Newspaper Page Text
ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. JUNE 20. 1919 Issued) Kverjr Friday br TIIK MIST rtULISHIMQ COMPANY THK FLAG (By WILLIAM McKINLEY I It any wonder that the old sol- Idler lores the flag under who folds I lie fought and for which his com- O. D. IIEILBORN. . . .Ties President s,ed.? blood? He lores and Uiititir 11 Ior w " Ilu lur 11 rep 8. C. MORTON Editor I resents. It embodies the purposes end history of the government itself. It records the achlerements of Its de- Andrew - - - I I Knciund. Kloyil Kullerton Duncan. Audley Morgan. Walter Pewe Kdwrard r. Keelan. i a uin 1.. Mulir, John Arvlil Anderson, Wrenn. Harry Paris Cortli. Join, IHnrirl Xo. 4 (Italiii'-r) ' Trueim n I., lirowell. Dowey Klmor Reno. Carl George llelmullci.i Trucy A 1'urrher. Thd.lMi Hud-( ,. Michael Donald Duffy, Ord klapp.! son. Henry Kol.her.llng. Wall Hatn-i pMrlrt N... (lU-aver Homo) Kellen Edward Duncan. Uo Wilhei : urj !tli-o, Alfr.d Swensmi. l-a" r-1 Suinloy llcwell TIioiiiks, llr.rry Price. Wlllard Price. Lloyd 'son, John Arthur Hudson. John Hob-; ll.'i.ry Smith. ' 1. ... . I. l. ....... ll.i-illl ( VrUH Itl. Vi. Ilk lln.klilunill r d.iu r.iuan ii.if i'i irir uPruniK. J" !"1 - , ..mi. t . I., .-.w , 11 u iter. l- . . . urum. luiutr nuu hub, tkciiimM at St. Helena, Oregon, under the act of aUrcb 3rd. 17 COUXTT OFFICIAL PAPEU NIMBI ST. HSLtMS CHWHI OF COMHIRCI the valor of our citizens In all the wars of the republic. It has been sacrificed by the blood of our best and our bravest It records the achievements of Washington and the iti.l.i V.. (I ltllkullit,l BI IISCIUPTIOV HATES ; i mwu. u- K, . , Anarew r wencr. urvuie i.ouBki Li..k, Kenneth One Year ai.BO " """'u"( Garrison. Charlie Loyd Leonard. ' ., ,,, a.IoU.Ii Palm BU Months 75 "f"" acrmces or ourm- rnauncy Grant llutlor. John Meier, ; ,"-., K'irl II Koh- jWMlony ta'here who planted free', ,, IyCO Fu (J Leroy . :.eow K- K ' ' , T ."'. h' n n Entered as second-class matter . ,1,i..,h i t VZr u.,. ! " ?"er ,,ran "wnaniHcn. ., R t.ulM.rllMlll. Arthur aroiu iieaver. , , Vultnil. Frank William Zimmer- Distriet No. 2 (St. Helen) duhl. Washington Irving Graham. T.,Ufir. ii wiili,,u w..i.i.. ur niu n..rli.rf I. nrnln Kinder. I union .n r lnnl. Itnherl MeOnnpn ('.Puree , 11 rower. JatneM L. WOOdetl, I ! Charles Walker. Avery Georre Gens-! Augustus Guild, George Oscar Kelly, !mnn. Guy E. Whitney. Hzrtholameu Norrls As:i West martyrdom of Lincoln. It has been I Kosasco, Walter Pike Gar. Wilhur i William Kirl bathed In the tears of a sorrowing Felix t'lark. Charles Tarhell Ilrowti. ' Lewis, Ualph people. It has been glorified In thel William M. Perry. Miles N. Gens-, Christian Johnson hearts of a freedom-loving people, mr.nn. Emmet Frnnklin WMliams not only at home but In ever., part (Glen Wentworth Williams, Hoy Q Thonns S. Colrlit, Elinor Irvln Col- 8h.l..y. Edwir, George w. ( Udlek, MauK V.,mr,",Kl"ft,j rln. Charley Cody Colrln, Howard ! Null, Warren 'a?.!' CiiI .. 