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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1912, Image 4

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Giving the Public Thousands of Dollars in Greater Values. Smashing All Records in Value Giving
s.AVf Nebraska Clothing Company's 1
I I 1
2 Enormous Stock on Sale at . . .
to 1 y
Till most wonderful sale Is attracting tho best dressed, best Informed people In this
reputation for lianilllnR only tho world's best merchandise Is the mighty force that makes
this nalo the greatest attraction ever known in clothes selling history.
Think of pnylnr never more than one-third to ono-half the Nebraska's regular low
priccB, and the Nebraska's prices have always boon 25 per cent loss than elsewhere. ThtB
in tho reason THIS SALE IS THE SENSATION OP THE HOUR. Tho values are absolutoly
unparalleled, Immense assortments make selection easy. Don't wait another day.
Twenty Experienced Salesmen Twenty of the Best
most painstaking men's clothing salesmen to terve you right. Even If the clothes
aro offered at almost give-away prices we're determined to gtvo our patrons bet
ter attention than thoy have over known bofore. Conio Wednesday don't delay.
The Nebraska's Entire Stock t1cTSiZ
Suits and Overcoats
Women's Misses' Garments
All Men's and Young Men's $10.00 and $12.50
Sims ana Uvercoats,
Sale Price,
All Men's and Young Men '4 $20.00 and $32.50
Suits and uyercoats,
Salo Price,
a iplU.UU uuu ipx4'iJJ
All Men's and Young Men's $15.00 and $16.50
amis ana uvereoais,
Sale Price,,
l tantr cinn 1 mnrr
All Men's and Young Men's 825, $30 and $35
ouiib. ana. uvorcoais,
Sale Price,
Positively tho most astounding reduc
tions on high class wearing apparel.
Tho Nebraska's stylo prestlgo Is known
to all style-wise women. Now these
handsomo garments aro being sold at a
mere fraction of actual worth:
WAISTS Women's fine $1.50
and $2 tailored waists
on sale Wednesday nt I 90
SKIRTS-Women's $5.00 and
$7.50 Serge and Panama skirts,
all newest fall aa aa
styles, at ..... $0.90
WAISTS Women's $5.00 Silk
waists, big variety of charming
styles, Wednesday, Qg
00 ATS Women's and Misses'
$20 and $22.50 f A AA
coats, Wednesday at.lU.UU
OOATS-Woraen's $25, $30,
$35 coals, all nqw fall materials
and models, Wednes- (IE AA
dnv, at $I3.UU
SUITS Women's $30, $35,
$40 tailored suit, on fitfE fA
sale Wed 'day, atonlyVla.WU
All Rnvc' Suite 1 in
fill MUJU VUiU U
ana uvercoais ai price
Extra Special Wednesday
All our fine Imported costumes arc to
Wednesday at just half their regular price:
John A. Swanson, Fires.
Win, L. Holzman, Treas.
$150.00 Cos
tumes, at . . .
9120.00 Cos
tumes, at . . .
$100.00. Cos
tumes, at . , .
be sold on
$00.75 Even- flQ-f OQ
Ing wraps, at.ipOTT.OO
Two Alleged Dynamiters Turned
Over ,to Court by Sureties.
Peoria Superintendent flays Hn Told
Hint There Would He Something:
Dulug If Nontlllluii BlMt
Were lJmplojcd.
1NDIANAPOLIH. Nov. 19 -Edward
Bmythe and James H. liny of Peoria, III.,
two of trio forty-five defendants In tho
"dynamite conspiracy" trial, were placed
In Jail today bocausa their bondsmen
wlthdrow the security on which . they
had been at liberty.
At the opening of court attorneys for
tho bondamen announced they would sur
render the prisoners, who then were
Placed In tho custody of the Unted Slate,
marshal. The reason for tho with
drawal of the bond was not given.
Hmythe, who Is superintendent of con
tructlon for the city of Peoria, yas
former secretary-treasurer of a local
Ironworker, union. In Ortto li McMan
Igal's confe.ilon he frequently was men
tioned as having assisted tho dynamiter
in. causing explosions at Peoria. In Sep
tember, 1)10, McManlgal ssid, Smyths
helped him put cans of nitroglycerin
near Jobs that, wcro blown up and then
went to a theater so hu might have scat
checks to prove an alibi.
