OCR Interpretation

The Roanoke daily times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1895-1897, January 27, 1897, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079481/1897-01-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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Pains's Celery Compound is Working
Miracles jn Curing Disease.
Panic's celery compouml is working
-miracles in the euro of disease!
So says a recent article by the foremost
medicnl essayist in Boston.
"Nothing shows more conclusively,"
he adds, "the astonishing capability of
I'aiue.'s celery compound than the thought ?
fid, open minded class of people whs use
it and recommend ;t, both in public anil
among their closest and dearest fri -nils
and jelatires. Among us (physicians)
there is no longer any hesitancy in recom?
mending this greatest remer'y without
.stint, of praise."
About the same time tin- above article
was published there appeared in the Bos
ton Journal, the following letter from
David K. Chasser, of 452 Windsor sr.,
Cambridgeport, a suburb of Bostom
"1 take great pleasure in testifying to
the extraordinary merits of L'aiue's
celery compound. For sonic time pasl 1
have been under the treatment ?f two
well-known local doctors, but their
combined efforts proved of no avail.
'?I have been for years a harsh skeptic in
regard to advertised medicines, but hav?
ing suffered exc ruCiating pains in the
A Corcan by the name of Kim, whose
initials were not learned, i- viKicirgthe
Coreans of Roanoke College.
M. J. Ballard, Wo., M. Treadw.iy, of
Richmond, and ('. P. Gorlier, of Waynes
boro, met with ;t narrow escape from
death at the Norfolk and Western depot
?iu Monday night. The passenger train,
which passed Salem at 10:48, had hardly
gone by when a freight came thundering
along on the other truck, and the passen?
gers barely escais-d death. Railway
trains ought to be limited in -speed as
they pass through corporations.
1) T. Blackwell, constable of Cave
Spring, was in the city resterday attend?
ing courts
F. A. Day is able to Ik- out strain, t.fter
two weeks of sickness.
The chemical cngineTecently purchased
by the town council, hat- not as yet been
tested. One of these engines tested a
ihort time ago in Washington kno-ked
all the tice out of the went end of a build?
ing and set the east end on fire. It was
said to have put the fire out in a space
about the size of a box of blacking Let
us have a test of this wonderful $306 en?
Miss Dickoreou, who has been v.siting
at- the home of Capt. C. C. Tompkins, re?
turned to Richmond yesterday.
Worslson Kesv.ler, of Gilt* county, is
attending court.
W. H. Arrington, astudent! >?! Roanoke
College, left last might for his home in
Livingston, Ga.
At the regular ii initial meeAiim of the
Salem Improvement Company then- was
considerable debate with reference to the
future policy ol the company Jong the
line of stricte-,; economy, and also in re?
gard to closing t he a Tairs'of t be company
so as to realize the greatest amount for
the stockholders. .1. w. F. Allemong
was elected iui president of the company
for the next yeir, with a salary of $1,300.
After his re-election as president, he vol?
untarily agreed to m I e- president, secre?
tary and treasurer for the next yctir, at .i
talary of $1,000. Tie former board of
directors were elected, as follows: M. w.
Bryan and Dr. J. A. (bile, of Roanoke
city; James I, i.e;.. of'Lynchburg; J. W.
V. Allemong, l>. ii Strouse, T. J.
?hlcket, W. If. RuthraulV, .1. C Lang
borne and R. Logan, of Salem
According to a celebrated anatomist
there art: upward- of 3,000,000 little
glands in the human stomach. These
glands pour out the digestive juices Whii Ii
dissolve or digest the food. Indigestion
is want of juice, weakness ol gland-, need
of help to restore the health of these or?
gans. The best and most natural help is
that given by Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Natural, because it supplies the mate?
rials needed by the glands to prepare the
digestive juice-. Rccnusc it strengthens
ami invigorates the glands and the
stomach, until they are able to do their
work alone. Shaker Digestive Cordial
cures Indigestion certainly and perma?
nently, It docs so by natural mean-, mid
therein lies the secret of its wonderful
and unvaried -m cess
At druggists, price Id cents to $1.00
jut bottle.
head, which tho doctors informell me
?.cere due to neuralgic symptom-., I deter?
mined to try 1'nine's celery compound, on
the advice of a friend.
