OCR Interpretation

St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 18, 1919, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2004260419/1919-07-18/ed-1/seq-10/

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1 : v,
i - i
Mrs. A. R. Spearow and liar moth
er were Portland visitors Hondif.
Caler SUnwood spent Sunday with
irienas in roruana.
John L. Storla was In Portland
Monday on business.
8. U Butler of Deer Island, was tn
St. Helena on business Monday.
Charlea Wheeler waa In Portland
Tuesday on a business mission.
P. A. Dixon and Frank Connor were
in Portland on business Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Akin and ton. Clar
ence, were in Portland on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Rutherford and
ramuy spent Saturday In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen and
family were In Portland laat week
Mrs. C. E. Christenson and Miss
corrlna Hill spent laat week In Port
. Mrs. J. L. Storla and children
pent Friday and. Saturday In Port'
Miaa Gretchen Mgeck waa In Port-
muu our iuo iwi enu visiung wun
Jake Large was an enthusiastic
rooter at the ball came In Portland
uwight rarr of Woodburn, was a
truest of Ruth and Leland Austin on
Mrs. J. S. Bothwell and Miss Doris
, Bothwell shopped in Portland on
Mrs. J. George entertained the
ladles of the Guild at her home Tues-
; day afternoon.
The Misses Lenora and Pauline
Paulson are in Portland Tlslttnf
mends this week.
Mis j Ethel Bradford of Portland.
'Is spending her yacatlon wlfh Miss
; Garaldlne Katel.
Mrs. R. M. Hudspeth of Goble Is
. visiting wttn her daughter, Miss Alva
Hudspeth this week.
Howard Smith baa accepted a posi
tion as surveyor on the state highway
; at Baker, Oregon.
. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Taber and Mrs.
. Carl Christenson and children, wer)
' in Portland Sunday. .
I R. O. Lewis and Lewis Stanley of
; Deer Island were business visitors In
St. Helens on Monday.
' W. A. Harls was in Vernonla last
week end looking after business in
terests in that section.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Baker of Port-
- land, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
: John Sten over the week end.
Mrs. Vonv A. 'Gray's mother. Mrs.
Mary Muchow of Portland, visited
with the Von Gray's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Neff returned
home Monday from a vacation trip
to Eugene, Sllverton and Salem.
Mrs. H. Buck returned Monday
ftom Spokane, where she has been
visiting her sister for the past month.
Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Ross. Mrs. E.
Blakesley, Mrs. E. A. Ross and J.
- W. Day motored to Portland on Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Copeland and
Mr. Copeland's mother, Mrs. Mary D
Copeland, motored to Oreron City
Charles Beeler was in Portland
Sunday with is wife, who has been
visiting friends there for the past
few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Von A. Gray and
children and Mrs. Mary Muchow,
imotored to Portland Sunday and
topent the day.
i Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mattos, former
ly of Portland, have moved to St.
Helens and are living In the McKle
Mr. and Mrs. H. Kemp and Mrs. P
J. Brakke and son of Portland,
motored to St. Helens late yesterday
afternoon and spent the evening with
Mr. and Mrs. William Muckle.
Miss Lulu Parmely of Portland, is
visiting Mrs. Fannie Rosa this week.
Miss Alma Ditto is in Portland to
day, attending a sorority party at the
George Brough of Rainier, Is at
tending cour in St. Helens this
Fred Morgus and George Domlre
returned yesterday from a two days
visit to Seaside. .
' Recorder George Conyers of Clata
kanle, was a business visitor in St.
Helens this week.
Miss Mildred Raff of Portland
spent the week end with her sister
Mrs. A. C. Tucker.
Miss Alma Ditto had as her guests
n Sunday, Mr. Howard Spade and
Miss Florence Spade, of Portland.
F. M. Brown, secretary of the Ore
gon fish and game commission, was
In St. Helens Wednesday on official
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry and Afisk
Beth Perry returned Wednesday
ifrom a visit to the Perry Austin s In
Mrs. C. E. Burgess or Portland, a
former St. Helens resident, was a
guest of Mrs. C. E. Chrlstensen on
Mrs. Frank Wllklns left Monday
for West Port, Washington, where
she will stay for the remainder of
the summer. -
Miss Mildred Johnson of ClalBkan
le, is visiting her brother, J. F. Johrr-
on and wife. She will remain for
several weeks.
