OCR Interpretation

St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, May 23, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2004260419/1919-05-23/ed-1/seq-1/

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Uorial Day Will be Observed in St. Helens Program Begins 1:30 P. H.
1 1 . n w II TTW
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wvazjaa 1. 1 ill II r I I II
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NU. 23
v. JitA f I yJ ' & k, r 1
L J f-" '- ijwhl ,? .'. iH-cemlMsr. 118. He was Master Signal Engineer l , A '1 1 fT M
' l'" ' ! - . VV Vn-rS, ? I'"1, c,mr!"or " "'Mliumcal work on the 25 planes which were In hit - ; V. ' V W if.
t 1 "VTl.vf! hi, 1 1 H"un:lro,'""1 27 planes (official) to its credit a..d 27 f V"sS-.
t J 7 )j MHer German plane (unofficial) were downed. ft" I " X II XW C
t ll ,f,,'",,!lr i V." "'nir) He enllHtcd ln the navy soon after the outbreak fl L II c XC S
I i ., .... JS'f l S.. t l,,.w,l,K on a Bub ch" on the Atlantic coast. Recently he f 1 II
i ' rfftM was ransferred to Hremerton. Washinnton. and Is on duty there. 1 13 l 1
(I'hoto hy J. T. Scott)
kti with thu 38Ut Ambulance
tiy. 3I6tli Hanltary Train.
to Cuip I.cwlH and quiet c
t Hie front, lie wus compuny
, but wIk'ii nt St. Mihlol. Ar
and KIuihIits, I had so many
tion lilnmuir, that ha didn't
b ihvc uny ono oIho In the
if. With Harry Itlchardson as
lrl:irr. ho wm busy for nine
ki the A iron im brlnclna- lu
kd icihlliTH. 1oule says he
(t In auinu nxundod Germans,
until the iloiiKhboys had been
It to n ulmontiil dressing
ing tho hot fighting ln"the Ar-
s n up and down the
ccnyun uiny times, but in
Kty the tiurumn tnlpors over-
mm, iiiouKii numerous men
fi In I hit siiuiu line of work.
n uie woumiod, wore killed by
ipiTi iiKKii-n on tho banks
I .on I m h.- returned to 8t.
tnd tnkcn his old
hhop In which he Is Interested.
( I'hoto hy J. T. Scott)
l S Km if A a if..iu..n
I " iiiii i mull ui
l!eni sii.l n lothor of the town
' nat v(iliiiit,.r...i ... i ...
Li . iyi mirTICO III
pistion ilepurtinent of the army.
Mi In th.. .
kl .i iuauiuil Willi
nil Ot nor ki n.,i..n. ..r
hlK fimits at Nancy and 8t.
r- ' .ir siiuunron was close to
""i mid Mill) knnl hi. nl.n. l
f hi iiHiia ...
'ICClliMll Rlmiin II.. t l.l. nil...
n urn, urcounted for nuui-
..iiiiu )iung. n0b returned
e from a sergeant.
.-. ?
(I'hoto by J. T. Scott)
He is a St. Helens boy and has
been fishing on the river here for
severnl years. Ho went over with
the 91 st Division, but was trans
ferred to the Hth Artillery, llat
tery K, and took special delight in
helping to load (,0 hlg guns which
sent tons of explosives and steel at
the fleeing Germans. He admits
however, that the Krltxes kept a few
batteries In action while the Infantry
was retreating, and that the gunner
could guess prtty near where his
tallory was located, a-:d even If they
did miss It most of the time. It w is
mighty uncomftrtublo at times.
Hansen has returned his occupa
tion of fishing and the Mist hopes he
will be very successful, Just us ho
was In the army.
Stewart Mrkle (left) Ho enlisted In tho Aviation corps, April. 1917.
nZa hnt J'. .'. ,),(;?,,,l,,!r- 18- ' was Master Signal Engineer
i r . "1 f l""1""'"1 "-k on the 25 planes which were In hit
siiuailron. Ihis soundroii Imil 97 i,.m.i.i, . ... ...j ,.n
...I...- - i . "' " luiiiviaif lu lis CIUU1I. UIIU 61
oil er German planes I unofficial) were downed.
" "er Mehie (renter) He enlisted ln tho navy soon after the outbreak
. Wa,r . W1V on a Bub cha8er on ,,,e Atlantic coast. Recently he
was ransferred to Hremerton. Washington, and Is on duty there.
,ii iH? . '. ' (riK," 118 enlisted with the Oregon National Guard, the
Old J-nd Infantry. Wus sent across seas December, 1918. Spent several
months in ranee and wus then transferred to Southhampton, England,
where he did guard duty at the docks, helped to take care of the hundreds
01 IIiouhiukIh of Hnlillnm iiimuln il..r,.,i, t j i. . ,
to St. Helens, May 21st.
(mi ross
... il
f S
jysy Btjj
K-H 1. li
VW SUL 111
.. fc.
1 - ,
(I'hoto by J. T.. Scott)
Ho enlisted in tho Aviation corps
at the outbreak of the war and after
several months of training, was sent
to Krnnro where he took care ot
rl;ui"a that constantly harrassed the
Germans. He Is a son of Mrs. Fan
nie Kohs, of this city.
