OCR Interpretation

St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 22, 1921, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2004260419/1921-04-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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NO. 19
LlllJ'IH .lkeu l .11(1 llllllllH'r or
Cii ' Commit in Making
01. llt lriiH Clean. Provisions Marie
(or Il.tMlitiK Away IU'fuH.
morrow Suturduy, In tho-annual
In -I i liiy.und you want your
l,llSrH to li clean. If you will put
' uii cms, empty near nuor not ties,
Into boxes, biurets or hugs and
ih. 'ii r to llio street or roud
upm or truck will coiuo mid gut
, v S. Harlow Johimoii, who Ih
iiiiiin of tlio Cleun-L'p Week com
,,.c, Ii.ih furnished Hid MlHt with
r,,l,. in Instructions which liu
l-sti-il published :
i. good enough IUKO It Upon
r.,elf tu hi'h Unit uvory ono In your
tut places uii nm oia tins, but-
etc . tu Iiiixom barrels anil Iiukh
liniiit Hint run bo reached by
iiml uIho request thul uh-iu-e
ix' K i v i 1 1 tu loading the
J onto I tin wugoliH.
iii.inln In charge are an fol
Morgus block and Unit portion
In- hi i unci on the river l et ween
i hniise nml the 81. Helens Luiu-
iiuiii, i .'.v. Jumeg oionixr; Hunk
k nml iiiy hull block, Shennun
klili.i; I'lymc uth street to Mwtli-
chuirli. II 8. Musou; Nob bill,
llui'icrfoid; St. llulona, Cuko
(iilii, (.:iH. across fiut burk
mlin-k street to Portland roud,
Mutuant; Coluniblu purk, nigger
k not Hi, K. I. Hullugh; Wlllam-
uc.'i tu Hemlock street and Dci-r
id runt to 1'uclflc street. Von A.
, lnr Island road, E. H Scott;
mini Aililltion from W'votli
i Ivor Inland roud to railroad,
ltuni.nl. North of Wlllumoitu
i i Ituiii ci.nl Addition und wi )m
'Spain hill, J. 1). McDonald; Do-
ii lull to Free MulhodlHt church,
J. I'. luiicy; West St. Il-lmia.
hkI.' of truck, A. J. holloy, Win.
'I, St. Helens street to Wlllam
trri t, down Wllluuittti street
Mkk r rnvk, V. W, llluk.'sley ;
ml road I.ou i'uzi'y; ioui'l of
.iini'ttc hi rent to ol'rtlund roud
ki Winter street to DeKpulu hill;
mo uregon Humane Hticloty. The
,CnM...!!H irlHd ,H",oro Ju,K ""
und It took several duys to boor the
testimony of I bo thirty or morn wit
I10HH..H. It wu hIiowii that llowitt
had a number of cult In on tlio Cluls-
kUlllH flutM. Ill fu,.t, , UcklOWlodl'ed
sending down 326 head. Of ti,
number. It wuh shown fall 1 V t IL-l.l tm
died and not on account of a luck
of feeding, for llowitt produced .vl
donce to hIiow tlmt .nffii,.,,.
hud boon H!iit down to fnod u lurt?ir
Imrd. Monday inornlnir nfi..- n...
nvldoncn wan all In, Dlntrlct Attornnv
l-ootw told tlio JudKo and Jury that
thn atute hud not nrovufi u
and NUKKCNlod that the Jury brln In
a verdict of not iui.it v. n i,.u .1,..
Itiry Hlinoht one iiiIiiuih in . n.u
llowitt wuh rcnroHi'iitcil hv IMUo t,.t
of I'orlliiiid and 0Kn K, MolHker of
8t, 1I.iIi.iih. The Htato wna rcirotil
d by Dint rid Atorncy Foots und
John Collier of I'ortland who nipear
ed for thu lluiuune Mocloty. Kong
neiore uie chnu w concluded. It
wan apuront that a mlHtuke hud been
medd in brltiKlnic the cbho into court
uh there wot no evlence Introduced
which would (end to hIiow that llow
itt wuh In any wuy to blame for the
Iohh of the twelve cuttle, or that he
wuh neRllxpnt In provldlnit mifflcletit
feed for them. It wax un 111 advlHed
action which niiiHed Mr. llowitt em-
liarntKHinent and IiIh frlendH are hap
py that he received a full and com
plete vindication.
