OCR Interpretation

The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, October 15, 1915, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218505/1915-10-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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?fl # T??IMHT I^S*
Germany . Holding Up Mail and
Foodstuffs Consigned to
Bondon, Oct. I-?.-Tho Bnlkah sit
uation was diHcuHsed from a diploma
tic (standpoint In the House of Com
mons today by Foroign Secretary Sir
Edward Groy, but little -light. was
thrown on tho progress of tho Anglo
French expedition whloln landed -at
Saloniki. Ile said thc Russian -troops
would cooperate "as soon as they
woro avatlahle." ,
. Tho French, Premier Vivian!, told
the senate tho allies could, probablly
couut on Italian aid in thc Balkans.
Germany's attitude towards Rumania,
expressed in tho suspension of postal
service and tho delivery of foodstuffs
consigned to Rumania over Gurman
railroads, lends color to the report
that Russia may move troops through
Rumanian territory.
Bulgaria has formally declared war
on Serbia but Nish ropor?B that tho
exteut-of the Bulgarian invasion conr
Blsts of an udvanco ovor tho frontier
of oho mile and Serbian railroad com
munications still intn.4.
The Germ?n'advaricii in Serbia i's'
proceeding slowly. General attacks
are either under-way or imminent on
all Gorman-fronts.
It ?B reported that the allies have
begun a new' Offonsive in the Darr
dane] les. 'ivio Russians aro contin
uing their offensive in Galicia.
. The-BflUsli and French aro active
in'Fladders and Champagne and tho.
Germiui'posiilpna on tho Belgian
eu??M. uro under bombardment from
British iriuniiera.
i British submarines ,in; tho. Baltic
sunk teri.'German: oro- sSrrlers, caus
ing discontent in Sweden, but tho
British assert' they aro complying wltiji
international laws?.
landon, Oct. 14.-Increasing un
easiness 'is feU here owing to the ub
- j".,,- eenco of'def mito news, concerning the
concerted allied action in tho Bal
kon?. This feeling is intensified by
tho news of a dispute in the French-;
chamhor of ' deputies, regarding the i
Balkan danger and Italy's persistent!
ni lenco regn-rdlng trie participation in
tho expedition, together with tho un
. cortalntv corienrninir tho lirlttuh pro
gram. '?".' '.'"?.
Opinion is divided lo somo extent :as
to. tho;-advisability of .taking part liv
tho Balkan conflict. Th'.' generali
. opinion ls ItrUrt Great Bitten is. mor
ally bound to assist Sorb?a if this '"cari" I
- bu dono without . dangerous att?nua
tion : of tho main front 'Tv^?re it is
felt tho war will finally be decided.
Having ''failed, in ?n a?lack on the
.British positions galong tho western1
front-.-tho Gormans^ h?v?j turned upon
" tho French ?nd ?iiad? 'gaitis ' east of
Souciiez. THb~ advantage obtained,
however. Is not : of . uufllclont , impor
..tanco io effect tho;enoral'-sltu?t!oni ?
The ass??it in ih? viiaU?ty pf Tahure,
fn pursuancerof tho'Movement begun i
three days !.;.'a?i?*-.?. na?'.IJko.Ki'Je/.been ?
mat?riaUy'uhprod?ctivo. ' f
.. ?u' tho ?'east?i^./fronttho Russians
aro how Inj tull ^possession of . the !
'-, Initiative;%Tho mdvtmient which car
" \ ;-.ri?d , them across ''tho s trina, rlvpr in
eastern Galicia*Rias-not yet diminish-?
. ed. lt. is reported' unofilcloBy;from
^tVo'gTjid iB?nt^i is the Germans who!
nov?, labu ammunition, thus roversing
tho conditions of two months ego. Al
though tko ,Germana., are continuing
..theirii&if?lWw* OvinsU linc, tho
ijftught ls c
hoted gains recently. Petrograd proas
dispatches' assert.that tho German})
wfiou.fartne ff rom tins oliy!
