OCR Interpretation

The Roanoke times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1897-1977, September 30, 1897, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079490/1897-09-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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" 8IX MONTHS. S.00
Business oiilcn.143
I Kdltorlal Kooms.1JS4
Interstate Phones?Smno numbers for the
same locations.
S M T W T F 8
. 12 8 4
5 6 1 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 10 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 .. ..
A newspaper without enemies is
scnrcely deserving of friends. 'Die vic?
ious and lawless never like a bold, fear?
less newspaper, and everj self-respecting
publisher should be proud of their en?
The prompt action of the Board ^f
Trade in appointing Mr. D. W. Flickwir,
Col. h. S. Broose, and Mr. Ed. L. Stone
n committee to collect data and take such
other steps as they may deem necessary
in advancing the claims of Boanoke to
the proposed armoi-plate factory / is de?
serving of all praise, and proves if the
plant is not located here it will not be for
lack of effort on the part of our citizen*.
The committee is an excellent one and
will do the work entrusted to them well
and thoroughly.
Newport News has grown so rapidly
in recent years that the opera house there
at present used for dramatic entertain?
ments aud gatherings of a public charac?
ter is not large enough to meet the de?
mands of the situation. The Press of
that city advocates the erection of a larger
and more commodious building, and
hopes that some gentleman or gentlemen
of means will soon grasp the opportunity
to establish there a theater 'commensu?
rate with the already extensive and grow?
ing population.
The special board appointed by the
Navy Department to consider the needs
of the navy in the matter -of new dry
docks has submitted a report to Assis?
tant Secretary Boosevelt, recommending
concrete docks at Boston, New York,
Norfolk, Mare Island, San Francisco and
San Pedro; steel floating clocks at New?
port News, Netv Orleans and Tortugas,
and a frtsh water basin aud dock at New
London, Connecticut. The total cost of
these improvements is estimated at $10.
875,000, and when completed the United
States will have ample facilities for the
cleaning and repnir of its battleships and
other war vessels.
Hemming emigrants from Liberia at
Liverpool, England, tell a doleful tale of
hardships and suOering in the^bhick re?
public of Africa. It is always the way,
however. Among all classes of emi?
grants some are easily discouraged and
home sickness prevails largely. If the
settlers at Jamestown could have reached
England during the first years of their
stay on this continent the settle?
ment of Virglula might have been
delayed indefinitely. Immigrants to
unsettled countries have to become
acclimated aud accustomed to their
environments before they are in a
condition to become potent factors in
building up a new community.
The sudden return to Washington of
the Spanish minister, Do Lome, from
Lenox, Massachusetts, where he has been
spending the summer with hts family,
and where It was supposed he would re?
main some time, has started the tongues
of the gossips at the National Capital to
wagging, and much speculation is in?
dulged in as to what is about to happen.
As tne queen regent arrived at Madrid
from San Eebastian, her summer resi?
dence, on the same day that Senor De
Lome arrived in Washington it is gener?
ativ believed that there will bo an early
reply to Minister Woodford's communi?
cation,which will be sent to Washington,
and that the Spanish minister desires to
be there when it is received by the ad?
ministration. It is evident in spite of
the efforts of both governments at con?
cealment that the relations between
Spain and the United States are very
much st rained.
It is stated in Washington that Pesi
dent McKinley is proceeding upon the as
sumption that the Hawaiian annexation
treaty will be latified immediately aftei
the meeting of Congress and that ho is
considering the different plans for thegov
eminent of the Islands when they have
corre under the protection of the United
Sttes. As it is generally understood
that Consul General Lee will remain in
Cuba during the winter it is believed that
ex Representative Aldrich, who has been
regarded as General Lee's successor, will
lie given another postion, and it is re
Liver Ills
Llko biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti?
pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work
easily and thoroughly. H^k B 1 I
Best after dinner pills. Jg*& 5 I R
25 cents. All druggists. ? BBS *?9
Prepared by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass
She only Pill to take with Hood's Su-sapariUa.
(PK1UIT DATtl'.)
