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Daily capital journal. (Salem, Oregon) 1903-1919, February 02, 1910, Image 2

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E. HOFER, Editor and Proprietor.
lnd epcndcni Newspaper BeTotodto American Principle! and
thofr ogp and Deyolopamont of AH Oregon.
Published Bverjr Evening vKxocpt Sunday, ealem, Oro.
(invariably In Advance.)
byjmrrior, per ycar..................J8.00 Per
fiOlfT by'tnail, per years.... 4.00 Per
VMktyjKby mall, per your-.......... '.00 Six
w, -
Salom buolnoss men showed tho right spirit of good fellowship In
going tp Wopdb,urn Tuesday night.
; Tho Stato Capital and tho county seat of tho second largest county In
tho sfcafo has a Hvo lot of boosters.
But they aro also lntorcsted In tho development of the wholo county
and ready to show their good will bosldcs.
When tho Falls City road was oponod two hundred Salemltes wont over
and boosted for tho opening of the now road.
Tho same thing was done for the opening of tho valley railroad that
connects tho Orogon Electric with Woodburn.
Tho business men of Salom aro .going to viBit tho other towns of tho
valley, as they have visited Albany several times.
That is the spirit that wins for any city, an'd it is tho spirit that is
making Salom go, in splto of spiteful knockers.
This great state organization will hold Its next annual meoting at
Salem, when tho logislaturo is in session.
Salom business men. tb tough thIr commercial organizations, aro al
ready preparing to take hold of tho meet.
rnTJ.ho Grot place every business man In tho city should, be a member
of heco commercial organizations.
Do, not leave tho wholo burden of tho community for a fow men to
drag, along, Just because thoy aro good naturcd and cosy.
jLoooon up tho thick hide of consorvatism and prepare to get some of
tho.benoflUJ of community co-operation.
Tfaore aro too many men In tho world still going it alono on tho old
plan of every man for himself, and tho devil for us all.
Men have got to bo educated out of that old gospol of selfishness and
into tho nowor teaching that benefit to one Is a benefit to all.
Tho annual cdnvontion of tho Orogon Retail Merchant's Association at
Bugono during tho past wook was a triumph.
Ita membership la composed of up-to-dato morchanta whoso aim Is to
servo tho consumors with flrsUclass morchandlso at modorato prices.
During tho discussion of tho various sessions of tho convention, they
insisted on puro food products and tho trond of tho gathering was to
ward better citizenship.
Tbo board of govornors of Salem commercial bodies, have practically
agreed on a policy of doallng with tho problom of getting hotter water.
They 'havo appointed a Joint committoo to frame up to tho city coun
cil what theso business mon .think Is tho proper procedure.
Tho Board of Trade and Business Men's League aro practically a unit
for throo things In tho following ordor:
First A firm declaration in favor of public ownership of tho water
system for this city and state.
Socoud Tho purchaso, on fair terms, of tho present water plant, and
a bond issue to pay for It.
Third Improvement of this plant so ns to protect the Intake, extend
.tho mains, and purify tho present supply by a lllter plant. '
Tho bringing In of mountain water will then bo taken up wli.li tho co-
nnnrfltlntl rf thr, ntnfn nml ntlmr nltlnn na fnuf no nnnalhln
This Is a rational policy, and ono that can bo carried out and Is with
in tho moans and powor of tho city, and can ho done at once.
Tho first doclaration that tho pooplo should mnko ought to bo to de
claro at a special olectlon that tho pooplo favor public ownership.
Without that declaration on tho part of tho voters nothing at all can
bo dono, and there is no use spending u penny on other matters.
Unloss tho community wishes to go on record for a publicly owned
plant, thoro is no use going into dotalls as to what follows.
Such a lino of proeoduro na outlined by tho commercial organizations
is on tho lino of plain business common souse.
i Come In and Inspect These I
I Goods end Their Present
i Prices I
$.1.80 ten pot, quadruplo
Plata (1.50
$1.76 owp, qundruplo pinto 75c
lluhomlan glnm comport,
regular $5.00 now ..$1.60
Hohumlan glass boa bon
dish. ft.S0 value, now 1.00
$3.00 baby rnttlufl 7Go
$1.25 baby rattle 50u
2.b0 card ensos $1.35
;i.50 chain pursoa ...,$1.60
Btorllug sllvar poolcut
knives, $1.25 and $1.50
valuofl 75c
$2.00 thlmblo caao, utarl-
allvor 50c
$1.25 child's purso 50c
50c Teddy Boar stick
pins 15c
$4.00 bolt pins $1.00
Chain bracolots, sterling
silver $3.00 to $G,00
values $1.00
Silver platod napkin rings
75c and 11.00 values ..25c
$2.50 toothpick holder . . . .75o
$2.50 cream pitcher ...$1.00
$4,00 sugar bowl $1.50
$20 umbrella, oxtra spe
cial .... $0.00
See Window Display on Liberty St.
