The Library of Congress

Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1756-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. Learn more

The plaindealer. [volume] (Topeka, Kan.) 1899-1900
Plymouth advertiser. [volume] (Plymouth, Ohio) 1853-1988
The political crisis and Illinois atlas. (Springfield, Ill.) 1871-18??
The progress. [volume] (Omaha, Neb.) 1889-19??
The progressive herald. (Springfield, Ill.) 1912-19??
The Quincy herald. [volume] (Quincy, Ill.) 1855-18??
Quincy Whig and Republican. (Quincy, Ill.) 186?-1868
Radical abolitionist. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1855-1858
The reformer. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1895-19??
The reporter. [volume] (Helena, Ark.) 1891-1907
The Republican courier. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1899-1900
Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938
The Rising son. [volume] (Kansas City, Mo.) 1896-19??
The Rock Hill messenger. [volume] (Rock Hill, S.C.) 1896-1921
Sangamon journal. [volume] (Springfield, Ill.) 1831-1847
The Saturday bulletin. [volume] (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1827-1832
The Saturday evening post. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1821-1830
The Saybrook gazette. (Saybrook, Ill.) 1896-1963
Saybrook independent. (Saybrook, McLean County, Ill.) 18??-19??
The Seattle Republican. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1???-1915
The Sedalia times. [volume] (Sedalia, Mo.) 1894-1905
The Seneca news. (Seneca, Ill.) 1895-1???
The Shannon express. (Shannon, Ill.) 18??-1???
Shelby County leader. [volume] (Shelbyville, Ill.) 1864-19??
The Shelbyville union. (Shelbyville, Ill.) 18??-19??
Silver Bend reporter semi-weekly. [volume] (Belmont, Nev.) 1868-1868
Silver Bend reporter. [volume] (Belmont, Nev.) 1867-1868
Slovak record. (Passaic, N.J.) 1943-????
Slovák v Amerike = Slovak American. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1889-current
Slovenské noviny = Slovak news. [volume] (Cleveland, Ohio) 1949-1959
Somonauk reveille. (Somonauk, Ill.) 1875-1976
South Carolina leader. [volume] (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-18??
Southern Illinois labor tribune. (East St. Louis, Ill.) 1950-1963
Southern Illinois labor tribune. [volume] (East St. Louis, Ill.) 1966-1985
Southern Republican. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1898-1907
Sparta news-plaindealer. [volume] (Sparta, Ill.) 1921-current
Spring Valley gazette. (Spring Valley, Bureau County, Ill.) 191?-1989
Springfield commercial news. (Springfield, Ill.) 1938-19??
The Springfield daily news. (Springfield, Ill.) 1879-1891
Springfield daily Republican. [volume] (Springfield, Mass.) 1851-1946
The St. Anne record. (St. Anne, Ill.) 18??-1969
The St. Elmo banner. (St. Elmo, Fayette County, Ill.) 19??-1977
St. Louis daily press. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1978-1979
St. Louis és vidéke = Hungarian weekly. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1913-1969
St. Louis globe-Democrat. [volume] (St. Louis [Mo.]) 1875-1986
St. Louis news. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1978-1978
St. Louis palladium. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1903-19??
St. Louis post-dispatch. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1879-current
The St. Louis times. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1978-1979
St. Louiské listy. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1902-????