A and Safe Remedy In ertM-y cose
and every kind of Bowel Complaint la
This Is it t mo statement and It can't be
niado too strong or too emphatic
It is a simple, Bofo and quick cure for
Crnmpi, Coogh, Rhoumatlam,
Cullc, Golds, Neuralgia,
Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache.
TWO SIZtHS, 25c. and BOc.
ported that be will be appointed by the
administration as the first governor of
Hawaii. It is not known, however,
what plan ol government the President
has mapped out for the islands, and while
ho knows there will bo opposition to an?
nexation in the Senate he ia certain that
this will be overcome, and that Hawaii
will formally be annexed to the United
States in a few months.
The report comes from Roanoke that,
tho real estate men "are beginning to
brush the cob*webs off their desks, the
merchants to make sales anil business
generally to show marked signs of im?
provement.'1 The Norfolk and Western
railroad, under the presidency of Mr.
Kimball, displayed a most liberal policy
in its effort to build *up Roanoke and the
Southwest, and any information that the
business of that magnificent section of
the commonwealth, of which Ronnoke is
the business center, is reviving, will be
welcome news. Rich as it is in so many
natural resources, that whole section
ought to duplicate Pennsylvania. Tho
commonwealth has renson toexpect great
things of Southwest Virginia, and there
is littlo doubt that these great expecta?
tions will be realized.- -Richmond State.
As it is authoritatively reported" from
Vienna that the Austrian government
will actively intervene in behalf of Spain
in ease of war between the last named
country and the United States, the con?
flict, should one occur, will possess some
very lively and interesting features. Ad?
vices from Herliu show also that the tone
of the German press is deoided'y hostile
to American aspirations and "Yankee
insolt nee," and that while the government
of Emperor William will not probably
join in a coalition against the United
States, the great majority of his people
hope that this country will soon receive
"a sound drubbing." In the meantime
Great Britain does not appear much con?
cerned as to the course of this administra?
tion in regard to Cuba, but as the sealing
question is still uusettled, antl may as?
sume nu ugly phrase, so far as the rela?
tions of England and the United States
are concerned, it is barely possible that
this government may have a war of im?
mense magnitude upon its hands before
the close of the present century.
As a rule the nations of Europe do not
admit the ?Jaims of the United States as
set forth in Mr. Cleveland's celebrated
message on the Monroe doctriue, and a
great international combination against
tills country might result if England
should show a disposition to lesist Amer?
ican claims in this direction. The posi?
tion taken by the British government in
the Venezuelan boundary dispute and the
kinsbip of the Enelish and American peo?
ple lend, however, to the belief that war
between tho t wo countries will be avoided
by both if possible, ami that if the United
States should have to fight any European
combination it would be Spain and the
triple alliance, composed of Germany,
Austria and Italy. While this would be
a powerful coalition, the latent resources
antl pertinacity antl courage of the'.Anier
ican people are9ucl that it is believed, al?
though worsted badly at first, they will
emerge from the.conflict victoriously, se
eurintr thereby a power and prestige that
would leave the United States the undis?
puted arbiter of the American continent,
except perhaps so far as British posses?
sions were concerned.
It may seem atrogant antl presumpti?
ons for the people ol tho Urlted Stntes to
aspire so high, but nations, like individ?
uals, have certain duties to perform in
proportion to their power nud abilities,
the neglect of which is to disregard the
opportunities and blessings placed in
I heir way by an all-wise Providence.
The growth of this country has been phe?
nomenal and its wealth ami power have
already excited the adintiatlon an*' envy
of the rest, of the world; but the nation
now feels its responsibilities to its \ve8ker
and less favored neighbors, anil is deter?
mined that they shall not lie oppressed
or robbed of territory by the powers of
Europe because the latter think they
have the men and arms to carry out
their selfish antl grasp'um schemes.
This is the liest medicine In the ivorld
for all forms of Coughs and Colds and for
Consumption. Every bottle is guaran?
teed. 11 will cure and not disappoint. It
has no equal for Whooping Couch,
Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bron?
chitis, La Grippe, Cold in the Head and
for Consumption. It In safe for all ages,
pleasant to take, and. above all, a eure
cure. It is always well to take Dr. King's
New Life Pills in connection with Dr.
