OCR Interpretation

The Roanoke times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1897-1977, February 19, 1898, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079490/1898-02-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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Oak, Mahogany, Walnut. Terms very
easy. Ko uotes to sign. No agents to
Roanoke Insic Co.,
C. T. JENNINGS, Manager,
22 Salem Avenue.
of a new range, stove, tin?
ware, granite ware, etc., etc.?
Well, we've a full line now,
and our prices cannot be beat.
< Jive us a call.
Engleby & Bro, Co,
See Our $35 Wheels.
Operated by the Vulcan Road Machine
Corapany at (Jhurlcstown, W, V?.
Cbarlestown, W. V?., Feb. 18.?The
Wc^t Virginia bridge works, winch are
opetated by tho Vulcan Road Machine
Company, a corporation, to-day madoan
assignment for the beneUt of all of their
creditors to Frank Beckwitb, trustee.
The property conveyed in the trust covers
ail Its real estate, and personal property
at tbis place, consisting of a tract of land
containing four rtnd a half acres, forty
two lots consisting of about, five acres,
personal property, consisting of tools aud
appurtenances used in their manufacture,
and all accounts duo to the company, so
curing all their creditors without, j refer?
ence, nggregatinng about $50,000. The
persoual ptoperty and real estate ig
thought to be woith about $15,000, be
aides n large number of ourstanding ac?
counts. Among the largest creditors is
.!. B. Meredith, president! of the com
puny, whese claim Is about $20,000. The
works wetc moved he>e In 1891 from
Kenuet Square, Philadelphia, and have,
been operated since that time, but dur?
ing the past three years hive ceased
manufacturing road machines and turn?
ed their attention to tho manufacture of
bridges. A suit,ls now pending in the
supreme court of appeals, instituted by
the taxpayers of ' Kamuvhn county, re?
straining the sheriff from paying the
company uu order of $5,200 for building
a bridge across a stream near Charleston.
It is thought that some of tho large cred?
itors will purchase the plnnt when offered
for sale, organize a new comDiiny and j
operate it, as they have a number of big !
contracts on hand.
OUR EAST WINDOW is full of Box
Papers?-a samp'e of what we have in?
side. You cnu bny any box of paper in
our house at less tlmn cost. The Fish
burn Co.
Warning That Trouble Would Follow j
Arrival of the Maine.
New York, Feb. 18.? TIip Evening 1
World contain? a copyrighted cablegram
from Havana, signed by Sylvester Scovel,
which says:
"I shall now quote what Secretary Oon
gOPto, then the acting governor-general,
or fullillinL; the functions of that respon?
sible position, said to me the night before I
the Maine bad arrived. Consul Generali
Lee told him that after noou that, a war?
ship would come. Congosto belligerently
objected. General Lee then said:
" Remember, if any trouble does oc?
cur. 1 shall have the whole fleet here in
four hours.'
'?Shortly after I saw Secretarv Con?
gosto and he was very n ad. He was also
indiscreet. He said to me:
??'if voiir pecple woul'1 onlv let us
nlone it would he all right. Spain has
put up with more than any other nation
wenl'd ha'e done. I have warned you
that there would be trouble if tlie Maine
conies here. Now bring your ship" here.
If vou want war von can have it. Yon
will find that Spain hasn't forgot how to
I took these words at tne t:me as the
angry utterances of an overtaxed diplo?
mat. Now they seem to mean some
t hing.
"Two days aim a Spanish datlv hero
, laimed Senor de Lome wrote his famous
letter and laused its capture hecAUse he
saw no gAin in further delaying a break
between tho two governments "
Lexington, Vs., Feb. IS.?The report
given out to-day in reuard to General
Shipp is that his condition Is unchanged.
He is critically 111.
One Waverly Bicycle in good condition
for $20 cash. The Fishburn Co.
OLD PAPERS for side at Tho Tunes
fltofc^M fQr mmii"' "'"k'r t:,:rncts
A Circular Sent to Him by Indig?
nant Spaniards.
