The Omaha Daily Bee mi: bee's THE WEATHER, Showersj Colder Daily Sport Extra BEST OF Alili VOL. XLtE-NO. 284. OMAHA, TIUUSDAY MOKN1NG, MAY 15, 1913-FOUttTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS JOHNSON WILL SIGN THE LAND MEASURE WIRES BRYAN REPLY Governor in Message to Washington Seta Forth Attitude of Cali fornia Regarding Aliens. COAST FACES GRAVE PROBLEM Declares Oriental Menace in West Little Understood. TREATY RIGHTS REGARDED Executive Says State is Merely Fol lowing Lead of Nation. DISCRIMINATION IS DENIED "ABtonlahinir IiOt of Misrepresenta tion Indulged In by the East ern. Nevropavpers," Asserted In Teleicrom, OAjCB-VMENTO, Cat. May IV Ex pressing his determination to sign the alien land bill rcently passed by the Jeglslature, Governor Hiram W. Johnson of California telegraphed to Secretary of 6tata Bryan late today a lengthy ex planation of the position taken by the legislature In passing the bilk The mes sage was in answer to the request tele graphed to the governor b Secretary Bryan at the direction of President Wil son that the bill be vetoed. "What I have tried to do is to oet forth Californiaa case." said the governor, commenting on his message. "There has been a most astonishing lot of misrepresentation Indulged to-hy. east ern newspapers and I want the public to know Just where we of California stand." gets Forth. California Case. Tho text of the governor's message fol lows! v "Hon. William J. Bryan, Secretary of Btate, Washington. D. C: Your very courteous telegram relating to the alien land bill reached me late Sunday night. X take It from our conversations and tout reauest made to me to withhold executive action until opportunity was accorded for the presentation of sugges tions from the federal government that Tour telegram embodies what It was your wish and the wish of the president to say to us before final action. "In this response It Is my design most respectfully to present the situation from our standpoint and the viows that ac tuated our legislature in passing the bill and that Impel me to sanction it. "For many years a very grave proto lem. little understood in the east, has confronted California; a problem tho se rlousness of which has been recognized by statesmen in our nation and has been viewed with apprehension by tho people . f this state. Cites Alien Clause. When the present constitution of CaV lfornla was adopted more than thirty years ago It contained the following declaration: 'The presence of foreigners Ineligible to become citizens of the United States Is declared to be danger ous to the well being of the state and the legislature shall discourage their tmmleratlon by all means within Its power.' "Of late sears our problem from an other angle has become acute, and the agitation has been continuous In the last decade In reference to our agricultural lands, until affirmative action In an at- I tempted solution became Imperative. This ; attempted solution is found in the action Mjf our legislature in the passage of the Alton land bill. . "In the phraseology of this bill, In ' (hose whom It affects, in Its scope and la its purpose we believe wo are within oar legal and our moral right, and that we are doing only what is Imperatively demanded forythe protection and pres., ervatlon of our state. Treaty Rights Regarded. m this enactment we have kept ever in mind our national good faith as evi denced by existing treaties and our de sire and anxiety have been to act only In such fashion as would commend us to our slEter states and would Justify us to our fellow countrymen. "The objections to our bill are based, first, upon the treaty obligations of the nation, and. Eecond, upon the assertion that our act Is offensive and discrimi natory. The protest to our measure, as your telegram states, comes from the representative of Japan. The bill that Is now before me, as you know, provides substantially in its first section that all aliens eligible to citizenship under the laws of the United States may acquire real property In the same manner as citizens of the United States, 'and the second section provides that all aliens other than those mentioned In the first nMitlnn. mav aeaulre real nrooertv In the manner and to the extent and foi the purposes prescribed by any treaty now existing between the government ol tho United States and the nation of country of which such aliens are citi zens or subjects and may. In addition, lease for a period of three years landt for agricultural purposes. A Part of the Lmr, "Thus we have made existing treaties a part of our law, and thus have we pre served every right that any foreign na tion, by International contract, has In- (Continued on Page Three.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Thursday: Jfbr Omaha. Council Bluffs und Vlcl ulty Unsettled, with showers. Deg. U Hours. 