The Library of Congress

Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1756-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. Learn more

Arizona republic. [volume] (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1930-current
Armada times. (Armada, Macomb County, Mich.) 1???-current
The Atlanta journal. [volume] (Atlanta, Ga.) 1889-2001
The Bay voice. (New Baltimore, MI) 198?-current
The Boston globe. [volume] (Boston, Mass.) 1960-current
The daily monitor. (Mount Clemens, Mich.) 1940-1942
The daily sentinel. [volume] (Utica, Mich.) 1966-197?
The Dallas morning news. [volume] (Dallas, Tex.) 1885-current
The Denver post. [volume] (Denver, Colo.) 1901-current
The Des Moines register. [volume] (Des Moines, Iowa) 1916-current
Detroit free press. [volume] (Detroit, Mich.) 1846-current
The Flint journal. [volume] (Flint, Mich.) 1935-current
The Grand Rapids press. [volume] (Grand Rapids, Mich.) 1913-current
Grosse Pointe news. (Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich.) 1940-current
Investor's business daily. [volume] (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1991-2016
Lansing state journal. [volume] (Lansing, Mich) 1980-current
The Los Angeles times. [volume] ([Los Angeles, Calif.]) 1886-current
The Macomb daily. (Mt. Clemens, Mich.) 1964-current
The Miami herald. [volume] (Miami, Fla.) 1910-current
The Mount Clemens monitor. [volume] (Mount Clemens, Mich.) 186?-1936
Mount Clemens press. (Mt. Clemens, Mich.) 1864-1942
The Mt. Clemens daily leader. (Mount Clemens, Mich.) 1???-1942
National enquirer. (New York) 1957-current
New Baltimore-New Haven star. (New Baltimore-New Haven, Mich.) 1???-1???
The New York times large type weekly. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1967-current
The New York times. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1857-current
The Oakland press. (Pontiac, Mich.) 1972-current
Port Huron times-herald. [volume] (Port Huron, Mich.) 1910-1970
Romeo observer. [volume] (Romeo, Mich.) 1866-current
The Roseville record. (Roseville, Macomb Co., Mich.) 1925-19??
The San Francisco examiner. [volume] (San Francisco, Calif.) 1902-current
The Seattle times. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1966-current
South Macomb news. (East Detroit, Mich.) 1932-1964
The Tampa tribune. [volume] (Tampa, Fla.) 1958-2016
The times-picayune. (New Orleans [La.]) 1986-2019
Tri-City progress. [volume] (Utica, Mich.) 1955-197?
USA today. [volume] (Arlington, Va.) 1982-current
Utica South Macomb progress. [volume] (Utica, Mich.) 1954-1955
Van Dyke-Centerline press. [volume] (Warren, Mich.) 192?-19??
The Village voice. [volume] (Greenwich Village, N.Y.) 1955-2017
The Wall Street journal. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1951-1996
The Wall street journal. [microfilm reel] (New York, N.Y.) 1959-current
Warren-Fraser herald. [volume] (Warren, Macomb Co., Mich.) 1924-19??
The Washington post. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1974-current
The Washington post. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1983-current
The Washington times. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1982-current