Washington. Feb. 17 ?Captain C. I).
Sigsbee, commanding the second-class
battleship Maine, was warned of an in?
tending disaster to his vessel two weeks
before the CAtastropho occurred.
Whether by a singular coincidence if
the dituster to the vessel should finally
turn out to have been the result of an
accident, or because of the pity and mer?
cy of one in the counsel of ihoso re?
sponsible for the vessel's loss should It
: have been due to design. Captain Sigsbeo
' was Informed Sunday, January HO, that
it would be wise for him to "look out foi
his ship."
I Mrs. Sigsbee, tho wife of the Maine's
commander recei\ed a letter from her
husband some days ago in which was in?
closed a circular in Spanish anathemat?
izing Americans and the American navy.
On the left edge of the circular, which
was*printed ou cheap paper, was a
rude form >jf n hand with the index lin?
ger pointing to two "words which were
underscored, and which in English mean
"rotton Kiuadron." At the bottom of
t ho Hrculnr were these words in Eng
' .iah, written with a pen, the handwriting
j being lair:
"Look out for your ship."
This is the English translation of the
"Spaniards.?Long live Spidn and
honor. What are ye doing, that ye al?
low yourselves to be insulted in this
way? Do you not see what they have
dono to ns in withdraw lug our brave und
beloved Weyler, who at this very time
would h.ive finished with this uuwoithy
rebellious rabble, who are tramping on
our llsg and our honor? Autonomy is
imposed on us to set us to one side and
to give posts of honor and authority to
those who initiated this robe.lion, these
ill-born autonomists, ungrateful sons of
our lieloved country. And, dually, these
Yankee hogs w ho meddle In our affairs,
humiliating us to the last degree und for
si ill greater taunt order to ns one of the
sh'p? of war of their rotten Bq und ten af?
ter Insulting us in their newspapers and.
uriviDg us from our homes. Spaniards,
the moment of action has arrived.
Sleep not. Let us show these vile trai?
tors that we have not yet lost shame, add
that we know how to protect ivith en
ertry befitting a nation worthy and strong
as our Spain if, and always will be.
Death to Americans, death to autonomy.
Long live Spain Long Live "iVeyler."
dis Siushee said that she had Inad?
vertently toio the circular and had lost
the piece which contained the warning
written in English.
"'1 here is a pen stroke," she said,
pointing to a dash of ink at the bottom
of the circular. "I have searched for
th- missing portion, but hate up to this
time failed to lind it."
Mrs. Sigsbee further said that her hus?
band had made no mention of tho e'reu
lar of tho warning. lie had simply
placed it in the letter which he had sent
Mason's Surplus Steam Escapes
But Does No Harm.
Washington, Feb. IS. ? In the Senate
to-day Mi. Mason mAde a. hitler speech
against Spain wherein he intimated that
tue destruction ol the Maine was tho
icMiilt of Spanish treachery, and declared
that the administration was likely to con?
ceal the fact even if it .should be disclosed
by a board of inquiry.
He spoke in the most insulting manner
j of Spain and Spanish diplomats, saying
be would not desire to be ou a joint com
j mbsion, as ho might not ne safe from
the Spanish stiletto unless he .wore .ar?
mor under his clothing.
J He declared the Spaniards h ive been
nothing hut scoundrels for a hundred
The "speech fell" Hat. Mr. Wolcott
scathingly rebuked Mr. Mason's insinu?
ations'against the navy's desire to con?
ceal the facts."
Three Men Badly Injured, One of Them
Perhaps Fatally.
Huntington, W. Vs., Feb. is.?At
East Lynn, twenty-eight miles south?
west, of here, .Jasper Ferguson and Pat
Napier..Jr.,became incensed over a young
lady's friendship, and in u ficht that,
followed Ferguson was probably fatally
injured, his antagonist thrlisting a kinte
into bis side and Inflicting a gash several
inches in leng'h, After Ferguson had
been stabbed ho pulled a revolver from
I his pocket and shot Napier in the left
shoulder. Charles Ashbury, a friend of
both parties, who attempted to separate
them early during 'be light, received a
horrible gash from Napier's knife across
i the muscle of his right arm. All en?
gaged were well known young men of
that vicinity.
