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PERSONAL NOTES Rev. F. J. Meyer was a Portland visitor last Monday. Mrs. L. J. Van Orshoven has been quite 111 the past woelc. Dr. McLaren, of Halnlor, was vis iting friends In Bt. Helens Wednes day. II. S. Mason attended to business matters In I'orMand ono dry this week. Marlon Cox spent several days this week In Portland with Mrs. W. 11. McKay. W A mrs. r. j. meyer spent several days In Portland last week, visiting friends. Dr. W. R. Din I) am attended to business matters in Portland last Monday. Dr. C B. Wade hns gono to Port land to spond Christmas with frlonds in that city. Fred DoNoffo, a Portland attorney, was transacting business In St. Hel ens Monday. John Farr, of Warron, was in St. Helens yesterday attending to busi ness matters. Mrs. Ben Hunter, of Door Island, was a business visitor in St. Helens last Tuesday. J. P. Emmerson, of Mayger, was tranoacting business In St. Holens last Saturday. Mrs. Crandall, of Seattle, Wash., Is vUltlng with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Ross, In St. Helens. Peter Hoffman, of Ilncona, wns looking after business matters In St. Helens last Saturday. Fred Adams, the well known Deer Island farmer and stockman, was in St. Helena Wednesday. A. H. Tarbell, the Warren dairy man, was attending to busnless mat ters in St. Holens last Saturday. Dr. S. C. Slocum, coronoi- of Mult nomah County, was a Sunday guest of Dr. C. E. Wade In St. Holens. Chailos Johnson, a prominent farmer, of Warren, was transacting business In St. Helens last Saturday. Gus Lange, a prominent farmer, of Scappoose, was attending to business ni attars In St. Helens last Saturday. Mrs. A. C. Tucker and children are spending tho holidays in Portland with Mrs. Tucker's mother, Mrs. Raab. Miss E. May Jones, one of tho St. Helens teachora, is spending the Christmas holidays with friends In Poitland. T. A. Cloningor came down from Portland Tuesday and attended to buslnes matters In St. Helens a couplo of days. Captain and Mrs. E. T. Watts, of Portland, are spondlng Christmas Day In St. Helens, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Davis. George B. Conyors, of ClatBkanle, left last week for Kansas City, Mo., where he will spend the holidays with his sisters, the Mrs. Smiths. Prof. L. L. Baker, of the St. Hel ens High School, is attending the meeting of the State Teachers As sociation, at Eugene, this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. But'er, of Doer Island, motored to Portland Tuesday. They were accompanied from St. Hol ens by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob George. The funeral of Nells Rasmussen, the young man who commute sui cide laBt week, was held Monday and interment was In the I. O. O. F. cem etery at Warren. Judge Eakln came up from Astoria Wednesday and disposed of some equity matters ponding. Ho was ac companied by Carl Knutsen, tho of ficial report- r of the district. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. John, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. John and Miss DoDrothy John left yesterday for Portland and will spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Porcy George accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Downing motored down from Portland last Sunday and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. George. K. F. Larson, of Warren, was at tending to business matters in St. Helens Wednosduy. Mr. Larson Is another taxpayer who Is taking a lively Interest In tax matters this year. Mrs. George Brlnn donated a beau tiful sofa pillow to tho Mutr tlilu week, which was quickly sold, tho proceeds, $12.76,- going Into the treasury of the cliar'table organiza tion W. J. Fullerton camo down from his farm at Warren Tuesday. Billy has Just finished a modern farm resi dence on his place and will probably spend a portion of his time there this winter. Mrs. Mildred Watts, of Scappoose, spent Wednesday afternoon In St. Helens. Mrs. Watts Is one of the most interested citizens of the county In tax matters and she la able to speak with authority on many sub Jocts concerning the tax question. BIG AUTOMOBILE RUNS OFF GRADE Last Monday evening while re turning from Warren in the big auto bus, C. E. Stevens ran Into some object In the road near the black smith shop, and the big car plunged Into the ditch boslde the