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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1912, Image 10

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Now Don't Think This Will Stop Him, for It Won't
Drawn for The Bee by G. Michelson
"7'.? (OH- HE-DOME)
r - : -1 : 1 I ' I 1 1 ,
Oklahoma looms Up as Very Strong
Moe for Stichm's Team.
Irian Special Train for Saturday
i3M ornlnw ArraitKrmpnti fop Corn
huskrr Foot nnll llnniinet
tier In Dtcmlirr,
Nebraska wIl havo to gtvo Its best on
Saturday In order to defeat Oklahoma.
.That Is the verdict of the followers of the
Cornhuskor eleven, who, until the Kansas
name, thought the proteges of Coach
JwaUl Stlehm would luivo a cinch In tho
contest with the Sooner tomorrow. But
Blnce tho Cornhuskcrs put up such a
miserable exlUbltton of foot ball against
Kansas, being outplayed for moro than
thrce-qUarters of the contest, It la ovl
Scnt that. In order to win from the south
ern eleven, thoy must play the best foot
fcsll of the fall.
Tho Ko oners have been defeated once
this autumn, tliat loss being encountered
In the meeting with tho Missouri Tigers,
who, the following Saturday, gavo tho
Cornhuskcrs such a scare by holding them
to a 7 to 0 score, tho winning points being
registered In tho final mlnutoH of play.
The Booners licked Kansas when the
Joyhawkotn were going Jtuit as well as
they were when they mot Nebraska. The
Oklahoma oloven also trimmed Texas uni
versity, tho score In this gamo being very
largo on tho Sooner side.
Moonrrs HnVc Improved.
Since the meeting with tho Jayhuwkers.
tho Booners have been taking things easy
and have been preparing for tho gamo
ivlth the Cornhuskers, Knowing that to
triumph over the Lincoln eleven wduld
mean more to them than a victory In alt
tho other games of tho fall. The Okla
homa faculty Is trying to get their school
Into the MlKHOurl Valley conference, and
they bellevo that If they can lick Ne
braska they will have a good claim on
membership admission, sln'co tho Corn
huskers nro the class of tho valley.
All members of tho Oklahoma eleven
are In fit condition for tho game. The
men who were out of the Missouri con
testthe stars of the team aro back In
condition, and will form an offense more
virile and precise than any the Cornhusli
ers havo been up against this fall. Bven
tho onslaughts of Minnesota will bo
nearly equaled by tho Sooners, It Is be
lieved In the camp of the Ncbraskans.
Xelirnskn In Wrskrr,
Coach Stichm's team Is not In the bent
of condition, nnd several of his men
will not go tho limit of their nbltlty.
I'urdy Is still suffering from an Injury
to his knee.
Tho Omaha alumni will sond a bunch
of rooters to tho gamo anil there Is now
talking of running n special train Katur-
day morning, to lenvo hero at 10 o'clock.
In case, tho extra !raln Is ;iot chartered
the Omaha contingent will lenve on the
Burlington trnln which goes south nt
9.15. More than twenty active members
of tho alumni have "agreed to go.
ClftlhiK Hcmly for Ilnnnnct.
Tho committee which was recently ap
pointed by Frank Woodland, president of
tho Omaha Alumni association, to ar
nilngo a banquet forthe Cornhusker foot
ball cloven Is nt work. Its members met
at tho University club for luncheon yes
terday and plans for tho big feast were
discussed. Subcommittees were appointed
to arrango details of tho banquet. Another
mcetng will be held at noon Tuesday,
when the time and place of the dinner
will bo announced. Tho Cornhusker fool
ball eleven will be tho ohlof guests, but
tho Omaha, Lincoln and Houth Omnha
teams will also bo present and Invita
tions will be sent to other toot ball teamx
In tho state.
Mordccal Drown, onco greatest of the
Chicago Cubs' pitchers, nnd known as
tho "Three-Klngercd Wonder' has been
ordered by his physician, never to- pitch
Drown camo hero from Chicago after
his ralcuso to go hunting. During his
stay he became slightly 111 nnd consulted
a physlclnn, who promptly told him that
It ho Valued his limbs, he" should never
pilch again or tako part In any baso ball
or nthletlo. contests.
