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4 -4 Have You a Victrola A very appropriate Holiday present, which the whole family could enjoy. From $15 to $200. Come in and hear them. We have some of the latest records out. P In our other lines we have many things that would F make useful presents, at prices to suit the purchaser. Child's Rockers from 90c. up. P Adult Rockers from $1.50 up. P Also some Misses' Rockers. FURNITURE E. A. ROSS UNDERTAKING P ORDINANCE NO. 181. NOTHING ON EARTH Makes you feel better than a good, square meal. Meat is three-fourths of the whole, and we sell the best WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? CENTRAL MARKET B. I. PLUMMER, Prop. ST. HELENS, OREGON Livery, Feed and Sale Stable DRAYING AND TRANSFER All Business Promptly Attended To PHONE 15 OR 12 WM. H. DAVIES ST. HELENS, OREGON Prop. St. Helens Mill Co. Sh Electric Lighting (Saves Your Eyes) Steam Heatings (Proldngs Your Lives) Lath Wood Lumber EUROPEAN PLAN AMERICAN PLAN EVERYTHING MODERN AT THE ST. HELENS HOTEL J. OEORGE, Proprietor ALL BUSSES CALL AT HOTEL RATES 81.00 AND UP ' SPECIAL RATES TO REGULAR BOARDERS CHILDREN'S COATS Mackinaws FOR LADIES AND MEN Caps and New Clothes H. MORGUS & SON "QUALITY, QUANTITY, PRICE." Au ot'Jlnauci apportioning the cost of the Improving of Sower Dis trict No. 3, of tho City ot St. Helens, Oregon, by sewering anil draining the same, and assessing tho cost of said Improvement to tho pioperty benefited tkoreby; nnd repoullng Ordinance No 176, of tho City of St. Helens, Oregon. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 161, of said City, wr.a on the 30th day of June, 1913, duly and regularly pass ed by the Common Counc'.l of the City of St. Helens, Oregon, whore- In and whereby It was ordered that Sower District No. 3, In the City of St. Helens, Oregon, tho boundaries of which are as follows, towlt: Begin ning at the Intersection of the south line of Willamette street with the east line of Winter street, In St. Hel ens, Oregon, and running thence westerly along the south line of Willamette street 600 feet to the center of Hemlock street; thence northerly on the center line of Hem lock sheet 196 feet; thonco westerly 140 feet to the corner of Lots 2, 3, 20 and' 21, In Block 60; thence southerly along the center line of said Block, 68 feet; thence westerly and parallel with Wlltamotte street 140 feet to tho center of Walla Walla street; thence northerly on the center line of Walla Walla street 620 feet to the center of Wyeth street thence easterly along the cen ter of Wyeth street 140 feat; thence uortheily and parallol with Walla Walla street 272 feet; thence easter ly and parallel with Wyeth street 100 feet to the west line of Hemlock street; thonco northerly along the west line of Hemlock street 446 feet to the center of West s'reot; thence westerly along the center line of West street 240 feet to the center of Walla Walla-street; thence north erly on the center line of Walla Walla street 214 feet; thence easter ly and parallol with West street 140 feet to the corner of Lots 3, 4, 19 and 20, in Block 4, of Columbia Paik, now a part of St. Helens; thence northerly and parallel with Walla Walla street 174 feet to the corner of Lots 6, 7, 16 and 17, In isaid Block 4; thence easterly