OCR Interpretation

The Roanoke times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1897-1977, March 05, 1897, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079490/1897-03-05/ed-1/seq-8/

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Fit, Finish,
Wear, Price . .
v'rilioifs "Wilo's" clothing from
vny standpoint you like, il is the
nearest approach to high-priced
euitoni work ever attaiued in
men's ready-m ule apparal. We
want the stylish dressers of lloa
ijokc to eon e ie and fee to what
sporieclion the art of elo'h'R-mnk
iog ha> nltxiued. -Wile's"
clmhiog is ti^ltt, frum lining to
buttonhole, and if you t uy a suit,
snd it disappoints ycur expedit?
Bring it Back
And Get Your Mousy.
Kr7"Onr Furii'slilns: flon'd* Uepart
nient far Gent Icon n Is Compute.
Successor to .!os. t'obn.
Jefferson and Campbell Sts,
North, Ivist. south, West the 11 iwcr of
flours is "Pilisbury's Best.*'
Costs a little moi-e than any other be?
cause it is worth more. And i; makes
ruore bread, makes whiter bread, makes
(letter bread. Your grocer may tell you
(Something else is ujust us good," but it
Bartsook Building, Market Square,
a?e You Insured ?
5* ire,
Coming and Going.
'1'. M. CaUlhnn and v.ifo, of Colorado,
ami Samuel Walton, n ^coal operator of
West Virginia, were at Hotel Koanoku
H. L. Hart, of Williamsport, Pn., was
a guest at the Ponee de Leon yesterday.
A. Watts, of Lynchburg, was among
the visitors to the city yesterday.
Mrs. Joel Daniels, of Martinsville, is
Visiting her sister. Mr. K. L. Moir.
11. F. Dickinson, of Greenbrlor, W.
Va., was in the city yesterday.
Ralph Ringham, the hoy orator and
violinist, was in the city yesterdy fora few
hours en route toBliickSburgund Marion,
where lie will given Vuitertininents.
J. W. Waynlck returned yesterday
from an extended trip through the coal
S. ti. Harris and wife, of bristol,
passed through the city yesterday en
route to Basic City.
Miss Hertie Myers, of Vicar's Switch,
is visiting Mrs. Lynch Uiirdinerat No. HI
Third street n. e.
Indian Blankets.
Planke! collecting is nuocf Iho diver?
sion.; of the oflicers* wives who follow
their husbands' fortunes to western
forts. In New Mexico among the Nnvu
joes these blankets are curious products.
The designs are original with each
worker and arc interesting imprints of
individual impressions. One displayed
1)3'an army woman, lately returned from
a considerable stay at a fort near Santa
Fo, has black trains of cars wandering
over its red ground. The Indian who
made it evidently admired the sweep of
a railroad train anil reproduced itso far
as possible in the blanket. Another in
the same collection has a queer mixed
bonier of scrolls and figures without tip
parout relation and still jumbled to?
gether in a soil of harmony. This, the
present owner relates, was admired by
a friend of hers, and in consequence a
reqnest to duplicate it was made of its
maker. Cut the old squaw promptly re?
fused. A papoose of hers bad died while
the blanket was being wrought, and in
her simple reasoning the two facts were
effect and cause. The pattern had be?
witched the baby, and no inducement
could coax a repetition of the work.?
New York Post.
Frankly Explained.
"I believe [ saw you coming out of n
rnmshop this afternoon," said the Rev.
Mr. Wilgus.
"I guoss you did," said the parish?
"On business, I hope?"
"No. 1 will be candid with you. 1
went in to get a drink. You see it was
this way. I had a plugged quarter pass?
ed tin me.''
"Ami there are only two places a man
can get rid of a plugged quarter?a
church and a saloon. And of course I
didn't want to pass it on the contribu?
tion box."
' 'Ah!"?Indianapolis Journal.
Is not nccessa
some of it is ?
thin sheet of
wood paper:
is to be subj?
great deal longer. Wood paper can be t
mind, we do not say it is cheaper. It may
once or twice?but after being folded sev<
break in two. You can notice this in woo*
and the liability of bursting in the mails i
rag stock. We furnish either grade?but
wood pi ice.
mnv. i. m o
U0-I2-M Nwrh Jefferson .street
enntintteO I'roiu first |>?ro
"No," said Mr.'McKinley with an em?
phasis that indicated his fixed determina?
tion, "I have concluded that the best in
terests of the country demand that we
should get to work tit the earliest practi?
cable moment. Ten days will intervene
between the cnl' and tb"t assembling of
the Cougress mid that will be sufficient
to enable members to reach Washington.