The doctor reached this doclslon nftcr
oxnmlntng Drown's knee, Injury to which
hastened thu end of his mnjor league
career. The physician tola Drown that
tho knc) -would never be entirely well
and that another Injury might result In
the loss of the use of the leg.
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The Gillette Safety Razor is all around
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It is used by Five Million Meru It
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Get a Gillette. Get it today.
Stop at the first ftood Gillette window you sec. Look
tke razors over Standard sets, $5: Pocket editions, $5
to 56: Combination and Travelers' sets, $6 to $50.
GHUHe 8lU-twe sixes of Packet, 59c. sad $1.00.
University of Omaha
Plays at Peru Today
Tho University of Omulm foot ball team
left Thursday for Peru, whoro It will
meet the Peru Normal team this after
noon. Coach MoPgenthnlor has been
working hard all week and has got all
oj'hla men In the best of shape. Peru
has been playing good ball all season
and will forcn tho local team to extend
ItBelf If It wins. Tio schoolmasters de
feated Omaha last year, but have been
considerably weakened this season by the
loss of several of laBt season's veterans.
The lineup for today's game will bo:
Dow ...R.U.IL.K Campbell
Adams IVT.Jlvr Novak
Hunker ...... ...H.a.1 UO Roettgej
Bnlllsbury C.IC Andrews
Jorgeuseu UOJlia Tyson
J. sclby (U) Ij.t.'k.k , Jong
Parish nK'It.H Deal
Parsons KH.lL.lI Ralston
Solomon It.ll. it) , Ludka
P. Selbv O. V Sims CJ
ltachman P.
Official Scorers
WiU NowSit on Roof
Pa Kourke, president of the Omaha ball
club has decided to erect a press box on
the top of the grandstand at Rourke paik.
Beveral complaints had been filed with
him by the scorers who declare It Is im
possible to watoh plays In the outfield
owing to a rise just back of the bases.
Bourke will put a stairway up the rear of
the stand to the root.
The box will accommodate nt least
twenty-five persons. The "Western Union
wlro will also be run up to the box.
DES MOINES, Is,, Nov. 21. Attendance
at the East-West High school gamo hero
today filled the Drake stadium the first
time since it was opened, In 190. Be
tween 12.000 and 13,000 people attended.
"West, which team has not won, for five
years, won. 21 to 7.
'Williams of East High was crippled
badly and had to be taken out. In the
first quarter MacBeyers for East High
made a touchdown on a run and Voder
kicked goal for him. Almost Immediately
Brlndley scored for West High and made
the kick. In this quarter Brlndley again
touched goal, after hard fighting, and
Maus kicked goal In the last quarter
Miller made another touchdown for West
Ills!' West Hlsh has not ln i'fiateJ
this mx.
(Continued from Pago One.)
Ing that a successful defense Justifies
Wounded Turkish officers highly com
pliment the cners? shown by General
Von Hochwaschter, to whom some of
them attribute a great part of the credit
for tho defense on the Turkish right
it Is clear that the Bulgarians have
evacuated the positions facing the Haml
dleh forts, according to tho Times cor
respondent. Tho Turks followed tho re
treating Bulgarians with their artillery
which has a longer range. The corres
pondent adds:
"I cannot understand the Bulgarian
operations. Their withdrawal possibly la
a feint, but If so why did they make such
strenuous efforts to entrench them
' selves?"
Tho correspondent suggests that the
Bulgarians may havo Imagined thoy
I would an easy path to Constantinople, or
I perhaps the Bulgarian generals were or.
