OCR Interpretation

The Roanoke times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1897-1977, June 11, 1897, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079490/1897-06-11/ed-1/seq-8/

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The Pioneer Agents.
Represent Mio largest foreign nnd
American companies. * }
Twenty years' experience as agents anil
adjusters; also issue surety bonds.
Commercial Nationul Bank Building,
Ground Floor.
We have a nice lot
of Split Bamboo and
lance Wood
That we wish to
close out at cost.
Our cost is as low as
cash can buy. See
our line and prices
on Hammocks.
Hardware Dealers,
CiT* Agents for Fairbank's Scales.
? Parties desiring to borrow money
in small loans ranging from $200
to ?G00 from the Lynchburg Per?
petual Building and Loan Com?
pany on improved Ronnoke city
?real estate will call aud file appli?
cations with
J. W. BOSWELL, Agent,
\10h .TcfTcrson Street.
Greece has met \s itb a great defeat and
can be literally wiped from the f;?co of the
?arth by the use ol Crystal Spring or
Magic City soap. Send twenty wrappers
to your grocer and get a cake of either
brand free of charge.
Our prices are always special, and we
can at any time meet competitors both in
prices und grade of goods. We do
straight, legitimate business and give
good values. J. E. ROGERS & CO.
Coming and Going.
H. D. Lafferty. vice-j resident of the
Hull Coal and Coke Copmany, returned
yesterday from a trip through the East.
Misses Russell and Annie Eakin, who
have been sick for some time, continue no
J. S. Shaner, the Salem avenue horse
shoor, is con fined to his room by sick?
E. Booue, mnuacer of the "E. H. Stew?
art Furnlture^Compauy, le(t yesterday
evening to spend a week at Elkhorn, W.
Miss Alma Re'd, who has been attend?
ing school in Southwest Virginia, has
returned to her home.
C. \V. Carter and R. R. Kane, of Gate
City, Va., were in the city yesterday.
Sheriff D. S. Slasher, of Floyd, was a
visitor *o the city yesterday.
Dr. I. E. Huff and family.of Simpson's,
Floyd county, arc visiting relatives and
friends in the city. tutf
The Misses Burnett returned to their
home in Philadelphia yesterday after a
pleasant visit to friends in this city.
A..P. Gladden, of Blnefield, formerly a
citizen of Roanoke, was mingling with
old friends yesterday.
Mrs. M. J. Beckley is in Lynchburg
visiting her mother, Mrs. Desmond.
Judge Walter Pierce, of Christians
burg, was in the city yesterday.
Mrs. E. L. Lorraine and daughter, Miss
Grace, arrived in the city yustorday from
Staunlon and will make this their future
home. (
R. K. Shores, of Wytheville, was in the
city yesterday making arrangements for
opening a storo in that city.
Jno. C-Blair, assistant'United States
district attorney, passed through the city
yesterday enroute trom Lynchburg to his
home in Wytheville.
Mr. and Mrs. Barksdala left yesterday
on a visit to Mrs. Barksdale's father,
Judge Miller, in Marion.
Dr. Gale left yesterday on a professional
visit to Knova, W. Va.
Cyclone Jim Marshall, of Craig county,
was in the city yesterday for u few hours.
A Pearisburg paper.'donies the report
that Angel Mountain was cracked by the
earthquake and says that Mountain Lake
still exists and that people still live in
Giles county, but pictures a horrible
belching, roaring,rumbling beneath them
that would be enough to scare the aver?
age man to death three times a day.?
Bristol Courier.
If you once use it you will never again
be without it. Pond's Extract is nature's
own remedy for aches and nnius.
to supply applications now in hand to
rent; well located. Call add list your
property at ouce.
Real Estate, Rental and Insurance Agent,
No. 114 Campbell avenue west.
AT A BARGAIN.one second baud one
hundred dollar bicycle In first class order,
2!l-inch frame. E. S. GREEN,
Manufacturing Jeweller, 0 Salem a.enue.