IX-feul Rainier in Flrnt ume of
KeuHon. Hcore ht 1 1 to 0. Next Game
at (iatNkniile. J'roHp-ciM (iood for
FumI Team.
(Additional Note on Page 2)
VKUNONIA, Oreicon, April 20.
Report of the John Ilucher Wo
men's Itellef CorpH, ..o. 49, of Vef
nonla. Ore.: John nticher Women'a
llellef Corp No. 49. of Vernonla.
held their regular monthly meeting
nt the (irangfl hull. Kuturday, April
16. Tlio ini'inliiTH met early and
Kirved a dinner In honor of Mra.
Cora Mcltrldn. corii pregldent de
partment of OreRon. Two member
of the poHt, Comrades I. 1. Kpenceg.
and William Allen, were also guoata
nt dinner. After dinner the corps
held thulr btiNlness soKslon. Ono new
member was Inltltivd and two new
applications for membership were
reud. Ton dollura was voted by tho
oorps to he paid into the annual
church budget of the Evangelical
association of Vernonla. Mrs. Kthel
Hay, patriotic Instructor, was In
structed to prepare the Memorial T)ny
program. When all business was fin-
HERE APRIL 30 i '"1 Mrs. Mcllrlde, the department
president, gave an Instructive talk
which was very much appreciated by j
nil present. The meeting closed earh !
In order thai the ladles of tho corps
could prepare for the program and
plo soi la 1 they were giving in the!
The St. Helens hall toaru accom
panied by almost 100 fans Journeyed
to Halnler Kunduy afternoon and In
the first regular game pluyed by the
locals this season, ftuiriler wag de-'
hailed hy a acre of 11 to 6. IJrown
wuh on the mound for St. Helens. In
the first Inning he could not locate
the plute and when the batter got hlra
in mo nolo, he had to groove the
plute, so Halnler pluyera mude five
hllB, three singles and two which
were good for tv;o bases. An error
or ao enabled the Kutnierltes to put
over five runs. Though making aev-
eral hits In their hulf of the first
frame, tho Ht. Helens boys woro not
able to put uctokh a run. In the see-
on Inning Ilrown struck his regular
puce and until the eighth Inning when
Hube Muxmeyer relieved him. Kainlur
went scoreless. In tho meantime, by
consistent Hitting and aided by a few
of the bobbles of the Halnler team
St.- Helens chalked up 10 scores. In
the eighth Inning, Munurur C'onyers
sent Hube Muxmeyer, a former star
of the Northwestern league, to the
mound. Uube struck out ulx men In
twor Innings but a buse on bulls and
a wild pitch enabled Halnlir to put
one across. Hube had a wonderful
assortment of curves and fust ones
and If he had had an ooiiortunitv
to warm up before taking the mound,
would have done better.
Manager Conyors Is well satisfied
with the Initial performance of his
team and thinks that with a few
days more of practice wnd teum work,
he will have a club which will be
hard to beat. The lean roes lo Clats-
kanlo Sunday and on the following
Sunday, Muy 1st, will open the sea
son at home with some well known
I'ortland team.
123466789 II II
St. 11. 0 1 3 0 2 0 4 0 1 11 11 4
lt'n'r 600000010 6 78
Struck out by Urown. 6; by Max-
meyer, 6; by Evuns, 8; by Spencer,
1. Hits orr lirown, 7 In 7 In.; Max
meyur, none. In 2 In. Errors St. H.
4; Rainier, 8.
! ' " -
Colonel F. 11. Jlolhi-ouk to lie I'rino
: clpal Miienker and Talk on Farm
Iturcuu Work. Jxicnl Mutters to
be Illftcussed. Dinner at Orcadia.
Hy rrof. (1. .. Snless
(very high school In Coluniblu !
ty will participate In tho county
Ik in. mi In St. Helens April 3U.
