OCR Interpretation

The Middlebury register and Addison County journal. [volume] (Middlebury, Vt.) 1883-1885, April 27, 1883, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn98060001/1883-04-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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NO. 17.
Do Yon Know That
Burlington, Vermont,
-Alwayn has in hls iniincnso stock a vcry largo vnriclvof
Fine, Medinni and Ooininoii
A specialty is ii Paintcd Chainbcr
Ket iit $18, liandsomcr and foettcv
tlnni nsnally sold at $25.
Thc "Queen City Wovcn-Whe Ma,t
tress," "Nelsoifs Hest," warranted, at
seven dollars.
We liavc speeial ratcs for frciglits,
and on all pinvliases aiiioiinthig' to
$100 will deliver free of all cluirgc
at nearest railroad slation.
All g'oods warranted as rcpresented.
Correspondcnce solicited, and
promptly answcrcd.
Burlington, Vt.
We arc thc only large Wholesale
and Betail Dry Goods Dealcrs in Ver
The Secret of onr Great Snceess
and large sales is tlic iact ihat we
can and do aivc onr Customers the
benefit of the
We havc in pnrchasing goods in large
qiiantitios. Wl
a-entsONE or TWO HDNDREU OASES and BAlJiS at One
1 uminse,
Prii'08 llian
we can scll
rotail deulors wlio buy
dry aoons ? vicn offkiucd
Reliable Goocls at Bolton! Prices.
C5 "Wo can SAVE YOU MONEY in Kvm-y J.'iaitniont.
IimiiiimI OpiM'ii
lioods at
in Hinallcr lotB of
a low pieces ut a
in vermont.
IIoum Itloclt,
- - Vermont.
Has Just rccelvpd n flill llnc of Mcii'b and
In n vnrict)' of Stylps and Qnalillcs for
lliu Snrini; aml Snniinpi- tradp, hich
will lioBnlilnt prirps ns low as
tlio Imvost for
Special Incliiccnionls will Iic nflL-rctl in
iustom Glothing,
L'ul In llm Intrat ntylrs nml puHstan t ially ninilo
fro.n Slamlnril clolliei, and soldatliullnm
Wnulil resiircirnll v annnuncp lo thc npnnlp of
Miclillt'liiiry aml ailjninliiK tnwnn, that allcr nn
Intcrvnl of rcllri'ini'iit Iic h:m rcsinncil liis old
busliipai in a Htorc IHtud np p.ipcially lor liis nso
Smith & Sheldon's Block,
llpro Iic will lic prpparpil tn iiippI all rnsto m
rn old oiiph aml new onca lio mav waiitimv-
lliing in lliu llnca usnally to Iic fniiml in a
Tin and House hmim
And will also condiicta
(iratPftil fnr nalionaKC and aiiinpcialion in lliu
pattl, Iic HoliPilH llip ivmi'inUranpp aml iMiHtoin of
old Irii nili, aiul would liku to niaku tlicarqiialii
tanpc of new oncs.
SliilUlcbnry, VU, Aprll S, 1SSI. 14 ;tf
Aurora Co.. Dakota.
Wr will taV.t' iinmcy tVmn liny MTnn, linn or
L i'iniratinii( in lari' ir miiuU mmii-i, anil
loun it to IriiMuurthy partlcK, luLln uoti'H
Mi-iirrtl lij inortpii on fjiriii laml-t worlh
at lt':i"t Uouhli' tin aiuoiint loancil r.rlnhi' of
lniiMingtt, Iu 11m' iiainc ot 1ln part) l'u rnNh i thc
I'umN, lor ont' lo Ww ji-nr at tni pi-r n-ut, iutcr
'Kt , jmj :ttli iimiuiiUy at tlifoUnv oftlu' IrmltT.
ni1 will rollf-rt tlic hiltrit niul reinit prointtIy
niiH' trntlf uf thc miiiH. TU 111 lH-t llif lcii'lt r
nliif pcr criit. Intrrcst aud hiiui' oronipt t'ollt-i-liout.
