OCR Interpretation

Farmers' champion. (Elgin, Okla.) 1912-1922, November 21, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96087587/1912-11-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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Success U Ineiiahoma Champion
vi. 3
Stork in IIm Load
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Lumber Company
Dealers in . .
All Kinds of
Building Material
Grain, Cotton, Coal.
Best Mexico Coal
$7 a Ton
. v'M-:-:-:---::-v44H-:-M--i-i--:--:
The Bank That Accommodates
Bank of Elgin
, Elgin, Oklahoma.
.. - . . , -
w v w -wjn
Deposits Guaranteed
If you are not already our customer, open an
account without delay.
A. L. McPherson, Pres. 0. A. McPherson, V. P.
E. McPherson, Cashier.
When the yellow stars go down,
Out in the gleaming, golden
Tired Angers, thin and brown,
Turn from labor unto rest ;
And the solemn hush of night
Soothes euch world-worn, weary soul
Brings fresh vigor for the fight
That comes to all who face the goal.
When the yellow stare come up
From beds of matchless, molten gold,
Fragrant rose and butter-cup
In joy serene their leaves unfold ;
And down each pathway marked by God
These orbs of beauty wander by,
Flinging kisses to the daw-wet sod
Gems of night that blaze on high !
Elgin,'. Okla., Nov. 9, 11)12.
According to the official
of Dr. D. A. Myers, the stark
still holds the lead over the trial
reaper death in Comahehe county
for the month of October and
first half of November there be
ing forty-six births rspsrtsa1 and
but twelves deaths.
Although there were six MM1
of diptheria, six of typhoid fc
ver, seven of starlet fever sMsf
two of infantile paralysis, m
deaths resulted. Thete were al
so nine cases of pneumonia, none
of which proved fatal.
Practically all of the diptheria
patients have recovered, and, the
County Superintendent of Health
reports present health condition
to be very goodi
A number of nuisances
abated during the month.
i j ! je
3 boxes matches 10
3 cans kraut .' 25
3 cans hominy.- 25
5 1-pound pkgs Eagle Thistle Soda 25
8 pkgd Washington Crisp '25
2 pkgs Cream of Wheat 25
2 pkgs grape-nuts , 25
2 25c baking powder 35
6 5c pkgs tobacco ; 25
8 10c pkgs tobacco 25
18 pounds sugar $1.00
Kaw Syrup, per gallon '. 45
Flour, best 1.15
8 bars laundry soap 25
Ribelin, Stone &
Your Own Breakfast Food
I wish, to mtse.this question:
Why' cannot the farmer who
raises his own cor,n and wheat
make his own cereals? Have you
ever stopped IdX-th.ink of the
price you receivedor your grain
and th.2 price "you pay whetf'yim
buy back that same corn and
wheat in small packages, with
much of the nourishment taken
out in the process of manufac
ture? Is it any wonder living is
high? There is no better cereal
in tho world than popcorn eaten
with cream. We have a little
hand mill, that cost $3.75, with
t which we grind our flour for
bread and crack the wheat for
cereal. Rye may be ground in
with the wheat for bread, and
corn can be ground into the rich
est looking corn meal you ever
saw. Whole wheat sliould be
soaked over night, then cooked
until the grains crack open.
We eat both with chopped dates
instead of sugar. Since I have
been eating whole products my
appetite is good and that gnaw
ing feeling of hunger never any
more bothers me. Well do I re
member the time when I was
faint with hunger before twelve
These mills may be had in dif
ferent sizes, to be run by water
power, electricity, etc., and one
in a community could keep the
whole neighborhood in whole
some cereals, at an extremely
low cost.
Mrs. S. E. Neal,
Dodge City, Kansas.
The patriotic
Always Take Hit Ls
: cal Paper
Southwest Teachers Meet
Bryan anal Clark Approve
Both William J. Bryan and
Speaker Champ Clark have ex
pressed their most cordial ap
proval of Woodrow Wilson's an
nouncement that he would call a
special session of Congress.
"I think both his reasons and
conclusions are sound," said Mr.
"The people wiU'approve Gov
ernor Wilson's action," said Mr.