Ii.i-r l...u 1...,.,. u...l.l.... '
, nm nuin iihi ii iui .rt,.,,
iral weeks und Is out to avenge Tn f
"iie-i in uiii:inm in til iiii'iii:ii
ved earlier ill tho year.
ha four or five men
following program was render-
nJ- "Cit,. Gi-nn nl.i.l 11..,,... ...... l.v
y ...1. l..U.IbI.U .'Willi. I. HMlin I'J
,,, laudlenco; Invocation Hev. Ilarttell; j
K regularly, and others will "
p ..ia on t.. cinder path next 1 ,,-,",-,,,.,,. " "w,.. r."""" T"" was In St. Helens Tuesday
I In t ukanle Ih reuirleil lo he I" ,ni..ui.-ii. .1 i i.i.io-.. Vn.uu..ou
Hy way of expressing his apprecia
tion of the patronage given the Lib
erty when It presented "Passion"
this week, Munager East has booked
unother big -production which finixh
ed a record breaking run a I, the Lib
erty theatre In I'ortland a tew days
ugo. It Is "Man, iV'omun und Mar
riage," and will be shown at the local
theatre on Tuesday un Wednesday,
April 26th and 2th. The admission
price Is 36c for adults and 20o for
Tonight at 7:30 o'clock members
of the St. Helens Chamber of Com
merce, their families and friends will
hneet at the Orcadia hotel dining
room ai an open meeting. After a
good dinner which will only cost 60c
per plate, business of the Chamber
will be discussed. .ne tirlnclnai
speaker Is Colonel E. Ii. Holbrook of
the Heaver Homes district who will
tell of what tho Farm Bureau is ac
complishing for the communities
throughout the state. Colonel Hot
brook has recently made a tour of
the state to ..aid In the establishing
of the Farm" Jiureau and he has a
worm or informatin at hand which
will be interesting. In his notice to
members of the chamber. Executive
Becrotary Storla said. "Colonel- Hol
Vrook is a man who can handle the
English language and if he can be
prevailed upon to use some or his
highly descriptive adjectives, we will
not lack for cntertulnment."
In addition to the colonel's address
several local men will talk on Im
portant local questions and a report
of what the chamber has recently
accomplished will be mude. At the
last dinner there wore ninoty per.
sons present and since only 100 can
be accommodated in the dining room,
tickets may be secured from either
of the following gentlemen: C. L.
Wheeler, 8. M. Miles, L. R. Ruther
ford, J. R. Gilby, . Harlow Johnson,
C. C. Huynard, T. J. Fllppln, Jr.. or
H. U. Scott.
f HAMRFR MFFTC AT " I . E- M-Hplon was ,n "-"and Mon-
VlittlllDLIV lULLlJ HI vM-wJday ' "' business mission.
i 1 1 a .. i 1 .... ... ..
I -n'coi'i pwu, iuuui aeiit mr Tlio
i oi omnia niver wteveoorln?; company
war In Astoria Saturday attending a
liieotliig of stevedores.
County Agricultural Agent T. J.
1'ilppln went out to the Nelialem
Monday morning and visited several
localities in the interest of the Farm
iiurenn work. He fs expected to re
turn this morning.
Harry Lyons went to Albany Tues
day evening to attend th-j funeral of
his uncle, Henry Lyons, who died
Monday. Deceased had lived In Or
egon for almost half a century and
was one of the founders of the town
of Lyons, Oregon. He was seventy
two years of age and is survived by
a widow.
Friends In St. Helens have received
word that Mr. and Mrs. William
Burkhead of Dos l'alos. California,
received a visit from the Btork and
when he left their residence they
found a bouncing taliy girl. The
couple formerly lived in St. Helens
and have many friends who extend
The stork presented Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wilson with a fine non can
Saturday morning leaving the young
man at the home of Mrs. Wilson's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Lynch
where the young mother was on d
visit. The news or the arrival was
promptly wired to rtarry who is in
Alameda, California.
Little Sidney Iiobell, three-voar-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. llobell
returned last week from St. Vincents
hospital where he lias been for Bix
weeks, following a mastoid operation.
The little fellow has a sunny happy
disposition and has made many
friends who are rejoiced to see him
once more on the roud to health af
ter his long lllnesm.' "
A. H. Stevens, whose home Is In
Manitoba, Canada and who has been
spending the winter with his broth
er Edgar Stevens of Scappoose, was
In St. Helens Tuesday and Wednes
day for the purpose of taking treat
ment from Dr. 8. H. Russell. Mr.
Stevens wag here several years ago,
adn while loyal to Canada, seems lo
prefer Oregon weather to that of
Canada, especially during the winter
Archdeacon Chambers of Portland
will conduct special services at Christ
church Sunday at 5 p. m. There
will be baptism of children with spe
cial music and sermon. Miss Inez
Chambers a graduate of the Chicago
College of Music will be present and
E. A. Rotger was in Portland
District Attorney John L. Foote
was In Portland Wednesday trans
acting legal business.