' 1,(00 Feet of Water Front Sold to an In?
vestment Con pany for ^li?.OOO.
Norfolk, Feb. 18.?The Water Fiont
Investment Company was organized to?
day for the purchase of about thirty acres
af land. Including 1,0011 feet of water
Iront, which adjoins on tne west the
property of tho Southern railway at Pin?
ner's Point. A contract has been enter
i ed into to take the property at a valuation
I of $05,000. Tho,company has been in
i enrporated, a charter having been granttd
I to-day?jn Hie hustings court. Its capital
, is to be not less than $35.000 or more
; than $05,000, and 5.000 acres is tin* limit
of landed property that can he held.
Richmond, Feb. IS.?The senate at its
afternoon session passed a bill regula?
ting the license tax of telephone compa?
nies It prov ides that companies having
?O0 transmitters or lc?s should pay 50
cents on each, over 000 und under 1,000,
a tax of T."? cents e?ch, nver 1.000 and
under 2.000, a tax of $1 each; 3,000 and
over $1.50 each.
Anchored Off Sandy Hook Yester?
day Afternoon.
New York, Feb. 18 ?The Spanish ar?
mored cruiser Vizcaya anchored outside
the bar at Sandy Hook at 5:5V this after?
noon, ami will come up the bay lo-mor
row. A pilot, who was lirst ou hoard
hei, conveyed the news of the Maine dis?
She will come up the bay under the es?
cort of uayy and police tugs with the
stais and snipes Hying from her fore?
mast. Off Fort Hamilton she will fire a
salute of twenty one guns. The fort will
then inn vtp the Spanish flag and simi?
larly salute. Formal visits of naval
officers will'theu be exchanged.
The police this morning arranged to co?
operate with the uavy so as to be able to
arrest any disturbers as the navy is with
i out authority to do this.
Admiral Bunce has designated two
navy yard tugs as patrol boats and or- j
dered eitc.li to be equipped with a machine
gun, ammunition, extra coal and plenty
of provisions. To the tugs were assigned
100 marin?. These lugs, with two har?
bor tugs, and police launches, will form
the. natrcl.
Secretary Long Gives a Statement
to the Press.
Washington, Feb. IS?Secretary Long
to-day dictated the following
Really no information has been re?
ceived, since Captain Slgsbee's first dis?
patch, adding anything to our knowledge
of the Maine disaster. All we know is
that the Maine blew up. There Is abund?
ant room tor speculation of all sorts, but
no conclusion can be arrived at until an
examination has been made by tho divers
and niore (acts obtained. It .is a simple
fact to say such a tning might happen
by design. Therefore, my impression
has been all along that it must have been
"At tho Cabinet meeting to-day the
matter was not discussed, except as any
body of men talk about an event of that
kind. Most of that talk related to the,
terrible loss of life autl expressions of
sympathy for tho sufferers.
'?Von may say absolutely that Liiere has
been no secret Cabinet meetlug. Nothing
has taken place in the Cabinet that the
public have not been informed about.
The whole policy of this department has
been to give the public all the dispatches.
This department has no more knowledge
on the cause of th? disaster or even the
circumstances attending it than have
the public. The report to the effect that
Captain Sigsbee had warned the depart?
ment that the Maine was in dangei from
submarine mines or torpedoes is utterly
without foundation."
Another Cuban Surrender Said to be
Imminent Through This Aorency.
Havana, via Key West, Feb. 18.?Gen?
eral Pando and the former insurgent gen
oral Junn Kau ires have left, here for
j Puerto Del Padre, Ou the uorthwest ccast
I of Cuba, to await the surrender of the
1 insurgent leader, Capoto, with 400 men,
and of another leader with his followers,
according to the Spanish story
i The Spaniards claim it will he neces
| aary to build a large number of houses
! to shelter the 800 families who will be
? tin own upon tho government's hands
: after the surrender takes place. General
Pando is reported to have taken *??l),
with him, and the supposition is that
the money is to be ustd in connection
with the surrender.
