowest price In the world?
plaids, stripes, warps aud surface printed. Ores
den. Persian, lafTettas and ;>laln taffettas, satin
and km* grain ami double faced satin In all the
choicest colors aud black, IS and 5 leches,wide,
25c Yard,
Instead of -lie, 19a, ;?>c, and ?1.35
A ?Ulkln? collection ot the newest Sailor Hats,
Bell frowns, Kt ??s Crowns and regular Crowns
with ilrims ot every fashionable wUith. silk rib?
bon band, leather sweat, loweat prices in town,
I9c, 39c, 49c,j69c and 98c.
Children's Caps, Bonnets, Hats.
- Children's Poke Bon
f net , ai! over embroidered,
?1'?y)y^_ former jirlces ?1 Jt5 and
Oa*^o.OTff ?1 .??, reduced for this week;
fri-tBvj) your choice In all sizes,
IM 69c
I WW* Tarn O'Sh.tnter lists
I 1 Wb Children's best quality ntav
I \ T" Hau with qnlll trimming,
I IgV-J ?8c SACK,
Instead ot S3c.
M. INDORSKY, Manager. 101 Salem Avenua

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