5 a. m. fift - - - B. m ?? 7 a. m so S a. m 55 a- m S6 11 a.' m.'.'-.'.'ii!.-'.'.:6l Um 61 1 3- m l 2 n. rc , ' iV 3 n m .74 4 p. in 76 5 P. m i 75 7 p! m!!".'.'.'.'.'"."T5 8 p. m.' I'.'.SJ No Military 'Secrets Contained in Plans Stolen from Bureau WASHINGTON. May 14.-Dctectlves In vcstigatlng the theft of plana for the electrical wtrlhg of the dreadnaught Pennsylvania declared today that publi cation of the "leak" probably would hamper their work nnd might prevent solution of the problem. The Department of Justice has several likely clues which may lead to arrests. Nothing so far has developed, it Is said, to directly connect any foreign nation with tho suspects. The fact that the ordnance and steam engineering bureaus of the Navy depart ment for many months have beccn miss ing plans and documents relating to American vessels and their armament has created alarm among officials and will undoubtedly cause tho military au thorities to surround the war secrets of the United States with greater safe guards. None of the missing papers, officials reltorated today, was Important or con talned secrets of advantage to foreign nations. Some officials were Inclined to believe that the losses probably were the result of carelessness of clerks, but the Investigating forces of the government continued to endeavor to unravel the mystery. Further Investigation nt tho Navy de partment today revealed that the second set of plans of the new dreadnaught Pennsylvania to be stolen from tho bureau of steam engineering were taken between the evening of Saturday, March 22, and the following Monday. The plans were duplicates of, those stolen March 4. Secretary Daniels today reiterated that thoy would be of no particular value to any one seeking naval Information not generally made public and that they con talned no military secrets. Seaman Inaugurated President of Dakota Wesleyan University MITCHEI.Ii, 8 D.. Miy It (Special.) The Inauguration of President William O. Seaman as the new head of Dakota Wesleyan university has brought to gether In this city several of tho leading men of tho church, among whom are iBlshop Luccock, Bishop McConnell, Dr. Thomas Nicholson. Dr. Worth Tippy and Dr. Samuol Kerfoot, who participated in the final exercises, which took place to- day. Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock the busi ness men and visitors to the city gathered In the basement of the Methodist church for the banquet In honor of the occasion, when moro than 200 were seated at the tables. Honorable Q. F. Knappan of Brookings acted as toastmoster, and the dominant thought throughout all the toasts and responses was Dakota Wes leyan. Greetings were presented from tho various state colleges and other denomi national schools In thp state. The fol lowing toasts were responded to: "Wes. leyan and the State." W. It, Ronald! "Wesleyan nnd the Home," Dr. Samuel Kerfoot; "Wesleyan and Its Family of Schools," Dr. Thomas Nicholson. The closing feature took place this morning. Bishop McConnell of Denver gaVe the address for the Inauguration ceremonies, hnd President Seaman de llvered his address. Claim Century Old Probably Will Be Paid in Few Weeks WASHINGTON, May 14. Thero Budd. when ho absconded with $5,000 less $183, awarded to a British ship owner for the seizure of his vessel on the great makes two weeks before the outbreak of the war of 1812. not only Impoverished the United States district court of New York, of which he was clerk, but also started a controversy that has existed, since. The case now, has come up before the International tribunal for the settle ment of pecuniary olalms, which Is in session here. Henry James Bethtine of Canada is tho claimant. He Is the heir- of the ship owner and has pressed his olalm under many administrations and before many congresses. Its legality never was seri ously questioned, but for some reason or other the legislation necessary to meet it always has failed. The $5,000, minus $183, plus 6 per cent compound Interest since 1812, more than a century, reached a handsome amount. "JuBt how much Is It?" a British mem ber of the tribunal was "asked today. "My word," said he, looking up a bit of scrap paper, on which ha Jotted a lot of figures, "but It makes a bully good lot." Says Farmers Prefer Trust-Made Machines ST. PAUL. Minn., May 14. That farm ers would like to smash the alleged HarveBter trust by refusing to buy Its products, but that machines made by in dependent makers, as a rule, did not prove satisfactory, was testimony given today by George Claggett. an Implement dealer of Montevideo, Minn., In the hear ing of the government's suit to dissolve the International Harvester company, un der the Sherman law, Mr. Claggett de clared that as a result of the farmers' belief In the unreliability of the Inde pendent makes, most farmers purchased the International goods without belnsr canvassed. Woman Finds Large 'Coon Under Her Bed MARINETTE, Wis.. May 14.