OCR Interpretation

The Roanoke times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1897-1977, February 17, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079490/1897-02-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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Ho Batter Disciplined School In t?n
bouth Than lha
We give a Systematic Business
Education with English, Math
emat cs, Book-keeping, Short?
hand and Typewriting as lead
firs. Co not forget that we
ho,e a preparatory course
with the best of instructors.
Wa pay especial attention to
\&Sr" Call see our works.
IN RFl<iS4)T OOTOIIKK ?I, isou.
?Jryistn! Franklin I u ?l?rlun
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Norwich. I Vlnton.
7.0 00 I 10 20
nnnnrBl Mnnucrr
tiary liLOOI> FOISOPi permanent^
imrod In 16 to35 days. You can bo treated at
homo for same prlco under FiinicBuiirnu?
I? ty. If you prefer tocorao heron ft will con*
^^?^?^tracttopay railroad fareond botclbllls.nnd
noeharpp. If wo fall tocurc. If you have taken mer<
cury, iodide potash, and still havo aches and
fains, 31 neons Vat chos in mouth, Soro Throat.
'Imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
xny part of tho body. Hair or Evoli rows fall In r>
out, It IB this Secondary ItLOOO POISON
we Ruaranteo to cure. Wo Bolicit tho uio.it obsti?
nate cases and challenge the world for a
Mise wo cannot core. Thin dlsenso has alwnvs
t)>i filed the skill of the most emincut physi?
cians. SnoO.OOO capital behind our uncondl*
tionft.Ijrunranty. AbsolutejoroofHsentscaledoo
application. Address COOK REMEDY c?J?
303 Maeoulo Temple, CHICAGO, JI4?
'Oly Hold 'Untbug.
A story is told of tin eminent legal
practitioner who was afflicted with dif
iiculty in pronouncing his aspirates
ninny years ago. He had n particular
dislike to ti late lord chancellor who had
published a book of hymns. Upon see?
ing iiis rival enter the court on 0110 oc?
casion he was overheard to mutter,
"'Ere '<? conies, 'umniing 'is 'yinn
tunes; 'oly hold 'mnbug, 'o\V I do 'atu
?im!"?Westminster Gazette.
For All Practical Purposes,
"My friend," said tho traveler with
tlie skullcap, putting bis head out of
the car window as the train stopped at
;i desolate looking village, "what is tho
name of this dried up, God forsaken
??That's near enough," responded th?
dejected citizen who was leaning against
the little red .shanty that served as tha
railway station. "Let it go at that."?
Chicago Tribune,
New York, Feb. 10.?The improvement
in political iifTairs abroad 'and sharp re?
covery in American ^securities in Ltttdou
hud a strong influence on the'early trad?
ing on the exchange to-day. The higher
cables were accompanied by buying or
ders in Northern Pacific, St. Paul and
Louisville and Nashville. 'This added to
the bullish sentiment. Local operators
who were free sellers yesterday changed
front and their purchases bad much to
do with t he advance of I 1 2ll3 1-2 which
followed. Sugar was the feature and
lltrured for V.I.IOO shares in a grand total
of 17?,?8U shares. The price opened at
113, rose M l ? S. mid left off at 11 1 3-8.
The result of the Lexow committee inves
tigation up t > date has been to create a
bullish sentiment on tbe stock. A rumor
that a decision in the Wool son-Ar buck lo
case will be in favor of the sugar company
led to purchases.
Late in the day the report was current
that ('laus Doseher and others formerly
interested in the refining business at?
tracted by the profits made by Cue con?
cerns outside of the American company
intended to construct a plant in t be in igh
bor hood of Hunter's Point. The other in?
dustrials were weak for a t ime but later
improved in sympathy with Sugar.
Railway stocks advanced mnuderatcly
and were firm throughout. A good de?
mand prevailed for the high priced issues
anil Lake Shore rose 1 ? S to 154 3 S and
Consolidated Gas to loOalOS. The
strength of Consolidated Cas was due to
rumors I hat there would be no adverse
legislation at Albany this year. Man?
hattan stock was pressed for s:?le and fell
to 80 1-2 of reports of an impending re?
duction in the dividend.
Western Union dropped 1 1-2 and later
rallied to 82 :! s It was decided that the
governing committee'of -lock exchange
at their Meeting "to-morrow will take un
the question of ticker service. An im
portant contingent desire to stop the dis?
tribution of quotations as now con?
ducted. The Western controls an impor?
tant part of the ticker service. Specula?
tion was strong. Net changes show ad?
vances cf 1-4 to "2 1-2 per cent. Consoli?
dated Cas. however, gained 3 1-2 percent.
