OCR Interpretation

The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, April 28, 1916, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218505/1916-04-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for PAGE TWO

Want Ad Rates
25 words for 25c,
1 cent per word each insertion
tor more than 25 words.
Hires insertions of tho same ad
on consecutive days for the price
of two Insertions, If paid in ad
van' v
, No ad less than 26 cents.
WANTED-Two neat appearing
young, single men of good charac
ter', to travel with manager and
solicit. Experience unnecessary.
Salary and ' expenses or commission.
Call at St. James Hotel 2 to 4 p.
ni.', today. H. C. Looper.
have Just .received 30 pair? Diamond
Tires, and will sell at these prices:
Diamond Puncture proof, 92,25.
Tho Diamond Balley Non-Skid,
fl. 75; Diamond 400 Camden, fl.f
Diamond 1030, fl.10; Hunter, $1.40;
The Ironclad Barcup, $2.00. Agents
Smith's Motor Wheel. J. L. E.
Jones,. 103 MoDuffie street.
WANTED-You to know ti at the An
ett thins for a happy home is a
warm heart-but a good fire helps
some. We want to promots the
family, v happiness by sending you
the makings ot a good fire. Genuine
Blue Gem Coal f 6.60 per ton. When
will you bo ready for lt? Cheaper
coal, of course? at lower prices.
'Phone $49. W. a Ulmot
FOR* SALE-Three Press Oil Mill at
half value at Gainesville, Ga., and
rome farms near Westminster, S.
G., cheap. Lib?ral terms. Address
.'Ilox 173. Gainesville. Ga.
402 Cray ton atreet-furnished or
unfurnished. J. R. Simpson, at Abe
. Leaser's old stand.
FOR SALE-Pure New Era Peas,
f 1.60 per bushel. The foundation
of u 'profitable crop is the best
seed. A little higher In price-a
great deal higher In quality. M. W.
Sloan, Phone 625._ .
Whooping Cough
Is Dangerous
Wiihite's ';, Whoop
ing Cough Remedy is
rafe and effective arid
. may be given to chil
dren of any age;
Prepared by Dr. J.
Sold by . .
FOR SALE-Seed sweet potatoes for
bedding. Right size, smooth and
sound. Price right. W. O. Ulmor,
Thone 64fl.
FOR 8ALE-A tow hundred bushels
select rccleaned and graded Fulghum
Seed Oats sixty eight cents bimbel
-worth more for feed purpose.
Furman Smith, SoedBmaa, Phono
FOR SALE-Nancy Hall and Porto
Rico potato plants, $1.25 per thou
sand. Five thuosand for $6.00. Or
ders shipped day received, satisfac
tion guaranteed. Oaks Plant Farm,
Fort Oreen, Fla. _
wilted, dried up slips, but right out
of the soil slips-green and fresh,
30c per hundred: ?2.25 per thou
sand, at green hour,eu. The Ander
son Floral company, 533 Marshall
Ave. ....
A FEW MORE White Rotary Machines
at 928.00. Don't miss thlB oppor
tunity. One spring wagon with-top,
good as new; one Maxwell mi tom o -
hilo, first class shape. Bargains
ami will bo Bold at once. J. A. Mul
lluax, 126-128 West Benson Street.
. good Ash in springtime. I eup ct
red fin croakers, pike, banu a: a
?ood lot of pop eyed mullett Friday
and (Saturday. I keep Spanish
mackerel all tho time, and sell Ash
and oysters In small lots as cheap
'as the shippers. See mo when you
want a fish fry. I handlo homo
raised pork and beef and sell it
cheap. W. J. Maneas, 207 East
"Whinier street, Phone 202.
POTATO SLIPS-I am guaranteed
tho delivery of ny plants this sea
son, thoreforo I guarantee to .. de
liver them to you on the date you
, want them. It will pay you to seo
me before sending your mony off.