The police have found an "Orsiui dyna
j mite bomb" at the de?ur of Senor Fetnan
' de/, is Castro and other unexploded
! bombs have been found.
Dr. Congcsto. the secretary general of
Cuba, is credited with t he statement, 'hat
he has btibed several members of the
New Vork Cuban .junta. BfaVoral letters
are said to have been addressed, to Meu
de/. Capote, offering him a seat in the
j Cuban cabinet and a sum of money b?J
: sides. These letters are said to have been
sent out by several lawyers of Havana.
Fiually, the Spaniards say that the in?
surgent Colonel l.orente, of Pinar del
Rio, was about to surrendes, and when
General Gomez became awaie of the fact
he formed a council of war, and it. is fur?
ther stated Lorentc will be shot II his
treason Is proved,
Lancaster. Pa.. Feb. 18.?The ofllctal
count to-day of the vote cast for mayor
last Tuesday shows the election of Simon
Shissler, Democrat, over Samuel M. My?
ers by one majority.
SCHOOL BOOKS. Tablet.-, Composi?
tion Books, Copy Books, etc., at the
Fishbnrn Co.
See cut-rate price list of Ideal Steam
Laundry on page 4.
We ure carrying the nicest
line of
Evaporated Fruits
ever shown in Roanoke:
Bed Nectarines,
Pitted Plums,
Bartlett Pears,
Moorpark Apricots,
Peeled and
Unpeeled reaches,
Country Dried Peaches,
Silver Prunes,
Ruby Prunes,
Black Prunes of four sizes.
Hunter & Co,,
Corner Salem avcuue and Commerce St.
Gaptain Sigsbee Denied Permission
to Search For Bodies.
Havana, Feh. IS ? Captain Sigsbee.
Lieutenant Comniau>ler Wainwrigbt,
Chief Engineer How ell and Lieutenant
Holinan went this morning to whero the
wreck lies in order to rind tho bodies of
Lieutenant Jenkins and Assistant Engi?
neer Merritt. Thev brought several div?
ert for the purpose. As soon as they
approached the wreck they '*ere stopped
by a guard of aimed Hpanlah soldiers
which surrounded the wreck. Sigsbee
told the guard who he was and what his
intentions were, but they emphatically
refused to permit hhn to advance fur
"Neither you. Captain, nor any one
s!?e is permitted to como any nearer,"
they said. Then they explained that
they hnd most stringent orders not to al?
low any diver employed by Americans to
go down Into the Marine without being
accompanied by Spnnist divers Captain
Sigsbee immediately reported to Lee,
who Immediately started to the palace, j
He explained to Admiral Manterola that
as the Maine is property of the American
(Government none but Amerlcar divers
and American olllcers have tho right,
without American authority, to go Into
the wreck or handle anything belonging
to it.
Admiral Manterola said he would give
special orders to tho guards to permit.
Sigsbee to do whatever he desired at the
wreck of his vessel. Nevertheless tho
promise was not kept. Sigsbee and stalT
held lenuthy consultation on the Fein.
They discussed the project of beginning
immediate examination bv theii diveis.
It was finally decided to await the atlivul
of the boat;', of inquiry.
A solution of tho difficulty was given
out by the Spanish at 3 p. m. As no
step had been taken tc carry out the
promise of tl e Spanish admiral,Lee drove
to the palace of B'anco to press the light
claimed by Americans before tho highest
Spanish authority iu the island. Blanco
saitl the Spanish gofernmeut is very
much interested to have its own divers
examine the Maine in order to learn, if
possible, the cause of the disaster. Lee
held to this argument that omy the
Maine's captain and divers controlled by
the captain of the vessel may conduct
Finally it was agreed to ask th? Gov?
ernment at Washington if it was willing
that Spani-h divers uo into the Maine's
hull. Wi.th regard to Sigsbee's request
It was decided that Aineilcnn divers may !
enter the wreck but the Spanish divers
may examine the waters outside of tho
battleship because they are in Spanish
Bodies of the Maine's !iI-Fated
Victims Interred.