Illustsateh ...
School Annuals^
" The first lot of books sent have arrived.
I need only say we are delightfully pleased?
The Stone Printing and Manufacturing Company,
Opposite Hotel Roanoke, ROANOKE, VA.
EDW. L. STONE, Presidont.
and brine it tomy stora on Jeffer?
son street and it will be accepted
as FIVE PER CENT, payment on
^ any bill yon may make.
Republican Congressmen 'Want ^Reed to
Appoint Committees.
li "Washington, Juno 10.?Many Republi?
can Congressmen to day urgently re?
quested Speaker Reed to appoint the
House committees so as to permit of the
consideration of the bankruptcy bill, the
proposed monetary commission antl the
Cuban belligerency resolution.
The prominent Republicans who talked
with the speaker to day suggested that
this might he done as soon as the suear
schedule was disposed of by the Senate.
They took the ground that when the
sugar schedule was out of the way that
the tariff bill would be speedily tlisposetl
of, antl that there would then be no fur?
ther necessity of continuing the present
do nothing policy.
Negotiations for Another Treaty With
Spain at an Advanced Statge.
Madrid, June 10.?The Epoca. in an
official note this morning says that Senor
Canovas del Castillo " has reserved the
right to provoke another Cabinet crisis
should circumstances make it advisable.
Id 11 eraido announces that negotiations
for a treaty of commerce between Spain
and the United States have reached an
advanced stage.
"For three years we have never been
without Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
aud Diarrhoea Remedy in the house," says
A. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins & Co.,
Indianapolis, lud., "and my wife would
as soon think of being without flour as a
bottle of this remedy in the summer sea?
son. We have used it with all three of
our children and it has never failed to
cure?not simply stop pain, but cure ab?
solutely. It is all right, and anyone who
tries it will find it so." For sale by II.
C. Barnes, "He puts up prescriptions."
Insure Your
t Iu The Co in mere in 1 Union
Insurance Co. of London.
Lawrence S. Davis,
Insurance, 5 Campbell St.
Commissioner Ford Goes to Bedford City
at the Request of Counsel.
Lynchhurg News: John Ford, United
Stntes commissioner, left yesterday after?
noon for Bedford City in response to a re?
quest of counsel for T. D. Berry. Mr.
Ford, us commissioner, will grant bail to
Mr. Berry for his appearance before the
Uuited States court, probably in Lynch?
hurg at the September term, to answer
charges brought against him in connec?
tion with the First National Bank, of
Bedford City,which closed Its doors along
with the Liberty Savings Bank.
Mr. Berry has been tried iu the county
court and acquit ted on one of the charges
against him iu connection with the Lib?
erty Savings Bank. At the last term of
the Uuited States court at jibingdon, the
grand jury brought in an indictment
against him and the cashier of the First
National Bank, in which there were a
large numbei of different counts.
The issuing of a capias for Mr. Berry's
arrest would havp followed as a matter
of course, and the request ef Mr. Berry s
counsel that the matter of bail be dis?
posed ol at'once is said to have been due
to a wish to anticipate the arrest and
avoid unnecessary trouble. It is said
that Judge Paul fixed the bail to be re?
quired of Mr. Berry at $.">,<)00.
Just Arrived !
-Large assortment of Hats in
-spring axi) summer shapes.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to Cure. 'iiic. For sale by Chas. Lyle.
Bread,Rolls,Cinnamon Buns, hot every
evenintr. J. J. Cutogni.
?keep on hand at idl times a large and well-selected stock
-of Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Wnll Paper, Glass and
?(jueenswnre, and in fact all of the latest novelties to he
?found in a modern housofnruishlng establishment.
? For up-to date goods at the lowest rock-bottom prices
?we are the people. <*
? " Seeing is believing," so give us a call before placing
?your order.
The E. H. Stewart Furniture Company
Tho Only Flrst-clnss S8 House In Town.
