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St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, March 05, 1915, Image 6

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5 Personal News J
Attorney J. W. Day tu a busi
ness visitor last Tuesday.
Mrs. Fred H. Adams, of Goble.
m la SL Helens Wednesday.
Mrs. J. L. Cook Tisited last Satur
day with friends in Portland.
H. F. McComick was a business
visitor in Portland Wednesday.
Mr. J. M. Hanson was a business
visitor in Portland Wednesday.
Mrs. M. F. Haxen was Tisiiins in
Portland Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dr. J. L. Zipperer was a business
visitor at Clatskanie last Monday.
Miss Lucille Slade went to Port
land Wednesday on a shopping tour.
A. S. Harrison and son and daugh
ter motored to Portland last Sunday.
Mrs. E .C SUnwood was a Port
land visitor last Saturday and Sun
day. John Testing, of St. Johns, visited
with friends in SL Helens last Sun
day. Herbert Wharton has been reap
pointed postmaster at Columbia
City. v
Mrs. W. G. Muckle visited friends
in Portland several days during the
week. " . A '
. Rolaa Mastea was attending to
business matters in Portland last.
Miss Mary McGregor and sliter, of
Deer Island, were in St. Helens last
Mr. and Mrs. Frank George went
to Portland last Saturday on a basi
ness trip. V JL.
"Mrs. Delm&r Marten, of Tanktou
visited relatives in St. Helens during
the week.
Jack Root went to Portland last
Saturday, where he Intends to spend
the summer.
Prof, and Mrs. TJregaut, of West
St. Helens, spent Saturday and Sun
day in Portland.
W. H. Powell, of Portland, was
transacting legal business in St. Hel
ens yesterday.
J. W. Patrick, of Goble, attended
the Bed men celebration in St Hel
ens last Friday.
Mr. Carl Christensen, of Raymond,
Washington, is visiting friends in St.
Helens this week,
Mrs. Iris W. Oliver, of West SL
Helens, was in Portland last Monday,
receiving treatment for an ailment
of. the shoulder.
"Charles Ross, the son of Dr. and
Mrs. Edwin Ross, is quite ill at his
home in this city.
i J. M. Lindsay, a prominent farm--er
cf Coble, was a vis:tor in St .Hel
ens' last Saturday.
Mrs. B. W. Perkins is visiting this
week in St. Helens, the guest of Mrs.
IL-P. McCormlck. " -
JWr. and Mrs. C. H. John and Miss
Dorothy spent last Saturday with
' friends in Portland. ; ;
Mrs. Craham, cf Portland, was
th" guest of Mrs. A. J. Peel in St.
Helens during the seek. '
JPrank Miles came down from
Portland Tuesday to look after busi
ness affairs in St. Helens.
"Mrs. H. Mott Allen returned to St.
Helens after a visit of some time
wlli relatives in Portland.
Mrs. (L. A. Jones, of Rainier, visit
ed te SL Helens Tuesday the guest of
her sister. Miss E. May Jones.
JEarl Perry was down from Port
land Wednesday on business con
nected ita his monument works.
' 'Jos. Erickson, the farmer and
merchant of Warren, was transact
icg business in St. Helens Wednes-
da- ; , ,
Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Baker and Mrs.
0.(A. Erickson, of Warren, were
business visitors in SL Helens Tues-
Fred ftagan left Wednesday morn
ing for Seattle on business connected
-wtth the manufacture of his inven
tions. c
Sir. and Mrs. Myron Brown, of
Nebraska, are in St. Helens this
week v&Iting their niece, Mrs. John
ilr. and Mrs. John Farr, of War
ren, attended the funeral services of
th late W. D. Case at SL Helens last
Saturday. '.
Mr. jand Mrs. A. H. Tarbell, of
Warren; attended the funeral services
of tne late W. D. Case at SL Helens
last Saturday
Harry West, the well known Jer
sey cattleman, of Scappoose, was
looking after business matters In St.
Helens yesterday.
W E. Mackinster, a business man
of Goble, was an active participant
in the RedmetV festivities in SL Hel
ens last Frlhajr.
.Miss Ccnlogue, cne of the effi
cient teachers of the Houlton school,
visited friends in Portland last Sat
urday aid Sunday.,
'lr. and Mrs. P. E. Brockway, of
Trenholm. passed Jthrough St. Hel
ens last Saturday en. route home
from a visit in Portland.