- : *#ln? 'nlcen back. Tho
,". 'Thmons.. 'continu?, io";rep?^?;jj?^te?
.progress in Serbia; tho?gl^ they admli
, ..tb^Hpjr headway ls being impeded,:
Since,. Belgrade fell na encounter of
.)?..~.,.*ffitin Strategic., importance' has oe
curred. ~
v ArtJUi'i^ EoRaRcuient.
-Parj^.?c*. -li. -TJttre - has : eeeh a
partlcV'??r?y .vlo?eat artllfciry engage^
ment l? the Ariels region northwest
or rilili ^H? Sn *pfcleh botftv sides tons
-.<;.-< .>' >$Urir ?d^t^? -wair. office.
.':'; ^/'-^ppelMs^trsJn/ ' >;'\V -:
London/,-' Cte't ? ...rPdrty-cvrioy-. {icr
??o?H were killed Md -,c; hundred* In-1
jnred in o Zeppelin raid over'Lcudo??
\\?\?r ^
Hoke. Smith Thinks Sab 3titule
Will Be Passed if Decision
is Unfavorable.
Washington, Oct. 14.-l?cpresonta
tivo il cf lin of. .Alabama after a con
ference with department ol agrlcul
turo olllcials today said . an appeal
would bo taken'', from thc recent de
cision or Federal Judge Hough de
claring, unconstitutional tho Smith
Lever cotton futures law. ..Ho Raid
Attornoy General Gregory is..of ; tho
opinion Uiai the supremo court would
declare tho law constitutional:
i - ItOpwscnthtlre- LOTST Of-vSout-VOar*
olin a, who was sponsor for tho bill
in tho house,"said ho had faith in tho
supremo court's ruling on tho "act.
Mr. Levxer's Statement.
Mr. Lever gavo out the following
statement to-tho pross yesterday in
regard to tho caso:
From remarks of Federal Judge
Hough during tho argument of- the
case before him, I uni not ?urpritiod
at the d?cision. From tkc'b-at legal
information obtainable at ibo timo or
the passage of the.?ct, I am satisfied
?tho supremo court will sustain tho
I act. I am not discouraged. T-!io first
income, tax aol was declared uncon?
nt i tut ional, even . hy (tho supreme
court, but wo now have an income
tax" law. I have "faith In tho;.m
premo court's decision on the. bill.
Tho break of $1.50 per -ba'.c upon
I hopo of. returning to old system of
?futuro dealing is tho UcBt evidence or
value bf the'act to tho producers .of
cotton.7 lt ls tho regulation of tho
exchanges in interest of tho farmer,
br direction of <theni, . I will wait
confidently tim final verdict of tho
j highest tribunal in tho land,
Mr. ' Lover was In Andcrnon .. tho
guest of i^ir. H. H. Gossott when thi3
I statement Was made.
? - Hoke Smith Comment.,.
Atlanta, Oct. lt.-Benntor Hoke
Smith in a statement on the decision
of Fedoral Judge Hortgb Holding; the
cotton futures,bill ?h^onstltutlon?l.
! declared- it is hardly probably that
tho "courts can hold that tho bill falls
within tho requirements :.?f tho con
stitution' that revenue bills must ori
ginate in tho house and said thdt
whllo tho senate'-passed tho ' cotton
exchnngo bili'tho hoitso laid asido* tho
; senate bill entirely and passed /a' sub
stituto. The taxing feature origi
nated in" .tho' -house. In bis opinion
if t?h? measure is finally declared ua
c?netAtutl?nol a proper substituto will
bo quickly "passed. '
?. ?ff LOB?