Kloctrto Lights unit Bell? tu SCaeli ltooni,
Newly Paporod and Painted.
Capacity 160.
J. J. COX, Proprietor,
Baggage Transferred Free,.... Opposite Passenger Depot.
Also We Have Recently Attached to Our Hotel ? First-class
Lunch Counter That Will Please The Most Fas?
tidious. Our Specialty is York Rivur
Oysters on the Half-Shell.
Austin, lex., Juno 10. ?After wrang?
ling three hours to day the legislature ap?
pointed a committee to investigate the
charges against the professors in the
State University, they being accused of
teaching Republican politics and ridtcul
ibg the history of the "lost cause."
Cambridge, Mass., June 10.?Prof. Al
via G. Clark, the famous telescope lens
manufacturer, died at his home hero to?
day, as the result of ti stroke of apoplexy.
His latest finished [work, the mammotn
lens for tho Yerucs telescope, was shipped
to Chicago a short time ngo.
Hundreds of thousands have been in?
duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem?
edy by rending what It has done for oth?
ers, and having tested its merits for
themselves are to-day its warmest friends.
For sale by BYC. Haines, "He puts up
Breakfast 25 cents: dinner, 25 cents;
supper, 25 cents. Meal tickets, $4. J.
J. Catoirni's restaurant
The leading futures ranged
Wheat? Open. High.
September.... 04 ?
July. 211
September .... 2$l
July. 18J
September .... Ic^
July . 7.00
July. 8.53
Ribs ?
July. 1.22
05 j
18 i
as follows:
Low. Close
(?H 084
08 j
25 A
3.47 8.47
3.00 3.00
4.20 4.20
4.25 4.25
Our Promise
Butterick Patterns are the Standard of Fashion, They always fit.
Immediate preparation is imperative. Our new store is large,
airy and cool. While it is always thronged with buyers there's
plenty of room?comfortable room for a thousand at a time. There
are many and unusually big values for buyers this week at the
peoples "Big Store." One price to everybody.
One case fine Gnus Linen Batiste, with
beautiful colored lace stripes, 22 inches
wide, 15 styles to pick from?one of the
niost stylish dress fabrics of the present
seascn?has not sold before for less thnn
25c, special price 17 cents.
Y/ash Goods.
Playing havoc with prices here. Tre?
mendous heaps of pretty' things, with
four to half a dozen men eternally busy
cutting them for eager buyers.
One case of lin;> Coidcd Dimity in black,
navy and electric blue, with pretty white
figure?, dot's and ''wavy" designs?the
12 l-2c sort?special at 8 cents.
Special styles for waists in the new
Purples, Greens and ileus?the latest
thing-. 12 1-2 cents.
Case beautiful Imported Scotch Lappet
Mulls, 12 l?2c, formerly 18 cents.
Sec the great lino of lattice Striped
Lawns, now going at 10c, worth 1" cents.
Sec t!:o 75 styles pretty corded Lawns
and plnln Organdie Dnohesse, 82 inch?
anything in t he lot lor 0 1-1 cents.
Another case of those elegantly made
"Summer" corsets, only 25 cents.
.lust opened a case of most excellent
corsets, made by "R. & G " makers- a
great and good corset, good enough for
75 rents, here 50 cents.
A whole case cf the justly famous R.
& G. Corsets just in; there are few $1
corsets that equal this, hero only 75 cents.
India Linen Specials.
100 pieces India Linen, in* 24-yard
piece?, to ba sold only by the piece at
lowest wholesale prices?pieces will not
be cut?a great opportunity here f^r fam?
ilies and individuals who have need for
quantity?7 3 4c, 9 l-2c, 11 l-2c, Me and
161-2^ per yard; there's big economy here.
Big Huckaback Towels, warranted all
liuen, worth 12 1 2c, special at 10 cents.
