r Til JO OM-AJ1A DAILY BEE : STT25TDAT , FEIUIUAHY 127 , 1898. 3 NEBRASKA MORTGAGE RECORD Figures for the Last Six Months of 1897 Just Given Out MAKES EXCELLENT PROSPERITY SHOWING Coinitnrlnonn TvHh ( Mlu-r I'crlmlM Slunr Hint ( InSlnlc U G'oinliiK Otit f the Drtr | < * NHlon nnil ( irttln ? on Sollil ( Iroiitul. WNCOI.N , Feb. 2G. ( Special. ) The Hu- rcMi of In.lustrlal Statistics has Juct com pleted the compilation of the mortgage rec ord of the Mate , the only counties missing from the table being Ilamier and Grant. The period covered Is the last six months of 1S97 , and the record of mortgages rclcif-ed os comiiared with those filed Is the best ( ihowInK ever mndo since the counties began sending In thp mortgage reports. The total statement ot farm and city mortgages U as follows : Kind. Ntimhfr. Amnun Fnrm , filed r.r,7i,5fi7tl Farm , rolc.t'cd S.ITl 7.iV.ri : City , niod 2,212 1 > VVO City. rolenRpd WJ 421'ifllS The total number of chattel mortgage" filed during the same period Is 39,209 , amounting to $22.112,242 Number released , 23.788 , amounting to $7.41C,87fi The number of sheriff's deeds and foreclosures for Mie six months was 80S on farm property and 533 on city property. For the first sK months of' 1897 the num ber of farm moitgngcs filed was C.i'SD , amount , ? 6r,7,34 ; released , 8,001 , amount , $7,210.240. City mortgaged filed , 2,182 , amount , $ lS83,17r , rclc-ised. 2,9nfi. amount , R198.173. Chattel mortgages filed , 4G.9SS. nmnunt , $12,720,210 ; released. 22,071 , amount , $ CS1S3. ( ! ! Number of foreclosures , farms , 1,048 ; city property. 711. For the full jear 1S9C the showing was ns follows- Number of faim mortgages filed. 12,695 , amount , $12,013,117 ; released , 12,121 , amount , $ ll,30S.4firp , City property , mort- Ragen filed , l.fi'l. amount , $1,411,1V ) ; re- letRed , B,45fi , amount , $0,8SI.927 Chattel mortgaffs filed , 9I.C93 , amount. $19,472,922 ; reloaded , 30.M ! ' , amount , $7,137,018. Farm foreclosures , 1,424. city foreclosures , 1.353. GATIinitlXO PERSONAL STATISTICS. The labor bureau IH sending out blanks to the assessors to l > p used In gathering the labor and Industrial statistics Kach blank contains the following explanatory state ment' You ire hcrobv notified thnt , according to the iirovMnriH of nn net to amend sections 6 and 7 of chnpter xxxlxb , Compiled St.itulp- , of Ni'lii.iskn. entitled "Iniltistrl.il Statistic" . " anil c-rrito a now si-rtlnn to ! m numbered 1M of s.ijd eli iptor , and to iepe.il yeetlons "and 7 of mild clwyter ns they now Htand , In force April 11 , ] S'I7 , you are required to make anil return to the iis > ip Kor of your precinct a nlrlenient of vour occupation , nml If .1 farmer or in inuf.iettticr , the products of your farm or fnetoryduring the last vear nml If a wnpo vvoiker the time you have lioen employed during the last ye.ir , and the wages > ou Inive received for the same. A number of the assessors have written to Inquire whether they aio compelled to gather these statistics , calling attention to Die fact that they arc allowed no extra compensation for the work. The letters wcro referred to the attorney general , who ( wrote the following letter to the deputy commissioner of the bureau1 My Dcir Sir I have > our favor of the liith Inst. n"klng whether or not nssessoi. nnil county elcrlfw are leqiilred to perform tlio duties'Imposed ' upon them with ic peel to lalior statl-itliM. not vltlMtnmllnir thnt no i-x.lia compensation IH allowed therefor. My reply IH thnt they are , The duty of an olll- clal l-i not determined by the fact tint his salary l illowed for the thlnfr which he I" required to do , but l < determined by the pro- vlolons of the lavs Impis-InK those duties. C. J. SMYTH , Attorney General. I WILLING TO GO TO WAR. The applications from peiscns who drnlre- to organize compinles or liold commissions in case of war with Spain continue to come In , both to the governor and to the adjutant general of the National Guard The application for a requisition for C. J Grable , cashier of the defunct Crawford bank , did not como up for a hearing todiy , cud has been dropped , for the reason that tha complainant has FCCII Grable and "Is con vinced that ho Intended to do no wrong when } io gave him the worthies check , " Governor Holcomb today received a draft of $ fi,432.DO from Major J. M. BermlnRtiam , KC ieral treasurer of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldlccs. The money represents the quarterly payment of the gen eral government for the support of the eoldlers' domes for the three months ending December 31 , 1897. The Grand Island home , with 1C9 Inmates , receives $4,22.r , and the Ttlllford home , with forty-nine Inmates , re ceives $1,225 , less $1750 , the deduction being on account of peimlcn money which goes to the Mtlford Institution on account of otic ot the Inmates. LINCOLN LOCAL NOTHS. The Woman's club will meet at the club roccns Monday afternoon , and the program Is of moro than usual Interest. It will In clude music by the Ideal .Mandolin club , a ti paper on the "Causes of the Ptirltnn Emlgra- 'tlon" by Mrs. W. C. Henry , a vocal solo by Miss Jesslo Lansing , a paper by Ann Hutchl- eon and Mrs , S. L. Upton , aviolin solo by jtlprt Ina Ensign and a final paper on "The Bettlccs of the Connecticut Colony" by Dr. Itillbrlck. Dr. Ruth Woods left Lincoln today for the east , where aho will visit a few weeks a d then go to Ruropo to spccid two or three years In traveling and sight-seeing. The Hast Lincoln Literary society , com posed of about sixty young people. Is doing eonm good work In the way of literary re- IVlcws and debates. The Lincoln Wheel club will take Itn Initial run for the > ear tomorrow , ( he route being to Lincoln Normal , University Place and Ilovelock. The principal object of the run ( will be to decide upon a course for a road rare which will be held this