King's New Discovery, as they regulate
and tone tho stomach and bowels. We
guarantee perfect satisfaction or return
money. Free trial bott'es at Massie's
Pharmacy, 101) JelTcrson street. Regular
sizes, 00 cents antl $1.
Our prices are nhvays special, and we
can at any time meet competitors both in
prices and grade of gootls. We do
straight, legitimate business and give
good values. J. E. ROGERS & CO.
litxl lnits w?to lirst worn by ?u-dinals
in tht> year 1245.
Blotting paper is mado of cotton rags
boiled with soda.
The African deserts uro slowly be?
coming habitable.
The number of inhabited houses in
London is estimated at about 548,800.
Massachusetts has the largest foreign
born population. Now York is second.
Eighty-live per cent of the people
who arc lame are affected ou tho left
It is estimated that about 250,000,000
bricks aro used monthly in Great
In ISO5 California produced $15,000,
000 worth of gold and Colorado $13,
But 14 towns iu Massachusetts and
17 in Connecticut aro without public
Florida, of all tho states, has tho
most water within its boundaries, 4,440
square miles.
People who sell newspapers in tho
streets of Moscow aro compelled to ap?
pear iu uniform.
Worcester, Mass., turns out more en?
velopes each year thau any other city
iu tho United State's.
In France 4,000,000 tons of potatoes
are annually used in the manufacturo
of starch aud alcohol.
During 1800 Illinois produced more
than one-third of all the distilled spirits
made in the United States.
Women sailors are employed in Nor?
way, Denmark and Finland and aro
found to be excellent mariners.
Tho income of a teacher in a private
school of China is very small, about a
half penny a day for each pupil.
Tho Chinese condemn criminals to
death by preventing sleep. Sufferers
last from 12 to 20 days, when death
comes to their relief.
The gold production of the United
States was greatest in 1858, when it
aggregated $05,000,000. Tho greatest
silver year was 1802.
The average daily attendance of chil?
dren in the public schools is highest in
Pennsylvania, being 770,000, while in
New York it is 757,000.
Tho largest amount of gold coin and
bullion in circulation in tho United
States was iu 1800. Tho most silver
was in circulation in 1891.
The national guard of Connecticut,
2.800 men, can be concentrated in four
towns ready for .service outside tho
state in from 8 to 12 hours.
Cabbage is said to be u euro for in?
toxication. Natives of Egypt eat boiled
cabbage before their other fotxl if they
intend to drink wine after <1 inner.
The cost of tho official records of the
rebellion has been thus far $2,334,828,
mid tho total when the work is done is
expected to foot up to $8,000,000. This
is $2G, 786 a volume.
In Brazil, at a funeral of an unmar?
ried woman, tho mourning color is scar
lot. The coffin, tho heurso, the trap?
pings of tho horses aud tho livoryof tho
driver aro alj scarlet.
Tho Mosqnu of St. Sophia, at Con?
stantinople, was built over 1,000 years
ago, and the mortar used is said to have
been perfumed with musk. Tho musky
odor is still perceptible
Tho specie room on ocean steamships
is usually 10 feet long, 10 feet wide and
8 feet high. It is formed of steel plates
a quarter of an inch thick, with a steel
dixir, which lias a burglar proof combi?
nation lock.
It is said that tho Irish language is
dying out. Ten years ago 04,000 i>ooplu
spoke Irish only. In 1801 them wero
38,000. In 1881 there were 885,000 who
could speak Irish and English, and lust
year there were only 042,000.
Nearly three minutes uro required to
bring a big steamer, liko tho Etruria,
to a full stop, and in that timo she will
have advanced almost half a mile from
tho place she was when the first move?
ments were mado to stop her.
A. W. Jones of Augusta, Me., has a
valuable coin in his possession over
1,700 years old. It is of black bronze
and in its lino stuto of preservation
shows the figure of Emperor Lucius
Cu'sar, in whose reign the coin was:
Tiiero is iu tho strong rooms of one
of the oldest private banks in London
a large quantity of jewels, plate and
other valuables which were deposited
for safe custody by French refugees
shortly before the outbreak of the rev?