-When Mrs. E. D. Fltzpatrlck, 2818 Hall avenue, looking for the proverbial burglar. luunill. w. . ...v..h.. I 1A imil.i. li. Iwrt lt nlirht .Y, ' I '" . . . . ......... was startled by two shining eyes, which Upon Investigation proved to be those of i larne raccoon. ' Alarmed, she ran from the house and , sousht assistance from neighbors. A I ooort hunt followed and resulted In the bagging of tho animal. The ooon had I bn chased bv docs and entered the )noUBe y an 0Den window, seeking refuge under the bed. WOMEN SEND BOMB TO MAGISTRAL OF AttdSiHlcPWadc to Kill Judge Who is Presiding at the Trials of Suffragettes. PACKAGE IS SENT BY POST Contained Powder, Shot and Explod ing Devioe. OUTRAGES HURT THE CAUSE Circulation of the Offioial Organ is Steadily Decreasing. BIG CONTRIBUTION IS MISSING Auditor Who Roe Over nooks Is Unable to Find Million Dollars Women Announced that They Had Collected. LONDON, May 14. A business-like bomb addressed to Henry Curtis Bennett, the police magistrate, who Is hearing the charges against the suffragette leaders, was delivered by a letter carrier at How street police court today. The package was marked "Immediate," but, disliking the look of It, tho cautious court officer took it outside and plunged it into a pall of water. When the package was opened It was found to contain a tin tobacco box bound with wire nnd filled with gun powder, thot and a cartridge. Attached to the cap-end of the cartridge was a nail which, if It had been struck, would have fired the bomb and exploded Its contents, llomb Fonnd on Train, Bombs were found today In one of the cars of a local train running between Kingston-on-Thames and London, on the Southwestern railway, making the third outrage of this kind on the same line within two months. On the arrival at the Waterloo terminus of the Kingston train, crowded with pai sengers on their way to business, the conductor noticed In one of the com partments three parcels which aroused suspicion. On Investigation, two of them were found to contain tin cannlsters filled with combustibles and wrapped In suf. f ragette placards. No explosion occurred. A militant suffragette "arson squad" destroyed a large untenanted residence. "the Highlands," at-Sanctgate-on-Belne, near Folkstone, on the English channel, last nlghu Post cards addressed to the "Dishonorable Prime Minister" and to the "Dishonorable Reginald McKenna. home secretary," were left lying about. (Continued on Page Two.) Net Cost of Making Steel Reported to President Wilson WASHINGTON. May 14. Part 's of the report of the bureau of corporations on Its extended Investigation of the rteel Industry, dealing particularly with the cost of production, was submitted to the president today by Acting Commissioner Francis Walker. A discission of the vast difference between "book costs" and "net costs" featured the report, figures being given to demonstrate that Iron ind steel manufacturing companies usually Include In their statements of costs of production large profits paid to subsi diary ore and transportation concerns. For Bessemec, steel rails, for Instanea, the report stated that the average book cost of the United States Steel corpora tion was $21.83, whll6 the actual net cost, excluding Intercompany profit on trans portation and material, was only $16.7. Similar differences were shown In the manufacture of other steel products. Parts one and two of the bureau's re port were submitted during the Taft ad ministration by Former Commissioner Herbert Knox Smith. Million Dollars to Found Institute for Medical Research BERKLEY, Cal, May 14. In memory of a husband, -who for years had suffered from an Inourable malady, that eluded medical skill, Mrs. George W. Hooper of San Francisco has transferred to the University of California $1,000,000 for the establishment of an Institute of modlcal research. Announcing the gjft today at the com roencement exercttes of the university, President Benjamin lae Wheeler said: "Mr. Hooper knew that he could not be helped, but he hoped that something might be done for others who suffered in the same way. His dovoted wll has made possible a realization of his wish In behalf of the sons of men." Great American Hen Invades Uruguay WASHINGTON. May lt.