ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1918 '.M Ml Ml MIST MISTINGS 4 AAA AAA A Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Ross were Tort land visitors Tuesday. Charles MoCnuley was a business visitor to Portland Monday and Tues day. Misses Eugenia Deniing and Mar guerite Rankin were Portland visitors Wednesday. , The Mist has secured a corres pondent at Columbia City and from now on will have an interesting news letter from that lively little place each week. Oswald Deniing came down from Camp Lewis to spend the woek end with the home folks here. Rev. A..R. Spearow of the Congre gational church attended a church conference In Portlund this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ueorge were in Portland Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. James Muckle's moth er. Mrs. P. W. Fletcher and daugh ter Gladys, accompanied by Mrs. Pay Zumwalt, of Portland, wore Sunday guests of Mr. f.nd Mrs. J. A. Large. Mrs. Fred Trow of Rainier was here Wednesday a guest of her sis ter, Mrs. A. P. Harnett. Underwear for Everybody We have just received a large shipment Knowing the prices would advance we ordered our stock months ago, and are in position to save you money on your needs. Munsing's Perfect-Fitting Underwear In both Wool and Cotton. Better prepare now for the cold winter days that are coming. Ladies' Union Suits, $1.75 to $4.00 Girls' " " 1.25 to 2.85 Mens' " " 2.25 to 5.00 Taber's Variety Store WE SAVE YOU MONEY Dr. Welch, one of the loading phy sicians of Rainier, was here Thurs day on professional business. Carleton Lewis, who recently re turned from his old home In Maine, is quite sick at his liome near War ren. A. E. Austin is spending the woek in Woodburn and during his absence Harley Turner haso harge of tho store. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Popplmaler, ac companied by Mrs. J. T. Ta"bor, Bpent two days over In the Nehnlom coun try this week. Mrs. J. H. Wellington, who has been here on a visit to relatives, left Wednesday for Portland, where she will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Carnahr.n of Pueblo, Colorado, are here as the guests of their son, C. D. Morgan and family, making the trip via auto. For Sale House and lot in St. Helens, 11200; $200 down; balance J 20 per month. Inquire of Columbia County Abstract Company. A. D. Lake was in Portland Thurs day Light. He said all the picture shows and theatres were closed Unlit on account of Mayor linker's order. C. M. Brookings and wife of Olym pia, Washington, were recent visitors at the home of T. S. White. Mr. , Urooking is a nephew of Mr. White and had not seen his uncle in several yeurs. For Rent A 37-r.cre farm on Bachelor Flat, 27 acres In cultivation, 10 acres in pasture, house and barn on place. Eight tons of hay in barn, 7 acres potatoes. Farm close to good school. Dave Coons, Woodland, Washington. 43-44 George B. Conyers of Clatskanio, is , here renewing acquaintances and calling on the voters. He is candidate for county Judge p.nd is much pleaued with the cordial reception tendered , him. i Mrs. A. A. Heist and baby are here ' as guests at the home of her father, The sorvlre In the Episcopal church noxt Sunday evening will begin 7:30. (VId weather clothing and under wear at Prod Murgus" store. Pon't get wet a:id catch cold. Come to our store and get outfitted with oil clothing and warm winter underwear. Fred Morgus. Tlio rainy seusou Is hero. Do you need un oil coat, slicker, rubber hat or rainproof clothing? Fred Morgus can supply you. ' Phil Holden, secretary of the La borers and Riggers 1'nlon, expects to leave tomorrow for Kugone to attend tho state federation of labor meet ing. Mrs. Frank Newbold has received a postal curd from Prlvatrt Everett (Smoky) llaum announcing his arrival "overseas." Before diluting; in his country's service. Private llaum whs employed at the St. TIelens Ship building company's yard. Private 11. W. Perkins of the spruce, department, lT. S. army. Is hero for a few days visit with Mrs. Perkins.! benny Is stationed near Clatsop and. is helping to build a railroad to the big body of spruce near Clatsop, lift In transltmnn. ' Hev. Spearow, M-s. W. II. Dlllard and Mrs. Thus. Isblster went to Cor-j vallls Tuesday to attend the Congre-; gatlonnl conference, but on arriving 1st thut city, found it quarantined, so ' they came hark to St. Helens and the! conference will he hold at a later date. ! At the Methodist par.vinage Satur day