OCR Interpretation

The Roanoke times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1897-1977, May 04, 1897, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079490/1897-05-04/ed-1/seq-8/

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-This is a good place to come
-?when you want a new suit
-kok youu boy. i have the
-stylus that look well and
?weak well.
The Little Fellows
-Claim a uig slice ok my at?
tention'. When thkv become
-men i expect them to give
-BOYS will uk HOYS, AND
with and without vest.
?nc-1'rice 4/Iothicr,
Successor to Job. Cobu.
Csmpbefl Avounc. ROANOKE, VA.
Elias Lisfortl&Son,
The Pioneer Agents.
Represent the largbst foreign and
American companies.
Twenty years'experience as agents and
adjusters; also issue surety bonds.
Office: KMUcllVrNoii Street.
THE FIRST WARD.?At the request
of many friends, I announce myself a can?
didate for the position of Councilman
from the First ward, and respectfully so?
licit your vote iu the Democratic primary
election on May the 5th next. Respect?
fully, J. II. CUTCHIK
Strawboi ry Ice Cream made of fresh
Strawberries at J. J. Catogni's.
Breakfast 25 cents; dinner, 25 cents;
supper, 25 ceuts. Meal tickets. $4. I
am using Armour's Chicago meats,
which are the best. J. J. Catogni's res?
Coming and Going,
Mrs. E. W. Wright ?ml children, have
returned from Lynchburg.
Miss Annie and Claire Gray, who have
been visitiuu friends and relatives for the
past week, were called home yesterday on
account of the illness of their brother,
Marti Gray.
" Miss Bettie Ewald. Raughtor of Hon.
Charles Ewald, of Wytheville, is! in the
city as a guest of Mrs. M. 'C. Wiutter, at
her homo on Salem avenue.
T. T. Fishburne returned ^yesterday
from a visit to his old home at Rocky
Mount. Ho was accompanied on ^hls re?
turn by his aged mother.
' W. P. Penn returned yesterday from a
few davs visit to Rocky Mount.
Geo. W. Ramsey returned yesterday
from au extended trip North.
J. T. Lawless, secretary of the com?
monwealth, accompanied by" his wife and
child, spent Sunday at Hotel ^Roanoke
and left yesterday for Pu'.askl.
P. L. Terry left yesterday to spend a
few days on his farm near Glade Springs
in Washington county.
W. S. McClanahan was so indisposed
yesterday as to bo unable to be at his
J. S. Sheppard, of Stauntor., is in the
city and will clerk for Caldwell, Sites &
J. M. Waller, stamp clerk of the South?
eastern Tariff Association, spent Sunday
in Lynehburg.
Cashier Moore, of the Lynehburg Na?
tional Bank, was in the city yesterday.
W. W. Byars, of Wytheville, passed
through the city yesterday returning
from New York.
E. Wile returned yesterday from New
York, accompanied by bis wife and child
They will stop at Hotel RoanoKe.
Mrs. M. Mahaffey and daughters,
Misses Mayme and Iddic.of Net? Orleans,
are visiting Mrs. C. II. JVinOS at Hotel
S. 1). Rice, of llaymakertown, is in
the city.
.las. Goodwin, of Flncastle, was in the
city yesterday.
M. H. Duersoii, of Lynehburg, is on a
visit to relatives in Roanoke.
A. G Sherman, of Luray, was in the
city yesterday.
Dr. J B. Taylor, of Salem, passed
through the city yesterday enroute to the
Baptist convention at Wilmington, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. E Moore, of Tlagers
towu, are visiting Mrs. C. W. Fortune,
of this city.
Wo sell genuine Deep Rock Water -at
our soda fountain. Johuuou & Johnson.
1147 Salem avenue s. w\, says: "I suffer?
ed with a bullion for five or six ydars and
could find no relief until I tried Skill
man's 'N. P.' com, wart and, bunion
cure, which gave immediate relief and has
entire'y removed the bunion." Price, 15
cents per bottle. For salo by .Van Lear
Bros., Druggists.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c. Sold by Sam Stona, Roan?
oke, Va.
Maybe our Presses haven't been taxed to
their capacity during the past two weeks I
Yesterday we started a run of 165,000
impressions; tomorrow we start another run of 120,000 im?
pressions. That doesn't look like they would be idle for
several weeks yet?as a matter of fact, they seldom are idle,
and we have about a dozen, too. Our work and prices must
The Stone Printing & Mfg* Co*
EDW. L. STONE, President.
