Newspaper Page Text
Helens Wishes EYOTQgeto finnni tn the Celebration Here on the Fourth aa"8sasw . sw A ,S ' 7. " j i i ill ii i i i I it vv ui ft waw5f'ypr-i n r- v s i-r-y i r- .assa. x. tit i j i a i i -j a i - r in rii fi ii i t T" i m i : i it a a FFI.CiAL PAPER 0F COLUMBIA COUNTY tilME XXXVIII. yirfV S COUNCIL HOLDS A QUIET MEETING Uy REPORTS MADE iwlvrd ami AcctoUhI for the Wrovrmcot of Winter turret LlowInK la tho record of tho bust transacted by tin city council at km ar meeting nionuay nmit U from lli niliii'lo-book: jtt city council mot In regular iuo June 23rd. The minutes or retular meeting war read and hired, roiiticuman wni'e re ti on the ruing or tlm floor lh nxr room of Ilia City Hull, thut M phoned certain parties who iirccd lo come on Ilia next day hid failed to put in an appear- u yet. Tim mayor suggatten It might bo cheaper to lay a now . The same waa discussed and M lo Councilman. White and tht bincHman Dixon reported thai Ipolton oak vlnea hung out over Idewalk along Hemlock street ted wine to tho marshal to nave rot and removed tiiDcllman Wheeler reported that m ilreets wre In need of cluan- out and aUo tliat aoma of the bilks worn In a deplorable condl- ind trial rulililah had accumu o iom of tho streets, t lie aame nfrred to the marshall to attend nplalnt w mails to the council ilneleanlnK worka on th Strand i menace to the adjacent pro ' oln to tho uae of aaaollne rabblah kit about the premlaea. Mm wua dlscuaaw at some lh. The niaralial waa Inatructed ptify the proprietor of the clean korki to make the uae of (aao- nta and take all precaution ftmt fire. Hacllinan Wheeler brought up SiMtlpn of providing ahalvelm fliaon liolea for the Tault. The tu dlarukHud at lonsth and a m mado and carried that th Mar have tha auuie dona. . . . tu malti.r of the eatabllahment ever dim Met. to be known aa rdUtrlct Nuj 8. Kunreyor L J. OrthovpD pn-itfiited the council (tour map of the proposed dls which wua examined and dla l md motion mudo and carried aurreyor Van Urahoven ha In. M to mtiko the necoaaary aur- pimi, promo, etc for ttie aame wa waa received from 1J. 8. Hla and Kherman Denver to Im ' winter atreet In accordance (lit plana ami aperlflcatlona on Irom the Interaectlon of ?ld Y lth 8t. Helena street aoutli I Winter atreet a dlatance of m for the mini of 1980. The dinniBscd at aoma lencth I OlOtlon llimle nml esrrla.l that N be accented and hnnrf inn pwl be nunlo and alfned. f ordinance Kranllnc the Stan- Oil company certain nrlvllerea ECity to erect oil tanka and auch building aa la necesaary waa lb third t lino and on motion Hid CArHeil Itnt nn itm flnul a and wna nnaaed by the fol- I ote: White yea. Dixon yea. W yea. Wheeler ea. awlon waa mnde ani! aocopdru Ibe recorder mirel'BHM 1 AA A lk' platea for hi jhoi In I he cilv. "wadmcnt lo the motion waa d carried thnt the recorder trtlCted til vet iimnlai mnA "tier which the orlalnal mo ! I amend men t waa carried. L Clilaf McCmley aaked the P "I the lil.rnry room In the be turned oror to the Vol r'l'lre depurtinont aa a recrea iwotn n W1(8 decided that tho " board Im Interviewed and io remove nil deaka, etc. Colin r."(onnr wna appointed to In r tn achool board. wrther hiiHineaa appearing, on SjoZV"'1 Cnrrle,i th" mMt" rTURNP.n Qni nrrrje PETED LY RED CROSS ite.4"'1 H,",or o' St. Helena Cri..y, V 1,18 !UC, of th" WUI uiuruoy main i ."'ntertaliiment at the skating 5. "umber of thoaa who served - earn on ir.nd or on ea, wore PIONEER PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1919 ATTORNEY T- W. DAY SOME RAPID AUTOIST Kalabllxlira Itw.r.l ltet,v-ti Hi. He. en anil iliHulm I.