Helens Wishes EveryOneto (lomp, to the Celebration Here
on the Fourth
NO. 27
$200,000 COMPANY
.r Imn k Terminal C.mny
In Organized
ir the purpi.no of furnishing rull
Lion fr "'' ft. Helen Lumber
Lytnil alo rull connection for
Industrie which are located
ilUmelto slough between St.
. nd the Columbia County
ihtSt. Helen l"" Terminal
inr hn been organized. The
i ItucK 01 l'ie compuuj in nmu
no ooo. Charlea It. McCortnlok
M president. II. K. McCormlck.
orellent ami treasurer and
'1,4 Wheeler, manager.
Itailroad to be HullC
L company will build 1 mlleai
uirn.il from the hi. ueiene nun
Lnrx-t with the railroad of the
k CreeK 1-ogging company.
h (oanorin with the fl. I B.
Thlc will give the Ht. Helena
m company rull connection.
I,i prwMcut time, the ou)put or
bill li handled by water ahlp-
tThe rotiiputiy own 1 H mile
laible frontage on Wlltnmotte
th ind nerenil hundred acrei of
idjicent. I lie connecting rau
tlll give both rail and water
ktlM to enterpriiica which will bo
ti on the water front.
Urge IhN k Planned.
i company will build a 2600
loadlnK tlix'k on the Hauvlea la
ikl of the Hlnuith. Work baa al
ly bctn Hurled on the flmt unit
(duck, which la 500 feet long.
wlnNM develop, additional 600
aalta will bo built. The output
l mill of I li inland Lumber
buy will ho bundled over thla
Who ecn powerless to surpreni
the revolutionary force In Mexico.
ixliniii.la IUnuIi r In Set
June Twenty. flfili
(By J. A. BTOIU.A)
Qulle number were present at
the regular bUHineiiH aenHlon of the
8t. lulon Chamber of Commerce on
Wodneaday night. In the absence of
Prealdont 8. C. Morton, Charlea L.
Wheeler presided. Conalderable
buHlneiia wax dlHpoMed of, end much
enthUNlaHiii dlsplnyod In the nroliiH
i of rlenrliiff mi rn,l n.iiii.,i,i,.i i'..t...
ud loaded on atoamera. The. ,P. tncl, for " ,.,., nnJ plc.
mem comer, it waa agreed that ou
li now under conatruction and
bft'n operallnic within CO dnya.
dock will be eiiulpped with nec-
rj nichlnery to give dlapatch to
am. A double railroad track
(thoivck uud u traveling luco-
i crane will be part of the dock
f llcCormkk company hr.a con-'
M (or million of feet of railroad
(or Eastern iliMlvery and a con-
nble portion of llieio Ilea will
at by iro'ill mllla In the Iwla
r section end along the Columbia
r which have nc loading fnclll-
iMtieg will be rafted and tow-
tri tnd itored on tbo dock foi
itrot by ateatner. Suc'i fncltltlcs
pro of rrorit tieneflt to thoao
Fhlch have neither rr.it or deop
t hcllltlea. a:d will placo thorn
"ion to bid n coiitr-uta wblrh
flora they lnvo been unhln to
Werk to Start Hoon.
T. McCorinlrk atntea to the
tint work W ill Hon n mnrt nn I tin
ifng of tbo rilllrORil Hurvnvnp I.
uiOnhoven h:m about
Plniind It Ih ojpected that blda
w avprtlB,M for. Th r.l nt
nllroad will b ulumi tan nnn
flMhe primary object la to handle
MMnenta nf himlinr ll la nn.l
'ktt In the near future the 8. V
y be axUml in run t mm lt not
ft. Helena for I'ortland and wav
t ki : 1,1,1 ,hlH be ,,on8-
C ,.; Ihal paawnger atatlon will
pant on ("oluiiiliin
lana an inailo h the rnmnnn
lllch am nore tn mn 1 1, -,,,
1 lrJ"""r ,ru"lerlty for Ht
Und will , th0 moiin of Kly.
i ra" farll'', to tbo ahlp
1 the cltv. v
ruvER & M'NEIL
h?.,.4,.N!,N'"1- "'0 co:itraclor
gi.t Ul8 8, ,iloni
flciitiiMi ul uregon
,Jtur"' e'i:n at their meet-
kdi ;iuryr,,ln' Satiirdry In at.