Havana, Feh 18.?The bodies of those
victims of the Maine that had been re
covered were ntiried hero lato yesterday
with great pomp. Havana could have
done no greater outward honor had they
been their own heroe?. Parrado, repre?
senting the tinny, c.'.vii governor and
other officials of high rank participated
iu a big procession to the cemetery where
tee bishop of Havana personally olli
c.iated. The rites at the grave wer? con?
ducted by torchlight, with great solemn?
ity The bihhop donated ground for tho
biltial and the municipality defrayed
the expenses
On and After April 1 You Can't Get
Down a Bet In Cecil County.
Annapolis, Md., Feh IS.?The legisla?
ture to-day decided that the Cecil county
race Hacks, which have become known
to the sporting element in all parts of the
country, must close up. Tho house
passed tho henato oill prohibiting pool
sellin/ and the maintaimiuco of race i
tracks or pool rooms in that county.
The restrictions permit of no loop hole
for the gam biet 8.. The trackj must close
and the bill even makes it a misdemeanor
for Cecil countians to buy pools on "races
outside the county. Another bill gener?
ally prohibiting races and pool selling
throughout the State is in committee.
Atlanta, Feb. 18.?Governor Atkinson
is overwhelmed by offers from thosa who
want to enlist in the event the Maine
episode brings on war. Ever, since the
suspicion of foul play began to be enter?
tained, telegrams began to pour into the
executive's ollieo and that of the adju?
tant general asking for ari opportunity
to serve under the United States ling in
Culm or anywhere else. The governor is
making the same reply to all there pa?
triotic men: That there will bt plenty of
time to fight it" niHtters reach a crisis.
Norfolk, Feb. 18. Spanish Yice-Con
sul Humphreys has been notified that the
orulier Vlzcaya will visit Norfolk and
Washington, Feb. 18. -The tight
, against tho marine hospital service Is on
j again, over the question of national or
i State quarantine bi time of epidemics.
: There are a number of bills before the
House committee on Interstate and for?
eign commerce on this subject. The com?
mittee heard arguments. One of these
is known as the CalTery bill and is ad?
vocated by the Louisiana Senator out of
conviction of the necessity of national
I control. Another known as the Snootier
' :>ill dials with the Biibjeot In a more lib
I end manner. It does not propos*) to In?
terfere with State control. Di. Doty, of
N\ w York, health olle er. was the princi?
pal speaker, and advocated tho Spooner
bill, asserting that Stato control would
bo much more effective than national.
LET US SHOW YOU the Williams
Typewriter, it has some great features
over other machines. The Flshhurn
Co., agents.
l9. 1898.
VanLear Bros.'s
Hood's Sarsapafilla cut to.02
Celery Compound, $1 size, cut to ... .00
Bird Seed cut to.07
Miles'Medicines, regular price $1... .65
Tonic liypophosphites, full pint bot. .75
Diamond Dyes, per package.07
Pink Diver Pills, 2">c size.17
Cuticura Resolvent.70
All other medicines cut In same proportloi
VanLear Bros,, S. W. Corner Sa
NEARLY $6,000,000.
General Appropriations For the
State For Two Years.
Richmond, Feb. IS.?The senate iiunnce
committee to-day reported the general
appropriation bill. Tho same wil' ap?
pear on the senate calendar to-morrow.
It carries annual appropriations aggre?
gating $70,000 less than the bill two
years ago.
The bill Will find rough sailing in both
houses. It appropriates in the aggregate
for the ovo years, six million dol?
lars. It contains the usual apprcpria
tions for the Confederate veteran and
soldiers home, and for the public schools.