Roods were strong and hi eher to-day.
The sales aggregated $1,587,001).
Treasury balances: Coin, $124,801,280;
currency. $57,728,000.
American < 'otton Oil. 11
American Cotton Oil, preferred.. ?2
American Sugar Refining.114 :5 s
American Suizar Refining, pref... 102 1-2
American Tobacco. li^ 1-4
American Toliacco. preferred.102 1-2
Atchison . 54 8 8
Baltimore and Ohio. l? 1-4
Canada Pacific. 54 1-2
Chesapeake and Ohio. 17 1 1
Chicago Alton.102
Chicago, Burlington andQuincy.. 74 7 8
Chicago Gas. 7H 3 4
Delaware, Lack, and Western. . . . 153
Distilling and Cattle Keediiig.
Krie. 14 1-2
Erie preferred. 04
General Klectrlc. 34 5-8
Illinois Central. 03
Lake Erie and West. 10
Lake Krie and West, preferred. . . . Gil 1-2
Lake Shore.154 3-K
Louisville and Nashville. I!? 7-S
L. N A &C. _ 1-4
Manhattan Consolidated. 87 7-8
Memphis and Charleston. la
Michigan Central. 80
Missouri Pacific. 21 1-2
Mobile and Ohio. 21
Nashville, Chat. & St. L. I'd 1-2
1". S. Cordage, preferred.
New Jersey Central. IMI 1-'-'
New York Central. 03 1-2
New York and New England. :''7
Norfolk and Western preferred.. . 17
Northern Pacific.. . . . 14 1-2
Northern Pacific preferred. 37 5-8
Northwestern. 104 1-8
Northwester! preferred.I'd
Pacific Mail. '1~> 1-8
Reading. 25 3 4
Hock Island. (Mi 7-S
St. Paul. 75 3 4
St. Paul preferred. 132 3-4
Silver Certificates. til 3 4
Tennessee Coal and Iron. '.'7 1!
Tennessee Coal and Iron, pref... . SO
Texas Pacific. 0 14
Union Pacific. . 71-8
Wabash, St. LTand Pacific. 0 5-8
Wabash, St. L. and Pacific, pref'd. Hi 3-8
Western Union. 82 3 8
Wheeling and L. K. 1 *. s
Wheeling and L. K. preferred.... 0 1-2
Alabama, Class A. 105 1-3
Alabama, Class it.103
Alaluimn, Class c.
Louisiana Stamped 4's. 00 0-4
North (Carolina 4's. KM
North Carolina li's. 122
Tennessee new set 3's. 7 7
Virginia 0's, deferred. ?
Virginia Trust Receipts, stamped <i
Virginia Funded Debt. 02
United Stales 4's, registered. 1110-4
United States 4's, coupon. 113
United States 2's. 05 1-2
Southern Railway .'?'s. 80 7-8
Southern Railway common. 0 1-8
Southern Rnilwav, preferred.... 28 1*4
North Carolina 4 I 2's. 104 1-2
1". s. (new)4's, registered. 133 08
U. s. (new) 4's, coupon. 133 1-2
New York, Feb. 10,?Money on call
easy at, 1 l-3al 8-4; last loan at 1 1-3, and
closing 1 1-2 percent. I'rimo'merenntih
paper 3 per cent. Kar silver 64 5 8, Ster?
ling exchange steady with actual business
in bankers' bills at 4.85a4.85 I-1 for sixty
days and 4.87(4.87 1-4 fo niemand. Post
that's Easy
>e ruinous, perhaps. Plenty of
will save work in washing?if
don't mind more or less harm
to the clothes. But if you
do mind it, and want to
l>e sure that you're not
^ )) running any risk?then
get Pearline. Pearline
has been proved, over and
j over again, to be absolutely
harmless. It saves more
or cleaning house, than any
You can't afford to use any
ns grocers wi'.l teil you "this is as good as"
IT'S FALSE?i'carlinc h never puddled
Is you : :::scthing in place of i'carlinc, hi
ed rates 4.88 l-2a4.88. Commercial bills
4.88 l-2n4.84 1-2. Government liouds
higher; State bonds dull: 'railroad bonds
strong. Silver at the board was steady.