Corner State and Liberty
month- raMfiOo
month 85o
monthi .........600
Snlem souvenir cups, rag
ular value $1.00, now. .50o
Silver handled hat brush,
regular price ?2.60, now 75o
Fruit dish, regular $4.60 $1.25
Glass tumblers, regular
f5c, now 15c
lint pins, regulnr $2.50,
Nut picks, rogular $1.00,
Hloiinnt nltchoi-. worth
$12, now $4.00
Swastika pins, 50c and
. .75o vuluos , . .20c
Fancy combs, roducod ..$1.00
Fountain pons, vuluos to
$3.50, now $1.25
Fountain pons, values to
$2.50, now 50o
Lookets, values to $4.50 $1.50
Hawks' cut glass ludlvld
ual buttor dishes, rogu
lar $0.00 sot, now . , , ,$3.00
$10.00 fornory, now ...$5.00
Sterling sllvor arta and
crafts rings, regular $7
and $8. now $3.50 and $4.00
Ploturo frames, otc, tho
rago ovorywhoi'o Half prlco
Of thoso corpusclos In your blood
that hayo aeon oaiiea -ittio
alffi'thodlao8 tffi
constantly endanger your noaitrt.
TjTQSDVc.orpuGclos aro modo
healthy and strong by tho uso of
Hood's sarsapanua.
This medicine is a combination of
more than 20 different remedial agents
In nronortions and bv a nrocess known
only to ourselves and it has for thirty
ydars been constantly proving its worth.
No substitute, none "just-as-good."
womanKina wonaers way lamous
Doauuos grow old, nut do not grow
rat. They live at silken ease, amid
xue porcelain liesh pots. The wine
that puffs out obscure mortals, flows
not illiberally down their alabaster
throats, let their life-long loaf
does not thicken their limbs nor
double their chins. What is the se
crefe of the long-lived gracefulness
of the hautton?
une-nair ounce iuarmoia, oz,
Fl. Ex. Cascara, Aromatic, 3 oz
Peppermint Water. This is the fa
mous Marmola, Prescription long fa
miliar to tho fashionable pharma
cists of tho world and their clientele,
but which has only recently, pene
trated to the knowledge of the hoi
pollol of womankind. Since when,
for convenience sake, it has been put
Into olegant pocket form, the Mar
mola Prescription Tablet, which can
bo had of well nigh any druggist,
fashionable or ordinary, or tho Mar
mola Company, 69 Farmer Building,
Detroit, Mich, In large cases for 75
With this tablet any woman can
reduce, by losing a pound a day, in
fow weeks; take off fat (where lt
shows most) on chin, abdomen, hips,
etc., without need for exercising,
table restraint, fear of wrinkles, or
the slightest physical harm or un
oaslness. o
The Coos Bay Ice and Cold St.ir
ago received at their creamery 2,
622,397 pounds of cream during tho
year 1909. This tested 87,413
pounds of butter fat, for which they
paid out $30,069.76, or an average
of 34.4 cents per pound. This cream
ory only made -butter and did not
make cheese.
Moro people are taking Foley's
Kidney Remedy every year. It Is
considered tho most offoctlvo remedy
for all kldnoy and bladder troubles
that medical science can devise. Fo
ley's Kidney Remedy corrects irre
gularities, builds up tho system, and
restores lost vitality. Sold by J. C.
& finnitnl IMntinnnl Rank
Salem, Oregon
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits, rl iO.OOO.
Officers and Directors:
J. H. Albert President
B. M. Crolsnn. .Vice-President
Jos H. Albert Cnshlor
9 John A. Carson
jj Geo. F. Rodgers
All Patont Medicines or modlclnea ad
vortlsed in this paper are for sale at
Drug Store
Tho only cosh drug atoro In Orogon;
owos no ono, and no ono owet
it; carries largo stock; Ita Bholvcs,
oouutors and show cases are loaded
with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet
articles, wines and liquors of all
kinds for medicinal purposes. Ir.
Mono Is a regular graduato In medl
clno aud haa had mnny years of ex
porlonco In tho practice. Consultu
Uona aro froo. Prescr'pt'aan are
free, mid only rogular prVo; tc . med
icine. Dr. Ston oau b und at hit
drug store. Balom. Or., i "om 7 la the
oiorutng until 9 at nlgut.
Tho poultry and pet stock fair will
at Woodburn
"uu uuuue unm oaiuruay ev-
ening. Tho fair will bo held In the
Armory Hall, and, from the point of
attendance, as well as exhibit of
m-j. If , . . . .
blrds' lt P"153 fto becomc ereat
. success. All entries for the fair
closed today.
According to the secretary, Miss
Ella Plank, much Interest Is being
charco of It. nrorUr-r. Mint It will tin
ono of th0 most successful over held
i " -- " '
In tho state. . Sixty ,ner cert cf the
entry fees in each class or varlo'y
wm be given in premiums HO per
cent to the first, 20 per cent to flu
second and 10 per cent to the tfcird.
There will bo cash prizes awarded for
egg displays. The special prize .-o
to the members nf the a
but premiums are open to all who
H. C. Shellhouse, of Vancouver,
will act as superintendent, and Elmer
Dixon, of Oregon City, will act as
Struck a Rich Mine.