After spending a week in Portlaoi;
as the guest of Mrs. W. B. Mackam,
Miss my George returned to St
IleleiiH Monday.
Ira Klock of Clatskanle, called at
the Mist office Wednesday and added
his name to the rapidly increasing
subscription list.
Carl Aamand made a trip to Porv
land Tuesday to have his wrist ex
amined. He broke his wrist three
weeks ago at the shipyard.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lidyard and
son Beldon, and Mr., Frank Lidyard
were in Portland Sunday, guests of
Senator Adams of Mllwaukie.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Marsh and
Miss Margaret Burns of Portland.
Iwere guests of Mrs. Marsh s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hobbs on Sunday.
Mrs. K. constantin and sons,
Rauol and udore, left yesterday for
Ottawa, Canada. Mrs. Constantln's
former home. They expect to be ab
sent for several months.
Mr. nd Mrs. A. E. Austin ant
laughter. Julia Belle, motored to
Woodburn in their new Studebaker
six on Tuesday and returned yester
Mr. Wash Muckle and Miss Marian
Cox left Wednesday for Seattle. The
will visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. h.
Farrls and expect to be absent two
The Misses Alleen and Mary Town-
send of Portland, were in St. Helens
on Thursday. Both of them have
been elected to teach in high school
next year.
E. A. Rotger'a mother and sister,
Mrs. J. Rotger and Miss Lillian, of
San Francisco, arrived In St. Helens
yesterday to make an extended visit
at the Rotger home.
The ladles of the Methodist church
gave a surprise picnic dinner for Rev.
and Mrs. A. S. Hisey on Thursday.
They called at the Hisey home and
took their guests to Godfrey Park.
where a delightful kinch was served
at six o'clock.
The steamer Willamette arrived
Thursday noon and is tsfklng on a
full cargo of lumber for California.
The vessel Is scheduled to leave Sat
urday night.
The- members tf the Bt. Helens
Epworth League went to Columbia
Beach Tuesday evening on a picnic.
About 26 young people attended. The
evening was spent In swimming.
Mrs. A. L. Sttone and daughter,
Helen, left Sunday for Seattle, Wash-
' yuuger
ington, where they will spend their
vacation with Mrs. Stone's aunt, Mrs.
W. D. Crandall. They export to be
gone for two weeks.
Mayor Saxon lort tor ronianu ira
Thursday afternoon to attend to sev
eral business matters.
Standard Oil Company spending
large sums prospecting for oil In sev
eral parts of the state. Large test
ing rig going up la lanmiii county
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James
McKlnley and daughters. Miss Mary
McKlnley and Mrs. Grace Charleton.
and Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCtoud of
Portland, motored to St. Helens and
spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Orln
Laden with 1.600,000 feel board
measure of mining props, the steam
er Provldeucla loft out Tuesday night
bound for a Mexican port. The cargo
was loaded and furnished by Brough
ton & Wiggins.
Rev. Vernon Cooko, who has beet.
In the Y. M. C. A. service overseas,
will soon come to St. Helens and give
a lecture at the Congregation church,
telling of his experience on the bat-
11a frnnt
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. J. F. !
Johnson entertained the Altar society, i
The members wiio atwnaeu "e;hot Jay A , 2 ,,,, ,,, 0
XII IB. V 1 . CVIIMUU, 11 wo a.v !)
Published by Special Arrangement (
FriilayU'i'ut llr"r ,or 11,8
Sot or boys wins ivfini"
we had a
dance. I was h
damping with
J. K. Acksl
dentiy slept on
her foot. I ant
her 2 pleeso x
kuse me ft he
sed 1 don't mind
It wen you step'
oa my foot but it
limit hurts the
w:y you slide off.'
Tim way she sou
It 3 mo Is wot
hurts ft I wood
rothor play ball
& go swimming
thau 2 il mi oe or
t with a lotta
Saturday pa
wax swelling be
cause It was a
lan, Mrs. M. DeFently, Mrs. Lu. Pux
ey, Miss Gladys Jordau, Mrs. J. Cobs
mer and Mrs. J. Bossel.
H. Zatterberg of Columbia City,
was a caller at the Mist office on
Monday. He Is not trying to farm
this year but Is spending his time In
clearing land. He has cleared f lv
acres since he has been on his farm.