Chicago, Feb. Pi?Wheat worked its
way back to where it was prior to the
fright caused by the Cretan situation.
The news from Europe was more peaceful
and m an indicat ion of the absence of
alarm at Liverpool had lost its advance.
British consuls were higher, recovering
the slight decline of yesterday. The mar?
ket opened from 8 ?! to 1 cent, under yes?
terday's (dose and declined another cent
during the session. There was a steadier
tone near the close, "shorts" covering
freely and holders ul puts buying against
their privileges, May wheat opened from
74 1-2 to748-8, sold between 74 5 8 and
TU ? 8, closing at, M, i l 4a1 8-8c under
yesterday. Cash wheat was weak and
lal I-'Je luwur.
Coin?The retrogression in wheat had
the effect of weakening corn dnriug the
morning and the decline then made [ailed
to lie recovered later. There was some
buying yesterday on the war talk and the
coin then accumulated sought a in rket.
Prices declined in proportion to the ad?
vance attained yesterday. May corn
opened at 28 '?'< 4, declined to 23 ?'? 8a28 1-2,
closing at 23 1-2 bid, :! Bill-2 under yes?
terday, ("ash corn was steady at yester?
day's decline.
Oats having liencdtcd by yesterday's
bulge in wheat were, in the natural or?
der, adversely governed by the weakuoss
which prevailed in the leading market
this moruillg. May oats closed l-4c lower.
Cash oats were quiet and steady. A large
excess in number of hogs received this
morning over number estimated carried
prices lowei.
Provisions were weak in sympathy and
were likewise depressed by the "weakness
of wheat. May pork closed 17 1-2 lower;
May lard 7 l-2c lower, and May ribs 10c
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat? Open Close.
February . 7:? 731-3
May. 74 3-8 74
.inly. 70 1-2 70 1-4
September. 08 8 4 (IS 3-4
Corn ?
February. 21 5 8 31 8 8
May. 28 3-4 281-2
duly. 24 8 I 24 8-.S
September. 20 1-4 2? 1-8
February. Kr> 14 7-8
May...". IT 10 7-8
duly. 17 3 4 17.-?s
Mess Fork, per bbl?
May. 7.112 1-2 8.871-2
July. H. 10 8.(12 1 -2
Lard, per KM) lbs
May . ?.03 1-3 3.02 1-2
July. 4.02 1 2 4.00
Short Kibs. per 100 lbs.
May. 4.05 4.C2 1-3
July.4.15 4.10
Washington, Feb. HI.?The Postmaster
General today gave out a statement
showing the gross receipts of the thirty
largest postoflices for the month of Janu?
ary 1807 as cotnparcd'with that of same
period of 1800. The total receipts for '
January, 1897, wtre :$2,830,0ll, and for
January. 1800, $2,044,354, a net decrease
of $104,448. The eight largest .-.dices, 'n
eluding New York, Chicago Philadelphia,
Boston, St. Louis, San Francisco, Cincin?
nati and Brooklyn, show decreases in re
ee'tpts. The receipts of the Post Oflice
Department is considered a good indica?
tion of the prosperity of the times and
this statement showsa general depression
of business, in fact the decreases for .Inn- ;
nary of this year have been the greatest
for some years.
Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. Hi.?The Mer?
chant's National Hank, of Jacksonville,
closed its doors )this morning. Capita'
1000.000. .lohn L. Marvin, president: II.
T. Barav%, cashier. Officers refuse to
make any statement.
New Vork, Feb. 10.?Magistrate Cor?
nell, in the Centre street court, thi
morntng, decided that he had jurisdiction
to sit as a magistrate on the case of .los.
A. lasigi, the'Boston consul general of I
Turkey, who has been arraigned twice
before him lor examination on the charge
of cmhe/.y.lcmcnt. The magistrate sen'
lasigi to the Tombs without, bail to await
the arrival of requisition papers from
I It may be worth something to know
j ;hat the very best medicine for restoring
the tired-out nervous system to a healthy
I vigor is Electric Hitters. This me,!
I is purely vegetable, acts by giving lone
! to the nerve centres in the stomach,
j gently stimulates the liver and kidnej -
and aids these organs in throwing of] Itn
! purities in the blood. Electric Hitters
i improves the appetite, aids digestion and
is pronounced by those who have tried it
as the very best blond purifier and nerve
tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or$l per but
tie at Masste's Pharmacy, 100 Jefferson
Beautiful plates, cups and sane srs,
fancy china. Gravatt 's Fair, Salem ave?