A printeil ailioat1ou lor tlir nnmi'j
ln' lillt-il out aiul xtaut'tl hy thc ai)itii'aiit, jIhIiik
tli' quatlty, It gal ili'M'riptlon, loi'atiou nul finuli
tlon it'lv luiuN aiul lln-ir artiial a1aatIon. Tlu
tippHcatiou will sliow thf linaiicial i-oii(UtIon
ol thc applicaiit uiiil hls ahillly to pay thc iiilcrvnt
niul ih-ttt wluii ilut', Au ahtrat't ot Hllc will W
I'linilHlud uilh rach loan, fhowiti oml titlcto
Ihf luii.I oin.'rt il a ot'nirtty to he Iu thpapplirautH
naiin' aiul li t froai hu'aiuhraiK-i hj unpjhl taxc(
lli'iin, jinliut ntrt ur olhcr moitKaK's. All thc rc
iiiUitc papi rt ulll hc pri-part'iland rt cordcd willi
out t'Xpi'UM- to tlic liMiih'r aiul oo iuoiicy wlUhc
paltl ovvr to tlu borrowi-r until thc laortKi'M'
rct-ortlcil, thc ahstract proiarcdt examhieil hy a
carctulauil i'uniKt-nt attonicy aiol fouiul nU
tuctory, Wliru thc tnniarthii arc i-oinphtcd
aml tlu fcoucy pahl ou r to thc hnrroucr thc notc,
inongagc aim au-trari uui iic lorwanictt tothc
tuirtv loanlnc thc litoricv. If trcf'cricil thc aniill-
catloii uill hc ffiil Im I'oic thc iuoiic in luruatilfil
to us.
Ihc miuiiitti'f.s ut thU iiicthoil aic that thc
aciit hax a iiiull pcciiuhiry Iiilcrchl in cach jcar
lv payincnt ot Intcrcnt, and will bc c:ticlul tt pnt
tlic nioiicy oat to gond and Mtt'c iiartic-i amiwill
ht Miirc to inake pnmipl rollcction and rcniittancc
oflutcrcst to thc iurtj(aj;cc iu ordcr that the
aKt'iicy nuiy hc pcrntancut and rcmum.'ratiw.
Ap-utit who hac 110 pci'iiniury itilcrcft iu thc
collcrtiou 4iriutcrctt arc apt to think thclr rc
Kpoiihihility I'cacs whcn thc loan i niadc and thc
jiapcrri rcturu d to thc( laoi tai c. '1 hi hoahl
iiut in tiic ra-c, lor a luau wantn looKiu atlcr, lo
scctliattln- tacH arc paid on Ihc lantl and that
thc prcinlscfi arc not pcruiittfil to run lo vuilc
and dccrciiKc iu valuc. lhcHiitall pccaniary Iu
lcicst ot thcacut iu Ihc annual collcctloni w ill
rcinuncratc hitu lor lookhu; altcr Ihc l.tnd until It
U pahl and Ihc inoiicy icturucd to thc lcudcr. Tlic
cviicrlcui'c of lciidcri and aucnl dcuionrttratcs
thcwUduui and jicticc ot thirf plan, Wc woahl
tic idcp 'd to takciaoiicviu fuinn ot 'J.Vt ur o cr.
niul will InwU thc yuinc iu axn uV to fuim
cach, upon tinglo tjutirtiT fci-tliui (lt'iti acrcit) iu
Aiiroru t'ouuiy tiuti ncar u, cacn o,iiancr 10 ic
worth, cxdunlu orbuildinri, at icast doublclhc
amouut loancd thcrcou.