R. F. Sassard, 213 South Main
street . s
EA.SY-Make Ute's walk easy by hav
ing us repair your shoes. Wo are
not only prepared to do first elaBS
work on short notice, but we moot
any legitimate competition when'lt
comes to prices. Honest work and
best materials always. O. B. McKee
& Son, 132 East Y/hitncr street,
opposite Tolly's.
mand for our all pork tomago ls
keeping us very busy. They sorely
are the highest grade on th remar
ket Made from fresh pork carefully
selected and seasoned with just
enough fresh ground herbe and
pure spices to elvo that very un
os ti*.! end delicious flavor distinc
tively Lindsay's. Phone your order
io SUI, The Lily White Market. J.
N. L'naeay, Proprietor.
HIBBS-Bring them to me ii jon
want best prices. I buy ana sell
, moro hides than any other dealer in
this section of the stote. ? Alt hides
bought by mo are shipped with ab*
bat ol r hides nod "command better
. prices? therefore I can and do pay
better prices. Bring them to Wil
ford's Corner:; R. IX Henderse*.
PROM 7 A. M., TO IO P. M.-Buy
your Gasoline and Motor Oils from
\'i:.^ JU .'Caudle, the one arm gas maa
cn tho corner next to Owl Drug Co.
Ho will apprenais your business
and siwsys gires the utmost ie
valuo. H. A. Caudle,
' 11 ? f.!,. Mil,. Ml ll ll ? ll' I . LU
WE ARE handling some of tho finest,
I choicest beef, pork, voal, mutton,
: cured meats ot ill kinds, ' country
utylo pork sanes ge, mixed saosago,
ond plenty of dressed chickens at
very lowest prices. Como around,
or telephone nov Your trade ?will
b? appreciated and we promise
> ?rompt delivery. Dobbins Market,
'Phorxe 755,
is Get Misguide
j WE ARE PAYING $42 per ton for
cotton seed, and giving 1 ton cot
ton Bood meal .and $4.00 cash for
ton of seed. Selling cool at $5.00
and G5.no per ton. Cabbage planta
51.00 per M. Martin Coal & Wood
POR'D PENDER3-Wo can put a few
short bracea on Ford fenders that
Will ?ave you 300 per cent. We*
are prepared and won't dolay you
very long. Paul E. Stephens.
WALL PAPER-If it is wall paper 1
you are looking for, we have it. A
largo stock going at 25 per cent,
below co3t. Phono 48, Guest Paint
DEF OE'S PAINT-The old stand by,
tho oldest paint makers in America
aud tho best. Paint with DeVoe's,
fewer gallons, wears longer. W. L.
Brlssey Lumber Co.
IT HAS NOT been our intention to
mako delivery of coal a social "af
fair" but we're sure you'll be de
lighted with our way ot delivering
coal-and every ono IR pleaded with
tho coal we deliver. B. N. Wyatt,
.Phone 182.
PREPAREDNESS ls the order of the
day now, -while the Fire Insurance
Companies are withdrawing from
the state is the time fo- you to have
y:ur house, barn, or out-building
protected with a Burriss Metal
Shingle Roof. Of course the initial
cost ls just a trifle more than wood
shingles, but in the long run they
are muon cheaper and they are a
tremendouo protection against Are.
Drop in and let us shot. you. No
trouble nor obligation on your part
whatever. Respectfully, Jno, T.
Burriss & 8on, *
QUICK WORK-'Phone Sb2 for Geor-1
gla Garago for quick work. Ono|
export on.Fords, and ono expert on
all other cars and motorcycles.
No. 10S South Mc Du (Ho street. Op.
J. L. E. Jones Bicycle Shop.
We have on sale extra
fine varieties at 25c per
dozen, \v
Pant's Book Store
One months pa yl
will not -educate your
daughter nor will it buy
a home.
A certain percentage
of your wages put each
-pay day in The Sav*
jogs Club will do either
or both. Start nol
and stick to it.
Buk ot Anderson
The Strongest Bank
in the County.