I tiered to make a demonstration without
sorlously committing their troops. He
"The Turks are massed In such strength
on tho Mahmoud rashn lines that they
look as though they would bo able to re
sist Indefinitely any attempt of tho Bui.
garlans to npproach them If the enemy's
forward movement should contlnuo as,
"tended as It has been during the last
few days. Tho Bulgarians havo retired
to tho hills In the Immediate vicinity of
Tohatalja village and tho Turkish troops
havo re-occuplcd somo villages on the
plallr foclng the Hamldleh forts. What
I ever may be the Importance of this move.
inent It has acted as a strong tonic to
the spirit of the Turkish trojps. '
OlBRiYLTAR, Nov. 21. The Unltel
States cruisers Tennessee nnd Montann
arrived hore this afternoon. They nro
coaling preparatory to proceeding "to
Turkish waters for the protection of
American citizens In tho Ottoman empire.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 21. The follow
ing letter, dated November 5, from Itev.
Herbert Adam Gibbons, professor of po
litical economy In Roberts college at
Constantinople, has been received In this
"no Bulgarians nro very near the city,
nnd we feel that If they win they will
bo so fast on the heels of tho Turks that
tho soldiers will not have any tlmo to
do damage. They will be too much Inter
csted In saving their own skins. The dif
ferent embassies aro on the alert. The
government, realising that If n massacre
Is allowed. Constantinople Is lost to tho
Turks, will do Its very best to preserve
"All tho women of our colony are busy
with Red Cross work. Thoy do not want
to leave unless It Is absolutely necessary.
"We ore right by the wnter's edge here
and tho Russian battleships are hovering
around tho entrance to tho Bosphorus,
so we don't feel In tho hopeless position
wo were In at Adana and Tarsus."
Writes f Allied Victory.
Ashmead Bartlett, tho war correspond
ent of tho Dally Telegraph, In a dispatch
dnted November 18 and sent from the
front by wavof Constanza, claims that
the battle "beforo Tchatalja on Sunday
and Monday resulted in a great Bul
garian success.
Early Monday morning nn sound of fir;
Ing came from the front. Instead there
was an ominous silence lasting several
hours. A gendarme brought orders for
Bartlett to leave Immediately for Con
stantlnoDle. saying that any hour the
Turkish army might bo In full flight, as
they had suffered a disaster 'during the
Instead of obeying the correspondent
squared tho four guards and returned to.
wnrd the battlefield. He could only see
through the mist the red flashes of an
artillery duel, which had been resumed,
but on the lifting of tho mist he could
observe a change In the positions.
At once It became evident that all
the outlying works forming tho advance
defenses to the receding center Una had
fallen Into the hands of the Bulgarians,
who no longer were concentrating against
tho outlying lines, but had brought up
guns and were now shelling the main
lines of works In front of Hakemkeul, as
well as the left wing of the Turkish
lines from tho captured positions.
From an officer he learned that at 1
o'clock In the morning the Bulgarians
concentrated their Infantry against the
advanced lines and delivered a night at
tack with decisive effect, the whole works
falling. Into their hands as the result of
forty-five minutes fighting at the point
of the bayonet.
Knvoya Appointed.
Pasha, commander-in-chief of the Turkish
army; Izzet Pasha, chief of general staff
of the war office and late commander-in-chief
In Yemen, and Chadam Bey, coun
cillor of state, have been appointed the
Ottoman plenipotentiaries for the negotia
tions of an armistice with the Bulgarian
The question of peace looms large In
the foreground. The fact that the official
communications with regard to the Bul
garian reply Issued at both Constantinople
and Sofia make no mention of preliminary
1 conditions haa given rise to comment, as
'it was generally expected that Bulgaria
J would Insist upon fixing buea bfor 003-
Vz "r" onB former cub star may be sent
uiu. uiu wens, mno ,ci J KC1ICIUI II1UI
Bulgaria would demand .'the capitulation
of Adrianople and other fortified places,
and the foreign minister recently stated to
the ambassadors that Turkey would re-1
fuse to entertain any such stipulations. I
As has already been pointed out, the .
question of cholera complicates tho Issue
at Tchatalja, and today It Is rumored that
the Bulgarians are retiring to moro sani
tary positions back of Tchatalja. A vio
lent cannonading, audible tills afternoon
In the direction of Derkos"however, would
Indicate that somo engagement Is In prog
ress In that quarter.
With the Bowlers
Dentist'. T.cngnr.