I will issue tho certificate for the session
I have recei red a car of saoh, doors, and
blinds, bought when the price was the
lowest ever reached in the history of the
manufacture of these goods. You know
what this means. .1. 11. WILKINSON.
We have :i bargain in two second hand
upright pianos for this week. .1. k.
LtOGKKS a: co., No. ll South Jefferson
st rcet.
? <s> o <? -<? O- Q>- o- Ov o
A ^
\ I 27 Srtlem Ave. S. W. &
$ 'Phone 19S. f
irilv good because it is thick and heavy;
lade of wood stock, and some of rags. A
rag paper is better than, a thick sheet of
it will fold better, take ink better, and, if it
cted to a good bit of handling, will last a
urnished at a lower price than rag paper;
serve for a blank that is to be used only
?ral times it will crack at the fold, maybe
1 envelopes?the edge will appear rougii,
s about two to one, when compared with
we cannot furnish the rag fjrade at the
NC, PrcslCcnl
I.Y? SNOKI*, \iuntNw
??hu11 iin? <l frum llrHt pane
Mr. Cleveland Tshook hands with Mr.
McKinley, and passing [directly through
the mansion, entered u carriage in which
("apt. Robley Evuna and Commander
l.aiuberton were awaiting ' him. There
were no formalities'about his leave-tak?
ing, und had it not been lot the presence
<if General Wilson, chief of engineers, no
one but the President would have said
good bye to him. General Wilson assisted
him, and he waved farewell pathetically
to the policemen and other attendants ;as
he was carried away to the light house
tender Maple, which will take him to
Currittick Sound. President McKinl?>y
stopped but a moment to inquire after
the welfare of his wife, and then accom?
panied by Senator Sherman he walked
briskly to the reviewing stand, and the
par.nie again took up the line of march.
Washington, March 4.?The absence of
Secretary Olney from the group ?>f Cabi?
net officers who received the President?
elect before starting for the Capitol this
morning was much noticed anil gave
rise to a rumor that at the last, moment
a break in the friendly relationship be
twoen President Cleveland and his Secre?
tary of State had taken place. This ru?
mor, which could not be verified, repres?
ented that Mr. olney had demanded Con
sul-Gcnoral Lee's recall from Havana and
that the President had declined to accede
to the Secretary's wish.
Mr. .lames Jones, of the drug linn of
Jones &* Son, Cowdcti, 111., in speaking
of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that
last winter nis wife was attacked with
I.a Grippe, and her case "rew so serious
that physicians at Cowdcti and Pann
COtlhl do nothing for her. It .seemed t<?
develop into hasty consumption. 1 laving
Dr. King's New Discovery in st?r?-, and
selling lots of it, : he took a bottle home,
and to the surprise of all she began to gel
better from first dose, and half dozen
dollar 1 tot ties cured her sound ami well.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump?
tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
do this g<)od work. Try it. Free trial
bottles at Mnssie's Pharmacy, KM) .Toffer
son street.
Your grocer is like your doctor, you've got to TRUST him,
tiusthlni with your HEALTH, ami incidentally with your
noukol-book. If you get hold of ouo who thiuks of your pocket
book to the detriment of your health, you'd bellsr drop bim
quick. Wo make btal'-hy customers by selling lliein wholesiuie
kood, and Nutislicd cu&louiers by charging theui fair prices. No
mustv orders ubout our store. CLEANLINESS IS OUR
HURRY, nod prompt delivery is a special effort. Fltib Hoe of
Cukes ami Uruckers just received, bulk and package*; Arrow?
root, Saratoga Chips, Albert Biscuits, Uralmiu Wafers, lite.
5 ST. CL^
JcnVrHon Street
line 111.
C. F. BLOUNT, Manager.
Tlio Only First-class Hoiih? ?n Town.
Electric Dalits and Hell? iu Kacli II.
Newly Papered and Painted.
Capacity 100.
J. J. COX, Proprietor
Baggage Transferred Free, ., ,. Opposite Passenger Depot,
rap Also We Have Recently Attached to Our Hotel a First-class
Jfo Lunch Counter That Will Flease The Most Fas
tticlious. Our Specialty is York River
Oysters on the Half-Shell.
A>k Your
for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any other
Injurious drug,
it le quickly absorbed,
(fivea Kellet ut once.