-The great American hen has made her way Into the Platte country of South America, ac cording to Information received today by the State department, which declares the government of Uruguay has Just Im ported 000 American hens for the Im provement of the native stock. The fowls are to be distributed to experi mental poultry stations. Alfonso Burke, an American, lias been appointed chief poulterer of the Uruguayan republic. Powers Send Army to Occupy Scutari VIENNA, May 14. The International force which (ls to ocoupy the former Turkish stronghold of Scutari until the new Albanian government has been es tablished, was landed at the port of San Giovanni DI Medua this morning. It was enthusiastically received by the Al- I banians. smt i THZY'JRZ OFF ' (JUZL 'JTJrr KEZZC2T fj) Drawn for The Beo by Powell. HEAYY RAINS EVERYWHERE Farmers and Railroad Men Say They Have Had Enough. DELAYING THE CORN PLANTING Ilnllrond Trackn Are Overflowed in Some Places AVhere There Are llemilnr Cloudbursts No Let-Up Is In Slight.- Now they are getting too tnifth ralp In Nebraska; That l the cry going up from' tho farmers and tho railroad men Not thil thblonanil continued rain A Injuring the wheat and other small graln but It Is seriously delaying the planting of corn and tho season is becoming well advanced. Instead of sunshine, reports, to the rail roads Indicate rain everywhere and Inches of It Instead of showers. One of the heaviest rains In years Was general Tues day, and Tuesday night over, the Verdlgre branch of tho Northwestern, extending from a .little north of Norfolk to Nio brara and over to Winner, 8. D. In many localities there was cloudburst fol lowing cloudburst, ' five and six Inches of precipitation being reported, ' The Verdlgre creek Is out of Its banks and haB washed the Northwestern track away, completely disarranging train ser vice nnd weakening several bridges. On tho main line through the northern part of the state, rain was general, and for miles the fields are submerged, the pre cipitation In numerous localities reaching three and four Inches. Tho south part of the state comprises another section where there Is rain and plenty to spare. All through the South Platto country and along the Republican valley It has been raining for forty-eight hours and was still pouring when reports, were sent In for Wednesday. On the Burlington, cat of McCook, for a dletancj of several miles the storm water not-only covers the entire country, but along the railroad It has filled the barrow pits ni'i tho sides and Is two to three Inches deep over the grade. This Is In a section of country whero dry weather Is expected Mnmo In West Portion. The same rainy conditions maintain all through the western portion of Ne braska, eastern Colorado and Kansas where the rivers and creeks are full and art overflowing thc!r'banks. JVeitern Iowa 'got a drenching Tues. day nlghjt, and beginning out twenty-five miles or so from Council Bluffs, over to the central part of the state, there was a rainfall of from, one to four Inches. At Manning, on the Great Western, there was a cloudburst during the night, badly washing the railroad tracks, filling cellars and doing considerable damage to foun dations of buildings. It Is estimated that eight inches of rain fell In two hours. The National Capital Wednesday, May 14, 1013. The Senate, Resumed debate on the Penroe-La Fol lette amendment for public hearings on mrui uiu, Woman suffrage committee ordered fa vorable report on Chamberlain resolution for constitutional amendment to give women right to vote. Works bill to direct geological survey to locate water supplies In deserts and arid lands reported, by public lands com mittee. Nomination of George W, Guthrie as ambassador to Japan reported favorably by committee. Vice President Marshall read a cable gram from Shansl Provincial anembly. thanking us for recoenlxlng the Chinese republl o . O'Gorman bill, providing reimburse ment of contributors to rnnsomo of Ellen i. mone. mvoraDly reported. Bill for appropriation for expenres of delegates of International congress on alcoholism at Milan favorably reported. Memorial read from Massachusetts leg islature urclnir that nn Mrirr hill iml.ia I based on protective principles, be passed. The House. Not In session! meets at noon Thursday. Now for the Big Meet ybrrA mrjCLE too JtAS.' Mr. Bryan Launches Second Ship for the New Navy of Peace WASHINGTON, Ma 14.-Sytnbollc of the hope for universal pence, Secretury Bryan today launched the cruiser "Fel lowship" as a sister to tho battleship "Friendship' which h launched yester day at the breakfast to the Ghent peace delegates, Mr. Bryan was nn early caller ut the Whlto. lipuse and as. ho left the execu tive offices ho told a group of nuwspnper men ,haw .the Idea ctf the twp , "shl4." crime to his mlu'd. ' "It was Andrew Carnegie." he ex plained, "who suggested It tp rn by his speech In. which he referred to the tiny dreadnoughts' of 160 tons unch, which had for a hundred years kept pence on the Great Lakes. Those two 'little gun boats' made mo think of how happy It would be If, through Friendship u'mTFel-1 lowshlp, those relations weru main tained." Currency is Free' from Bacteria WASHINGTON, May 14.