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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1913, Image 6

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The Omaha daily bee
Entered t Omaha poatofflce as second-
eiaas matter.
. . n MM ntrnDnDinTTHNi
Sunday Be. one year )'
Saturday Bee, one year JSx
Dally Bee, without Sunday, one year.. m
Dally Bee, and Sunday. oJffcir"
Evening- and Sunday, per noiVC'tS
Evenlnr. without Sunday, per month. .c
Dally Bee. Including Sunday. P m0' ?
Dally Bee, without Sundar. per mo. ..Jac
Address all complaint of irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Dept.
Remit by draft. P"s Z,wIJt
payable to The Boe PubllshlnK compatir.
Only 2-cent stamps received In JP'"'"1
of email accounts. Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha The Bee building.
South Omaha-SJIS N Street.
Council Bluffa-H North Main street.
Uncoln-2 Little building.
Chlcago-901 Hearst building.
New Tork-Room 11M. Fifth Ave.
St. Louls-503 New Bank of mm,!
Washlngton-725 Fourteenth Bt. N. W.
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should be addressed
Omaha Bee. Editorial department.
Bute of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss:
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
of The Beo Publishing company, being
duly sworn, saj-s that the average dally
circulation for the month of April wu,
was 601108. DWIQHT WILLIAMB,
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to oefcre . iot MU.
(Seal) Notary labile.
Subscribers leavrtnir tho city
temporarily should have The Bee
mailed to them. Address will b
changed aa often aa reqneated.
Howdy, President Buckingham of
In tbe meantime, Senator La Fol
letto is sawing wood.
Now if thoao dandelions were only
daisies or violets, we would bo sing
ing another tune.
Over In England they talk of "ox
part militant flro bugs." Wo would
imagine that flro bugs would have
to be militant, whother expert or not.
Anyway, failure to tots somo of
those federal plums into tho back
yard of Nebraska democracy will not
be duo to a lack of hands up to
catch them.
Perhaps -our Water board is con
tinuing to exact those "extortionate"
rates Just to mako us placo a higher
value on tho water whloh wo got froo
is the downpour from tho heavens.
Noise is for many people a pleasant
excitement, like strong drink. Chicago
Well, it's a concussion anyway to
admit that strong drink is a pleasant
Tho ukase has gone out that gam
bling; slot machines in South Omaha
must gs. What, are there slot: ma
chines running in doflanco of law
"within the jurisdiction of our reform
democratic sheriff?
Our now ambassador to Japan is
62 years old. Of all places In tho
diplomatic service, that is the one
whore -wo ought to have a represen
tative who is a live one, and up to
snuff all the time,
It is high time for firo rates in
Omaha to come down, at least to tho
extent of the penalty that was added
for deficient water supply for flro
protection. What aro our business
men's organizations going to do
about It?
Down at Lincoln an Injunction has
been procured to keep the town dry
two weeks longer, although it voted
wet Try to imagine, It you can
what would happon It some one got
an injunction to keep the town wet
Sor two weeks after it had voted dry,
Prosecution under the Sherman
anti-trust law is threatened to any
concern that reduces wages and
blames tbe reduction on tho tariff
But suppose the tariff forces wage
reduction In certain lines? How can
it be a crime to tell the truth about
Those who dismally predict that
the different elements of the ropub
llcan party can never again be gotten
together should recall the split be
tween the stiver democrats and the
gold democrats, and then look at the
president's cabinet made up of both
What an opportunity Governor
Johnson has missed It he failed to
pxrange with a moving picture con
cera for a photo-play reproduction
of a state executive giving a cold
turn-down to the president of tho
United States and bis august socre
ftary of stato.
Governor Morehead wants it dls
linctly understood that Election
Commissioner Moorbead is in no way
related to him, and seems to fear
false impression may prevail on that
score. If the election commissioner
is not distressed by the possible mis
take, why) should the governor bo?
The outgoing city treasurer (it
tJouth Omaha boasts that be turns
over to bis successor more money
than he, himself, received from his
predecessor. But is this really some'
thing to boast about? Correct
.finance would have a city pay Its
'way as It goes without accumulating
mar large surplus except to meet 1m
Jsjia jlag deauulf
Railroads at Their Old Tactics.