It you are suffering from I
eye strain attend to your
eyes at once. Don't store
up. trouble for future years. Co mo ln
and have Dr. Thompson make a!
thorough examination of your eyes.)'
and probably the eye strain can bo:
readily overcome. Consult him next j
rlslt, Tuesday, July 29, Oread la :
Hotel all day.
Mrs. A. B. Lake returned Thurs
day from Jackson Minnesota, where'
she has been visiting her mother,!
Mrs. M. Hulclt, for the past month, j
Mrs. L. F. Manning of Tacoma,!
Washington, visited with her brother,!
Mr. J. Garritz and wife on Wodnes-,
Son the only rest 1 ever got Is wen
yure ma Is hunting annulling for inn
2 work at. Pa me Is getting prltty
fremlly here of late. I guess we are
both sorry for one a Mother.
Sunday 1 went 2 Sunday skool
today & pa ft nil cum to church ft
1 staid 2. It was raining onny way
Their was a man cum lu end set by
pa. He wlxpered 2 pa ft nut How
long has the proechur been preach
lug ft pa anserred and replynd I
think about 3 yrs the man sed I
suppose he must he About threw so
I guess I mite as Weil stay.
Monday I told Jakes coucn
wlch is visiting Juke that they wsi
a big stone lion down 2 the bridge
wlch Is twontyS ft long. He sed t
me that Juke sed It was fifty f.
Harold sed Slats wen It comes 2 lion
you atnt In It.
Tuesday Ma had baked sum good
cherry pies & so 1 cum up fruiu
the cellar ft sed Ma wot wood you
say if I et one of yur pies ft she sed
1 ou Just try it ft see wot I wood do
Mr Bnil Mm T..1.M KT..f .f I 1 1
land. 'who have' been spending their ! ' e,1,.s"a 0"T'i',0 ore ft remarked,
vacation In Seaside tnm..l in . ' 1 "" 1 I'"" her 2 her.
Helens on their way home r.nd visited , . .
with Mrs. Neffs father. They return-' edncsday pa ft ma wbs hots
ed home Sunday evening uccompnn-i rped'' a,,.,n n",Ki"", & l
tea oy miss i nor unrber.
Enoch Conyers of Clatskanle. was
here last night to aid the Masonic
lodge In conferring the'thlrd degreo
on his grandson, Kit Conyers. Mr.
Conyers Is the dean of all Oregon
Masons, and probably the oldest
Mason In the United States. Hn w
initiated Into the order in 1S52 at
yuincy, Illinois.
Among the 8t. Helens people who
attended the Sweet Pea show at
Rainier last week were, Mrs. T la
blster, Mrs. William Muckle, Mr. arri
Mrs. W. A. Levi and daughter, lluth,
Mrs. A. F. Barnett and the Misses
uretcnen Moeck and Doris Bothwell.
pa 11 y no you suppose these au
thors Is alt so slnlcal wen (peeking
of marriage ft a sed I guess they
are all married. Mostly All I cud hour
was the Clock. j
Thursday Worked.
Honoring Miss Dorothy John, a'
former resident of 8t. Helens, who
is a brtdo-elect, Mrs. VanOrsliovea
and Miss Lulu George entertained
with a miscellaneous shower Tniirs
day afternoon at Mrs. VanMrshoven's'
home. Tho rooms were tastily dec
orated with hearts and cuplils. One
Mrs. Barnett directed the operetta I of ",9 featur of he afternoon was
"Mid-summer Eve," in which Miaa ll'e ,ntn,rico two llttl farl-ii from
ruirjr i.anu urawing a riower decked
cart in which sat Cupid surrounded
Ruth Levi took the part of the child
who was lost in the forest.
' Production for past woelt tt 121
West Coast Lumbermen's associated
mills amounted to 76,816.221 feei.
New business amounted to 70 ss .
137 feet; and totnl of all shipments
wun innumerable parcels and pack
ages which were presented to MIhs
John with tho compllmei.ts of the
iove god. A dainty lunch was serv
ed. The guests were. Mrs I. It
for week 78,444.434 feet. Trann.l of Seattle. Mrs. It. Parker. Mrs
continental rail shipments were ap-"'- "raake, Mrs. C. II. John, Mrs
proximately 38 per cent In excess of' f" Jo,in' t,,e Misses Merna Yeonians,
orders accepted from eastern terri- ',B,(n "unns and Gertrude Wat kins
tory. of Portland, and Mrs. K. Iljorkmnn
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McCormlck J7rrg- B'r, Mrs. A. George. Mr.'
