OCR Interpretation

Daily capital journal. (Salem, Oregon) 1903-1919, July 07, 1908, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063957/1908-07-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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,r '
I J.
New Tati Hose
lOO dozen of those famous Wayne Knit Hose in the tau color
just arrived. - They aro full 40 gttage hose made from -the best Sea
Island cotton yarn.
I - i -
m , v'
I i
I jf 2-
We are still selling those regular DOc values in Tan Ho9e at
( Contltwcd fronPago.l.)rin.
Audrey Jackson, and to tho loft one
of Thomas Jofforaon. On tho oppo
site wall was a portrait of tho luot
Domocrntlc presldont of tho United'
States, Drover Cleveland, bordered
with black In muto ovldonco of tho
provnlllng fooling of sorrow, ' botn
party and national, over his recent
Dnck of tho platform upon which
woro soatod tho mombors of tho na
tional commltteo wns a row of Cal
ifornia palms. Twenty stuffed Amer
ican eagles, carrying In tholr bonks
long streamers of rod1, whlto and
blue, woro suspended from tho coll
ing Immediately over tho stngo.
Around tho front of tho balconies
and gallorlos woro strung GG.000
yards of bunting, whllo at interval-?
of ten foot had boon placed Ameri
can shields. Studding tho colling
wero trl-colorod stars, oach ton foot
In dlamotor, representing tho various
state0, torrltorlos and Insular jpeBses.
sloiu. In tho corners nnd about thu
sides of tho main floor woro mora
,Tho total numbor- of .seats was
12,000. Tho sp'aco Immediately In
front and at tjho Bides of tho plat
form had been equipped for the use
of tho 400 newppapor correspondents
win hnvo como to toll the world ail
about it. As In tho recent Ropub-
llcan convention at Chicago tho presajt'-o identity of such mon as Tam
assoclatlons woro 'permitted to in- maai' Chloftnn Murphy, Theodore A.
stall in tholr reservations tol(j-!npl- of California, s thq temporary
jtranh operators with soundless kin."""""! 1("n ' Jounson of Ohla,
for tho bulletining of important fea
ture! of tho procoodlng3. Down bo
low tho stago, reached by stairways
leading from tho press section, wero
rooms set apart for tho uso of tho
telegraph companies and press as
sociations. Ia tho center of tho hall .woro
1002 comfortable opera chairs oc
cupied by the delegates, and back of
these tho seat3 of tho alternates. In
each of the30 sections were two wo
men. Colorado and Utah each hav-
There Is a lot of
Unnecessary Eye
in this world. We allow our
se'ves to become nervous and fret
ful Weed3 of caro overrun tho
garden of the heart when they
should never be allowed to take
re at,
I caused by peeoplo selecting
Gla&ses for themselves that nra
unsuited for their eyes,
after thorough examinations and
Barr's Jewelry Store
State and Liberty Streets,
Ing sent n dologato and nn alternate.
MrB. Mary C. C. Bradford Is Denver ,
voting representative In tho conven
tion, and Mrs. MI. J. liny ward, of
Salt Lake, tho dologato fr.om Utah
It was tho first time that tho "suf
fragettes" of tho West had had tho
opportunity of seolng real women
politicians participating In national
Thoro was manlfost disappoint
ment pn tho part of tho six mon
who had boon chosen by tho Demo
cratic party In tho Philippines as
delegates, when they woro ushorod
Into tho nltornntos' seats. Accord
ing to tho precedent set by tho last
convontlon, as woll as by special
action tnkon last woek by tho na
tional. Bub-committeo on arr'ango
monts, tho Phlllpplno roprosonta
tlvos nro donlod a volco In tho delib
erations, although thoy aro grac
iously permitted to look on. Thoy In
tend to mako a fight beforo tho com
mltteo on rules for recognition as
delegates. Tho point mndo agalnot
their participation In tho doings of
tho convontlon Is that It would bo
inconsistent for Domocrncy to de
clares that tho Philippines ought not
to bo a part of tho United Stntoi and
at tho samo tlmo admit representa
tives .from tho Islands to a govern
ing political body of tho nation.