"To my surprise 1 found an entire
change going on after taking a little over
three bottles and I began to feel like a
new mau. I have for the past 10 or 12
years suffered from pains in the hack and
other symptoms of derangement of the
kidney- and bladder, and have spent
many sleepless night-- in consequence,
but now I sleep sound, thanks to the
common sense which induced me to trj
Paine - cclevy compound.,! will ever praise
the marvelous potency of) this valuable
medicine, and at any time will be glad to
? give personal testimony at my address,
should any sufferer care to call, as l con?
sider it selfish to keep such a blessing
boused up, and think the proprietors of
1'nine's celery compound deservngof more
thanks than I can convey in word-., for
making me a new man."
A word to other sufferers:
Go [to your druggist for a bottle of
Maine's celery compound, and allow him
to sell you nothing else!
"!'ve done my liest,'' thu statesman -aid, "*o
satisfy mankind:
IVa struggled faithfully t<? laavu self interest
Gould wo run this nation gratis we'll bo liked
wither,c it doubt,
Bui revenue la something that we cannot do
Whene'er 1 tell my plans, (here conn - a mut?
tering fron, tin- crowd,
Wht-ro socialistic leaders hold conventions
long iokI loud.
And midst tho Babel tails this admonition on
my car,
?WV will rahm it to anything except a tax on
? And so obligingly 1 turn tu seek another way
Tu liquidate tier various lull- this government
must pay.
'Jt la tho needless luxurv,' I nosct assure mj
'That ought t<? I?- tin- mean- of gaining uecas
Mary pelf.
These droga which till good people with fore
boilings and complaint
Khali swell thu general coffer a nd he subjected
to restraint.'
but. from tu? nhappies comes a wail of terror
ami regret,
'.Si i.-n what you ?rill beside, but do not tax
our cigarette!'
"And so it g<M*s. Ali slceplcssly ] tosa till dawn?
ing light
Reminds me that another fruit less day begins
its Bight.
Kur averylsidy says, 'Of course tho taxes mu-t
bu paid,'
IJut ovary one insists that au exception shall
bu ninth-.
No mattur what I name, from works of art to
shingle nail-.
One class applauds with rapture, and another
class assails.
No matter how I strive ami scheme, they Hing
it at mo pat.
In unison, tho obi refrain, 'Tax anything bui
Washington star.
A Htraugcr Himself.
The sen was slowly sinking toward
tho west. Dennis Murphy, with some?
thing more than u taste of the "cratur,"
was working his way home alter a hard
day's toil. Ho saw the lurid sun and
stopped as if frightened, dust then an
(dd man came down the rand.
"<>i sha.T.ninfri'tid,"gurgled Dennis,
I "do yoz nioind toll in mo ish that thu
I sun or ish that tint moon?"
"No," growled the old man.
Dennis subsided lor a moment, tie n
began his contemplation again. Hi*
thoughts were interrupted hy some ouu
approaching. Dennis saw that he, too,
was a fellow countryman, hut Dennis
did not Deo that he, too. had seen too
much (.f tin- foaming glass.
"Oi filmy, me fri'nd," he again began,
"ran yon tell me ish that the sun or ish
it the moon,''
" Don'i know, fri'nd," said the other;
"Dim a stranger in these parts misilf."
The Word Parlor.
As Tin- I,ml.es' Home .Inumul ex
plains, tho word parlor in this country
is used moro generally than drawing
room. Parlor i- from the French parier,
to talk, ami is, of course, a very proper
name for the room in winch polite con?
versation is carried on. The phrase
drawing room was originally withdraw?
ing r 00 tu and described the room into
which the Indies withdrew when the
gent lemon wero left at the table. The
? calling ol one's room eitle r a parlor or
I drawing room is entirely a matter of
I personal tnsto.
" SIX MONTHS. 8.00
. 1 3
3 4 0 0 7 8 0
10 11 12 13 14 IS 10
17 18 19 20 21 22 2.1
24 25 20 27 28 80 ?0
81 .
unnvait. I Business iHllic.I4:i
I HViiw. f n?ltortnl Booms. 1S4
A dispatch from Birmingham, Ala.,
says there has been a marked 'increase in
the title of immigration to tue South since
the first of January, and that most of the
settlers come from the Northwest. The
movement extends from the Ohio river to
the Gulf, and the majority of home-seek?
ers appear to he locating in Notth Ala?
bama, Georgia and Tennessee, although
other parts of theSouth are receiving, some
benefit. Trade organizations are giving
particular attention to this business, and
it is plain tint there ought to he united
action in the South looking to closet bus
ines relations with the Northwest. The
present cold spell will do much to turn
the eyes of tanners in the Northwest to
tin- genial climate of the South, and if
the proper steps be taken a steady inllow
of the most desirable immigrants will set
in this direction. An .association of lend?