I Finest in World to Protect Wash
ington and ' Chesapeake
'Bay, V*\ :,
"Washington. Oct. lt.-That :'. ibo
most powerful coast dofease dn -, 4ho
world will be erected ii* Cape Hen
ry. Va/, with lS-lnch guns, ?'weeping
tho COOBApeake and protecting. Wash
ington, was -annotmcod today by Pjep
rcRcntattue Blierly of Kentncky. The
fortress will cost $S,00D.O00.
it?? Thc ' collei? cc?jgr??ss ??ui an.
prop Hale ^ 2l(T?O,O0i)7'
:*'i_,"^:: ' '. fti??eti? Hatti. '
; Washington. Oct. ?-*.~-AdmSref?^
porten reported today that conditions
were quiet in Haiti aVid the rcrbla
jttori sty were., disarming. \-^)$f|iti?$
mbnC of matines marched, rrivhr rape
Haitian lo Fort ijbertles'?ti^ toot nb'
Made ?02 M
Germany R?quisitions Cereal
Crops and Will Turn Tuena
Over to Relief Commission for
Oil Anderson, winning thc 350 milo
102 miles an hour for the entire distar
The Hague,. Oct. II.-Arrange
ments for provisioning tho two mil-'
lion Belgians In Flanders have boon
reacliod between tlio Germans and the
American relief commission. Tho
Germans have requisitioned at fixed
prices all cereal and root crol1? and,
have made a stated allowance for. each,
family. " All" those crops will be given
to .the "pmmlsslon for distribution. I
W heaM' ill;lie substituted for oats and
rye!'.;>rt exchango tho commission un
dortakes.to Import whoat lu sufficient
(mantillos to mako un. tho deficit, to
gether with usual rations of bacon,
lard,'r?co and, foddor. It Is reported
arrangements ol "tho same corop?ia- j
llvo character have boon effected pro
vldiug for" tho taking over ot tho crops
nf two and a half million Frenchclvi
llattS.'r^V; ...v.;.. V/"'
First Syndicate Payment Due
-Forma of Note Not
. Now York, Oct. 14.-Member* ^ot1
.tho Anglo-Fi'ouch ' loan commission 'j
Will sign, tho .loan contract nt Morgan
?. cj?n?p?ny^s.^?flTce tomorrow, making
the"! first appearance .of tho ? United
E{dtes';a8vthe world's banker..
;-3vVhl|? tho first .syndicate.5 payment?<
oU'-tfcjft potes is due tomorrow, tao cn- j
graved notos will not bo available \qr
tw? months. The- syndicate - agreer
ia$$& js i said to lhaye \ already been
s^??o'?.'..'..' ' -
.?VT'.,; ," :"'
(Car Believed fio Contain
SKtpment of Gold for J. P.
Morgan & Co.
. N?w.-York, ..Oct* 14 .-'Mystery eur
armed guards arriving boro attached
?v ? Wi QAJllvnii' ^W
secrecy connect od with tho trj&'mf?:
" llj%x lcd. to tho belief ?Mt- it con
t?)??6 a largo geld/shipment. At
urfcan. and company's lt ia /dented"
?that -he gold waa.received. Tho ex
p>*?x, ?r?Wnany wald ?he oar eor.la?nci'?
j secnrlUffi. but th ejro^w^-no ste temen t
..?'j?? ourouai. ' . y " '"
iles An i Hour
Iowa Senator is Opposed to Presi
dent's Plan for Citizen Soldiery
-Bryan's Non-Resistance Plan
Davenport; Iowa., Oct. 14.-Thc
need for a biggor navy was...voiced
hofo tonight at a banquet ot the Mid
West Conforenco on Preparedness by
; Henry D. ICstabPnok, a Now York
j attorney and Senator A. D. Cummins,
of. Iowa. -^Kstabrook condemned
j Presidont W?(ROU'S i>Ian for citizen
soldiery and llrynns theory of non
resistance, but said he'-would rather
support tho pol loy of non-rCslslance
than tiho policy of half propan-dness.
While Eatabrook said. that, he was
Opposed to a largd standing army, lie
advocated additions io tho navy. Sen
ator .Cummins said congress \ should
supply immediately tho missing ele
ments'of naval strength. ;
In a, speech in St. Louis Secretary
McAdoo. today advocated a adoquate
navy with at least foyr hundred mer
chant ships ns auxiliaries.
Failure to Secure Guarantee Ex
penses Caused Touv to fie
Called Ot?.