'Ihc contiilcticc lclt iu tlu f'ulurc of t liin oouutv
by rapitalhto wlio liac r.xauilncd itn ini'rltK iu
pcrion or hy aiiciit". U nhown hy tlic lart that
hltucthc orKiinlallou ot'thc ctmnty iu AiiK'ut,
imi, inc loauK uiaiir itini hci'arcu oy lauriuc np
011 rcal cntatc iu thc i-tuiuty amouut lo abont
$loo,(M't Ncarly all ot thcnc loann hac hccu
uuilc by liall tulnzt u hcavy capilalIK, ainoiitf
whlcli nn1 kihIi inoulcd rorporalious a thc Scot
tUli Auicrk'au Alorlpap' Oouipauy, IIihHmI, (
IMInburgh, KilIubarKh Aiucrlran l.aud Morlg.ic
t'Diupany, liiaitcd, thc New r.ulaud I.oan aud
TruM ('oinpaiiy, aud arioun pri atc bauLcrn.
TIhtp U 110 pnn riaMtuwhy oiaall mpltalltM
hhould not cnjoy Ihc IiIkIi ratcn of Intcrcnt paid
licrc Salinfactory rcfcrt uccn will bc furnUhcd ou
Real Estate &. Loan Agents,
Auroi'a Co,,
Slioop-slipaicrs nvo now in duinniKl
Mt'S. 1!. (',. Qoodalo, wlio lias bvcn
is betttir.
Mmiy o onr fanncrs' fordgn liclp
Imvo li-n.
Kisli-slioollng 1ms becn liiinus licro
tlils spriii;.
Soinc of tlio Inrincrs liavc roniiuuncvil
snwln grain.
Ottr (liiclc-liiintors liavc liail vcry rIIiii
Tiiivs this scason.
Mrs. Aliniua Wliltford lias soniuwliat
inini'DVL'il iu hoalth.
Onr niiUroiis arc no;nin Pinittcn wltli
tlic liDUsc-cleanlnjj fuvcr.
Carcy Marsliall lias liccn tloing sonie
rupairs npon hls lionsc.
jllss j.ulu .lafUson lias so rar rccovcr-
cil aa to Iic ablo to rutnrn lionu1.
Wliy ilo soniu still call tln- rcsnll. of
(arolossiicsH aml iiinranci' In linnillhig
llru-iirms, a ,lniysterious proviilcnee?"
Jlrs. Olivcr Krostis on tlie slok 11st.
.luincs Wing was in town Iast wuck.
Jlr. G. Stcvi'iis ls not oxpccteil to livc
Sheldon Smith lias sold sotne part, of
this old "Uiu'lo iMarl Haldwin" farni to
Jlrs. T. liallcy.
JIl.ss Kato Nichols. wlio has bccn sick
for a jrood nianv wecks nast, is srpttln
lii'Kcr, wu nndurstand. nndcr tlio skilllul
tivatniont. of onr Mi'tltouist pastor, l!cv
1". iMarshall. M, I).
It is a pity thc itaptist society of thl
lilaco is dwindlhi' away to notlilnff
l!nt a fcw inpinbers rcinaln, liio't of
thfin hayini; dlcd or gonu to soine othur
part. of thu conntry.
Thc wifo of Jiov. Charles A. XJrad-
ford, whosc rcuiains wero rfcontly
uronp;lit to rovn 1'oint tor unnal, was
thi! yomiKest daiiKhter of onr fornicr
townsinen, thc late .Iimiics Witherull.
Irs. iraniinonil-Itallon, the notcd rcvi
vnlUt. has alwavs sliKhted ns in hor
ronnds of rcllfnons labor, and wc think
it is abont thne for hor to honor ns with
her presenco. Will not poiue one inake
a niovc in thc mattcr, and, if posslble,
srenro her services for a series of
reliirions niectini's?
C. M. Wilils of
town lat Salnrday
Middlebury was
Mmnps arc in fashion now, esprclally
anion; tlie ciniiircn
Mrs. Dpaeon Averill, rrpoitod sick last
weok, is oii tlio gain.
J. It. Itarlow is shinglinj; hls rcsi
ileiiro on Xoith street.
Klder (!ardni'r prcarbed at the Afelho-
tlist. cliiiii'li iast Minday.
W. O. IJattlcsis difririiiK and stoniii;
hls eellar, on Spriti"- strect.