ing business men of Birmingham, Aniiis
ton, Montgomery. Nashville and other
cities of the South has just arranged for
a permanent bureau in Chicago, where
an office will be opened at the Great
Northern Hotel. It is proposed to co?
operate in promoting the Tennessee oen
I tcunial as a moans of attracting many peo?
ple to this section. Arrangements have
I been made to make the Chicago olllecs
the headquarters for advertising the
South, and calling attention of the bust
I uess men of the North west to the value
and importance ol more extensive com?
mercial and industrial relations with this
section. The advantages olTorod by Vir?
ginia are equal to the best, and the peo?
ple of this State should lose no time in a
I movement to bring settlers hen-. All
things considered, there is no spot on the
globe more desirable to home-seekers, ami
if this fact be fully set forth there will be
a great rush of settlers in this direction.
Let the press of Virginia unite in an
?arnest demand that, our convicts, under
i gootl system and wise regulation-, shall
he taken from the crowded penitentiary
mil pill to work on our country roads.
Let ever1, body who wants bette- roads
mil who desires to place the convicts
where they will do the'most good, rein?
force the pres- by their urgency. And
finally, lei the people assemble in public
meetings and demand a fair trial of a
plan which makes the convict- self-sup?
porting, releases them from cruel and un?
healthy confinement, nut them at hard
labor, and itnprove'our public highways
by a continuous process of the most effi?
cient and economical kind.
Why enlarge the present 'penitentiary,
or go to the heavy COSt^of constlictillg a
new one, with this happy solution of all
difficulties with respect to both roads and
convicts ready at hand: Let leading and
public-spirited citizens every ?here"take
energetic hold of this matter, and push
It.?Norfolk Pilot.
Far from being coutent'witli tin- vast
results already achieved under the civ il
service law. the principal pushers of the
reform for which that law -taints, are
planning for further advance- .uid fresh
conquests. The President-elect has said
that ho backward steps can ^be taken in
this respect, ami hi- record i- entirely
consistent with this declaration. Hence
the reformer- are encouraged to hope for
it continuance in the work of extending
tie-law. They point out that every ad -
minist rat ion silti e t he pas-age of the Pcn
(1 let on act has spread the protective shield
ovet thousands, until there are. out of a
total of 178.000 -daces.'only 1)1,000 ??still
subject to the pernicious activ ity of the
seekers for partisan reward." And what
are the place- thai remain uncovered? Of
the 01,000 yol on: ill the cold, an I at the
merc> ,of the "spoiltnen," ti.i.'? are
fourth cluss postmasters, and most of tho
remaining 24.270 arc unimportant.
Within the past few months President
Cleveland han added about 40,000 to tho
exempt list--a muuillceut coutributiou
? ami ?ur M ugwump contemporaries con?
gratulate Mr McKinley on "a material
lightening of his official bunions" in con?
sequence of his im teed late predecessor's
considerate activity. The Providence
fourual submits that there is yet a vast
amount, to be done, and it points to the
00,725 fourth-class postmasters, more
than two thirds of the aggregate number
of office holders, still subject to tho spoils
system, who are now nwaitintt the ex?
pected onslaught of the Fourth Assistant
Postmaster General and his ax. The
Journal, haviug shown tho President?
elect where bis civil service reform work
can find space for zealous activity, makes
another suggestion in the same general
direct ion, but pertaining to a higher grade
of officials. It feels confident that Major
McKinley might further the cause by re?
fusing to remove Presidential postmas- I
ters now in office unless compelled to do
so by their inefficiency or unsuitability.
The Post has no doubt that Mr. Mc
Kinley will faithfully keep the civil ser- !
vice reform pledge of the St. Louis plat?
form, but it is not yet convinced that he
will meet all the demands of the Mug- i
wumps. It is absolutely necessary for a
President to have the support of his
party. If President McKinley were to
keep in office all the postmasters that
have been appointed since Mandl 1, 1^!W,
he would not have a party behind him.
The fact is the exempting process has
been carried so far that there is little
-pace for its further extension without
exciting implacable hostility. The post
offices have aways been, and -till are. re
garded by ucarly all the people as politi?
cal places in the partisan sense of the
ivord. Whether this is right or wrong,
wise or unwise, it is tt fact, and it is such
a fact that no President could afford to
If the civil service reform organs and
advocates are in need of fresh fields ami
pastures new in which to spread their
work, why is it that they persistently
1 Ignore the glaring inconsistency of Con
I gres- . which, while professing to admire
I the "merit sy.->tem," takes good care to
j keep its own abundant and luscious pat
I ronnge to reward the henchmen of mem
I hers? Tn.it is where our Mugwump
friend- should get in their work. That,
is the wall against which the Civil Service
Reform League should hurl its shol am!