110-112-114 North Jefferson Street, ROANOICE, VIRGINIA.
We 1
J J and brine it to my six>re on Jeffer- *
i > sou street and it will he accepted <
< ? as FIVE PER CENT, payment ou <
J J any bill you may make. J
Gov. Johnston, of Alabama, 'Promises
Them Protection in the Future.
Montgomery, Ala., May 8.?One night
last week some religious partisans in
Jackson county carried into the woods,
stripped, and severely whipped two Mor?
mon elders. The elders subsequently ap?
pealed to Gov. Johnston for protection,
representing that they had been threat
ened with death if they remained in the
The governor has promised to protect
them, and has instructed the sheriff of
the county to make them his specia'
charge. The governor says the constitu?
tion of the Suite guarantees religious lib?
erty, and that Che Mormons aro entitled
to it. Moreover, that the elders teach the
Bible and refrain from preaching or prac?
ticing polygamy, and the fact that they
believe Mormon to have been an inspired
writer should not lay them liable to per?
Washington. May 8.?The following
nominations of postmasters were sent to
the Senate to-day: Johu M. Griffin at
Fredericksburg, Vit; Samuel Yost at
In a pair of my shoes and then you will
know what shoe comfort is. BACH
tRACH, Salem avenue and Jefferson
Our price are always special, and wc
can at any time meet competitors botli in
prices and grade of goods. We do
straight, legitimate business and give
good values. J. E. ROGERS & CO.
If you once use it you will never again
be without it. Pond's Extract is nature's
own remedy for aches and i>ains.
$1,000 Cash
Is a great deal more consolation than a
pile ot nahes and a lot of rei;ret9 after your bouee
has barned down. Insure at once. Don't put off
uritil to-morrow the l.isaranco you ehonld bo
carrying to-day.
Lawrence S. Davis,
Insurance, Cuuipbcll St.
River Continues to Rise and Crowds
Flock Along the Levees.
St. Louis, May 3.?The continued high
water has excited a great amount of in?
terest, as was evidenced by'the enormous
crowds that flocked to the river front to?
day. The river continues to rise, mark?
ing 30.U feet in the morning and 30.03
feet at 4 o'cclock this afternoon. i i
At a number of places along the levee
the railroad tracks were under water.
The Terminal Association,whose tracks
are partially under water, express no un?
easiness ovei the situation. One of the
officials stated that it would take Ovo feet
ot water before all their river tracks
would be submerged and that they had
engines which would work in three feet
of water, and therefore it would take a
rise of eight feet boyong the present stage
before their company would be inconven?
Cadiz, Ky., May ?.?Uri Wright, 'one
of the wealthiest tobacco buyers of the
State and popular in Western Kentucky,
suicide ! by shooting himself last night in
front of his dance's home. No reason is
The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the
following in regard to an old resident of
that plnce: "t^rank ?IcAvoy, 'or many
years in the employ of the L., N. A. & C.
Ry. here, says: "I have used uhnmber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem?
edy for ten years or longer?am never
without it in my family. I consider it
the best remedy of the kind manufac?
tured. I take pleasure in recommending
it." It is a specific for all bowel disor?
ders. For saie by H. C. Barnes. "He
puts up prescriptions."
HOAN?Kk, VA., April 80,IBM.
Messrs. St. OUlr Brothers, Roaooto, V?. ... . . . . ?...^
. Gentlemen :-We are compelled to withdraw the privilege* heretoforei ic?M?a
yon and tho public lu gettlug water front our Aetna Lttnla Springs, for the reason
that these privileges hate tieun abused by a number ot porjons. Tnls we nave to 0.0
In justtco to tboso people who still desire to neo thle water lor medicinal purpoaee.
We hereby offer yon the airency ror the sale of this water in lioanoke, Va.
Hereafter the coet ot thle water will b- 10? per gallon. ???,??? .
Wo have nccopted the agency and will deliver this justly famous water
to your house free so far as the delivery is concerned, making it oost you
only 10c per gallon, amount charged us by the owners of the spring.
We will continue to keep this water on tap, ice cold, at our store freo
of charge.
Sellers of tho Best Groceries.
Ill Jefferson Street.
'Phone 111.
C. F. BLOUNT, Manager.
' The Only First-class 99 Bouse In Town.
Klectrlc Lights ami Bell? In Kaeli Boom.
Newly Papered aud Painted.
Capacity loO.
J. J. COX, Proprietor,
Baggage Transferred Free,.,,. Opposite Passenger Depot.