and parallel with West street 140 feet to the center of Hemlock street; thence northetly on the center line of Hemlock street 290 feet, more or loss, to the north lne of Columbia Park; thence easterly on the north fine of Columbia Park 840 feet to the center line of Oak street; thonce southerly along the center line of Oak street 678 feet to the center line of West street; thence westerly on the center lino of West street 40 feet; thence southerly and parallel with Oak street 214 feet; thence westerly and parallol with West Street 100 feet to the common corner of Lots 8, 9, 14 and 15, In Block 80 of St. Helens; thence southerly and parallel with Oak street 544 feet to the south lne ot Wyeth street; thence westerly on the south Hue ot Wyeth street 100 feet to the Northwest cor ner ot Block 31 ot St. Helens; thonce southoily along the west line of Block 31, 718 feet to the place ot be ginning, containing 198 lots, be Im proved by the Installation of a sower system to sewer and drain said Dis trict, and In accordance with said ordinance said sewer district has been so Improved at a cost of $16,183.97, which has been duly and regularly ascertaned, and said sum paid by said City of St. Helens, and for which said City has not been re imbursed. AND WHEREAS, a due and prop er Ordinance has been duly passed by said Common Council, establish ing said Sewer District No. 3 and appointing appraisers therofor, ac cording to law; AND WHEREAS, said appraisers have duly porformed all the duties devolving upon them In relation to aald sower, sower dls'rlct and the assessment ot the costs ot said Im provement; and tho notice to proper ty owners, and all notices required by the Charter ot said City, or other wise, having been given; and all and lingular the provisions and necesa iry steps required by the said Char ter and by Ordinance, having been performed and dono; AND WHEREAS, under the Char ter of said City and said Ordtnauce No. 151, It Is required and directed '.hat the cost of such Improvement thall fall upon the real property In iald Sower District, above described, tnd be equitably apportioned among ill the real estate owners In said Sewer District, ostmated upon the last preceding assessment ot real estate only, and not upon the Im provements thereon; and said appor tionment and assessment having been duly made and reported to the Recorder of said City; NOW THEREFORE, In accord ance with the provtsons ot said Char Ctty of St. Melons doos ordain as follows'. tor ;'.nd said ordlnanc No. 161, the Section 1. That the following sums be, and the same hereby are, assessed among the real property owners ot Sewer District No. 3, ot said City, upon the respective lots de scribed and embraced in said Ordi nance and heroin; and that said sums so set against the number of such Lots, be and the same hereby are assessed to the Lots so designated, and apportioned among the real property owners so named, based upon the last proceeding assessment of real property only and not upon the Improvements thereon, In accord ance with the provisions of the Charter and ordinance ot said City of St. Helens, towlt; Block 1, in Columbia lark, Oregon, now part of Ht, Helens. Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4, Lot 6, Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot 8, Lot 9, Lot 10, Lot 11, Lot 12, Lot 13, Lot 14, Lot 15, Lot 16, Lot 17, Lot 18, Lot 19, Lot 20, Lot 21, Lot 22, Description. Block 1 Block 1 Blck 1 Block 1 Block 1 Block 1 Block 1 Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Park, Park, Park, Park, Park, Park, Park, Block 1, Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Block 1 Columbia Park, Owner. Assoosmont L. O. Ross $100.06 L. O. Ross 83.38 Harold P. Ross 79.21 Edwin Ross 79.21 Edwin Ross Edwin Robs Edwin Ross 79.21 J. W. McDonald ". . . . 79.21 Wm M. & Fannie P. Ross Wm. M. & Fannie P. Ross Wm. M. & Fannie P. Ross R. J. Horn 66.70 Ch as. O. Tabor 66.70 Mat and, Johanna Oabrlelson 66.70 Victor Forceman 66.70 P. A. Nolson 66.70 P. A. Nelsou 66.70 Edwin Ross 66.70 Edwin Ross 66.70 Harold P. Ross 70.87 D. A. Hamilton .... 70.87 E. C. and Pearl Stan wood.. 83.38 79.21 79.21 79.21 79.21 79.21 Block 2, in Columbia Pak, Ore gon, now part of Ht. nolens. Description. 1, Block 2, Columbia Park, 2, BIock2, Columbia Park, 3,. Block 2, Columbia Park, 4, Block 2, Columba Park. Lot S5, Block 2, Columbia Park, Lot N5, Block2, Columbia Park, Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14. 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 22, Block 2, Columbia Park, Owner. Assessment. John B. Reubens 76.04 John B. Reubens ......... 66.71 Otto Edlund i 66.71 Oust Lavln 66.71 Gust Lavln 83.36 Henry and Robo Helgorson Henry and Rose Helgerson 33.36 66.71 Block 2, Columbia Park,' J. B. Cooper 66.71 Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, BJock 2, Columbia Park, Block 2, Columbia Park, Alva C. Tracy 66.71 Alva C. Tracy ........... . 66.70 Alt JohanBen 66.71 Eva Wlnoland 66.70 Alt Johansen 62.64 Alt Johansen 62.68 Geo. Swanson 62.63 George Swanson 62.64 Jennie Oaitman 62.63 Jennie Gartman 62.64 Clara Johnson 62.63 Jennie Forsman 62.64 Gust Edlund 62.63 Fred Hedlund 60.03 Fred Hedlund 62.64 Block 8, in Columbia Park, Ore gon, now a part ot Bt. Helena. Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Description. 1, Block 3, Columbia Park. Block 3, Columbia Park, Block 3, Columba Park, Block 3, Columbia Park, Block 3, Columbia Park, Block 3, Columbia Park, Block 3, Columbia Park, 2, 3. 4, 6." 6, 7, 8, 8. 10. 11, Owner. Aasossmont. Peter Person 70.87 Peter Person 62.64 Alex and W. L. Harrte..,. 62.63 M. F. and M. A. Hazen 62.64 Mobo Woodago 62.63 Flora M. Owen 62.64 Lulu E. Parmely 62.63 Block 3, Columbia Park, O. M. Ketel 62.64 Block 3, Columbia Park, Block 3, Columbia Park, Block 3, Columbia Park, Arthur Reed Arthur and Hazel Reed 62.63 62.64 Lulu E. Parmely 62.63 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot ' NH Lot Lot Lot Lot S.64 2.S4 :.v J5l .M 2t( 70 h Lot Lot Lot Lot 12, Block 3, Columbia Park, Estate of O. J. cirv 13, Block 8, Columbia Park, Lulu E. Parmoly . 14, Block 8, Columbia Tark. Clifton H. Tucker"."'"" 16, Block 3, Columbia Park, Edwin W. Ketel 16, Block 3, Columbia Park. Edwin W. Ketel , j" 17, Block 3, Columbia Park, Augusta Oloen Putt's" 18, Block 8, Columbia Park, Augusta Oleen Butts 19, Block 3, Columbia Park, W ,B Dllhtrd '. 20, Block 3, Columbia Park, W. II. lN'lard 21, Block 3, Columbia Park, Carrie Klbortson" " " ' 22, Block 3, Columbia Park, Matilda J. Ross . " , Block 4, In Columbia Park, Ore gon, now part of Ht. IM 1, Bloek 4, Columbia Park, C. C. Cassett Amiiit 3, Block 4, Columbia Paik, L. E. Qulker... 