Philadelphia. Oct- "14.-Tho pro
posed trip to tfte Pacific coast by the
Red Sox and Phillies.was afoan'dobod
today beco/jso of tho f siluro ?.of. their
maaagemonta to agree on. financial
Rebort B. McRpy, appointed to re
present -. tho national*; . commission
when the trip was agreed to at : the
[meeting ut-Boston T^fesday, aanpunc
cd that tho Sox woulri not .'go' unless
'their oxpenscs wero -guaranteed^ This
the national commission could,not do.
Tho tentativo plan for th? trip call pd
i tor games at Chicago? Omaha. Don
] vervantt'Salt Lake.- Kansas City bad
guaranteed ten thousand dollars fdr
tho ?amo. When :^ho Phillies play
ers , got their checks.?for two . tho?sand
j four hundred and; 'ninety-two dollars
i today, 6heli::. share. hf. the . worUVs
i Series receipts, oil" agreed-to take tho
trip except Chambers, and Whitted.
HOM I SH. K O'MAtfcET j|Kttfft9ff
N?W; Orleans, Oct. i^-^Bomlnlcls
0'Malley,. ono thpo. publisher ot ; tho
Now Orleans Hem', ' his bougntv rum
j will; personally manage tho .Ambricao
j Mornin tfi**J paper Tee?*ntly StarUMl by
liifelklpk iP1*mbQrs;;pJ{AtH? local Ty DO
Nearly All Departments WiU Ask
Big Increase in Appro*
Washington. Oct. ll.-With tho es
timntod national dofonr>o increase of a
hundred and lilly millions ?ogcthor
with tlio lncr?>nseH in*other branches
I of the government lt la probably that
tito amount of proposed expeudlturos
for the next fiscal your will total
about a billion two hundred and for
ty millions.
Tho estimate to. go to tho secretary
of thc treasury, tomorrow for discus
sion by congress! jnal committees Is
tho largest over submitted In tho
United States in time of peace. The
president and. cabinet will examine
the estimate ' next week.
' In congress "agrees with the ad
ministration defense program addi
tional revenue must be ilroviued.
Congress will bo asked to pasB two
revenue measures on a tax and tho
other the retention of tho tariff on
sugar.. Howovor those will not in
crease tho present revenue Officials
aro convinco dtbat receipts for the
flycal year beginning July, nineteen
sixteen, when the Increased expendi
tures tako effect, wlil uot: excocd
seven hundred ami ?l?:y millions. ?
authority to tho secretary of _ tho
: treasury to Issue twrThuhtired ~ and
forty millions in Panama canal bonds
ls considered tho only temporary ru-1
medy, and is not likely to be resorted
to if tl io fi vo year defonso pian ad
vocated .
Increases be asked by tho state,
commerce, labor . and postofllce de
partments. Tho .interior department
will ask loss, excluding the ,elgla
millions fer thc ccsstructf?a. Of thc
government railroad In Alaska. Tho
department o? oirrlculturo. natlmnt"
Is about tho same. .
Washington, Oct. 14.-Uoprescnta
live Janies Hay, of Vlrglnln, chair
man of tho house military affairs
committee meets President Wilson
today to discuss national defenso
plans. There contemplate a four
hundred million appropriation by the
next congress.. Thia is an Increase ;
nf approximately a'hundred and forty
million over last year, about sixty
million holr.-& for tho army and eighty
million for tho navy. It. is .understood
that the plans now contemplate four
fifty million. TIUB probably will hq
cut to four hundred million nt *!?._?
conference between President WU- !
son and Secretaries Daniela Cud Oar-j
rlson next week. Indications aro that
about a hundred and seventy million
will be ask.nl for thc army and two]
'mndrcd and forty-eight million for I
the navy.
. Today's conference will deal par
ticularly with the army. Tho .pres!
dent had'before him the outline of'.}
Hie military policy-that " Secretary
I Garrison prepared. It ts said to
provide in part for an increase in tho
regular ernsy o? betW**?i rS?fiS?**
soven-and a hundred Und \ twenty
thousand men -and Vivo cr?ation of a
hour hundred, thousand reserve, Tito
pr?sident regards tho army program
as conservative.