road. Two people were In the car with him, but he was running slow aud the car Just slid off the bank easily and set tled down on her side. FLOATING ICE IS NAVIGATOR'S BANE Ice In the river the past week has been the cause of much delay In river traffic. As a matter of fact about the only boats to keep regularly on the river run were the Iralda and Ame.lca. These boats are running on schedule time and It seoins that It will tuke more than floating lco to stop them from making dully trips. The Ice today seoms to be breaking away considerably and It seems to be moderating rapidly so that It Is prob able the river will soon bo cloar for traff'o again. REBEKAH LODGE ORGANIZED HERE Last Saturday night Mrs. Wood man, of Sollwood, Ore., Ornnil Dep uty of tho Rohukah Lodge of Oregon Instituted St. Helens Lodge No. 218 of the Rebokuhs. Tho degree team of St. Johns Lodge, about thirty strong, came down In autos and put on tho Initiatory work. About 100 peoplo altogether woro present, there being ton old members who signed the application for the chartor and eloven applicants to be Initiated. Several others had signed the appli cation but wero unahlo to bo present. The work was boaullfully handled by the St. Johns team and the mem bers were well pleased with the start made In St. Holens. Officers were elected as follows: Mrs. L. E. Allen, N. G.; Mrs Mary Christie, V. a.; Mrs. Ora Bennett, Sec; Mrs. Lansing, Treas. GETTING READY TO LAUNCH BIG SHIP Captain Edward JulinBon, Commo dore of the McCormlck fleet of lum ber carriers, arrived in St. Holens this week and will romaln hore to oversee the work of preparing the big new boat for launching Captain Jahnsen has been present at every launching by the company since It was organizod, and In company with J. H. Prlco, the manager and sup erintendent of tho St. Holens Ship building Company, has boon success ful In each launching. The new boat will require about two weeks work yet bofore It will be ready to take to the water and the water In the river must ralso a little be fore it will bo safe to undertake the Job. However, It is planned now to slide the big hull Into the water about the 1 0th of January and with in a few days after that event Cap tain Jahnsen, of the Klamath, will take the new boat In tow for San Francisco, where the machinery will be Installed. About the first of March the boat will be placed on the run from here to California ports in the lumber and freight carrying business. AUTOMOBILE FIRM IS DISSOLVED The firm of McCoy & Ellerson, In the automobile business has been dissolved and Mr. McCoy will con tinue In the business. Mr. Eller son took over the White car and with his family has moved to Portland. TRKNHOLM NEWS Mrs. Phil Holdon has returned homo from a short visit In Portland. Preparation! nre being made tor a largo community dinner and treo for Chrlctmaa day. Our Dramatlo Club Is progressing rapidly, a Jolly entertainment Is promised by them for Christmas eve. Mr. C. A. Brsmblo Is amongst us onco more, as foreman of the bolt outtors, for the Wostorri Cooperage Company. Invitation are out for a birthday jmrty at Mastor James Kotol's, ou December 1(. Tho occasion boing his fifth birthday. I. G. Wikslrom, tho saw mill man and farmer, of Scappoose, was trans acting business In St. Helens yos-torday. COURT PROCEEDINGS Partial Report November-December Deliberations. Numerous Orders Mmlo and Iaiiik IilNt of Claim Audited und Ordered Paid. HAN'T A CLAVH AT NOAII'H ARK. Wednesday afternoon a real live Santa Claus stopped for an hour at Noah's Ark to spread happiness to the hearts of tho little folks and dur ing that time the store was a verita ble bee hive of activity. Santa mado a decision as to the best two letters written to him at the store and awarded them to Marlon Sten and Harry Rubena These little tcts are each six years old and their letters are printed below: " St. Helens, Deo. 4, 1914. Dear Old Santa Claus. I trying my best to be good as I know you like good boys. I want a trycule and a toy monkey that Is in Mr. Tabor's store. I liopo you send them with love. From HARRY RUBENS." "Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl six years old and I have had dolls but they are all broke and I would like to have a new doll and will you give me ono. My little sister Is too small to write, but she wants a broom and can you give her one when