Tho railroads are making tholr
customary protest before tho State
Board of Assessment, alleging that
their valuations for taxation aro too
high as compared with other prop
erty. The representatives of tho rail
roads must bo having a hard time
to keep a straight face while present
ing this pica. The State Ilallway
commission has been making a phy
sical valuation of railroad property
In Nebraska, and an far as It has
gone Its figures are higher for tho
physical proporty alone, without the
franchise, than aro tho assessed
values of the roads. But more than
this, tho valuo of tho physical prop
erty fixed by tho engineers, under
direction of tho railway commission,
Is considerably less In each caso, than
tho figures nt which tho railroads
Insist they should be put.
To a man up a tree It would look
as If tho railroad protest against the
tax assessment wero simply a move
to offset and divert attention from
tho physical valuation appraisement.
Republican Reorganization.
That thoro will bo somo tangible
stops taken toward republican reor
ganization along national lines has
teen plainly manifest ever since the
last presidential campaign. It Is
natural and inevitable that some
thing. should bo done to removo somo
of tho causes of dissatisfaction ro
bponslble for defeat, and more par
ticularly to prevent recurrence by
mnklnc It certnln that the next
standard bearer may havo an un
questioned title to his nomination.
Tho consensus of opinion seems
to be that the most feasible way to
bring this about Is to hold an Inter
mediate convention to change tho ap
portionment, of delegates. By such
change, representation in tho subse
quent nominating convention would
bo made to conform more closely to
tho party strength in tho rospectlvo
states and congressional aisiricis,
and tho outcry against overweighted
southern delegations stopped.
Just now a competition threatens
over rival claims for tho credit of
starting tho reorganization move
ment Certnln party loaders, chiefly
United States senators, want it to
appear that they first turned tho
whoolB, although it will bo necessary
for tho regular party organization
through Its duly constituted office
Inaugurate and carry through
whatever plan may ue auopieu.
While tho party door will, of course,
bo open to all who aro ready to Join
hands again under tho old bannor,
tho qualification tost for leadership
will havo to bo sincerity of purpose,
ot.imv tn tnnnlro confidence ana
ToadlnosB to fight tho battles ahead
of ub with patriotic and unselfish mo
Service that Should Be Appreciated,
Tho retirement of Charles a. i'ick-
ons from the Ak-Sar-Bon board of
governors, of which ho has for years
been president, Is occasion to remina
tho nooplo of Omaha that thoy no
not fully realize, nor adequately np
Droclato. tho service rendered to tlio
community by a man in this capac
ity. As Droaldont of the Ak-8ar-Bon
orcanizatlon, Mr. Plcitens parucu-
larly -haB been consclontouB and aa
siduous In his devotion to Its Inter
ests. To lnsuro its success ho has
given time, energy and ability that
could not (have been bougnt ror any
amount of money, but ho has glvon
it all froely out of (real publc spirit
and patriotic prldo in tno city.
The Eleotion, Commissioner.
In the appointment of an election
commissioner under tho new law en
acted by tho last legislature, Dover
nor Morehead 1b to be congratulates
on having gotton away from the
wnrd-heoler cIobs, for all will agroo
that his seloctlon, Harloy Q. Moor
head, is a young man of unblemished
reputation and good standing In tho
community. Ho has been regarded
as a rising young lawyer, and made
creditable raco for tho district
bench at the lost Judicial election
Bo tho only surprise is that he
should bo witling to accept a Balarlod
nosltlon that through the proper per
formance of the duties will taKe mm
completely out of his profession.
Tho expectation, however, that we
will get "pure elections" over-nlgnt
that the contested olectlon 1b now a
thing of tho past, and that every
defeated candidate will hereafter bo
satisfied he has been honestly beaten
Just because the supervision of tho
election machinery has been turned
over to an appolntco of a nonresident
governor Is likely to bo illusory. The
new taw may work some improve
ments we certainly hope, It will
but the millennium in elections Is
yet to come, and our best wish for
the now commissioner is that Ms
troubles will be little ones.
