OCR Interpretation

The Middlebury register and Addison County journal. [volume] (Middlebury, Vt.) 1883-1885, October 12, 1883, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn98060001/1883-10-12/ed-1/seq-7/

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ftn I.'nijliicor'fi 'J'crrlblo In.li Dnwii
iv Itlomitiiiii Slilo In t'rontof n llluz-iug-
Oil Tratn.
Dull Urown, nn old locomotivo en
ginecr, who dictl rcccntly nt hls liomc
ncar Dunkirk, N. Y., oncu had n thrill
mg cxpericncc. "Vc givu thc story in
nis own words, ns told to a New York
6un corrcspondcnt:
"In 180!) I wna running n mixcd trnin
Dn tho BniTolo, Corry and Erio railwny.
Thc trnck bctwecn Prospect, or Slnyville
Summit, and Urockton Junction is so
trookcd tlmt, whilo tho distanco is actu
illy only tcn milcs, llic cnrvcs mnkc it
by rail fourtccn. Tlic gradc for thc
wholc distanco is over sovcnty fect to tho
"About 9 o'clock on thc night of Au
tpist 17, 1809, wc rcaclicd thc Summit
tyith n trnin of two passcnircr cnrs,
lix oil cars and a box car. Thc latter
containcd two valuablo trotting horscs
nd thcir kccpcra with thcm, on thcir
wny, I bclicvc, to tho Clcvclantl niccting.
rhcrc wcro flfty or sixty passcngcrs in
Iho two cars. I got thc signal from thc
touductor to start and I pullcd out.
Wc had got nntlcr considcrablo hcad
way, whcn, looking back, I saw
Ihat an oil car in thc tniddlc of thc trnin
tvas on firc. I rcvcrscd my cnginc and
whistlcd for brakcs. Thc condnctor and
brakcmcn jnmped off. Thcy uncotipletl
Iho passengcr cars and sct thc brakcs on
thcm, bringing thcm to a stop. Sup
posing that thc brakcs on thc burning oil
cars would also be put on, I callcd to n
brakeman on thc box car to draw thc
coupling pin bctwecn that car and tho
hcad oiltank, backing so that lic could
flo it, intcnding to ntn far cnough away
to savc thc box car and locomotivo. As
I ran on down thc hill, nftcr thc pin had
bccn drawn, what wns my horror to toc
that tho burning cars wcre following mc
nt n spccd that wns rnpidly incrcnsing.
Thc men hnd not succccdcd in putting
on thc brakcs. I saw that thc only thing
to be donc was to run for it to Urockton,
and thc chanccs wcrc that wc would
ncvcr rcach thcre at thc spccd which wc
would bc obligcd to make around thosc
tharp rcvcrsc cnrvcs, whcrc we hnd ncvcr
run over twcntv milcs an hour.
" Whcn I saw thc llaniinir cars for thc
wholo bix wcrc on fire by this tiinc
plunging aftcr mc, and only a fcw fcct
awny, I tmllccl thc throttlc opcn. Tlic
oil cars caught mc, though, bcfnro I got
away. Thcy caiuc with full forcc
agninst thc rcar of tho box car, sinnshing
in onc cnd nnd knocking thc horscs nnd
rrilllfln t. liTir( mnrn tlimi tlm-tv fncf lin-
wi'fii nm liiirsimi'r rri iinui m iirn nnil
4 mv iirpmnii mimw.M inn fiinr in lini, in
nn- piiri ir'f 1111 in l tn fpr.'iTi'M oniitn'iif m
o - i r. i
iimi'iiii. ii A !ii ns ii;i ii n f 1 1 'in ii nnii nr.
mc for God's sake to give her
1 1 1 sii'.'im. i An (r vi (f nni Tiiiin fiii
- . - r
uu ui iiiiic-n an nuur. t( c wciu so
:vcry timo wc struck onc of tho.-e curvc-
hc old girl would almot run on onc sct of
rlinnla ..,,.1 ,,.n,.l.l AtA..'t
ojiiiic over is sometliing l ncvcr eoultl 1
indprstllllll. Slin srpmpf1 tn kiuiu- 1 1 1 t
t wns a rnco of lifo and death, and
'Thc nirrht was dnrk, and thc road ,
an mrougn ine woods, dccp rocK cuts 1
...1 1 l.I.-l. rri I
iui aiuujf jiihii viiiu:iiiKincHi. incro
.1 ..i - i i.i..;.. .i
0 ... n I
pecd. nnd, only a fcw jiaccs bchind u,
liat iicry dcmon in full pursuit. Thcrc j
fr f nnn n.. . c .
U Hllt. I Ulllltll'l 111!' .llllipr ;i 1 1 riu i IP r I
II L tll.Wllll IFIIIMIHS III llll III Illllvl. I.'IIIKS '
t lcast, and it wns nllin n llnmc, niaking ,
llying nvalanche of firc 500 fcct lonir. I
nc unmcs lcapcd mto tno mr ncarly liw
ct. Thcir ronr was liko thnt of somc I
reat cataract. Now nnd thcn a tnnk i
ould cxplodo with nnoisclikc u cnnnon, '
hcn n column of tlamo nnd jihchy
noko would mount hi-rhabove thcl'odv 1
f thc flamcs, nnd showcr.s of buriling oil
uiuil IJU UUUUL 111 lilC WtlOllS.
1... 1 1 i il, - 1..
nc who c couutry wn3 1 jrlitcd up for
.;, i.0i.n. "ii im
lilcs around
"AVcll, it wasn't lonir, L'oiii" nt thc
itc wc mnde, bcforotho light of liroek-
m camo in signt down in tuo vnllcv. i
ho rehcf I fclt whcn thcse camcin vipvv
ns siiorr uveti, ior x rcnicnucrc(l tiiat
.un o. n, uii inu j.aKC cnorc, wouui
otiuo at tno. liinptinn nist n hnnt t u
mo wc would rcach it. No.
was thc Cincinnati exiircss. Our
icc. na(l liccn t nat t in swilc im:m
tho junction would think far tnoiii;li
i opcn thc switcli thcrc, conncctinir tho
oss-cut track with thc Lake Slioro
aciv, nnci ici ns run in on tlic laltcr,
hcro thc gradc would bc against us, if
lvtinntr. antl wlicrc wo could soon rct
it of tiin wny of thc oil cars. Thc
vllcll. OI COUisc. wcin il hc p nspii nfitv
thc cxprcs and our la-t hopo wns
mc unlf'ss thc exprcss wns latc, orsonu!
tdy hnd scnsc cnough to tlag it. 'U'hilo
c wcic timiKn.r' ot ii, w wc snw ( ip pv.
ly scorcs of othcrs would bo cru-hcd
dcath. AIl this conjcctiiring did not
cupy two scconds, but in that two see
ids I lived vcars.