you come with my doll. I will be sleeping when you come so put it in my stocking. MARION STEN." METHODIST NOTES Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Preaching 11:00 a. m. Thome: "Looking Back Over the Year." Epworth League 6:30. Evening sermon 7:30. Thome: "Resolutions for the New Year." These sorvlces will be helpful to all, so come, worship with us if you have no church home. Special evangelistic meetings will hog In on Sunday January 8. ChrtRtmas exeiclses and troo at the church tonight. V. N. Sandlfur. (Contlnuod from pnga 6.) Bond Fund Nolinlem. Nowoll, J. R. . . ; 82.00 Bishop, J.'N C3.33 Wlllllt, T 1.67 Knapp, O. 8 106.00 Motor, E 48.07 Bond Fund Columbia. Williams, A 4.86 Van Bcoy, P 10.60 Oregon Eloctrlo Ry 17.00 S. P. & 8. Ry 10.66 Thompson, Chas. A 18.60 Kelloy, C. C J8.70 Williams, A 166.00 Hlckox, F. 63.33 Marlon M 6.33 Schott, R. C 80.00 Darling, W. H 29.33 Forsyth, R. J 80.00 Borchers, L 70.00 Kelloy, C. C 176.00 Bywator, J. B 00.00 Ayros, H. A 166.00 Bailey, J. W 80.00 FlUpatrlck, L 70.00 Drinkall, F. N. 36.00 Hackett, H. N 12.40 Ayrcs, H. A 27.70 Griswold, L 60.00 Barthold, Barg Co 17.16 Kllbam Sta. & Ptg. Co. . . 6.64 Consolidated Con. Co. .. 18,443.36 Rlploy, R. W 80.00 O'Brien, V 03.66 Hackett, H. N 166.00 Larson, A. N 49.00 Ihompson, C. A 166.00 Thompson, W. T 80.00 Harding, L. 0 70.00 Bishop, E. H 90.00 Van Scoy, P 41.33 Harris, E. R go. 00 Kennedy, M 70.00 Bockwlth, P. . 100.00 General Rood Fund. Ambrose Burdsall Co. . . 378.67 Cronkite, J. II 26.70 Crouse, Perley 11.28 St. Hotens Lumber Co... 19.?0 Krlckson Basse Co 2.60 Mannlla II 6.00 Hormo, Chas. 6.60 Payne, W. W 4.16 Santa Crux Portland Ce ment Co 7. B0 Titus Loo. B 3.25 Davtos, Wm. H "2.60 Erlckson, Jos. Jr 8.70 Ratta, A 6.00 Orogon Lumber Co 30.79 Tolva, A 6.00 Lovegren, P. E 6 76 Bolknap, 0 89.61 Westby, Fred 18.00 Fresh, M 8.00 Melllngor, W. J 14.38 Popejoy, A. C 13.76 Owens, Jas 18.76 Oloson, Olaf 20.00 Crouso, L. M 21.26 Woodward, J 63.76 Dspatn, E 28.13 lasla, B 29.38 Turner, C 66.26 Welch, R. L 2.60 Giltner, B. F 160.00 Boulby, Ed . . . . 61.00 Morgando, John 28.13 Nichols, T.N 28.13 Barnes, W. E 63.76 Turner, A 17.60 Crouso, Colen 19.88 Crouse, C. F. A 12.60 Stevens, J ' 88.13 Canfield, J. 29.38 Crouse, Perley 61.26 Abbott, Fred 26.63 (Contlnuod next veek.) BOWLBY TALKS OF HARD SURFACE ROADS (Continued from page 1.) way to build tho road on tho. west side of the track from Scappoose to Warren with tho full understanding according to tho Stixto Highway Com mlsrion, will, when tho road Is put In proper shape, so to take over the road hardsurfaclng and maintain It. I leave it to the taxpaye.o who at tondod those meetings before bond ing the oounty, and to the editors of our papers, If this la not a fact. I ask our edltcra to publish a copy of H. L. Bowlby'a answer to Secretary Olcott In reply to my letter of In quiry, j The letter I published last week from State Treasurer Kay states at tho closo. "Howovur, the State Highway Commission has mado no promises as to future assistance as they do not know that the appro priation will be continued." Now how can our present Ccunty Court levy a ten mill road tax and dish It out to Mr. Bowlby ns they have boon doing. We hepo every taxpayer will no, hand to consult with tho Court on tho 29th, and see that tho overburdonod ti.xpayer gets Justtco. Yours recpoctfully, MILDRED J. WATTS. In Columbia County, State of Ore gon. You are further notified that said Goo. II. Shlnn has paid taxes on said premises for prior and subsequent years with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: Year's tax, 1911, date paid, March 13, 1912, tax receipt No. 1742, amount 126.03, rate of interest 12 per cent. Year's tax, 1912, date paid, April 2, 1913, tax receipt No. 3012, amount $21.68, rate of Interest 12 per cent Year's tax 1913, dste paid March 31, 1914, tax receipt No. 8326, amount, $40.90, rate of Interest 12 per cent. Year's tax 1913, date paid Septem ber 29, 1913, fire patrol, amount $1.20, rate of Interest, 12 por cent. Year'a tax 1914, uato pnld, Septem ber 23, 1914, fire patrol, amount, $4.80, rate of Interest 12 per cent: Said Charlos Colean as the owner of the legal title of the above de scribed property as tho same appears of record, . and each of the other persons abovo named are hereby further notified that Geo. II. Shlnn, who has filed his complaint In the above entlted Court for the foreclosure of said certificate of do- KPIHCOP.Ui 8KHVICKH. Thero will be a Christmas celebra tion In Christ Episcopal church next Sunday evening, Doccmbor 27, at 7:30. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. Pigs for Salo, by C. J. Larson, Warren, Oro Wan tod. A few good milch cows. Cado Bros., St. Helens. IXMHT. Lost A Jersey heifer with dark colored head. Wm. Skuilc, Warren. H)H BALK. Franklin fireplace hosting stove cheap. Enquire at Mist office. WANTKI) PIIKHII COWS. We will buy your Fresh Cows, If tost satisfactory, or sell you one. Write or phone, Clover Hill Farms. Doer Island, Oregon. KttTRAY NOTICE. I havi lost two Hotestene year ling heifers, with the tip of right tat cut off.' I will pay reward for recov ery of same. K. F. LARSEN, Warren. 0 HAY FOll BALK. Timothy, baled and loose, clover baled. Car load oidors will rocclve special attontlon. C. O. DAHLGREN. Phone 102-7. Warren, Ore. OA III) OK THANKS Tlio children of the lato deceased, Mrs. Mary Choldolln, desire to ten dor'tholr thanks to the many frlonds who so kindly aided them during the Illness and death of their bolovod mother. JOHN F. CHELDELIN. FOR BALK. Thoroughbred White Leghorn Cockerels. These birds were raised from trap nested stock. Over 200 eggs yearly. $3.00 each. Also White Wyandotte Cockerels, $2.60 each. J. E. EGGMAN, 4tD Houlton. HI MMONH FOR PUBLICATION IN l'OUKCLOHl'RK OF TAX LIKN. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Orogon, for Columbia County. Goo. II. Shlnn, plaintiff vs. Charlos Colean and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, tltlo, estate, Hen or interest In tho real estate described In the complaint herein, dofendents. To Charles Coloan, the owner of the legal and recorded title of the real property herein described, as the same appears of record, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate lion or Interest In the real estate describ ed In the complaint herein, the above namod dofendant. In the Name of the State of Orogon: You are hereby no,-flod that Geo. H. Shlnn,- the holdei of Certificate of Dellnqulncy numbered 90 Issued on the 8rd day of October, 1911, by the Tax Collector of the County of Columbia, State of Oregon, for the amount of Twenty-six and 34-100 ($26.34) dollars the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1910 together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon upon the roal property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated In said County and State, and particularly bounded and described aa follows, towlt: The northwest quarter of the southwest quarter (NW of 8W14) of Soctlon Twenty-three (23) Town ship Five (6) North of Range Three (3) West of the Wlllnme'te Meridian llnquency No. o7wT;i v .rcuii ourt of tl.e County " J aforesaid r . a ."''"M "en against tZll crlbed. and meniioT tlflcate. And you sr, w"" moned to aonear i.... .. H after the date of the fr,, ' of thi. ..m.m "l toUUi "Cliu r of it of said first DubM,,,.. '.tht this action or pay the . 41 sho . !' "motdJ " , . "w with cod. accrued Interest, ad nCM!Tl fallur In ,t . ... 0f r ., . uocree will U dered foreclosing ihei,lttl taxes and cost, .gainst th. J, premises above namnd ; This summon. 1. pubLe. er of the Honorable j . , , Judgo of the Clrcu,t 'fourt'0, State of Orecon, for t),, Cou. Columbia, and said order u 1 and dated the 23rd day f rw '" i"e date of the ftm llcatlon of this summons Is the day of December, 1914 All process and p.pert In thu, ie served upon the J derslgnod residing witlii,, the gj oi Oregon, at the addreis herea! mentioned. J- W. DAT Attorney for the Pi.u Addross Bunk Building, 8t. Htkj uregon. JAS. MUCKLE & SON GOODS OF QUALITY" life with to thank you for your patronage during the past year, and take this priv ilege to extend to all a Merry Chittmas and bright and prosperous New Year. 9 Williams A Hall Co Candy Figs Cranberries (home o Jap Oranges Golden Dates Newton Apples Williams & Hall Company m HONESTY IS OUR POLICY. MERRY CHRISTMAS To you and yours the Columb la County Rink wishes a Morry Christmas a Christmas Day whoso Joys may abldo with you through many, many days to come. With Tiny Tim we Join In a "God Dlens us every one." COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK 1 OLDEST IN THE COUNTY ST. HELENS, OREGCN. We pay 4 per cent interest In our Savings Department ft