?=LD ?>COTT;
U6H M?yiio
***** ?
ASK. vou
Baseball Results
At Boston 2; New York 2.
At.Chicago 9; St. Loul3 5.
At Pittsburgh-Cincinnati, rain.
At Philadelphia-Brooklyn, rain,
At Cleveland 3; Chicago 5.
At Washington 4; Philadelphia 2.
At St. Louis 2; Detroit 77
At New York.BOston, rain.
At Atlanta 2; Birmingham 1,
At Memphis 1; ^ashville 2.
At Mobile i; New.jOrleans 10.
At Little Rock 3 ; Chattanooga 8.
' At Jacksonville 3; Columbia 0.
At Macon 5; Moni gonion." ll.
At Albany 3; Columbus 2.
At Augusta 1; Oharieston 4.
At America;;, Ga. : Mercer ll; Au
guru 7.
At Americas, Ga.; Mercer 7; Au
burn 4, second game.
At Lexington. Va.: Washington
and Lee 5; Georgia, 6^
At Washington: . Georgetown 8;
NOT th Carolina 3.
' At College Park, Maryland: West
Virginia 6; Maryland j Aggies 0
* At Charleston: Presbyterians
Charleston College.2.
At Durham, X. C. : Clemson 16;
Trinity 6.
At Lexington, .Va.: Virginia Mili
tary Institute 3; South Carolina 8.
At Sewanee r2; Georgia Tech 3.
Sooth Atlantic.
. Won LoBt P.C.
Albany. .. ...6 5 545
(Montgomery .. 6 ..: 5 545
Columbia. ,.?. 6 - S .. .. 546
(Augusta..'.. .. ... 6 . . .5 -545
Charleston.. .. 5 545
Macon,. 5 6 455
Columbus ...... 5 G 455
Jacksonville .. .. 4 7 364
Won Lost P.C.
New Orleans... .-; ll 2 846
Nashville..Ol 3 786
Memphis.. ......7.6 538
Atlanta.. .. .. 7 7 600
tBtn^ngbJwn.. ..: 4 0 ? 423
Lwtttr* ?vCCk.. .. '?,?:.. 5 S 385
Mobile...^..'?>'. 4 10. *586
Chattanooga.. ..-J. 4 10 286
Won Lost P.C.
Boston.. .I. 8 & ; 615
New York ...... 6 4 600
Detroit.... '.. .. .. 7 5 583
Cleveland.... .. 6 6 500
Washington.. .. .. 0 6 500
Ohtcano.. .. 7 8 467
St.* LOUIS.. .. 5 6 455
-Philadelphia.. 3 8 ?3
Won Lost P.C.
EWladelphta.. .. .. 6 2 750
/^oago.. 7 4 . 686
?OSton.... 6 y 8v 62o
CtoCitmaaU.. .... 6 6 60?
Brooklyn.. .. .... 3 3 600
St. Louis . . .. . . 6 <5 500
Pittsburg.... .. .'. 4 I : 364
Now York.:? .. .. 1 7 .185
! Donalt! tho Calw Sal? at
Moore-'WlUon Co/a stow Satur
day by tho Phiktbea Class Foret
It was stated In error In The in
telligencer yesterday morning that
Columbia won both gamea from Co
lumbus Wedntsday, as the Capital
City club onlycaptured one. As a
result Augusta, foy winning both
game? from Jacksonville, was tied
yesterday with Columbia for first
place, and today ifoe Georgia club
holds its own on the strength of Co
lumbia's defeat at the hands- of
Jacksonville, a team generally con-,
ceded to be tho weakest in tho South
Atlantic league this season.
Clemson's !6 to 6 victory over j
Trinity college yestorday must have ;
made the Furmsn 'boys feel good.