S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala.,
says ho struck a perfect mine of
health in Dr. King's New Llfo Pills
for they cured him of liver and kid
iey trouble after 12 years of suf
fering. They are tho best pills on
oarth for constipation, malaria,
headache, dyspepsia, debility. 25c
at J. C. Perry's.
Try a Journal TVant Ad.
If you would havo a safe yet cer
tain Cough Remedy in tho homo, try 1
Dr. Shoop's at least once. It is
thoroughly unlike any other cough
p reparations. Ita taste will be en-
tlrely now to you unless it is al-
ready your favorite cough remedy.
No opium, chloroform, or any other
stupefying ingredients are used. The
tender leaves of a harmless lung-
healing mountainous shrub give to
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy ita won
derful curative properties. It is tru
ly ' a most certain and trustworthy
prescription. Sold by Capital Drug
Joe Heinrlch, the well-known
wrestler, of Spokane, now director
of tho Baker City Athletic Club, is
organizing a boys' class for gymnas
tics. Heinrlch, as a wrestler, is
known throughout all the Northwest.
Soro Lungs and Raw Lungs.
Most people know the feeling, and
tho mlserabDo state of ill .health It
Indicates. All people should know,
that Foley's Honey and Tar, the
greatest throat and lung remedy,
quickly cure the soreness and cough
and restore a normal condition. Ask
for Fofcy's Honey and' Tar. For
sale by J. C. Perry.
f ':) Vshape.
made of
Stetson Soft Hats - -Elston
Soft or Stiff Hats
W Dr. Shoop's new coffee substl-
tuto known to first class grocers
everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Health
! Coffee, a 25c, 1 pound packago
'give3 10o cups of a wonderfully sat-
isfying table drink. Pure toasted
grains malt, nuts, etc., give to
Health Coffee a wholesome, and sat
isfying taste and flavor. And there
is not a grain of real coffee in it.
Besides, Health Coffee is "made in
a minute." No 20 to 30 minutes
tedious boiling. Sold by J. W. Har
ritt. o
That it pays to raise poultry is ev
idenced by the fact that during the
past year J. Y. Gibson, of Eugene,
sold poultry to the amount of $700,
and Mrs. R. P. Bond, who sold poul
try to th& amount of $300.
Hoars Coughs, Stuffy Colds,
pain in chest and sore lungs, are
symptoms that quickly develop into
a dangerous illness if the cold is not
cured. Foley's Honey and Tar stops
tho cough, heals and eases the con
gested parts, and brings quick re
lief. For sale by J. C. Perry-
141 Commercial Phone
Tell him to get a Stetson or Elston. They
become the wearer; they hold their
The fit is perfect.
the best material by
workmen. They are
Comfortable and Stylish
Made in all the latest shapes, shades,
and styles. We would be pleased to
have you inspect them and our fine line
shoes, clothing and furnishings. w
Grows Hair
and we can
ANDER1NE is to the hair what fresh chowcrj
of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. Il
goes right to the roots, invigorates anl
strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating ami
life-producing properties cause the hair to grow
abundantly long, strong and beautiful. It o
once imparts a sparkling brilliancy and vel
vety softness to the hair, and a few weeks'
use will cause new hair to sprout all over tht
scalp. Use it every day for a short time,
after which two or three times a week will
be sufficient to complete whatever growth
you desire.
A lady from St. Paul writes in substance,
as (otlowst
"When I began uslnc Dauderlno mr hatr
would not come to my aliaulderHaiiil now
It Is away below my hips."
Anotner fromkNewarL, N. J.
" I havo been using Panucrlne regularly.
Wheal first started to use It 1 had very lll
tlo balr.now I hare tbo most beautiful Ioor
and thick hair anyone would want to bare."
NOW at all druggists in three
sizes 25c, 50c and $1.00
per bottle
Danderine enjoys a greater sale than
any other one preparation regardless of kind
or brand, and it has a much grcntcr sale than
all of the other hair preparations in the
world combined.
FREE To sllow now quickly Danderta
" acts, we wilt send a laree sam
ple free by return mall to anyone nht
sends tins tree coupon to the
with their name and address and 10c
in silver or stamps to pay postage.
la sickness, If a certain hidden
nerve goes wrong, then tho organ
that this nerve controls will also
surely fall. It may be a stomach
nerve, or It may havo given strength
and support to tho heart or kidneys.
It waa Dr. Shoop that first pointed
to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Re
storative was not made to dose tho
stomach nor to temporarily stimu
late tho heart or kidneys. That
old-fashioned method la all wrong.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes direct
ly to theso falling inside nerves.
The remarkable success of this pre
scription demonstrates tho wisdom
of treating the actual cause of these
easy to prove. A simple five or ton
days' test will surely tell. Try it
once, and see! Sold by Capital
Drug Store.
Four million dollars aro to be
spent in the development of the Ga
lice creek mines during 1910, accord
ing to the Rogue River Courier.
Gillcror Cry
Main 47
, '4
$4.50 to $6.00
- - - $.300

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