spring , Carl C. Rnqburg , Instructor in mateiematlra at the University of Nebraska , will speak tomorrow afternoon at the Young Men's Christian association meeting on "Thlnps iWhlch Make or Unmake Life. " There will nleo bo a musical program DANGER IN SODA. flrrloiiH llt-NiillH SoiuetliiiCH Knllnw KB Hue , Common soda la all right In Its place and Indispensable In the kitchen and for cook ing and wanning purposes , but It was never Intended for a medicine , and people who tieo It as such will some day regret It. Wo refer to the common use of soda to relieve heartburn or sour stomach , a habit which thousands of people practice almost dally , and ono which Is fraught with danger ; moreover the soda only gives temporary re lief and In the end the stomach trouble gets . worse and worse , The roda acts as a mechanical Irritant to the walls of the utomach and bowolu and case * are on record where It accumulated In the Intestines , causing death by Inflamma tion or peritonitis. , Dr. Ilarlaiuhon recommends as the safest end surest cure for sour stomach ( acid d ) - jC | > aIa ) an excellent preparation Bolil by drugglrts under thu name of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. These tablets are largo 20 grain lozcngra , very pleasant to taste and contain the natural acids , peptones and di gestive elements I'p.eentlal to good digestion , anil whin taken after meals they dlgewt the food perfectly and promptly before It hag tlmo to ferment , sour and poison the blood and nervous ujsteiu , * - Dr. Wuerth stctru that ho Invariably ut.es fituart'u Dygperela Tablets In all cases ot stomach derangements and finds them a cer tain euro not only for eour stomach , but by promptly digesting the food they create a healthy uppt'tlte. Increase flesh and ctrenghten the action of the heart and liver , They are not a cathartic , but Intended only for stomach dlbCJiea and wcukneos and will be tound reliable In any stomach trouble ex cept cancer of the stomach. All drugKltta cell Stuart's D > 8pepsla Tablets at CO eta. per jmckngo. , A little- book drerrlbtng all forms of stomach ach vvcakncii and their euro mailed free by ddreuilui U Stuart Co , ot larilulj , illca. KMOIIT CASI : ro conn ti * AUAI.V Srt for 'Irlnl at Illnlr Uurlnsr the Week. niMin , N > b , , Feb. 20 ( Special. ) Court convenes Monday morning , February 2S , with Judge Powell on the bench. There arc four criminal cases to como up. George Knight will have hU second trial , charged with burning the town of Arlington. Mrs. Darbcr , as an accomplice ! Frank Thompson for statutory assault and Frank Vlszna for atsault with Intent to kill Alfred Hautencr are also expecting a. trial. This latter case wau the outcome of a drunken brawl , The farmers of Washington county are very jubilant over the good condition ot their stock and good prices for their prod ucts , Wilson T > ron , ono of the largest stock fanners of this county , shipped six double decked cars of fat sheep to Chicago today and has about 4,000 moro to ship between this and spring- Co U bringing 21 cents now here and at Kenwood and the -farmers are hauling It In very rapidly. There < will be n union meeting of Wash ington county and Ulalr city teachers and patrtxis held In this city Friday nnd Satur day , March 4 und 5. Friday forenoon will be devoted to arithmetic and the afternoon to music. Friday evening will be devoted to music by the City Teachers' double quar tet and address by Superintendent A. II. Warr.cr of Missouri Valley , la. Saturday ex- erclsej will be held In the High school build ing. The afternoon of Saturday will be devoted - voted to music , class excrcl&cs and essays. The subjects of the papers are : "How May a Mother Co-opcrato with a Teacher ? " by Mrs. J. II. Adams ( patron ) , lllalr ; "Mother and Teacher , " Mrs. Anna Stewart ( teacher ) , Hlalr ; "A Compendium of Opinions from the Illnlr City Teachers Relative to the Duty of the Parent to the School , " by Superintendent W. K. Fowler , Ulair. Washington's birthday woe fittingly cele brated by many schools of Washington county and the Ulalr city schools The Woman's Relief Corps held an en tertainment last Monday evening for the purpose of raising funds for a monument to be erected hero In the city in honor ot the old veterans. About $20 was realized. The Grand Army of the Republic post ban already bought the monument. The city council has just passed an or- dlnanco prohibiting anyone from selling or giving away tobacco to any minor , nnd at tlio next meeting a "curfuw ordinance" will bo passed In all probability. PnrnirrM' Instltud- AVnlioo. WAHOO , Neb. , Fob 20. ( Special ) A farm- era' Institute opened In this city yesterda.v afternoon. Samuel Woolley was chairman and M. S. Hills secretary The address of welcome was made by Samuel Woolley ? iid the response given by II. Gllkcson. The first subject taken up was "Care and Man agement of Milk. " The discussion was led by Mrs Elizabeth Fletcher. Hon J. N. Ratlin road a paper on "Feed- Ing Sheep " He Is < in advocate of field feedIng - Ing beginning early und breaking the coin- stalks so that the sheep can got at the ears. Jamcs > A. Moss nmde on Interesting talk on "Tho Horses Fanners Should Raise for Use and for Sale. " F. W Taylor of Lincoln discussed the mutter of farmers' institutes In Nebraska. Ho reports , forty regularly organized Insti tutes In the state , oiiio meeting auimull } , others seinl-anmially. The evening session opened with songs by twenty girls and bojs from the public schools Miss Tarpennlng of the High school cnvo a recitation. C. C. Turncy rend a paper on "The All-Purpose Farm Animal. " David I/irsrn read an excellent paper on "How to Ralso Poultry and Make It Pav. ' The next subject taken up by the institute w s "Tht Cheapest and Hcst Foruge. " The discussion was led by John D. Lshmkuhl. This subject was dlscusbed at length. Tim othy and