A new use lias been found for dia?
monds, in assisting marksmen in their
shouting. The cut stones aro fixed in
tho front and buck sights, and it is said
that they enable tho gunner to take a
quick and correct aim, oven when the
light is- bud.
Alme ti.i'.n o,ooo species ut plants aro
cultivated, und must, of these have been
broken up into varied forms by the
hand of man. Horticulturists create
now species and show numbers of culti?
vated plants of which no one knows tho
original form.
Machine telegraphy has been sn per?
fect! d that now 8,000 words per minute
have been transmitted with one instru?
ment. This astonishing rate requires
that tho armature registers 2,000 im?
pulses per second, the tape moving 27
feet per second.
A jury box still in use in Portsmouth,
N. H., bears an inscription reading:
"Province of New Hampshire, Ports?
mouth, May 20, 1758. Petit, jurors for
thi' inferior courts." Tho box is of pine,
and has been in uninterrupted use since
tho date recorded.
Schoolteachers in China run great
risks. A man in Ytmgchou was found
guilty of murder, and the judges, after
dooming him to death, also decreed tho
death penalty for his teacher, saying
that he should have taught his pupil to
respect human life.
8-room residence, Ninth avenue s. w.;
?1,600, ?HU> cash, *18 per month. Very
PSHnsiuess lot,Campbell avenue near mar?
ket ; If2,100.
8 room roshlenee. Sixth avenue s. w.;
?1,500, $100 casb, $15 per month.
This one may be just what you want.
G-room house, Fourth street n. e., ,near
Fifth avenue, good house, good lot,
newly painted, ain' only ?S0O, and we
can make the terms all right. Come and
see it to-day.
Desirable house, Belniont Boulevard,
near school bulldintr, corner lot, shade,
stable: in fact one of tl,i> best homes in
llelmont; $1,450, ?250 cash, $18 per
B-room residence, Fourth avev-ue n. w.,
near Jetl'crson street; $?<j0, ?75 cash,
?12.5(1 per month.
Cer/.y little cot tage, Rorcrnvenuo south
west, shade, ltirge lot, only ?525. Very
easy to pay for.
The following is an almost entirely
new list, as we . have sold,, ofT a great
many of the old Hat:
5-rootn residence, Church avenue, best
location, ltirge lot, very desirable home
lor s-mdl family; $2.500, small cash pay?
ment, balance monthly.
Ono of the beat homes on Terry's Hi'l,
Eighth avenue s. w., corner. \-i rooms,
every convenience; $8,000, ?250 cash, bal?
ance monthly. Prettiest cabinet mantles,
iu the ? ity.
Strictly modern residence, fr'e\enth
avenues, w., near JeiTersou stritt, II
rooitiH, 12,500, $150 cash, !*20 per month.
lieuutiful pressetl brick residence, 12
rooms, elegant repair, lovely cabinet
mantles, Church avenue; ?5,11(10. Terms
to suit.
Brick business bouse, Salem avenue,
best location, 3 stories, ?0,000.
Beatttifol home,.northeast Roanoke, 7
rooms, large lot, near market house;
small rtwh payment, balance Monthly.
If you want u splendid houso lu no th?
en st. don't fail to see it.
8-room dwelling, Centre avenue u. w.,
just west Seventh street; ?1,100, easy
Good house. Fourth avenue n. w., i e
tween Eleventh antl Twelfth streets;
?750. ?70 cash, ?12 per mouth.
Conilortable ti-room house, Dale avenue
s. e., near school building; ?750, $50
cash, ?10 per month.
6-room home, best locution, Fourth
avenue n. w.; ?750, ?50 cash, ?10 per
We would .? lso have you remember we
are headquarters for vacant lots.
Now, do not delay if you would have
a slfow at this list of bargains, for we tire
going to sell them.
ELLIS BROS., 104 ?rsn Street
New York and Alaska Gold Exploration and Trading Company,
Ts formed for mining, transportation \
and trading purposes, and the lirst step
taken wns to acquire 2,0(>0 acres of land
iu the best gold region of Alaska, which
is a very substantial investment. This
company is not satisfied witn this laud
alone, but is following *he rush and dis?
coveries of the Klondike ami other sec?
tions of the goltl region, and through its
representative on the ground has secured
some of the riebest properties iu that
land of fabulous wealth.