1 1 .. .. i .. tv. .. i ... " Arthur u,..' Ira llufiis Wert. Mclntvre. Jes.i t. , MIVU I'inrt, I ...ll.i.rtf Albert Uosewell . , Davey. Herbert I.eroy Geary, l.loyci llurris. Martin Johnson. Cash lavis. nf IhA wrtrlH Onp fluff PYnrnsaA. , flnvn Cent-pa Krml Ptiriutl. U'oali.v , l.'rpiterlfk Ltiwell Orwlg. tiltrrO NO EXCX'BE FOR IT more than any other flag: It means ! Charles Mays, Lucine E. Filch. James Alex Itlotuqulst. Clyde Holmes, Wll- Passing through West St. Helensmore than any other national em -j-Warren Throp, Lester E. Wellington, Hum Edward North. George llolert several days ago. we noticed rj Irate blem- It expresses the will of a free George Woli, Allen McKle, Dewey Hee, llernard E. Anderson. William people ana proclaims tnai tney are Nunpaon miiiiii, iawrencc r.iiswortn wesiey ieny, vt iiuuih ..i. imim.-j supreme and that they acknowledge Davies, Guy E. Whitney, William Karvoneti, Henry Cornelius Elte-t- no earthly sovereign but themselves. Arthur Russell, Uurrell I Graves, sen, John Edward Ellertseu, John M R never was assaulted that thousands. Frank A. Thompson, Robert Sidney Olansen. Jesse; Watson llryant. did not rise up to smito the r.ssail-j Harrison. Harold P. Ross, Cecil Hons, George Iiewey VanVolklnbtirg, John ant. uiortous old banner! father taking to task a 12 cr 14 year told boy who had bca using profane and vulgar language In the presence of a six-year-old boy. The father said that he never used profanity In front of his children and didn't propose to have other people do so. We admlrea the father for this. There is ab solutely no excuse for using profanity and it is a crime to use it before a youngster. Any well bred person will not do so. However, there are many fathers and older brothers who, thoughtlessly swear before some ether fellows son or brother. If this John Southard. ' Leonard Kllertson. James Harry IHstrlei Xn. a 1IW.M.1..11 I Van. Johnnie Walter lllggs. A GREAT IXDV8TRY nnM si,ii,l tunu i-.,t.,... HNtri.t X... 7 (Warren) The canning Industry, fish, veee-l Pohert iinv n-iiiion. iM.ri..'. u v.mnnt tniiimnn Jo.-l S tables and fruit. Is crowing rr.pldly, dolph Anderson, Eugene Keelan,' Engstrom. Dennis Lee. Dunran. Emll on the entire Pacific coast. The in- Francis llernard Keelan, Jolin Jacob J. Cronlund, Cr.rl Cise: r Muhr. dustry should be encouraged In every. Hammer. Ruel Harold Galttens. ilert I George V. Carlson. Walter Tli odor Angus Henry Colvln, lie ij: tiiln Tanreii Dlslrlrl No. II (CnluinliU t lly) iVIIIIrm L. Vniifver. Harold Add rey Tn-ry, Hoy Clifford Hnumgard tier, Lawrence Victor Maxwell, I'ute Albert L. Dodson, Arelilo Me Kin ley Johnson, Hay Arelilo Ilitiimgarilnor. ' "'; Keytiol.l Ituheti Hauingardner, Wal ,!",'' Hoyt I rson. IM-lriet Xo. I'J (Rainier) John II. Wlthurti Wllhurn. Georgn Mill Lewis Frr.nkllii At kins. Charles Miller llrvson. IMxIrirt Xo. Ill (lUlnler) Clay Parker, Harry I-oul Ingrn ham. Julio William Sllvo. William Frederick Lechmcre JoHeph, AmhrnN.i Patrlik C.allagher, Charles Gilbert Thayer, Harold Wllltnm Thnyer. Kil ward Sprague Thayer. Lnurln Frank lin Slehmv.n. Herbert () Wilson. John Allien Thayer, Daniel Edward Jesse, Hobart Jesse, A libra Ornn Ktiunis, Velvln Swift Ktewsrt. Wnyne Arthur lUlrl... v.. ""'Hln; Karl Sine,.,;"; ' ,ui ;': way, as It is a developer of tho coun-i E try and employer of labor. The fig-! urea submitted to the Mist by thej" Columbia Klver Canning & Produce! Seffert, Elmer Drowning Loyd, ' I.