Groat intercut contqrod in tho ar
rival of various big mon of tho par
ty, many of whom had novor beon
seon In this part of tho country. As
Governor Swanson of Vlrglnln, Maj
or Dahlman of Omaha, Roger Sulll
van of Chicago, Alexander Troup (if
Connecticut, and Col. Guffoy. of
Pennsylvania, becamo known In tho
galleries, they wero glvon genorous
rounds of applause. Tho locations
of tho various stato delegations wero
easy to pick out, each being Indicat
ed by a placard elevated on a stand
ard. By 12 oclock the auditorium w;s
packed from floor to topmost gnl-
lory, a majority of tho vIsltoror
seats being occupied by womon, In
the Bpace at tho right and left of tho
delegates' soats, on the main floor
reserved for distinguished guostb,
were Congressman and Mrs. Long
worth, a number of diplomatic rep
resentatives from the South Ameri
can republic, and many other prom
inent persons In tho social and offic
ial life of the country.
Shortly after noon, when the ap
plause following the "cowboy
band's" rendition of tho "Star
Spangled Banner" had died away:
Chairman Thomas Taggart of Indi
ana, head of the Domocratlo Nation-,
at Committee, rapped for order on
the hard wood speaker's stand, and
the business of the convention was
begun. Secretary Urey Woodson, of
,the National Commltteo, was intro
duced and read tho call under which
the assemblage had been convened.
It was as follows;.
"The Democratic National Com
jmUtee, having met In tho city of
Washington on the 12th day of De-
Icerober, 1907, has appointed Tues-
cember, 1907, has appointed Tues-Mutton says that it is imperative that On Marck 18, 1907, r had a similar
if'.J "l!.. ' ,U2: "" !!! tho Atlantic fleet be kept In the vJff' Cl A Jff DnSa ten?
iiw nine, uuu uuiioci, uuiuiuuu, no
the place for holding the Democrat-!
IcSNatlonal Convention,
TEach' state is entitled to repre-
sentatlpn therein equal
th6. number pf Itsseaatprs and
resentatlves in the 'Congress of the
United States, and ench territory
Alaska, District of Columbia, Hawaii
&nd Porto Rice shall have six dele,
gates. All' Democratic citizen nr
the United States, irrespective of
past political associations' and dif
ferences, who cnil untto with us in
tho efforts for a pure, ecpnomlcal,
constitutional gpvornment, nro cor
dially Invited to join ylth. us in send
ing delegates to tho convention."
t When the reading of tho caU had
been completed .Chairman Taggart
announced that tho Rt. Rov. Jame3 J
Keano, Roman Catholic Archbishop
of tho Archdiocese of Wyoming,
would offer tho invocation. At tho
ttlstlngulshod prelate lifted hlo
hand3 the entire nudlonco roso to its
! Chairman Taggart then announced'
I the names of the tompornry, officers
(Bolocted by tho National, Commltt.
.tno principal ones being:
Temporary Chairman, Hon. Tho-
.odoro A. Beel of California; tem
porary secretary, Hon.' Uroy Wood
son of Kcntuoky; temporary sor-goant-nt-arms,
Hon. John I, Mnrtlu,
, of Missouri; ofllclnrroportor, Milton
W. Dloomburg, Washington, D. C;
First assistant secretary, Edwin Sof-
ton, Now York.
Tho selections of tho commltteo
t were ratified by tho convention with
out delay, and Tnggrtrt then ap
pointed a special escort- to pilot
Temporary Chairman Dell to tho
stand. Tho California statesman
thereupon "sounded tho keynote" of
tho convont'on.
At tho-concluolon of Dell's speech,
n motion wn put nnd carried direct
ing tlio various stato delegations to
nnnounco tho names .of tholr repre
sentatives on tho following convon-
tlon cemmittees: Credentials, Porm
anont Organization, Rules and Or
der of Business, nnd Plntform and
Following tho rending of tho com
mitteemen's names, nnd tho transac
tion of somo minor routine business,
tho flrst day's session xvrb brought to,
a closo in nn Improsslvo manner. On
motion of tho delegation from Now
Jorsoy, homo of tho Into Grovor
Cleveland, tho convontlon, by a rl3
Ing voto, ndjournod until tomorrow
out of rospect to tho m.emo.ry of tho
ox-prealdont, and tho dologatos and
spectators filed slowly from tho hall
whllo tho soft strains of "Noarorr My
God, to Thco" floated out through
tho open windows, a trlbuto to tho
man who twlco carried Democracy's
standard to victory after stirring
At 10 o'clock thltynornlng tho na
tional commltteo hold 'an 'adjourn
ment In ordor to dlsposo of tho Penn
sylvania and Idaho contorts. The
Bub-committeo nppoared to hear thi
former but was not ready to report
last night. In tho Idaho enso, tho
subcommittee sustained tho conten
tions of tho Dubois delegates at
large after tho .ndJournmenUpt tiro
night session' of tho entire commit
Tho Now York delegation mot
again at 10 o'clock to receive tho re
port of its own littlo sub-commlttoe
PH Platform, of. which Lewis NIxorv
friend of Bryan, is ohaiman. Ijt.was
stated early today, after tho commit
tee had boon In session nearly nil
night, that Its product would bo a
sdt of resolutions.
