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The Roanoke times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1897-1977, September 23, 1897, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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Coming and Going.
Secretary H. A. Meachnm retured yes?
terday from Richmond, where ho attend?
ed the genera' ineetim; of the secretaries
of'tbe Y. M. C. A.
E. S. Morrow, of tho railroad. Y. M. C.
A., has returned from Richmond.
Geo. "AT. Lev I, TJ S. marshal for tho
"Western district of Virginia, is in tho
Miss Mary J. Bteveus arrived home
Monday evening after a very pleasant
visit to friends near Lyuchburg and in
A. J. Kennard went to Duohnnnn yes?
terday on business.
It. B. Gunn, clerk at the West End
rouudhouse, is off on his vacation.
Hon. Harry M. Smythe, of the Lynch
burg Press, is in the city in the interest
of his paper.
Miss Alice Holco'uh, who has '-een on
a visit to Mrs. Dr. Sorrell at "the Har?
rens." has returned to her honie at'Front
Mnj. J. Houre Tyler, 'Democratic nomi?
nee for'govei nor, passed through the city
yesterday en route to Richmond, where
they open the campaign to nignt. The
Major is looking well, notwithstanding
tho fact that he is not in the best of
Mrs. D. En field and daughter. Mrs. C.
C. Mark ley. left for Altoona, Pa., last
night on No. 0 to visit relatives and wil'
remain there several weeks.
Bristol Times: Mrs. Caressa Fulwller
has returned from a visit to her sister,
Mrs. Blanche Gale Iftogan, at Roanoke,
Ya.--I.ieut. Beut ley, of the Roanoke
Light Infantry, has been in the citv sev?
eral days visiting at Mr. Otey's, on Broad
st reel.
Mrs. Robert J. Hancock, of Lynchburg
and >Iiss Blanche Stevens, ul Lovings
toc, were in the citv yesterday attending
the marriage of their brother, Geo. Ste?
Dr. J. H. Stephens.of Rich Hill mines,,
was in the city yesterday attending the
Stevens-Gravely marriage.
.1. W. Harmnn, ofTBuena Vista, is reg
isteied at the St. James.
E. P. Wade, of Richmond, is in the
Mr. and M?s. W. A.' Glasgow have re?
turned from a visit of several days to Mr.
Glasgow's parents tit Lexington.
I. Heymnn and br'de have returned
from their Northern bridal trip.
Percy Fairfax, of Fairfax Bros., has
returned from his?vacation at Millhoro,
Bath county.
Prof. W. P. Gunn. of Radford, was in
the city yesterday.
Danville, Va., Sept. 22.? Joseph D.
Blair, one of the ieadlnu !citizens of Dan?
ville, died at the residence of Mrs. R. YV.
White, on Grove street, at 1<> o'clock last
Warsaw, Va.. Sept. 23.?The Republi?
cans of Lancaster county met in mass
meet ing nt the courthouse yesterday and
decided by a large majority;to send dele?
gates to the Lyuchhuru convention.
FRESH [CAKES, Pies, Bread, Rolls
and Buns at CATOGNl'S,
Man la Almost Made Transpaiont by the
Uso of the apparatus.
New York, Sept. 22. ?The largest and
most powerful apparatus in the world for
generating the X-ray has jubt been com?
pleted, and is on view in the laboratory
or the Colleuc of the City of New York.
Dr. R. Og.len Doremus, assisted by sev?
eral other well-known surgeons, nave the
machine its first test Monday evening
ami was enthusiastic over the results. Hy
its aid man has literally been rendered
The instrument is a Holt/, statical elec?
trical machine, enclosed lu a glass case
eleven feet high. It is supplied with
eight revolving plates, width are five feet
in diameter. These revolve on [n four
inch steel axis.
Tho machine is owned by Di. Gardner,
of Washington, 1). C, and will be sent to
him this week. It is designed for treat?
ing patients afflicted with lung disease.