(Photo by J. T. Scott)
He enlisted in the engineers and
after some months of training, was
sent to France. Oftentimes he was
noar the firing line and worked un
der great difficulties and dangers
while building necossary military
roads. He sIho hnlnnH in tha in
struction of American saw mills over
ln France. Thompson recently re-
lurneu to si. Helens.
(Photo bv'j T o..
I.8.,1!"" ."Iductcd Into Ihn .rm In
l'"U0fl(in ," . '
I. . . . vn. tin Mr a a in
' m,,llel d Argonne.
I fro, ,,.l,,0.ril'"n doughboys In
P1 uium . in'lchM wera PP'led
iC ySil""? '.,nd '"PPM". On
AnrinmV.1 ,B ArB"ne flght
iRh ,WU8 llf!ltly vounded.
I 'oam I , 0 !h0" dropped near
F'n.u , "UH,,rlvl''K. "lng one
L, " and in trvin in .?. ti..
1,8 uta and his arm broken.
(I'hoto by J. T. Scott)
Com puny mechanic in t'o. G, 36 1
Infantry, 9 1st Division. Ho saw hard
fighting at St. Mihlol. Was in the
big Argonne drive : nd for nine days
was In (ho thick of the fight. After
being withdrawn from tho front, hlsj
regiment was sout buck to reliovei
another regiment and for severs:
days, they wero tho tnr.Tots for
snipers rnd maciilno gun iu-nIs. Tim
doughboys suffered great losses In
this fight and niiny of tho men of
Graves' compsny wero among the
lost. For 24 hours ho was in n Utile
trench, or hole In the ground, 6 feel
lorg, 3 feel wide and 3 feet deep.
Soldiers In the adjoining "holes," one
on each side, wore killed. After be-
Ing withdrawn from tho Argonne,
his rof;!mo!il was sent to HelKlum
nr.d took part in Mo Flanders drive,
ilie wus there when tho urmlstlce was
Speaking of the nervo of somo of
the American soldiers, Graves re
lated nn Instance ofb rnvery almost
without parallel. Thoro was a ser
geant named Whitney; he became
tired of the machine gun bullets
picking off h!s men, so he determined
to loeate tho nest. Indian -like, he
wiggled through the underbrush and
located the nest. A well aimed hanJ
.grenade stopped the crew und seven
of tho Gorman survivors took to
llmlr heels. The scrgei'.nt .?s not
contont to seo them run ho wanted j
,to stop Ihem, rnd with his tug nuto-
i rintlo in linnii, g'ivo ciumn. mj
time the automatic spoke, a German
fell, shot In the hack, rnd the lastj
survivor when turning to yell "katn-
nrn.l mil lila lillllnl III Hie CllCSt.
Sorgeiuit Whitney, then relumed to
his men and there wr.s no further
trouble from that particular ma-j
chine gun nest. I
The Flanders drive, llurrell said,
was a picnic compared to the Ar
gonne. While the Germans, nt sime
points, offered stout resistance, they,
did not hang on with the samo per.
jslstency that they did In tho Ar-
gonne, and some or mo iriui.io
Amerlcnn troops hud, wns In keep.l
Ing up with the kaiser's men who!
were hot-footing It toward tho
iKhlne. At night, however, mo ut;r
Iman bombing plunos came over and
Invnrlnbly made 11 mignty un,...
fortnble for the doughboys, and or
teu times Inflicted casualty's. '
so he did not see any more of the
Argonuu uk"' , . n
iHe returned to St. Melons In April.
Ho was a member of the 361 Am
bulance company and 316 Sanitary
train Hist Division. Wont overseas
July 12, 1918. Enlisted Juno 9th.
'"i'lrst ilrlvo of any Importance In
which he took part wr.s St. Mlhlel
nn.l vns in that drive lour days The
next drive was the Argonne and tl e
S-nttury train wont In on September
i ...,,u muni mil lv at work niu
u, urn T..." -
.. ' .i... ,im,1im1 for 9 days. Ulch-
rnlson end I-ouls Muhr worked to
gether and brought In many wound
ed Amerlcnn soiuiith. i
..... iniui mul ail2nd reclmenti
i,'i.,, tin i Germans back of
the Gesnes canyon, the Sanitary
tra il brought In 250 woundod dough,
bovs In one day.
ll rrv saw the body of John An
derson 'the Hnlnler soldier, soon nf
,7a hU h rxplnaivo shell had killed
Anderson and four companions.
Thinking the man mlfjht be wounded,
11 rolled tho body over and saw he
dent If leal. on l:g mid realised that
l,o war had conw pretty close to
he n when It took for toll a soldier
X l'ved otily .-- few miles distant
0 October 6. Harry's detachment
was relolved and entrained for Hol
rl tm end on October 30lh started In
o he Flanders drive. Thoy were
In this drive for five d: s before be
"g relieved.' The fighting was
"free but not like the fight ng in
the Argonne. They wore sent to a
rU ei inn on Kovcmhrr r and again
to th- fr-.t ou November 10.
n'rvl "IC n3::t dy tho ".rni stlce was
(I li
i r i
: Jj.' ."-i-;' :
He is 21 years ot age and was In
the navy for two years. He was on
(Photo by J. T. Scott)
Ben Is one of the St. Helena boys
who volunteered soon after war was
declared. He knew a lot about gaso
lene engines and liked to ride fast,
so chose the aviation department. He
received his training ln Houston.