The organization of this company is
with its management conservative and
safe, offering rare opportunities to in?
crease your values by subscribing to its
stock, par value $1. Capital $1,000,000,
and Its officers are men of affairs and bus?
iness which bas prospered under their
management. The members of the board
of directors will warrant your investment
in this company.
Here ate some of the forty hardy spirits
that, a few months ago, had gone out to
the frozen lands cf Alaska in the attempt
to wrest fortune from the hands of fate.
Through tho golden gates antl into the
beauti.nl waters of San Francisco bay
steamed the mottest little craft "Excel
sior" on the morning of July 14, 1807,
No salvos of artillery marked her arrival.
No whistle blew a welcome home. No
dipping pennants indicateel that a few
hours later her name would b* carried
around the world and be upon the- lips of
millions of people. But such was the ar?
rival of the Excelsior, bearing the follow?
ing individuals antl their treasure:
Wm. Stanley. Seattle. $115,000; Henry
Anderson, a Swede, ?5,01)0, and it supply
of (lust antl ? half interest in Iiis mine
unsold; Frank Kelly, of Los Angeles,
Cnl., $35,000; William Sloct, Ntanarno,
B. C, ?52,000; Wilkinson, of the same
place, his companion, $10,000: Frank
Pbiscntor, of Borado, Mich., ?06.000; Jo?
seph Lad lie, of Blnghnmton, N. Y., the
owner of Dawson City antl the first saw
mill in that country; Clarence J. Berry,
of Southern California, $130,000 from
one mine and tho owner of several others;
Robert Kooks, ?20,(100, and many others
on the same boat, and the steamer Port?
land arriving later brought many more.
Numbers have returned since with large
fortunes that are being reported daily by
the press. The riches of this country Is
far ahead of any other ever discovered.
Here is what some of the stock compa?
nies paid, formed and operated in South
Africa: L. s. African Exploration, at $0
per share, sold at $72.80, Consolidated
(?old Fields, at !{5 per share, sold at
$41.64; Gold Fields of Mysore, at ?5 per
share, sold at $06.31; Crown Reef, at ?5
per share, sold at !j-18: Crown Deep, at $5
per share, sold at $46; Hand Mines.at ?5
per share, sold at ?111.70; Johannesburg
Pioneer, at ?5 per share, sold at $36.
Alaska is far richer titan any country
on the globe and stock subscribed in the
companies now forming will pay richty
beyond all expectation. No oue should
let this opportunity pass them, for when
will you have it again? It is the one op?
portunity of your life. Grasp it. The
following directors will wariant your in?
vestment and you may feel assured that,
your interest is well protected under the
laws of New York:
Otlicers?President, Chester R. Hoag;
vice-president, Theodore I). Palmer; sec?
retary nnd 11 ensurer, John R. Weeks;
Alaska manager, Louis C. Frey.
Directors?Chester R Hoag, secretary
and treasurer Whiteheatl Hoag Com?
pany; Theodore 1). Palmer, treasurer Pal?
mer, Smith & Co., Newark, N. J.: John
R. Weeks, attornev-at law, 4-1 Broadway,
New York; Louis C. Frey, Alaska mana?
ger; C. W. Yotingnian, President Invent?
ors'Aid antl DeTelopment Co.; Oliver
Sunnier Trail, President tho United
Agents: J. ^v. McDufHe, General Eastern
Agent of Georgia antl Alabama Railway.
Bankers?Wells, Fargo & Co.'.s Bank.
Address R. II. Gray, General Agent, Roanoke, Va. Call
for prospectus at J. F. Wingfield'a office, Campbell street en?
trance, Terry Building, lower floor.
OCTOBER 12, 13, 14 and 15, 1897.
Running races, trotting races, $2,000 purses.
Bicycle races for amateurs?handsome prizes.
Hons. William Jennings Bryan, J. Iloge Tyler, John W.
Daniel, find 1'. J. Otey an; expected to address the people.