"1 have given Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a Ofalr test ami consider ii
one ol the very best remedies for croup
that I have ever found. One dose has al
ways been sufficient, nlthotitth I use it
freely. Any cold my children contract
yields very readily to this medicine. I
can conscientiously recommend it for
croups and colds in children.
Yours respectfully, GF.O. E. WOLFF.
For sale by II. C. Harnes, "He puts U|
A Michigan Magistrate Who Slakes Wed
<Hhi;h Iii? Specialty.
The people of Lapeer, Mich., thought
they were having lots of fun with Mr. E.
C. Roberts when they nominntctl him for
Justice of the peace. Mr. Roberts la one
of the mo>t prominent nun in the place,
and the idea of his running for tin-most
Inslgutllcuut ?fllcu seentetl highly ridicu?
lous to the jokers of Lnpccr. Mr. Roberts
took it as a joke, too, hut on election day
every one voted for him. and ho was elected.
Now. Mr, Roberts has a tine sense of hu?
mor, and, although ho is a bank president,
he decided to assume all the privileges and
K. f. ItOHKItTS.
duties of his new oftlco. Pinding that ho
was authorized to solemnize marriages, he
made the tying of the hymeneal knot a
specialty. By charging only the legal fee
of SI for his services and by advertising
liberally In the local papers Mr. Roberts
has secured almost a monopoly of the busi?
ness, and couples come front ail over the
county to lw united in lady bonds. The
ministers do not. like it a bit. but that does
not trouble Mr. Huberts.
His letter heads, on which ho now con
duets all his correspondence, are unique.
He has them printed in red Ink. In the left
band corner appears his portrait, under
which is the title, "The original and only
exclusively mat rimonlal ma gist rate." Oth?
er legends to be found at the top of the
page are as follows:
'? Marriages Holcmnl'/.< d promptly, accu?
rately and eloquently. Plain ceremony,
legal foe; osculation, extra."
"A line line of high grade bridesmaids
and groomsmen constantly on hand to as?
sist in the services."
"Elopements a specialty. Night calls
answered without extra'charge. Considtn
tions free."
"Oftieos at the elevator or First National
bank parlors or wherever most convenient
to swains.
"N. II.?My anti-hhish-lne is wan-anted
effective and will not injure the most deli
cute c implex Ion."
Gave Himself l'p to Servo n NIm-ty-iiInc
Vear Sentence.
Wat Heed, the farmer of Platte county.
Mo., who was sentenced to Mil years in the
penitentiary, went to Jefferson City and
delivered himself to the warden at the
stau- prison. He was sentenced for killing
his neighbor. Newton Wlnn, in the court
room at Platte City.
Heed was out on bond when the su?
premo court of the state decided, bis case,
atlirming the sentence of the lower court.
He read the decision in a newspaper while
in bis room at a hotel. He picked up his
valise, walked to the station ami started
at once lor the penitentiary. An hour
later, when the otlleers arrived to arrest
him, be was gone, and the supposition was
that be bad become a fugitive.
The two farmers were neighbors near
the village of (Jrayson, and both were rich.
They quarreled over an affair of business
and became enemies. A lawsuit full ' .-, d.
and the bitterness liotween them cuhuinttt
i d in the fight in the courtroom, ?In n
Reed shot, Wlnn to death, lb- emptied his
revolver al his enemy, one of the ballets
grazing the chock of the judge on the
Heed refused tn spend his fortune in de?
fending hinisclf and leave Iiis family pen?
niless. He had thousands of dollars in the
bank when he was nut on bond anil might
have hidden,himsclt in a foreign country,
but refused to go.
The Cigarette In I'arls.
Nowhere is the cigarette smoked as
much as in Paris, not even in Spain, that
classic hind of the impel de hllo 'I'ln- pure
Parisian maybe recognized by the fact
that he only smokestho cigarette. Wheth
era man of fortune, with the means of
purchasing the fullest llavored regalias of
the mildes I partages, or a man of the poo
pie to whom the pipe Is mord convenient,
us he can hold i; between bis tooth while
be works?to wd inte vor class he may liclong,
und whatever good reason he may have for
preferring something different, tho Pari?
sian always remains faithful to his plain
tobacco rolled up in a piece of paper and
rolled up by himself.
Let that point ho unfed, for one of the
charms of the cigarette is to make i: one?
self, to feel it take form and consistency,
gradually becoming firmer, more equal,
soft and elastic, rustling, crackling and
softly gliding between the fingers which
caress it, fondlly.