M thom a contract tn .),
ilniMU. . -"i,iioi;w ior ine
Morv . . "" pinne can lor a
""ry itriii-iurn ..... .
V eon I p.., """ anu
teM1eN,: n very
CTSL" '""'""K contract, for
k t; f ' " ,,l,n" " Oregon. In
MuTZt a apoclalty
j ""niiig contractor.
rtT'.!lr,?n' the 8.
wV,tn J 1"I1. died attd-
Mr u. y "l0r'lK whllu nn
kind !,H.!,i', '' "boui nine
fWoyaniTi'' " efficient
Wedneaday afternoon and evunlne
June Sbth, all the membnra and their
wlvea would go down to the bench
and the men, armed with ahovela
axua and pkknxea would put the
i pluce In a preiwntnble condition, and
the I. id leu would aerve aupper at al
i'rogreoa wna reported in connec
tion with the Fourth of July cele
bration, and the member were urged
to apply for conceimlon privilege
on thnt day, aa It la very much desir
ed to avoid having outnldo conceit
klonalrea utile necennary. A large
Kourtli of July reception committee
wna appointed to act on behalf of thr
Chamber of Commerce.
It la expected that conalderable
rivalry between membership drive
committee win reull from the plai,
adopted of having a committee of ten
take chnrpe of the drive for a period
of thirty daye followed by a com
mittee of the a?me alze for the suc
ceed lug thirty d:ya.
A. H. Tarbell, one of the prominent
grange member of Warren, at the
invitation of the chamber, made oine
very lnteretlng ohiicrvatlona regard
ing the relation exlatlng between
the country and the city, and aug
geated that committee bo appointed
by the varlnim grnngea In the county
and the rdmmber of commerce for
the purpoHO of meeting together and
dlHcuaHlng tho problem common to
T. E. McCroakey, mnnnger of (he
Snlem commercial club, wa Intro
duced by L. U. Itutherford, chairman
of tho evening. Mr. McCroakey ha
bnd a wldo exiier'ence !n communlt
organlxntlon In Montana, Washing
ton r.nd In addition la a thorough
going biiH'neRK man. lie entertainer1
and InatructPd the member preaen'
and h'a remark were of a very prac
tical nature, lie emphnslxed the
net St. Helena had In Columbia
Hench, nnd Htntod that thoummlH oi
nnoplo from I'ortlund were nnxtoii'
for a plcnlclng niHort. He dwelt e
longth on the nbaoluto need of cn
operation between tho country anil
the cltv, and Improaaed the member
with the neeeaalty of providing r
ennimunllv ' hoitRA for the farmer
Til' bad been arranged for lu Silem
he Raid, and wna n bond between thr
city find the country.
Mrs. C.lon It. Motnker rendered a
vocal solo and waa heartily encored
'i v'.oin, mauiin ciiiiraiiu or fourth. I'roDiUea to
be llig Kvent In Clty'a History i
KMin to Ih Ituilt
1 7gf2c
...o niunuaru uti company pur-! Tho program outlined by the!
poaea to build an oil dlKtributlng Tourlh of July committee Insure!
station In St. Helens, the cost of St. Helena tf the bigjest celebration!
which will be n the neighborhood of: In the history of the city. L. J. Van'
$20,000 The company ha bought ' Orshoven has received assurance'
!namk2l43of4Ht;roadd8.;.oanS''rm Haw.ey that the!
will build three big tanks .! I these i dc'lar,m;nt wlU j
lola, which are located near tbei war vessels hero to participate In and
welcome lgn. and cloe to the 8 P ' altl ln the celebration, air. VanOr-
H. II. II. track. An official of the ,,l0Ven thinks that It will be possible'
siancjnrd oil company Informed the nav8 tne U- 8. destroyer, Jose Ho is rgcla rais.03 a little trouble
Mist that us soon as the council 'tlzal here 00 the Fourth. The ves- on the Mexican border.
passed nn ordinance which would 1 el ha only been recently conmleted '
permit tne construction and opera
tion of the plant, work would begin.