-",?1" 'J!1.!1 b" Attorney Joe Day bellevea In traveling alo He doea not. and If ever there waa a time when he thought alowneaa waa a party of safety, ha la willing to for get, for he hna guno fuat and ar rived at his destination aafoly. And before we forget to tell the atory, al low us to any thut on Tuesday af tornoon at 2 o'clock, tho aforesaid J. W. Day, accompanied by hit nephew. A .N. Collan. a timberman of llo(ulam, WaahliiKton, left Ht Melons In cn 8-cyllnder Cudlllic roadster. According to Day. the en ema ran nne ana the eprlnga on the car well, he couldn't toll exactly "' am, oecnuae lie wua anx ious aa to the safety of hi. ni.i, and not having been over the rond before,- he wished to aid his nephew In "watching the road." Oftentimes the will must be taken for the deed and If Jo didn't aeo the road, It wna becauao the m-chlne traveled over u at auch a rapid pnee that he didn't the time to view It. Ha ar rived In Hoqulmn tit 7 o'clock, five houre after having left 8t. Helens. The dlatance la 170 mllea. and the roads were protty good, Mr. Day stated. He St. Helena Wtdneaday, coming by train. He left Hcqulam rt 8 o'clock and ar rived In St. Helena at four o'clock Train time wna 8 hours: auto time oa 5 houra. The tllat.-.nco either bv rail or road, Is the Kor fast traveling. Governor Olcol seems to have nothing on Mr. Day. ROAD TO BEACH IS NOW OPEN PROGRAM BEING ST. ARRANGED FOR HELENS GREATEST FOURTH STARTS AT SUNRISE ON THE FOURTH AND ENDS AT MIDNIGH ON THE FIFTH WITHOUT A DULL MOMENT. IN THE MEANTIME i.. IL !'! ,b tlle, Krea,,!,,l celebration stand In the Plaza and Judce Thnm Tt ? .!?"?-!! 7' ue..rtdheJUodraUoTh?rBo at from Willing Worker xn IUuiiI lo City's riiMwure llewirt There are aome real workers In 8t. Htlena. This was demonatrated Wed- neaday afternoon when aome 36 or 40 member a of the fit. Helena Cham ber of ommerre reported for duty on the Columbia beach road. Captain u. 8. Detipaln was there to direct the workers and outlined the work nec esaary to make the rond passable. The work waa done and now tho road la open for auto traffic, and one may aafoly undertake the trip and drive right through to the river front. When the tired workera had com pleted the Job, they were given a good dinner en the beach picnic grounds by thoughtful ladles Inter ested In the Chamber of Commercu and the building of the rond. Mr. DoBpaln will have a man on the road for aeveral days and smooth out the rough places. He snya thnt before the Fourth, the rond will be In good condition and Columbia beach will bo accessible. that wonhl 2 "U"ng undone A,ler tl,e "Peking the barbecue alow Thi ''UCC),," for 11,9 ,0 be "'""net feature of the dav are 'n J,,, rnp!'rU 8rs r" ln nd secured the services of a noted chef' hone. nf .tt.7""C beyona 1,19 fondest I one who makea barbecue? nte Zl orTr,.n 18 mo"1 optimistic. Thclllalty. and they will furnish him with Xto" l!r tat he maVneVlo".: and attraction,! n7a i- - u 1 l.1 woo come, in the afternooh , . . n "luuuier ".uiiiea ine SDOria. ran irom start to no easy task uier .uinea ine 8 Dorm rneea nnrf .. And theirs la i Innu Th..A .... inero are a hundred ent kinda hnlnv hii,.i.j . ., B . , auu mare .'l.-llHh. PASTOR ATHLETE IS MA R R I E D Hip of Coin Beats Vault Champ Out of Trophy But Not Out of Bride Though the flip of coin lost for the Rev. A. Kalpb Spearow the gorgeous auver trophy that symbolized the mgnesi athletic powress of any in dividual ln tho Northwest, the pas tor-athlete was by no means down cast. For a prize greater than that waa his. At the close of the athletic meet at Multnomah field Saturday afternoon Ire hastened home to pre pare for his wedding. Spearow and Miss Marjorie Schoe neck were married at 8 p. m.t at tho Spearow family home, 8122 Fifty ninth avenue southeast. