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The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, June 19, 1916, Extra, Image 2

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Published every, morning exceat
Monday by The Andcn.'on Intelligen
cer M KO West Wbltncr 8trc*t,< An
derson, 8. C.
Published Tuesdays and Fridays
L. . OLE.W..Editor and Manager.
Entered as etscond-clasa ' matter
April 28, 1014, at tho post office at
Anderson, South Carolina, under Lbo
Art of March ;:, 1870.
- is??Ji .
Telephone,.. ... ... ... .. ..3211
One Year.. .. .. .* ,.$5.00]
Six Months.. .. . i, .. ,. ;. 2.50
Three Months .. .. .. .. .. 1.25
One Month .; .. .. ...42
One Week... .10
One Year,. ..' .. .. .. .. ..$1.50)
Six Months.. \. ... .. > . .75
The Jntolligcmcer is delivered ?y|
C?rr??r in the city.
Look at ihe printed label on your
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please notify us at once. ri
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All checks and drafte should ? e I
drawn to The Anderson Intelligencer.
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4 '. No tf advor .Ising discontinued ex
cept on wrKten;order
Tue I?tolllgencer will publish brief
and rational letters on subjects cf
general Interest when they are ac
companied'by the names and ad
dnjfoseo 0{ the authors and.1 are not of
? dofaroatory nature. r Anonymous
communications "c?IU not be noticed.
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In order to avoid delays on account
of. personal, absence, letters to The
Tntelligeucor Jntonded for publication
should hot be addressed to any Indi
vidual con?oatcd with the paper, but
simply to The Intelligencer.
/MONDAY, JUNE) 19,, 1016.
astoiiinf - :-r -y-??
That RuBslatt drive is dovolo^n?
Into a gallop;.
iL'n about time to take, that saak?
down, den't you think?,
v That Russian qriv? isn't drive;
it'e a tornado.
Ppa - ?*?
;Very\ often "iack of ihspirsUbn" ii
fmlstakeu for fear of persplratkmi 1
SomeV.Uxnea a martyr to rheuma
tism ismejit agile in tax dodgSg,
"B?ttqrmUk" Fairbanks nhouhl
should, keep cool on the Hughes "Ico
//,;$ Is not always the man with the
moBt glnger. ^no can gulp dawn the
most ale.
. Moy'bb they Call Vit: the polttt?a? j
cot" becauEe^ you': are; likely to bo ]
blackened if you got into It. <
When It come-to aitpmpUng-to
V credit the VWilaon' admintstrationl
Hughes eutVl'shk?red: CarroJasay
The iitiUo canSpaigtii breaks upon us |
'.this week,; and; we are retalsded thstj
" Egypt, too, was v?Qltod by plagues.
Tho Oi'oVn ' prince/; having set
d?y fpr/takir.?:- Verdun,". Should* .ce"
flghti?gy and wait unMt that day
ri ?/os ;>.:?MH^^^^^^^^^^
.Tho eld tashfoned man who used to
boast about tho way ho could carry
hUt liquor Ib now unable ,'.to '/carry
?T/ndtmt?d / Americanism^.v will |
o?bt|ess;/?)^?t/'.f? /tho dent?es ,ol
undiluted ; b?er, ?u.aer /tarant and j
-.--weontea.;. . ' > ' >
Witt Hu>b^;,^mt ^alrhankH in the
* ?te, tb?^^^ ; be no : need of the
Ov o. p/B^?jK^ts# 1? a cold st?r-j
The long expected has eeme at
!n?t?tk? state mllltla oi the na
tion hare been ordered to raob.
Oise for Mexican border duty.
What the end Will be, we dare
not attempt to forecast* but
whatever may come the people of
the United Stetes stand back of
the President In the course be has
taken. It Is the marvel of many
that Use order to move to the bor
der has cot cemc.' before aow.
President Wilson has not acted
la baste?that mush cam; bo nd
mltted by bis bitterest cities and
enemies. The Mexican situation
engaged his attention the day he
was inaugurated* and dally since
that occasion It has been a con
stant bout ce of worry and dang,
er. 4dded to trouble from the
outsiie has been the annoyance
from jingoes and ethers having
selfish motives la view and shout*
log for Intervention. ' Whatever
course events may take, may
South Carolina perform every
duty devolving cpon her. Not
better th?n has sera the caso In
the past when her sonn wore call,
ed to anas, but sSjjWell as they
did It. That will be sufficient,
for the, citizens of no state have
shewn greater valor than the
soas ef ,South Carolina when
waifs rude 'Warm rang through
the land. And . may the sobs' of
the city of Anderson a?d the
county ' of .Audertton measure up
to fullest expectations, 'as we.
feel sure they irfll.' We could not
wish for. more Own that the sons
of this city and county conduct
themselves us did our fprefath
crs when the bugle call rang
through the land.