From seven to eight hundred
school teachers of Southwest
Oklahoma are going to Lawton
during the Thanksgiving week
vacation, Thursday t Friday and
Saturday, to attend the annual
eenventfori of thf; Southwestern
Oklahoma Teacher .' Association.
They will begin to arrive on the
afternoon of Thanksgiving day,
and register at the Lawton High
School building,
The program will begin Thurs
day evening, in the High School
auditorium, in the nature of an
entertainment. Practically all
day Friday will be devoted to
discussions on "Best Methods in
Teaching" and "New Conditions
Needed. ' ' These will include the
President's annual address on
"Needed Legislation;" an ad
dress by President Griffith, of the
Southwestern Normal at Weath
er ford; followed by Ira L. Caine,
of Muskogee; E. P. ProflHt, of
Oklahoma City; and J. C. Tuck
er, of Elk City. This general
disscussion will include high
dchool department, intermediate
and grammar; the rural and pri
mary department.
On Friday evening, the only
program so far provided will be
the lecture on Mormonism, by
Senator Cannon, of Utah, who
appears as the second number on
the Lawton lyceum course. To
this teachers will be permitted
to attend without cost.
Sometime during the meeting
it is planned to run a special
train to Fort Sill, carrying visit
ing teachers to the artillery post,
where they will be entertained
by the fifth field artillery band
and by special maneuvers of
The production of agricultural
wealth this year reaches the as
tounding figures of nearly nine
billions of dollars. In the year
1900 the total figures were only
a little over four billion. This
vast percentage of increase is
far in excess of the increased
acreage brought under cultiva
tion, which proves greater yealde
per acre by improved method.
Buttermilk at a Bevermfet
Buttermilk is the MmI beverage, a
sorting to tbe testimony eC theuseaee
of buttermilk drinkers throughout the
country. Drinking butUmUk has be
come a fad in some localities, aad is as
regularly on aale at soda faeatalae
and all place where sett Mrteka at
sold and even la the saleees.
glaeo tke beginning of the heeese
tern buttermilk aas become the ami
Ite hot weather drink la CMeage, ev
king the place of other eett Met m
the soda fountains aad to a misi
tent, of beer la the satoeaa. Tae twit
temllk contingent declare teat sear
In heating and that aeckeeetea 'aieV
sweetened wntda are IbJMNmS nattfcat .
there la danger In too meea lee
In hot weather.
Buttermilk It (a claimed la
Is healthful aad nutrition. It
the spot and sattelee the taint
leaves no bad after eVeete, aad
taken at bedtime la eeedeetvo ef
and restful sleep. It to a ftojiki ,1
as well as a thirst queaeker. la
it Is reported to be all te the gtse aad
nothing to the bad.
The Chicago Post which has beta hv
vcHtlgatlng.e asserts that tall
more or less despised Ileal to
for buttermilk has Increased
the country clubs, la drug stares, la
hotels. In restauraata aad la begets.
That paper quote mass gets of dairy
companies aa saying that the
for uttermllk has Increased
and druggists who haasle.seft drlaba
as saying that It Is outselling toe
and sundae. Salooa mea aad
managera are reported as saytag shea
they can hardiy get enough batteYaumT
to supply the demands of their aee
tomers. Tbe popularity of battarmlla
Is due primarily to the
tlon of Prof Metehalkot
scientific mea who have reeommeaeea
It as tho best summer drink, tke
healthful, the most cooling
most readily digested. Bat,
more than all, the populartRy et sse
lncteal beverage Is due to the easUy aa
quired taste for It whea pee
een persuaded to cultivate the
The buttermilk fad, If sash R Sat he
called. Is not more la ovldoa la OmV
cago than elsewhere. New Tatk aad)
Philadelphia have the taste as fernf
developed aad the press et the lamer
city calls the development "aa a
toniahlng pheaomoaea ia ear astlseal
life," and cites la evidence the threats
of men, .womea aad ehUdrea wee smW
be seen In Uw hlg dssartmsat stSCSS
at the dairy, shops er at the fimrimst
drinking their lee eetd btatatmSm a
nibbling a cracker.
to the south tafttarstlBr
bcen a faverHe hsvarsti
with the eewetsy seta, tae arts leg
Meets have met ease
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