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. H J. Sullens, district superintendent of Congregational churches for Oregon and Southern Idaho. Mr. Spearow is pastor of the Ply mouth Congregational church of St. neiens, wnere he has a large and - v.,v niuuo uoiiiK scnea 7' ..... uKs-cstions to be weighed will be something for everv n nl growing congregation ' ! "'-"c' rB endeavor- matter in what direction their t.(. I Mrs. Spearow. daughter of Mrk. i A . ..ui.r,0 a pr'j-riiin that will . may run rv'""" " l :e Matures of a reu-! program of SDorts. fn, .h. v,a tlon. Tttln?.?!0' Ju'y Vl i nUrac- r168' races for Krown-ups, men year's v l,?orv in,P:'r.?rlate t0 l,l"''an1d women. "ean or fat. and free-for )ers Victory Celobntlon. , -all. There will be a greased olg hubiiuirine Chaser Cuming i face, a feature that neveh falls to According to a telegram rece'ved "uf'or1 a11 gor,B amusement for the today from tho navy department ! 8pt'Ctal?r8- There w111 lso b the sub rlmser mm i, . . ... c. ., . .greased Dole, withnut arhih .. ... tut tu oi. iioiens u . . -- ?" (k.i ..i.d xr ii . .ur io iaae part in the celebration This "ul' Program would be4 , " " "' . "'a ui mo univer- wlll be ti e first time a I'nltcd States complele Tl,ere wl" b8 log-rolllnt! Blty f Ida,no could t0ch him, and It sea fighter has ever anchored In St I ?nte8t "nd there wm be a tug-of-war w". 'J.U?i1 each nad 11 Polnt Helena harbor and will prove a areat D0tW6fcn Picked teams that will un- 00 'ndlvidual -score. The flip of the ettrnctlon to many - ; ouotedly prove an exciting contest i coln went ln favor ot tne Idaho man. Karly next wcok tho committeo oi ' And lhon there wl" 08 baU Kame i'We'i' heJca,me farthest' for it, let docoratlons will bcoj the Job Thevffor ths 'an8 thu w111 b8 between ; "Inl have u wag the paator'i com e started on his way to the There will be the usual' EniilT Schoeneck of 340 East Forty- bbtbuiu aireei norm, is n graduate of Lincoln high school. The athletic pastor broke the Northwest pole vault record with 12 feet m 1 ches. About four weeks ago he broke the eitlre coast record with a vault of 12 feet 10 Inches. ou iiiuiij scores naa ne nnea un Intend to aeo that t .o ntr'ets whert 1 lT0 te.am8J fro.m .the Artl8an 'odK8 Te- k lebw tion's w i' r"'- .rla1"a"?nw w 11 ! altar -O be down ln force to helD celebrate t 6,lar- Oregon Journal. Ihe principal part cf the cc nrnprrm alii i, ., . , oe oown in lorce to otely dressed for tho occas'on Th i the nallonal hlrthday. . Aftcr spending their honeymoon roquest that all the -arloi-s niaces of by any means the least of the ! ? LnK Boach. Washington, the business bo liberal in drao Ine the attralo''' oa the afternoon's proJ haPPJ couple returned to St. Helens store fronts wit. tMc ratlo3 colors !Kram wlU be 11,6 w,t6r Prt"- T"ese Tuesday evening. They also request that flan, ami S-r0,Ud l!e dirLCt 8UPe"'8"n ..f " bunting be displayed on every house'' Ballaeh and he reports that Hons ever shown in 8t Helens. This front In the city. A. to the street, Interest Is being manifested In I display will be held from the city docoraJons thoy falthfullv' nromu i th. 8 Part of lhe daT'8 8Ten- There dock at 9:00 o'clock. Places of van- nart . 4W111 oe many otnor raoes and sports tage to view the fireworks will be DEMOCRATS WIN IN SCHOOL ELECTION There was a school election In Rainier last week. According to the Rainier Review, very little In terest was manifest, that Is until the night of the election. At that time. Dr. Welch, the democratic captain of the Rainier district of Columbln county, assembled his forces and elected a democrat aa director of Rainier school board. Slowly, but surely. Bherman Miles and Dr. Welch are taking chnrge of the political destiny of Columbia county and do ing their utmost to swing the county I which at this time have nnt hmn from the hlnffi htvniiil Nlri inui. 