Miss Dorllda DeVin went to Salem
Tuesday to attend the marriage of
one of her girl friends.
John Philip, manager of the Cen
tral Real EHtate company was In
rorUaml Wednesday on a business
Rev. S. Darlow Jnhnunn went I play a violin solo accompanied by her
Ilainler Wednesday to investigate ,8'8ter. Mls Myla Chambers. All are
some cases brought to the attention lnvlte1- and " there re anT who
of the Red Cross desire their children to be baptised
Mrs. C. R. Wilson and daughters. I Wi..?l'url!ieJ1l?e . . EP'scoual
Hol.m o.t M..,... .. i " j . ciiuruu ur not mey are invuea lo
vtBsninglon, spent Sunday in t. Hel
ens with old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Muhr went to
Portland Wednesday to have Dr. Bll
berbuck render medicul treatment to
their little daughter Vema.
Father Ilainpson, former pastor of
tho Catholic church at St. Helens,
hu. now stationed McMinuville.
:iK in some events, und no doubt
dark Iioihi-s will bo found
ig I he entries from Hcuppoos
silver cup will t,o awarded to the
iltig m Iiool, to no won tlireu
for permanent possession.
' p. in. following tho truck
K the county oratorical and do
natory ci.nt.iHts will be held In
high school auditorium. The
l'tliii n promises to ho as keen
f us mi tho rier.l, und those ut
fliiig need have no four of having
"ii moment.
hanging their sivin r iinui,, unH
laying inoro confidence and team
Hie baseball team of St. Helens
gave Clatakanle high a severe
""'iig on tin, local enmniln Sat.
".v afternoon. The lorjil hnva
pillieil the orrorlii
skunle pitchers to every corner
ho lot and each una i.r ihn i..m.i
It'll the liumo pluto. some of I hem
Ftl. Tho Keiii-n u.hu u u n ro..n
, . ' "mh in iu v, jiniiu
"' a good gamo mid um uli.n.lv
"Inx k out fourteen of the Chits
h) batters and allowed only three
H:h team Hint UK tmeknil lilm nn
great mivIm ii ml t 1....1..1 iib
I "lilts were convurtod Into putouts
'vor fielding. Tho same teams
L,'""T i Clatskanlo tomorrow,
finer uerinliiinir at ui..
w... uv. iigiuiia
wp1 U niarkiol linn...nn. ..
- .i.ii,,iiiiiiii viui
gunin iilnvn.i 11,0
.1 . ll.v T1 DO TV llfTIUIO.
lr last gm lhoy uaBd thar
'in. aiiim iii,,i i,. .
n'iio llttlo heml .mrl. I
Ice - " ""
Thn next regular meeting of the
""Inns Womnns club will be at
resl(!l(m ((f MrH CnarlM L
'!r."11 Nl) hill at 2:30 o'clock
V n ., n 1 no t;nna la-
I WUesli,,,, .. . t. !,,, ,
litlvn 1.; ?(1,:,,",n''', Paper Ih "Lg-
, x, ""Hum or Jfimploymont."
...ii rvmver'n n .. n ...tu .,.
Uerjulutlons of
Ih ," "'"' paper wtti ueal
R"re1!l,rVl.U' n wo11 kn"w"
k 1 l,,",t' wn" c'Bl of hV-
nn.r, " J"ftlly ot n1 cnttls "which
krva Ti ,,onr Clatskante, to
r mo charco wn brought by
Harry Emmons, Henry I'urUor: song
John Hatten; ri.llntlon Edgar
Eden; song, high scnool students;
Talks on Americanization, by J. T.
McDonald und J. W. Urown; selec
tion, male quartette; address Mrs.
Cora Xil'tlde, depnrt'iient president. 1
The niu'ilince then gave ll'.e fiut. fo-
Into after which the pies wen sold.
Cnke and coffee were sold also, and
tlio corps reulled 11 totul of 161.75.
Tho members thank nil who so gen
erously helped them.
Mrs. Van Niittu wns vlf.it iliR friends
on tho Flat lust week.
Miss Marie Paulson of Portland
spent tho week end with her friend.
Miss Helen Larson.
Mrs. William Sodderborg visited
friends In Portland Thursday und
Mrs. Holland Miinten was a guest
of Mrs. P. C. Jacobsen Sunday.
