OCR Interpretation

Tombstone daily epitaph. (Tombstone, Ariz.) 1887-1890, September 11, 1889, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96060681/1889-09-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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Ad.cilwnt; rates niiji- LnOK'ii at this ortice.
ro-r-orrirr: hoik.
The Postorhce t open for general deliver
om 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Mcney order Department open from Sn.ni.
6 p.m.
from tint aid WVt t 12 ni., departs 3
. m.
Hi1ct: nuil Iey.irt 6a m . arrives o p. ru.
A.- 4 8. E. S. R-TIM.E OABD.
isbee, 7.00 a. m. Fairbink, q 30 a. ni.
fa.rUank, la.oonoon. Il.sb-e3.30p. in.
Daily, except.Sun.lA).
No rain veterdav
Latest periodicals at Mnmnonier's.
Fresh buttermilk at the Cun Can.
The thermometer tat Seaman.' -tore
registered 02 yesterday.
Ore sack-, tent and wagon cover?
at Svdow t Kiefee'. 15
A. O. F. meet to-nisht in the City
Buy a Loui-iana lottery ticket at
Jos. Lippert's. barlwr hop. tf
G. A. H. meets to-night in Masonic
Stone water buckets something
new, at Sydow & Kieke's. 3
The wife of Kev. Spray is lying quite
ill at their resilience on Third street.
Complete suits of clothes for gentle
men, $4 each, at Sydow Jk Kieke's. 3
The latest periodicals and the
choicest stationery will le found at
Oil, needles, attachments and parts
for repairing all the leading sewing
machines at Yaple's Candy Factory.l-J
The Rattling Boy is now down 1!M
feet and drifting has commenced both
ways on the ledge.
The D- M.Osborne mowers and the
Hall&day windmills for sale at Wol
cott'u. 3-3tf
Stevenson fc Walker are the author
ized agents for Louisiana lottery tick
ets in this city. By investing $1 you
have a, chance of winning a fortune, tf
Frank Earle is now a full fledged
Deputy United States Mineral Sur
veyor, having received his commission
from Koval A. Johnson.
If you want ice cold St. Lous draught
beer out of a genuine German pump
call on Julius Cxsar at the Crystal
Palace. tf
Benny Hyde is much distressed over
the loss of his scarf pin, as it was
a valued present. See notice in this
Frank "White has sufficiently recov
ered to go to work and has resumed
his position of city circulator for the
Daily ErtTAru. -
Several Papago Indians drove about
a dozen fine looking mules and horses
to town yesterday, and took the band
up Allen street offering them for sale.
No one cared to purchase, however.
Salesman wanted in this district.
One of our men earned $4,000 in 1887
and 15,200 in 1888, and is doing better
this year. P. O. Box 1371, Xew York.
The Daily Epitaph has printed and
ready for distribution a lar ;e number
of copies of the?portof tLe commit
tee on the resources of Cochise county,
which any one can get free of charge
by calling at tbit offio.
Adjourned regular meeting f the
.Major mill Common Council, held
September l. !"Mt.
All ptc-ent, except Daruard.
The readini; of the reMrU of olficer.-wa-
H)sIoihh1 uiu.il nevt inceliiij:.
The clerk exhibited 11 di"l from
Protection hose cointMnv riving lot
21 and 2'2. 111 block .'!'". to the city for
tilt" sum of JGU. Tlit deed 'va- Ac
cepted and pl.tt.eil on rile.
The Council then proceeded to di
pose of the bids for the removal of the
old ltescue building and nwanled the
contract to W. W. Woodman, he be
ing the lowest bidder.
The National Silver Convention,
which is to nnet in St. louis on tin
ltith of this mouth, -ent a coiuimuii
cation to the Council reipie-'iiig tin
name- of -everal prominent cituen- Oi
tin-county with whom to correspond
in relation to the -ilver question. The
clerk wa- instructed to -end the naine-
of Hon. Coo. W. Chcvnev. H. 15. Cage
and K. W. Wood to the comuiitUe a-repre-enutivc
men of thi- comity.