C. E. Sinlth lias bullt a new nlcket
funre in front of his residenec on Oar-
lluld strect.
l!ev. 31. 1'. Uell has jjone to oonfer-
pnce. JJlrs. iicll ls stoppinjr at W. H
Dtinsliop's for a fcw davs.
The nainc of this I'oat lias bcpn
cliancd froin r. T. ashbnrn to Olnev
A. l OIIIStOCK sxo. .iu u. A. i.
Spvpral of onr citizpns arc hnxing thcir
bnildin;s painted this sprin", tithers arc
rppairini;, biiildin fpm'ps, ptc
l'hilpinon Itristol says Iic raispd :t."i()
bnshels of White Uoo potatoes from'
thrpe and one half bnhi'ls of secd, last
year. "Xext."
'IVanisters reporf. plenty of nnul
betwpcn liore and Xcw Ilavcn and Ver
gennes. 'I'hat ridlroad uoinniitti'e imist
be cither dcad or slecplng.
Last Kriday elosed the tirst half of the
sprinj; tertn of the Uraded sehool.
Heveral of thc pnplls havo lcft, having
attpndcd only half a ternt.
J. lt. Dike and his brldc liavc takcn np
tlieir rcsidunee at his honse on Nortli
stret't. Alrs. Dike has rented her honse
on Kast strect to Will Xah of Xew
Jlrs. Sarali K. Sanford is seiionsly ill
willi piu'imionia.
Hinlth & Allcn.of Jliddlebnry are to
lmild the new resiileni'e of Mr. I'lanlclln
llooker. It. is lo be orei'tpd on the oppo
silo side of the streel
from Mrx. K. O.
I'orter's rpsldence.
New Ilavcn.
Mrs. Oliver Sinlth, who has bccn 111 a
long time, is improving.
mithoflhcNew Ilavcn cheesc facto
rlesarcto bo Iu lnll Itlat lliis suiumer.
II. C. I'o-coo buys butter evpry Mon
day at his brother'sstoro; prico lat Mon
day, 20 lo 2;t eents.
Mis Mtuuic K. I'oseoo lias rcturncd
from Ito-lon, whero sho has bccn atleud
Ing to muslu at tlio ltoston Concrvalory.
Dea. J. O. Wilder, who has lived for
several years with Mrs. Diadama Itottuiu,
has reinoved from town. The chureh
will soou clect a dcacon to llll thc vacan
cy. lt Is uuderstood that Mrs. II. S. I.ang
don ulll m?II tho Cottago Holcl at Wi't
Uamlolph. This is ono of tho ino-l do
slrablc loeatious for holcl liuiness iu the
State, aad Mr. Laugdon had a largc and
increasiug patronago beforc hls death.
Tho Town 1 1 1 11 sehool ditrict voted.
last Tuesday cvcuing, to bulld a new
sehool house this scason, at a eost of not
niore than 700, and appolnted Mr.
Charles lVek a I'onunltteo to bulld tho
sainc. II C. Iluut, Kxq,, although not a
resldeut of the dlstrlet, has otlered to
trive SllH) towards bulldlng the hoii'e
A vote of thanks to Mr. Iluut for hls
gencious ollcr was uuaulmously passed
Mls Katlo Ti. Nimblct will tcaeh at
thc 15orou;h.
3fr. D. S. Atwood has conc to IJoston
this weck to buy goods and attcnd to
othpr buslncss afl'alrs.
AVllllam C. ilillcr hcld nn auctlon at
tlic hotel, Monday evcinng, April 2.1,
whleh was woll attended.
The late Georgn P. Sktiriiad 83.000 In-
suraiu'C on Hls liic, wincii gocs 10 ius
wldow and three elilldren.
Mlsa T.oulse Ooo has iust rcturncd
from Jllddloburv. wherc slio has bcen
learning thc S.T. Taylor systcm of drcss
X'ell C. Gagc has bcen cngaged to
teach the sehool at the Kidgc for tlic
snnuner. Sho will, no doubt, cndeavor
to glve good Ratisfaction.