3, Block 4, Columbia Park, J. II. Cronklto . , , 11 s' 4, Block 4, Columbia Park, Hulda Blakesloy'" Lot 5, Block 4, Columbia Park, J. H. Cronklte , " " Lot 6, Block 4, Columbia Park, John O. Prlnglo " " " 6, Block 4, Columbia Park, John O. Prlngle 20, Block 4, Columbia Park, John O. Prlngle " 21, Block 4, Columbia Park, Victor O. Dahlgro'n "!"' " 22, Block 4, Columbia Park,- J. a. BUI 1,55 liiiH'K nil, in Hi Helens, Oregon. Description. Lot 1 Block 30, Lot 2. Block 30, Lot 3, Block 30, Lot 4. Block SO, Lot 6, Block 30, Lot I, Block 80, Lot 7, Block 80, Lot 8, Block 80, Lot 9. Block 30, Lot 10, Block 30, Lot It, Block 30, Lot 12, Block 30, Lot 13. Block 30 Lot 14, Block 30, B Docclptlon. Lot 1, Block 4 5, Lot 2. Block 45, Lot 3, Block 45, Lot 4, Block 46, Lot 5, Block 46, Lot 6, Block 45, Lot 7, Block 45, Lot 8. Block 45, Lot 9, Block 45. Lot 10 Block 4 6, Lot 11, Block 45, Lot 12, Block 46, Lot 13, Block 46, Lot 14, Block 45. Lot 15, Block 45, It 16, Block 46, Lot 17. Block 45, Lot 18, Block 46. Lot 19, Block 45, Lot 20, Block 46, Lot 21, Block 45, Lot 22, Block 45, St St. Helens, Bt. Helens. St. Helens, St. Helens, 125.07 1.71 11.31 St. Helena,, FannoTRos. ... Attots Bt. Helens, Fanne P. Ross 8t. Helens, Hattle Voasle ... Helens, Mre. John Popeloy . . '.: St. Helens, Knute MJorkman . . .1 , St. Helens. W. B. and C. K. Guild "' " ,1 Bt. Helens, R. II. and L. Robortson . ' " ! C. B. Whltnoy " Mary E. Morton " .,,! O. II. Landcrtft '" E. Adln Ross " ,,.! St. Helens, John I. Montgomery 100 St. Helena, C. 11. Land ci aft 8t. Helena, Mary B. Morton u Owaer. DesMn.b.. St. Holens, Q. F. Robertson 135 u Bi. jieiens, ixsopoid ana nose Duront . . 61 7 St. Helens, Leopold and Rose Dupont . . 75 St. Holens, Leopold and Rose Dupont . . n.U St. Helens, Leopold and Rose Dupont . , 75.04 St. Helens, Leopold and Rose Dupont . . 71 j4 St. Helena, John B. and Frona Knuboiii n.H St. Helens, John B. and Frona Reubens 76.04 8t. Helens, John B. and Frona Roubens 75,01 St. Helens, John B. and Frona Reubens 76.01 St. Holens, John B. and Frona Ueubtni 7l St. Holons, John II. and Frona Reubens 83.11 St. Helons, John B. and Frona Reubens 60.01 St. Helens, John II. and Frona Reubens 60.61 St. Helens, John H. and Frona Reubens 64 10 8t. Helens, John B. and Frona Reubens till St. Helens, T. B. and Azllda J. Lott .....6I.J1 tl.'l (lit (I.Tt St. Helons. T. B. acd Azllda J. Lott St Helens, R. C. and Effle M. Karth . St. Helons, R. C. and Effle M. Karth . St. Helens, James Dart 11.70 8t. Holens, Jamea Dart 160.01 Block 4a, In Ht. Helena Oregon. Description. Owuer Lot 1, Block 46, Bt. Helons, Lot 2, Block 46, St. Helens. Lot 3, Block 46, St. Helons, Lot 4, Block 46, Bt. Holens, Lot 6, Block 46, Bt. Helens, Lot 6, Block 46. St. Helons, Lot 7, Block 46, St. Helens, Lot 8, Block 46, Bt. Helens, Lot 9, Block 4 6, St. Helons, Lot 10 Block 46, St. Helens, Lot 11, Block 46, St. Helena, Lot 12. Bock 4 6, Bt. Helens. Lot 13, Block 46, St. Helons, Lot 14 Block 46, 8t. Helons Lot 15, Block 46, St. Holons, Lot 16. Block 46, St. Holens, Lot 17, Block 46, St. Helens, Lot 18, Block 46, St. He ens, Lot 19. Block 46, St. Helens, Lot 20, Block 46, St. Helons, Lot 21, Block 46, Bt. Helens, Lot 22. Block 46, Bt. Helens, Assessment 76 OS 70.S7 7111 IMS 75.04 76.04 75.06 75.04 100.01 B. and Azllda J. Lott .... 