Ordinance Introduced
At the meeting of tho council on
Monday night, an ordinance waa in
troduced which granta to the stand.
GtstRAx villa
neiena at b o clock yesterday after- ; onuVJJ-, UlKLtiUK
i-ress reports auto thai the
vesati will be In I'ortlund for several )n Account of I'ast Services Director
days and last night Mr. VanOrshoven J Lt Asked to 8ere Again
n.ii nn v . 1 v,unsr;Buiau itawiey asking
erect o peraTe Pand mZZZ" 0v h" be sent to St. Helen!' Those who cm, to the city hflU
ware'house or iuV&.Xl "Vi"9- A faTorab" "plr la Monday night expecting e. sensation.
..1.. T .. i'iiena
utiic, ii.i.-nnaij uunaings on the,
tract of land a described above. The
werA diBaDDOlnted. ChairnifMi I.pRar
tfuiiKo .iicurtue tomJng .called the meeting to order and
cltv ftnlK.ru n .,.... , 1 . '"""ci , nuu ib vuairuian 01 sir.iea its purpose. mis. rrana
rrantin. such lm!..in 'I? , th.9 ! committee, has receiv- George, schcol clerk read a report
ord?nanc wa rt,H .h J f?.'., th" fd a ,elter from ,uda T"om" Mc- which g.ve In detail, the condition
end t?me. nd J Hi, "V bride 8aylng that ne " be P chool district and other
na.aL !i ? ni ? for'"al d" "e Fourth of July oration, valued Information,
wunrll 8 !'e Ju8tlce McBr)le a former resident! Mr. LcBare called for nominations
ti, i,iMu. c it .. .1 ' of st- 1,e,,;ns and many will come to for school director. There waa a mo-
th.t St 1 IJilll Z J .m,1a1S, tl,e clty 10 near Dlm gPeak- mentary pause r.nd then G. W. Perry
n. Jlt n ,T,?. ,i ,e.,rt Strlb".t The Judge is well and favorably nominated H. E. LaBaro. The
fn5?b! nrt known In Columbia county, aa he was nomination waa seconded by W. A.
LL IL't ? . Ih,8l",k"d,ul1 for number of years, a resident of Ketel. who stated that th Houlton
rompany. 1 ne location 01 such a plant the cou ntV and tha taft that hA a-ill nf W'aat Qr IfAlun hntn,n. nf .A
I...a lu . ... , . - 7 ' "in v " - - ' " Ht.uuo w. VIIV
1 "' r- ne the orator of the day, will
tanco and will furnish employment doubtedly, draw hundred to
to a number of men. ltrin
(.ratification I express?.! that SKrtM Progran, GokL
be company h.ia chosen St. Helens The program arranger for races
n preference to other sites, and Bd sporta is very good. The land
member of the St. Helens Chamber d water race, have heen cn.tri.r.
of ( ommerco are elated that their. ed and handsome prize offered for unanimously chosen as school clerk
. ..... ... ...... s yiaut "ere, each contest. It is proposed to have to succeed herself.
successful. j ,i,e Taeeg on Columbia street and the " F. H. Taylor brought to the at-
water sports in front of the city tention of the meeting the necessity
dock. of providing transportation for the
scholars who live some distance from
the school. On motion of C. C. Cas
satt, the school directors were
expected that numler of con-J authorized to provide transportation
10 ana iroui me scnoois lor scnoiars,
who live more than two miles distant
from the school.
Evidently the taxpayers In the dis
trict were satisfied with the conduct
of school affairs, for without making
school were satisfied to have Mi.
LeBare continue in office. No furthei
nominations were made end Mr. Le
Bare was elected to succeed himself.
On account of the faithful service
she has rendered to the school dis
trict, Mrs. Frank George wa.
nouuee the full program, prizes, etc.