-Those who have hesitated to amass wealth because of tho warning to ".bewnro the billions of bacteria that lurk In every bill," need hesitate no longer, according to -Dr. W, C, Rucker, assistant surgeon general of the publto health service. He declared to. day that tots and examinations of cur rency, both washed and unwashed bills, showed them to be singularly free from germs. He attributed this to the Ink used In printing the bills, which, he said, hud proved to be ah almost perfect germicide. "The public health service 'was called upon to examine the soiled money re turned to the treasury," said Dr. Rucker, "after It hod traveled around the country and . had passed through the hands, of thousands of persons. To our surprise It was found to be singularly free from bacteria und the Ink used In the bills Is given the credit" ' The ingredients used In the govern ment's Inks Is not made public, Half Charity Money Goes for Expenses CHICAGO, May 14. About S3 per cent of the alms collected by the United Charlttei are used to pay expenses, It was de veloped yesterday at the hearing of tho legislative committee Investigating char itable Institutions. Superintendent Eugene T, Lies of the organization testified that"4T.3 per cent of the money received was actually paid out In relieving distress. Mr. Ues said he received a salary of $6,000 a year. "How Is It that the Protestant Epls copal Missionary society collects every year at a cost of 7 per cent while It costs you S3 per cent!" asked Representative Curran, chairman of the committee. "I know that the outsider would look on this per cent as large," satd Mr. Lies, "but we are not at all extravagant." "It seems to me you have a lot of high salaried officials who dole out advice In stead of charity," asserted the legislator. Fish Drowns Man, but He Holds to the Pole EAU CLAIRE, Wis., May 14.-Flsher-man's zeal resulted in the drowning of Slver Larson, aged 22, last night, when. In his eagerness to land a.promUIng "bite," Larson rose In the boat and in the tussle with the fish lost his balanqe, toppled over backwards Into the water and was drowned. He retained a death clutch on the pole, however, and when the body was " recovortd a largo sized fish was tugging at the end of tho Una, V HASi RAH t ZAJTEj) DTOlinb TO EflD DTI IV CIlMnilV DlUllUr 10 rU.n DlLLlI OUllUfll Bishop Frank M. Bristol is Hearty Champion of Evangelist HURTS, BUT BRINGS THEM BACK Audiences Often Hear Some Pretty Ilnrsit Thl nun Nnld About Them selves, Vel They Return Over nnd Over A Bruin. HIhop Frank M. Bristol, Methodist lCptqcopal bishop for toVa, Nr-braska and Knnsas, Is first, last "and nil tho time for Illll Sunday, ev.Migcllst. He Is for him as a man and as an evangelist. He has firm fulth In his sincerity nnd In his utility to win souls where most other men would fall. When some accusations wero recently mudu against Sunday, Bishop Bristol laughed and replied: "I'd dislike being lined up on the wrong side of tho fence wl)en Hilly Sunday's conducting a revival," he said. "Borne of the people that have been assailing Billy Sunday will bo mighty sorry f ho comes. And mark what I say, they'll gat In the bandwngon before he leaves town An Old Aeiinnlntnnce. "I've known Sunday from the tlmo he was playing ball. At that timo I was pastor of a church In Chicago. I've beon his friend ever slnco thon, and I'm for him from tho crown of his head t his toes. Lately I've been hoping that we could got him to conduct a series of meetings In Omaha. He'll shako the city from center to circumference and he'll fill the churches with converts before he U through. "They say that Billy's cenvorts are many of them backsliders. If they are, Is that Billy's fault? Ha lenvea them with the preachers ahd the churches, and In most cases where you find Sunday converts sliding back you can lay the (Continued on Page live.) Lyman Abbott Says Disarmament is Yet a Utopian Dream MOHONK LAKE, N. Y., May 14.- Three hundred delegates to the nine teenth annual Lake Mohonk conference on arbitration heard Dr. Lyman Abbott of New York, president, presiding as : chairman of tho opening session today, ' assort that disarmament was as yet an ' Utopian dream, that the "blow of the ; fist, the gleam of the sword, the bark of the cannon ' will continue until some 1 other power greater than that of armed man Is, found to protect Innocence from ! Injustice." 1 Dr. Abbott's address was Interpreted j as a reply to the American Peace so ciety, his fellowship in frhtch was re-! cently severed. i Guatemala Will Pay British Claims WASHINGTON, May H.