'GoodGod!' I snid to mv firemnn.
..1. A ...... I . 1,
"Thcilrcman promptlyrcplicd nndhc
is n iravo little lci ow that i t, inn iii
USIIO ior tno switc i nnd tnkn t ir
niirnO .lirl cr 'l l.n ..il.ii I
c nroionL'Cd vcu ot nfronv. it wns n
riCK tlUll. secnicd to tcll us thnt nnr
ive old cngino kncw licr dangcr nnd
(1 Jicr icnrs. iNfllllcr tno t rpmnn nnr
self sioko nnothcr word.
llinnks Do to Uoil! Thc cnirinecron
nvnrnDf r mui enmnn .... . i ...
it mountnin with un cighth of n milc
solid firc in closo pursuit of us, kncw
a momcnt thnt only ono thing could
0 us. IIo -whistled for brakcs,
1 got hiw train to a stand not tcn
t nwny from tho switcli. Tho
itchmnn now nnswcrcd our Eiir-
und wo shot in on tho
ro track antl whlzzcd on up by tho
ot nnd through tho jilacolikcnrocket.
o burning cars followcd us in, of cour&e,
css .cnnngnlongtownid thc junction. i adcx peimd ' SSi
nsh. in wIiIpIi niv -a l.nf ,..,,. "K"'. tho gicatncssoftlits couutry:
but thcir rnco wns ron. Thcy biid no
propclling power now, and nftcr chaslng
ns for n milc thcv iravo un tho nursuit.
and in thrco hours thcrc was nothnrg left
of thcm but smoking ruins.
"My liremnn nnd I wcrosowcnk whcn
wc brought our locomotivo to a stop that
wc could not gct out of thc cnb. Tho
two horscmcn wcrc unconscious in tho
box cnr. Tho horscs wcrc ruincd. And
how long do you think wc wcro in
making that sixtccn milcs? "Wo ran
two nnlcs ui tho Lake Shorc track. .Tust
twclvo lninutcs from tho Summit to thc
spot whcrc wc&topj)cd 1 Aplumpcighty
milcs nn hour, not couuting tho time lost
gctting undcr headway nnd Btopping
bcyond Urokton."
A l'crilons Climl).
In thc month bcforc Gnrficld bccamo
Prcsident, Ocncral Mcrritt, thcn collcc
tor of New York, camc within an ncc of
stcpping out of Kobcrlson's wny nnd out
of tho world nt thc saint! timo. Gcncral
Mci-ritt wns viiiting Colorado Springs
with his wifc. It was in Fcbruary, but
tho wcnthcr was so Ilno that hc resolvcd
to ascend Pikc's Pcak. The govcrnmcnt
trail had not bccn complctcd, nnd thc
nscent, was diflicult cven in good wcathcr.
Ilowevcr, ho wantcd to go. nnd finally
persuaded Enginecr 13. S. Ncttlcton to
guido hini up tlic pcak. A clcar day wns
s-clectcd, and, fortunatcly, vcry "little
snow nppearcd on thc mountains. Jlr.
Ncttleton, bcing familiar with Colorado
wcnthcr, wns not over enthupiastic in bc
ginning his trip. To guard against ncci
dcnts, a strong man was cngagcd to ac
company tho jarty. Latc m tho aftcr
noon tho party rcachcd a little park
about two milcs below tho timbcr linc.
As night was rnpidly nppronching it wns
suggcstcd thnt tho journey bc continucd
in thc morning.
"Oh, no," snid thc gcnernl; " lct's
puh on. I nm us,cd to roughing it."
It was ncarly dnrk whcn they got to
timbcr linc, whcrc thcrc is a snmll lnkc
with n eabin on its shorc. I'rudcnco
counsclcd a halt forthe night, and Engi
ncer Ncttlcton was in favor of it. lStit
thc gcnernl was agnin impaticnt, nnd tho
trnvclcrs scalcd tho stccp trail thnt lcd
from thc lake to thc largc scattcring
ccdars. Thcrc thc dcsolate summit of
Pikc's Pcak bcgins. AVhen out of thc
timbcr tho party saw a storm rising in
thc west. It camc so rnpidly that in tcn
lninutcs tho wind was blowing n hurri
canc, and tho air was iillcd with snow.
A Colorado blizzard swcpt thc pcak, and
it wns with thc utmot dillicultv thnt tho
, ncent wns continucd. Thc mulcs hnd
bccn abandoncd in thc dccp snow in tho
woods. Iluman cxcrtion wns ncarly
impossiblc in thc storm; Gcncral
I Mcrritt full into tho opening bc
twecn thc rocks, and somctimcs thc
trnvclcrs found themsclvcs tcn fcct
undcr tho snow. Tlic situation bccnnio
! pcrilous. Tho gcnernl bccnmo drowsy,
I and thcn sunk inastuior. AVhcnarouscd
i ho bcggcd his companions to savc thcir
j livcs. For his part hc wns rendy to dic.
' Kc snw no cscnpc. Ilis linilis wcre thcn
! rubbcd, and aftcr much coaxing hc wns
! pcrunded to push on. It wni still two
i milcs to thc top of thc mountnin, and thc
i fury of tho gale was incrcnsing. 3Ir.
I Xcttlcton and iiis nian now wcnt to work
in carncst. Thcy rcpcatedly draggcd tho
' gcnernl to his fcct nnd forccd him to pro-
A 4 : i i:ri...i .1
, , , 11 V Vi V
hur 0(1 0Ut,th iS-
Thc telcgia)h wircs wcrc blown away,
and thc propect bccamc horrililc. AVhcn
ncar thc summit thcy aecidcntally dis
covcred that thcy wcro on tho vcry
hrink of thc prccijiicc which ovcr
hnngs thc Innton SpringJ. It was
toward 10 o'clock whcn the"signal stntion
was rcnchcd. Thc barrcd"" door was
ojicncd, and thrcc men covcred with icc
mid fcstoons of long, white frost np
pearcd bt fore thc astonishcd signal
servicc men. Thcy failcd to rcconizo
Mr. Xcttlcton, who, likc his companions,
was cntircly hiddcn in tho hoar frost.