Guv I.llllch is working at Deer Isl
and this woek. .
Mr. and Mrs. Holing have moved
on part of tho I.un tract which thoy
have bought. They have two children
in school.
Mrg. Aura Wijodon has had her
slster-ln-ltiw im.l children f Seatllo.
as her guests tho past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilelvillo of St. Hel
ens are sottled on tho Anderson farm
lately purchased from Mrs. Woeden.
Mr. and Mrs. U. E. LaRure and
Mrs. Martin White were cuesta at
tho Burkhend home Sunday.
The Sunday school attendance Is
gradually Increasing. There wore 49
present lust Sundni
Miss Union Larson entertained tho
Himalaya club with a delightful par
ty at hnr fnrtn homo last Saturday
evening. The evening was spent In
playing games after which a dainty
lunch was served. Those present were
Miss Madeline Allen, Ethol Hoacock,
Marie Paulson, Clara Kotol, Anna
Quick, Mrs. Ed. Laws, and Mrg. El
mer Blnckbutrn.
The Bachelor Pint Imsoball toam
has arranged a game with McNulty
next Sunday afternoon. We do not
know Just whore the game will be
played but think It will be on Frank
Bordahl'a place.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bennett motor
ert to Portland Tuesday and spent the
day. " '
Mr. and Mrs. Enrl Bennett visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ollmore entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan of St. Helens and
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Pope Sunday.
and in order to have two shows the
sumo night, the first performance
will start at 7 o'clock p. m. On May
3rd and 4th, the Liberty will present
"Tho Did Swlmmin' Hole," which was
dramatized from James Whitcomb
Riley's well konwn story. This great
screen production is now being shown
at the Liberty theatre In Portland
and playing to record breaking
houses. Mr. Eust wishes to thank
his in town and out of town patrons
for coming early to see "Passion,"
for by their bo doing, many were en
abled to gee the show whereas if
they hud come lute, they would have
seen only a portion of It. He hopes
the theatre-going public will show the i Mr. and Mrs. Carl, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rlakesley and
son Hobble, accompanied by Mrs.
Eugene Ulakesley, motored to Port
land Wednesday and spent the day
with friends.
We bave several farms for sale in
tin famous Warren district slock
and tool, all ready to move In. Rea
sonable prices Central Real Estate
Co , St. Helens.
S. C. Knighton has purchased a
lot from W. W. Dlakeley and plans
to build a comfortable ' bungalow.
The lot is near the Froe Methodist
parsonage in West Helens.
Mrs. Thoa. Isblster entertained a
ternoon. umong the visitors being
same kindly consideration when he
presents "Man, Woman und Marriage."
The Senior class of St. Helens high
will present the play "Pro Tom" to
night at the school audtlorium. The
plot of tho stJiy hlngei iou:il a
certain Mr. Leslie, who Is a rich limn,
and wishing to convmco his lady lovt
Bessie that ho enn work, taken a
position as secretary to Bessie's aunt,
Miss Shepherd. Thore are many startl
ing situations which, arter due ex
planations, are disposed of.
The cast Is: Raymond Shepherd,
merchant, Tom Hotel; Oscar Walcott,
a nephew, Wade Rutherford; Henry
Leslie, Pro Tom, Jim Drew; Dr.
Adolphus Blank family physician,
Alpheus Wellborn; Logan, a servant.
Tom Klblan; Mrs. Shepherd. itu
mood's wife, Florence Aronson; ites
sle Martin, Mrs. Shepherd's nleco,
Vivian Linn; Rachel Shepherd, Ray
mond'g sister, Dorothy Akin; Lena
Bailey, a friend of the famlly Ada
. It Is expected that a crowded house
will see "Pro Tom."
41 '
E. E. Quick was In McMlnnvllle
Tuesday and Wednesday attondlng
the annual meeting of the agents of
the Oregon Fire Relief assoulutlon.
: The People's Market have made al
terations In their Btore' building and
mado other Improvements. A cold
storag plant has been Installed and
new fixtures which make the store
room much more attractive have been
added. A large Ice box Is served by
the refrigerating plant and the meats
are stored in a sanitary place. John
Cotls, the proprietor, states that
when he has finished the alterations
and additions ho will have a market
and store which will compare favor
ably with markets In cities larger
in aunuion 10
.luck Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. T. I.