'fully arranged for. Early next week' the lawn back of the courthouse and me committee will have the nro- from Nob Hll . no celebration would be complete' to do their part. I'nnule HIk Attract ion. Tho pr.raclo. wlch will he one of Im ...! ' .?' '.n1 ''""""'Kram fully completed and will then will st-rt from tho Plaza at 9:30.jhave it printed and scattored broad If present plans work out St. HolenB'cnBt over the county is to see the most Interesting parade i , ,,., Wmi ever offered at a Fourth of July cele- ml IJ,,crsl 2 0"er- -hratlon. The veterans of three wars' T,ie "nanc8 committee have done will be In formation. The various ,,,lelr work we". 88 there Is assurance local organizations and lodges will ,lllat lileral cash prizes will be award stnge features In keeping with the r ed to tho dinners of all contests. Be- gront Victory celebration. Undoubted- ",u l"eBO alaa prizes mere win oe NO. 28 DOLLARS POUR IN FOR THE SALVATION ARMY QUOTA NOT YET RAISED St. Helens Elks on the Job and Expect 10 dc war tne Top Tomprrow Going with a whoop la the one way to describe the drive that la being staged by the St. Helens members of the Elks to raise funds to assist the Salvation Army In Its work. Monday morning the committees started to work r.nd met with good success. However, the goal Is not in sight and the Elks will continue to work until the quota of (2000 for the St. Hel ens district has been raised. They feel that the full quota la in sight, but realizing that there are many peo ple anxioua to subscribe and who have cot been called upon, the work will be continued until every one baa had an opportunity to give their mite for this noble work. ' Reports Not AU In. Reports from Scappoose, Doer Is land, Coble, Yankton and Warreu have not been received, but it is known that the workers in these dis tricts have bad a ready response from the people, and it is thought that when the reports are filed, each community wUl be proud of the re ord established. The results in St. Helens are most gratifying. Thursday morning $668 had been deposited to the credit ot the Salvation Army and several re ports had not been turned in. Dr Wade set the St. Helens quota at 1000 and he thinks the amount will be raised. He has the committees at work and believes that before to morrow night, the total amount will be subscribed. FERRY PROPOSED TO WASHINGTON SIDE Movement Started to Operate a Boat From St Helens A movement is on foot to operate a ferry from St. Helens to the Wash ington side of the river. As a nucleus for a fund to oromote such a evnture J. H. Thatcher. Morton t without plenty of music. The com-IWilann ,nH a m ui. . mlttee ln charge fully realizes this a willingness to each g vi 1 check for and have been untiring in their er- (60 There are othfrs who Tare iJ forts to secure the beat for this fea- favor of auch a move and it la b" ture of the celebration. The Artisans lieved that in the near future th .11 .1. 8 theLr famous by' band jchamber of commerce will take up the with them, and this organization is matter and appoint a committee to an attraction In Itself. Then there thorouehlv nrtll Iia K C T.T I V. 1 i i l .1.. n.. I" - mnnv awards mnHn In tnorehnnHI. I "c l- """. wmcn . v.. . .1.1.11 .uimimj win Buiier, . , - : organization hus been nracticlne over- some scathing sentimentalities wll which are being donated by the vari- Ume ,a h! big St. Helens turns loose In the parade us wholesale houses in Portland. event. There will also be on hand Individual stunts and features such Mun7 of these later prizes re al-i lhZ st '," nd Z ,ehf: us ciowns. piugugnes. oena Ka sers. 1 -- itn of the proposition and