Thc signal men wcre ninazcd thnt thc
trnvclcrs h::(l cscimed with thcir livcs.
Gcncral Merritt, who is 'n strong. brave
111:111, of riiggcd ihysi(iuc, wns so ex
hauvtcd that hc sunk 011 thc lloor nnd
wns put to hed. IIc did not recovcr his
I strcngth until thc ni'xt cvcning. Accord-
! ... ,i " ...
, . " IV m,,
tcniDcraturc un thcrc wns fnnr 1fr;ppa
Dciow zcro aml tlic wind hlowing lorty
l milcs an hour. In spcaking of thc ad
I vcnture a weck nftcrward Gcncral Mcr-
ntt snid it wns thc nnrrowcst cscane of
his lifc, nnd had it not bccn for Kngineer
Ncltlcton ho would havc dicd whcn hnlf
wny up tho wnk.llutun IleraJd.
Coinparativo I'osition of thc Unitcrt
Tlio Unitcd Statcs isbut 100 ycarsold;
Grcnt llritain, dating from AViUinm tho
C'oiKiucror, B00 ycnrs; Frnncc, dating
from Chnrlcmagnc, 1,100 ycats; Gcrmany
and Austria thc sninc; nnd KiFsia, dating
from Pctcr thc Grcnt, Ji.'iO ycars. In
round nunibcrs thc tiojiulation of thc
Unitcd Statcs. unwnrd of riO.OOiVOOO iu
I grcatcr than that of nny of tho nbovo
I naiions, cxccpt Hus.si,); jts wcnlth, its
i iii;ricultural prodnetion and thc value of
its liianufactuics far ah'.ad of any. Thc
following statistics. npfroximatcly cor-
iuci, oi tno prccnt iiopuintion, wcnlth,
ITnlto'l Stntos rii.l.VMmo
Grcnt Urjtnin :JI,.Vi.,lMHl
Krnn-o .
.. ,.-i.V;!I7,ihio
. . ..f.VfVl.tKK)
Del t.
xicn liture.
TTnlte 1 Statcs. .
Ciruat liritnin..
... .'l.blW.OOO.IXJO l.VIKO.OOf)
... 4,(K)0,(KKI,00() II.OXI.IKK)
!0,0J0,OJ0 J.VI,(J(KUKX)
... S,nt'0,(KI,0(IO C,(I0,(KHJ,(KJU
... y,joo,(M),ti)j aru.ooo.ooj
Asriitiltiuo. Sl.innfacturcs.
Unitol Statcs..
Grcnt liritaln.
Krnuoe ,
?.,.'( 0,'Km,UO0 j8,(KK),0!lO,(lIO
-',.V)0,( 0.1,000
L,0'lll,( Dl.lKll)
"Whcn nn editor in Japnn stnys out
with tho boys ull night, or nttcnds a Inst
f-piko banquct, or cncountcrs somo other
obstnclo thnt scts him back in his cdi
torinl work, tho jiapcr gocs to prcss on
timo with two or thrco blank columns
und nn unusually largc cdition is sold.
Sorrisloicn lleruhl.
Tlio following simplo rulcs for tho
prcscrvntion of hcnlth, cspccinlly through
thc chnngenblo scnsons of nuttimn, win
lcr nnd spring, should not bo lcft to tho
licnlth jotimnls. Wo nro right in tho
Diidst of tho timo whcn thcy npply:
Ncvcr lcnn with thc bnok ngninst nny
thing thnt is cold.
Novcr bcgin n journey until brcakfast
bas bccn cntcn.
Ncvcr tako wann drinks and thcn ini
nicdintely go out into thc cold nir.
ICeep thc bnck cspccinlly bctwecn tho
!houldcr blndes wcll covcred; nlso tho
rhcst wcll potccted.
In slccping in a cold room, cstnblish
Iho habit of brcnthing through tho
oosc, nnd ncvcr with tho mouth wido
Ncvcr go to bcd with cold or dnmp
fcct; nlways toast thcm tcn or fifteen
3iinutcs bcforc going to bcd.
Ncvcr omit rcgular bathing, for unlcss
llie skin ts in nn nctivccondition thc cold
tvill closc thc pores, nnd favor congcs
tion nnd othcr discnscs.
Aftcr cxcrcisc of nny kind, ncvcr rido
in nn opcn cnrriagc nor ncar thc window
Df n car for n momcnt. It is dangcroti9
to hcalth and cvcn to lifc.
Whcn hoarso spcnk ns little ns possiblc
jntil thc honrscncss is rccovcrcd from,
tlsc thc voico mny bo pcrmnnently lost,
or diflicultics of tlio. throat bo produccd.
English Ifcrring Flshcry.
Tho herring fishcry ns studicd from
thc dcck of a yncht on onc of thc finc
mornings whcn thc "lishcr is out on tho
sunny sca" is cxtrcmcly plcasnnt. Noi
cnu nnything bc morc chnrining than
llic lines of boats which shoot out of the
indcntntions on tho wild const ns thc sun
is sinking bcyond thc moors, wlicrc the
last grouse hns bcen slain for thc day,
nnd thc pcaty odor proclaims that tho
gijlie, likc his mastcr, is enjoying his
Dtium cum somcthing morc nutntivc.