-rson, Alfred Gabrlelson, Erik Chrlslcnsnn. Glenn I). H!ieely, Omir ford DeMent. Dlalrl.l v.. . . J'-Ph Pine; i,H l-enjanilii Churln iti " tor Ouderklrk. Anfcfi '" t No. a William P.... Rlehr.rd D ! ITIngle. fyi, Ii,;. ,.H m Wllhurn,1 . I't.rm. ThZ ,H Ru'rrT."' U""'M,U"'. IMxtrltt Xo. John I'eti.r ;'( IUS Hnydell. I -Vu0' ' ""W lwls Willi." ;,' man. Jam,., .," Uvloletl,. Finii "tl""1 Emmarson. c.r i-Jrki Ilrlel X. , ...7 son. Peter II...... '.'H (Talon. Georgo W. )ol, John Loroy Kmart llertno, CliirUil iMelntlro. Lou's llolloviy. W. C. . William Arthur Jnh 1 warteos. Cyd ltiwrtl Hum A. overlie, Ven-ft mun. John iJ.. .?"N Ivan Rakko, Pet.r g, (Continued on p,,tUl llcllowr-y, Julius Hot):. Max II. lleck. Ward Henry Hello av. DUlrlrt No. 1 1 (Vernmila) Gain Abe Stanton, Russell Carmen Stanton, Miirtln Chrlsl'visen, Fred father- or hrnlher henrrt unmn on a COInpan .., Whicu shows that thou- else swear before his son or young' dollars were paid the farm brother, he would be offended. er nd the cannery laborer during tho And speaking of using profanity ' 80ason JU8t Pt. convinces us that reminds us of a story we heard long1' cannery which will take the pro-' ago. On board a Mississippi river tdu.cts of ,ne farms and employ many steamboat bound from Memphis to 1 la.DOrers- ls a mighty good thing for! New Orleans, a minister orernjard a ne community. The local cannery man on deck using the vile; pro-'18 ao,"8 mis ana is entitled to the faulty. The minister spoke pleasant- jnpport of all who are interested In ly to the man and in a pleasant man ner rebuked him for swearing, and Illustrated his rebuke by saying that St. Helens and Columbia county. ssassa COME TO 3 When Hawker made his attemnt to the devil usually used some eood cross the Atlantic, every one admlr-! bait for every sin. The men at the ed nls nerve and pluck. When he was bar downstairs, who were drinking not 'successful, every one here In and boisterous, had such for bait; ! America regretted that fate was not; the men who were gambling, had the !'w,tn hlm and they were thankful bait of obtaining ill-gotten gain be-! he 8nd hls companion were saved. Tore them, but in the instance of the "1B uuerances wnicn in a : su n r S3 g men swearing, the devil threw out the hook without any bait and the swearer swallowed the bare hook. There's a whole lot of truth to this little story. The use of profanity on the streets of St. Helens Is entirely too common an ocurrence and the women and manner, exoressed contemnt fnr ih. manner in which the American avia tors succeeded In crossing the At-! lantic, proves that Hawker is not a' good sport. The navy department did not have the flight made to be spec- i tacular. It was for scientific pur poses and the safeguards provided! the thorough children who are passing, should not were onlv a Part of De compelled to hear It. If there is i r8m- no ordinance against such a nuisance '; an ordinance should be passed. If; Clyde Sutherland acknowledges there Is such an ordinance, It should1 lnal ln city dock; is quite useful. He: be enforced. bases his opinion on the fact that ! several days ago the steamer Tahoma ' BRIGHT KCTCRE AHEAD came down to St. Helens and there St. Helens has cause to be thank- 7u? heT Bod P'ace to tie up for MI. There Is authentic information ! lujl '"V' f,0. The, that the Standard Oil company, hav do wl" be U8eful BH rrght, ing faith in the future of St. Helens J ? ,V.m VT0Te. the necessity, and realizing the importance of the n 'tn"Lbtect,?m! T appar!nt- At city as a distributing