OCR Interpretation

Durant weekly news. (Durant, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 190?-1944, July 29, 1921, Image 6

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96093062/1921-07-29/ed-1/seq-6/

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Hnvp the uitr veterans of Okliilin.
mti fiirK'tti-;i hmv to shoot?
That in a tim-stlon which will pro
bably lie seltk'd :it the nmiunl con
vent Ion of the Ainciicin I.i'rIom to he
hclil :it Knltl on September 26 and
27. ArtanpeisientH are lioltiK iniule
by biato o.'flt inla in ro. operation with
Argonne Post No. I ot Knld, to as
certain whether a suitable and safe
rifle mire can lie found to hold a
marksinan.-thlp contest at the time of
the annual veterans' encampment.
Weary Orey Post No. I lti of Drum
right, is Joining In the statewide
search for II. II. Moutellus, its post
chaplain, who dlsappeated from his
home July 13. The post describes
MontcliiiH ns being 32 years of age,
height five feet eight inches, weight
140 pounds, black hair, dark brown
eyes, ruddy complexion, teeth
straight across the front of his mouth
and with no hair on one shin.
LeglonnaireB believe that the man
may have met foul play or become
mentally deranged. Any Information
should he telegraphed to V. V.
Schrickram, post adjutant, in care of
the Drumright St.ity Dnnk.
Only three farms were included in
the public lands in Oklahoma recent
ly thrown open to entry by ex-sorvlco
men, according to Information ob
tained by "tale headriuartets of The
AmnrlcMi !,cg!on. One of the fauns
in Roger Mills county has already
ben taken. The lemainlng tracts
are In Texas county on the banks of
tho Cimarron liver. They are de
scribed as being sandy and lough,
not pai tlrplarly desliable as farm
lands I'll 11 information mv lie ob
tained fiom I' S. Land Olfire at
Aid of the Amurlcan Legion ha
been asked b Mis. .1 M Wiglev of
S15 N. i:ili-iin Ave, !':! 1mm i t'ily.
In flti'linr trace of her son, August
Wlgle, who was ilisihaiged Imim Hie
army al Camp .Meade, .Maiylaml, on
September 20, lit lit. She has had no
word fi'iii him slnro that time lie
gave his flit it r" ,itliln"-s as Pauls
Valley, Oklabom i.
Threo membeis nf the Anii'i IrnM
Legion nf (ikl.ihoma have signed up
to lal.e the pllurlm.-ii-.i' to l-'iunro
with the merfe,in Legion pi'ilv
which sails I'lom New Yoik on Aug.
list They will nrike a loin of the
battle field anil oilier pol'iN ut in
terest In r'luiii'e as special gue-ls of
the l-'iencb roveiument Several
monument ate in l. unveiled and
roception given In honor of the
Ameilcaii visitors
Charles K Scott of Poteau, John
O. Moselev of Norm. m, and Frank It.
Denton of Chamber, aie the Oklaho
ma repiesentatives. They will leave
for New York this week to join tho
offlrial party.
Posta of the American Legion,
units of the Women's Auxiliary and
other organizations of the State col
lected 111.534.91 in the Memorial
Day sale of popples for tho relief of
war orphi.ns of the United States and
France, according to a report made
by Mrs. W. J. Pettce, state chairman
and Earle M. Simon, state treasurer.
Total expenses of the campaign were
lesR than 2 per cent of the collec
tions totalling only $196. A3.
Numerous Legion posts sold more
popples In their communities than
there are men, women and children
living there. Ilrltton post No. 226
sold 3C0 popples and Thomas post
No. 6 sold 650 popples on the Sat
urday before Memoiial Pay !