Educational institutions and asylums
will he cut but it is thought they will be
touched lightly, and here Is where the
battle will be fought. There are more
'than a dozen institutions in the State
that are bountifu'ly provided for out of
the public treasury and when the sena?
tors representing the districts in which
these various institutions aro located get
together they will compose a formidable
resisting force, and backed by the report
of tho Iiunnce Committee will tie able, it
is thought to carry their point.
Favorable Feateres Dominate the
General Situation.
New York, Feb. IS. ? Brndstreet's to?
morrow says:
Favorable features dominate the gen?
eral business situation as a whole and
few commercial conditions present them?
selves which can be regarded as lu any
degree disturbing. Thief among those
factois which make for a continuance of
grov ing strength itr commercial lines
may be mentioned the renewed tendency
toward advances in quotations of all
staple articles aud steadiness of prices in
other lines Bei baps second In the list of
auspicious features is the continuance of
marked activity in nearly all branches of
the Iron aud steel trade. The failure of
! oonti.er furnace men to reach a price
I agreement Is of course a depressing feat
j uro In that particular section, which,
i however, finds a counter balancing factor
; in the intention to advance prices report?
ed fiom Bessemer ere producers. The
volume ol distributive trade shows an in?
crease, notably In dry goods and grocer?
ies, at so many widely separated points
as to warrant ?ho conclusion that tho
spring trade Is receiving a perceivable
Impetus. At the West iron and steel
I niilis are reported generally busily em?
ployed and unwilling to lake border* for
early delivery. At Chicago AO.OOO tons
of steel rails nave been sold during the
past two weeks. The bicycle tradb Is re?
ported as starting tip well in the West,
but slill slow in the Hast, where, how?
ever, the cotton goods situation is oue of '
hopeful strength, owing to the strength
of raw material and restriction of pro?
duction, due to New England mill
strikes. The strength of cotton, sugar,
rice and demand for iron all favor tbe
Southern trade situation, which is also
being helped by growing foreign trade in
cotton goods. ..Activity in Alaskan ship?
ments keeps vessels busy on the Pacific
coast, and freight rates- are firm. Califor?
nia crop prospects are not encouraging
as a whole. Business failures continue
; to decrease, aggregating only 309 for the
', week, against ;it5.r> for the corresponding
j week of 1SSI7. Of the total number of
concerns falling SI per cent, had capital
not exceeding $5,000 and 05 per cent,
had capital below $20,000.
Washington, Feb is.--The attorney
general to-day ordered the removal of
Assistant District Attorney Covington,
' of the Western North Carolina district.
; Mr. Covington was asked to* resign, but
1 he deelin'd. on the ground that theassis
I tant attorneyship is protected by the
, civil service law. Spencer Blackburn
j will be appointed to til! the vacancy.
I Mr. Covington says he will contest the
appointment in the courts.
' The baseball rooters of this city will
no doubt be glad to learn that the pros?
pects for having a league in Virginia
with Boanoko represented with a team
are exceptionally good. Henry Ocholts
is backing Koanoke's chancea and it is
safe to'say that he will have the league
It possible. In interview with a Times
reportei last night Mr. Sch?lts said that
he was in receipt oi a letter from the
Main Street, Car Line Company of Rich
u ond urging the formation of a league
The league will he a four club one with
teams Ironi Lynohburg. Petersburg,
Richmond ami Roanoke, but will not, be
under National Leugne protection.
There wtll be a meeting of representa?
tives from the four cities mentioned held
Inside of the next two weeks either in
Richmond or Lynchburg at which meet?
ing the organization ol ike league will
be perfected.
Visiting cards engraved at Osldweli
Sites Cc.
The Times has for sale a schol?
arship in the National Business
College; price $35,
Ayer's Hair Yigov.00
Sarsaparllls, $1 .60
Munyon's Remedies.15
Powdered Borax, per pound.10
Hood's Pills.16
Yalo Pepsin Gum, 2 packs for.05
Yin Mati.mi (Win?? Cocoa).05
Fig Syrup (California).35
Beef, Wine and Iron, full pint.75
a. Get our prices. We'll s.we you money.
ilem avenue and Jefferson street.