Chiirlcs II. Sm th. son ot Hon. Alexis
P. Smltli. lias roinoved to New Ilavcn,
and his placc on thc "Itccrs farm" Js
takT'n bv hls brothcr. Goodscll Smith.
OSTr. I. 15. HliiL'hatn died on Saturday
inni iiliiL'. ufter u lonsr lllncss. Ins funer-
al was attended froin thc Uaptist eliurch
on Monday at 10 o cloek a. in.. Jiev. Mr.
Conistoek olllclatlii":. He was takcn
to the l'ldge for internicnt.
The W. ( T. IT. olwervcd tlic 20th of
iVnrll. :is annolntcd bv the State pres
dcnt, at Jlrs. CvnthlaM. Smith s. 'Jhe
annual meetingof thc W.C. T. U. will
bc held at the home of Mrs. Cyntlila
Smith, T'hursday aftcrnoon, May :t. It
s liooeil tliat a cooiuv numucr wni uu
Mr. V. V. Ulackmer sheared. on the
lilth, from S 2-years-old ewes,all of whlcli
bora lamtis this scason, 10S 1-1 pounds
ot wool. Thc animals arc rcgisterud
The sehools in the yillage bcgan on
Monday. SIlss Lou Douglas teaebes in
tlie hig'her dcpartiuent and Miss Mary
Willlams in tlio lowcr. ISoth are Xonnal
sehool graduates.
Mr. G. A. Kimball. town superln-
tcndent of sc hools. hclda lmOllcexaml
nation of tcachcrs on tlie l!Uh. Ilut two
tcacbcrs were cxaniiued Missss Eva
Abbev and Xettie Skinner, both passin;
by large pereentages. Thc rcst of the
tcachcrs in town liold Xonnal sehool
Dr. Towslcy has been quite indisposed
ol late.
Putnani Allcn raised a barn 20x20
fcet, on Tuesday.
Many pcoplo aro troubledj.witli orc
uyun .lliu iiaiti i.iiii.
Mrs. Itallou (loed hcr labdrs here on
Wtidnesday cvcning.
Mrs. Hammond-Tiallou is laborin
liere yet, with good rcsults.
Spring sowlng has bcgun iu good
earnot and tlic land is in line eonilitiou
flM... cltcrliilv. flntim irml tlln lirlilirn
at tho moutli of Ucad creck, at its de-
lliram Sprague sheared IS 1-2 lbs. of
wool from his 2-ycar-old ram. from the
tlock of H. Men ill, one day this wcck.
AV. II. Curlcrhas lost 27 out of Il.'l pigs
tlils spiiug. IIc has purchased a pair of
Bprkshircpigs frcm imported stock, of
partics in Klizabethtown, X. Y.
Loval Kcnt, assignee of (co. W
Itogcrs, sold thc farm te a nian by the
naiueof Mincr, of Ilolyoke, Mass., for
S1.200. lt is to bc oecupied bya.Mr
Austin of Vergennes.
."Mrs. I'lui'he (Wright) Spauldlng
wldow of the late lsaae Siiauldlng, died
at tlie resiilencc ot lier son. I. S
Spauldiug, on Krulay last, agedSS years
and I nioutlis. llie iuueral was allonil
cdat. thc house ou Suuday, llcv. Mi
llatliaway ollleiating.
Gardcns harc bccn made to soinc
.1. Matthows pxhibitsa hen's pgg SxO 1
incfccs aud weiglilng six ounccs.
G. A. Uaker is busy collecting mate
rials for u new dam on the situ of tlie
old ouc.
A cinnamonbearpaRsed through tovn
on Tuesday last Iu ohargc ol two nien
who wero (ixhibitlug his bruiushlp, who
apieaivd to be tractable aml good'
K. II. Matti'snn ls doing a splendid job
Iu renairlng tlie roau from tho IIollow
lo tlie PliaimiMi-Xichols poul loli. tllllnir
the iiiieksaud with a fouud.itfou of stone
aml ewvpring witn grayei.