afternoon, Miss Cioldln llatlan' was united In marriage to Mr. Kd-i ward Nordln, Rev. Hlsey officiating ! Mr. Richard Netf was best man and ' Mrs. Neff was bridesmaid. After thej ceromony, a wedding dinner was ten-( dured the newly married couple at i the Home ot Airs. . k. uyncn. Air. Nordln, at the present time is work-1 lug on one of the government ves-; sels In Portlund and the huppy young have military training before Induc tion Into service. Use will he made of the home guard In this Instruction. In practically every cr.wi where man h:'.s gone Into the service after having trained In the guard ha has been nmdo a uou-coinmlHsionnd of ficer. Every hour saved In the train ing of "i" men I n op tu speeding our rrmy to -riu!co. (let behind your local . convp.-ny. Help make it t'ro success It deserves. The next stale legislature will au thorize tlio Oregon Voluruoer Guard and give It equipment, TONIGHT FRIDAY Vivian Martin in "A PETTICOAT PILOT" and a 2-Reel "FATTY" ARBUCKLE COMEDY - "OUR COUNTRY HERO" LI BEET T T HEATR E : SATURDAY JACK PICKF0RD IN "Huck and Tom" Also a COMEDY WEDNESDAY ' Sessue Hayawaka The Great Japanese Actor IN "The Call of the East" AND A Bray Piclograph SUNDAY and MONDAY THE EVER FAVORITE Douglas Fairbanks IN "HEADIN' SOUTH" AND A BRAY PICTOGRAPH TUESDAY WALLACE REED IN "Nan of Music Mountain" Also a 2-Reel MAX SENNETT COMEDY 'The Kitchen Lady' THURSDAY JULIAN ELTINGE IN "The Widow's Might" and Second Story of the "Son ol Democracy" ENTITLED "CALL TO ARMS" John Philip. Mrs. Heist will go to couplo left Suturday afternoon ftfr Astoria next week, her husband hav- that city. letter they will returu to lng been assigned to the pastorate of ; St. Helens and make their homo here. the Methodist church In that city. For Sale Brood sows, wennllug pigs, either sex; 1 heifer; 1 calf; bal ed straw; seed wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, artichokes; 1 Stude baker automobile. Oregon Ilerkshlre Co., Warren. Frank Wllklns has moved his stock of doors, windows, paints, etc., from the Sheldon dock to the store former ly occupied by A. J. Demlng. He will contlnua to use the dock as his feed and hay warehouses. Mrs. J. K. Hobbs and son. Master Richard and Miss Gladys Hobbs, re turned Tuesday from a pleasant visit with W'lllard Marsh at Wheeler, Oregon. i Mrs. J. T. Schofleld gave a lunch i eon at her home Thursday, October 3rd, in honor of 11 babies and their mothers. . Each baby and mother re ceived a souvenir of the occasion and a picture was taken of the group. Every one present enjoyed the after noon and the fine luncheon. Mrs. James Dart returned Wednes day from Portland and reports that Judge Dart Is getting along nicely. He is able to walk around just a lit tle and spends considerable time in a wheel chair. It will be several weeks, however, before the Judge is able to return home. Alex Philips has returned to St. Helens after a pleasant visit to his friend, J. E. Carver, who has a cran berry bog near Ilwaco, Washington. Mr. Philips says that Carver will har vest a very good crop and will return to St. Helens to resume his duties at the mill as soon as he has everything slilpsliape around the "ranch." Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dopplmaler ar rived in St. Helens Tuesdr.y, return ing from a month's trip In California, which they made via auto. Mr. Dop plmaler says tho Pacific highway In southern Orogon was getting In a QUIET MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Nothing happened Monday night to disturb tho serenity of the mayor or the couuclltnen mi l tho proceedings wrd harmonium,. Tlie following bills wcrs allowed : William Noel, labor and supplies, J13.20; Geo. Potter, salary. $100.00; W. W. lllukesley, salary, $00.00; E. E. Quick, salary, $45.00; Library Committee, $25.00; J. W. Day. $20; T. F. Robertson, $10.00; A. L. Stone, $8.00; V. E. Mdyard, flags, $39.50; Pacific Telephone Co., $3.20; St. Helens Merchantile Co., $2. SO; I.ou Puzcy, $1.00; St. Helens Lumber Co., $7.20; Wm. Davlea, $7.25; J. Mc Donald, $2.50;' E. (J. Ditto, $1.50; Rutherford Realty Co., $45.00. The report, of the dock committee will bo hunded in Monday night to gether with a plan of tho first unit of tho dock. It Is understood that plaus now being prepared and that the cost of the first unit of the dock will not exceed the nmount voted. COUNTY HAS BATTALION HOME GUARDS ACTIVE . (Uy D. C. Howard) There are now four companies of the Oregon Volunteer Uuurd in Col