Elsewhere In The* Intelligencer
this morning Is printed a, com.
raunlcatlon from Capt. B. B. *
Mossctt suggesting a ?>!s* where
by our m II life might ^ej strength,
ened and-by which the men' who
are already enlisted might be
made more eager to respond to
the call to arras. It fs Hoped, that '
every business man la the city
and county will read the article.
By strange coincidence, Capt.
-KStoBsett wrote this communlcn
tlon Jtfit -eat the hoar the tele,
graph wt-; t out of- Washington
were tramming with newH.o? the
fact that President Wilson had
ordered the mtllth. of air the
states to mobilise for Mexican
border daty. . \'
.. ?;? . :
, One of the elements .of the pres
ent presidential , campaign that. has
not been given the attention, it mer
its Is; the feminine vote. Woman suf
frage : has how become much more
than.ah airy abstraction. There will
be 4.0PO.OOD women eligible' to vut?
nei; - November.. More than half of
them are "first 'votera." And Inas
much as it Is extremely problemati
cal, how. they are ; going to. 'vote* the
politicianu are vlowlng them with
ever-growing Interest, ; mingled with
There Is already in the field/? "Wo
man's ?Partys What that "party
stands for has been made known
plainly- by.Ats^htcsgo convention,
hold a?n?ltaneously with the, Repub
lican und'Progressive convention?'. It
has '*birt* a - single plank. It stands,
at present, for w single purpose?the
enfranchisement of a? the women In
the' country by th?'same oitaita .that
enfranchised the ?egte?an amend
ment to the federal constitution.
self-styled party caja]
n. ?proportion of fem'-j
Jhinc;r,s?tc'C^4t:;pM*8f'C8> or wbetn
er there Is going to be any - real, co
harea^ "f?uflftlu? v$te", at all, remains
to h$ jseetf.^gThe oofy'p?liUc>Vhpdy
indorsing its demands is the'Progr?s
iilve party... Organisations that are
general*;* / Supposed to represent a
majority of the women votora aro op
poricd to federal action, and disin
clined.to"partisan*kell?n of any sort!
But; just what is going to happes, no- ]
body knows.;
The purest, thing about women, fa
poltUca. or ets?wh^, Is ' that you
novsr eau toll. Andtsotto the other
engrossing feature^ bfv ihls spectac
ular campaign la 'added the ptoNem
or wirich ma* ihe. suffrage (mean
ingno dtsrespe?t)';^i"?i^0^;'lirta'
Women oec-m to have tee^Wahce of.
;'pQwsr.,.;;- ^^^)^fi;Mi??f^}^ii?^
{w^?erable numbers* th^ may ;?e
;-elS4%^th*> ?lection..
trad?tak??s of Atlanta are buying
?iboai^ ?? - a^aee ta taV. uawspa-l
''i fey; :?>?^.S'a^i^ti?t?4/-'- M
A?bsr aenfUag sevml thousand
-' .
Will Work Hardships on Some to
Have to Go and Assistance
Would Relieve Situation.
Not more than ono hour bet?re
nows .readied Anderson last night
that the militia ?f all tho elates bad
been called by the President for
Moxlcah border' duty, Copt. B. B.
Gossett eat down to his typewriter
asd addressed a communication to
Tho Intelligencer In which he . ad
vocates i\ plan by which men.
who are members of the Na
tional Guard might bo encouraged in
reporting for duty in the event' they
aro called out for service in Mexico.
In brief, Mr.; Gossett's suggestion is
that individuate or corporations who
are employers of members of the Na
tional Guard make some provision for
the care of tho families of married
members of tho militia while they
are away from home. Mr. Gossett
suggests thai these employers of milt
ttamen supplement the salary which
these militiamen receive from the
government, thereby enabling their
families to get along in tho absence
of tho head of the house without suf
fering any hardships.
Mr. Gossett's" communication j is
most timely in view, of tho fact that
tho local mill tin have boon ordered, to
the border along with tho other mili
tiamen of the United States. >v Mr
GoasoU's communication . is as fol
lows: . '
June 18. 1916.
Editor Intelligencer:
A cull for the South Carolina Na
ttonal Guard for service In Mexico
appears .to be imminent: It is the
duty of every offl?or and enlisted
roan -to resppnd promptly and. chcer
fr'ly to such a,call. I do not doubt
but that they will do so. I certainly
will not hesitate. But the fact that
it wtll be a great hardship for some
to no udder * existing conditions can-1
hot "u>. denied. This la more or. less
true with everyone, hut I have par
ticular reference to the enlisted per
sonnel. Many of these men have
families dependent upon them fer
support. Others, white having no
families, will be loath to give up their
positions w*.2hout assurance from
their employers that they will bp
provided for upon their return, The
duty of every ^employer. under sujcb
circumstances, is plain. They should
not hesitato'; : ^.Cu tho other . band
they should encourage their men toj
go. Indeed: they should do moro
<oan thW'where necessary. Tho,v
Should a//V??o, under the proper cir
cumstances, to supplement their em
ployees government pay while In ac
tive service. The pay of a private
in the United States army is S15.00
per month, plus board add clothes
This cortainty is hot sufflclent renuai
nration to provide for a soldier <him
tslf as well as his. family .at home;
It every employer, in a worthy casej
would agree to add |15.00 per month
to- the regular pay of his men Up to
'a reasonable number of employees,
i$e , problem . would be solved?