make m. mnnm of the Washington side to determine the most logical point for a termlcnl on that shore. Should the proposal take definite Jl i8Jl'l!b! rtrsZes. J, t . -nstrous communV sing me 1' ? aSom.. town and countryside over for goov l'"cJ- . ". ""'''. raminery, , p,a2a gquare, Under an able leader limner nna any one having good orl- r""cu , this will prove one of the big attrac- glnal Ideas should give It to the com- honia overalls, tour loving, tlons and is heId appropriate jn v)ew niiuoe or put an inspiration witn it, ; 01. "i- nd show up in the parade. Help 1 en8 flour. mnke tho parade the greatest on ree- And ,or tho8 wll dance there lord. Six cash prizes are being of- wl11 08 no nd.of opportunities. The fored and the competition should be1 C'K anncmg DarK0 s,wan, irom Fort- keen. The prizes are: Most attractive flont 1st. $15; 2nd, 110. Rest feature stunt by nn organization or firm 1st. 10: 2nd, $6. Rest Indi vidual stunt (clowns, pliiguglles or featurea including not more than one person! 1st. $10; 2nd. $5.00. Immediately after the will come tho oratki: of the day This twill bo dollvored !.y CMof Justice Thomas Mcltrfdo of the Oregon Supreme Court. More than usual Into tho democratic column. It Is (interest is being shown In this oration thought that the republicans mayj Hon from the fact that Chief Justice aome time awake, but when they do Columbia County and Is known by awake, It might bo too late and they! many throughout this section. Percy will find that Miles and Welch have; Harrison has had erected a speakers been working while the republicans were asleep. land, will bo tied up at tho city dock from 3:00 o'clock In the afternoon until 9:00 at night. Tho Artisan ot the tact that this is a Victory cele bration As stated above the program is in complete. There will be many fea tures of which the Mist has made no mention. But it Is certain that there will not be one dull moment in in. Helens from the time the salute is orchestra will be on board during this ;flred on the morn)ng of the Fourth nerlnri to furnish muali and the dane. 1 lng will bo free to all. And in the evening there will be street dancing. Good music will be furnished and the streets where the dancing will takt. place will be especially prepared for the ocassion. Fireworks Biff Attraction. until the last tired pleasure seeker wends his weary way home on tho night ot the fifth. Without a doubt, St. Helens will be the host to a large crowd. From all over the county comes the assurance that many are com'ng to participate ln the celebra tion and Portland people will be here modate any volume of business thai may develop in the future. This pro Ject has been proposed many times In the past, but until now no definite -action has been taken. There is need of such shore-to-shore communlcatiob at this point and undoubtedly there will be interest taken in the matter at this time to successfully promote the pr&positlon. At night there will be a gorgeous In full force to swell the crowd. d'splay of flrowohks. This display j Plan to celebrate in St. Helens. s in charge of Clyde Sutherland and , You wll get your money's worth and he is sparing no pains to make It one: then Rome, and St Helens will wel of the grandest pyrotechnic exhiblJ come you. Ilani, their great were Severn I hnnilnn . ' 11 ""'eciion oy L.a Wbs u Mr Jan88 Ellison M ths r-stu mod soldiers. Feel ins lpo,(e of tho BreBt ierv(ce I.DBrJe.r.f"r"'od an(1 Mpresseo r in. .,.11 . . " "mencun soi fth. tl,,.,'. 