Evcn for the guests on board onc of tho
boats thcrc is amuscmcnt and gcnuino
cxcitcment of the sportsmnnlikc ordcr to
bo obtnincd from witncssing thc opcrn
tions of casting nnd drnwing the ncts in
which so much gold and happiness is
cvcry night liftcd out of tho dccp. The
ndvcnturer nicc as to his supper had,
howcvcr, bettcr stay ashorc, s-incc thc
comcstibles of n AV'ick fishing boat arc
unusually limited to a loaf of bread, a
bag of "hard tnck," nnd n kcg of water
not always innocont of tho ancicnt iish
liko smcll which pcrvndes evcry cornct
Df thc craft. Thc boat is unmoorcd, atul
pullcd with grcat oars into thc tideway,
the brown strctch of wcathcr-bcatcn cau
vas is sprcnd to the brecze, nnd nwny go
the six senfarers into thc east. Soon thc
thorewith its sparklinglights disappcars,
and by-and-byo tho herring hunters arc
nlonc with thc stnrs and tho "mcrry
inoon," which, according to tho song of
I'lspeth Iucklcbackit, is loved of tho
fisher-folks, quarry. Thc wnves nround
nre dottcd with .shifting ;lcains as the
boats, rockcd by wind and thc rolling
swell, toss thcir "lights to nnd fro. Uiit
in nn hour or twolhc-e glcnms nrc scni
lcrcd furthcr npnrt ns tho little llect goc
furthcr nnd furthcr out to sca, nnd cach
hark chooscs its own "ground."
Thcrc nro phos.phoresecnt lights on
tho crest of cvcry billow, nnd
thcn tho ncts nro shot, for to the expcri
rnccd skippcr this is thc sign thnt liis
Jc-cy is swccping through the wnter.
'i'his donc, tho crcw mny spin ynrns, cnt
thcir frugal sunpcr, or slccp as bcst thcy
can until day iiawns. IJut at last comcj
the time for hauling in tho ncts nnd
with a hoart light or hcavy, according as
thcir luck hns bcen good, or thcy have
toilcd all night nnd cauglit nothing
making for tho slioro liiicd with cagci
waitcrs on thcir fortunc. This is thc
lightsome side of tho lishcr's lifc. Tlm
saddcr aspcct of it is that which is atthia
moiucnt witnc.cd ns it hns bccn wit
ncsscd n hundrcd timcs bcforc in a score
of little northcrn ports. Fortunate will
be tho flfty missing boats if thcy have
only had to out thcir costly ncts adrifl
and run for lifc to land. IJut it is pos
iiblo that this is not thc woi-it, and the
ncxt fcw days may bringustho ncwsthal
not only thc ncts,lmt boats and lishcr.
incn havc pcrishcd in thc btorm. TmiiiIuii
Ilappy Onco Jlore.
St. Lons, JIo. A Chronieh rcporter
was told by Mr. Alfrcd J. Papin, of this
city, that his ncphew had the most ob
stinatc caso of intlammntory rhcumatism
which balllcd all kinds of trcatraent
until St.-Jncobs Oil, the great pain-con-qucror,
was uscd. It curcd tlio voung
man, and hc rccommends it ns tho grcat
cst cure for jwins in tho world.
In New York city '.'oO public t.chools
havc an nvcrage daily attcudancc of la.l.-
000 pujiils.
Hnr J I.iiinix In llrcnt.
Dn. R. . I'ltucb, Uunnlo, X. Y.: Dcnr
bir I wrotoyoa somo timo ago tlmt I thoimht
1 1ml n cancer. Tliere wnsn lnrRo lunip iu
my Ijrcast ns laro ns a walnut, niul lind h'cn
tero four montlis. I cniiuuciiced tikinp; vour
' Uolden Jlwlicjl Disr-overy," "Fuvorito'Pro
Bcrijition" mid "Pellets" iu Junc, nnd tho
lunip is go ip. Ycurs gratefnlly,
JIits.JJtLAUKviiigton, Mich.
Kindi.v u ts nro tlio vcry last tliincs wo
ouj;lit .( lcii :.
IiiKnKt.i, Covn-tt, N. C Tho fir-Sherifr,
Jlr.'W. F. Wnsson, s i.vs: "Htowii'k Iron llitti'rs
lus iiin)rovo.lmyiligcatlonaii(l;iiioral hcnltli''
Tlii: tivcs tlmt aio mosi, iu tliu suu bcnr tho
f-wcctcbt i i i i ir.
No Troiilile m Kiia'low
Pr. PicrcoK 'ppllcts "(tho uninal "littlo
liver pills") nnd noiaiu or Rriping. t'urosick
or liilnnn hcndache, Kour stonmcli, andclcnnso
tha systcm und bowols. 'Si ceuts a vial.
Thk Anicrlcnn hcn lays O.OOO.UOO.W 0 crcs
a yeur.
l atn uing Dr. GrnVcs' Hcnrt Regulatflr
ith grcnt result, lmd Hoart Disonso for nine
yrnrs, so Lml could not lio down. John
McGuir, Piko Statlon, O. Tho Htart Itcgn
htor cui-cs nll formsot Hcnrt Disoase, ntr
vousness nnd blecplessnos.
The hardcit nuiiicr is iu tho middlo of thc
Walnut I.i'nfltnlr ItrsIoriT.
Itls cutiivly tlilleront from nll othorp. It
U oi dcnr m wntcr, nnd us it lmiuo inihcat- s
Is n perfect Vcgetahlu 1 lir.r Keitoror. It will
innnedlnU;ly froo Iho licnd from nll dandrull'.
restorogiuy hnirtoilKiin'urnlcolor, and pro
daco a new growth wlu-ro it hns fallcn ofT. It
Jcs not in any manncr nll'vct tho hcalth,
wh ch biil'hur, suj:nr of lcnd nnd nitrnto ci
sihcr preparntionilmvoilono. Itwillclmno
light or fadod hair iu a fow days to u lienuti
ful g.fssy brcmn. Ask younlrupgist for it.
Dieli iKittlo U warranUl. Kmitii, Kmnk &
CO., AV'holesalo AguufK, Phi'n lolphla. l'n.,
und C. N. CniTTK.NTOX, Ni w York.
TiTO.N's Pntcnircol KtKTencr tho only In
voation that niakes old bootsstriiight iu uow.
TJpon n Subjcct tir Vltal Intcrcitt, Kfi
fcrlliifr tlic AVcll'nrc of All.