-hell. That is the great citadel of the
?'spoilsmen," 'out the league ignores i?
altogether. - -Washington Post.
Weak, nervous women who suffer fmm
female complaints, irregularities, di
diarges, backache, etc.. get no sympathy
because they "look well." No one but
the physician knows what they suffer,
and no one lint a great specialist in female
diseases like Dr. Greene, '?'?'> West 14th
St., New York City, the most successful
physician in curing these com] Inints, has
the knowledge, skill ami remedies which
never fail to cure. Women should know
thai Dr. Greene can be consulted by mail
free. Write the Doctor. You can thus
get hi- opinion and advice in regard to
your case free. Write now?it may result
in your cure.
Old people who require medicine to re?
gulate the bowels and kidney- will lind
the true remedy in Klcctric Ritters. This
medicine does not stimulate ami contain
no wbiskej nor other intoxicant, but nets
a- a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly
on the stomach and bowels, adding
strength und giving tone t,> the organs,
thereby aiding Nature in the perform?
ance of the funetiou. Klcctric bitter-i
iin excellent appetizer ami aids digestion.
Old people lind it jn-t exactly what they
need. Price fifty cents and if I per bottle
at Massif's Pharmacy.
?My daughter when recovering from
an attack of fever was a great sufferer
from pain in the liack and hip-," writes
Louden O rover, of Sard is, Ky. "After
using unite a number of remedies with?
out any benefit she t ried a bot tie of <'ha ni
berhiiu's Pain Halm, and it has given en?
tire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Iki.lm i
also a certain cure for rheumatism, .-'old
by all druggists.
long my throat was
filled with sores, large
lumps formed on my
neck, and a horrible
ulcer broke out on my jaw,?says
Mr. O. 11. Elbert, who resides atcor.
?2_'d St. ami Avenue N., Galveston,
Texas. He was three times pro?
nounced cured by prominent phy?
sicians, but t be dreadful disease al?
ways n-t timed; In- was then told that
w a s I be
on I yen re
His hair
had ail
fall i' n
out, and he was in a sad plight,
After taking one bottle of s. s. s.
be began to improve and two dozen
bott les n u r e d
him completely,
so t bat for more
I ban six years he
has had no sign
? if tin- disease.
Hook on i he disease ami ii ?'. treatment mailed
frao by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, CJa.
Is a remedy of sterling value. It positively
cures all Bronchial Affections, Cough, Cold, Croup,
Bronchitis and Grippe. You can always rely on it.
DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is indispensable to
every family. Price 25 cts. Shun all substitutes.
Cb?w LANCE'S PLUGS.The Crca!Tobacco Antidote.10c. Oealersor mail.A.C.Meyer & Co.. Balto..Md.
For sale by JOHNSON ?v. JOHNSON, Druggists, Uoatioke, Va.
f ^ " Out of the frying-pan
L V VA mto die fire.'' Take care that you don't go
f J^'irt ~\ that way, when you try to make your
( ' ry\y l washing easier. Better be sure of what
V )\ ) ^>^-/ you're doing.
)jf ) Get Pearline, the original washing.
V ' ) / J compound, the best-known, the fully.
Ill y I proved. There are plenty of imitations
f s'T of it. But even if they're not dangerous
l/j ( __T^S ^2-^=r ?and some are?they're not
\\_^ \ \?SS?!s=i economical.
(/// / y J yislg"^ Pearline used properly, goes
\( (( \ JJ^ farther, docs more work, and
Il'y \y~^\ S saves more wear, than anything else that's
' } / safe to use. sai
-z^^^&?;,\^^^=^z-?~ " *?*
Tl?c I (nah Kplcurc'n Initial Kxperlenc?
With m Chartn? l>Uh.
"I had hourd of dinting dishos for
yean," Baid Smiloy Williams, "but thn
one 1 Bnw for tho first timo floored mo
"I nover thought much about, thn
blamed things, but somehow I supposed
n ehaflug dish was somo sort of concern
that they grated things in?something
t lint rubbed together and mashed things.
