OCR Interpretation

The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. [volume] (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, January 16, 1918, Image 16

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/10021978/1918-01-16/ed-1/seq-16/

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Thousands upon thousands of wom
en have kidney anu bladder trouble
and never suspect it.
Women's complaints i?ften prove to
be nothing else but kidney trouble, or
the result of kidney or bladder dis
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other
organs to become diseased.
Pain in the back, headache, loss
of ambition, nervousness, are often
times symptoms of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's
prescription, obtained at any drug
store, may be just the remedy need
ed to overcome such conditions.
Get a medium or large size bottle
immediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.
Y., for a sample bottle. When writ
ing be sure and mention the Rich
mond Presbyterian of the South.
Adams-Allen: At the residence of
Mr. Shuman Simpson, Greenville, S.
C., January 6, 1918, by Rev. E. P.
Davis, Mr. Elbert H. Allen, of Spar
tanburg, and Miss Maggie H. Adams,
of Greenville, S. C.
Bates-Foley: At the home of the
bride's parents, Womble, Ark., De
cember 30, 1917, by their pastor,
Rev. John T. Barr, Mr. Arley Basil
Bates and Miss Bess Foley, all of
Denn-Jones: At the manse of the
Second church, Greenville, S. C., Jan
uary 6, 1918, by Rev. E. P. Davis,
Mr. Creston Wingo Dean, of Spartan
burg, and Miss Margaret Elizabeth
Jones, of Greenville, S. C.
Hollingshead-Spragin*: At the Pres
byterian church, Arkadelphia, Ark.,
December 5, 1917, by Rev. John T.
Barr, Womble, Ark., cousin of the
bride. Lieutenant Frank A. Hollings
head, Coast Artillery, San Francisco,
The Bible for Young
By Josephine Pollard
It has been the author's aim to toll the
stories from both (he Old and New Testa
ments simply and in Bible language so that
the little ones can read it themselves and
learn to love and prize it as the best of all
This is a most attractive volume for chil
dren. Handsome blue cloth binding. Illus
trated with nearly 200 striking original
engravings ar.d world-famous masterpieces
of sacred art, and with magnificent colored
Order from
Richmond, Va. Texarkana, Ark. -Tex.
Apples! Apples!
No present more acceptable to any
body and everybody than a box of
our fine Albemarle Pippins, the favor
ite of the late Queen Victoria and of
the present Royal Family of England.
Or a box of mountain-grown Wine
sap*. All carefully selected, wrapped
and packed. We sell, too, by the bar
rel or the csrload. Our apple* have
not been In cold storage and ripen
with an exquisite aroma and flavor.
$2. SO to $4.00 per box.
The Albemarle Orchard Co.,
Charlottesville, Va
Cal., and Miss Ethel Florence Spra
gtns, of Arkadelphia.
IiCfovers-, Johnson: At Womble,
Ark., December 23, 1917, by Rev.
John T Barr, Mr. John W. Lefevers
and Mrs. Viola Johnson, all of Wom
? C a t ij S
DuCorbior: In Now Orleans, La.,
January 2, 1918, Suzanne DuCorbier,
aged eighteen years and three months,
a native of France. A beautiful Chris
tian character, and passing away in
the fulness of a hope in her Saviour.
I Presbyteries jj
Presbytery of South Carolina met
at Ninety-Six October 16, 1917, 11:30
A. M. Opening sermon preached by
Rev. W. D. Ratchford. Present six
teen ministers and twenty-three elders.
Moderator: Rev. T. C. Croker.
Temporary Clerk: Elder T. S.
Presbyterian College of South Car
olina: The line work of this college
was ably presented by its representa
tive, Mr. W. P. Anderson, of Green
ville. The Bpecial need emphasized
was that all the churches of the Synod
should contribute to the current ex
penses of the college about twice as
much as heretofore.
Xhormveil Orphanage: The loss of
the president, Rev. W. P. Jacobs, D.
D., lays a special burden and oppor
tunity upon the Church. Dr. Jacobs'
son, Rev. J. F. Jacobs, ably presented
the cause, and reported that all the
churches were rallying to its support
as never before.
Four churches were permitted to
change the terms of the calls of their
pastors in the matter of increasing
their salaries, viz., Upper Long Cane
from $1,000 to $1,200, Abbeville from
$1,800 to $2,000, Smyrna from $405
to *600 for one-half pastor's time,
Doiuinick from $125 to $200.
Pastoral Relations Dissolved: Be
tween Rev. C. F. Rankin and the
Laurens First church. Mr. Rankin
goes to Farmville, Va.
Between Rev. J. L. McLin and the
Dorroh church.