The patients will first bo rendered
trauspareut through the powerful (horo?
scope, and then will be subjected to an
atmosphere heavily charged with elec
The effect of this was demonstrated
upon a young man at tho college this
evening. He was put In a chair, tho cur?
rent was turned on, and nlthouuh thero
was then no cage to retain the ozoi e. tho
atmosphere, ho said.underwent a decided
change. Holts of blue flame sprang from
pole tojpole of the apparatus, exploding
Willi loud report. A half current sub?
dued the explosions and scut the (lame
/.ig/.aging like'streaks of forked lightning,
the particles of dust iu the air deflecting
the current from its course.
'Ihe air became heavy and charged with
a peculiar, dusty odor.such as is observed
duriutr a thunderstorm, only much more
pronounced. The experiment showed
that the human body, or aur opaque sub?
stance not more than a foot in diameter,
can be rendered transparent.
Point Arena, Cal., Bept. 22.- The bat
tleship Monterey, bound south from Pa?
get Sound, ran ashore in a fog six miles
north of Point Arena Lighthouse yester
day afternoon at 4:80 o'clock. The
steamer uot oil" three-quarters of an hour
later and continued on her voyage. It is
not thought much damage was done.
Perry, Okl., Sept. 22?Indue C. 13, Kll
gore, once n Texas Congressman, now a
Federal judge nl Ardmore, I. T., is dying.
While in Congress he made himself note
rious by bursting down tho House door
with ills heavy boots while Speaker Reed
was counting a quorum. Judge Ivilcore
is known all over the West as "Buck."
Old people who require medicine to re?
gulate the bowels and kidneys will (lud
the true remedy in Electric Hilters. This
medicine does not stimulate and contains
no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts
as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly
oh the stomach and bowels, adding
strength and giving Nine to the organs,
thereby aiding Nature in the perform?
ance of the function. Electric bitters is
an excellent appetizer and aids digestion,
old people lind it just exactly what they
need. Price fifty cents and$1 per bottle
lit Massie's Pharmacy.
Breakfast, 2.') cents; dinner, 25 cent?;
supper 25 ceuts. Meal tickets, $4. J.
.T. Catogni's restaurant.
? don't know it'all. ?
lf0ut.r.he.nitcomes Printing ?
I There are ** several things "
% that we know we know.
The Stone F
ac-W**9** * v 4? v * **** v *99 * *** * * ?
Xo. 5 Campbell avenue s w.
Official Denial From Spain of an Ultima?
tum From America.
Paris, Sept. 22.? The following has
been issued by a semi-official agency un?
der date of Madrid:
"The declarations imputed to United
States Ministor Woodford by certain cor?
respondents are officially denied. It is
quite certain that in his interview with
the Duke of Tetuan the!American minis?
ter formulated no ultimatum, and that
their conversation, on the contrary, was
exttemcly cotdinl, and passed^off ,to the
entire satisfaction of both parties.
"Telegrams, moreover,from New York
and Washington confirm this denial and
affirm thai Gen. Woodford'n mission is
entirely pacific. President McKinley has
no intention of treating the Cuban ques?
tion iiefore the opening of Congress iu
Richmond, Sept. 22.?Chairman Elly
sou to-night issued a call for a meeting
here on the night of September 30, of
both the State and Democratic executive
committees. He has not as yet named
the members of the latter body. This
will be the ouly meeting of the State
committee during the capmaiun.
Tit) fac?
ia on
One thousand bushels of oats, fifteen
tons of middlings nnd oue car of line tim?
othy hay. The quality is riubt. the prices
are rittht. Call on J. A. HOOVER, the
Feed Mau. :Phoi'e2M, 214 Salem avenue.
? ? I. .... jfj.
a Who knows not, and knows not
that he knows not, is a fool?shuu '
him," says a well-known Arabian
proverb: "Who knows not, and
knows that he knows not, is humble
?teach him. Who knows, but knows
not that he knows, is asleep?wake
him. Who knows, and knows that
3f, he knows, is wise?follow him."