Also We Have Recently Attached to Our Hotel a First-class
Lunch Counter That Will Please The Most Fas?
tidious. Our Specialty is York Rivt?r
Oysters on the Half-Shell.
Minister to Italy Under Harrison and
Once a Power in Indiana Politics.
Indianapolis, Intl., May 3.?Ex-Gov.
Albert G. Porter is fatally ill at his resi?
dence in this city. Two years ago the
venerable man sustained a severe fall,and
since then be has been confined to his
room almost constuntly.
Gov. Porter was minister to Italy under
Presidout Harrison, and at the zenith of
his career was a big factor in Republican
politics of Indiana.
To night Iiis physician does nor think
he can sutvlve long. He is 74 years old.
For all your troubles take Mayapple
Tonic liver pills. For a spring tonic, take
Stone's Sarsnpartlla, 75 cents per bottle,
as large as Hood's, and guaranteed to bu
as good. SAM STONE,
Druggist, 112 Salem avenue.
Bread, Rolls.Ciunamon Huns,hot every
evening. J. J. Catogni.
Rates: $ I 50 to $2. Elegantly Furnished.
Strictly First-Class in All
Merchant's Hotel,
(.Formerly Hotel Lee)
Roanoke, Va.
Tiirek Squares from Union Depot, Cor?
ner Salem Avenue and Com?
merce Strekt.
Equipped with Modern Conveniences;
Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Elec?
tric bells, Nice Rooms, Baths
and Toilets. Polite. Prompt
D. Z. MERCHANT, Proprietor.
That it's values we are still talking about?values we give to all?big values? bigger values than you
get at other stores, you'll admit. Thousands of good people have admifiecl it. Our neighbors in the
business won't deny it. Save your money, you'll need it some day Buy all you need, of course,
but buy of the house that always gives back most change.
That's our way of treating people?give back a handful of change.
Corset Wonders.
"When you have glanced at the wonder?
ful values here you'll wonder how we
over bought them so cheap. No matter
nbotit that?the customer gets the benefit
us usual.
One case of ladies' summer corsets,
heavily boned and well made, perfectly
shaped?you couldn't complain if we
charged you fiOc for them?here's the
wonder, only 25 cents.
One case of ladies' fine summer cor?
sets?a good 50c corset in every way?and
you'll find no better?they are here tins
week for only '61 1-2 cents.
Mosquito Net.
The skieters'' may not trouble you
now, but it's lly time, and that gives one
the horrors. A few pieces ot net will do
the work tor flies
Best grade net, 7-1 width, in all colors,
put up iu 8 yard pieces, only 5 cents a
yard, or 35 cents a piece.
Hosiery Specials.
While the department is brim-full of
good th rigs, ami every item worthy of
special mention, we name but two speci?
One case of holies' "Hcrriisdorf" black
hose, 40 gaugc.Heaniless, spliced soles and
heels, as fine in any 25o stocking: the pos?
itive value is 10c?see them this week at
12 1 2 cents
One case of ladies' "llcrmadorf" black
hose, warranted -1-thread Maco, double
soles and high spliced heels?this we be?
lieve to be the bust stocking we. have ever
olfercd for the price, 25 cents a pair.
Sleeping Robes.
Big liae of gents' night, robes for the
summer now ready. Lots'of solid coih
tort boxed up?let us turn it loose on you.
Gents' fine cambric night, robes?will
warrant you have been asked 75c for this
sort?greatest value you ever saw at 50
Gents' cambric Trohes, trimmed, at b7
l-2c, actually worth 50?.
Kxtra grade muslin robes at 48 cent-;.
' Boys'night, robes, made of good mus?
lin and trimmed, 25 cents.
Ladies' Gauze Vests -Specials.
The season opens with values in this
department that break the record. The
great sale of ladies' summer underwear
is now going on.
One case of ladies' ribbed gauze vests,
such as you have doubtless been asked sic
for?here only 5 cents each.
One case of ladles' bleached Swiss
ribbed gauze vests,, taped neck, excellent
quality, worth lUc?here by w?y of intro?
duction, for only 0 1--1 cents.
One case of ladies' line Lisle Thread
vests,silk taped around neck and armholes,
looks just like a 50c vest, and worth it.
too?these are to go for only 25 cents. *
One case of children's gauze vests, witrr
long sleeves and high neck, sizes Hi to 20,
excellent vine here. Hie to 1!) cents each.
Note Paper.
We want your writing \ apcr t rade
Already cur customers are numbered
by the thousands, although this is cpiite
a recently added department.