The leading address of the meeting
was made by Rev. J. B. Green, D. D.,
at the request of Presbytery, on "The
Ideal Family." Presbytery was bo
favorably impressed that it requested
a copy for publication in the Minutes.
The committees representing the
various Assembly's causes made only
brief reports at this meeting. Tho
Committee on Local Home Missions
called the attention of the churches
to the failure of many to contribute
to this cause and the consequent dan
ger of a deficit in the near future,
only 4 cents being in tho treasury.
Presbytery voted "aye" on the pro
posed amendment to the Book of
Church Order.
Rev. H. Waddell Pratt was re-elect
ed Stated Clerk for the next three
Next Meeting: Hodges, S. C., April
16, 1918, 3 P. M.
Presbytery adjourned to meet at
Seneca at Synod at the call of Mod
erator. H. Waddell Pratt,
Stated Clerk.
The Presbytery of Tuscaloosa was
in session at Carrollton, Ala., Octo
ber 16-18. There were present eight
ministers and eight ruling elders.
The opening sermon, at the request
of the retiring Moderator, Ruling
Elder P. T. Shanks (who, in subse
quent deliberations, showed clearly
that he had the gifts, though he
lacked the authority, to preach), was
preached by Rev. Joseph Dunglinson
from Titus 2:11-13. The sermon was
clear, forcible, logical and held the
close attention of his hearers from be
ginning t o end.
Rev. C. M. Boyd was elected Mod
erator, and Rev. G. H. Norwood Tem
porary Clerk.
Candidate J. M. Partridge was re
ceived from Louisville Presbytery and
licensed as a probationer for the gos
pel ministry.
Iron is Greatest of all Strength
Builders, Says Doctor
A Secret of the Great Endurance and Powers of Athletes
Ordinary Nuxatcd Iron Will Make Delicate,
Ncrvoui, Rundown People 100 Per
Cent. Stronger in Two Weeks"
Time in Many Cases.
NEW YORK. N. Y.? Most people foolishly seem
to think they aro going to got renewed health
and strength from some stimulating med
icine. socret nostrum or naracotic drug, said
Dr. E. Suuer. a Boston Pbysiclon wlio has
studied widely both in this country and Great
European Medical institutions when, as a
milter of fact, real aud true strength can only
come from the food you eat. Hut people often
fail to got the strength out of their food because
they haven't enough Iron in their blood to
euableitto change food into living matter.
From their weakened, nervous condition they
know something is wrong but they can't tell
vrhai so they generally commence doctoring
for stomach, liver or kidney trouble or symp
toms of some otiier ailment caused by lack of
iron IS the blood. 'Iliis thing may go on for
years, while the patient suffers untold agony.
If you are not strong or well, you owe it to
yourself to make the following test: See how
long you can work or how far you can walk
without becoming tired. Next, take two Ave
jrrain tablets of ordinary nuxatcd Iron three
times per day after nn als for two weeks. Then
test your strength again find see far yourself
how much you have gamed. 1 have sceu
?ioiens of nervous, run-down people who were
ailing all the while, rtoublo tliclr strength and
ondurauco and entirely get rid of all symptoms
of dyspepsia, liver anil other troubles la froni
ten to fourteen clays' time simply l>y taking
iron in the proper form. And t'.iis after they
had in some cases been doctoring for months
without obtaining nny benefit. Hut don't take
the old forms of reduced iron, iron aeot-te or
tincture of iron simply tosavo a few cents. Yon
must tako iron iu a form that can bo ea i.y
absorbed and assimilated like nnxated iron if
you want it to do you any good, otherwise it
may provo worst; than useless. Many aa atLlcte
or prize fighter ha.-) won the day simply because
ho knew tbo secret of great strength aud en
durance n'ul Oiled Ms blood with iron before
he went into the all ray. while many nnmiier
has gono down to inglorious defeat simply for
tho lack of iron.
NOTE ? Xuxated Iron recommended aboto by
Dr. E. Saner, is ono of the newer organic iron
compounds. Unlike the older inorganic Iron
products it Is easily assimilated, dues not
injure tho teeth, make tin. in bliuk. nor
upset the stomach: on the contrary, it Is
a most potent remedy. In nearly all forms
of Indigestion, as well ns for nervous,
run-down conditions. Tiie Manufacturers have
such great confidence in Nuxated Iron
that they offer to forfeit $100.00 to any char
itable institution if they canuot take any man
or woman under GO who lacks iron and increase
their strength l'O p'-r cent, or over In four
weeks' time provldt <1 tl-ey bavo no serious
organic trouble. TUi y al o ofler to refund your
money if ft docs not at least double your
strength and endurance in ten days' time. It is
dispeusecl by all good druggists.