Tho following romarknblo letter from ono
of the Icnding nnd bcst known sciontiflo
ivritcrs of tho prcscnt dny ts sj.ccinlly tignlil
cnnt, nnd should bo of unusual vnluo to nll
rcmlers who desiro to kcop pnco with tho
mnrch of modern discovcries nndovents:
" A gcnernl dcmnnd for rcfoi mation Is ono
of tho most distinctlve chnrnctcristlcs of tlio
ninetccnth ccntury. Tho comnion peoplc, as
wcllns tho more cnlightcned nndicllned, cry
out with no uncertnin voico to bo cninncipa
tcd fr m tho slavery of consorvntlsm nnd su
perstltion which hns held tho masscs in gross
ignornnco during a lnrgo portion of tho
world's history, nnil in tho time of tho 'Dnrk
Agos' cntno ncnr obllternting tho lnst gllm
tner of trutli. Dogmatio nsscrtions nnd
blind cmpiricism nro losing cnsto nmong
nll classes ot nll cotintries. Pcoilo
nro bcginning to think for them
sclvcs, nnd to regnrd nuthority much less
thnn nrguincnt. Men nnd women nro no
longerwilllngthntn few indivjdunls should
dictnto to thcm what must bo their sentl
monts nnil oplnions. They claim thc right to
solve for themselvcs tho grcat (mcstions of
tho dny, nnd demnnd that tho gencrnl good
of hunimilty f.hnll bo rcspcctdl. As tho ro
biilt of this gencrnl nwnKening wo sce, on
evory hand, umnistnknblo ovidences of rcfor
nintory nctlon. rooilo who, n few ycnrs
ngo, endurcd suffering tho most inteno in
tho nmne of duty, now rcaliro tho utter iool
ishncss of such a course. Jlcn who wcro
under tholiondngoof bigotodndviscrsnllowccl
their hcnlth to dcpnrt; sufTerod thcir
constitutlons to bccoino uudermincd
nnd ilnally dlcd nsmartj-rs to a fnlso systcm
of trcatment. There nro millions of pcoplo
illliug untimely grnves who niight hnve livcd
to n green old ago hnd thcir origir.nl troubles
bccn takcnin timeorjiroiieily tieatcd. Tnero
nro thousnnds of jicoplo to-dny thoughtlcssly
cnilui-ing tho Ilrst s3niptoms of somo serious
malndy and without tho slightcst rcali7ation
of tho danger that is bcforo them. They
have occas.ional hcndnches; a lnck of nppetito
ono dny nnd a ravenous ono tho ncxt, or
nn unaccountnblo fceling of weariness,
sometinies nccomrnnied by nnusca, nnd
nttributo nll thcso troubles to tho old
idea of a slight cold or malaria. It ts lu'gh
time thnt iHHiple awoko to n knowledgo of tuo
seriousncss of thcso mntters and eniancipatod
theinselvts from the profcssionnl bigotry
which controls thcm. AVheu t his is done and
when all classes of physicians b?como liliora
cnough to cxcludo nll dogmns, savo that it is
thcir duty to cure diseaso as quickly. nnd ns
safely ns possible; to maintaln no other liosi
tion than that of trutli honestly nscerlamed,
nnd to indorse nnd rccoinnieuu nny retnccly
that hns boen found useful, no mattcr what
ils origin, there will bo no more quarreling
ninong tho doctors, whiJo thero will bo grent
rejoicmg throughout tho world."
" I nm well awuro of tho censuro that will
be metcd out to nio for writing this letter,
but I feel tlmt I cnnnot be true to my honest
convictions unlcss I extend a helping hnnd
nnd indoito nll that I know to bo goou. Tlio
cxtended jiublicnticns for tho pnst fewyears,
nnd grnphic descriptions of diirerentuiseases
of tho kidueys and lier hnvo nwakened tho
nicdkal prolcssion to tho fact that thtse clis
cascs aro greatly incrcnsing. Tho trcatment
of tho doctors hns bccn largely exerimentnl,
nnd mnny of their pntients lmvo died whUo
they were cn'jtiug about for a remedy tocuro
"It is now over two years sinco my atten
tion wns Ilrst cnl.'ed to thouso of a most won
rterful prcj'nration in tho tientment of
Ilricht's discn'e of tho kidneys. Patients had
fioipuntly nskod nio nbout the remedy, nnil
I liad hcanl of reiuarkablo curcs circeted l)y
it, but liko mauy otliera I hesitatcd to recom
niend its u-c. A personnl fricnd cf lnine had
1k.ch in jioor hcaltli fors'jme time, aml his
a;))!icatiou for insurnnce on his lifo hnd
bcen ro.'ccted on nccount of !iight's
iliscntc. C'hemknl nnd micro-copical cx
aniiimtion of his urine ruvtalctl tho
picscnceof lnrgo iiuantities of albumen nnd
grnnular tubo cnsts, which coiiflnued tho
concctness of tho dingnosis. Aftcr trying
nll tho uunl remedics-, I dircctcd him to uo
this preparntion and was gr. atly surpriscil
to onscrvoa d"ciiled inprovemcnt within n
month, nnd wiihiu four nionths no tulw
cnsts could bo discovered. At that timo thero
was prcscnt only a traco of itlbumcn, and ho
fe!t, ns ho expresscl it, 'peifectlv wcll,' nnd
ull through tho iniluence of AViirner's Safo
L'lire, thu remedy he uscd."
" After this I picseribed this medicino in
full doses in bith aoute and chronic nephri
tis, (Ilright's di'ca') and with the most sntis
fa tnry result'. My observntions wcroneithcr
small m number uor hastily made. They ex
tended over se eral montlis aml embiaccdn
lnrgo numlicr of cases which havo prorod so
sati-fnctcry to my mind, that I uould car
nctly urge upon my professionnl brethreu
thc iinportanco of giving a fair nnd pntient
trial to Wni nr's Sal'o Cure. In a Inrge clnss
of uilnicnts wherc tho blood is obviously in
nn unhenlthy slnto, esiiecinlly whcro gluutu
Inr engorgcinents nnd inllnnmintory
crupticns cxi-t, indccd in mauy of tlio-o
fornis of chronic in lisiK)sition in which thero
is r.o evidence of organic nuschief, but wliero
tho geueiul hcalth is dcpktHl, the face sallow,
the urinc colorcd, eonstitutiiig tho condition
iu v hich thoint:cnt is said to Im ' bilious,' tho
udvantntto gni lcd by the uso of this rtmcdy
is ruiuurkub'e. In liiight s discno it scems
to nct ns a s lvcnt of nllmincn; to soothe nnd
hcal tho inlhm-d inembrnnes; to wnsh out
tha cpillielial debris which b'.ocks up tlio tub
uli urinifiri, nn I to pivveut a destiuctivo
nietn'.norplKMS cf tissue."