Coincidental with those moetlngs
Samuel Gompers and his associate
of tho executive council of the Amor.
lean Federation of Lnbor wero put
ting the finishing touches on tho
plank- doslred by organized labor at
the hands of tho convontlon. '
The .vice proldentlnl situation is
still "In the air" and will probably
rd'main there until the platform Is
out, of the way, when some decisive
word la expected from Lincoln, Neb.
By a voto of 11 to C, tho Connecti
cut delegation today decided to yield
to Minnesota when tho roll Is called
for nominations for the' presidency,
In order that Representative Ham-moncT-
of tho .latter stato, may place
In nomination Governor Johnson.
Const I)fciiM mid AiiU7npnncM,
An attempt to force, const defense
and nntl-Japane-o planks Into tho
Democratic platform Is being made
by Thomas J. Casey, secretary of tho
Bryan yoluntoers of Senttle. Casey
has prepared two resolutions which
the Wahlngton delegation
ni ay,
bring before the committee on reso
lutlons. '
One says that Oriental laborers
aro employed by the tens of thou
sands in every branch of labor onf
mo coast, mereoy reaycing wages
and depriving American citizens of
the means of earning a livelihood.
The resolution favors the enactment
of a law that prevent immigration
of Oriental laborers. Tho other reso
A little more work in some bus!-
nesa establlshmenU, and a little
more business pn spnie farms wpuld
rep-,JncrMe profit? "of fcotlC' ;
(Continued From Page l.J'
I got in nil the .dffforont cltleV with;
out tiring your readers. Tho court
house at Fort Wayno, Ind., had the.
un?3i interior or any .public bulldd
Ing In tho United Stales all klndtf
or polished marble;
. t -.Showers ntul Finance. J
. -'IWtf "don't! know nuythinc :abou
rains out here. Tt fnin,t ' ,i..
".,- uiiivii iui uni ij
duhiOio.jnonth .of Mhy In part
of HHtf6tsUd-tltQ.,Mfc8"tfh was not sfl
Vfiri' U'At tint ...!. ! i. ,. j""l
, ..., iuuuu weuur jnan
;some othor years, And when ifl
rains there It is not Just Ury mlstW
,.!!iTua' " l,,P oucKeuun. Qnlo.
IhdJanif; .and parts of ftnnsas have
been)dly bit by tho financial de
pression, but the Ijanks are accumu
latlng money kndv have hard times
lending It on good sgcurlty. They1
will soon bo overflowing and nil
kinds of business h looking brighter.
I visited many factories and' pspecia,.
ly In tny line, and found nearly nil
busy as possible.
. Sulpin No Back Number.
orno cities havo dona a groat
deal of paving In fact most of them
aro paved right out Into tho suburb',
and that is th6 only point wo aro
slownbont. Salem Is no back num.
her n'ud ovon our farmers nro "move
than up to date. Thoy have better
barns and houses and orchards ana
fences thnn In. mott or tho eastern
states. When it cqmo3 to cllmnto
and fruit wo nro a thousand miles
ahead of tho most favored sections
of tho Atlantic coast. Our buslnoss
mon aro right up to Bnuft Thoy ent
ry bettor stocks of goods in nny.llno
nt Salem than I saw in any city of
twlco our slzo Thoy olthon don't
hnvo tho goods or do not know how
to display them. You soo no suoh
window displays In tho retail district
of much larger cities as you soo any
day at Snlem. To como bnck to Or
egon h a plonsuro ono enn only ox
porlonco by sweltering nround In tho
eastern states for" two months as wc
havo done. Thoy publish something
thoro nt tho head or tho nowspapors
that is. not part of tl9 government
forecast hero humidity. I never
know. what that word meant until r
wont eust and felt It. So much heat
and so much humidity. Wo could
3tnnd tho' heat but the humidity was
too much fpr us. It tnkes all the
starch out of your shirt nnd you fool
Uko a wlltod dlshrng."
Mr. Will tnlkod Oregon on his trip
and carried a satchol full of Salem
literature Ho handed xout tho 1000
Fncf3 of tho prpductlpns pf tho Wll
lamotto valley on his nearly D000
mllo pllgrlmago, and many an east
erner hns had his attontlon turned
this wny. But ho. Is perfectly will
lug to bucklo Into business at tho
p'ld stand and not lonloslt right
away again vory soon. .