Rev. W. H. White was dismissed
to the Presbytery of East Alabama,
and Rev. J. S. Jennings to the Pres
bytery of Suwanee.
The Home Missions Committee was
authorized to employ a Presbyterial
evangelist and Sunday-school expert
at a salary of $2,000 and expenses.
It is gratifying to be able to add that
the larger part of the salary for tbe
current year has already been pro
vided by a few consecrated persons
who have hearts interested in the Mas
ter's work.'
Meetings in the interest of Home
and Foreign Missions were held, at
which these causes were presented in
a manner to hold the attention and
arouse the interest of presbyters and
visitors alike.
The overture sent down by the Gen
eral Assembly to amend the Rules 01
Discipline, chapter 12, section 2, was
The Stated Clerk was directed to
prepare and present at tbe next stated
meeting of Presbytery, an overture to
the General Assembly to send down
to the Presbyteries the question,
"Shall the present method of paying
the expenses of commissioners to the
General Assembly be continued, or
should the former plan be returned
to, of each Presbytery's paying the
expenses of its commissioners?"
The Presbyterial sermon was
preached by Rev. C. M. Boyd from
the text, "Who knoweth the error of
his ways? Cleanse Thou me from
secret faults."
Rev. D. W. Holllngsworth was ap
pointed to preach at the next stated
meeting on "The Duty of Our Church
in Regard to Home Missions."
The next stated meeting will be held
at Gurdo, Ala., 7:30 P. M. Tuesday,
April 15, 1918.
Both business sessions and religious
services were largely attended, ana
the good people of the church ana
the vicinity did all in their power to
contribute to the comfort and enjoy
ment of members and visitors. That
they succeeded admirably was the
judgment of all.
Presbytery adjourned to meet, on
the call of the Moderator, at such
time and place as he may designate.
? J . G. Praigg, S. C.
"Dost tliou love life? Then do not
squander time; for that's the stuff life
io made of. ? Franklin.
I wish very much that every reader
of the Presbyterian ol the South could
spend suihoeni time lu my oihce to
read the thousands oi letters which 1
have received from all parts 01 ihe
country. 1 have printed several hun
dreds of them in a booklet, but 1 wish
you could see the originals, for 1 would
like lor you to realize the wonderful
results which they report In the re
lief of dyspepsia, Indigestion, persis
tent headache, rheumatism, gall
stones, kidney, bladder and liver dis
eases, uric acid poisoning and other
conditions due to impure blood.
Before my own health was restored
by Shivar Mineral Water and 1 pur
chased this Spring, and before 1 re
ceived all of these letters from suffer
ers, 1 didn't lake very much stock In
advertisements like this. 1 therefore
cannot blame you if you doubt, but,
my friend, 1 am absolutely convinced
that the Shivar Spring is the greatest
restorative mlueral spring ever discov
ered, not excepting the famous Spas of
Europe. 1 have shipped this water to
thousands of sufferers in all parts of
the U. S. and they almost invariably
report either permanent restoration or
beneficial results. That Is why 1 make
the guarantee offer contained In the
following letter. Sign it now and mall
Shivar Spring,
Box 14 J, Shelton, S. C.
1 accept your guarantee offer and en
close herewith two dollars for ten gal
lons of Shivar Mineral Water. I agree
to give it a fair trial, In accordance
with instructions contained in booklet
you will send, and if it fblls to benefit
my case you agree to refund the prlc?
In full upon receipt of the two empty
demijohns which I agree to return
Shipping Point
? Plr?M writ* dlatlartly.)
Order at once all you now need or expect to need for long time to
come. Nothing like present demand for Rulober Roofing ever
known. U. S. Gov't is using it exclusively on all cantonment build
ings; farmers are ordering as never before to house war-time crops;
roofing mills are taxed to limit. We can furnish Spotless and Spot
less Special Roofing at prices lower than others, and still give you
the same high quality roofing as before.
Spotless Rubber Roofing equal* any atandard roofing in wt., length & thickness.
l-ply.wt.35lbs. 1(1 2-ply. wt. 46 Iba. Jfl J-ply. wt. 6Glba. 1 OQ
Price, per roll 4> I . I U Price, per roll *P I .*HJ Price, per roll ^I.OO
Spotlsss Special Ouaranteed Rubber Roofing Quality of felt, genuine
aaphalt aaturation sad auperior akin coating make thia beat rubber roofing known.
Thicknesa of Roli 1-ply t-ply 8-ply 4-ply
Wt. roll. 85 Ibe 45 lba 66 Iba 651b..
Price, roll. $1.35 $1.73 $2.10 $2.4?.
Each roll containa 108 aq. ft. with nails A cement.
Order now from thia advertisement or writ* to
Desk 652 for free aamplea. ' |

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