The Baptists niay well .feel good over I
their baseball aggregation, as thc
Man-eaters- have one/of tho strongest
clubes they have had in years and to
play a club of their ability 17 in
nings without allowing a score to be
made ls a feat well worth crowing
Just what effect the postponement
of games thlse season has had upon
the various teams of thc two big lea
gues is hard to say but the league
standing when compared' -with that of
a year ago, ?hows considerable shift
ing oppositions. In the National
league Philadelphia was leading,
Cincinnati was second instead of firth;.
Chicago and Boston" held third and
fourth places; Pittsburgh and Brook
}pn fifth and sixth; St. Louis -was
seventh instead of second and New
York last. .Among the American
league clubs Detroit led with New
York second; Boston was in fourth
place in:-:to id of setting the paco;
Washington was third in place of be
ing tied for fourth with Chicago and
St. Louis; Cleveland was fifth, two
notches higher than this year and the
Athletics seventh instead of last.
-More than $100,000. is to . be expend
ed on the new grounds of the Chi
cago Tennis club. When the present
arrangements of the club are com
pleted the organisation will have'one
of tho finest tennis plants In the
middle west ad will stage numerous
state and sectional championship
tournaments. Tho alt? of the club
covers two 'blocks'on tho north side
. and cost $70,000. An additional $30.
000 will be spent In preparing turf
end clay courts, club houses and other
accommodations for the players. The j
membership -which ls expected to
reach 700 by the tune the courts aro
ready, will Include all the leading
players of Chicago and vicinity.
Letters received in this country from
by frleada of a .prominent. Knglt&h
trainer of pugilists, tell of an unique
way in which',be bis turned Ids
knowledge into money in connection
with .the war. For some years' be
ha?, possessed the secret' pf a brine
preparation which has been in great
demand: among boxers for barding, or
to uno ring vernacular vpackUng" the
akin of th e bands and face j Shor tly
after tba beginning of ??e w bei
.was requertec to prepare1 a, quantity
for use on the feet ot. soldiers,
swelled, and cracked nader the rigors
ot tb? Weld campaign. Ills first of
! feting was so satisfactory to. . the
government O?V*!*? that he is aovr
running a largo factory day abd
night turning out brine for the apt<
?lier? both in France, Egypt and at
i'ltenii*.^?^?;'^-'- ? %^^^^^?^tsmm
AKhough be holds the record for
consecutive bits. Jack Nee? wa> uri
able to win a pl?ce witb the chicago
White Sox and bas been released to
[Baitsyxre* while a member, of the
Oakland club of the Pacific Coast
league Hast season, Ness blt. safely
oyo or moro times in ??rty-tlve con
secutive games. His record included
188 times ab^;t; Se -rans; 81 one^
bas* bits; 14 two-base Mts; 2 threo
Ibaso bH8 and eevon home mas.: '
CcPV?.<OHT t^lU - M'OF'iwen..
Refrigerator consists of the following: Ex
terior case, solid oak, one quilt Linofelt, ono
space Dead Air, ono quilt Linofelt; Interior
case and thc inner lining of metal, white
enamel or porcelain, as the case may be.
Experiments by scientists have demonstrat
ed the superiority of this system of insulation
over any other in use today.
Why not get the best?
Anderson, S. C.
Saturday Specials at the Sign of the Big Watch
We have won and maintained, Jewelry supre
macy in Anderson. Those who demand the high
est in quality for a given expenditure depend on
this store. See th following Saturday
Elgin Watches, 20 yr cases. 16 size. - - $7.50
17 Jew. Elgin Watches, 20 yr case
16 size,.- $12.60
Special in Men's Belts, Each - - - $1.00
Waldemare Special Vest Chains Each, $1.00
Big Ben Alarm Clocks, Each, - - - $2 00
North Alain Street Jewelers
At the Sign of the Big Watch
Well, that's us. We've got
MORE OF IT than any of the
other giiys. And that's not
all, we have the best and quickest
delivery system in this man's town
Ftl Any Wiatt* Hope AUMetal tXxu?s
^f^??J?^ Bo* lt** d?? Sherwood Adiumtabie
Sullivan '?^l^^a^0?^,
Anderson Belton Greenville

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