ro THE FLORIDA STAB FRIDAY AUGUST 10 190 7 GRfAI IRmlOf TWECiTUkY Doctor IXSBU Kl pck Ort1 eaU Dc crllw the ladla Famine Special Correspondecce of The Florida Star NEW YORK Aug 7 Dr Louis Klopsch who recently returned from a tour of Inspection of the vast famine area of India says that now that rain Is falling there the distress Is even worse than before Unless blankets by the hundred thousand and clothing In wholesale quantities are supplied at once thousands of people already saved from starvation will die for want of proper bodily protection Dr Klopschs paper The Christian Herald has sent more than 300000 for the aid of the famine sufferers besides the cargo of corn which was sent out on the steam er Quito some weeks ago Onehalf of India today said he In an Interview with a representative of this paper his a great charnel house In which countless of thousands have already 1Ulwd of cholera plague dysentery and starvation and as many more are doomed to a like fate How to describe It so as to bring It vlthlu the grasp of the human mind I know not Twenty thousand new cases of cholera weekly with 73 per cent mor tality representing lOOO deaths every seven days plague on every hand dys entery mowing down Its victims right and left uud starvation staring mil lions boldly anti defiantly in the face reaping harvest unprecedented these tell the horrible story as accurately as a brief prose summary of Mlltoni Paradise Lost would convey a sensu of Its poetic sublimity The skeleton may be thus but the soul is wanting On the day of our arrival In Bom bay the streets were literally crowded with walking skeletons Every stop of the way we were beset and besieg ed by men women and children in the l1st stages of destitution piteously begging for a mite that they might eat and live They prostrated themselves before us calling upon us as the pro tectors of the poor our father and mother our king and our God to save thorn from starvation Houseless and homeless these un fortunates sleep in the streets of Bom bay at night They lie down just whore they happen to tutu themselves when tiredness overtakes them Evory effort has heen put forth by the city to disperse the Hungry crowds and return them to the country but necessity recognizes no law and des peration yields to no entreaties What they want is bread broad bread for tbonisolvos and their loved outs and the city is their last hopo If that fails them they must perish and if die they must they may as well die there as elsew t At Ahmadalmd we wont into the pnorhnuso whore over a thousand peo ple in various stages of nudity and omaciation wore seated on the ground waiting to ho served It was time for the evening moal Ve loft them for the time being ami taking a turn sido wiso wo ontered the hospital section which was tho worst with one or two exceptions that I had occasion tit visit 110 lust wont through the cholera wards and there in every wart I we found dead bodies on tilt cots or on the ground Every litth or sixth cot had a corpse in it I asked why they wore not removed anti an attendant replied that Iht victim bad died after 12 o hurl noon in which case there was no re moval until the time for burning which is S in till evening Tho most distressing phase of all this indescribable misery was the little children who seem to bo in constant agony internal and external They llid not cry aloud because they lacked the vital inner force for such effort Though their faces were constantly cry Injr 110 sound was heard and as we looked at these innocent helpless little things so emaciated hollow toiiplod KunUoit eyed the nape of the ueck su sharply indented under the skull that the head looked abnormally largo and ill snppIIllcd t he inn den of sympa thetic grief became almost unbearable Sometimes tears rolled down heir cheeks and the mother sitting next to this child would wipe the tears away with n part of her dirty niiliy gar ment and somcthinir like a nigh would escape to indicate lIP depth of sorrow that was laying hold upon her heart Since lilt beginning of lilt famine In India traircdios have boon enacted in South Africa ami China and still In dia remains unhappily the scene of the greatest tragedy of all the century Since the 1st of last January the deaths by starati in India in aav one month outnumber all the British losses in tho Boor war to date The number of famine victims who have died since the lirst of the year exceeds the total of UHMHHI at which figure our losses in the civil war is computed Meanwhile the famine stricken area Includes 0HMOuo inhabitants a num ber equal to the entire population of the United States cast of the lli lssip Hi H My baby was terribly sick