Int. . 2d
Walxem Ill
Anderson 77
Cox .. 184
Hunter ...
Totals 372 409
1st 2d.
Dunham 323 128
Novak 174 104
Crandatl 115 180
Totals 412 412
1st. 2d.
Soukup 95
Elche IBS 101
Shearer 154 103
Williams ; ... SO
Totals 407, 284
1st. 2d.
Mason 140 1SS
Despecher 188 114
Whltcomb 123 89
Totals B 359
1st. 2d.
Newton 104 128
Barber 122 105
Reed W 102
Totals 322 835
1st. 2d.
West 16S 166
McCalt 120 95
Wake 197 145
Totals ( 4S3 107 39G i;28C
Omaha Gna Co. Longne.
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Lathrop 101 24 167 G92
Ryan 10S 134 138 480
Shames 177 169 148 484
Totals 386 417 453 1,336
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Sward 146 128 107 382
J. Wood 137 17S 156 461
Berg 125 119 161 408
Totals 407 '425 427 1.251
' 1st. 2d. 3(1. Total.
McDonald 155 103 179 9
McAndrewa 189 122 158 46!
Master 147 150 148 445
bamMr;. . -LsmHI I
3d-. Total.
Ill 437
88 340
125 .139
Strong Drake Men
Out of Ames Game
DKS MOINES, la.. Nov. 21. Slmans,
Buntz. Dllts and Welch will not appear
J in the Drake lineup In the final game of
the season against Ames. Dlltz and
, Welch may be sent In for a few minutes
at the close of tho game, but the other
two will not play.
The Drake team will be stronger than
Inst Saturday against Qrinnell, through
the return of Sanders, a dependable
kicker. McBaln also will plpay. Tho
team which will start the game Is In bet
ter shape than Drake has started slnca
AMES, In., Nov. 21. Ames will bo ablo
to pit its full strength against Drako
Saturday, but will bo lacking two of
the first strong substitutes, Brennan and
Crawford not being In shapo to play.
The team wllj be in better shape than
when It went against Iowa last Saturday.
354 1.116
3d. Total.
133 353
109 336
124 230
360 1,031.
3d. Total.
179 511
101 310
116 459
Johnny Kllng, deposed manager of tho
Boston Braves, who Is rumored nn the
next pilot of the St. Paul team of tho
American association. The former club
world's series star has not been released
by Boston, however. Kllng Inclines to
the opinion that ho is still a good enough
player to work In tho big leagues, but
tho dopestcrs have It that John Is doomed
to the minors.
Totals 491
I.ucena 125
Kitchen v... Ill
Nelson 147
Totals 3S3 339
1st. 2d.
Weymuller 205 155.
Campbell 187 142
Ktraw 1. 131 129
Totals 523 420
1 lat. 2d.
Bland l4 160
Fisher 146
Neal IK 9
377 4S5 1,353
2d. 3d. Total.
121 136 381
100 140 353
113 124 384
399 1,121
3d. Total.
170 530
137 466
113 373
420 1,309
3d. Total.
185 529
113 390
123 4U7
Total 4T0 435 421 1,336
Morrison Lrsgsr,
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Scrlbner 1 6 208 511
Pollard 169 140 136 415
Lee I" 165 160 48S
La Douceuer 148 110 155 413
Dougherty 12 S 111 423
Totals i TJ1 703 M 2,280
Handicap W W J
. Totals TS7 725 816 2.32S
1st. 21. 3d. TOiai.
Bengele ?S 179
Weaver 120 ICS
llpselln 162 170
Olln "1 I28
Huntington 209 179
Totals 801 822 815 2,443
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Frltscher 175 179 551
Olerd 7 245 215 647
Schoenman 138 818 112 4S8
Sclple 182 232 151 565
Youaen isj ia aa &a
Totals 840 1.080 879 2.779
1st. 2d. 3.1. Total.
Francisco , 185 188 591
Chambers 144 145 178 4S7
Denroan 1" Mi
oVotte 1 180 154 608
Blakeney 195 9H 180 vi
Totals 923 S58 879 2.660
Handicap ............ 30 SO 90
Totals 33 8S8 909 2,750
1st. 2d. 3d. TOiai.