*tg. and Mfg. Co., |
l, President.
North Jefferson Street, ^
. VA. I
J?HHST?? & GO;
104 South Jefferson street.
Let us show you our sample life policy
of the Traveler's Insurance Company?a
plain, business-like contract. Every
figure guaranteed. A man at lit) can
take$1,000 for $24 24 nnnually, and pay
this for 20 YEARS ONLY?Og cents a
day isn't too much for a policy like this.
Democrats of Baltimore Pot a Cttndidate
in the Field.
Baltimore, Sept. 22. ? it was amply de?
monstrated by '.he ^result of the Demo?
cratic primaries yesterday anil the nomi?
nal ions made by the three legislative con?
ventions to-day that Senator Gorman has
still a tight hold upon Democratic poll
tics iu Maryland.
While the name of Mr. Gorman as well
as the currency question woiokept 'h the
background at the three conventions this
afternoon, it was nevertheless, shown
that, his friends aud admirers were well
in control of the party affair1!,and should
the Democrats control the next legisla?
ture Mr. Gorman can succeed himself as
United States Senator from Maryland.
The conventions to-day were not alto?
gether .harmonious in their proceedings,
ami iu two of the districts there were
The city convention to-night nomina?
ted Henry W. Williams foi mayor. He
was Mr. Gorman's choice.
Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 22.?Negotia?
tions were closed to day .between Mana?
ger Mack, of Milwaukee, and President
Pullittm, of the Louisville club, by which
Shortstop Luvrec and Eirst Baseman
Stafford, of the Milwaukee club, were
transferred to Louisville. The^consider
atiou was $1,400.
LUUrii LowlflXoinpttny Hold for a .Judg?
ment of Seven Yenrs' Standing.
Richmond, Sept. 22.?The box ofllce
receipts of "the Lilian Lewis Company,
which closed an engagement here to
uight, were attached after tho perform?
ance. The proceeds were levied on be?
half of ^Mr. (Jeorge Stelu, who, seven
years ago, received a judgment against
Mr. Marston, Miss Lewis' husband, and
t ho proprietor of tlie company. This Is
the third time an attachment has been
levied. Mr. Marston paid pare of tho
claim, and promised to settle the balance
soon. Ho said ho wrou!*' not have conio
to Hichmoid had he nob been assuted
that there would bo no such proceedings.
The Secretary's Sou Took Whiskey to
Seattle, Wash., Sept 22.?Theru"'seems
tobe no doubt that the story of the whip?
ping of Ell Gage, son of Lyuian Cage,
Secretary of the Tieasury of the United
States, by miners at Dawsoii City .is au?
Advices just received by the steatner
Humboldt say that Cage was given
twenty-five lashes on the oaro back for
bringinu whiskey into tho gold reuion In?
stead of provisions.
The Best SiiItc in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil?
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re
riulred. It is guaranteed to give perfect
Batisfaotionor money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale at Massie's Phar?
macy, 109 Jefferson street, Roauoke.
Tetter, Salt-llhcura and Eczema.
The intens!'itching and smarting, inci?
dent to these diseases, isinstantly allayed
by applying Chamber lain* 8 Eye nnd
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples,
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box.
Dr. Catly's Condi tum Powders, are
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the liest in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Prico 25
cents per package.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Winter Clothes cleaned and
1 1 O Campbell avenue.
J. DEVON, Proprietor.
Dawsoii City.
Life Insurance,
Fire and Life Insurance,
Fire, Life and Accident insurance,
Your business solicited.
No. 107 Terry Building.
You Hear of Them
There are about 100 companies and as?
sociations writing Accident insurance in
the United Slates. The /ETNA LIFE
has nearly the combined assets of them
all, and three times their surplus. As?
sets of company, $15,000,000. See
Sole Agents. 7 Campbell Ave.