Extra heavy all linen Damask Towel-,
generous size, oimlit to be 15 cents, ouly
10 cents.
Special value in fine bleached Hucka?
back Towels at 10 cents each, worm 25
100 dozen extra heavy all linen crepe
towels, worth 8 cents each, for 80 cents
per half dozen.
Good bath towels, 25 cents per half
Big Turkish Bath Towels at 10 cents
Extra valuer. In fine bleached Turkish
Towels at 12 l-2c, 22c and 117 1 2 cents.
Extra grade flue bleached cotton tow?
els, excellent for the bath, closing at 8
cents each.
White Goods.
32-inch India Lawn, 5 cents.
Gooil Nainsook Checks, 5 cents.
Fine Nainsook Satin Stripes only 8c,
worth 12 1 2 cents.
Pretty Plaid Muslins, special at 8
Pretty lace stripes, the 17c sort, 12 1-2
New India Linens, great values, 8c,
I0c,-12 1 2c, 15c and 17 cents.
Pretty Dotted Swiss, 12 1 2c, 15c, 20c
and 25 cents.
Fine White Organdie, 2 yards wide,
greatest values you ever saw, 25c, 553c and
30 cents.
Special in (ine Organdie, 2 yards wide,
our former 152 1 2c grade, now 50 cents.
Fine white dress Ducks for reefer suits
and separate skirts, 10c and 12 1-2 cents.
Table Linens.
Ladies1 pure linen H. S. Handkerchiefs,
1-4 and 1-2 inch hums, 12 1-2 cents.
Ladies' II. S. aud embroidered white
handkerchiefs, a late thing, 12 1 2 cents.
Beautiful embroidered handkerchiefs
at ICo and 12 1-2 cents.
Gents' large H. S. Handkerchiefs, with
pretty colored borders, the usual 8 cent
sort, only 5 cents each.
Gents' large white 11. S. Handkerchiefs
for f: cents.
Tbc celebrated Merrlmack Shirting
Prints, In the pretty light styles for shirt
waists and wrappers, only -I cents.
Columbia Chainbiay Prints, iu both
shirting and dress styles, only I cents.
10 pieces 80 Inch Percale from the 8c
and 10c sort, to close at 0 cents.
Try Southern Shirtings for boys and
men's shirts, the pretty summer styles
are now ready, usually 10c, now H cents.
Celebrated Edinboro Cheviot shirtings
for boys' and men's wear, 10 cents.
Awning striped Tickings that were
20c, to close at 15 cents.
There's big business going on now in
out Linen Department. Some of the at?
tractions arc:
(50-inch Cream Linen Damask, only 33c.
54-inch Linen Damask, full 8-4
bleached, 25 cents.
00 inch Turkey Red Damask, the best
of the 25c sort,here only 21 cents.
04-inch fino bleached Damask, special
at 50 cents, worth (52 1-2 cents.
58-iuch extra heavy all linen bleached
Damask, on y 39 cents.
00-iuch snecial weight Damask for ho?
tels and boarding houses, r.n overlastnng
wearer, (55 cents.
V?i inch soft bleached German Damask,
elegant. 75 cents.
72-inch fine bleached German Damask,
proper value $1.25, special $1 a yard.
Special In burro all linen napkins at
$1.12 1-2 per dozen.
Three big values in large, napkins at
$5.50, SI.75 and $2 per dozen. .
Kid Gloves.
Famous Trefoil ?so "Kid Gloves In , peurl
gray, white and cream, with both self
and black embroidered backs, button and
clasp fastenings, fitted and guaranteed,
only $1 a pair.
Linen Suitings.
If you want to be "in the swim" you
must have a Linen Crash Suit. There's
a continual cutting of them at our store.
10 pieces Pure Linen Handspun Crash
for separate skirts, sold formerly for
37 l-2c?special price 25 cents.
Linen homespun suitings, 3G-inches
wide, at 15?, and 19 cents.