The point has been raised whether
tho appropriation for an armory at
Nebraska City, against which tho
referendum Is threatened, is really
subject to popular review. Tho
referendum clause of the constitu
tion exampts from its operation ap
propriations for any existing Instl
tutlon, and advocates ot the armory
appropriation are trying to claim ex
emption for it.
We have about all the Asiatic
Islands we need at present, but It
our seals need a few more tor breed
ing purposes there are some still to
be had,
This di
in Omaha
DO (, "A"
MAY 14.
Thirty Ycnra Ago
At a meeting of tho Board of Trade a
committee consisting of Dr. Oeorge L.
Miller of the Herald, Edward Rosewater
of The Bee and Fred Nye of the Repub
lican was appointed for the reception of
the editorial excursion which la aoon to
head Its way from Chicago.
The new Nebraska National bank build
ing Is rapidly approaching completion.
The counter of hand-carVed mahogany
Is now being put In place by Claea &
Lehnbanter of St. Louis, who are mik
ing the fixtures.
Donald B. Martin and MIks Mary How
ard were married at the residence of
David Hayden, Rev. Mr. Savage offi
ciating. The Harrisons played at Boyd's in
"Photos" to a fair house.
Word comes of the death at Laramie
of Joseph L. Sears,, sen of Mrs. D. L.
Sears and brother of Mrs. Popploton,
Mrs. Ferguson and M. P. Sears. He had
been a telegraph operator in Omaha.
F. W. Marsh, Ktl6 Grant street, Is eager
to pay $20 rewird for tho arrest of the
thief and recovery of tho tarpaulin stolen
from his wagon.
A call for the special meeting of Pio
neer Hook and Ladder company la signed
by Charles Fisher.
General Howard and his sun, Lieuten
ant Guy Howard, aro to make an .official
tour of Fort McKlnney 'and other posts
In the department
Twenty Years Agi
Mrs. Maggie Morrison, 312 North
Eleventh street, a colored woman 40
years of ago, left tho BIJou theater to
go to a sick friend who had sent t
!tr. Tn frnnt ctf tha lintrlA Hfnaee Rtir
man, 1609 Davenport street, Mrs. Morri
son became sudlenly 111, She went Into
the house, where she was known to ask
for relief and. died In ten minutes In
fearful agony. Dr. Search was called,
but could not find tho exact causo of
death and, anyhow, It was too late for
him to do any good. The woman had
been subject to neuralgia of the stomach
and heart trouble.
Tho Nonpareils beat the Becond In
fantry team of soldiers, 6 to 1, at Fort
Crook In the first of a series of three
games. The Nonpareils' lineup wan:
Crofter, center fielder; Jellen, pltcherj
Bradford, shortstop; Shananan, third
base; MoAullffe, second base; Ltvccy,
catcher; Mahoney, loft field; Flynn, first
base; Fox, right field.
The party who borrowed a volume of
bound novels from S. G. V. Grlawold,
sporting editor of The Bee, some weeks
ago will confer on Inestimable favor by
returning the same at once." Item In
The Bee.
Ten Years Ago
Mrs. C. R. Carter entertained in nonor
of Mrs. Price of Portland, Ore. Bho was
assisted In receiving by Mesdamea' N. EL
Carter, E. EL Vaon and EL A. Carter.
The guests were; Mesdames Carter,
rrice, Lancaster, Bright, Drlftkorn, Wil
son, Duteher, Kellogg, Linden. Redmond,
Bhaffer, Vaon; Misses Drlftkorn, Llndoll,
Chaffer and Wilton.
B, II. Harrlman, President Horace O.
Burt of tho Union Pacific, President B.
M. Felton of the Chicago & Alton, came
In on the Union Pacific from the west
and their train tarried briefly at Union
station, while President James McNeil of
the bollerniakers Interviewed Mr. Burt In
behalf of tho Union Fnclflo strikers. He
had hoped to see Mr. Harrlman, who, It
was announced, was too HI to be dis
turbed. Mr. McNeil was told that Mr,
Harrlman woa nnxlous for a conference
with strlko leaders In New York.