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Miles and Miss!,;- J- km. Mrs. A. V. llarnett,
Leona Perkins returned Monday Mrs- A- " George, the Misses Marie
from Drain, Oregon nnd other points J'""1"0". Anna and Alice Quick
In the Willamette valley. The return , 8,0 1,ll,". Madge Morrell, Doris
trip of 235 miles was made in about """'well, Adnluid Adams, Klla Hut
12 hours. Mr. McCormlck ulrl ti tan. Inns llarber. Jane nll ,
utuo, ,ur ma greater part or the! lejir, Kurlo l-ullure
way, were in excellent condition, and ; ,ttluran ana Mrle Dixon, Eugenia
That the best place in St. Helens to
obtain high grade Cigars, Tobaccos
and other delights of the smoker is at
The Club Cigar Store
H. THATCHER, Proprietor
Phone 110
h " u irouuie to reoi orf 30 to
40 miles. The crops in the valley are
good, he said, and every Indication
Ib that this famed section of Oregon
will have a most prosperous year
Captain Milton Smith and Mrs
Smith of Rainier, were here Tuesday
enroute to Portland. The captain waB
in numi oi anomer steamer to add to
his fleet of towing boats.
ii l "Uln AUI,"n from St.
He ens. The little Miss Louise George
and Marlun and Virginia Sutherland
S 1 w
He has been ehnaan .
the island Luml; cim'Ki
A deal has been consumated where-
fen,r"iV'"l"P hM Ukftn ' "
r,6. ,al c.onf"nerjr which l.erelo
rore has been conducted by Mr and
has already taken possession of the
buslnw. and Is prepared to serve IS"
Dlu.M . ..
Mit . v. "iucsi ti16
h in "'v":m l"'r appreciation m
ib.?. b"l"M'W given the.,,
- uiai uinir successiip i.u
a continuance of the trade "
weM a6n?fW W11r 0f 1,10 business Is
I ,' favorably known to tho ma-
wlahhl. J tt h08t of frl"n'1'' I"
ne.BshlveKnl'ur;.',UCC,!"H 'n hta B0" b'-
Holens exhibits ..... "7. ..m-
? nd P.aces7' Mr j"Zr
was awarded grand first rii
Clvnil a till...... j . . ,M le,n
a prlzo. and R! 1 i ' ra' "
ad ae,,! "lK"r. w.tt,, a""rl-
mj received a silver snrt,i-.i.
. im llllllFfiy uii.
accepting the position of auditor of and fIorl8t fro' I'nrilann
the St. Helens Shipbuilding Com 1 ",','rKe PoPe- vmUmt ' ill
pany, he was county clerk n i ,BMllln of Orow...
position to which ho Lsteen'elecTeu iarlet .'o," eX"1Mtod
will not necessitate, his withdrawal "Weet p"a": Varrawa
hn ' t : . ..ule otrlc affairs office TZF .V !R . Mist
In light ' weight
this warm, dry
weather. We have a
complete o r t
nient In several dif
ferent styles'" and
ran fit your needs
as well as your feet.
Canvass Shoes, with rubber soles
Lnathur uppers with Nnolln soles ... a.i
, -'W.oujojtjj
Leather Shoes
Vt.Uf k
We have Just rocolvsd a number of Bllpons B tanJ
Wo have just received a number of Hl.l iMkNH Is m
weaves and colors. They are just the thing for ,!
tho beach or on your outing and are priced IM sad fll!
lb ginning July 7, we rlo ml 7 p .tn., eicrpt Sttt
Mist Want Ads for Rk:
Home of Good Pictures
Mary Kckford in "HILDA FROM HOLLT.
One of the Finest of Her Photoplays. Comedy mi:
Fannie Ward in "COMMON tXT
This is a full 7-reel feature. Matinee at 2 o'dod
Douglas Fairbbi
Scenic and Comedy
J. Stuart Bhcbi
. "MISLT j
Scenic and Condi
I j o ft k. " i
ijooola-j Fairbanks
Sessue Hayawaka b "HIDDEN PEARIf
Olive Thomas in "LOVE'S
SPECIAL FEATURE no advance in price of
and 2-reel Comedy "HAUNTED BY HlMSELTi
Billie Rhodes in "THE LOYE CALL"
Comedy and Scenic '

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