In Utters Quoted by the governnunt
Hmythe was charged with writing to J.
J. 'McXamara about a visit or llalley's
comet to Peoria.
Hay. former president of a
seldom has been mentioned sinco the trial
Testimony was given today concerning
explosions at Peoria, lllchard II. John
son, superintendent of a comnsnv which
constructed a brldgo at Peoria, said that
In Ul& Bmythe. Hnv and lLrhort A
JIucktn solicited him to put uhlon men
on mo jon ana llockln added! 'There
will be something doing If you don't."
Nonunion men were put to work, said
the witness, and the first explosion oc
curred June that yoar. " i
Three months later the plant of (the con
struetor was hlown up. It jwaiihJs,jQt
that McManlgal said he blew-.up with
timytlm's M. On can of nitroglycerin.
left by McMnnlgal failed 'to -explode.
Through this clue, Johnson said, he
traced the purchase of the. explosive to
Portland, 1ml., and thus put tho de
tectives on the trail of tho dynamiter In
Beptember, 1510, a month before the loss
of life at Los Angeles and tlx months be
fore any arrests were mode.
Tho government read from tho Iron
workers' union magatlne a letter from
Smythe. alleged to refer to tho Peoria
explosion of. Juno 4, 1910, as follows:
'I thought It about time to let the
members at large know that local 112 is
still pn top of tho earth. Halloy's xomet
passed through here on time,"
After tho constructor ngroed to use
union men, Jesse Smith testified, llockln
oaldt VYou may take your guards off
the job, There will be no further explosions."
(Continued from Page Ope.)
Ish armies had taken place at Tchatalja
arrived here this afternoon. It consist
merely of the laconla sentence: "The
day before yesterday and yesterday the
Uulgartan army engaged the Turks In
battle on the advanced points of the
Tchatalja lines with a view to preparing
the ground tor Its further operations,"
This was Issued subsequently to the
announcement of the appointment of plen
ipotentiaries to conduct peace negotiations
with the Ottoman government, Whether
It means that "further operations" will
be proceeded with as soon as the eighth
hour of the armlstlco agreed to for the
burial of the dead expires there Is noth
ng to show.
The silence of Rofla as to the results
bf the fighting Is taken here to be an
Indication that denerai Bavoff, the Uul
Some Growing Children
are under sizeunder weight Some grow
tall and thin, others arq backward in studies
pale and frailimroer assimilation u
usually tht caust.
If your children are not rugged and
ruddy and rosybubbling with energy
and vim at all times, yeu ow thmt
SCOTT'S EMULSION nature's concert'
tratsd nourishment to build kdy, bene,
muscle and brain.
Scot & Bowke, Bloomfield, N. J.
garian comm&nder-lh'-ohlef, has dlscov
ered that th If of getting within thtf
Turkish lines of forts and entrenchment!
will prove .a tremendous test of the stay
ing power Of hhrtroops. It Is thought
probablo the ttulgarlans will call on their1
allies to brtpg' the forces released by the
rail of Monastlr to their aid at Tchatalja.
Sixty per cent ot .the Ottoman troops
holding tho lines ot Tchatalja are raid to
bo fresh battalions pf Turkey's finest
fighters brought frpm Asia Minor.
' ha Ottoman government Is determined
not to consider peace until thtf Balkan
allies submit conditions compatible with
the honor and dignity of Turkey, accord
ing to a special" dispatch from Constantinople.
It Is said that the Bulgarian terms sug
gest that Turkey retain the provinces of
Adrlanople nnd Klrk-Klllssoh and ask
that tho Porte agree to Bulgaria and
Servla autonomtslng western Macedonia
and Albania and conoeda the port ot
undosghatoh on the Aegean sea to Bul
garia and Crcto and other Islands to
j recce.
Plenipotentiaries Appointed,
SOFIA, Bulgaria. Nov. 19. The allied
Balkan nations' today assented to the
Turkish proposal to discuss the terms of
an armistice and eventual peace.
The reply sent to the dispatch of the
grand vlsler to King Ferdinand of Bul
garia says:
The Bulgarian government, after an
agreement with the allied cabinets ot
Servla, Montenegro and Greece, Informs
the ports that plenipotentiaries have been
appointed with Instructions to arrango
with the commanders-in-chief of the Tur
kish armies the conditions ot en armis
tice and subsequently to proceed to tho
conclusion ot peace,"
Austrian Vessel Searched.