A telegram to Judgo I. F. Baxter an
nounced the death of Mrs. Nelson H.
Tunnlcllffe In Boston. She was the wife
of a well known member of the Omaha
bar. with an office In the First National
bank building, but he had spent the last
three years In Boston.
Dr. J. P. Lord returned from New Or
leans, where he attended the convention
of the American Medical association.
Mrs. Lord accompanied him.
People Talked About
The will of the late Judge William G.
Hawkins, Jr., probated In Pittsburgh, dis
posed of an estate estimated at tt.W0.O00
in a conolse statement of 140 words.
There is talk In New York of the anti
suffragists pulling off a parade, but the
streets are not long enough nor wide
enough to accommodate the crowa.
A bunch of Indians in northwestern
Canada worked off a tine assortment of
salted mines on credulous Americans.
Once In a while' Poor Lo auaffs a mag
num of the wine of revenge.
An uncounted number ,of democratic
patriots who went to Washington chasing
a Job have acquired superior knowledge
of the curves of the natlonartapltal and
are In great demand aa guides.
Graft has Invaded the sanctuary of
righteousness In California's capltol. A
legislative report charges Frank C. Jor
dan, secretary of state, with having
pocketed J7.M0 In automobile feea belong
ing to the state.
When Newell Shuman appeared on tho
street In Rockland, Me., recently he wore
the tall hat which he bought at the time
of his wedding, fifty-three years ago. In
honor ot tat. event tie has worn the hat
on each suoceedlng May day. air. enu
man Is now Si years old.
Ralph Butter ot Dorchester, Mass., had
100 candles on his birthday cake the other
day, and more than 210 of tho family
(some great-grandclf.lldren Included) were
there to see them. He got congratulatory
telegrams from a sister aged 8S and a
brother aged SS.
When illss C. EL Fisher, state deputy
game warden of Kwsas. found H. B.
Stone fishing with trSbre than one trotllne
she arrested him an a charge of violating
the fish and gara laws. This was the
first arrest ever nude by a woman deputy
game warden In Kansas.
No (lonbt of It.
lUuston Post
In spite of pie lofty tone of Senator
Works' denurJation ot John D. Rocke
feller, we befeve there will always be
people enouaft during his lifetime who
are willing ll take over all the money he
wants to give away.
Peaceful. Old Air Imperilled.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
EveryontKjympathlxea with old King
Nicholas, lffct there might be Just a
little sympat
for poor old Francis
Joseph ot Aut
whose dream of slip-
ping peacefully
nto his grave Is shat-
tered by the fre
d politics of his mln-
Twice Told Tales
A Surrender.
On hl eighty-fourth birthday Paul
Smith, the veteran Adirondack hotel
keeper, who started In Ufa aa a guide,
and died owning $1,000,000 worth of forest
land, was talking about boundary dis
putes with an old friend.
"Didn't you hear of the lawsuit over
a title that I had with Jones down in Ma
lone last summerT' asked Paul. The
friend had not heard.
"Well." said Paul, 'It was this way.
I sat In the court room before the case
opened with my witnesses around me.
Jones bustled In, stopped, looked my wit
nesses .over carefully, and said: 'Paul,
are those your wltness7 They are,'
said I.
" 'Then you win,' said he. 'I've had
them witnesses, twice myself. "San
Francisco Argonaut
A Xrvr Job.
Physically speaking, Ollle James, the
new senator from Kentucky, weighs
close to 300 pounds and In a political
sense he tips the scales at 1,600 tons. His
last achievement was to give Luther Bur
bank, the plant wizard, a new and diffi
cult job.
Last summer James toured California,
and ono day he lunched with Burbank,
who seemed Intensely Interested In the
vast amount of food the bltf Kentucklan
stowed away and his manner of doing
the stowing. Immediately after the lunch
the scientist made a quick dash back to
his experimental station.
"Why are you In auch a hurry, Luther?"
asked one Of the party,
"I want to rush back," he responded se
riously, "and see If I can't propagate a
squared shaped pea that won't roll off of
Ollle's knife." Popular Magazine,
The nlKht Conrse.