"The other night, though, Bolton
and I went into a Madison street res?
taurant for dinner. You know I always
have u sneaking liking for hash of any
kind, and so does BoltOU. Bolton order?
ed turkey hash for two, and tho waiter
brought it on in a swell sort of silver
dish nearly as tall as a cake basket. It
hud a tight cover, and when wo opened
it it steamed Iiho a 40 horsepower boil?
er blowing off.
"I loaded np Bo)ton's plate, and in
the iirst pass at it he took the .skin oft
his tongne, it was so hot.
" 'Just liko these infernal places,'
Bolton growled. ?Anything you've got
to oat la blistering hot, while coffee is
always atouo cold.1
"After awhile Bolton took somonioro
hash and burned his tongue again.
" 'Holy Moses,' ho said, 'what's got
into that hash?'
"1 told him nobody was expec ted to
know anything about restaurant hash,
especially the fellow who was eating it,
but he wasn't satisfied.
"Well, wo kept on eating hash until
we had enough. Ami do you know I hat
hash left in tho dish was hotter than it
was at the start?
"'Well,' said Bolton, '1 wouldn't
have believed my eyes, bur with most
of the skin off my tuugao I've got to
give ir up.' Then lie culled tin- waiter.
" 'Say,' lie said, in a low tone, 'I'll
give you a quarter if you'll tell mo
what in blazes is the matter witli that
" 'Beg puhdon, sah?'
" 'What keeps that hash so all Bred
hot ?'
" 'Why, sali, that's a ehating dish,
"That's how I found out that a chaf?
ing dish is a silver frnit stand with a
lire built under it."?Chicago Record.
A Mlfttttkn Is Often Matle In Trying; to
KntiDoluto Very Plainly.
Many people, and I am sorry to say
Ki me teachers of the deaf, fail to realize
? in practice at least?that speech is nor.
as clearly visible to the aye as it is nudi
blo to the ear, ami think that by speak?
ing slowly, word by word, and opening
their mouths to the widest extent, they
will render the task of the speech reader
easier. As a matter of fact they render
it all the more difficult. A child in
school may learn to understand a teach?
er who months hiH words in this man?
ner, but this ability is of no value to
him when ho loaves school. Indeed per?
fectly natural, deliberate speech in cam ci?
to audurstaud than tho exaggerated
form of articulation which people are
apt to use the moment they know they
uro talkiug to a totally deaf person.
People who dopend entirely upon
their speech reading for understanding
others liavo requested mo, when intro?
ducing them to strangers, not to say
that they were deaf, because they find
it easier to read the lips when tho per?
son speaking is not awaro that ho is be?
ing understood in that way. I have in
my acquaintance a yonng man educated
wholly by this method who travels a
great deal ami picks up acquaintances
on the steamer or on the train just as
people do who possess all their faculties.
1 have in mind also a cungenitally
dcuf girl of I I who is not considered
unusually bright, yet whose speech is
clearly intelligible to strangers after
the first ten minutes, who is intelligent
on tho topics of the day; ami whoso
larger and morn conversational reper?
tory is much larger and more entertain?
ing than that of many young ladies of
20 and over that i have met in metro?
politan society.?John Button Wright
in < entury.
Tim Captain Told Hlin.
An Englishman, touring through
America, weut on board a steamer Into
ono night and on the following morning,
after walking on dock and looking
around him, ho stopped up to the cap?
tain and asked, "1 beg your pardon, but
would you kindly tell me what lake
I'm on?"
"The Lake Huron, " replied the cap?
tain ami turnod away.
Tho Englishman looked puzzled for a
moment, and then, following the cap?
tain, began again, "I beg your pardon,
yon said" ?
"It's the Lake Huron," roared the
captain, thinking the man was deaf.
"Yes, I know," persisted the passen?
ger, "but what's the namo of the lake
that I'm on?"
"The Lake Huron!" shouted the cap?
tain, iiiconsod nt what he thought gross
stupidity, and ho mi ned away to roliovi
niniseir uy failing nt ?no bt "tho hand*.
The Englishman looked^ inoro puzzled
than uvor.
"The luko you'ro ou is tho lakoyou'ru
on. Of course it is. Tho luko I'm on
can't help being tho lake I'm on. What,
importinencoI Lot mo look in my guide?
book. Perhaps that will toll me."
It did toll him, and then tho humor
of the situation suddenly dawned upon
him.?London Tit-Hits.
To Keep Oranges Fresh.