VIENNA, Nov. 19.-8erlous Interna
tional Incidents are reported to have oc
curred after the occupation ot the Adri
atlo port of San Giovanni dl Medua by
tne Montenegrins on Saturday, according
to the correspondent ot the Ilelchspost
at Bcutsrl.
Tho correspondent telegraphs that the
Turkish troops evacuated San Giovanni
dl Medua on the arrival of a, Montenegrin
cqlumn, and he declares that an Aus
trian courier from Scutari was fired upon
by the Montenegrin troops.
When the Montenegrin commander,
General Martlnovltch, arrived at skn illo
vannl dl Medua on Sunday he ordered tho
eelture ot the Austrian mallbags lying
there and destined far Houtarl.
The Montenegrin general then told his
troops, according to the correspondent, to
remove all the goods on board the Aus
trian Uoyd magazine vessel anchored in
the port, and he had all the other Aus.
trian craft lying there searched, .
The Montenegrin royal yacht arrived In
port as though to take demonstrative pos.
session of King Nicholas.
The dispatch concludes that the Turkish
troops intend to attack the Montenegrins
at Ban Giovanni dl Medua today.
- , ,
Colonel Bays He Speaks as a Man
in the Ranks,
representatives In the state legislature,
and. It congress ,jr,o not going to enter
into any deal of any degree for personal j."tata that 'goes to Yankton college after
advantage with either of the old natleSTrnre death of tho widow. The estate is
He Adrlse. Member Kleclril to
State Lcarislnturc. Not to Make
Denis with Either of '
Old Parties.
NBW YORK, Nov. 19. Theodore Itooso
velt and Oscar S. Straus addressed a gen
eral conference of progressive state lead
ers In sesslop hero today. This after
noon the conferenco was to decide tho
question of fusion In elections hereafter,
with particular rcfcrcnco to suggested
fusion with anti-Tammany forces In New
It was 96loncJ Itooevolt's first epeech
since the election, lie sold:
"There have been times when It -was
said that wo were merely a bolting fac
tion of one of tho parties and would at
tempt to fuse again with that party. We
wlt not. In this party organization of
ours ejc-democrntB and ex-republicans
stand alike. Both of the old parties rep
resent the same privilege and both of
them stand on tho vital Issues of the day
shoulder to shoulder, sldo by sldo, and it
Is our business to show the people that
they are simply deluded when they are
privileged to vote under cither of tho old
Speaks JVnt na Lender.
Continuing Colonel Roosevelt declared
that he was In tho ranks as a man and
not aa a leader. He said that he hoped
that In no legislative assembly In which
the progressives had representation would
there ba any submission to either of the
old parties If they desired to combine tne
men of tho progressive party with their
party organization.
"I hope we will make It plain to the
people." he said, "that It In up to tho old
parties to combine against us. and our
Norfolk Citizens Vote
Down Commission
NORFOLK, Neb., Nov. 19. tSpcclal
Telegrum.) The commission plan of gov
ernment was beaten by two vote. In a
special election here todayv Advocates nt
the plan attributed the defeat to;.the fear
that a ring would get control of the city
government. Tne vote was K6 against,
2M for
.. .. . . " . ' " . SORB FKET, Corns. Callouses. Bun
Tne rcrsisient sua Judicious tse of Ions. Frost Bites. Aching and Sweaty
Easy Positive Method
Gives Luxuriant Hair
Never use soap on the hair, the
alkali produces scaly scalp, Injured
roots and stringy, discolored hair.
iou can discard all tonics and "glow,
ers" ir the following treatment Is per
sistently adhered to. This Is from a
hair dresser of national repumtlon
and one trial proves Its remarkable
value: "Dissolve a touspoontul of
Coconldo In a cup of hot water. Sham
poo with, this and rinse out well. Do
tuts once or twice a weeK. Tnat ttt
all; absolutely nothing more. Tho
hair becomes fluffy, wavy and silk
en. The scalp wonderfully refreshed
and all dandruff disappear.. But the
best part Is the aXter-etfcct. The
scalp Is healed, the nulr roots are
Invigorated and falling hair immedi
ately stopped. Uso this treatment a
few times and ypU will becotno en
thusiastic and want to tell all your
friends. ThJs wonderful Coconida Is
made from tho cocoanut nnd other
vegetable oils. A fifty-cent package
Is sufficient for ten or more delight
ful shampoos. You can get Coconlde
from any druggist. If he does not
hav. it in stock he. will quickly get
It from his wholesale house. But If
you care anything about your hair
don't be talked Into taking something
.ls Instead at the Coconlde. There
Is nothing else even similar to it.