with the iliarrlioun says 1 II I > mk of Williams Oregon U We were unable to cure him with the doctois nS tance and as a last Colic resort wo tried Chamberlains Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I am happy to say it pave immediate relief and > complete cure Jt For Mile by Wilson t1 Son A project is on foot to connect the rail ways ofGreece with those of Turkey so M to connect Athens with Europe by rail You ought to know that when suffering from any kidney trouble that a safe sure remedy is Foleys Kidrey Cure Guaran teed or money refunded Wilson Son The British counsul at Copenhagen calls the attention of persons trading with that country to the necessity of register ing their trade mark in Denmark The Most Fatal Disease More adults die of kidney trouble than of any other disease When the first symptoms of this disease appear no time should be lost in taking Foleys Kidney Cute which is guaranteed or money re funded 50100 Wilson Son The opening of the new freight station in the Pennsylvania Avenue Subway at Twentieth and Hamilton Streets Phila delphia practically completes the Read ing Subway Sick Heartache is the bane of woman Vhat is wanted is not relief alone but relief and cure Dr Loyal Fords Dyspepticide will cure sick headache for alt time It makes the stomach right Wilson tC Son An engine shaft with its attachments weighing 240 tons was recently raised with the aid of screwjacks and overhead crane at the power house of the Metro politan West Side Elevated railway in Chicago DdlUlUc1du expels the noxious germs of dyspepsia from the system absolutely cures the disease and causes the stomach to furnish healthy blood for tissue and nerve build ing Dyspppticide thus differs from other remedies Wilson Son Dr Goldschmidt has devised n new method of welding mils in which he makes use of the great heat develepeil by aluminium when combines with oxygen furnished bv It metallic oxide Chinese are dangerous enemies for they are treacherous flats why all counterfeits of DeWitts Witch Ihrol l are dangerous They look like DeWitt but instead of the allhealing witch hazel they all contain ingredients liable to irri tate the skin and cause blood poisoning For piles injuries anti skin diseases use the original and genuine DeWitts Witcii Hazel Salve Wilson Son 0 lion a Slj h Means Sighing is but another name for oxygen starvation The cause of sighing is mot n frequently worry An interval of several seconds often follows moments of mental disquietude during which time the cheat walls remain ligid until the imperious demand is made for oxygon thus caus ing the deep inhalation It is the ex piration following the inspiration that is I properly termed the sigh and this sigh is simply an cHhrt of the organism to ob tain the necessary supply of oxygen The remedy is to cease worrying Due may be anxious but there is no rational reason for worrying A little philosophy will banish worry at once Worry will do no goud it will rob one of pleasures when blessings do come us one will not he in a condition to enjoy them August Ladies Home Journal Fann1I1 J rent lrturl propose mak ing a farewell tour of the province What play would you ml vise Title1luch Adieu About 0thiugIthuitJuurual KCKMA ITCMIlNtJ lllMOKS 1IMTLKS CLltKl Its 11 It II Iottli KiHo to Sutlerure lJoco your skin itch anti hum Distressing Millions oil the skin MI you leel asliunud to lit nreii in roiuimny 1o sea Us ami amles form ou tin skin hair or scalp Have you ITCIIIM Skin Mile and tracked Hash form on tlirKin Irirkinjr pain ill the skin Buls Iimnli ° Iloni naiiia Swollen joints ° Falling hair All run down Skin pale Old sure f 1lItill sorts 1 INS To earn to stay Lured take n IJ 1J t Uotanir Blood Halm whirh makes the blood pure and rich It U It will nni e the sores to heal itching lCZl1II1l to stop forever the > kin to Ueeouie Hoar and the Ureath sweet B It B is just the remeily you have been looking for Thoroughly tested for 30 years Our n ad ers art advised to try B 14 n For wilt IIY drujiuitsal 1 per hurt Uottlc six large bottles t full treatment 5 He sure tIll liottlt reads Hotanir Hli > od Halm l Vtuplete direct ions with eaeh Bottle So siillercrs may test it a trial bottle given away Write for it Address BlOOD HALM TO Atlanta tit Describe your trouble ami free personal inuil ieal adviee given H H H for sale by F II Sort ven druggist Titnsville J Fur Over Fifty Year Mus vviVsioWs SOOTHING SYUCP has been usuii for over fifty rears by lit 11110ns oC mothers for their children while teething with perfect Miuc > S It soothe the MM otteu the rum allays all pain cures wind culls and t t the best remedy for DlarrUomi It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately sold h y Drug M in every purt of the world Mitxrtve teats a bottle He sure ami aak for Mrs ins IOWSonttIRS SvniD HH + 1 Ink nw other kind Do Your Feet Aehuaml Burn Shake into yonr shut Allens FoolEase a powder for the feet It e Hls the feet and makes tight ur New Shots fe I lviy l tire Corns Hunions Swollen Smarting Hot Callous Sore and Sweating feet Allens Fut Ease relieves all pain and gives rest and comfort We have over 3iMHH testimonials It curt while you walk fry it today All druggists and shoe stores sell it iV Sample sent FUKK Address Allen S Ulmsted Ie UoyvT Y Yo o A S iORZ A 1ha Kind You Have AlwaYs Bought a Bears the rt Signature of ct lIf + CANCER IS NOT INCURABLE Time was vnen Cancer was considered as incurable as leprosy Physicians and friends could give little relief or encouragement to one afflicted with this terrible disease Even now doctors know of no remedy for this fearful malady while admitting it to be a blood disease they still insist that there is no hope outside of a surgical operation and advise you to have the Cancer cut out but at the same time cannot assure you that it will not return You may cut or draw out the sore but another will come ia its place for the disease is in the bloodis deepseated and destructive and beyond the reach of the surgeons knife or caustic fleshdestroying plasters The blood must be purified and strengthened the system relieved of all poisonous effete matter before the Cancer sore will heal S S S is the only medicine that can overcome this powerful and contaminating poison and force it out of the blood It builds np and invigorates the old and supplies new rich lifegiving blood S S S is a rely vegetable remedy no mineral can be found in it the roots and herbs from which it is made contain powerful puriiying properties that act directly upon the blood system and make a safe and permanent cure of Cancer It has cured thousands why not you Cancer is not always inherited your family may be free from any taint yet your blood may become so polluted that a severe and stubborn form of the disease flay Impure Blood Invites Disease develop from asore or ulcer on your tongue r Diseaseor other part or your body a slight bruISe or hurt a little pimple on the eyelid lip or nose a small lump on the jaw or breast a harmless looking wart or mole and other causes so insignificant as to attract little or no attention If you have an obstinate sore dont rely upon salves or ointments to cure itbegin with S S S at once it will cleanse your blood and prevent the formation of cancerous cells Mrs R Shirer La Plata Mo writes A small pimple came on my jaw about one inch below the ear on the left side of my face At first it gave me no trouble and I did not think it was anything serious until the jaw began to swell and became much inflamed At the same time the sore began to spread and eat into the flesh and gave me intense pain I tried everything I could hear of but nothing did me any good I then began the use of S S S and after taking sever 1 bottle the Cancer healed and there is now no sign of the disease This was two years ago and I am stilt enjoying perfect health Send for our special book on Cancer + it contains much information that will interest you it is free Write our physicians about your case and for any advice or information wanted they have made a life study of Cancer and all blood diseases Ve make no charge what ever for this Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA M J BevelGear CHAINLESS The first choice of experi enced and particular riders everywhere the best possi ble proof of its superiority i Lightened construction improvements im provements throughout New Models X75 HARTFORDS The leading mediumpriced bicycles Their twelfth year of success In excellence of manufacture durability and ease of running they are un excelled in their class New Models 3 CHAIN WHEELS The finest chain wheels that it is possible to make having every improvement found in our new Chainless models aside from the driv ing mechanism New Mod els o STORMERSo The Stormers present a refinement of construction and finish usually found only in bicycles commanding higher prices They are pop ular favorites New Mod els j 3 > HOME OFFICE HARTFORD CONNECTICUT COASTER BRAKE acts directly upon the tire avoiding all undue wear of the mechanical parts in the hub No straining of the driving wheel For either Chainless or Chain Models Pricr2 wia mir 1M mod oo aa PENNANTS Low in puce but high in quality Staunch and well tinished they possess every requisite of strength und durability Best for all rMers desiring first wear 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