umbia county. With fully organized companies at Warron, Yankton, St. Helens and Rainier, together with a complete battalion staff, the guard Is In a position to rendor valuable usslstunce in the protection of the homes and property of the county, providing of course, If the local peo ple glvo tho organization the sup port u deserves. The organization has units In prac tically every county In the hi very bad condition, and he doubts If far the men In most counties have that portion of It which goes through uniformed and equipped themsulves Cow Creek canyon will be passable : In a few counties, lu.wevur. the cou'n thlu winter. ty C0UrU lmve purc.a(ieU UIllfornm George Dommeyer received a let-'and rifles for the companies ter from the commanding officer atl In Columbia county 'he men have Fort Sam Houston, Texas, stating ! gone to the expense of purchasing that his brother, Walter Dommeyer ' their own uniforms and ,., hiiv was seriously III with Spanish Influ enza. No further advice has been re ceived, so It Is probable that the young soldier is getting along all right. Walter has been In the army six months and was soon to be sent overseas. Dr Thompson has had wldo Xsy ePerlenco ana oeen very sue cesstul in uBiuuuK a ioi ot nrier-work cliue to the drill. Aside from tho individual benefits derived from the work tho organization deserves the Bupport and membership of evory patriotic r.blo bodied citizen. A man's loyalty Is not rated these day:i by what he says, but by what he does and by what ho holds himself iu willinen esH in tin ULuro fitting school the guard is orennim.i it children's cases If your child's eyea .hip nlmo8t without MceptI are defective, don't let It handicap It another' winter In school; bring It In and have its eyes given a thorough examination. A little attention now, while needed, may savo it from wear ing glasses permanently. Orcadla hotel, Friday, October 18. . Mrs. Frank Wilkins received a wlro from E. I. Uallugh stating that Mtb. liallagh and two children were quite 111 at a hotel in St. Paul and were under a physician's care. Mr. Ballagh had gone on to Iowa with the body of his brother Trent, and had returned to St. Paul to be with his family. As soon as possible, he will take them to his old home In tains the names of the most loyal public spirited citizens In the com munity. . Tho men take aih under the sheriff to Bupport the national, state and county governments aud subject themselves to call of tho sheriff for duty in caso of need any placo In the county. Tho men are drilled accord ing to the U. 8. Infantry drill regu lations and an effort Is made to give the mon sufficient training so that they will be familiar with the Infantry ' organization ana prepared In cn.-se of cr.ll for organized action. There are now over 7000 guards men li the state and over 200 in Col- Tho Mist Is still $1 50 por year. WHITE IS APPOINtpT ON THE LOCAL Bru, iat P-'lltlcshadany,!,,"'0. eminent and w.Mm.Ii,,"'' A bo mixed with local nliH Tho board as now Con.tli,,. H. V.. Htanwood. c.ia.rnJu Itoss and Mm tin v , ,r M -nd they .re busy pu.H hundreds of " N sent In by men of u J Iowa and when they are sufffclently Lmbiu count. A nlnn iu i.i,. recovered, they will return to Oregon.' imed requiring draft regls'.rants to" When you think of buying Fall and Winter Underwear THINK OF We Have Complete and Unbroken Lines i in Cooper's Klosed-Krotch Uuionsuits Medlicott Brand of Scotch Woolens in separate garments. Also all kinds o( Cotton Stats m light, medium and heavy weight. This stock was bought early and in large quantities, con sequently we are able to price it right. . Come In and See GEM THEATRE Hllll.W, (KT, II 10-REEL, PROCiP.AM Belle Bennett IN "A Soul in Trust" "A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" and n Comody HATl ltD.W, MT. 12 8-REKIj PROGRAM ALICE JOYCE IN "The Alabaster Box" "VENGEANCE AND THE WOMAN" and a Comedy HINOAV, OCT. IS Mabel Normand IN "The Venus Model" A Uoldwy.i Picture A s.ory of a girl who found a fortune In a bathing suit. MONH.W, (KT. II Edna Goodrich IN- - "Who Loved Him Best" A Drama Within a Dram Next Monday wo bogln '! Select Pictures TI KHDAV, tHT. I(V William S. Hart IN "The Patriot" Next TuoEduy we start M Metro Screen Clnselcl WKOXKHD.W, OtT. 10 "An Heiress for a Day" WITH Olive Thomas A Trlanglo B-roel Feature n Comedy , THl'IWDAV, OCT. 17 Ruth Clifford IN i "FIRES OF YOUTH" - A Blue lilrd Photo IW nd Current Events The Best is None Tqo Good at THE GEM