The Pioneer Agents. ?
Represent the larg&st foreign and
American companies.
Twenty years' experience as agents and
adjusters; also issue surety bonds.
Commercial National Rank. Building,
(irouud Floor.
J. W. Boswell,
Real Estate and Rental Agent,
110* Jefferson St., Roanokc, Va.
Foi the Lynchburg Perpetual
?Building and Loan Co.
A Metropolitan Stock of the Most Approved Fall Stuffs now ready.
THIS WEEK--Great Sales of Dress Goods and Silks, Table Linens, Flannels, Cot?
tons, Outings, Canton Flannels, and Ladies', Gent's and Children's Fall Underwear.
Great openings in these departments
all this week. Great heaps of the choic?
est things now on sale, with daily faeces
New III o k Goods, the choicest -great
;{?*) pieces beautiful Novelty Goods, ilch
and ran . 50c yam.
New Plaid Dress Goods, the fad, 25c,
50c am) 75c yard.
75 pieces All Wool Dress Goods?the
proper t hing for school girls' dresses
only 23c.
Beau tit ?tl hue Novelty Goods at ">7 l-2c.
New k- !Ks the lines t .ike in all the
choice things the markets have ollerod.
Son the great lines on side now. Get
the choicest and save big money. The
"hi 3, sl ore'' the place.
Buy your school supplies at the ''big
store." Save motley and teach your chil?
dren economy, a branch too often omitted
in the make-up of a child's education,
Good Composition Hocks. IS pages, lc
Better grade Composition Books at tic
Elegant ones at Sc each.
Large Pencil Tablets, 3c each.
Stafford's Universal Writing Ink -the
5c size ?only 4c.
Greatest line of School Ba"s in the city,
5c Sc. 10c, 19c. 25c. 33c, ??Jc and 75c each.
Polished Hard Wooil Rulers, 12 inch,
lc each.
School Crayons, 144 sticks for Sc.
Slate Pencils, 100 In box. 12 I 2c.
Polished Lead Pencils. 12 for Sc -rub?
ber t i ps
Slate Bponces, lc each.
A big department full of Big Values.
' 27-ineh All Wool Shaker Flannel?the
regular 30c --ort?25c.
?6 inch All Wool Shaker Flannel,
37 l-2c.
'27 inch Cream Flannel, warranted half
wool, 15c.
27-lneh All Wool Flannel, 25c.
inch All Wool Flannel, 87 l-2c.
32-inch Fine Australian Wool Flannel
?t he finest 50u Flannel?only '13c.
28 inch Blue Mixed '('willed Flannels
for Uuderskitts, pure wool, 25c.
All Wool Scarlet. Flannels, 17c, 25c.
:t:5c nr.
Good Twilled Grey Flannel for Under
skirt*, at 12 l-2c yard.
Ladies' Underskirt Patterns, all pure
wool, .s'Jc each.
250 pieces best, grade (Jotton Bird's-eye
Diaper. It goes lit the "big store" as
18-inch, 45c piece, 10 yards.
20-inch, 50c piece, 10 yards.
22-inch, 55c piece, 10 yaids.
24-Inch, 00c piece, 10 yards.
27-inch, (.He niece, 10 yards
The cool Eeptembni nights call forlight
weight Blankets. We can supply you at
moderate cost.
Good Light-WeiuSt Fleeced Grey Blan?
kets, at 50c. $1 an I ?1 25 pair.
tiood White Fleeced Blankets, at 75c,
89c and $1 pair.
Great line of llr.er grades in white,
grey and scarlet.
50 do/en Large Hemmed IInek Towels,
excellent value, 12 l-2c each, $1.50 dozen.
50 do?en large Fringed Buck Towels,
all pure linen, only 10c each.
Excellent Bleached Turkish Bath Tow
ids, at 10c each.
Large Bleached Cotton Towels, the reg
ular 10c sort, Sc each.