The late Edward Dowden, whose "Life
ot Shelley" brought down on him a tre
mendous rebuke for snobbishness, was be
ing discussed at the Franklin Inn In
''Dowden's style was , ponderous and
somber," said a sonneteer, "but I often
met him in Dublin, and his talk, unlike
hie writing, sparkled with true Irish wit
'I once told him of my many vain ef
forts to swear off, and of my resolve,
none the less, to make another trial.
" 'Right!' said Prof. Dowden, 'Right!
Turn over a new leaf. Tou noedn t men
tion to an'ono the number of the page.' "
-Philadelphia Bulletin.
Tonic for Pessimists
New York Financial Chronicle.
While the business man who Is seized
with fright every tlmo he hears the
tariff discussed, while the banker Is com
plaining that we haven't a currency suf
ficiently elastic, and while the average
citizen feels a mood of economy stealing
over him, nature seems unperturbed and
Is working overtime to shower blessings
on all sides. Old Sol Is blessing Mother
Earth with his rich and warm raya In
a sacrificial effort to give us a bounti
ful harvest this fall, and thereby arouse
frail human nature from Its pronounced
case ot dejection and the pip.
They may cut the tariff If they wish
to, they may give the nation a better
currency system, but no congress can
stop old Sol from making the earth give
forth an unusual bounty of riches In tho
form of bumper crops.
The first crop report published last
week is a real tonlo for whatever depres
sion envelops us now. It. Is out of the
earth the new wealth comes each year,
wealth thaf muBt be moved and con
sumed. If nature's moods do not go awry
before the harvest we may confidently
look tor new yields which will exceed
,Hlll's great dream of $0,000,000,000.
Imagine what this wealth means to
commerce of this country. Think what
It represents to the prosperity of the na
tion. It will be crops, nothing else, which
will prove tho saving situation for this
country next fall. We may then hav
so much mpney as to becomo even In
discreet enough to buy automobiles. And
tho soup houses about which we hear the
croakers talk so much will again fade
away as a mere memory of 1833.
Worrying John Bull
Philadelphia Ledger: If these bomb
outrages continue In England they'll have
to force the militant suffragettes to wear
uniforms so they can't hide 'em.
Baltimore Amorlcan: John Bull 1 put
ting the suffragists In Jail, Uncle Sam
Is listening to what they have to say for
themselves. At present, Uncle Sam is
holding the chivalry record.
New York Sun: Prepared as we are
to shudder over the atrocities of the
English militant suffragettes, we are in
cllnod to believe that soma at least of
the bombs found "planted" nowodays are
In reality "planto."
New York Herald: Exquisite Is the
urbanity of the rector of St Catharine's
Church, Hatchom. England, who says of
Its burning: "I cannot aaoriba it to any
other than those delightful ladles," the
suffragettes. Dear delights, England Is
finding them.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: It will be
noted that Sir Edward Orey, the British
foreign minister, who la for peace at any
price abroad, la following similar tactics
at home. He spoke for and voted for the
recent suffrage proposition which Pre
mier Asqulth and most of the cabinet
Pittsburgh Dispatch: It turns out that
Lloyd George, whose-house the militants
tried to destroy by dynamite and arson.
voted for suffrage Just the tame, But
there -were others who made the deduc
tion that the suffragette pranks do not
prove feminine qualification for the bal
lot Undoubtedly Mrs. Pank hurst and
her followers beat that bill.
The Chicago Pace
Having turned nude pictures to the
wall and put ragtime muslo In cold stor
age, Chicago la pulling off a general
clean-up of backyards and streets.
A Joyriding chauffeur convicted of
running down and killing a pedestrian,
was ticketed to Jollet for a stay ot four
teen years. Chicago courts now regard!
recklessness with an automobile
criminal as brandishing a revolver or
any other killing tool.
It has Just come to light In Chicago
that the Salvation army takes cars of
about 1.0CW unfortunate girls every year
without getting a front page headline or
a legislative Inquiry. The real doers
make the- least noUa.
' ' k
Protection for the Birds.