point, will .tf6 time' tkyer. " spend 120,000 for a distributing sta-1 Ci wh8e ma'n objeet "' ! tlon. The Standard Oil company ! t? vkno' W0llKet in and do a ! does not spend money In wild cat ' L'tUe boostlnK. nock would sooa schemes nor does it make an Invest- j 9 a PUsy place- ' j ment without first looking over the! ' field. The fact that they will invest WAP DATA IS i such a large sum here Is evidence! t - - mot r-MirrT rrr. that they have Investigated the pos- ' . MOT COMPLETE sibllltles of St. Helens and are satis-' a . . .7T. , fled with the outlook. Superintendent Allen Gets a Line on The McCormick interests will ex- Several Hundred Soldiers pend another $100,00 for dock and terminal facilities. The McCormick i County School Superintendent Al company have already shown their! ,en 18 Putting forth every effort pos- iaun in st. Helens by expending morel"' ule lo 8ecure me proper informs .. -f.'wA, 14 - ; , i , if-: J tnan a quarter of a million nf rtni lars. Surely this big company is not throwing '-good money after bad." St. Helens has a future. In a few tlon relative to the soldiers who en listed for service In the war. In a number of the districts, the teachers have experienced some difficulty Ii. years it will be a much lnrcer tnum persuading the returned soldier m Of this we are convinced. But let usl"11 out the Questionaire submitted not wait for "outsiders" to make It to. hlm- In 80me cases, parents a uig town, avery loyal citizen should put his shoulder to the wheel and work for a bigger and better St. Hel ens. Every little effort will help In unity there Is strength. The Fourth is not far distance. Time now to make your plans to .spend the day in 8t. Helens. whose boys are vet in tho ervi have not been able to properly fill out the record blanks for the reason that they seem Ignorant of the station that the boy fills In the army. The following is the list compiled by Mr Allen, to date: District No. 1 (Scappoosc) Clyde Franklin Gochnour, Roy 1 ., M,;.hmsmm:A 2 31 Some Day You'UThank Us for keeping ever at it encouraging you to open and build up a bank account here at the Columbia County Bank. It may perhaps seem a little thing to you now but just you wait until that account starts to climb up in size. Then you'll appreciate that your efforts have not been in vain. We invite men, women and youngsters to bank here '" EVERY DEPARTMENT OF' BANKING . SHERMAN M. MILES President AAliTSTONK1TB Vice Prlsideul . ' o: MOECK : : : : : : : : : ; : : : ; Aigt. gsj GZFolumbi ST HELEN3 IN Cl 3UJMBIA COL INTY to Aid in the A n n nnn in r 1 2? Hi ffl Hen', Part of the Flrcl Dart Trosram. ol, Prizes to Contest mm GRAND PARADE, SPEAKING. FRRP. radh. DRILL TEAM, BASE BALLGAMP adtica DRILL BY THE RACES, GREASED PIG RACE, LOG AND MENS JUDGE THOMAS A. McBRIDE will deliver the Oration ST. HELENS WANTS ITS NEIGHBORS P-m ?im5 InSTI?KI?'J:0LUMBIA CITYBGOBLE TrVm wnSE' WARREN. YANKTON. TURN OUT IN FULL FORCP it i en ,7 rREN"OLM AND SPIT7PMRTrpr. TO CELEBRATION. MAKE YOUR PLANS K.nKX T.DAVS OP FUN FROLIC AND - " i J ill KM n TIITO rr . m.,.r mo ulu UH.I-liBKA 1 1UIN Street dancing at nigW Dancing in the afternoon on the barge "Swan" or July Committee iUNDER auspices of the st lCC HELENS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) You Will be WelcoTT rar.1 ti ww--; , ' ...