McMartin 2U 147 220
Tracy 212 132 230
Neale 177 197 209
Sprague 186 237 193
Goff 184 172 212
Totals 970 S86 1.0C3 2.S19
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Solomon 160 191 122 473
Prtmeau 174 167 183 524
Heaton ., 185 UG 143 513
Angelsberg 190 170 211 5S0
Hartley 149 189 118 456
Totals 867
Handicap 7
902 777 5.516
7 7 21
. 874 90S 7S4 2.5C7
Key; (s tb SituatloR Be ATarttaUr.
Jeff Seeks Mutt;
Mutt Wants Jeff;
Meet at City Jail
"Have you seen Jeff?" anxiously In
quired A. II. Mutt, a farmer who lives at
Denlson, la., last night n he approached
Patrolmen Goodrich and Murphy In front
of a restaurant at Ninth and Dodge
streets. Thu officers, rcp'.led that they
liaJ not, but offered to take Mutt where
Jeff could bo found.
The offer was accepted, and the Iowa
man was taken to the city Jail, where a
charge of drunkenness was lodged against
him. Later he was Introduced to "Jeff"
Martin, n Jocular colored man, who, un
der the influence of drugs, had asked tho
police officers where "Mutt" was, only
a few minutes before Mutt asked his own
unfortunate tjuestlon.
Attorneys for the Cudahy Packing com
pany appeared before tho Water board
yesterday afternoon and asked for an
other hearing to determine whether the
company will pay the Water board rent
als since the board advanced the South
Omaha rates or whether the validity of
the Increase will be tested In the courts.
Attorneys Learned and Sears, for the
company, were requested to present their
case to the board this afternoon. If the
bill Is not paid It will be up to the Water
board to bring suit for collection-;-.
Water Commissioner Howell was unde
cided what he would do. He has repeat
ed lj- advised tho board to refuse to com
promise nnd to Insist on full payment.
This company Is the only South Omaha
concern that refuses to pay Its water
rent under tho new S-cent rate.
Attorneys for the company declare the
Cudahy plant Is not getting service that
Justifies the Increase. They want to be
reimbursed In the amount the company
expends for repumplng the water, which
reaches the plant at so low a pressure
that It cannot be utilized until additional
pressure Is secured. The repumplng costs
the company approximately 21,600 a year.
While a score or more able bodied men
stood about and saw all that happened,
two youthful thieves snatched a purse
containing over S00 worth of Jewelry, $20
In money and a gold watch from Mrs.
Patrick Swift, 1716 Burt street, who, with
her daughter, Mrs. Bertie Webster, was
on her way to a theater last night. The
women screamed for help and pursued
the youths, who ran several blocks north
on Sixteenth street and escaped, None of
the men offered assistance.
The robbery occurred shortly before 8
o'clock at Seventeenth and California
streets. The women were unable to give
better than a passing description of the
robbers and the police have but little to
work upon. '
The Jewelry consisted of five diamond
rlnrs. which had been in Mrs, Swift's
family for many years, and a gold locket
containing a treasured picture.
Morningside Team
On Way to Lincoln
The Morningside foot ball team spent
last night in Omaha on their way to
Lincoln, where they will play Nebraska
Wesleyan today.
The team Is handicapped by an, Injury
to Vernon, which may nccessltato his ab
sence from the game. Cobbs may ba
shifted to left end nnd Knouso may play
at right half. Vernon has been espe
cially strong on the receiving end of tho
torward pass and his absence will mako
these plays doubtful. Tho Wesleyan
team is a strong eleven this year, and tho
game today promises to be a genulno
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 21.-For the first
time since 1903, Nebraska university will
not enter a team In the annual cross
country run of tho western colleges, to ho
held in Evanston, 111. S'cknc a and In
juries to Kublk and McMaster, the Corn
husker stars, resulted In this decision
today by Assistant Coach Reed.
Lifelong II o ml n cp
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We Lave a Kensington
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413 Sr. IQtk.

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