The greatest attraction in the clgaretto
is to smoke it without its ev. r Ix-ing com?
pletely made, for this second point must
be noted in particular, The real smoker
of tho cigarette never wets his paper or
gives to It a definite form, but continues
to roll while smoking it. ? Paris Letter.
"'"?IfflPi.1 1 11
?tec table Preparation lor As -
lin? live Stomachs and Dowels cf
Promotes Bigestion.Chcerl ill?
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
l?rtpc *rOM DrS IM 21 /?COT/?
J'ujnn/.tn Sn' L ~
silx.Sama * J
/fonUl/t Salts -
Anist Sen/ * 1
/{ppermint - j
.Iii CartarwltSjtLi * I
IfamSccd - I
(livififd XuiTfr ?
UihJt/yrrr/iV7arjr J
a perfect Remedy for Constipa?
tion, Sour S to m:\cU.Dumhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
uess and LOSS OF Sf.LEiT.
Facsimile Signatare of
O&storla is jiTtt. cp in cr.o-sizo oottbo only. 1t
id net eoM 5:i balk, ?.>u't allow nnyeno to ss'.l
you anything c:?'> cn tho ple.1 ">r promise tL.it it
\i ''just ai cool" und "will r.r.sv.cr overy pur?
pose." -C-?- Sc j that you tot C-A-S-T O-R-i-A. 1
Vital Force, Time and Money Economized,
Life, Vigor, Health, Wealth and Happiness
Nature Provides More for Life Than Death.
If there Is no local agent for the Oxydonor "Victory"
in your neighborhood, send your order direct to j. M. Gam
hill & Co.. Roanoke, Va.
Price: $75 for the No. 1 Improved, and $2G
for the No. 2 Improved.
Send for Book of Testimonials.
T. UVT. 0--^^EEZIL,IL, cSc CO.,
Wholesale State Agents. ROANOKE. VA.
; A- Brumfoiiutfli having had conidrtnrnhlo experience in Applying the Oxydonor and very
e)ncce*?fo| on almoei all elaiee* of dlfeieea, troth old and young, und being city agent tor the
oxydonor ??Victory" will deliver emu to any home ami give tualractlonti bow io urr it. Also
ll?vtng uxydonor* on hum! Iiu wil1 ror.l t'lem to purlieu ny the weck und i;ive hia personal ttt
tentlou bo us to ?et beet rcsultH. No. 411 First Ave. N. W. it wbeieyou will ilnd Mr. Hrorubaugb.
Don't Hide Without
& a repair Kit.
POND'S EXTRACT is unequaled
for quickly healinc: all kinds of WOUNDS,
Hub thoroughly with PONJD*S EXT It ACT after
cverj/ rule to keep the lunacies supple, pliant, strong.
?VOiO SUBSTITUTES Weak, Watery, Worthless.
POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Avo., Now York.
J. h. ANliHEWS. J. B. Fivuburxi, m
Vtco-f reeldent. Cashier.
B. '.v. Tinsloy, Teller. N. W. !?hri'.>->. Bookkeeper. Kirby C'rablll. Homier.
VV. 1". McWhorter, Bookkeeper.
a T. T. Kishucrnb.
\L President.
K xohauge II ul Iii i n u. Corner .lollci son St. and Salem Ave.
CAPITAL, $100,000. SURPLUS, $20 000.
P Inlncnnl fjJ on Depoiut? on I'ertlilcHtc. Surety Deposit lioxes for Ren*. KI re und
\ llllKl cSI rdiU Unix'lar Proof Vaults-, ete. We ^oll-tt. the a. count* of Individual*.
corporations, tlrms, banks and banker*, und we will extend to all
accommodation and facility for t!:e lran?actlon of business conri.teut with consorva
^ live hanking. Small uccouiiu approclatod. Unolne** piper diecoimtcd Tor customer*. A
W general banking bu*lnrr>* transacted
?WThTC?,^ *ffB^<r*?ir^ttT8H,^E The, only ?afo, ouro cnr>
Ask for SB. MOTT'o PENNW.OYAL PII.IS and tivko no other.
PtT" Send for circular. Price -U.Ul) ptr box, ?> l>oxc? lor 85.0C.
UK, MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. - Clevolund, Ohio.
For sale by OHAS. D, FOX. aoa 1ko^KVl\K?>

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