Kemp and Mrs. T. Lamsdoin.
Columbia Post 42, American Le
gion will give another one ot their
always successful and enjoyablo
dances at tho city hall tomorrow
night. Everyone cordially Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Grimm have
gone to Battle Ground, Washington,
to attend the Seventh Day Adventist
Home Missionary convention to be
held at the Meadow Glade academy,
John D. Perry of Portland was in
St. Helens Monday, ne has been ap
pointed executor of the estate of
the late Mra. Ellon art. Mr. Perry
has been a subscriber to the Mist for
thirty year.
Cecil Kavanagh broke in his rtr
cently purchased Dort roadster by
making the round trip to Seaside
Sunday. He was accompanied by
Mrs. Kavanagh and his brother, Car
roll Kavanagh.
We have for sale several modern
houses at reduced prices and several
small houses at a moderate cost and
terms like rent. Also desirable lots
in all parts of the city. Come in and
soe us for real esta.e.. Central Real
Kstr.te Co., St. Helens.
Mr. Farmer and pump users: See
the demonstration voday and Satur
day of the Gladiator pumps In Hew
itt building, opposite St. ' Helens ho
tel. The most perfect piece of pump
ing machinery on the market. Use
half the power, Becure maximum vol
ume. Under the supervision ot Contrac
tor J. H. Cronkite work is progress
ing rapidly on the new home which
C. W. Blakesley Is having built on
Casenau street. The house adjoins
the property of v W. Blakesley
and C. H. Thompson. The lot wag
purchased from W. W. Blakesley.
George Adams and Ole Dahlgren
loft St. Helens Tuesday for New
Orelans where they will help Jack
Lafferty make paving blocks. S., P.
& S. Agent Gilby wanted to give them
as long a ride as possible, so he sent
tnera via the s., p. & s. and N. P. to
tlmn St. Helens.
meats and groceries, he will supply j Chicago and at the Windy City they
his customers with oysters, ciams ana win iuKe ine . tiiuiois central lor
other shell fish. New Orleans.
bring them for baptism.
Albert Burchara was In Kelso.
Washington, Monday. He states that
not one in a hundred believe that
Fred Stewart, missing cannier of
tne Keiso state banK, committed stu- j
cide by jumping into the Columbia
river when crossing on the ferry
from Goble to Kalama but think he
got off the boat unbeknown to the
captain and passengers and made a
safe getaway. The Kelso paper
states that possibly the bnnk will pay
seventy cents on the dollar.
t- xl
"The Friendly Church"
The Bible school session begins
promptly at 9:45. No book has had 1
so profound an influence upon the
life and literatur of the race as the
Bible. You are invited to Join us iu
the study of this c.eat book. Most
parents believe the Bible school is a
good place for their children. Why
not set the right exuniple?
Morning worship at 11 o'clock
with special music by the choir and
n sermon by the pastor on "My In
fluence What Is It Doing?"
The mission at the Catholic church
which began last Sunday under th
direction of Father P. J. O'Reil'v ot
the Society of Jesus will continue
until Sunday morning at the 10:;!0
Mass. Father O'Reilly has conduct
ed missions for the past fifteen yearn
In many parts of the United Stages.
His eloquence, heralded in the Mist
last week found many local admir
ers during the course of the sertnoii.i
here. The sermon of tonight and
that of Sunday morning are tho two
chances remaining to those who de
sire to profit by or enjoy the rare
combination of sound learning, com
mon sense and eloquence.
The subject of the sermon Sunday
morning Is "What Is the Muss nnd
Why Catholics Never Miss It." The
subject for tonight (Friday) Is, "The
Signs of the Times."
By Miss Catherine Davis
Just five years arco this spring the
Pacific University Glee club gave nn
entertainment In the city hall here
In St. Helens and no doubt some ot
you remember the event. On next
Sunday evening the same club, al
though consisting ot entirely differ
ent members will rftve a very at
tractive program In the high school
building. The club this year has a
membership of sixteen men and they
have with them - several vocal and
Instrumental soloists.
The program will be given- under
the auspices of the St. Helens high
school, the proceeds to be divldeo
equally between the Clee club and
the high school. - It you are a lover
of good muslo come to the school
building at 8:15 next Monday evening.
Many Come for Free Examination,
ffeliool Children Examined and
Taught Mattel s Condctive to Good
Health. Report to be Made.