To keep oranges or lemons fresh for
r.ny length of time select firm ones,
wrap each one in soft paper, put it in a
glass jar with whito sand that has
boon proviously dried in tho oven
around eaoh orange and with a thick
layer >iver t in- top.
The wheat fly is said to havo been
nearly as destructive to tho wheat crops
of this country as tho Hessian fly.
In ?.7 days a letter from New York
will he delivered in Hongkong.
A Sl-rioUH Case.
"Mrs. Newly, is it true that your
husband is so very* nbsoutminded?"
"Perfectly. We'vo boon married six.
months, and many" an evening at 11 ho
gets up, takes me by tho hand, tolls me
what a delightful time ho bus had and
would leave if 1 did not remind him."
? Detroit Free Press.
Willing t<> Accommodate.
Fond Parent?How muoh do you love
me, Bobby?
Bobby?Pivo cents' worth.
Fond Pi.rent?Is that nil?
Bobby?No. Yon can make it a dlUlO
if you like. ? N( w York Journal.
One, Insertion. ti cent* p?r iin?,
sutiH(-<|iii,iit Inaerf loua... s oswita p?r line
Dim wt-ett. 20 Orot? per Hun
Two wnefch. ari c*?r?t* per lint,
Ouo month. UOceuia |i?r Hu?
Less Than a Cent a Word i
?nii Mi uus IN ess .man would I.IKK
\_ nicely lurophed room In prlTate fomiiy.
s ate particulars In reply. Address "15 ." cure
Tinici-. 1 "J" St
?\\rANran -oanvas**bim all on ait vnt
VV einistostii household necessities nn ihr
credit system. I.iko Curtains, Cbeni !e Onod-,
flocks, silverware. Unite, etc , etc. Mdrrrs
OA ' El.V ,t FI'I /.OBltALl). Uoanokc, \ a.
12 li :im
month and expenses easily diirlnc this -en
son with us. Why will yon bo idle when such
an opportunity is offered yon. Oood territory
and a line line of goods. STAN IIA UL INSTALL
MEN'l CO., 34 Campbell struct. Uoanoke. Vs.
I the Stone Printing and Manufacturing Com?
pany wl 11 he held in the office of the cempanv at
110. 113, IM North.telTerson street, Itoanokc, Vs..
Monday, February 1st, 1897, at 4 o'clock p. m.
AL. A. 8TONK, Secretary.
! JwN meeting ot the Stooknolders of the lto?
noho Wster l'ower snd Land Company will be
held at office Virginia Bridge and Iroa company.
In the City ot Uoanoke, Va? on MONDaY. FEU
KI'AHY HTJI, IH-jT.?' lOo'elock a. nv, for tbe
purpose of electing officers and a Board of Hirer
l is. and for tlir Iramiaclton of such other biisi
nee* as may come before the insetinc;.
By order of the president
18-td Secretary.
stone work or vitrified brick pavements to bo
laid would do well to rail on or address J.T.
Kelts, the practical contractor aud hnitder Also
all kinds of carpenter work, plastering, painting,
kalsoniining and paper hanging done on abort
notice. All work guaranteed. J.T. KALLS, No.
j lit! Fifth avenue n.r,, Itoauoke, Vu.
aaaagMwnaMawn iif
J. ?rtuiMLTYo?'^er.
tiary ttl.ooi) i'OlSON porninncnt'i'
oured In 16to80 days. Von can bo treated at
homo for samepnen under fame guaran?
ty. If yon prefer tocomo here we will con.
tract to pny railroad fareand hotel bills and
nociiarer.if vre fall to cure, if you have taken mcr
cury, K.-dido potash, and still havo aches ani!
Tislna, Mucous Vit tchos in montn, SoroThrout.
Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
ony part of tho body, lltiir or Evehrov.'s f?lUn?
out, it io this Nccomlary I'.i.ooi: POISON
T?0 (rnaranteotocure. Wo solicit tbo moat obsti?
nat-a cases ar.U chullengo tlio world for a>
easo wo cannot, ?Miro. This disease baa alnayr,
battled tho skill of tho most, eminent physi?
cians. S.100,000 capital behind oar uncoiidl
llonal guaranty. AugtilutnjaroofSBentsealed oc
appbentkon. Addrens COOK REMEDY CC*
an? masonic Touiplo, CHICAGO. ALL.
Encourage Home Enterprise.
T!:e lntest chemical discovery.
Removes Creaso Spotn Instantlv
without injury to the most delicate fabric or color.
If your grocer er drngglstdoeanot keep it apply to
Marshall Chemical Co., Marshall,Va.

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