Excursion trains on all railroads. One fare for the roiint?
tri}). For further information address
Resource. Scrcven Co., Ga. -I have
been subject to attacks of bilious colic
for several years. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dinrrhoca Remedy is the only
sure relief. It acts like a charm. One
dose of it gives relief when all other rem?
edies fail.?O. B. Sharp. For sale by II.
C. Barnes. "He puts up prescriptions."
I keep on hand a complete line of dry
gootls ami notion samples for Guggen
heimer <& Co., nnd invite all merchants
to call, rooms No 1 and 2, over the old
postoflice on Jefferson street.
Besides selling school books nt lowest
prices, wo give a ticket tvith eneh 10 cent
purchase. The customer returning us
largest number of tickets before Jnnunry
1 will get that $75 Crescent Bicycle jn
our window. The Crescent wheel Is
guaranteed by tho Roanoke Cycle Com?
No. 0 Salem avenue.
nz&r FOR PILEV-^srr-.
Per. box
For Sale by All Druggists.
Bonner, the well known restaurant
man, has opdnc"1 a private dining room
for Indies, which is fitted up iu the most
approved style.
05* Subscribe for The Times.
Genuine Calfskin.
Calfskin ! Real, genuine, honest, old
fashioned Calfskin, tanned and prepared
iu the most modern and up-to-date
method. After all. the best material to
make good Shoes with ; i. e., reliable
everyday Shoes that will stand wear aud
tear and hard usage. Not built for
dancing or receptions, but for tough ser?
Then we have the others, too, and all
at bottom prices.
oanoke Sloe Co.,
Spot Gash Money Savers.
E are nearly always as busy
as we can be.
Somehow we seem to stay that
We are working on the plan that
people buy where they get the
ost Value
For Their Money.
We find the plan works well;
probably because it's well
Hardware Dealers,
207 Second street s. w., Boanoke, Va.
Sura;u--;i Women.
Tho Woman's Association For Greater
Saratoga is one of tho largest (dubs of
women in the country, with the small?
est annual dues. It has 1,000 members,
and the dues aro 10 cents a yer.r.
Any weman in Saratoga who will
and can is asked to join and help the
work along, this all for the benefit of
the Greater Saratoga. The Greater
Saratoga hi to include all the region of
the 50 springs in the valley, and tho
ultimate object of the women is to have
the srate of Now York buy all these
springs and to have them all free.
The annual dues aro all put aside for
this purpose, but every year they have
otio or two largo entertainments, nt
which they raise generous sums of
money, and these they givo for any
needed improvement around Saratoga.
Recently they contributed $70 for bi?
cycle paths. Mrs. Ellen Hardin Wal
worth, pn sideut of tho Post Parliament
club of New York, is president of tho
association. ?Woman's Journal.
A Rntnnrkable Athlete.
A California girl, MissRowona Rood,
hna a remarkable record aa an athlete.
She is 19 years old, weighs 100 pounds
and is 5 feet 8>-? inches tall. She rides,
swims, fences, rows, wheels, runs and
jumps. She can handle tho Indian clubs
and dumbbells, play football and bas?
ket ball like, a veteran aud is an expert
on tho trapeze. In tho guinea at Vnssar
she broke tho world's womuu's record
for tho running broad jump, clearing
13 feet 3 inches; won tho 120 yard
hurdle race and won tho running high
jump, clearing 3 feet 8 inches. She
hau jnst comploted her sophomoro year
at Vassar.
Tho Triumph of SurRi-ry.
Dr. Butch?Well, this was a great
Professor Cutt?Did tho patient sur?
Dr. Butch?Oh, no, lie died, but we
found out several things wo didn't know
before. ?Brooklyn Lifo.
Her Old Pair.
Bhe swung In the hammock. There Boomed lit
tie doubt
She might havo occasion to mo It,
But. she was (ptitu careful she didn't fall out,
For shi) hadn't the Blocking!) to do n
?New York Sunday World.
Breakfast 25 cents; dinner, 25 cents;
supper, 25 cents. Meal tickets, $4. J.
J. Catogni's restaurant
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting, inci?
dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples,
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box.
I)r. Cady's Condition Powders, aro
jnst what a horse needs when iu bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price 25
cents per package.

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