1,1,1 "Ph"li the honor h u V""'"1' nd by mado possible the Jl . C? n'in- Wo'""Rtn. chief 4 at L,n.rvLr.po.?do,,'.H; " onlv m. i . "'mors naa H h. 2? r lu,y' T,y "pp- V' '' 11,0 Rod Cross and " throsih c","fort hd come to w! . Bld of th Red m, but it Klon'B P88h was ( annrai. . ,n8 l the point end fut. 1 relndodn,' McCy "n v1 Parlor ;V , uuy" went to the Heions anu m , ..h for Sths, we, 11,6 Mtodlat church Editor of the Telegram did much ror '.. "" Were survi ih . i..'ot iiaiana By Ills death hi.. oi WORK STARTED ON DIKING PROJECT Captain H T. Groves arrived In St. Helens Monday night and brought with him a force of mon t;o otarted to clear tho right of way on the dlk lng project fron Lewis river to Caplo ranch, opposite Ci litmbla City, in nrnv-a informs tho Mist that in the near future a contract will be it tnr tha hiiltillnir of t'.ie dike and thnt seme 9000 acres ot fertllo land will be reclaimed by the tuildlrg of such dike. The cost of the work Is estimated to be $226,000. The land to bo roclalinod Is direct ly opposite St. Holons and when It Is toclnlmed and cultivated, a large business will come to St. Helens. VETERAN NEWSPAPER MAN PASSES AWAY Frank P. Toevs. vetornn Oregon newspaper man and coast editor of the Portland Telegram died at hla home n Portland wouiiudu, lng Mr. Toevs had been a resident of Oregon for the past thirty years and was prominent In lodge circles He was past grand master of Orlont I odse I O O F. of Portlhnd and waa cognized'88 an authority on f rater, rial law. . , . , .. ..... . irnm! fr ond of St. Herons and In I... -paclly a. coat Jncle Sam Strikes Quick as Mexicans Threaten SWw J" . MA 6BN. AkV n Undo Sum In 1916 and Uncle Sam In 1919 Is something olsn again, as has been found out by Mexican revolutionary leadcs. Poncho Villa In pa.-tlcnlar. Stra bullets from Mewan uie killed one nnd Injured several Ameri cans In El Paso, Toxas. across tho U'o Orundo from Juarex, Mexico, when MaJ. Gen. De llosey C. Cnboll, commander ot the U. S. border guard, ordereo an advance ot American infantry, cavalry and artillery across the Rio Grande at five points onto Mexican soil to meet the Angeles- : Villa troops which were then. advancing on Juarex. .. COUNTY AGENT BUYS VALUABLE JERSEYS These Blooded Cattle WUl be Vsed as Foundation for Future Herd Columbia county is to have another herd of high class Jersey cattle. Thh. will be if present plans work out. At the recent sale of Jersey cat tle on the famous Ed Cary farm la Yamhill county an average of $1109 per head was received for 33 bead. This was the highest average price ever paid ln public auction west ot the Rockies. This price, however, did not prevent County Agricultural Agent D. C. Howard from buying five head of the good ones. He bought Blossom's Rosalre, a wonderful young cow at $1600 and two of her excel lent daughters at $1200 and $130. A five-months old heifer calf out of one of these was bought by Hood Farms of Lowell, Massachusetts tor $2526 00. Mr. Howard also bought a pair of beautiful two-year-old heif ers for which he was forced to pay $1200 and $1000, making the five head cost him a total of $6200. 0t. These fine animals will be brought to Columbia county late this tall when Mr. Howard Intends to stock up a farm which he will probably operate between work hours. Mr. Howard la to be congratulated upon his excel lent undertaking and Columbia coun ty will undoubtedly profit by the results. NEW REGULATIONS IN FORCE AT DEPOT Agent Gilby of the 8. P. A 8., In forms the Mist that hereafter freight will not be received at the depot af ter 3:30 p. m on week days and not at all on Sundays. This makes the houra in which freight Is handled ifrom 7:30 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Ex press will be handled from 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. every day, Sunday In cluded. . .This new ruling la due to the enforcement ot the eight-hour law among the depot employe null an UILD . - . ION.