NEW YORK. May 10.-To the Editor of
The Bees Members ot the Audubon so
ciety are deeply Interested In legislation
relating to the protection ot birds. The
aigrette Is torn from the live mother lrd
In the nesting season and the little ones
are left to starve. Intelligent, kind
hearted women wear theee aigrettes,
birds ot paradise and other hat adorn
ments because they are Ignorant as to
the manner In which these things art ob
tained. No self-respecting woman (and,
above all, no mother) with anything re
sembling a heart, will consent to wear
aigrettes or certain fura. once sli has
learned of the unspeakable horrors that
attend their procuring.
President Wilson has this month con
vened a special session ot congretr. tor
tne purpose of passing the revised tariff
act The officers of the Audubon society
have strong grounds for believing that It
will be possible to have Inserted In this a
provision prohibiting the Importation ot
aigrettes, provided a wide campaign of
publicity can be Immediately Inaugurated.
There will undoubtedly bo strong oppo
sition to the proposed law opposition on
the part of merchant milliners who en
courage the aigrette atrocities as a source
of revenue. The matter Is In the hnds
of the American women.
The Real Council Bluffs.
SHERIDAN, 'Wyo., May 10. To the
Editor of The Bee: Noting In the report
of General Grenvllle M. Dodge s speech
at the meeting ot the Eagles in Council
Bluffs, that the good general refers to
Council Bluffs, la., as the place where
Lewis and Clark held their council with
the Indiana and that It had even then
been known as the "council bluffs,' 1
dislike to differ from so good a historian
as General Grenvllle M. Dodge, but must.
If one will refer to the published edition
of Lewis and Clark's Journal which Is
In the Omaha public library, he will
find that Lewis and Clark did not hold
their counsel with the Indians In or near
where Council Bluffs now stands nor
even on tho east side of the Missouri
river. Their Journal distinctly locates
tholr council on a bluff on the west side
the bluff on which Fort Calhoun waa
afterwards built.
This is also referred to in George Cat
lln's book with that Btory of his won
derful travels among tho Indians and
his remarkable drawings ot them and
their life scenes. You will also note
that on George Catlln'a return he writes
that he visited tho grave of the great
Chief Blackbird who had been burled on
n bluff on tho west bank of tho Missouri,
sitting astride of a live white horso which
the Indlanb had enwalled about ana
over-covered with sods. A badger, or
some other wild animal had dug a hole
In tho top of the mound, exposing BlacK-
blrd's skull, which George Catlln records
he took away with him.
I am still a lover ot your city and the
tntA of Nebraska, and I would most
earnestly point out and defend the his
torical points that rightfully belong to
them. HORACE F. hu
About Dandelions.
SOUTH OMAHA, May 12. To the EM'
Itor of The Bee: It has come to mV notice
lately and I have heard others speak of
It that where white clover Is pretty
thick, dandelions do not grow as well as
hnv do In other places. White clover
seems to retard the growth of dandelions.
For my own part I do not think they
are such ugly flowers, for In some places
thev really Improve the loolts or wings.
It Is Impossible to exterminate them, so
people might as well take them as they
come tor they will grow as long as vege
tation grows. There aro worse things
to worry about than dandelions any now.
F. A. AUflliW.
Sure Death to Dandelions.
WATERLOO. Neb., May 13. To the
Editor of The Bee: As Omaha seeme Dunt
on dandelion warfare, I wish to suggest
althoush somewhat late, a much, simpler
and more efficient means of destruction
than digging, and one that does not dis
figure the lawn.
Gaaollne Is death to aanaeuona,
In applying It, It Is best to use on or
dinary "spring bottom" macnine 011 can,
holding one-half to one pint Pour from
one-half to two teaspoonfuls on the cen
ter of the plant By the next day the
plant turns brown at the center, and In a
few days the entire plant is dead. Jt Is
equally useful in destroying "plantain,"
the next worst lawn pest Care shold be
taken to not spill the gasoline on tho
grass, aa It will kill It as well as the
weeds. I uuui,u,
Editorial Sif tings
Snringfleld Republican: The greatest
problem of maintaining peace by battle
ships Is to build enough ships for defense
without scaring other folks Into building
a few more. What's tho answer?