The matter of a donation fnm tin
city to the cemetery committee was
deferred until the ne.t meeting.
Xit IIawke, Clerk
Fatal AccMuit.
From I)i-trict Attorney Stilwell,
nlio accompanied Justice Ka-Utn to
I'anisey's cafiou to investigate the
death of Andrew C. McNeil, tie learn
that McNeil owned the mine and had
been working it for several years
There wa- foul air in the shaft, uhii h
was about ".0 feet deep, and it i- sup
posed that lie was overcome while
climbing out and fell to the Iiottom,
breaking hi- neck. A few dollars u ere
found in hi- pockets. IIo wa- about
."2 vears of age, and it is ,-nid hi
mother i living in Chicago or Mil
waukee. McNeil wa- buried Monday.
The Daily KriTAi'H, being ik -irons
of aiding all good work and being liberal-minded
to a fault, oilers a chromo
for a copy of the report, by 10 o'clock
this morning, of the committee from
Cochise county to the Senate commit
tee, iu pnmphbt form, of which 3,(XW
copies are -upposed to have been sent
to San Franci-co, Denier, Omaha, St.
Loui-, Chicago. El Pa-o and I.os An-gele-.
If a pamphlet cannot be pro
duced we would very much like to
see even a rough "proof" of one,not
necessarily for publication but merely
a." a guarantee of good faith." A pam
phlet is -,a small look, con-isting of
sheet" of paper stitched together."
From Si Bryant, who arrived from
the Turquoise di-trict last night, ue
learn that the parties who recently .--cured
one of the mines in that di
trict will start to work on the property
to-day with about fourteen men, who
arrived at the mine yesterday. Pro
pecting and development work is be-
" lfvf fn lf Atini twnnnvtintf iifl r
, tSUV Sa ty li w .'w l.
shipment of 300 sack.- ha- been made
to Socorro. The chances are that
Turquoi-e district will soon create con
siderable talk in mining circles.
The three men selected by the Coun
cil to correspond with the National
Silver Convention are eminently fitted
for the position and will fairly and in
telligently represent the silver ques
tion in this portion of Arizona.
George Cook was arrested yesterday
morning on a charge of assault and
batterv committed on a Mexican wo
man. He was taken before Justice
Easton nd placed under bonds of $300
to appear this morning at 10 o'clock.
Not being able to furnish that amount
he was lodged in jail. The woman is
aid to be terribly beaten and kicked.
A O'imkI Strilr.
Mr. G. W. Cliflbrd. of the Mhiii
1110th, i in the city again to-day on
biisiue in the land oltice. Plenty of
ruin fell in the vicinity of the Mam
moth lut week, which put the range
in line condition, bout throe week
ago Mr. CliHord made an important
copper strike iu the Kincon mountains
.iIkmiI tiflv mile from Tiie.-on. He
bus done -ome work on the cluiin, but
the iiidthof the ieilj:e ha- liot been
.i-certained. The solid ore body i
nlut tvvofiet wide, and several as--ays
show 70 per cent, copper and 0
ounces in silver. Tucson Citizen.
Commenting upon the dispatch
prai-ing General Crook for his forcible
method of convincing an obstreperous
Indian at the Cheyenne agency, whom
he threatened to brain with a chair,
the King-ton, N. M., Shaft, in the fol
lowing paragraph, voice- the -enti-inent
of the pre.-- and people of New
Meieo and Arizona, where ''rook's
incompetency i- written in the blood
of many murdered citiens "'tieneral
Crook mu-t have recently inherited
more forcible method- than tho-e
which he di-playcd while in command
of this department, for he wa- accu-ed j
by the pre-- with being meek and
mild, and who.-e imleci-ion resulted in
the death of many of our citiens.