Fine Linen, wjth Chenile Cords is one
of the newest and nobbiest, 19 cents.
"Old Fashioned" dress linens at
12 1 2c, 17c, 25c and 33c.
Gents' Furnishings.
One case of gents' fino Balbriggan
shirts, French finished neck, long ribbed
cuffs, only 25 cents.
Drawers to match, 25 cents.
Two gross washable club ties, 5c each.
Three gross washable club ties, made
of the finest imported gingham, only
10c. actually worth 15 cents.
Laundered percale shirts, with two
detachable collars, 50 cents.
Boys' French Balbriggan shirts, all
sizes, 25 cents.
Drawers to match in both knlckor
bocker and full lengths, 25 cents.
The "Cosmopolitan Cabinet" contains
large package of paper and four packs of
envelopes, only 19 cents, wcrth 35 cents.
Big pound package fine paper, 10c. .
Superior grade envelopes, (5 1-4 inches,
two packs for 5 cents.
Mammoth pencil tablets, 5 cents.
Good box paper containing 21 sheets
and 24 envelope1*, only 5 cents a box.
Fine linen finished paper and envelopes
a* 10 cents a box.
Egyptian Antique is something nice
and up to date, being sold here in Roan
oke for 50c a box, our price 22 cents a
For the little Ones.
Infants' fine gauze vests low neck and
sleeveless, silk trimmed, size 1 io 5, only
12 1 2c.
Little boys' fino white cotton socks,
12 l-2c.
Little boys' fine fastbluck socks, 12 1-2
ladies' Collars and Cuffs.
Wo have just received a big lino of new
things in Ladies' Collars and cuffs, stylos
and sizes to. everybody.
Collars, 10c, 12 l-2c and 17 cents.
Cuffs, 17c, 20c and 25c.
Chemisette, with or withaut collar, 25
cents each.
little ituns.
Dr. 1 W. Lyons' tooth powder, iOceilts.
Brown's French dressing lor ladies'
and children's shoes, S cents.
Sweet Maiden Snap, three large white
cakes in box, 12 1-2 cents.
Good bristle shaving brushes, 10 cents.
Large Palm Fans, 10 cent!-, per dozen.
Satin palm fans, all sizes. 4 for 5 cents,
or three for 5 cents. 2 for 5 cents.
Big bottle good Hay Bum. 10 cents.
Florida water, large size. 10 cents.
Elite Talcum Powder, only 10 cents.
White Celluloid Hair Brushes, all pure
bristle, 29c and 37 1-2 cents.
"Florence" Hair Brushes, so'id backs,
pure bristle, only 25 cents.
Colgate's Antiseptic Dental Pjowder,
17 cents.
Large. Stockinet Dress Shie'ds.lOcents.
Excellent steel scissors, 25 cents. ?
The new braid collar stiffening, 10
per yard.
Clark's Celebrated "Mile-End"' Crochet
cotton, 5 cents.
Clark's 'Mile-End" Darning cotton,
two spools 'or 5 cents.
Ladies' Satin Hose supporters, 10c
Boys' and misses' hose supporters,
black and white, 10c pair.
Ladies' belts, e?:tra lengths, 30 to 40
inches, 42c each.
Red belts, beauties. 23c, and 80 cents.
White Kid Belts, 25 eents.
1 he "Republic."
This elegant trunk is the trunk of the
people, for the people. It is large and
roomy and very strongly made. It has
extra long steel clamps, 12 incbe strap
Hinges, covered tray?and every other
feature of goodness.
32 inch, $3.50, 34-inch, $3.75.
86 inch, $4.
Special departments for trunks on sec
end floor, west side. We havo the larg?
est line of trunks in any rets.il house in
Virginia. Theio are now in stock to se?
lect from aighty-oae different styles and
sizes?an average saving of one-third is
assured. $1.68 to $10 each. Free deliv?
ery to all parts of the city.
Some and See Our
New Store.

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