Help .for Thoso Who Hnvo Stomach
""v.v-TroiililP, ''
After doctoring for about 12 yoara
for a bad stomach trouble aad
spending nearly flvo hundrod dollar3
for medicine and doctor's foos, I pur
chased my wlfo ono box of Chnmbor
laln's Stomach and Llvor Tablots,
which did horsso much good "that
she continued to use thorn and they
havo done her more gopd than ail
pf tho medicine I bought beforo.
Samuel Boyer, Fplsom, Iowa. Thlo
medicine Is fpr sale by Dr. Stono's
drug storo, Samples free.
Now Corporation.
Davis Safe aud Lock company,
principal ofllco Portland, caplt.M
stock 125,000; Incorporators, John
E. Davis, Fred T. Hall and Frank J.
Over Thirty-five Years.
In 1872 there was a great deal of
diarrhoea,' dysentery and cholorn In
fantum It was at this time that
Chamberlain's colic, Cholera and Dl
arrohea Remedy wns flrst brought In
to uso. It proved more successful
than any othor remedy or treatmont,
and ha3 for thirty-five years main
tained that record. From a small
beginning Its sale and use has ex
tended to overy part of tho United
Stato and to many foreign countries.
Nine druggists out of ton will rec
ommend It when their oplulon Is
asked, although they .havo othr
medicines that pay them a greater
profit. It can always bo depended
upon." even In the, most sovero and
dangerous cases. Fer sale by Dr.
Stono's drug store.
- -0
Marry- widows nnd Merry-go-
round 3 are Ilvo affairs.
New Notaries,
K. J. Kubll, Kubll; Geo. F. Keck,
iWm. Grant, Portland.
o .
chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera nnd
Diarrhoea Remedy Would
Hav Saved Htm 910(M)0. , .
"fn 1902 I had a vory severe at-
tn 4ls nt llnHklinin II o a n T V T.i t
rar ot c&i l8,and Lflf .For aeVeral
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy which gave me prompt relief. I
consider It one of the best medi
cines of Jta kind in the world, and
had I used It In 1902 believe it would
".? ft.YV? Sl,7,"u,kuJ '""". J1"'"
..' - u.( tsum vj &s otwus a u
tot9. tx,. .. ,;jJf
yjfhen You- Are Dry
A pur and wholdsftm bevijraga that Is sold in al'Fftie cities
;of Western Oregon aud Northern
Made offttic Choicest Majt nd Hops
urh in Marion CoWWM -
lo of vAfiML Watec and strictly? In aeSqrdahce J wl
Mado of l'mwrM Watec and
Puro Food Daw galom Bear lsjrtk.best mild beveraga offered the
iMatlaby ijclentlflc pr&csse'sj
1 No adulteration. No drug3 or chemicals and under tho most'i
perect. sanitary conditions. Address alt orders to
" ' r
Salem Brewery Association
i-m 1 1 m-n-H
Waller & Hentschel
Succoosont to E. Eckorlla
140 and 148 Commercial Strcot.
Moats C A, M, to Midnight, Excollont Merchants' Lunch,
Sunday Family Dinners and Banquets a Spocialty.
41 U I I 1 H H - fr4"H - t - 4 - 4"
tWc Launder Ladies' Shirt Waists and White
Skirts JustRight.
Wo guarantee to. All of our shirtwaists are care
fully washod with a special noutral soap, starched just
where they should bo atarchod and Ironed by experts
who have mado sh'ftwatst Ironing a special study.
. Wo are pleasing tho most caroful dressors In tho city with our
shirtwaist work and aro sure wo can ploase you. May we have a
Tel. 26
Strawberry Boxes and Crates:
Just rocolvod a carload of folding
hallocks, tlntops and cratos, Soo use
for nrlcoa in largo and small lots.
H SGILfZ, Corner Trade and high Sts
L yf 1 Jr "' 1
. 1
Family Liquot Stotz
i4A Commercial St.
lu L
'? -Jt ?
strictly? In aecordahcajwlth
and guarantee pur. atid wl
- .H - - H - - H
13C-1CC S. Liberty St.
MMMMimBHMtaaMMM" w (,
2D TO 40
Free Delivery
as well as for the whole' family,
when you havo a Graphophono lu
the hpuse. it Is tho twentieth cen
tury amusor, and many a dull e'veo
Ing tn the winter can bo ppsjed ploai-
antly with a Graphephpno, Wa
havo them at all prices, and with
,b,oth coriIq and sacred ong8,,Just as
yoji dejlro,
n Commercial gtreet.

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