' Uelongiiu as I do t . a branch of the pro
fessiou thnt lcliees thnt no ono school of
nicilicine knows nll tho trutli regnrding tho
trcatinent of discnse, nnd being indep. ndent
cnough to select nny remedy thnt will lehovo
my nticnts, without rcfcrenco to the sourco
from whcncj it comcs, 1 nm glml toncknowl
tilso nnd coiniuend tho mcrits of this remedy
thus frankly.
ltesectfully ycui s.
It. A. Gl'nn. M. D.
Denn nnd Professorof Surgerv, Viuto 1 Statcs
JUilical Collcgo of New Vork; cditor of
MetUcul Tfilntne ; Autlmr of Gunn's cw
and Improved Ilnnd-llook of Hygieuo and
Domcstie itcdic.ne. ctc, etc.
A nequo at Augustn, Ga., cut' hcs (lsli by
llmiior In tlio Stomnrh.
Much of tho uistrcss aml sickncs? nttribu
ted to dyspciisia nnd chronic diairhejv is o -cnsioned
by humor in tho stonineh. Seveiul
cases, with nll tho chainctoii$tic.j of theto
cuiiiplaiuts, havo Iieen cuml by llood's Kar
minrilla. Wouderful cuics nro ellccted by
this modlciue, which is u biK.fiflc for nll ca
tarrhs nnd llows of vitiatcd humors. Sold by
druggists. gl a bottlo of 10U doses.
Tliis preparation, compounded from tho
formulaof n co!elnatod physician, is highly
recommendod to lndics who sulfor from un
plcannt feelings aftcr oiting. Lruggists.
For ncarlv IM yoars I hnvo lieen n victimof
Catarrli. I hnvo tried mnny rcmedies, ro
ceiving littlo or no rolief. I bought ono bottlo
of Kly's Crenm Unlm und derivoj more rcal
leneflt from that thnn ull tho rest ndded to
gether. You ran rocominend it ns being n val
uablo medicine. A. Im Fullku, Danby, N. Y.
As ono having used Ely's Cream Halm I
would say it is worth its wcight iu gold us a
curo for Catnrrh. Ono liottlo curod n:o.
H. A. Lovkli,, Franklin, I'a. (iioo udv't.)
rcnEMT ANn HESTcon-uvEnoiL, fromselcctcd
livers, on tho seashorc, by Oaswcll, Huzard A
Co., N. Y. Absolutelypuniand swcet. Patients
who hnvo onco takeii it prcftr it to nll othcrs.
l'hyniciaiis dcclare it nnpei ior to nll othcr oils,
CiiAiTEn iiANiis, lace, )nniiles and rough
eklu curcd by using Jiuiipcr Tar Soap, made by
CaBWtll, llazanl & Co., Kuw YurK.
, ' itnusli nn (."orin."
Askfortt lU "iioushuiiConis." l.V, Quicl:
rolief; completj curo. Corn.", arts, bunio:i3.
Tho wintcr blast is btern nnd cold,
Yct huinmcr bni iU harvo.t gold;
And tho b.ildest hcad thnt oer wius Econ
Can bo covered well with C'arboUuo.
Chrolithion collnw nnd culTs. whilo thor
oughly waterpnxjf, feel ns boft us velvct
around thoncck nnd wribts.
('iiliirrli uniii' lllmlilrri
Stlnging irnlution, inll liiiin itimi, Kidnoy,
Urhuiry coniplaitit3, curcd bylluchupaiba. fl.
Pomctlilne- Itnmnrkable.
(From the llrldnaport SlindirJ.l
A remnrknblo curo: A Indy, peventy-sii
yoars of ngc, wnllis this summcr for tho ilrst
time lu yoars. A caso thnt wns givon up by
tho physicinns. Hcr friends nnd relntivcs
hnd givon up in despnir of hcr ovor gotting
out ngnin. Mrs. Julia H. IlnUNDAoit, of iii
Mnple strcet, llrhlgoport, Conn., rocontly said
to n rcprcfoutntivo of this pnper, whcn ques
tionod nbout tho caso of hor mothor: " I cnn
ory chcorfnlly glvo iny testimonyln fnvor
of po vnlunblo nu nrticlo ns Ilunt's ltomcdy.
My mother, who is Bevcnty-six yonrs of nge,
hns for ovor thirty yonrs bcen ulllictod with
kidnoy, livor ntul heart disenscs, which hns
confined hor to tho houso mostof tho time:
nnd to ndd to hcr other troublos, about thrco 1
years ogo droi sy in its worst form set in.
We hnd tbreo doctors, who did nll thcy could
for her with bnt littlo success, ns sho grcw
rnpidly worEO, nnd death seomed inevitnblo. 1
Attimes hor l.ody nnd iirnbs would boswolien
ncarly twico tlieir usunl eizo. HorphysiciRiis I
gnvo her up, snying thoy could do nothing
moro for her. Sho wns nlso ghon up by her j
friends. Ilnving henrd of tho great nmount
of good Ilunt's Ilemedy hnd nccomplished, i
nnd of tho remnrknblo curcs it hnd mnde in
similnr cases, wo thought ns n lnst hopo wo
would try it, nnd to tho grcat nstonishinont i
of us nll (doctors included) sho begon to im
prove, nnd in n vcry short timo thc swcllimjs I
left her entirebody ; tho mnny nches nnd pnins
from which sho sulTercd she knows no moro.
Sho Im3 wnlkod ont this suramer for tho ftnt
timo in ycnrs, nnd is ns comforlnblo ns c iu
bo ojpectcd for n woman of hor yoars. Wo
nll feel thnt wo owo much to God's tnercy
nnd Hunt's Itemcdy." 1
Mn cnnr.ot countcrfcit tho golden oppor
tuuities ot tho pnst.
"nrcaino Snnn I nml Wo'l." i
It. V. riEKCK. M. 1).: Dcnr Sir-My wlfc,
who had been ill for over two yoars, nnd bnil
tried mnny other modieines, becnmo sound
nnd well by using your "I'avorito 1'iescrip
tion." My nicco was nlso curcd by its uso,
nftcr several physicians hnd failed to do hcr
nny good. Yours truly, '
Tiiomas J. Methvi.v, Hntchcr'sStation.Ga.