clover seemed to take precedence but a largo sprinkling wore for sorphum. \Viij n > on tin * llnntlo. WAVNC , Neb. . Feb. 20. ( Special. ) The city council has called a special election to vvite bonds for the construction of an elec tric llqht plant In this city , which are pretty ceitain to carry , as almost every citizen Ib heartily In favor of putting In a plant. Some eighteen or twenty arc lights will be used to light the city. Wayne Is now likely to realize Its fondest linpes , namely , a beet sugar factory. Messrs Connor anil Gunn of Port Scott , Kan. , rep resenting a sjndlcatc , have been In the city the last ten days and have submitted a proposition for a. $150,000 plant , with a capacity of 200 tons of beets dally. Tills proposition has been accepted by Wayne citizens , v.ho have had several enthusiastic meetings the last week. A working com mittee of ten representative business men , authorized to be divided Into subcommittees , has been elected with full power to act , as follows : J. R. 'Manning ' , R. Phllleo , . F. Wilson , J. T. nressler < James Drltton , A. F. Brenner , in. F. Swan , Henry Ley and F. M , Skeen. The committee has started Into the work vigorously , determined to secure the factory , which will be constructed and ready for operation by September 20. I'lirinerM * IiiNtltute. VALENTINE , Neb. , Feb. 20 ( Special. ) The second session of the Farmern' Institute clo.-eil here last night. The principal speak er * , or lecturers , were Mr. D. P. Ashbun , of Gibbon , Prof. C. L. Shear of State unl- veralty , Deputy State Superintendent C. F. Beck and Prof. Watson , principal of our High school Mr. Ashburn stayed with us through the entire Institute , his subjects tic- tag "How to Make and Market Butter" and "Breeding and Marketing Hogs. " Both sub jects were found very Interesting and ques tions wcro plied from all over the hall , which ho answered readily , showing a close ac quaintance with his subjects and Imparting Information highly Important to our stock ra'sere. ' Prof. Shear's lecture en gruajcs was also Interesting and Instructive. The either two lectures were on education , which were listened to attentively and elicited the high est commendation. The Institute elected Its officers for the ensuing year as follows : L' II. Perkins , president ; W. A. Wilson , vko president ; Miss Lillian U. Stoner , secretary ; J. A. Hornback , treasurer ; John Foster , Mrs. W. A. Wilson and Mrs. Mrs. Hornback , trus tees. Jail VALENTINE. Neb. . Feb. 20 ( Special Tel egram. ) J , M , Burnett , living In the west part of this county , won brought hero about ten das ago and put In jail awaiting the next term of the district court for horse stealing. He got away yesterday. Four other prisoners report that at about 2.30 jesterday afternoon a person appeared at the outsldo door and unlocked It , after which ho repeated the operation ) on the next door , which admitted 'film to the jail. He then covered one of the prisoners , who was In the Jail , with a revolver and proceeded to unlock the ntecl cage , liberating Burnett. The other prisoners gave the alarm ohortly afterwards , but Burnett had gotten out of reach. None of the other prisoners at tempted to escape , although the steel cage and jail were both left unlocked until the sheriff was notified , llurnett Is about 30 jears of age , five feet ten Inches high , weighs about 1GS pounds , fair haired and whlto moustache ; U slightly o.oop shouldered - ered Sheriff will pay liberal reward for his capture. Will hln nil Trill I. HASTINGS , Neb. , Feb. 26. ( Spec al. ) Yes terday Judge Beall received word from three prisoners from Kearney county , held in tht- county jail hero for safekeeping while awaiting trial at the regular term o * the dis trict ocurt for safeblowliig , that they had concluded to ( ileud guilty and would be pleased to have him call a special term and para oentccice. After the judge had done EO the' } , however , sent wore ! that n plea ot guilty would be entered only on condition that their eecitenco be for not more then a 5 ear and a half In the penlterttlarj. HU honor ercit back word that he would use his own judgment In Inflicting puc > ! ihmcnt end the men decided to stand trial. licet ( .rotter * Jlecl , ORAND ISLAND , Neb. , Feb. 2fl. ( Special Telegram. ) The Beet Growers' association had another mooting today , A telegram was read from Mr. Oxnard , Hating that no modification could be made In the contract , but that the probabilities wuro Out the Ha waiian clause would bo withdrawn about 'March ' 15 , aa the measure for annexation would have been voted on by that time to cougrcai and defeated. Thin message- failed U help matter * ud member * of the asso ciation renewed the resolution unanimously not to raise beets on any other contract than at 14 straight without tot. This prac tically fettles the fact that there will be no beet Industry In thla county this year. Dut'the growers went further and appointed two delegate ? , Messrs , Murr and Vces , to go. to Norfolk and organize the farmers In that vicinity In order that there may be unity of action hero and at Norfolk. HriMltlr * from Meiul. MENU , Neb. , Feb. 26. ( Special. ) Ed Robinson and family moved to Doone county this week. The High school will giro nn oyster sup per this evening. Nels Matlscu and family have moved to Ccrosco. Lewis Johnson had his thumb smashed In a corn shelter Wednesday. Joseph Knanlshu will lecture In the Lutheran church this evening. Agent White of Clcaborn , Kan. , will take Charley Clark's place us agent here. Mr. and Mrs John Cheney were tendered n cuiprlic last Monday , A surprise party was given last night on Mltfl Susan Graver. Rev. Howard C. Young has been sick for the last four week ? and the pulpit has been supplied by students of Wesleyan uni versity. I'miiul. IIEATRIOK , Neb. . Feb. 26. ( Special Tele gram. ) John Schmuck , the returned German who failed to appear In fci ral court last month to answer to a charge ot malting obscene letters , was located today. When Chief of Police Hcraman entered his room today Schmuck was covered up In bed with a feather bed over him , He claimed to bo sick and two doctors sent to examine him corroborated his . statement , saying that Schmuck Is suffering from nervous prostra tion and that It would bo unsafe to remove him. Special officers have been sworn In to ktep Schmuck's residence under constant surveillance until his condition Improves. To It i'ii n IfVntcr WorkN. ASHLAND , Nob. , Feb. 26. ( Special. ) A meeting of the cltlrens of Ashland was held at the city hall last evening for the purpose ot considering a proposition for repairing the water works .i\ East Ashland , which have been In need of repairs for some time. The cltj council met In special eecslon under call by Major Rallsback. The consensus of opinion was to submit the proposition for settlement at the municipal election In April , when the qu"stlon to vote money for th ? Improvements will be submitted to the people for latlficatlon. HIMV lletnoiMi Two I'liinlllen. BRTRIOE , Neb. . Feb. 2S ( Special Tele gram ) 'Several ' dajs ag-o through a mis understanding two families undertook to take possession of a house In the eastern part of the city. One ot the parties , .Mrs. Rlcr , who claims her goods were thrown out ot the house , today filed a complaint In En- low's court charging L C Parker , a prom inent citizen , and five others with riot. War rants for their arrest were Issued , made re turnable Monday. I'a ( ill Acrl.liMit. M'COOK , Neb , Feb. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) A frightful accident occurred about fifteen miles north of McCook yesterday after noon , resulting In the death of Miss Wilson , s'ster ' of Countj Clerk Wilson of Frontier county. While on her way to her school near Quirk , she was thrown from the cart in wnicn sue was ruling ami uraggeu oy the runaway horbes for a mlle or more , death comkig to her relief last night. Held for n Itct oltliiK Crime , TEKAMAH , Neb. , Feb. 20. ( Special. ) Gilbert L Clark of this county had his pre liminary hearing In the county court yester day afternoon and was bound over under two charges , one for attempted assault on his 14-year-old daughter and the other for Incest with his 18-j ear-old daughter. His bonds were placed at $1,500 for each charge , which ho failed to aecure , and he Is laying In jail here. nt < .Mlnilrn. MINDEN , Neb. . Feb. 2G. ( Speclal.-On ) Wednesday evening , February 23 , at the home of W. W. Phae , there was given a re ception by the women of the P. E. O. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell. Mrs. Campbell , formerly Miss Margaret Thornton , Is the first P. E. O. bride of chapter - tor N. Mrs. Campbell has for several years been a teacher In the Mtaden public schools. MniiilaiiiiiH iHMiieil. SCOTIA , Neb. , Feb. 26. ( Special. ) Judge John R. Thompson of the district court to day Issued an alternative writ ot mandamus against the village board of the village of Scotia to reassemble and hear testimony In the matter ot the remonstrance against Is suing a saloon license to Welsh Brothers , which the board Is alleged to have arbi trarily and unlawfully refused to hear. Miir.lcreil aim * . Iliirlcil. NEBRASKA CITY , Fob 26. ( Special. ) The funeral ot the late William Kuwltzky , who was shot while asleep last Wednesday by his daughter Mary , occurred today. The girl Mary , who did the shooing. Is residing with friends here. The report that she was reotra'ned with difficulty trom self-destruc tion Is groundless. ArrcHtiMl for Sti-nllnpr. LEIGH , Neb. , Feb. 26 , ( Special. ) A straiger giving the name of John McDermlt was arrested hero Thursday for stealing a suit of clothing from the store of Lcutt & Wlescnbach. Ho was tried before Justice Walling and given thirty dajs In the county jail. DIATII : itncuun. HURON , S. D. , Feb. 26. ( Special. ) A dispatch trom Chicago announces the death In that city Wednesday evening of Thomas H. Campbell , late president of the First National bank of this city. Mr. Campbell had just returned from a visit in the south ern states and was stricken with pneumonia on his arrival In Chicago. Hl brother , J. W ICa-npbell. was advised of bis Illness and started for Chicago , , i\-Mii5or Illfi * . CLEVELAND , Feb. 26. Ex-Mayor Robert Bice died today of acute pneumonia after an Illness of only three days. Ho was 59 years of age , Mr. llleo began llfo as a brakeman. Ho was frequently promoted and eventually became ) general superintendent of the road. Ho was elected mayor of Cleveland on the dcirocratlc ticket In 1893 and served two years Ve I era n TriiiixiiortiiHoii Man. CHICAGO , Feb. 26. Samuel F. Leopold , president of the Lake Michigan & Lake Su perior Transportation company ulnco its founding forty years ago , and largely Inter ested in copper mines In northern Michigan , died today , aged 72 , 'Mr. Leopold was a na tive ot Germany. Mrfl.JosephInoPolhlllofDneAv'csrA 3. G. , had n severe cast ) of catarrh , which finally bcoaino so dt'cp-seatc-cl time eho was entirely dent in ono ear , nnd partoftbobonoin hernoso BlougbeeJ off. The best physicians treated her in vain , and flio usi-U various nppli- cations of sprays nnd GOfiED BY washed to no avail. Fourteen bottles of S. S. n. promptly reached the sent of the d is * rase , and cured her .sound anil vrell. lfe | 8. S. S. never fallt to L euro n blood dUca e , and ic Is tbo only remedy which reaches dccp-teatcil M easel , UuaranUrtlpure' m lui toetnbte. Hooks freei BtfWiflO Co. | Atlanta , Oa , BAHfLEY JURY HAXCS FIRE Difficulty in Reaching Its Verdict Has Become Eericnia. \ \ NO INDICATION OF ITS 'SENTiMENT All Concerned Arc lit tlm Onrk n * to Wlmt l'n ne In Itlio Itoont WliiTO Hie TtirUfc Arc Wrritlluw.l At midnight last