Crook want- to let hi- hair grow long,
bivome an attache of a fair and travel
with the rest of the fellows who do all
their Indian lighting east of the Mis-)
souri river. There are great victorie
to be gained there. We will take a
Miles in ours: we prefer his forcible
methods and manner iu actual con
flict. They may not ila-h so high,
but thev wear longer and have the
rin; of Listing peace in them."
Fireman's gold -carf pin, in the
hape of a fireman's hat, with the ini
tial- "B. II." on the shield. A suita
ble reward will be paid for its return
to the Willow- saloon or this office.
The work of remoiing the old lies-
cue building will commence in a few
days. The specifications call for the
commencement of work within ten
days after the tiling of the supple
mental bond.
Adam Berg arrived last night from
hi- ranch, having come in to have his
mower repaired. Everybody in that
vicinity is engaged in haying. Crass
i- fair and sufficient hay will be cut to
la-t thi- coming winter. Stock looks
well and Mr. Berg does not apprehend
an unu-ually seiere winter. Water is
plentiful from the late rains.
The Herschel mine will resume
work thi- morning, it having been
dosed down during the ab-ence of Su
perintendent Cook. Mr. Cook says
that mining men get very fair treat
ment at Socorro, and that the return
from his ore was very satisfaclcry It
i- rather expensive, though, to accom
pany a shipment of ore to that pi -ice.
What might have proved a fatal ac
cident occurred in the Fa-hion -aloon
yesterday afternoon. A gentleman
was attempting to take a pistol out of
its fccabbard, when the weapon was ac
cidentally di-charged, the ball going
through the counter and imbedding
itself in the opiosite wall. Fortu
nately, no one was in the front por
tion of the saloon at the time.
All parties are hereby warned not to
give credit to my wife, -Mrs. W. W.
Fctterman, after this date, as I will
not !e responsible for any bills con
tracted by her.
W. W. Fettermak.
TombitOM, JL T., Sapt, 6, 1889. lw
A plain gold wedding ring, between
Nacosari and the old Nicholas ranch,
iu Sonora, about lifteen days ago.
The owner can lime the same by call
ing on Henry Campbell, at the Pony
saloon, in this city, proving property
and paying for this adierti-ement.
If you want a line shine on your
boots or shoei call at Baron's barber
shop. The artist is the best in town
and guarantees good w ork or no pay. b
Attorney J. W. Wentworth, of Pay
son, is in Globe, renewing old ac
quaintances. He uiformd the Silier
Belt that the sale of the Grand Piwi
gold mine, on Webber Cnek, will un
doubtedly be coif animated. Th
company- purchasing has evinced con
fidence in the property by erecting e.-pen-ive
machinery and Mr. Went
worth is of the opinion that enough
bullion will be productd iu a month
or two to pay for the mine, .-r(',().(HM) be
ing the price agreed upon, 10,000 to
i-e paid in cash and the remainder
in -lock. The old Gulden Wonder
mine, near Pay son. show a three
foot vein of good ore at the bot
tom of the 230-foot incline shaft.
Al-o in the old slopes, which were
siipiiosed to haie been workeil out, .1
caie revealed two feet of good ore.
The Golden Wonder worked for -ev-eral
year- by the owners, Messrs. I!ir-
chett and Chil-on, pioduced from
$1)5,000 to 20.000 in gold, with 110
lietter reduction appliance- than a
rudely construct' d arrastra.
The reward of f200 heretofore of
fered by the Po-totlice Department for
the arrest and conviction of any per
son making an armed attack upon any
stage coach or railway mail car having
mails in transit, having b-en found
entirely inadequate as an incentive for
the pursuit and capture of mail ro!
bers, the department his increa-ed the
reward to $1,000, for the year ending
June 30, lMK). Thi- action is made
necessary by the frequency of such
attack- and the failure to apprehend
the perpetrators. No doubt the in
crease of the reward will have a saltit-1
ary effect, and mail robbery may now 1
be expected to fall into "inoccuoiis
desuetude." Globe Silver Belt.