ArTEn tho battlo of nrms comes tho bnttlo !
of history. i
IvETSEH, VT. Va. Dr. AV. D. Ewin fays :
"Mnny estoem Brown's IronBitters ns an ox-
cellent tonio."
The yield of corn in Georgia und Florida is
An enrichcr of tho blood nnd purifier of ths
tystem; cures lns'itude nnd lnck of cnergy;
tuch Is Brown's Iron Bittcrs.
The Georgia luuatic nsylum hns 1,100 in
mntes. Dr. R. A. Pnvis, 200 Jornlcmon Rt., Brook-Ij-n,
snys: "Phyisiciansgcncrallyknownocuro
for rheurcatisni nnd Bright's kidncv illscasc..
Dr. Elmoro is th" ilrst to discover cme. His
Uhouniatiiie-Goutalinofccitfjcnres both.
Tliat Ilimiianil r .tllnp
Is throe timos tho man ho was beforo using
VeUs' Hcalth Renewer. $1. DmggUts.
Diphtheria nois-ins the blood. Convnles
rcnts should take Hood's Sarsaparilla to nuu
Iralizo und cradicato tho poison inatter.
Rheumallsm, Neuralgla, Sclalica,
LumbaQo, Backache, Hcadacho, Toothache,
SoroTli nmt, SiTelllriff, WpriliitItrulc
ltiirim. .Nnilcla, Frott llllea,
BoMbjr Drugjiit aad I)t;erieTrthrt, Flflj Ceatta botU.
IMrecUoni la 11 Ltuicacsi.
tSnMHtMi ta A. TOUCLIB A CO Bltlar. 31(1 C. S. A-
N Y N If 10
In chronlo djspop
eia and liver com
plalnt, and in chronic
con&tipation n d
other oUtinato dis
easos Ilotetter'fi
Stoniach llittere is
Leyond all comparl
pon tho best remedy
thatcmbetaken. As
a means of restoring
thofitrenRth aml vltal
energy of pontona
wlionrisnlinx nndtt
tlm del ilttuf nx
tVi-ts of vainfur din
rJtrs, th.t ttandard
veKftablo inrfcjrant
is conftfsedly un
r'nr Fale ljr ull
DrucKif-tH nnd DeaU
ors Kinritiy.
Iwhcn applied by the nn.
eer into tho noetrils,
nill be abpf rbetl, etfect-
ually eleanslng thu liead
of catarrlul vinis, caus-
intr healthy eecretions.
It alloya inilammation,
protecti the membrano
of the naaal passaRes
frnra adtlitional colds,
completfly beals the
nruaacd rcfetores tatto
fjand sinell, A few ap.
plieatkms reiiQTe. .
ihorovgh Irta mnt irill
ruici: .-jO cknts. iiv maii, ou at i)uuri is rs.
i:iv iutiTni:iist ovi:(;ti, x. v.
ntkL'S nEARD fLIXtlt
t k-r bd4 knl 31 u
HtJi7, tMt t.
L.A, UbBllll i 10..1STBU, l'Jllii. 111.
N. ark, N J 'li in t n y $40 Wntn t r rm u u &
IIKKTSrtno wntins iwiper. tn ll"tttr, with
1 i"i I h n 1 1 t r IkV mnit fitr
AtirutH W'nntiMi
A frT!TVrrfi Areco'nin(tmoneybycanTatinKTan.
fcr pnceliet. KCt S. PnriUnd Aui.,
Dortrnittt Snl
Ur mIIvii, N, V.
Camphou Milk is the l-nt l.imnmnt. l'n- n'acrnfa.
nCUn fornpwart clutuktu ptolvt rwuru tr-.mtarnii-U'
S herefor5()c. T. l.
rtt'ttBinrHHiHfiiaid aor.
llrM ii, WurcoHttT, Mus,
OuUfrve. Addr,i 11. Hallktt A Oo,, l'ortlund,
Cff a week iu vuuruun Iukd
IVtiiis and $h outtit
W h 6TOM ACH, fl
mm fors
Baftle of the Books.
500,000 Voltimcs, tho choiccst litcratnrc of thc worhl. KKM'iisjc lntaloiio
frce. Lnwcst priccs cvcr known. NOT .xoltl hy ileali'rs. bcnt for I'xnniiitatlon
lJKrOHK pnjmcnt on cvidcncc of yootl faith. JOHN IJ. ALDKN, l'uhUsliur,
lbM't'M-j Strcct, Now York. 1'. O. Uox 1227.
What a puzzle the little child is iu the domestic cconomy !
How the mother givcs of hcr own life and strenth to support thc lifc
of her blcssed little youngster !
How the child kicks, and laughs, and crows!
How the chiid Rrows, and is heavicr and heavicr every day.
And yct she lifls him, and tosses him, and plays with him, and takcs
care of him by day and by night.
Isit any wondcr the mother brcaks down? Her back achcs. Iler
stoniach fails hcr. I Icr livcr is bad. I Icr blood is thin, and she says she
fcels poorly. Yes, ycs, poorly vcry poorly. Give mother a bottle of
Jiiozni's Iron IJitlcrs. Shc nccds the iron in her blood, which that will
put there. She must have strength, or she will be a confirmed old invalid.
Bromi's Iron BUlcrs helps worn and weary women mto new life,
cheerfulncss, and vicor. Tell all the mothers you know. o
Dost Dyes Ever Made.
RtDDONS, FEATHER8, or any fobrio or
fancy articla cntlly acd perfeotlx colored io any
hade. Illaclc, ilrown, Green Illue, Pcarlet
Cardlnnl ItcJ, Xnvr niur, Bcnl llronn, 0!1t
Clrcen, Tcrra Cotta and 20 other bost oolors
Wftrrantcd Ttut and Ihirablj. TZich packace wllj
ooloronalofourlbt.of cocdf. If youKaya nerer
tiaedDyestry thcso onco. Tou wUl bo doliaklcd.
Bold by drucelat4,orfi9adua 10 conto ani any
Color vranted eontpcst-pald 21 colorcd aaapleii
and a ett of fancy carda ent for a Sc. starap.
u Dronzo Paint. Artists' Black.