night , when It retired for the night , the Jury In the cuso against the Hartley bondsmen appeared to be no nearer a verdict than when the case was put Into their hands on Friday afternoon. At least , It gave not the slightest Intimation that It had reached the , end of Its deliberations , de spite that It had been under lock and key for overthirtyone hours. It Is Impossible to tell how the twelve men Etnjiil. Not even the bailiffs In charge arc allowed to question them on this mat ter. No Indication can float out of the room In which they arc confined , since the walls are too thick. They arc locked up In the court room of Judge Powell. The latter found occasion to listen to some legal mat ters jcsterday afternoon , and ho disposed ot them In the corridor outside. Judge Powell himself has no Idea of the situation , for In answer to several Inquiries of the Jury as to whether It wished to confer with him , ho was told that It did not. Only ono straw was furnished to Indicate which way the wind Is blowing and that throws little light on the matter. A tally sheet picked up on the floor of the Jury room while the Jurors were out to dinner ga\o the following Information : "Yes , 1 ; no , 10. " This would seem to Indicate that the jury stands 10 to 2 , or 11 to 1 on some question , but what that question Is It Is Im possible to say. This Is considered hardly likely to refer to the main verdict , Inas much as under Judge Powell's clear Instruc tion the Jury had little 'else to do than figure out the amount of the verdict that waste to bo returned for the state" It Is con sidered possible that the stumbling block Is the question of the sanity or Insanity of Mary Fitzgerald. The Jury has not been shirking Its duty. The bailiff has had occasion to enter the room several times , and he has always found the twelve men In discussion or taking a ballot. They commenced to work im mediately after supper on Friday night and kept It up until midnight. They arose early jcsterday morning and , except for the time they wcro taken out for their meals , de liberated until midnight last night. The men arc close-mouthed and said nothing In the presence of the bailiffs to Indicate how they stand. In a joking way some have said they will decide some time next week , but others have also stated that they would bo home for dinner today. At night the men sleep upon the floor or the chairs aud benches In the court room. Judge Powell was at the court house until 10 o'clock last night In the hojic that a ver dict would be returned , lie ; will be down at an earlj hour this morning , Ho stated lost night that he would keep the Jury In until Monday morning , at least. In view of the Importance ot the case and the expense In volved In the trial. ' Don't annoy otners t > y jour coughing , and rlek jour llfo by neglecting a told. One Min ute Cough Cure cures coughs , colds , croup , grlppo * nd all throat and lung troubles. assault upon a white woman In that state. NOW T11CY 1'UOMISy Tp 1IC GOOD. Cn c AKiiliiNt .lit * Dinner * front Fnl- lorton IK niNiiiiNnril. At the request ot Assistant County Attor ney Winters the case against ; John Powers , formerly of Fullertori."ln 'which ho was charged ' "niUi living unlawfully with Mrs. W. S. Iloss , was dismissed by Police Judge Gordon yesterday afternoon. These people deserted their respective families ut Fullerton - ton and eloped , coming to Omaha. Powers anil the woman were both In court , as were also Mr. Ross , who had como from Fullerton - ton with his attorney to prosecute Powers , and several people as witnesses with whom the couple bad boarded as husband and wife under different names. ness -was more anxious to settle his dlder- onces with Powers on account ot his chil dren than he was to prosecute , In the event that his wife would return to him and be dutiful In the future. He told Mr. Winters his deslro and that officer set about to patch the trouble up. Ho finally succeeded In ef fecting a settlement , which was that both Mrs. Ross and Powers were to return to their respective families and do by them as they should. 'He ' gave to Judge Gordon as his reason for asking that the case be dis missed that ho thought It would bo for the best interests of society. Ho said that If Powers 'was prosecuted two families would bo broken up , whereas It the cafe was dis missed both the defendant and the woman had promised to return < o their families and do right by them. Judge Gordon discharged Powers and then Mr. Winters made the further explanation that In the event ot his discharge Powers had agreed to sign a writ ten pledge that In the future ) he would not Interfere with the domestic affairs of Ross This agreement Powers afterwards signed and Rosa took his truant wlfo away with him , while Powers left with the promise that ho would return to his family iu Lincoln , where It removed from Fullerton after ho ran away with the Ross woman. Arnold's Dromo Celery cures headaches , lOe , 25c and SOe. All druggists. J'roiuotliiKIreliinil'H Cmme. Considerable progress has been made In arranging1 for the reception on the night of March 17 of John Daly , a noted Irishman who Is devoting his energies to further Ing the cause ot belt-government tot Ills native IIoic wo are rwiln tlio same old boy with better trnilo pullers tlinu ever just to show you how niut-li better we're jroliiR to offer for Monday oi.ly-n two- bin nor Kiisolliio stove for $ J-IO ! Its not one of these eheap skimpy btovt-b but ImK nn extra IIIFBO top-nmny a dollar more has been paid for a tove nowhere near as tiooil-thls Is for Monday only- wo ( k'llyor till pmch'.iRosmade of lib you won't need to ca'iTyJinythlntf home with yon-wci don't t'jiii\vliat | It Is biIt a luimner or u kt-B of uiiillb or oven eine of those $2.10 irasollnebtovos a coin- ploto line of builder ) ) ' hardware nt the bebt pik'os Iu Oiunhi ? . ! n A. C. MBR . . R , 1514 FaiMiam St , t 01 'J You Jiiht write UK f | Icrti-r nnd tell us thu ilay you will bo IwVrrr.1"1 lr > ' " " are at our di-ntnl parloi-H It.v 10 In the morn- Inn wo will lit' ' anil fijriilsh you with a complete ) hot of twth In tlmo tor you lo take the evenlnt ; ( inn ! for home-ami we will iruurantee \ \ < > iK ' ' " ' a'- ' ' ! ' ' * ' - ° ho IIH Koort as though you were here a wivk and no dentist In Omalm e-an < lo hotter \\oik than we ilo-onr facilities uiu MU-li that wo can do plate wink piomptly tlneo kind * thin ohihtlc plates our own proet-t-H § 10-anolher Kind-hame teeth huf different platen , $7.r > o-the ordinary kind that yon usually pay iflO for at ? -l.uly f attendant. BAILEY , 13 Year * 3il Floor Puxtnu II1U. Uzpcririiiir. lUlli unil land. The various committee * appointed to make .the neco sary preparation. . ! have the work iwell In n.ind. Members of th * c com- mlttcc.s nnd others Interested In the tueoe s of the reception nro to m et nftaln this afternoon nt ( he Hlks' hnll , Four teenth and Farimm streets. Severn ! mat- < crs ot Importance are to bo considered and a largo attendance Is desired. SOUni OMAHA NEWS. The city ofllclals do not Appear to bo at all Alarmed over the throats of certain Sarpy county property owners to commence suit ! ) for damages ( or the Mud creek nuisance. It Is understood that one property holder , Charles Chandler , has engaged attorneys and the papers arc lion In course ot prepara tion. Some ot the other residents oJ that locality arc figuring on following suit , but up to yesterday no steps had been taken. In speaking about the matter one prominent city ofllclal stated that the suits would cause the city no uneasiness , as It could bo easily proved In court that the Authorities \vero not to blarnc. It Is further claimed tbat the city council has taken steps at different times to abate the nuisance. This authority asserted that In order to recover damages suit should bo commenced against Swift and Company or the stock yards company. The last time an examination was made by n committee of the council the. trouble was located at the Swift plant and a report ot that nature was made. The Swift people agreed to connect their glue factory with the sanitary sewer and this must liavo been done for the complaints censed for a time. It Is further asserted that the city cannot bo compelled to lay a sc\\cr It It Is not thought advisable , neither can the city be held for damages In case n sewer Is not laid. These suits , If brought , will bo de fended by the city and the numerous efforts made to abate ) this nuisance will be shown. In the face of this kind of a showing It Is not thought that damages will bo allowed. ConItiU > HIMMm Upturn. It Is thought that the confidence men who reaped a harvest hero last bummer have re turned , as two cases of their work have been reported to the police within the last twenty-four hours. Hoth victims were stockmen and as they feared publicity thej refused to file complaints In police court The old "cactus" cloth game was worked In both cases , ono cattleman parting with J25 and the other wltn $ D. In both cases the sharpers left for Omaha as soon ns they had gained possession of their victim's money. This game , along with several others , was worked every day for awhllo last summer until the complaints became so numerous that Mayor Ensor employed an outslilo detect ive to como here as a granger and be worked In order to get onto the game. When the major had obtained the names of these In the game and ascertained where the vic tims wcro taken to bo fleeced , ho headed a detachment of police ono afternoon and raided the headquarters of the gang. Two of the confidence men were tried In police court and held to the district court for further examination , and for a long time no more complaints were heard. The police have a description of the two men who are supposed to bo working at the old game again and will arrest them on sight. J. C. Ultima UlHNlng' . R. C. Gllchrlst , the well known commis sion man , has reported to the police that J C. Harim , his brothcr-ln-law , disappeared from his home on Filday end had not been seen since. Tlie uiicnnsi lamiiy IIVCH ui Twentj-slx and E streets and Mr. Hann.i has been making his home there for the lust jear. It 's feared by the relatives of the missing man that he contemplated sui cide and consequently their aoxlcty Is greatly Increased by the fear that he has made away with hlmfcclf. Mr. Ilcinna Is described as being about 49 jears ot age , with a slight lameness In his right leg. Ho Is six feet tall and was dressed In dark clothing. Of late ho has been despondent on account ot 111 health and business re- versea and has occasionally talked , of sui cide. cide.Tho police are making a thorough search for the missing man and a description of him has been telephoned to different pouts by Chief Drennan 1 1 n in in it 11 IH i.MnUliiK The 0. H. Hammond company commenced yesterday the erection of a large addition to the packing room at the south end of the plant. This new building will be con structed of brick , the ground measurements being 00x138 feet. The foundations are now being dug and the work Is to be pushed as rapidly as the arrival of material will permit. "When this addition Is completed the southern portion of the house will be arranged and more cooling rooms will be provided. The cost of the new building IB not given , but It Is understood that about $10,000 will be spent In the changes planned at the south end ot the plant. Out niu Iloiul. Constable Joseph J. Maly , who was ar rested : Friday night for Impersonating a license Inspector and endeavoring to ob tain mcney under false pretenses , has been released on bond , the hearing having been set for Monday. It Is understood that Maty does not deny that ho had made the talk to FIshel with which he la credited , but Insists