It open* avl clciiti-ct?
the Na" '1 PuiSnCls.
Allay:1. loflsnmstl in.
Heal? ard Protect? tlio Mein" I e
Pentes ot Tsste snd ttaaell. Foil siz
size itvs nt Drwrsltts or by mull.
RLY Ii IK ?TU Kits, SO War.-tu .-trcct
rtorci? the
.Vc; Trial
MAMTArmtKll i OF
Building, Fire i Paving Brick.
Capacity 40,000 Per Day.
Fresh lot of Califoruia Tangerines and
seedless oranges and pears jost. received
at CATOGXl'S, the confectioner.
Write l?ir Prirox to
G. R. PIERPONT, Salem, Va,
Fashionable Dress Goods galore! Up-to
rta??- -.tuff is lit-iiitr displayed at our conn
t.cvs in great' variety. At 25c, the noiv I
checked suitings, HO inch, the correct I
' hing.
Ai 50c, Ladies' Broadcloth for Spring
wear, in tlie pretty new mixtures, 54
Ar I-2c, the new Luce Plaids and ?
checked suitings.80 Inch. At 25c. Ladies' j
Cloth, all flue wool, in the m-w Idea mix
r tires, 38 inch.
At <T. l-2e, the new Checked Suitings
for separate skirts and Norfolk jackets,
? IS iiiflu
At 50c, the new Checked Suitings for
Hi palate .skirts, 42 inches.
At Ill '. 2c. the "New Idea" Mixed Suit?
ing, :C4t!cd bicycle suiting, the great fa
vovit e. 88 inches.
At Wie. itic new things in ?-.?salt and i
Pepper' Invisible Checks and Silk ami I
Wool Mixtures, ?VI inches.
At 6c, the new "Sliltaild Pepper" Nov?
elties In silk and wool, :;s inches.
At We, Black and White Shcpehril
Plaids, 80 inches.
At 80c, Black and White Shepherd
Plaids, 42 inches,
200 dozen Window Shades, best
opaque shade, (impervious to the
light), best assortment of medium
and dark colors?best spring rol?
Plain, 25c each.
Heavy Tassel Fringes, 42c.
For big values this department
mere than maintains its usual en
And still they come, each day adds its
Viable repUtatiOlli | quota to the already large stock of "Black
We merely wish [to call your attention
bo ofii big new Hue of corsets for spring.
It. includes all the wearable ones. We
? an ft: any figure, in any size.
We have a lot of about 10 dozen good
-Vic corsets that we desire to close out to
make roam anil to discontinue tie mal c:
sizes 23 to JO; balance will go for niilyJ'.Oc.
One case beautiful satin striped Nain?
sook, always 10c, for only 8c yard.
Fine grade Satin Stripes, 12 l-2c.
Prcttj white figured Marseille-, usually
','()<?, now only 12 I .e.
Beautiful white ligured ^ Pique, linen
finish, only I V.
Heavy white ligured Marseilles, the
regular 25c grade, now 20c.
Heavy b'runch Welt Pique, usually 20c,
only 1 7c.
fifty pieces finest loug Cloth. 12 yard
lengths, only $1.50 piece.
fine English Nainsook,"12 yard pieces,
36 inches wide, usually $1.75, "only $1.35
First-rate grade Nainsook Check, only
fie yard, wort h 7c,
Big value in H> inch India Linen at
12 l-2c, worth 17c
White Organdie, two yards wide, us?
ually :!7 I-2c, only 25c.
At 12 l-2c, beautiful Lace, striped In
ilia Linen, worth I ic.
Beautiful doited Muslin with lace I incbt
stripes, at 20c yard.
Beautiful white conleil rind check Dim?
ities, new line ju-t opened at 12 l-2c, lie, '
20e and 25c.
New line line Sheer India Linens, Sc.
10c, 12 I-2c, 17c and up. Thirty live dozen men's White fnlaun
Lonsihiie Cambrics nt 75c and 98c apiece dored "Shirts, made of llrst class muslin,
(12 yards I t good linen fronts and bands, patent stays.
I leant ii
At s; i -.'e, the new "Estral," 50-lnch.
At Si. n Hei.- thing in fancy "Granite"
Suiting of special desirability for sepa?
rate -kirts. ."ill inches.
At 35c, the new "three-thread" Gran?
ite?right up-to-datt?is inches.
At si, the new "Ktamlne," one of the
great Parisian favorites, 50 inches.