500 pounds of line note paper.plain and
ruled, put up in one pound packages.
If you buy 10 cents worth in the usual
way, you get" about, one-fourth of a
package or /ess?then why not get a whole
pound for only 10 cents?
Ladies' Neckwear.
Linen collars and culls of all the ap?
proved shapes, all the "fads" of the sea?
son, as well as all the standard styles are
here. .Sorts to suit fat necks and lean,
short and long?bring your neck with
you, our salesladies will do the rest.
Collars, 12 l-2c and 17c each.
Cuffs, 17c and 25c a pair.
Ladies' changeable Taffeta band bows,
22 cents.
Ladies' plaid silk baud bows, 22 ;ents.
Black satin,with red dots baud bows,
22 cents.
Black and white shepherd plaid band
bows, 22 cents.
Black faille band bows, 25 cents.
Ladies' black satin shield bows, 1!)
25 dozen ladies' assorted" "club" ties,
in fine silk, quite pretty, 22 cents.
White lawn string tics at 10c, 12 1 2c
and 25 cents a dozen.
Silks! Silks!
Such values you have never before been
called upon to encounter. Department
re-stocked for this week's trade.
28-inch heavy black peau de soie silk?
if von want a very handsome silk skirt at
small cost, don't miss this chance
worth $'1 a yard?our "quick work" idea
makes it 75 cents.
28 inch tine black Jap. silk for waists,
the 59c sort, 50 cents.
lili inch black Jap silk, very fine, only
75 cents.
18-inch genuine Shantong pongee silk,
a very excellent quality,instead of :i!)c it's
25 cents a yard.
21-inch black brocade s^tine, in the ex?
quisite large designs for separate skirts?
you'll lind the quality very superior to
what others are showing for 75c?and our
reputation to back this ;statement?ex?
tra value at 75 cents a yard.
21 inch Huhtitai silks, in the dainty
stripes for waists, a very excellent qual?
ity, .just, such as you have paid 50c for
formerly?they are here 37 l-2c.
24-inch black satin ducltessc, a very
heavy and extra quality for skirts?un?
usual value at si u yard.
28 inch printed Jap. silks for waists.
Some gems among the new ones, very fine
quality, worth exactly 50c?the "quick
work" idea makes them here only 50
21-inch moire velour for a hai'dsome
silk skirt, the $1 it yard grade,on Monday
only at 70 cents.
21-Inch moire velour, the $1.25 kind?
on Monday only, in onler to close out, 98
Sox Specials.
One case of gents' fast * tan 1 2 hose,
.seamless. If you don't find them in
every way as good as yon uet elsewhere
at 12 l-2c bring them back and uet your
money- they will go like a Hash, so cn 1
at once, 10 cents a pair.
Fifty dozen gents' tan and Balbriggan
1-2 hose. Von can place those beside any
you can find at 17c, and if you are not
convinced that ours are as good, bring
them biuk?our price, 12 l-2c.
Gents' black socks, with white feet, for
summer, the best- of the 25c ones,as usual
a little less here?our price, 22 cents.
Dtess Goods Specials.
Wo are clearing away many important
lines right now in the heart of the sea?
son?giving our cutomers the benefit of
August prices first of May.
One lot 40-inch novelty checks, all pure
wool, quite pretty and just in stylo, our
best 50c line?down they go to 39c?they
are rapid sellers, so a prompt call is ad?
vised?remember the price, 30 cents.
40-inch plaid poplins for hot weather,
have been 50c,down to 39c?pretty things.
Seven pieces 42-inch fine French beige
mixtures, iu all the popular colorings?
your grandmother had a aressof this sor'?
before tho war and it's good yet, worth 75
cents a yard ?in order to make quick
work they are 50 cents.
Ten pieces 3fi-inch Mohair ;n navy
brown, garnet, actually worth 37 l-2c?
call promptly and get it for OUly?19
Navy blue wide wale diagonal, for sep?
arate skirts and reefer suits, 44-inch, a
big favorite (only two pieces left) worth
02 l-2c nil the time?revalued in order to
make quick work. 50 cents now.
46-Inch navy blue combed wool diagonal
for separate skirts," instead of 75c, only
02 1 -2 cents.
Jewelry Corner.
We have made a big purchase of jew?
elry. There- are iu the lot collar buttons,
link cuff buttons, shirt studs, hafcy pins,
and shirtwaist sets. Great big values
09(5 ladies' and misses shirt waist sets,
gold, silver, pearl and enamel: also black
and black and white sets; this big lot
divided into six lots at 8c, 10c 12 l-2c,
1 To, 19c and 25c n set. Come in at once
and select what yon will want for all sea?