. Washington, Oct: 14,-^PresidcsU
Wilson approved Secretary "Garri
sons plan for increasing Um army. It
CiUln for an annual expenditure of a
hundred and'' eighty-four million;?, au
l?crense of approximately . seventy
fivn millions. Tho pish In an ap
proved form will bo presented to con
gress with a full administration
ss- . . -
i RE?F,?iT ?t?88IA??
The Hague, Oct. .14.-Tho Kassian
recent successes, says a Dutch cor
respondent in tho, eastern wat theatre,
has; been doe to the' overwhelming su
periority of their supply of muni
tions* which, took the Teutons couv
plctely by surprise <
Japan 3?,ty Recognize Currnnta.
; T5kior Oct. 14',-T~flrt? " Japanese ?
govcrnraent das withdrawn1 rocognt
tlor-. cf tho Mexican consul general at
Yokahama X?. Enrique, whb represent' ;
od HijortA. . l* !? probable. Jspeti *3?il?
recognize Carranza". ' ;
Tentai Ive jfairr ?"elccicd.
?New York, Oct. 14.Stative
jury ?jt ;twolve'.-was cohipl?ted Mxl?f ?
Ih ^e triai of sloven directer* of tho;
' New ' YorkV Now H?voh ? Hartford ?
TSvHtoad accused -bf corfiu.dr??-y in S?
>l?ttemo> to.' monouollzo Kio tr^nanar- J
italien traffic of Mow Euglah.
Virginia ?ruco Lonoy.
Virginia Bru co Loney of No\y
York is only sixteen years old, but
(.:-.(> cannot live on 1CH3 than $35.000
h year, her guardian soya. And tho'
guardian herself, who ?B much olde:
I cannot llvo on less than $5,000 a year.
Tho girl's father and mother wera
Lusitania victims. She. wa? saved.
;Thoy left her $1,000,000. Tho guardi
I on. lina gone Into court with a ro*
i quest timi the chiiu bo given $2??,??v
a year from the. estate and $5,000
!for herself. In her .list of expense*
in her auwh- 'it, the guardian show i
how $:io,000 a year mny be spent.
I Charges Mayo.', Sheriff, Vice
Mayor, City Judge and Polier?
' Chief Failed to Enforce Prohi
bition LAW.
Memphis, Ont. 14.-The state at
torney' general, Prack M. Thompson,
today, filed suit to ou:>t from OlTice
Sheriff J. AJ Rechinan of Shelby
u?nnty ?.?a'"or l?. Hi. Crump. Vice-;
Mayor und tire and .Police Coiu?n?n
olnnor II. A, tilley, City Judge \V.
M. Stanton and Chief of P?lice O. H.
Perry for alleged failure io enforce
tho prohibition law.
Athens Dispatch Says Commum
cation. is Broken for Five
'. j- ? '?? ' ' -, :'.
'.. t .
Athens, Oct. H.~r(Vin Paris, Oct.
It.i-^-rCoromunlcallons have, been cnt
between Nish and Trahmya for a dis
tance of five miles.
Fifty.'^Hes .south of Nish on tho
Belgrado Saloniki trunk railway is ?
towri," ViaayaV whlcOv the dispatch
probably refors <to. . This road ls tho
immediate objective ot the Bulgar-.
larisV'Vran-yaia nt tho. portion of th?
rood .^hlch. bends nearest th* Bulga
rian frontieV. Tho invadors havo boon
expect ~d tn itrik~ r.t *?;*~ point tc cut
Tho communications to tho Serbians.
Vnia StlU loslP*.!.
WnsMnglon, Oct'.' 14.~>??avy do
priment dfepalchos tend to confirm
tho border reports that Villa hail lost
tho seaport Ouayamaa io Caf rania:
Two gunboat? with Carranr.lsts
tf H>0>* ?fom1?*'th*an*A*tAJt ti\ i^ianU - *HA
iown.; : .:^HHHBS^.'-ii>?.;.-?-A
Biplanes of Royal Corps Blocked
in Efforts to Locate Raiders
By Houvy Fog.
