Imperial Press Saturday. Jn| v 2». IWI. THE HAND THAT HOLDS THE PENCIL We rrail of ml* Mi pottffl Thai «rr frli fur rltfhl Of trroßf, W> h*»r Mi em Urjtt btfort (MM nilrnU In iMiriu, |,r,.», ,1,1,1 »ui:|f. Ttirrr'n Ibf "hand thai iimlii llirrraitlf/' And llir "Imikl wrllra the ilun; "' There* (he "man btfoff lhr> juittlU ," And the "man Ik- hi ml ihi> tfun;" Tb*r«*i thr "\»,r thai mlnda ttia mother/ 1 And Mir "Jack (Mat Iskta thr pot}" While llir "lijiiil Hr«l!da thr lUpf*'" Sriii.Mu i,,iu to reach thr spot. strung and poteal sr« ihr force* TbSl atraii«t our li*r<* arr hurlrd; Hut ilir hand that h«td« thr |. replace it with aimile. And whilr n'rr our »milinc planrt Jl«'.i wn'* oturr i«. v ii f ii r led, I.r: thr hand that holdi thr pencil, llr thr hand that help* thr world. ~Trom old icrap-book of J« F*. Craw, pabiUb< rr llrrmrr County lowa Indc|>cndrnt. LOCAL NOTES <». W. Both well was here fr<»m East* nide Tuesday. Leroy Holt in spending this week with his folk in Kedland*. F. C. Pauliu, agent at L<«s Angeles for the Im|K*rial Land company, was here latter part of last week. \V. I*. Holt, who attended the annual meeting of the Imperial Water com pany No. 1 at Los Angeles last week, returned to Imperial last Saturday. L. F. Hastings ot Visalia, \V. H. Cook of Huena Park and Omer KMyt tersjM>rt of Los Alametos, were here latter part of last week with a view to locating. Wesley Pat ton, after upending m?v days with his mother in Los Angeles, returned to Imperial latter part of last week, much improved in health. Mr. Pat ton states that he will at once put in a crop of sweet corn, potatoes and feed stuffs just east of town. Wesley Patton, who has been run ning one eight-horse and one four-horse freight teams between here and Flow ing Wells for several mouths, has completed arrangements to reinforce the four-horse team, making it eight, This change indicates increased traf fic to Imperial. The surveying corps for the Califor nia Development Company sj>ent Wed nesday night in Imperial. They are running lines for lateral*, having sur veyed the line thin week for one ex tending from the main canal to run east of town. Under the now arrange ment adopted at the annual meeting last week, the California Development Company will construct all laterals, and work on thin system will he vig orously pushed from now on. The country dance in South Carolina in a dangerous institu tion. At one in Oratifrchurtf county sewn persons, including two women, were shot. Imperial IP r c o o SAN DIEGO-EASTERN Corticernlltg thr rnil road from San Dlcgotothe Colorado nvcr, the i.«»h Atitft-lc* Tirtifi h;iH much to uay, From an editorial in thai p.ip«*r Ytc lake the following extract*: Southern California in to have an* other railroad* It tuu%t not l>e infer* red that the track* have already been laid, or the rolling *tock purcha*ed, hut, according to a dinpatch front San Diego, a ma ••meeting of the citizen* ha* been held in the Chaml>er of Com merce there, and an Kxecutivc Com- Itlittec of seven leading citizen* ap (Miinted "to make Ntirvey*, ac<|tiir«* franchi«e» and righta of way, and to obtain *üb*criptiouH for the con*truc tion of a railroad from San Diego to the Colorado river, and ultimately to penetrate Southern Arizona." This, it i* true, i* not quite equiv alent to the opening of the line to traffic, but it certainly marks a con siderable and praiseworthy advance over the stage of editorial utterances in the Union and mysterious hints from Mr. Carlson, which have hitherto marked the history of the San Diego and Elsewhere railroad. In any case, The Times hasten* to extend its congratulations on this im portant forward move, and to assure them that, in spite of the sometimes not altogether complimentary remark* that have been made by the San Dicgansabbut our "harbor swindle," we do not bear them any malice, but shall be pleased to see this new road carrying coals to Newcastle at an ear ly date. The more roads the merrier. Having two transcontinental lines of our own now building we cannot af ford to !