-Prlvate ad vices received here early today say Pres. dent Cabrera of Guatemala has acceded to the demands of the British govern- ment for a settlement of tho long stand-! ing Urltlsh claims. The London For eign office recently Issued an ultimatum to Cabrera, giving him until tomorrow to nettle, and a British warship was on th way to Puerto Barrios to emphasise the "demand. Secretary Bryan, in an effort to help Guatemala out of its embarrassment, had expressed to the Rritlsh government I the liopo that It would extend the time named In Its ultimatum. No reply yet had been received, but the settlement an nounced In the private advices probably ends the Incident, which threatened to force development of thi Wilson admin istration's attitude toward foreign debts of the Central American republics. tszijit TORNADO STRIKES TOWN OF SEWARD: E ARE KILLED Wires Arc Blown Down and Com munication with the City is Cut Off. WIND ALSO HITS M'COOL ' Report is that No One is Injured at that Place. RUMOR THAT 1USHT0N STRICZ. Large Number Are Injured by Tor nado at Seward. LITTLE DAMAGE IN "OMAHA. IllKh Wind lllom Down One llulld Insr Here In Oorime of Construe, tlon nnd Unroofs An other. SEWARD. Nch. May H.-(SiecUU Te egram.) A destructive storm struck: Seward at R:30 today,' ten people wt" killed, und pcrhspu mure, und u while tier Of houses destroyed. The s'-oun lasted but a few momenta. Many vtr Injured. The names of the perions kll -Vt MRS. DAVE HOOVER. MRS. HASSINGEU. SUUbTZ, a Northwestern section tt4 and a section man. L.INCOIA', Neb, May It- A tornado struck tho town of Seward, thirty mile west of Lincoln tonlghth about o'cluck. Nina are dead and many Injured. Thrco of tho dead: MRS. U. U WASHERMAN. MHA HOWARDS. MRS.' DAVID P. HOOPEIl. Communication with Seward Is dlfft ' cult, as wires are down. H Is reported damago was done at tho town of l.ushton, farther west, bu- M, extett Is not known. Tho first report from Seward cams to the Burlington offices here from the ,ral" ""Pitcher at that place. It said at least nine had been killed nnd a largo j number Injured. letter telephone mes sages reduced the number of dead o eight. Only three names of dead were given. YORK, Neb., May 14.-A torna'da struck McCool, ten miles south ut herd at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Several build ings are reported to have been blown down, but no lives lost. Telephone and telegraphic, communication between this city and the path of the dorm Is de moralised. A telephone message from Ltlshton nays that a huge Mack, cloud formed north of Grafton and traveled In a northeasterly direction toward Uttcn. Several farm buildings along the path of the twister between McCool and t'tlca are said to have been badly damaged, but no reports of loss of life have been received here, In Omaha a wind of unusual severity blew across the city from the south wot, and while the government wind guigo on the postofflco building at no lma registered over ten miles an hour, Irulha vicinity of Hanscom park, ranging north east to Htcory streets, moro or less dam age was done to 'houses, barns, treed and shrubbery- No reports were received of un,yone being Injured. The day had been somewhat sultry and at t o'clock threatening clouds appeared In the north and west. Shortly after 8 o'clock the wind approached thu velocity of a hurricane In a path of con slderablo breadth. At Thirty-second street and the boulevard at oGld street, largo trees were broken by tho fowe of the wind, but at Tenth and Plercf arid Hickory tho greatest damage was jlonft. The house of Anton Krccek, under con strucMon at 170S South Twelfth strce( was blovyn down. It was a two-story hou, The three-story building, occupied by the G, A, Oreenough drug store at 1S23 South Tenth street, was unroofed par tlally. Flying timbers broke some of tho glass In the house of Anton Zltoush, 1703 Soutll Twelfth street. Several persons were out In rowboata on the Missouri river near First and Center streets when tho storm struck, John Kohout, who was seen on the river at the time and cannot be found, Is be lieved was drowned. Two others are 11 Ueved to have been lost In a similar way. Economy An Ever-Pertinent Theme. Borne student of economy tells us that It costs more to live tills year than it did last year. Superfluous say? Information, you Possibly because your pocket book tells you that There are various ways of ex ercising Judicious economy, chief ly by going to such merchants whose prices afford you the most substantial savings, nuultty of merchandise considered. The easiest way is to locate the best buying places through tho advertising that these stores do. Study THE BEE advertise ments if you want to pracilca the kind of economy that will put real dollars in the family, purse not imaginative dolars. Take up the paper at any tlme bilt more particularly when you have some Immedate need. Look the advertisements through and you will be surprised to noto how much you can save. It is a mighty good habit to form. And it Is a good thing to en courage in your friends.