Texas, and was then sent overseas.
His officers found out that he was a
skilled mechanic and they placed
him In charge of several machines,
and he also taught those who were
to fly, the first rudiments of the fly
ing game The fact that he was pro
moted from private to sergeant, first
class. Indicates that he served well
and faithfully. Since returning to
St. Helens he has resumed his olo
i position with the Independent ,Auto
Y '
I sV 0" I , i
(Photo by J. T. Scott)
He was with Co. C, 162 Orogon In
fantry, but was transferred to the
23rd Infantry. His first fight was
at Verdun. At Bello Woods, his re
giment relieved the Marines and he
was In the trenches for 13 days. Ht
was at Chateau Thierry and was In
tho fight three days before a piece
of shrapnel got him rnd sent him to
the hospital for three months. A
fow hours before be was wounded,
Uls lieutenant ordered fixed bayonets
and thev charirnri thn nprmin. Whan
Ithey got through, there "were lots
ui ueaa uermans ueorge said, and
he states he knows he killed three.
Not much attenticr. was paid to the
''kamerad" cry he said. Nonas had
lived In St. Helens for eight years
before being Inducted Into the army.
His wound still bothers him consid
erably. George, in sneaking nt tha rhii.n
on the day he was woundod, made a
statement to show the truo worth
of American officers p.nd soldiers.
He said the officer said "come on,
boys, and he wont ln front of us and
we wasn't afraid, and ell ot the sol
diers followed the officer.'1 He also
stated that the doushboys didn't
take the tirao to capture nany pris
oners, as their nrrinra w
Vance. The infnroncn In thla niain.
raent must be left to our readers.
The Mist, In recognition of the
heroic deeds ot those who nre plctur
ed on this page of the paper, takes
pleasure In presenting short stories
about the boys stories thev have
ktold to the Mist reporter and which
we wiow are true. There are many
ether soldier boys that we will men
tion in a subsequent edition of the
Mist. We have their little stories, or
as much of them as they will tell, but
In some Instances we did not have
the photographs to go wllth the
stories and then It is not our Inten
tion to give all war stories in one is
sue, ao from time to time, we will
I rive other atnrlnn nn InlH ..a Kv aAi.
the transport President Lincoln whenjdlera from this county, and soldiers
a nun torpeuo sent mat oig vessoijwno did their duty at any and all
. to tne Dotiom. rte maoe nurueroun times.
; trips across the Atlantic and came This paper would much appreciate
i out oi uie BerricB ua snip s cook, n visit irom any or the returning sol
1 2nd class." He entered the service ! idlers, for the purpose ot getting little
,as an orainary seaman, nugn is in
1st. Holens and will go to work for
Hoy & Frederlcksen.
Both Scappoose and St. Helens
claim Hugh, as he has lived in each
place. However, he gave Scappoose i Relatives and friends at home want
as ins residence. q near about it.
uciaiw anu -Happenings which oc
curred "over there," or over here, for
no matter whether at home or abroad
the American soldier lived up to tho
traditions of his country'sc history.
(Photo by J. T. Scott)
He was cook in Company G, 361st
Infantry. He went to Camp Lewis
In the fall of 1917 along with many
other Columbia county boys. With
the 91st Division, he was sent to
France early in 1918. He arrived
in time to help out at St. Mlhlel, Ar
gonne and on the Flanders front.
It was his duty (and he did It
well) to furnish the boys in the front
line trenches with the best eats ob
tainable. He could get and fix the
eats, but oftentimes, It waa hard to
deliver them, for the Germans, ac
cording to George ,took especial de
light in turning their big guns on the
kitchen outfit and "spilling the
beans," by wrecking the rolling
kitchen. George had many narrow
escapes, but Is entirely too modest
to speck ot them, except to say that
at times it was almost like a descrip
tion he has heard of a certain hot
place where lots of Germans went.
Burrell Graves and George were la
the same company and both ot them
lhave returned to St. Helens.
(Photo by J. T. Scott)
Ho was In the 316th Sanitary
Train and in the field hospital. It
was his duty to take care of the
wounded as they wero brought into
the hospital. Ordinarily such hos
pitals were from one-half to one mllo
back ot the fighting line, but the
IGerman pltnes and the big guns
Ididn't respect evn a Held hospital.
le was ln the same train as his
brother Louis, but not ln the same
company. He was in the St. Mlhlel,
Argonne and Flanders drives and
saw a lot of fighting.
I - .j -
'" '
He enlisted in the Engineer De
partment (train service) and was
sent across eas in September, 1918.
After the armistice was signed, he
was on duty in the railroad informa
tion department in Parte.,
Sergeant Taber thinks Paris was
r.U right, but St. Helens is far better.
He arrived home a few weeks ago.

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