76 04 St. Helons, Lucy Felton , 75.04 B. U. Robertson 75.04 Lucy Felton 75.05 St. Helons, Lucy Felton 75.04 St. Helens, Jacob Bkuza 76.04 Bt. Helens, Jacob Bkuza 7504 Helens, T. B. and Azllda J. Lott . Helens, T. H. and Azlda J. Lott . Helena, T. 1. and Azllda J. Lott . Helens, T. II. and Azllda J. Lott . Helons, T. B. and Azllda J. Lott . Helons T. I), and Azllda J. Lott . St. Holons, Jacob Skuza 76.04 St. Holens, Jacob Skuza 75.05 St. Helens, Lucy Felton 76.04 St. He ens, Lucy Folton 76.04 St. Helens, Lucy Felton 76.4)4 T. II. and AzIUla J. Lott T. B. and Azllda J. Lott . Bt. Helens, T. B. and Azllda J. Lott . t'nlon Kijuarn, Ht. Helens, Oregon. Description. Owner. Ausoiamont 19, Union Square, Bt. Helens, City of Bt. Helens I 76.04 20, Union Square, Bt. Helens, City of St. Helen $ 75 04 21, Unon Squaro, St. Helons. City of St. Holons $ 75 04 22, Union 8quare, St. Helens. City of St. Helens 83.88 Ownor. Asses-iu fnt. 8t. Helens, Carrie Waters $133.41 St. Helens, Carrie Waters 1 25.07 Bt. Helons, Harold and C. C. Maaton .. 1 25.07 Bt. Holens, W. A. Harris 108.SO St. HolonB, W. A. Harris 108.40 Bt. Helens, W. A. Harris 108.30 Bt. Helens, W. A. Harrl 108.40 St. Holons, Augusta Oleen Butt H873 St. Holons, Charles Muckle H'" Bt. Helens, Charles Muokle U3AI St. Holens, J. S. and Hattle Mowrey ... . 160.08 Bt. Helens, Josoph Kelley 183.41 St. He'ens, D. T. Cagle 1331 Bt. Helens, W. A. Harris 133.41 St. Helons, W. A. Harris U-41 St. Helens, W. A. Harrln 133.41 B.t Helens, W. A. Harris 133.41 St. Helens. Harold and C. C. Maaton .. 133.41 St. HolonB, Holcomb Frank ........... 137.67 St. Helens, Frank Holcomb 146-tI ix k 47, In Bt. Helens, Oregon. , Owner Assor.m4it. St. Helens, Annlo M. Richardson $135.07 St. Helons, Annie M. Richardson Bt. Holens, Annie M. Ill hardson 83.38 St. Holons, Oregon W. od Co 83 3 St. Holons, Elon Fe'ton 83.31 St. Helons, S. A. Miles, Estate 83.31 St. Helons, 8. A. MIIob, Estato 8338 St. Helons, Elsie H. Biinn 83.88 St. Holons, J. and C. Jo'-inson 83 811 St. Helens, J. and C. Johnion 83 38 St. Helena, T. B. and Asllda J. Lott.... 108.40 St. Helens, T. B. and A2ll'da J. Lott . . 8384 St. Helens, J. and C. Johnson H873 St. Helens, J. and C. Johnson H8-73 St. Holens, Wm. Brlnn H873 St. Helens, 8. A. Miles Ejtat H8 73 St. Helens, 8. A. Miles Estate H8-78 Bt. Helens, Elon Felton H8 73 St. Holens, Oregon Wood Co 116.73 St. Helons, Annie M. Richardson 100.06 (Continued on page 7.) Doccrip'.ion. Lot 2. Block 44, Lot 3, Block 44, Lot 4, Block 44, Lot 6, Block 44, Lot 6, Block 44, Lot 7, Block 44, Lot 8, Block 44, Lot 9, Block 44, Lot 10, Block 44, Lot 11,- Block 44, Lot 12, Block 44, Lot 13, Block 44, Lot 14, Block 44, Lot 15, Block 44, Lot J6, Block 44, Lot 17, Block 44. Lot 18, Block 44, Lot 19 Block 44, Lot 20, Block 44, Lot 21, Block 44, II Description. Lot 1, Block 47, Lot 2, Block 47, Lot 3, Block 47, Lot 4, Block 47, Lot 6, Block 47, Lot 6, Block 47, Lot 7, Block 47, Lot 8, Block 47, Lot , Block 47, Lot 10, Block 47, Lot 11, Block 47, Lot 12, Block 47, Lot 13 Block, 47, Lot 14, Block 47, Lot 16, Block 47, Lot 16, Block 47, Lot 17, Block 47, Lot 18, Block 47, Lot 19, Block 47, Lot 20, Block 47,