Tho rald ou the law-breakers still
continues. .lolm niiH'any belng beforc
Justiec Damou ou the 2:id, ou complalnt
of Gtand Juror Helden, chargcd with
selling liquor. IIc pleadcd gnilly to one
llrst otipusc atut was lincu tlie usuai sum
with 8.-I.S2 costs.
We guess In future that wc shall let
Albee and Iluntlej' run thclr own
dlsagrcpinents. Iu a reeent Kkoistkk
wc statcd tliat a decd from one Spoor.
eonvcylng the power to Alben's prede
cessor, had been discovcred, and we fuii-
posed it was correct. The cxistenco of
any dced ls now strcnuously denied hy
Jlr. lluntlcy.
Our now sehool
ina'ams nrc: In dls-
triet Xo. 2, JlKs V
lorence Parkill; Xo.
:t, JIIss Faiinio Sinith of Vergennes; Ni
(, Miss Crano ot Ilridport.
Jliss Hattio Sturtovant is to teach In
Now Haven near tlie W. Phelps X'ash
placc aud Jliss Ll.io Stcwart iu the
Khner dlstrlet in Addison.
Auolhcr of our best young inen has
pnlercd tho buslncss arcna. Mr. Albcrt
Sneden has eugagcd hlinsclf to opcrato
in tho groccry denartiucnt at Itird's In
Middlebury. Wo havcn't any fcars for
tho rcsults. Jlr. Snedon's rucoid for up
rightness, houesty and deslro to do well
Is a elear one and he has honor even in
hls own country.
aro oll to confcrcnco
this wcrk : will
inost llkoly return for
thc coming year.
Sprlng's work among our farmcrs ls
going forward iu spltc of the cold
wcathcr. Ploughlng has comnicnced
and grain is being put in. Our roads
arc ncarly scttled.
Dccoration day will be obervcd hcre.
The cxcrclses will bc undcr tlie auspiecs
of Post Sanison G. A. 15. Xo dellnllo
arrangomcnts liavc bccn inado as yol
furthcr than sceuring a speaker. Mr.
Luuius Uigclow of Itutland will deliver
thc addrcss. Tlio comtnittee of arrange
ments are G. W. Sneden, K. II. Klske,
M. L. Uolcs. C. C. Tier, G. W. Cobb.
Further uolico will bc givcn.
Mr. Virtulon Kicli roeently sold to thc
Austtallans Jlessrs. Ilay and JIcFarlau,
who havc bccn in tho county purchasing
heei). six Jlcnnos. llie priee palu
is undcrstood to havo been 1.100.
Maplc sugar 1 scarce and high.
Ii. Godetle lias sold his drivlng liorso
to Frank Jlinerot llolyoko, Jlas.
W. J. Nasli has been assistlng niino
liost Jackson at tlic Franklin llousc.
Geo. W. Iioss and X. .1. JleCuen make
i llnc dlsplaj of goods iu front of thclr
X. G. Xorton is tnaking improvemcnts
buiiding a barn and putting an addi-
tion ou his liou-e.
Hon. K. Soymour i very low and his
dcatli is cxpectcd at any time. IIc is
troubled with a tumor.
C. W. Allcn, who spcnt tlic wlnter in
Tcxas, is lioiiic and looking as thoiigh
tho country agreed witli hiui.
Horse-huyors are in this vicinitv and
partics having llnc drivlng hores aro
getting good prices for them.
Cant. Danlcls has launched hls
stcanicr, Water Llly, and she will soou
make regular trljn betwccn tlii- placc
aiul vt cstport. r. x .
lohn Forkcy, proprietor ot ono of our
mcat markct, Is vcry low at the Frank
lin llousc. His sister, from Lewis, X.
. is taking carc of hlni.
K. C. Scott has purchased a nair of
oxen of Frcd Scars wiiieh will bc drc
cdand otlered in tlic markct wlien ho
gcts iuto his new markct rooms.