The Loyal Order of Duds h.is been
founded nt Ft. Myers, Pin., by "Dad"
Sheldon route, who has announced
that membership will be open to nil
fathers of ex-service men of the
army, navy, and Marine corps of the
United States, who served In the
Spanish-American or world wits, or
who are now In service. The mem
bers will encourage clean, p.itiineir
living In their communities, Irres
pective of party, politics, race or
creed. Tho organization will be af
filiated with tho American Legion
with headquarters at Pt. Myers,
Oidlnarllv, we do not pay a great
deal of attention to favorable com
ments from tlif' metropolitan papers,
reg.niling Duiiint and llryan county
ml their people and their accom
pl'shtui ills, foi we ic ille that things
me being done here that me worthy
of space In the biggest of publica
tions However, the Dull) Oklaho
man, published nt Oklahoma City,
has had so very few good things to
ray about Durant and Hiyan county,
and so many unfavorable items have
appealed In the columns of that pa
per, that when the institution ac
tually does say something nice. It
Is well worthy nf note. Last Satur
day, they printed an editorial about
u, and heie it Is, word for word:
"A little more than sixteen months
ago, the people of llryan county ap
pi lived a hoiiil issue ot !i0o,0oi lor
(hi! const i ut lion of hard-stiitaced
roads. The officials in charge of the
road program got on the Job ami hv
completing the highway plans In
time and by arranging for the sale
of Hid bonds, they vvete able to oh
tain fiom the federal highway fund
an additional $00 on. This made a
total of $1,800,000 for the building
of hard. surfaced roads in Hryan
county, at u rot of 50 cents on the!
dollar to the taxpayers. A dispatch
from Durant says that construction
of tho first lap of the highways pro
vided for In tho Hryan county pro
gram has been started.
"The people of Hryan county have
a Just right to feel proud of their rec
ord in regard to this highway pro
;ram. While officials in some iMier
i utilities of the state piocrnstln i el
argued and did th hesitation w i"
he If t m it (ounty officials wei mi
thr- Job working earnestly to :" i"
l lie maximum of federal aid n
Hid thus lower the cost of road a
miction for the llryan count ''iv
j. ivors Hryan county got her i 'te
nf the mad money whllo coiu.iies
with priK rastinatlng officials net
two (Ms it UN TOfiK'nm:
Kil Haunt, sustained a brokc'i
dislocated shoulder olio da.,
week as result of an automobl'i
cidetit on tho Denl'on road Jm'
side of Hed Itlvcr Mr. Dauin
headed for Deiilson when a 1
car turned out of a lane and Hi'
ran ovei his smaller car, wi
the car and injuiing Uaitin son
(iaienru Over was pnsslnv
biought the injured man to I'n
for medical attention. He and
ISaum left for Huffalo, Now
as "oon as his Injuiles were n"
ed to.
, l
I II g
I. I
I lilt
The lindv of Mr. P. J. tit.ihnni,
.igeil tblrt.v-slx. of Colbert, who was
st i uck by lightning nnd instantly
hilled near Allitiquenitie, nrilved In
Hut, int Monday and was sent Inl
ine ll.ite'y to Ills home at Colbert. The
f ineral was held at the home In
Colbert Tuesday nt III A. .M . The
tmt l.i 1 was at the Colbert cenie
li.iy with Rev. Ilomch. of Oklahoma
City having charge of the servli.es.
Mr and Mis (iiahatu vvef1 on a
vacation teip tluough New Mexico
when the sail tragedy orcuired They,
with another couple, had taken re
luge fiom a rain stoitu in a shed.
The men vvete stinck by lightning
v. hen they lelt the cats. The
fiiend was revived anil lived, hut Mr.
C.iaham was instantly killed. Ml.
(ir.iliam was well known In this coun
ty and leives many relative and
Irieiids to mourn his loss.
lie was j step brother of Mis
tlreen Thompson, of this city
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo W. Booker
have gone to Tuscon, Arizona, where
they will remain some time for the
benefit of Mr. Hooker's health. Their
daughter will follow shortly, driving
through in their car.
Sect entry of War Weeks has an
nouiuetl that six of the army canton
metit j eimps will be abandoned Im
mediately. At least one of the south
rn camps will he maintained per.
manently. he says. Soldiers will be
"hiked" from the abandoned camps
to the new ones to save railroad
fnies, the announcement adds.
FRIDAY, jitiv
Wholesale and Retail
Gasoline and Oils
Service Station 420 W. Main
Free Delivery in City
Telephone 721 Durant, Okla.