L. R. Rutheifoi'i has been L: dis
posed ail week, being confined to his
Mrs. Kinary, of SL Helens, and
.Mrs. J. B. Thayer, of Columbia City,
were return psssengers on the I raid i
Tuesday evening from Portland.
Mr and Mrs. E. V. John, f this
city, ware guests last Saturday and
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A- A. Gali
chkj, at Kose City Park, Portland.
Mrs. Keck returned borne this
week from the hospital in Portland,
where she has been for several
weeks. She is recovering rapidly.
James D. McKay, road supervis
or of road district No. 1, Scappoose,
was attending the session of the
County Court in SL Helens Wednes
day. Mrs. D. L. Turner, cf Gresbam.
spent several days in SL Hetens dur
ing the week visiting her son. Harley
Turner, and daughter, Mr. W. G.
Mrs. W. P. Harrison returned
Tuesday evening from Portland,
where she had been wi:h her hus
band, who is in SL Vincent hospital
in that city
Mrs. John Pringle went to Tort
land Monday to visit with her neice.
Miss Mable Pringle, who is recover
ing from an operation at one of the
Portland hospitals.
Mrs. John Tabor entertained with
Five Hundred at her home in SL Hel
ens, Monday evening. Miss Marie
Paulsen won the first priie and Mrs.
labor captured the consolation prize.
F. S. Walton and ftmily. who have
been conducting a restaumnt in SL
Helens for some months, have sold
ut and started Wednesday for Bell-
Urayam, Wash., where they will
'take their home in the future
Jacob George, of the SL Helens
Hotel, and Dr. L. J. Z:pperer, of the
local telephone service, were ming
ling wiih their Shriner brethren in
Portland list Saturday eight, when
they witnessed the ceremonials
which created Shriners from a cltss
of over thirty
We wish to acknowledge receipt
of a very pleasant call from Mr. C.
A. Nut, editor of the Rainier Re
view, who was in the city on Wed
nesday. We can readily understand
why the Review is such a splendid
paper. lis editor, although a com
paratively young man. is a very
silendid editor, a most affable gen
Jeman and a hard worker
Ei-County Commissioner B. J.
Ceelan, of Deer Island, was in town
Tuesday. Mr. Keelan is a genuine
booster for his section of the county.
Such loyalty to tome as displayed
by him shoots a thrill of admiration
into his hearers, and to be honest
about it, the brother has the right to
boost long and loud for a ssction as
good as Deer Inland.
Keturah Dixon is absent this week
cn account of illness.
Frank Robison and Fred Morgus
were High School visitors Wednes
day. :
The play shed has been much im
proved by having the floor filled in
and leveled.
The freshmen have organized a
base ball team, and are getting in
trim for the season.
The nert Am. Lit. classic is the
"Oregon TraiL" It's our first time
over ths trr'1. but wo hope to enjoy
The basket ball season is about
over, but base ball is taking its
place. We hope to organize a good
High School team.
The High School Basket Ball
team played La Center, Wash.. High
School Friday, the 2Cth, winning by
four points. They report a very ex
citing game. . . . .
Comrade Pays l-at Tribute to His
War-Time Friend.
Goble, Ore., March 2, 1915.
J. "W. Armstrong, a resident of
Xeer City, one of the well known
residents of this community, died on
the 24th of last month. He was a
member of Goble Grange No. 329,
also a Comrade of Hancock Post No.
21, of Rainier, Deparcment of Ore
gon, Grand Army of the Repub
lics Deceased was Jl years old, a
native of New Tork; . served his
country for over three and one-half
years during the Civil War, in Com
pany F, Cth Michigan infantry. We,
of Hancock Post, will miss him at
our meetings, as our ranks are very
thin. His death leaves us with only
eight comrades. He was loved and
respected by all who know him. He
leaves a wife, one son and several
grandchildren. The runeral ceremo
nies were conducted by Hancock
Post G. A- It., and Coble Grange
No. 329. J. M. LINDDSAT,
Commander Hancock Pont.
I wish to correct an error In the
last issue of your paper. Comrade
Armstrong was not a member of the
order of Redmcn, but was an enthu
siastic member of the Grange, also
of the G. A. R., of long standing.
J M. L.