that ho was only Joking and meaul no barm , ' nntprtnlnincnt. Thursday evening of this week the King's Daughters will give a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Caughey , Twenty-third and H streets , at which the following pro gram will be icndered : Selection , Mandolin club ; piano solo , Mrs. Bads ; piano solo , Miss Ina Wilcox ; recitation , Miss Ethel Honey ; vocal solo. Miss Jean D. Mullen ; piano solo , Mlts Dcllo Worlond ; selection , Male quartet. For Ciirrjlnw Coneenlfil WCHIIOIIH. William Brjent. an engineer * cmploved at Armour's , was arrested jesterday by Officer Gary for carrying concealed weapons. WIN Ir HheporJ f HtvoK'-'Thc Nnv m The Shcpard > Trcoinirnt It.w It Curt * , " wnt T J. J. Illl Llllljlflll . . I - . II . I Billion trci * to , 'been mlilM-m. MluuMcvl Hio tint nl W * C ft notond riUtlon of . _ _ c ( jinn icacly The wliolp fmnll ) cnn rend U n Ith entertainment And | irvllt A clfixn tvvik for Medical Institute hcnltn those who ni h to imln lo < t J Seventh Year of Success. SHP.I'AUD INSTITUTE today U tlio boot equipped mee.lcal offlco In the whole west. It Is based upon the Idea that lU'SIN'KSS mi.S'CII'kHJ f _ should govern doctam In their dealings with their t-aMents. Over six jears of T V BUCCOSI In Omalm have proven that lr Shcpard'a plan Is 'endorsed by thu pooW pie THIS IS HIS 1'LANTo denl illicctly with the sick , without being himpcred I T by rules of Mcdlenl Soclctlofl as to Feeo. Tlio present demand Is for competent Medlcil Service , the best ot medicines , and charge * ) that ore within c.i y reach ot J people or ordinary means. T 1 R'PTT.nT A T.TTTPC1. Catarrh In nil Its forms ; this dlscnso f | KJJ. OJa.X .Jl J-O.XUO. atiucts the uoso , throat , lunr-s. atomA ach , liver , bowels , kidneys and bladder. It also Attnrks the eiirs. producing deafT nets nd TINNITUS AUIUt'M ' , or head nolsrs. Cntarrh , bv preventing thorough elimination of waste products , may lead to nervous n fleet Ions. Uterine or pelvic A catarrh , Is the real cause of suiter Ing with ninny ailing women. T CONSULTATION und F.X AM IN ATION ate frco. Full explanation of methods of treatment arc given upon tctjuest , Spacious and plo.itant reception rooms for these wlio call. OUT OF TOWN IlESIDKNTS who wish ATe A To Take Advan 'age of This Offer A 9 fihould vvrlto for Dook nnd Question Hlatiks which give much Information ! to 4 dick people at a distance.Vo refer to any Omnhi newflpapei as lo rrspuislblllty A { and profestlonal success MAIL TIU3ATMI3NT by the Shcpard Sjstem has proven most Rucce-aful For A those who cannot come to the city , special counts of treatment are ptep.iced with T great * ro and forwarded to the patient's home. Thd COUUKSPOXDKNCU jaft A tern for country ixitlontB Is a leading feature of our iiractlce. JUST NOW Is a A T good tlmo lo vvrlto for literature upon chVonlo allmrnts of men mid women. I SHEPAKD MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 4 | 311-312-313 New York Life Building , flnialu , Scb. J Ham Powers , n watchman at Armour's , filed the complaint which caused the arrest of thu engineer. It Is understood that the men had a little trouble n few dajs ago and Powers was told that Hrjant meant to take a shot at him at the first good opportunity. This caused the watchman considerable un easiness and he thought the bust wav wouid be to have * his enem > locked up for carrjlng fire arms. Judge ChrlHtmnrin released Ury- ant cci ball and set thu trial for Monday morning. I.UBt Dunce nl On Thursday evening1 last the Magic City Dancing club gave the last of n series of dances at Masculc hall. The grand march was led by J. II. Dletleln and .Miss Lorn Mitchell , assisted by Harry J. Kroner and Miss Lillian Clark. The club Is composed of Micsrs. F. M. VanArman , G. R. Harding , II. J. Fenner , J. H. Dlclleln , H. C. Harding and II. U. Stlne. Mnulf Cllj ( iiiKHlii. R. E. McIIenry of Weeping Water was a business visitor la the city jestcrday. About twcntj-flve men are working on the big sewer at the Armour plant. Furniture ! Furniture ! W. G. Sloano & . Company , Twenty-fifth and N sUrects , The Magic City Gun club will meet tbo ! afternoon at Hugh Mallet's In Albright. Mike O'Hura , Twenty-third and J streets , Is aole to be about again after a shoit sick ness. ness.Tho The Odd Fellows wll ) meet Monday night at 7 o'clock for drill an > J all members are urged to attend. George Vnnsant Is homo from Lancaster county , where he went to look over one of his feeding farms. Twins , a boy and girl , have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Murphy , Eight- cm and P streets. Dollle and Will Griffith have returned from Minneapolis , Kan. , where they visited friends for a time. Rev. John 0. Gordon will occupy the pulpit at the First I'resbjterlan church both morn ing and eveu'ng today. A. II. Lee , cue of the traveling representa tives of the stock yards company , has re turned from n western trip. Friday cven'mg Miss Ada Dojer , the elo cutionist , gave a pleasing cntertulmiunt at tlio United Presbj terlan church. The total receipts of sheep for the week at this market numbered 30,577 head , an i- crease of 14,000 over the corresponding week a year ago. Mrs. C. H. Thompson , Twantj-fourth and J streets , has returned from a month's stay at Lemurs. In. , where foho was called by the serious Illnct-.s of a > sister. The Sunday school of the First Baptist church gave a social ut the home of Mr. and Mrs T. H. Ensor , Friday evening , which proved to be a very pleasant affair , Mrs Den S. Adams reports the loss of a gold watch and Icing gold chain with mi opal charm. The Jewelry was stolen from the house whilq the family were absent , Dur'ng ' lent Rev. Irving Johnson , pastor of St. Martin's Episcopal church will deliver a series of t-ermons on "Tho Woes Pro nounced by Our Hlesn-d Lord " The first sermon of the. series will be preached at 11 o'clock today. U\ii'c ( liicreiiK - l \ \ hiuteren r ' . RAPID CITY , S. D. , Feb. 20. ( Special. ) Reports from the farmers of the IJlack Hills are very encouraging for the coming seaaon. There Is no frcfet to speak of In the ground and plowing has been .done every month thin winter. The soil Is very mellow and In goad condition to woik. Estimates from home of the farmers make an Increase of acreage of wheat tuts season of 50 per cent over last ) car. , Iliiliril iif Trnde llPiirKiiniiri'N. PIERRE , S. D. , Feb. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Pierre Hoard of Trade was re organized this afternoon and an executive committee selected consisting of C. II. Ilurkc , John Sutherland. L. 13. Albright , C. C , Hen- nett and J , C. Eager. AVe liuvo received fioin Walter SuloilPc direct 10 of Ills orlidnnl water coloiH painted by Iilin from life wlillo In Kit- rnpivo do not nwd to enluiKe on Mr. K.iterlec's woik Ills lejnitutlon as an aitlst i > re.cei'dei1 | tliest pli-turus tlio sub jects are GatlieilnK Mai-Mi Mallows Spanish Oypsy Old Head-Alf'criain I'ortex ; Interested Friend MaiUel Place the Good Sister the Hepilnuind Oood Morning Hit of C'loiclly we will have thi'.se displayed In our windows today - day and this week until hold Omaha Connoisseurs have never enjoyed Mich a Kioiiplni ; of ivallj line water colors as thi'hc ' we now hhow. A. HOSPE , 1SIG 011(1 ( flrl l513 Douglas Omaha has secured two great the past week a tlneo years' franchise of the WcHtein association Unit will please the ladles and Drex L. Hhoonmn has secured the most stylish and IK-H ! weal-lilt ; shoe ever shown at $ : t.W > that will please them nioie these are BUIIII- Ine hand tinned fancy rex tint ; top-In laid Inco shoes-this spline's newest styles shown In Omaha for the Hist time now those who have had dllllculty In M'curliiK a proper llttlnt ; shoe and those who want a comfortable shoe can llml just what they want in this shoo we can't recommend It lee highly no shoo sold at $ .1 will Klvit moiv style than this new comer at t'J.50. Drexel Shoe Co. , 1410 FAR NAM STREET not ; ciiin.nit v IN soi TU DVICOTV. Ilcm.v I.ONNI-N In ( lit * Soiidicrii Part of ( In * Mud. HURON , S. I ) . , Fob 2 ( ! ( Special ) The appearance * of hog cholera In the southern comitkn of the state cnutes nn lit Ic < in\tety .liming farmers In thlj .1111 ! neighboring coun ties. The raising of hoi ; Ima been very profitable In this lurallt ) and fctmrre are just getting well established In Urn business , but the dieaded dtaccso coming In so ' 'laso proxlmltv to ttiem Is llkolj to frighten so.no formers from engaging tnoie oMenslvely lo swine. AH there Is roallj no law prnvldlni ; for the suppression or prevention of tlio dlocnfio In tins state It Is feared that < he Industry will bo radly crippled A bill ixis'oil tlio List session of the U'Rlolaturi * providing ogi'leist the spread of tin * dlae.if-p , but It was vetoed by thegovernor. . Local nuthoritlia In the counties whcio the dlseisc la located are doing what limy ran to ptevent Its fiiirod | , and those In olheT countIcn are forti * fj Ing against It as elllclentlj as possible. Already losses are ver > lienvv > uul In homo placet ! humlicds of hogs have died truii the dlsencic. \IMVN lit VlllTlh'I'll. AnnitOKHN. S I ) . , Fob 26 ( Special ) The Chicago & Northwestern Railway com pany has paid Its taxed In this count } for 1S97 to the amount of SI.GnfifiO. A ittity of ioveri men will Iravo Oroton , this county , for the Klondike on Kobiuary 27. Their contra:1 : ! calh for tlio five trans portation of 1.250 pounds of goadfi to each nan and fee the l.'ridl'iig ' of the party at Tnlja on March 10 Tlio T nani"s ore fioorjio Kramer. John Sclh , William Deltllng , Wil liam Scharfonberg George Plltsch , Charles Hnsson and M. Julius Com ) any F of the South Dalnta National Gunid hi ; < s been leceuM1. equipped with new uniform's , cartridge belt. ? , Injonet scabbards nnd other necobstv-v accoutrements , which puts It In good llghtliiK trim Fourteen ap plications for enlistment have been received in case of war with Spilti and In case of actual hofltllltlcfi the conn any vvjll be rc.idy to match at a moment' . ! notice. i\.i.ini : Cull lo lotvn Mini. HURON , S. I ) . l > b 20 , ( Special. ) The Presbyterian society and congregation of this city has tendered a call to Rev. Mr. Vander Lass of Cedir Rapids , In. , lo become - come pastor of the church here The call will no doubt too accepted and Mr Vander Lass will enter upon his duties -March I. roitncwr OK TOII\VS wnvriinit. It AVI1I lit * CrniTiill.- l.'alrnllh Northerly U Inilw. WASHINGTON , Feb. C Koiccast for Sunday : For Ncbinskn Gener.illy fair ; noithcrly w Inr ] n. For lown Genoially fnlr ; warmer In enst- ern pottlnn ; v.uliblc winds. For South IJakotn ThrcatunliiB weiitjier ; vnrliililo w Imls. For Mlw-iourl Partly obudy weather ; prolmbly sllfritly warmer ; east to nortboiist winds. For K.iiiH.is I'.ii tly oloudy weather ; norllicuKUily winds. - For Wyomlng-Gencrally fair ; vnrlab'e W IllllH. I.OCIll It < < < ! I'll. oFFicn OF THIS wuATiinn HUHIAU , OMAHA , Feb. 2C Om ill i n cord of tom- poiatuio and rainfall compared win , | ) ia corresponding day of the last three ycnr.s : 1S1 ? Ufl7 , 183G. 1S91 ; . Mn\lmum trmpcratnre . . ) ' ) 12 78 4" Minimum temipernturu . . . . 2S 11 40 33 Avprnuo temperature , 'iS ,0i ) M 42 Itnlnrall < .01 00 .3.1 Hoeonl of temperature anil prrclpltntlon nt Omaha for llil.s < lay and Hlnte March 1 IM7 : Normnl for tlio day 27 Kxru.ss for thu day 11 Accumulated oxee-s fined M irch 1 712 Noimiil rainfall for tlio day ( Hindi Deficiency for -the day 03 Inch Total nilnfnll Klncf Jliuoh 1 21 0' ) Inches Deficiency ulnco. March 1 10.HI Inches KXCOKS for cur period. 180G f,07 Inches Uellclcnoy for cor. period , ivn . . .11.SO Inches T Indicates Irace nf pioelplttitlon , L. A. W13LS1I , Local Forecast Olllclnl.