Tor giliUng Fancy Eftakelo, Tramcs, Lampa,
Ch&ndelicrs, and far all klnds of ornamental work
Bqnal to any of the hlch prlood klnda and only
20ctJ.apackacotattho druccist3,orpost-paldfroiU
Z!e:t'ls A;;l!u(tl tto lltt n 30 Di;i'C:!iI,
WJIO aro sufTcrlnn from Nunvous DEnruTT,
Vioor, Wastimi Weiksessiis, miil nll klndrcd
ciiicnAe. SDfedy rcllcf und comiiletorcstora
tlon ut ItrxLTii, vioor. nml Mi.viiotiD Oijarax
teed. Tho Krandest diicovery of tho Nlne
tecnth Ccnturj'. Sond at once for IUustrated
unphlct trce. Addrcss
KIIiT.S Ronrh. nM-Blf, Mlce.
, ltt, Mnthf, FIIm, Fleao. AntJ. Llco
on Iwiir, Ilirds. Uhl''kon, Insectl.
tufAlliblu reciodie. N'o Pi.Unn, No
103 llroomo St.. N. V. Uraanlr WtH.B
niorpK. li rinitiM?. u 11 n u
Silvrr Orr Mitii' PoTuri-'HpVnt ."i.rciil Rittors
Xcw Illtistrntcd Catalognc, (40 pp. 4to)
for scason of 18S3-4, inclutling mauy new
stylcs; hcst nssortmcnt of thc bcst and
most attractive orgrans wc havccvcr oT
fcrcd.and at lo west prices,$22 to G00, for
caish, casy paymcnts or rcntcd. Scnt frce.
IloNton, lMTnmont St.: Nfif Vorlt, CO Mth
St. i CilicilKO, H!"Vbeh Atb.
O. PIFtlC'K A- fO'.S I'UKB
. i'iti:t'Aiti:i
l'LUS AN1 PKlCJl'H. 1(H) i 170
ixmos ar., ki;w vuhk.
It relieves at onco EuniB.rjl.ChappM ITftndsorLlri
Corni. IiUiiloni.Xcaida.il ruiws.fcorentss of feot.handt
eycs.ctc j ltchiuprromanycausc Askyourdmc
Ki. or btau 10 v; t uiion rirrcc, xm
llrdt in tlic worlil. (!rt tlio cniine. ExtTT
trazer's. MII.lt HVUIt VWIIKKU.
R, LINDBL0M & C0.,
6 A 7 Chamherof
Otimmercf- Caicair).
to IJroadway,
Miriubers of a1! promuient Pmduce nzchaocea In rew
Vork, Uhicago, ht. Loiusand Milwaukue.
V e havi tclusi?e pnvat tel:raphwirobctTeen Ch!
capo and New Yurk, Will cxecuto orderon ourjodjj.
tuimt wlu-n rfqtiefteil. Sinl for circalirs contammg
particulars. UOl'.V LLVUlJLOM A CO., ChuaBu.
76 nll Roldlers who
are In tny n.annor
tlUablod by lemon ct
wnindj or dl
Incarreil durlnR their ervlce. lum nf a nnr;or, or toe, eotlr
r frtlalloiof ilpht or hearlnp.pllm, dla rhisit, rheuma
llsm, or any other dlBSblllty cutltfefejca. WiJwwb, chlld
ren, or dependent parenti cntlliei. lntloa procared
trtiere dlscharge Ii lot. New tiUcrir(rp obtalnol. Ilonor
lbl illac harpen and nansloni procurtl for riVfturtere. ren.
Ilons INCREASED. Kejccted cUlm furrctsrullf
pronecnteJ. Cack pny and bouuiy coltuctod EXPERT
In land raiea, 1 rompt attcntlon f Wea all alnJn ii govero
mentcUlmi Adrlcefroo. Ad'a wltli siamp. 1. C. Woud,
Uoxlt WanlDSton, V, C.
Jl!ELMORrS' lt 9 tha (p?ickeir, pleasnt?t,
o'L Jvt-'nr'st ani bit retnity for kidnoy.
xi?yV ,irer stnnich, bHddor and btool
t'isoae( aad only ral curativo ovor
vCnQtvX. uiscoertjd for acuto and chronlo
0-VsSi'Vir rhemnatim. jrout, lumbaRo, sciaU
CriVtit'o ica. UfiiralKM. etc. Hascnred hop..
less casfs Uncht'a diHAc aud uspepia tn H wecks all
lonnsof rheuinatio di.irderitin 2 to Uwwk ro!itT- s
Intlimmatory in l dny. Canrt'ffr to huadirrtiof reha.
t.Ie people i-uri'd who had tnedmvatn rerythitiieolie.
Turtdy botanic, haiitilbs, and nice to Irn't. Ak yoar
driiKKiit tu K t it . it be iieclinfs send to us for :t -t.ika
nuthiu: tlbw, Uiuore, Aiima A (Jo.t liw U'lllumnt. Y
n VirRlnla. Tnn fum,witU
lII appurf,naniff, s tn'k.
l.ttO ai'rta uttU prio . J?(Mi, Thn ( the-r, 4iu aerrs
ra--h nnt'n. l.fitli. Itiitl.lniirs now . farniH well waterd
crcn. ftn. (l u L.iiit. in nn
mid ffiu'ed, tftl8 in'rfec-t. Forpartirular addrt?itho
ir pre'or,lr.A. Ki'aian,Tns-ekiah, Lupenlmr On. Va.
VflllMR W(-"IJIjern telfraphr heni and wo wtll
lUUnU muIlKiTa yoaasituatfon. U.rcikrs fro
VA1.UNT1M. UltO., Jaiicsvillr, Wi.
Q'SWA WKUK, $l2adayathoiueea!tilymade. Ootly
yi auuttitfrue. Aadreuai'itUK AOo., Auuata. Mov
SR Ia tOfS perdayat homa. bamplewortb$)fres.
J 10 OCU Addreaa Stinbon A Oo.. l'ortIa J, Ma .
1'UiKMX 1'tcTouAL willcuio j ourcoutf a. lrice 'o.
Jht retum mait. Full itwHBti
:Hiila Xctv Tnllor .ra(ui Ot
UfOasCUttlUt; aCKJUt tO.tlnelBa.tl.O
i IfcntM Waiitcil fnr the Itett and Kaitoat sMtinc
1 IMc-torial IJimLh and Ilibl. lrii-os re lucii 3i er
cvnt, National XH'uusiusu On.( Phitadctpbia, Va,

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