At $1, the new and popular English
i 'anvas, 50 inches.
Atolle, the new all-woof'Canvass 48
At s|, Priestley's Silk Warp Poplin,*n
late thing, 12 inches.
At $1.25, Priestley's Silk'Warp Crepe
Cloth, regular value $1.50, width 42
i itches.
At $1.25, Priestley's Improved Silk
Warp "Eudora," usually $1.50, width 48
AtaOc, fifteen pieces line Silk-finished
Henrietta, well worth 75e, width 311
Have you bought that new
You should see the new things
Big values without end in the
Black Dress Goods Department.
India Linen, '?!'.' inches wide, only
yard, ot hers get 8c lor it.
full size and length, an honest ROe shirt,
ami there are none lietter: these ?!)c each.
Dig cut in Bromley's Smyrna Rugs,
Now is the time to buy them.
Door size, 16x80 inches, ?5e.
Bureau size, 22x44 inches, $1.12 1-2.
Sofa size, 27x52 inches, (others get
$2.25, only $1.40.
Large Sofa, 80x56 inches, (worth else?
where $3), only $1.08.
Extra large, 36x08 inches, worth 75,
.1 ust opened a case of iicclcbrated manu?
facture full large size, 81x00 inches, 1) out
of 10 dealers get. a dollar for this mate;
good big value at 75c each.
Of those elegant $1.25 counterpanes,
there arc but III left: they will be closed
out to-morrow at$1.00 each.
A beauty in a big Marseilles counter
pane, well worth s:'>.."il>, for only $2 50.
Pretty Japanese drapery just from the
Celestial Empire, real Jap. designs, only
10c yard.
Small, to be sure, are the items named
below. Yen use them every day. There
is large saving if you buy them at. our
Full quart bottle best Household Am?
monia 10c.
Largest bottle sewing machine oil, 5c.
Sanford's Loyal Black Ink. Ic.
Elite Borated Talcum Powder, sprink?
ler top, 10c.
Holmes' fragrant Frostilla, life.
Brown's French Shoe Dressing, Sc.
Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder, 19c.
Colgate's Dental Powder, He.
Hoyt's Kit hi foam, 22c.
?'?1711" Glycerine Soap, 15c cake, 42c
Cuticura Soap, 17c cake.
Pears' Glycerine Soap, 12 I-2c cake.
Packer's Tar Soap, 10c cuke, 50c box.
Colgate's Day Hum Soap, 25c box.
Colgate's "Guest Koom" Soap, 87 l-2c
Colgate's Green Castile Soap, -"ic cake.
Colgate's Turkish Hath Soap, ?50c
1-2 pound Bar French Glycerine Soap,
Pure Olive Oil White Castile Soap, Rc.
"DalryJ5Buttermilk" and "Green Cas?
tile"' Toilet Soaps, 8 cakes for 5c.
??Sweet Maiden" is a fine toilet soap,
large white cake, 11c box.
Link Steel Purses are the fad just now,
long chains, silver finish, 50c.
( hatelaine Shopping Bags made of black
anil brown Corduroy, these ire the latest
novelt/, $1 and $1.89.
Silk Watch Guards with sterling slides,
only 25c.
Whisk Brooms
22c and 25c.
I0e, 121-2c, 17c, 19c,
In belts we Hre showing a big line repre?
senting the latest and correct, ideas. Be
sure to see them. 17-, 10c, 22c, 25c, 20c,
:t7 l-2c, 89c, 17c ami 80c,
One-pound package good linen writing
paper, 10c.
One package (25) square 5-inch Envel
opes, -Ic.
Long envelopes '". |-| inch, 2 packs (48)
for 5c.
Waving Irons, 15c.
Curling Irons, 5c.
Shoe Blacking Sets, 'brush, dauber and
box French blacking, 10c.
Shaving Brushes, 10c and 15c.
Cast Steel Shears and Scissors, :i 1-2 to
8-tnch, 25c.
Shell Side Combs, 5c pair.
100 yard spools Black Bilk, 25c dozen.
Prima'Donna^HairCrimpers, 10c dozen.
finishing Braid, colored and white. 4c
finishing Braids, all sorts, '5c, 8c, 10c
12 l-2e and 13c.
Chinese Laundry Wax, 3c a stick.
fancy Shell Hair Pins 5c dozen.
Heavy unbreakable Rubber Comb-, q.
inch, regular 25c sort ft/ 15c.

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