The local Ued Cross chapter will I, is expected that nunilier of" eon
five a deception and bnnquet at thet taunts will be on hand when . the
.kntlng rink, Saturday evening, at 8 ,Ur program starta.
o'clock, to the discharged soldiers
nd aallora of the St. Helena district. WELL KNOWN COUTLE
Tho invltutlon to the reception Is ex
'ended to all the people of St. Hel-
I'lis. hut the Invitation to the ban
quel is limited to the soldier and John Philip, former councilman of
allor boys and their friends, and the City 0f St. Helens, secretary of
be boy are urged to Invite their the Eastern Star and well known
friends. ! resident of this city, waa married to
T!ie St. Helens Red Cross has all; Mr. Mae Disney Tuesday afternooa.
ilotig been very loyal to the luterest
of our boys who were in the service,
tnd those who arc able to accept thi
'nvltatlon will be reminded that they
still have a place In tho hearts of the
members of the society.
The occasion promises to be a de
I'ghtful social affair due to the fact
'hat the ladles who have It In charge
know so well how to entertain.
The wedding occurred at the Baker
residence ln arren and Her. A. S.
Hisey officiated. Only the immediate
relatives of the bride were present.
After receiving congratulations
and partaking of a wedding supper,
the couple left for Seaside for a short
wedding trip. They will return to St.
Columbia County Exiierted to KaUe
Quota in One Day
The drive, If It might be called a
drive, for 1250.000 for the mainten
ance and carrying on of the work of
the Salvation Army in Oregon, be
gins Monday. Columbia county's part
of this amount i& only $3000. The
county la divided Into two district.
The Rainier district and the St. Hel
ena district. The former ha a
quota of $1000 and the latter a quota
of $2000. The B. P. O. E. lodge of
Oregon have volunteered to "carry
on" the work that the Salvation Annj
lassies "carried on" in and near the
Dr. C. E. Wade Is chairman of
the St. Helens district and Oswald
Demlng, secretary. The Salvation
Army Elks ln this vicinity will begin
work Monday morning at 10 o'clock,
and they are expected to carry the
front line trenches by 12, noon. Dr.
Wade has appointed the following
captain who will lead the Salvation
charge ln the districts mentioned:
Scappooae Dr. 8. B. Hoakin and
Roy Copeland, with Lieutenant
Colonel George McClure in full
charge of operations.
Gobhs E. I. Ballagh and Fred
Columbia City L. Bosworth.
Warren Oswald Demlng and A.
C. Tucker.
1 Yankton Sam Welst.
' St. Helena Territory Divided.
In order to facilitate the work, the
St. Helen territory has been divided.
Mrs. Thomas Isbister and Mrs. Carl
Chrlstensen will look after that
territory from the Congregational
church south on Columbia and
Strand streets. Mrs. S. C. Morton
and Mrs. Roy Gill will take charge
of the territory south of Willamette
streets on Casenau, Oak and Wintei
streets and Mrs. John Prlngle and
Mrs. Robert Dixon will take care of
the Columbia Park territory north
lot Willamette street and Including
Hemlock street. Railroad Addition
and all territory as far as the Italian
Importing Company's store will be
looked after by Mrs. Ed Boyce and
Mrs. E. C. Stanwood, and south of
Willamette street, from Winter
street to California street, Mrs. L.
Decker and Mrs. L. Rosasco and Mrs.
C. D. White will look after the work
further auggestions. the meeting", on and Dr. Wade will see that the
motion, adjourned
ployes of the St. Helens Lumber com.
pany have an opportunity to subscribe.
The employes of the St. Helen
Governor Ties Cupid's Knot for Greatest Hero
comuanv for
niH tin 1,0,1 .... 1
" lor m... . .iiM nut m'cn
mil, immtba, but hi
hl kb ton,1" ,10t "poet
Th. ,.r?mllll wa riu.
Ir. ,-"i"fl(l wna .