Tlie cxamination of Katc nonnclly.
tcacher in thc Wcstcrn district, was vcry
satisfactory to thc superintcndent, it is
reportcd, and slie will no doubt kcep on
Charles Aldcn and F.ugcne D. Chilson
hav'e formcd a copartnership for the
purpose of contraeting for carpentcr
work. T'hoj' arc llvc nien aud no doubt
will suei'pcd in thclr cntcrprlse.
Hon. F. K. Woodbiidgo aud wlfe have
rpturued from thcir extended trip to
Xcw Yorkand Charleston. S. C, whlther
they had been for the hcuctit of Jlrs.
Woodbridgc's liealth. Slio is uiucli im
provcd. Xo damagc was donc at our ailjourncd
scliool uiecting, lat Weducsdiiy even
ing, as tlic coiumittec wlio wcrc appolnt
ed to look aftcr thc nccessity of bulldlng
an addition to thc prescnt buiiding
thouglit lt not advi.-ablc at this time to
plunge the district iuto dcbt.
Under thc supervision of our strect
uommissloncrs, the Little Giant road
niaehinc has becn in utc and thc rcsnlt
is that we havc bctter roads tltan ovor
betore at this thno of the year. It is
rightly named and should be iu every
highway district in tlic United State-;.
The funeral of Mrs. Ahira Scovilli
took placc at the house on ThurMlay at
10 a. m. Jlrs. Scoville wa the widow
of W. Guin and mothcrot W. II. Guin,
fonnerly of this city, now of Clcveland,
Ohio. Shc wasa mo-t. estlmable woiuait
and bclovctl by all who knew hcr. Sho
had been marrled to Jlr. Scoville but
two or three years. Jlr. Scoville lia
tlic heart-felt syuipath)- of all hi frieiuN.
Stute Xews.
One llrm of Panton trappei
caugnt -S2. nmsurat this spring.
Geo. IC. Jfontgoinery of West Han
dolph has beon appolnted ca'hier of tho
new Killington Xational bankof Ilutlaud.
Dr. Sewell Webb, one of W. II. Van
derbilt's ons-lu-law, ha rented a rci
dence iu lturlingtJn whero ho will pend
the stunmcr with hN fauiily.
Tht! fartu huildiiig of .1. Dodgc at
Diuniner.-ton havo becn burned. logethcr
with all tho contents save the llve tock.
Lo-i estiinated at 1,00; probably in
surcd. Thc dwclling-liousp and barns of W.
II. Whitelicr aud Calvin Wllcox. at
Derby Line, havo bcen burned. Lo .
$l,00(); in-iuaiR'e, in Vermont Jlutuai,
John Haye.s, a Troy and Bolton braki
man, was struck by a bridge aud thrown
from a ear at Nortli Pownal, aiul had his
skull so injured that he i not oxpccted
to rpoovcr".
Patrick Itrcan, who died at Burlington
the other day, was one of the ulilot in
service ainong tlieemployees of the (Vn
tral Vermont, having served the road
faithfully sinec 1S.VJ.
The sltcrs of tlic cougregatlon ot
Notre Damo havo coinmcnced the erec
tlon of a convent at St. Jolubiirv.
The buiiding is to cost S20.01H). Tlnjy
liavo a sehool of 230 scholars.
The Vermont Pnivcrsity trustees havo
adopted resolutions aeknowlcdglng Frcd
crick Blllings' girt of tlio Jlarsh libiarv
and 875,0(X) for a library buiiding. H
will bc callcd tho Blllings libraiy.
Tho buslnes.4 of tho Jlerchanis' X'atlon
al bank of St. Johnsbury has incrensed
so uiucli that additional capital is need
cd. and the dlrectors havo deelded to iu
creaso tho capital stock to 100,000.
One of K. V. XT. Fishpr's horses was
stolen from hls barn In Colchester n few
nlghts, ago, and thero Is no traoe of tho
thicf as yet. It Is suppospd that n
voung Frpnelnnan who woiked for Jlr,
Fishcr this wiutcr ls the culprlt.
Oiif rrttitefnt?

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