Indianapolis News: The calamity howl
ers are surely playing In hard luck these
days. Just now they are menaced by
what promises, to be the biggest winter
wheat crop the country ever raised.
Washington Pt: Sarah Bernhardt'
Joy at the thought of being a great grand
mother la so Intense mat 11 requires
great self-repression to keen her from
kicking the globe off the chandelier.
New York World: The medical fra
ternity have many and various com
plaints to make of Dr. Friedmann. but
the refrain to which they return after
each new verse la the amount of adver
tising he gets.
Philadelphia Ledger: An ancient city,
nearly 800 years old, Is reported In Ne
braska and an expedition is to dig up Its
ruins. This rather disposes ot the popu
lar belief that Nebraska was first dis
covered by William Jennings Bryan.
New York World: For the first time
since the dedication of the Soldiers' Na
tional cemetery. In ISO, the Memorial
day address at Qettysburgh this year will
be delivered by a southerner. A pre
cedent which It is satisfactory to have
established, even though belated.
St, Louis Republic: The Interstate
Commerce commlslon'a ruling that it la
the duty of railroads to prevent damage
to freight by feoxlng Just a they pro
tect freight from heat In refrigerator cara
seems to call for the Invention ot a
freight car that works like thermos bottle.
Washington IJost: The railroads have
not been getting a square deal from the
publla recently, but that Is no reason for
thm mlHtmAu tn turn around and filch
from the public. The Interstate Com-1
merce commission In passing upon the
new rates whlh will be filed will no
doubt sec to It that the railroads get
exacj. Justice no mors and no Itu
'I haven't seen Doo Btllem for a
month. Where Is he7"
"Home sick late supper bad lobster."
"Poor old faddist What's his latest
"Zwtomanla." Cleveland Flalndeaier.
Kitty (to Iter mother Mr. Efeooner
knows that my face Is all the fortune I
Willie Yea. ma, and when I sneaked
Into the parlor he was trains: hLs best to
get at her fortune. Boston Transcript
'Did vou ever hear of a man who
knew how to manage a woman?"
Lots or tnem.
"Then why don't thev show other men
how to do It?"
"Because thnv're all locked ud In lun
atic asyluma" Baltimore American.
"Germany Is stealing all our Ameri
can stuff.' said the Grouch.
"That so?" said the Boobo.
"Yes. It's so." said the Grouch "An
army officer over there has Just been
sentenced to six months In Jail fqr get
ting a leave of absence on trio plea that
his grandmother was dead." Cincinnati
Kicker In aha Intriitr1 In ih tariff
bill? -
Bocker Yes. she says she won't marrv
a man who doesn't pay an Income tax.
New York Sun.
"Of course you are a patriot?"
"Beyond a doubt." replied the villas
postmaster. "If you knew nnvthtnir
about the work of this office you'd know
It takes a first-class patriot to be a
(fourth-class postmaster." Washington
"What line of effort." said h emnn.
mist, "do you consider worst paid?"
"The- work of a base ball umpire. I
don't know how much he gets, but It's
worm more. .mcago rati.
Parke Blldat In rprtalnlv itnA tn M
wife's apron strings.
Lone Well, in'theso days he Is lucky
11 ,l uttq
a wife with apron strings.
IMlth You haven't seen mv ennjnirf-
ment ring yet. have you?
Marie I don't know, dear. Who's the
man? Chicago Post
Sleep Disturbing Bladder Weakness, Backache, Stiff Joints,
J&heumatic Pains Disappear
While people along In years are natur
ally more subject to weak kidneys, they
con avoid the tortures ot backache, and
rheumatism, and be saved the annoyance
of getting up at night with dlaagreeabl
bladder disorders, for the new discovery,
Croxone, quickly relieves tho roost severe
and obstinate cases,
Croxone relieves these conditions by re
moving the cause. It Is the most wm
derful remedy ever discovered for ridding
tne system of uno acid. It Is entlmly
different from all other remedies. It Is
not like anything else ever used for the
purpose. Croxone makes the kidneys fil
ter the blood and sift out all the poison
ous adds and waste matter that cause,
these troubles.