Of Inestimable value in St Helena
and the county was the free tubercu
losis clinic conducted here Wednes
day aiternoon by Dr. Edward Allen
Pierce, of Portland. vjMeh u-ao i
lowed hy an evening meeting In the -circuit
court rooms. From one o'- -
lock Until Six the etlnle was ..H
ed with patients of all ages tor ex
aminations, but the evening public
meeting lacked attendance which the
value of tho talks hv Dr. Pie run onf
other ot'tside visitors warranted.
many came for the examinations. .
Dr. Pierce gave everyone personal
attention and eighteen were thor-
onrlily examined. r if thi n n. v.,. .
seven were found to be positive cases
of tuberculosis and the clinic proved
its. lf worth hundreds of dollars to
the community in the discovery of
active cases that were a menace, be
cause the individuals did not know
their actual condition and had not
been taking precautions. Seven pa-
ueina were pronounced as needing
careful observation and care to pre
vent tuberculosis from breaking out
and four were pronounced-non-tuberculosis,
but Dr. Pierce was able In
each case to give helpful advice.
Throe young ex-service men were
given helpful suggestions as to ap
plication for compensation and prop
er registration. This was the third
clinic held in the state and from
many view points was the most suc
cessful. The chamber of commerce is
to be congratulatd for its Initiative.
County medical men and the Ore
gon Tuberculosis association co-op- :
erat"d ably.
"Climate Is no longer a factor In
the cure of tuberculosis," was a strik
ing statement made by Dr. Pierce at
me evening meeting. "Better a
thousand times to remain In your
own environment where you will be
contented with friends than to 'chase
tho cure In some far-off state. The
western Oregon climate with its
clean washed-out air. Is far better
than- the dust and neat of Arizona.
Eviiry piece of literature on the sub
ject today will beaT me out. What
wo need is more tuberculosis hospit
als In Oregon."
Dr. Pierce illustrated his talk with
lantern slides and explained the na
ture of tuberculosis, Its symptoms,
treatment and control.
Dr. Edwin Ross Introduced the
subject in an able manner. Dr. trlck-
er spoke for the state board. Miss
Elizabeth Hopper Modern Health
Crusade director, explained the won
derful work being done with Oregon
children through th "hoalOi .linMa't
of the Crusade, supported entirely
oy v nristmas seals. Miss Helen
Harlty, state advisory nurse, ex
plained the value of a public health
nurse to a community.
"ColumMa county needs, a public
health nurse.' was a forceful state
ment by Dr. L. G. Ross, who pointed
out several Instances where a nurse
would save the county hundreds of
;'oliai in relief work.
Mrs. Saidie Orr-Dunbar, executive
secretary of the Orogon Tuberculosis
as ncl: tion Riimmpi? nn tho viwlr
the association in an interesting way.
its work is an educational program
county nursing work, legslatlon, open
air schools, child welfare work,
courses' for nurses and surveys wero
explained. -
"Your Christmas seal contribu
tions have made this work possible
and 1 think you will see the great
value that can come from organised
public health work," Mrs. Dunbar
said In closing.
A dinner for the visitors wa3 held
in the Orcadia hotel In the evening
which was attended by fifteen guests.
A report of the clinic and meeting
v.ill be made at the chamber dinner
After holding Sunday school and
delivering his morning sermon. Rev.
Kent Clark, rastor of the Congrega
tional church, at the close of services
Sunday read his resignation. The
reasons for the resignation were
contained in the letter but rea, or
have they been made 'public. The
Mist understands that a minority of
the church board or members is not
in accord with Rev. Clark on some
of his policies, hence the resigna
tion. Rev. Clark has been pastor of
the local church (or a number 01
months and Is recognized as an earn
est Christian worker and a minister
ot ability. The church board ' has
not met since the resignation was
tendored and it is not known wheth
er or not it will be accepted. Rev'.
Clark has many friends In St. Helens
who hope that matters will ze so ar
ranged that he will withdraw his'
.. .
P. A. Fnikes, well known breeder
of Holsteln cattle, will have an auc
tion sale ot bulls at his farm near
Scappoose on : Saturday, April 80.
For the past thirty years Mr. Frakes
has bred Holsteln sock and his herd
Is oonsldered one of the best In Ore
gon. The herd which he will sell
is under U. S. government inspection
and free from tuberculosis.

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