Local Notes
a A A A A A AS
Food Sale, March lSih. at the M
E Church, SL Helens, given by Boy
Trailers of Amebic.
Cooked food sale next Saturday
in Masonic building, by the ladles
of the Congregational church.
The Ladies Aid soclely of the SL
Helens Methodist church will meet
I at the home of Mrs. E. E. Quick
Thursday tftcrnoon. March 11th.
Come and see my display of new
and stylish tats and other new mil
linery at The Hat Shop, in the post-offie-3
building. Mrs. Mary Pender
gasL Ton will want a new and stvlirh
hat for Eatter. Come and examine
my line on the opening days, Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday. March
11th, Uth and 13th. The Hat
Shop, in the posloffice building.
Columbia River Canning Pro
duce Company, of SL Helens, will
have a carload of land plaster arrive
either Saturday or Monday, which
they will sell at $19 per ton, if taken
fi-om the car.
G. L. Tarbell, of Yankton, the
dairyman, horticulturist and all
round progie&sive farmer, was In
the county seat Wednesday. Mr.
Tarbell is tlso president of the
Columbia County Fair Association.
! and Is very enthusiastic in the work
of the Association. He will endeavor
to make this year's fair the best yet
Mrs. Mary Tendergast has opened
a millinery establishment in
iostoffice building. SL Helens, called
ad known as The Hat Shop, and an
nounces in this issue of The Mist
that her opening days for the sale
of new spring styles In hats and mil
linery goods will be Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday, March 11th, 12th
and 13th.
Dr. Emil Enna wishes t announce
a concert by the ladk-s of St. Hel
ens Philharmonic Society on Mon
day evening, March 21. at the High
S;hooL The public in general is in
vited. The postponement of tb
original-planned date for March Slh.
was made necessary on account of
sickness among the members.
Senator George M. McEride is
town for a day or two this week in
l lejral capacity. The senator is so
modest and nnasFumlng that when
his friends congratulated him upon
his enviable record made at th- re
cent Legislature he unpretentiously
Mushed bick a faint acknowledge
ment. The regular monthly meeting of
:he school board of district No. ?
(St. Helens) was held Wednesday
evening. Aside from auditing and
ordering a number of small bill?
Taid. no official action was taken cn
other matters. Charles Graham, of
Houlton, who is a member of the
board, is still on a vacation trip in
California, and when he returns sev
eral matters will receive attention.
A lodge meeting of unusual inter
iSt was the regular stated conven
iion cf Ava Templa of Pythian Sist
ers, held Thursday evening of thiE
week, in their temple in SL Hf-lens
The initiatory work was conferred
in cno candidate and two members
were received by reinstatement. Sev
eral visitors from the Ridgefield.
Wash., temple were present, a deli
cious luncheon served and a thor
oughly good time generally, was had.
A series of fellowship services were
held during the past week In the t'on
Sregctionr.l church. On Morda)
night Rev. A. C. Moses, pastor of the
Waverly Heights church, of Port
land, was the speaker, on Tuesday
night Dr. L. R. Dyott, pastor of the
first Congregational church, of Port
land; on Wednesday night. Rev. E.
3. Bollinger, state moderator and
pastor cf Highland church, Portland;
on Thursday nlfiht. Rev. Geo. E.
Paddock, D. D., superintendent of the
Congresational Home Miaiiionury
Society for Oregon; spoke. Tho key
note of the services was that of fel
lowship, wilh one another In local,
state, national and world-wide en
deavor and fellowship with Cod.
Regular services will be held on
Sunday, to which everybody is most
cordially invited. Bible school 10
i. ta; preaching and worship 11a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E.
6:30 p m. Midweek services on
Wednesday 7:30 p. m. "Como thou
with us and we will do thee good."
Next Monday nlgiit at Columbia
Theatre, "Runaway June," new
Dr. Stone's Ileum Drop cnrt-S
heaves. Prico $1; for sale by all
druggists. .
See E. E. Quick, St. Helens, and
lr.bure your property in tho Oregon
Fire Relief Association of McMinn
viiie. Oregon. Don't - put It off.
MchGtf W. L. WARREN, Agent.
MARCH 5. 1915.
'surprised on wed-
Mr. and Mm. Wm. Um I'
Mik-sUinc on Matrimonii Jouit.. ..