Attorney Ftanci- J. Ileney today
filed for record in the recorder's office
the deed for the Heiisley mining proji
erty at Washington camp. The deed
i- made by Win. E. Hen.-Iey and wife
to Cha-. A. A-hbiirner, of the city of
Philadelphia, the con-ideration being
thirty thou-.-.nil dollar.-. Also a deed
on some proerty from F. P. H.
Whitel.tw, Alfred T. Green and Win.
F. O'Brien. Tuc-on Citizen.
Mr. J. D. Andrews brought to thi
otliceon Saturday, from hi- ranch two
mile- north of Tucson, a -talk of corn
that measured in length 'J feet from
root to tas-el. It wa- grown without
anv irrigation, it wa- in ,-iik aim 1
ta-sel. and had grown in three weeks!
to its present .-i?e. Mr. Andrew- lias
nearly an acre planted, and expects to
get a crop of corn. Citizen.
Tom anil Harry Letcher are reported
to have made a fine silver strike in
their claim in Richmond Basin. Joe
Henry and Win. Gill are al.-o getting
good ore, and other chloridcrs at the
Basin are said to be doing well. Globe
Silver Belt.
Try some of Crosse fc Blackwell'e
Jams. For sale at Wolcott'a. tf
The best way to stop Harris, the
tailor, from talking, is to order a suit
of clothes fiom him. tf
' ro to Wolcott's for eood goods at
I the lowest price.
liwept by the Tide of Popularity.
To the topmost pinnacle of iiicco-s,
Ilo-tettei's Slomat li Bitters stand- a
.-hilling proof of what genuine merit,
backed by the Hung force of proven
fact.-, can attain. The North and
South American continents, Europe,
Vu-tralia, the West Indie-, Guatemala
and Mexico have nil contributed wide
patronage and testimony of the most
i.ivor.ible kind but tui-olicited to
-nell the reputation of thi- sterling
remedy. Among the maladies for
which the 1110-t convincing public and
profe.ioual te-tiniony proves that it
i- a benign curative, are chills and
fever, billion-, remittent, dumb ague
and ague cake, dv-pep-ia, liver com
plaint, neriousiie--, debility, kidney
and bladder complaints. It mitigates
'he iufirmitie-1 01 age, hastens con-
vali-scence, has .1 tendency to prevent
ill con-eqiiences from e.po-uro and
e.vhati-tion. Per-otis of sedentary
habit-- anil Ialoiiotis occupations will
find it an ever 11-eful tonic.
Cholnain Michigan.
Dr. F. I). Urke, of Boger- City,
.Michigan, says the epidemic of last
year in Pic-que Isle County, in which
-o many iicr.-oiis lost their lives, was
choleric dysentery in-teiul of cholera
a-first reported, lleu-ed Chamberlain'-
Colir, Cholera and Diarrlnc
Uemedy and s.tys it succeeded, where
all other remedies failed Not a -ingle
ca-e vv.is lo-t in which it wa- u.-ed.
This Hemedy i-th'1 ino-t reliable anil
mo-t siicce--ful medicine known for
colic, cholera morlm-, dysentery.
diarrb.e and bloodv tlu. '2 and oO
Cent- bottles fur salt bv II. J Peto.
5Q0 Fat Steers.
Persons wishing to buy fat
cattle, cun purchase the same
from Mes-rs. Jose Maria and
Manuel KHas, at their ranch
in San Pedro, Palominas, So
nora, Mexico, who have now
on hand 500 fat steers. They
will be sold at moderate prices.
For further particulars in
quire at tile above named
ranch. 9-1-im
Pioneer Establishment.
(Ritter Builditg)
FRARY&Co,. Managers.
The lnrgt and tinr-t s.i lK of L'ndertKinij
Goods m Amom. We an prepared to do all
work in our line m a first v manner AL.L
Bodies Embalmed
Or t'Tjpor.in'v pt
t-T'- at i tnrlmg
Satisfaction Given in All Respects.
grOriU'T left at the O. K. Stable
will receive prompt at tuition.
Am vxo aus'-us or -saws
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