It soaks right in and cleans out the
stopped up, inactive kidneys like water
A Western
Awaits You At
National Park
From the moment you arrive
at this great scenic wonderland,
you are at homt. The spirit of
western hospitality envelopes you.
Nothing that could possibly contrib
ute to your comfort and enjoyment Is left
undone. You will find itrvice without
1 (If yon want a bat-that willigiyc you sat"
I ( jisfactory service and always look wall
I (you better look up tbe Laaplttrieafcr. 1
servility, liberty without license and rtal. gennlneluxury In the very heart'
Ot the wildest and most beautiful spot In America,
Tours by Automobile, Four-Horse Stage,
Launch or Horseback" $ 1 to $5 Per Day
One of the finest as well as the most
roropja at uiaor rorkBtiuon, tn tuiui gat
logs, four fxt la diameter and forty fat t lac, ll
room U alactnealljr llghtad and haatad. Ha arary
toon with rompatant guides-11 to ti per dar, Ilia famous chain of Swiaa Chalet Camps through
out tt Park provides unrivalled aeeommodatkna at the end of seen dar'a jouraer. . .
Tlis Blackeat Indiana, whose reaerraUon adjoins tho Park, arc a feature of unusual
Panama-Parine International
EipoaltUw, San rraackKO,lil
Twinkle, twinkle on the lawn,
Dandelion, and then begone,
Ere your white seed cape shall bust
For the mayor says you must
Twinkle, twinkle on your stem,
Ete you are dug up by them. ,
Who have energy and xest,
And consider you a pest
Twinkle, twinkle yellow sprite.
Twinkle on with all your might
In your grassy firmament
Whilst dubious eyes on you are bent.
Little birdies overhead
Must think down Is up Instead,
As they gaxe where you serene
Twinkle In your skies of green.
Fixed as are the stars above you
Dandelion, I truly love you
And a million mayors grown Irate,
Your splendor cannot exterminate.
In your 'boudlor' cap you are doubl
And your hoary
head who doth not
When harking back to bygone days
We remember your entrancing ways.
When we blew that cap from off youl .
head k
To determine how soon wo should be
How we spilt and curled your- milky
Such curls, I've ne'er seen the likes of
And along with the memory of them
The unctions feel of milky fingers
And a fuszy feel on the chin and a stutte;
From childish Hps, "Do you like but
And so I 'spect you'll hold the fort
Tho' the mayor should drag you into
For your roots are long and they've got
a hold
Deep down In our hearts aa well as the
And altho' we dig you up with a vim
As dutiful subjects of Mayor Jim
Yet with Joy we'll behold you still shin
ing serene
As fixed aa the stars In your firmament
After Few Doses Are Taken
does a sponge, dissolves, and drive otll
every particlje of urto add and othei
poisonous Impurities that lodge In the
Joints and muscles and cause rheuma
tism. It neutralizes the urine so It ni
longer irritate the bladder, overcomes
unnecessary breaking of sleep and re
stores the kidneys and bladder to health
and strength.
It matters not how long you have uf
fered, how old you are, or what else you
have used. The very principle of Croxone
Is such that It Is practically Impossible
to take It Into tho human system without
results. It e tarts to work the minute you
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use It. You can secure an original pack
age of Croxone at trifling cost and all
druggists are authorized to return thi
purchasa price If It falls In a single casa
most novel hotels in America has. Just been
iters gauwar to tbaPanc. It is built entlrel of hoc
long. It often eemiiBodat(one tor SCO gnee ererr
novel hoteli
moaera leainro ineraoiftg: prange pw.. anawer
mg room. Cuulna ana semoa ox
eliaflr. eltA .unrinf and walklaa?
nierw. visitors to ina rarK win ta anoraoa irequenioppoi
tuniUesto be present at their tribal cereowoiea and daaeea.
Novel Aeroplane Map in Colors
and Travel Literature FREE Ar
will bring- you compute descriptive literature), fullf
fllustratad, Including a unique aeroplane map of tho
entire Part, all f roe. An Interview with one of our
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Write for full information today.
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Successor to Bailey ft Kach
The largest ami best equipped dental
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nd Floor Paxton Bloek, Omaha, Web,

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