Mr. and Mr. William Post
happily surpriwd WednenUr n'
irg at their home in this city. ien
4he family rutlierea si ia o
hour to remind them of
.iji!ith wddinr annlvers r.
A dainty and appetizing
luncheon ,
had be?n prepared and tuVen into
their hone st the last uioracut, and
when Mr. and Mrs. Ross returned
they were hsppily surprised. They
looked almost as young and Jpst as
happy as they did on their wedding
day. Tbone taking part in the sur
prise .were: Harold Kois. Mrs. Part
ridge, Mrs. Shafer, lr. and Mrs. L.
G. More, Mr. i-nd Mrs. A. U Stone
and daughter
The tendency nowaJays Is back to
the farm. The St. Helens Improve
ment Company has a number of
small and lanre tract of land, im-provi-d
and unimproved, nome with
tiearitK orch-rds and good houses:
in feci all kinds of farm land, which
ihcy are offering at attractive prices
itd on the very ei-siett of terms. As
low as $10 a month on a tea acre
frni. Pome really fine bargains. All
inquiries antoered promptly and full
information riven. Also we have
seme choice St. Helens el'y property.
Lot us figure with you. It will be
o tout advartnge.
Feb. I Of St . Helens. Ore
Tho Cnlnml.la Tiirer Cinninr i I
1 Produce Company have on hand ail
Vir.ds of seeJs, grains prrssos etc.,
in hulk, at prices much lower than
nust he p:.id for raikag seeds,
The nuali'y is the b?.-it we can buy
.rd we solicit the patronage of the
farmers and gardeners. We alno have
-.1 hand fruit fpray, lr.nd plaster and j
W. ilizer j
fb "6ft i
We w ish to upress our apprecia-
'ion and thanks to our many friends j
'or their Lied asr!tance and sym-,
ithy during the Illness and death
if ojr husband and father, alio for
he many flcal offerings. We e- J
vcially desire to thank the members I
f Goble and Reaver Home Oranges
snd the meniliers of Hancock Post,
G. A. R.. cf Rainier, ar.d all those
ho m kindly awisted wiih the ser-'
We wish to thank our many
"riends for their acts of kindness and
ympathy shown s during our re
cent hereiveinent In the Ioks of our
1ir fathe-. Mr. W. D Case. W
iv:sh to ei-e-inlly thank the Knights
if Pythin lodge for their fraternal
icts and deevK
A meeting of the vlco-presldcnts
of the Columbia County Fair As--of
iation will le held at the Court
Hour in St. Helens on Saturday,
March th. at 1:30 o'clock. All are
T.qur-Jiied to be present. By order
-f the President.
Feb 221
For Sale Jersey cow, si vesrs f
old; will be fresh March 7. R. H. I
Robinson, St. Helens. 'Mchlf !
For Sale Four freh cows, one
Molstein bull. B. J. Keelan. Deer
Island, Ore.. Mch5tf
Ezts for Hatching from bred-to-lay
Silverlace Wyandotte. One set
Mng $1. or two for $1 50. Mrs.
Nettie Lampa. Yankton. Ore. MchCtf
For Sale Baled timothy hay and
oat straw, eed oats and early rose
eed potatoes. C. O. Dahlgren, AVar
ren, Oregon. Thone 102-7 MchStf
Wanted Fresh Cows We will bny
your fresh cows if test is satisfact
ory, or sell you one. Write or phone
Clover Hill Farm, Deer Island, Ore-S0"-
For Sale S. C. White Leghorn
cockerels from prize-winning stock;
pri.-e $1.50. Also S. C. Huff Leg
horn and 8. C. Buff Orplnpton eggs.
Mr and Mrs. A. L. Larson, boi 6,
GoMo, Ore. MchCtf
For Rent Eight acres of land
fenced, partly cleared, alx-room
house, barn, etc.; fifteen minutes
walk from depot, docks and poRt
offica. Apply to J. Armstrong.
Coble, Ore. . Mchi;if
For Snle One IS month's old
registered Holsteln bull, from A
Johnson stock. Price reasonable.