Andy (Sravitt has returned tnnu
Philadelphia and Jersey City, where
he spent several days as the .11 !
of the Missouri State Llfo Insiii.ni'u
Company, in company with one hun
dred other agents of the company.
He won the trip, nt the compai"'- ex
pense, by seeming a large vidumn
of business the past year.
- o
Call and See Our
Display of
Flowers For All Occasions
Telephone 939
Cor. Third & Evergreen, Durant
Dr. J. A. Clay Dr. S. R. Clay
Optical Specialists
We grind your lenses In our own
shop. No delays. Promptness
and reliability our Motto
Office with O'Uunlon Music Co.
Phone 793 Durant
nAnv nifa 7m"
night Thursday to
Mrs. E. W. ,.?. 'heb'ttf1
TIPtou, Oklahoma jC
her 3-month.old bate ?"
ton several times Va
Hydrophobia deveioi, '!"
Friday mondT" "
ttltttttttMHM. -S
vwl "Rq,,l,a
lllllllV ... "
Stated rnni, " M .
y night .n h.
month. Visitors ,.," . Iooa
' " IT,
Regular meptii . l
oeforo the full uZ l
Visitors welcnn,: uu'at"
" ' oecy.
'y- WTT. Rm
Regular mnnitn,. .
Light on or before the fmi
wwu wuuio. visitor! '
MRS. M m
Frank Montgomery, one of the
best newspaper columnists the West
ever produced, used to have a habit
of entering the late Charles deed's
office drawling out In his character.'
Istic way the seldom varying ques
tion: "What shall I write nbout
Charlie?" One very hot day about
this time of year ho entered deed's
office when deed was more than
usually busy nnd asked tho usual
question: "What shall I write'
about?" Without pausing at his work ,
deed shouted out: "Right about'
face, and get out of here." Montgom.
ery did and made a good story abont
Oltwd'a comifcartt-Oawfa Weak-'
1iBi6 Chain of Perkins Stores
Holding now, that old time Red Tag Sale
Come and do your trading now at the Perkins Red Tag Sale
m C O M P j N
Raufman II - '
-S i: . t 23.
- . ' I f
?"""inTIII -."""""3 IWmniilIU"
lS-J " " dcn i son
'-'A - if Jf jf-JS&'asSMfch TS3-
Here are things worth your while in Red Tag Sal
Everything in the Store at Reductions
Only a few days more of this Big Sale. We are moving the good
in aouoie quicK rime, we must have the room to continue 01
plans tor the biggest store in this trade territory of Oklahoma.
Brf'fTfeir-i -.r'Ty-
$1.00 Quality Fancy Voiles
Koinjr at
Percale 10c &aj)8
1 Lot Good Percales at only the Big Assortment Voil and On
j --- ---aico at umy me tsig Assortmeni von n
37c yflrd 10c die Dresses, values to S9.Sj
ejflfi $11.85, extra special now ...i
One big Lot Wool Skirts worth , UVerall8 U5c
Deioie the sale to $7.50, now at otanuaru uiue Heavy Overalls qu.oo
only v.S for. Men Buy them now at per Dresses originally to 316-50
on. PJnr 95c Red Tag Sale, choice of
&'' group
Regular 50c grade soft Nainsook SUnnem S7 QR
at the yard 29c . , "PPerS $1.19
12l2C 1 'zes and we can fit you Dresses in a Sensational Bed W
Ciotit wide Bordered Snrim fnr "-s V ouppers must sell and offer this week 0nj,'inai
Curtains, best patterns at onlv ,y are gomB now at Per pair to $27.75, now selling at W
r.., tiiitv mi ao
the yard ..
i - . KHC
Good Bleaching now at onlv the pMt u'? V. . Big Assortment Wash Wrij
van - "- "" "iuaiin in xnis sale Red Tag Sale at earn
tuc at per yard jy2C
lUC C ? Rfl
Good grade Dress Ginghams at Men's Union Suits 69c Georgette m worth to j
al" IOe Regular $1 Men's Unions 69c in Red Tag Sale this week at I

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