The Senate the Scene of a Lively
Political Discussion.
Richmond, Feh. IS.--The senatorial
primary bill consumed most, of the day
In the senate. The discussion took a po?
litical turn.
Mr. Flanagan. Republican. wa<? the
last speaker ami ho made it rather warm
for Mr. Barksd.alo cud Mr. Wickham,
both of whom were formerly shining
Ugbts in the count ds of the Republican
parly. The bill went over without ac?
The senate passed the following bills:
To incorporate the Joseph H. Sands
Division of the Brotherhood of Locomo?
tive Enuiueers of Roanoke.
To prevent the adulteration of dour.
To eradicate the fan Jose scale.
To authorize the city of Kadford to
make an allowance for the clerk of the
To Increase the pension of John M.
Knight, a Confederate veteran, of Roan
The senate passed ninety-frvc other
bills and geueral lulls of minor impor?
Anhl Lang Syne by Max Mnller. Cald
well-Sites Co.
Not to the Country, Rut to Tenets of
New Brunswick, N. J., Feb IS.?Presi?
dent J. H. Pattun, of the Kpworth
League of Now Jersey, created i\ sensa?
tion at the opening of the convention in
the First Methodist Church here this
morning, when in discussing the tem?
perance question and its operation at
university centers, said:
"]'hnnor.Gov. ahaw for refusing to
countenance a hall or to permit wine at
^tate functions, but 1 cannot sa? tho
same of the man who sits over yonder in
tho While House. Ho may bo loyal to
Bocial traditions, but he is n traitor to
the principles of Methodism"
Mr. Qna>'a Hill Provides for a Site at
Columbia Heights.
Washington, Feb. 18 ?Mr. Quay intro?
duced a lull In the Senate yesterday to
provide for a suitable >ite for a residence
for the President of the United States.
It provide* that the Secretary of tho
Treasury Is authorized to acquire blocks
28 and 20 of Columbia Heights, bounded
by Florida avenue on the south, Thir?
teenth street, on the east, and Fourteenth
street on the west.
The bill carries with it an appropria?
tion of $1,500,000 for the purchases,
ROLLTuP DESKS, Typewriter Desks
-everything in the Desk Line. The Fish
burn Co.
Hill of Justice Disgraced by Tumultuous
Paris, Feb. IS. ?The scenes In the hall
of justice, where the trial of Entile Zola,
is being conducted, are impossible of de?
scription. The uproar and excitement
are tremendous. One of the supplemen?
tary jurors exclaimed when the proceed?
ings were suspnded, "After suoh a ses?
sion as this, there i* no longer any doubt
that the country Is in danger."
New Uioks just. in. Caldw eM-Site-s Co.
DON'T BUY A WHEEL until you
have examined the Spaldiug. We sold
quite a number of wheels lusr season,
and so far we have not had ONE COM?
PLAINT of any kind. How is that for
a Record Breaker The b"lshburn Co.,
lube piste 10c. Caldwe'.l-Sites Co.
Poeahontas Coal, nut and lump, ^-1.20
per ton, $2 10 per half ton.
R?ssel Creek nut ami lump coal, $-t
per tun, $2 per half ton.
Brush Mountain nut and lump4 $5 per
ton, $2.53 per half ton
Market Square.
T forecast foe Virginia: IncrraaJotC uUm
iliiK ss ami. protiiitxly lii;tit ratal waruwar,
sou I licriy wloalH
*<f 4*44<44S4* ?4444 ?4444444
f Tuning and f
I Repairing |
*j In the most artistic manner oy
I Mr. W. A. Gray,|
i J an expert tuner, who has just been j*
' * secured by us. All work fully J
i Hti guaranteed. Prices right. No *.
: * charge for examining instruments ?
and making estimates. Prompt- jj
<# ncss a speolnlty.
Robbie |itano Co.

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