Cres; Tiimmings?Embroideries
All the late things in Dress Trimmings
now ready.
Novelty Braids and Gimps.
I rridoscenl Tri minings.
Two-toned Braids.
Frog and Clasp Ornaments.
Novelty Braided Sets for Trimmings
Steel und Jet Gimps.
Pearl rrinimigs.
Soutache Braids.
Hercules Braids.
Big values iu Hamburg Edgings this
week A great bit: lot of narrow fine
edges just in from a big New York fcale.
Come and see about this.
ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs.
?lust received?big line Ladles' Fine
Linen Cellars and Cuffs, warranted nil
pure linen.
Collars worth 17c, now 10c each.
('nil's worth 25c, now 17c pair.
One thousand pounds Cotton Batting
in one pound rolls, gooil grade cotton,
only Sir pound.
Finer grades cotton, at 10c and 12 1 2c
Big addition to our Linen Department.
Some of the biggest values we. have ever
offered. Come to this big sale.
56-inch Heavy Table Linen Damask,
will match any 33c Linen to be found?
rare value at 25c yard.
GQ-lnch Heavy Pure Linen Damask, as
good as nny you can find lor 50c yard.
Try and see. Here for !l!)c.
Ill inch Pure Linen Damask, heavy,
50c yard.
58 inch Blenched Damask, heavy and
all Linen, only 30c.
(i! 'neb Bleached Damask, all pure
linen, 5')c yard.
72-inch Bleached Linen Damask?as
good as the usual if 1 sort?oniy 75c.
72-inch Very Fine. Linen Dama'k?act?
ually the teuular $1.25 sort?$1 yard.
Special in Fine Bleached Fringed Nap
kins, at 75c. dozen.
IS inch Fine Bleached Fringed Nap?
kins?two big values at $1 and $1.25.
50 dozen 8-4 Napkins, all pure linen,
value $1.25, for $1.12 1-2 dozen
25 dozen :i-4 Napkins, all pure linen,
big value for $1.50 dozen.
20 dozen 8-4 Napkins, very fine quality
?really worth $11.50?only $2.75 dozen.
Big Plaid Linens fcr fancy '?'Ork in yel?
low, blue, red, 110 inches wide, only 20c
45-inch Bound Thread Embroidery
Linen?a good thing?50u yard.
?10-inch Butcher's Linen, cream, all
linen, 25c.
20-inch Fine Royal Dresden Art Linen
for Bureau Scarfs, 25c.
18-inch Hemstitched Linen for Scarfs,
Greatest values in L'nderwear e%'er put
before the trade of this seel ion.
Tim new lines are ready.
We have the kind you want to put on
ri'_dit now, for moderately cool weather.
000 Ladies' Jersey Bibbed Fief ced. Full
Weight?great big value at 25c.
300 Soils Gents' White Stockinet
Fleeced Shirts and Drawers?beautiful
garments and well worth tilh; each?a
great bargain at 50c a garment, ?1 a suit.
Infants', Children's and Misses' Un?
derwear, all grades now ready.
40 pieces India Linen, special at 10c?
never before sidd for less than 12 l-2c.
Lonsdnlo Cambric, full yard wide, like
you usually get for 10c?only 8c.
Good Lonsdab* Cambric at (> l-4c.
Good Nainsook Checks, only 5c.
Big values in Finer Grade Nainsook
Checks, at 8c.
50 pieces Imperial Long Cloth, full yard
wide, Chamois finish, in 12 yard pieces,
$1.15 a piece.
Fine Indian Dimit ies for Infants' wear,
at 12 1 2c, 15c. 17c, 20c, 25c and iWc
20x28 Inch Feather Pillows, - good
weight, made of excellent grade feather
proof ticking, only $1 each.
18x18 inch Sofa Pillows, only 37 l-2c
22x2.2 Inch Sofa Pillorvs, at Me and (i!)c
24x24 inch Sofa Pillows, at 50c and
S7 1 -2o each.

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