Can be seen at farm one-half mile
west of Columbia Highway on North
Stappoose creek. Also rose bushes
hollies, horse chestnuts, etc., for sa'e
t one-third usual price. Call at
GlPn Cove Nurseries, or address, Box
US, Portland. MchCtf
W ANTED A man to retail Raw
leigh Products, town nnd country
Largest and bent line. One of the
oldest and largest companies In the
w ot Id. Six factories and branches
Products supplied from new Pacific
Coast branch. Quick service, low
freight. We want only Industrious
men, capable of earning $100 and up
por month nnd expenses. Must have
me-.ns for starting expenses and fur
nlsh contract signed by 2 responsible
men. Address W, T. Rawlcigh, Co..
Oakland, Calif., giving age, occupa
tion and references. Mch61t
Mrntrs vt Ixxjil CU IU MimOc
at Tom-Ixv's lltnsMk
Th piano pupils of Mrs. E. II.
Wood were plcammtly entertained
at that lad!s horns In this city last
Saturday. Sohumsno was the
tuusician for the day. Musical
--jnfts wore rT'd '"' several
r ri-"S won. ii:c wiowius; pruciwu
'': Fi..'t lionco"
, Miss Dorothy Akin
"Starlight" ,.Vis Marlw Keck
(a) "On the 1'laX Croond"
(br'Happy Msiden . .....
, MIm Anabel lbetr
Song, "Rosary,- . .
Mildred Turker
(a) "The Sky 1-ark,"
(b) "Ga:-di'ii Party"
Kliin Uritin
"Llltlo Sweetheart
, Na ma Bunnell
"Carland o Hones""-
Corlno Hill
(a) "Home From School"
(b) "Birthday Walu" ....
Way Coin
"Fountain of Itewt"
, Carl Tucker
"Crystal Rchottlncho"
W.ma Ivlton
Sung and Dance
Carl and Mildred Tucknr
Nert Monday night at Columbia
Thcutre. "ilunsway June." new
' 9
Books! Books!
Rcxall and Nyal Goods I
P1II1NE Ml. a
New D. M.
We have Jut recrlvrl a klilpsB! ot I. M. C Kmrud
cry C.tl..n jwl ran apply ) U lir ! IUd, tirrrw,
I'-nmit. Mellow. Wblt, IC.me, Pink. lieswW ad ItUrk.
lr y hate colors you Baatrlh ulm Utrm at
ore for lire inipply Is limited. .
Mens Hats for Spring
and Summer
Our line of n.w Srlng l ramc 1st Urt OIIW
la TurmUy w I. led r.mis c.f Ue advaac at lor
nunlnit ewn. If you are in nrvO of a Hat UH
you to m our UNk f. we re Kure Dial for alylo aad
prli-o we are right.
We would like nln to call your atteatiosi U our new
line of Clttldivn' llala atnl t'aM which yo will cle
ace artlMlr and cleverly made.
We have just received a new supply of gar
den seed packed by:
CO. Morse & Co., of San Francisco, Calif.
D. M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit, Mich.
Chas. II. Lilly & Co., cf Fortland and
Mandeville & King Co., of New York.
Come early and get the variety you want
Williams &
(Continued froa, w j
cfflcwr t
L. C. Chase;
viM .
def, A. i. Dwlng; sreurj Tt
SonnoUnd; treasurer. Frank (L
In addition lo tbes. 0ffirs
lowing retitlenira wera n,
board of dlrwdors: K a. J
VA U... o '. ""1
m urate. uoy Allen, D. w
John 1 tor. 8. R. Bobh ta
D. W. Williams were na.l u
mltt to pre par constitiu
by-lswa. Frmak Cora, B. 0. Ps
rner and John Tabor er
to tBtwvlew all rcerrhaau Is u,
vlctulty soliciting oo-opertioi u,
After tb stloptlon of ntlo(t
if filiate with lh stute orguiltiUiis
t w as decided to Bih agala M
djr vilng. March it, u 4,.
constitution and by-laws i4 ou j
Ima lrfnct tb organliatloft.
Jack H. ttalmanno. of Periiui
and Mks Ella E. McAllister, t U
g eno, were married fn lbs Utter et,
1'ubrnary Itih. Mr. Balmuao i
I raitiaberc4 by many ll St Ho
fat and vicinity as having sprat b
vaca'.ion days here wbea t yeu;
ter . II Is a nephew of tb ir.u
of this paper. Mr. Plmauts k i
daughter of Dr. E. A. McAlUur. f
j Engens, whore fsnvly I vHk,
known In end around ths tsltma;
C. Arrives
& Hall Co
Hall Company

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