Gf rrngen ,ln! ,,eon Informed
r"iei in M.nniitm until
tor, 1,18 01l can be hoard
F"ro Chief Charles McCnuloy Is
sending out notices to house owner
who have allowed moss to rcctimu
luto on tho roofs, no.lfylng thorn to
remove the moss cr other combusti
ble material on tho roof. Ten dr-.v I
given in which to comply with the
notlca. There Is a city ordinance
which requires tbo owners of build
IngB to keep tho roof free from moss
nnd Inramueh an th"s lessens the flrr
r'sk Chief McCnuloy will see to 11
thnt. the ordlnnnco Ib enforced.
I The dry season Is hero, Mr. Mc
Cnuloy say, and the danger of fire
more than at other seasons of he
ver.r. nnd he nslt tbo co-oporatlon
cf the property owners In doltiB Inolr
pr.rt of this noceaBf.ry work.
Currying 958.000 foot of lumber
rnd n pood pnssonger 1st, the steam
er Multnomah will sail tonight for
8nn Francisco.
On July, 1, the two-cent postage
will go Into effect, a reduction of
one cent on lottr. tind postal cardi Shipbuilding company wlll have the
Wool m ontop Uiioanll lins nnAlrnl . T w v
"' - "-" matter presented to them by Carl
notice that original purchasers of : chrlstensen. J. H. Wellington and
three-cent stamped envelope and H. E. Cornthwaite and H. R Hud-wo-cent
postal cards can exchange Bon m ,ook after that terrltory in
them of r other denomination, provid- the vicinity of the Columbia County
ed they are presented before August miu. .
1M After the letter date the enve-i: n. r n tl-v,i. . .
lipes will be redeemed only r.t theLi.M -nd 'f.8,,!!? iai
Helens in a few days and will make, postage value and the postal cards the salvation Army work should he
their residence hero. at three-fourths their value. supported. He fd of ttSr haJS
vork on the battlefields of Europe
and how the doughboys looked and
waited for the Salvation Army lassies
and lads. Several hundred people
heard Dr. Wheeler and enjoyed his
story of personal experiences on the
battlefields ln Belgium and France.
The members of the Elk Lodge
who reside in St. Helens have charge
of the drive ln this section of the
county and they feel assured there
will be a liberal response to the
cause. The Elks and captains of the
several districts will see you Mon
day and ln exchange for your coin,
will give you a receipt showing that
you appreciate the Salvat'on Army
work and will help them "carry on."
Two members of the Mist force
are much Interested ln the news
which comes from El Paso and
Juares as to the doing of the Mexi
can rebels under the leadership of
Villa, because of their familiarity
with the surroundings there and
along the border line. C. D. Morgan.
superintendent of the Mist's shop,
was employed at the Juarez race
track when it opened in 1909, and
has been over a greater part of the
border country on both sides of the
Rio Grande. J. B. Wilkerson, anotner
member of the Mist's force was lu
Juarez several years ago and remain
ed in Mexico for several months. He
Is quite familiar with the territory
in which the Villa forces and the
American soldier have been fight
ing, i- .
"-aa-a JVMrMa
The greatest hero ol tne war I home wltn hi.
maw 114 went away frtm Pail Mall. Tenn.. a con-
ration on YorV.breast.n8ame here," said General,
Pershing, placing America, hero medal Aver
York's heart. York .ingle-handed in the Argonne
knied 26 German., .iienced a .core of machine
gun nest, and captured 112 Buna including
major. Since hi. return he ha. refused .cere, of
stage offer, totaling a fortune. It', maw, Oracle
and the home folk, he wants, say. Elder York,
falling to understand why be Is considered hero.
And, of course, that' Ute.&nal sump of a real
Yank hero, it -V " "
County School Superintendent J.
W. Alle i inforns the Mist thnt the
regular 'examination of api.licants
for state certificates will bcs'.a Wed
nesday, June 25th., and continue un
til Saturday, June 28th. Ho exports
.that many teachers fran tho several
sections of the county will be here
tc take the examip.itlon. The subjects
itnd dntes are givon in a notice of Mr.
Allen's published els9where ln this
Issue of the Mist.