London, Oct. l4.-r-F|?ty*fly? were
lcd and a limul rod and fourteen' In
jured loni night in .tho biggest Koppo
lin raid. Tho CUHUUUICS exceed tho
raid of Hoptuinher eighth, when twenty
were killed and cl?hly-slx Injured.
I /ist nights vald brings tho total of
nil air raids tn Hihgland to A hundred
and. sovonty-savon killed.- au?V four
hundred and sixty-three Injured. Tho
Zeppelins flow ov)er tlie easteru coun
ties ot longland and a portion of Lou
don. Tho fog blocked the effort? of
five pianos of. the Royal Corps which
slghteu only ono Zeppelin. Fourteen
of tho flity-flvo killed were military
casualties, or tho remaining forty
one, twonty-sovon wore men, pius
women and five children.
Berlin, Oct,\H. (Correspondent of
Associated- Press,jr-Britiah r?ports
thrtttbe destructivo, effect-ot the Zep
pelin raids on /England were small
and almost lmdgolflcdnt from n mili
tary point of vlow wero den kui hy
I German Naval Lieutenants Peterson,
' ono of tho non 1 or ofttcera of tho nerlai
Peterson, wh?> said lim raids on'
England were . owly Incidental to the
Toni work Zeppelins, declared that
n'rshlp eon?u?ttijd?.T?; oro able to seo
great damage wrought by bombs. "Wo'
Idonttfy well,", ha ?wiidu "th? ?enera!
localities, i such us .decks,1 warehouse
and banking districts of Loudon. Al
though tho ItrltlafcV don't admit lt
through tho admiralty, ?? .ont? occas
ion wo witnessed clearly the destruc
tion of a worship ourthe Thanies riv- .
or On another occasion:I -dropped;'a' .$
bomb squarely on a_fort. Wo tbav? '
seen tho big factories collapse and
fire bombs deutroy .docks and ware
London's defenoo. Against Zeppeliu
attacks, Jio saldV ara not dangerous.
A Zoppolin 1B hard (*/ hold with ?
search light and h?-rd?r to hit. Aero
; plano attacks are ot. Utile value,- ho
said. V
I Two Weeks Rainfall Equals Nor
cnal Precipitation for Five
.. Yeavs.
New Orleans, Oct. 14.--The raia-,
fall - In - Now Orleans f?r tho . tsO .
weeks beginning S?ptembor 2?th,
amounted to nineteen and; nluety-ot.o ;
hundredths ineShes, brooking the1 rwv
ords of many years. '.''^IIBEIW
Th? precipitation waa equal to tho
normal rainfall iii if?w Orleans for
five months.
. The rains caused heivy damage.
Many people were fdreed to abandon
houses damaged byvtbe recent burri-,
cano during' the rains., r
<:P - _ VBBSp?t^^ Vi?T MAN
Washington, n Oct. it:^-Specu???
tkjin. on tho dato, pt't,*''-wedding ot
Resident Wilson and Mts. Galt w?i
stimulated when Col. ?5.. Rt,' House,
?loso friend of th? pfosWcbt, Visited
tho White. House."., I??Y, House ls
mentioned as" ftto .'president's choice
for bent man. It ls ' Understood that
ho will help; the coupl? with their
wedding plans.
??evr Smumer .Capital tear.
Washlrt?ton, Oct./, 14.-President
Wilson .woh't ;^e^^^iKl8h!^N?'.' H..
?hv 5Kr?iu6r vnp?h? ~?ojr? .sewniri. Ho
ls considering some point on th<^jgjffa
I .'.'?' Has.^bmar?h? Catch**. .-^T
Hincffck, Mich:. Oct; :U;~Aa a pos
sible ?heans of cverc?miaf th* B?fl5^
marino, Dr. K?plowlt? nas' Invented
a sub-sea scope. Through lt, he cays
tnTles ijiway.' " . ..Si .

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