Moth Balls.
Moths are pesty little things. In a day
or two they can destroy valuable articles
iu the way of clothing, overcoats, plush
and seal garments, furs, blankets, etc.
Camphor balls are proof against them.
Supply yourself at mice. Three pounds
for 10 cents.
Try Camphor-Crystal tue, only ^10 cents
a hux.
ladies' Waists.
Our magnificent line of waists is now
ready. Nothing but words of most pleas?
ing approval are heard from passersby, as
well as purchasers, all day long?ap?
proved by everybody; they are faultless.
New materials, new sleeves, new collars,
new cuffs, in fact.every new idea that ap?
plies to shirt waists is represented.
A case of percale waists, with laun?
dered collar and cuffs, the usual 50c
sort?now on sale at 39c. Be quick if
you want to get in these.
Finer ones of all sorts and shades, 59c,
75c, $1, $1.25, $1.39 and $150.
Pretty Ribbons.
There are so many pretty things in
ribbons this season, we can't name them
all. We sell you ribbons like we do cali?
coes and muslins?for a little profit, and
let quantity make an for the small mar?
4-incli silk and linen gauze "ribbon,
with pretty silk stripes of all colors, only
30c. a yard.
3 1-2 inch fine silk gauze ribbon, hav?
ing tiny satte stripes, 30 cents.
4-inch fino silk gauze ribbon, with'tlny
satin stripes, and having one hroad satin
stripe in tho center, 15 cents a yard.
Among the White Goods.
This is the busiest department you ever
saw, eternally crowded with busy buyers.
Lovely French organdies are one of the
big attractions now?here only 25c
29 pieces more of the very fine shser
organdie, and this is the last lot we can
possibly get, so come at once?otlieis .are
new getting 18c?ours are 12 1 2c.
40-inch dotted muslin for curtains,
12 l-2c.
Kuflled muslins for curtains, 18c and
Tamboured muslin for curtains, 10c,
12 l-2c, 18c and 25c a yard. ;
50-inch Swiss novelty nets for handsome
curtains. 42c, 50c and 59c a yard. |
Lovely checked white dimities, the 17c
sort, are hero 12 l-2c.
Another big line of India linens, extra
values, 8c. 10c, 12 1 2c, 15c.
Finer ones at 17c, 20c and 25c.
White organdies.
Colored organdies.
For the Table.
5 pieces heavy bleached, all
damask, 58-inch, now 3'Jc.
3 pieces heavy all linen cream dam?
ask ?tho regular 50c kind?now only 42c.
10 pieces extra heavy bleached damask,
German manufacture, great value at 59c.
J< pieces same, fc-l-lnch, at 05c.
10 pieces (10-inch Turkey red damask,
the 25c sort, reduced to 21c.
4 pieces extra heavy Turkey red
damask, oil boiled and warranted to wear
perfectly, (54-inch?only ode?actual
value 59c. 54-inch patent knitted mat?
ting, to put tinder the table linen, the
greatest tiling of the kind on earth, 73c a
54-inch extra heavy table felt for same
use as above, 50c.
25 dozen heavy all pure linen, 3-4 nap?
kins, special at $1.12 1-2 per dozen.
20 dozen heavy and very Una linen doi?
lies, bleached?the best ?1 grade?special
at 75 cents per dozen.
New things are daily arriving. Home?
spuns, ducks and tho like.
3G inch linen homespun suiting?posi?
tively worth 20c. A commissloii'mnn
offered our New York buyer a lot of 80
pieces at a very low price, and they were
promptly taken, so you get the benefit of
tho 5c, for they are here only 15c.
25 pieces new duck suitings for skirts
and reefer suits.very stylish, 12 1-2 cents.
Tho new covert cloth for separate
skirts, 12 l-2c.
Pretty Plaid Windsors.
_ 25 dozen fine silk plaid Windsor ties,
51-2x3(5 inches, square ends and hem?
stitched, very pretty, worth 33c?here
they are. only 25 cents.
Kid Gloves Again.
Our kid glove department has again
been thoroughly re-stocked. Our llht>v
present is second to none in ^the Sthte.
Competent helpers to insure a good fit.
Wo call special attention to the new
and attractive lino at $1 a pair.
All the newest things are represented.
Button, hook and clasp fastenings.
Black, white, assorted shades of brown,
I mode, tan, red and butter.

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