This you will agree at the first, test.
It Is equally as beneficial for men's
and children's hair.
Let them'do thafwork,
"I further earnestly hope that In this
stato and In all , other atatea -Jhe men
elected stato senators an if assemblymen
will 'at the earliest' possible date Intro-
duca bills embodying all ot the principles
in our progressive platform and fight' as
hard as they know how to have these
bills enacted Into laws."
Note, from Ynnklon.
YANKTON. Nov. l.-(Speclal.) In dN
cult court here before Judge Williams ot
Chamberlain, wlio Is trying tho coso for
Judge R. B. Tripp, the continued caso
of the state against Dr. a. D, Ioffler Is
being heard. Dr. Loffler is on trial for
alleged obtaining money under false pre
tenses from Senator Gamble and others In
a land deal.
Tho sum of 1100 has been expended by
Yankton people on homes and business
buildings since April last. The chief Item,
is one of liC.OOO for the Rlk home. Most
of tho balance is for residences.
In closing the estoto of the lato Judge
Bartlett Tripp this week In probate court
the, tee of 1,S.77 was paid, tho largest
In; tho history of the court. Tills is tho
Valued at $129,000.
CHICAGO, Nov. 19. Spccial.)-W. K.
Smith has been granted a separation from
I.ura B. Smith and given the custody of
tnolr two children, both boys. The plain
tiff told tho court his wife had refused
.to, pome to Chicago from Omaha when he
moved hero four years ago. He said that
ho learned later that she had approved
of his' coming to Chicago In order to get
rid of him. "I have written her to come
to me and tho boys,1' he said. "She now
Is a traveling saleswoman for a hair
goods house. Tho two boys are In school
and I am supporting them."
RICHMOND. Va.. Nov. 19,-Governor
Mann today granted Floyd and CUudo
Allen a respite until December 13. Thiy
were sentenced -to death-in thcJe.dtvlo
chair November 51 for tbe'lr -iJaPtWrifrthc
Hlllsvllle, Vs., court hous'ejilrijftlers. S
Klmrr Slofi. i
Elmer Stuft, formerly a merchant- at
Paptlllon died at tho homo of hla mother,
Mrs. Mary Stuft, In Omaha, .yesterday
morning. He was 28 years old and leaver
a son, Donald, 3 years old. Ills' wjfo
died last year.
Joseph I), aiurphy.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 19.-Josoph D.
Murphy, for the last fifteen years cashier
ot tho Philadelphia mint, died at his
home here today. Ho was (3 year old.
I.iiinpert-Hiiilklns. t
Miss Blanche 'Iiudkltis, daughter" or
Josso Hudklns of Valparaiso, Neb., and
Mr. Raymond Lampert of Wahoo, Neb.,
wero married by Rev. Charles W. Savlilgo
at his residence Monday morning at 11;M
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
Big Returns.
Which ?
Bread contains a big percentage of water and mere air space. Takhoma
Biscuit, "The Sunshine Soda" crisp and flaky are all nourishment,
Both cost the same 5 cents. Take the biscuit for real food value.
Biscuits .
re all wkoletome, delicious. We' have for you FRBB
"Surprise Bext asserted varieties six kinds. Sent) coupon.
foogE-yiajE3 Qiscurr (pMewnr
Mtksr Saaibla BltoiltM '
. LsWlU BUaaR Cotspaajt
Pteaaa send as FRJEE"mT'wSuroriis
Box ol assorted Sasfelns BiscalUL;
Naa -........-.-..-
Address ,
Q racer's Name :z"
Business Success. w bath gives instant relief. Get a S5c box
1 ' v" I at anv drug store. Atvertlemeat.

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