>e small about this thing. Perhaps we might even arrange to lend the committee our city chain TWENTY-FOURTH STATE On August 10 Missouri will complete her eightieth year of statehood. There will be joyful' doings in Kansas City in honor of the anniversary. When Missouri was admitted in 1821, the state of main was a year old; Michigan, Wisconsin, and twenty more of the present states were not yet of the family; some of them were almost unknown wildernesses. The struggle in congress over the admission of Missouri shook the union. Missouri will have the congrat ulations and good wishes of all her sister states on her eightieth birthday. May she livelong and prosper. We rebuke the frivol ous persons who make jokes about Pike county and call the Missou rians "turtlebacks." They ought to learn better manners. ANSWERING THE QUESTION The, Rev. John MeNeill was holding a revival service at Cardiff, Wales the other day. and announced that he would answer any question about the Dible. At once a note was sent up to him, reading as follows: "Dear Mr. McNcill, if you are seek ing to help young men, kindly tell me " who wan Cains wife." That seemed a poser, and the audi ence waited with intense interest, tem pered with amusement, to sec how*the K«hkl man would extricate himself. After a pause, he said: "I love young men especially young inquirers for light, and I would give this young man a word of advice. It is this: Don't lose your soul's salva tion looking after other men* wive*." New York Tribune. | Holt Brothers | % Imperial, California, % % % % Dealers in . % | General | | Merchandise f / » ■!■ ii ■ r ■ . . — . ■ ,mm «... ■ ..— \ ifc See us when you want to buy anything ~S*~ 3? Before placing your next order ffi m p- 1 Coming tpis wav? m % Sinijj then you are interested g$ S £♦♦*♦! in knowing how to reach S 1 "" Imperial Settlement, I It New River Country 1 SR Take the 5. P. train fH H to Flowing We 115.... H >^ At this pViint you 'jjet first class accommodations at the McCAUL- £fi| LEY HOUSE. C. W. McCaulley. the proprietor, runs a regular t}£S stage line from that place t«j Imperial, leaving Flowing Weells at £ft£ 5* 7:3<) a. in. on Monday. Wednesday and Friday, returning the follovr- myc ing days. £g IK S|>ecial teams and rigs are also kept in readiness for any other day, £m SK and will take you to any part of the country. rm £j5 The only direct route to the Carriso Creek oil Hi Ids west of Flowing £JS Wells. This stage line is equipped with rigs and teams that are oj£ >/m unexcelled. MA Distances From Imperial to ; Flowing Wells.. 28 miles Blue Lake 8 miles Cameron Lake Camp 16 miles* Monument 22«> K>' 4 miles Salton River '.".' 20V miles West Mesa 27 * miles East* Mesa 2s~* miles Alomo Mocho 30*4 miles > Gardener's 36}{ miles 1 Seven Wells 43i 4 miles Salton Crossing 47, I 2I 2 miles Cook's Wells Sl}i miles Dos Alamos 59j^ miles I Haulou's 6S# miles pr»«ptly pnx«r*4. OK HO TtZ . B«b4 QoJel. ikttch. 1 or ph«(« for fr*« r»r«r4 en |<«UnUblliir. Bo«k "flow 1 loObuinl'.H • B 4»Vrriftil'»t«tiU«BJTT»4t-M*rk»," rilL »»ir..i Una* «*«r «f«rtd to tat« B». TATtirr uwrtu or »• tears- rKAonosj 20,000 PATENTS PHCCUREO THROUGH THEM, i All bu»ia»M cv«A4«Blul. Suuni tJucv. isithfull Mrrt««. M mitral* rh»rt»« | !wa-G.! w a-G. a. snow & CO.; 1 FATE NT LAWYERS, lOpg.U^Pittflt Office WttHWgTOI. 0. & 1 llmperia 1 fCompany 9 W. F. HOLT Manager. f Offices at — - — J, 4 Imperial, Cameron, ? Flowing Wells and Iris. i _ T Messages sent to, t or received from, ▼ any part of the world. |for rent 5