maa could then leave bite family real,
iilng that whtjst they, could! hot live
In* luxury during his absence they
would at least itbt erutter. In the
state of,.South Carol'ua there aro
some 50,000 people employed in the
cotton mills. If every cotton mtH
policy with a reasonable number of
his employees, say U per cent et *he
totbl, U would work no hardship up
on the mills and at the same tiine
would insure the ctate of South Cari
oiSnp. f.000 youn?; men ttoiu. -*ho j
mills. Surely a fair ; prpportl?a J
the state's, quota,; and all "that co?t?t
reasonably, be. expected tre'ta; Ute cot-'
ton mill people! to the..tdcaj^llltia
company there ?>e;tns^y cotton-milt"
hoys;, '< ' Alt d*n he. d^
??cod solders. Indeed, if 1 were fO
ufe ' in the fieldc otnmand; et; a
.? w?utd prefer ope; ewjM???
' ?w^M':'uuba>:.'k these hoya
i canae* afford to ; ire
their families durtn* their hb?s
SpesaSffigfor ?he l?Ters^ae^^: .
?wiy mills, I doubt' ^." *hat oar. :?>
vscte?:>euW. '?<w:^?|^iM*i!^'
"" V?i^;'>ia%oit.^f^^ n*?r;3^"iiM?rfe?'
?hese kills - vrtul? pTffVift* ft* ? bm
lmuDi ot1 ten tuen. The coat would
not be great; The good accompllsh
ed would be Isrgp. I suggest that
this* plan., bp, adopted not only by
the cotton' mtllo of the state, but by
every business man of whatever na
ture employing young men. . J.f they;
have no employees In the National
Guard at thiB time, they should 'en
courage a reasonable number to en
list. Even if we are not ordered to
Mexico, we should assist the govern
ment to .this extent in its prepared
ueB? program. Unless the business |
men of our state manifest some inter*
est and lend their active support to]
the present plan, preparedness will
fail so far as South Carolina Is con- i
B. B. Gossett,
Captain- 1st. S C Infantry.
"I have just returned from White
Plains where I attended, an all day |
Singing," stated1 Sheriff Joe Ashley
Ir.i-t night. "There were at 'ieaat 2,
500 or 8,000 .people there and the |
most orderly ?ro'wd I have ever seen.
The people had a mighty good timo|
and .there was. some excellent sing
ing, well known singers of this and)
other counties belnp present. And
when it comes to getting up a din
ner, those people In that section of I
the county know how to do it.'"
Fire yesterday afternoon about* 2:30
completely destroyed the home ' of
Jake TraymAn. a negro, living Just
this side of lap P. &. N. railway
track whore it crosses North Main
Btreot. The fire spread very rapid
ly .and before the fire department
could ' reach the scene, the entire
dwelling was in flames: Tbe house
was a small one, and it and contents
were destroyed. : It is said that, the
ioea is partially covered by insur
secretary of An
dfripPooll?ge, jind Mr. Joo. T.
Miller, dean, have returned from a
canvasa for s?adcnto mad?\in the eas
tern countloa of 'tho' ritatev Tbey ?tat- j
very succ<;?3fvU,;tri.p; end 'were much
encouraged over ; the outlook ' for : tho
college '.this coming 'season. \ Dr.
White, president, is alaq very; hope
ful for the collego and has stated
that he thinks the enrollment will be
Very much increased at this next ses-j
; A\ number of - the peoplo of ; Ander?
can-went Out to Eureka church yes
terday afternoon to, attend., a singing
there. There . was a splendid atteu
dahr/e and tho singing was good. .*
iho mcmbors of St. John's , Meth
)at church and many, other peo
e Of tho city were g??d> ot 'the op
portunity yeoterd?> o? hearing- Dr. I
Jameb.P. ;Moffett;o? Buo West who
preached at both too mpriiiug and
evening services. Dr. Moffett is well
known in Anderson and the 'people ot
this elty are always glad to . hove
him come here to preach
4 ii
It tho people keep on buying au
turopbiloB, it will seriously affect the
country Vnurches.V:, stated a well
kaown gimU^
a fact that many people front the
country ate coining to Anderson \u
^b^:a>>tompbi?es,: tio^'Jcburca every,
Sunday and this means that the rural
churches .are losing -'them. "
Mr. Bl.vchotte T.? Juatko, foreman
for iamtaaott & Morris of Gr*envMe>
.^ho/ haVe the contract fer the build
ing of the C. & \Vi. C. freight do
pot, la teptaln of; ??a>ml|t?a com
pany la 4ipsxtanbdrg, known', as the
liamp^on Quarts. Mr.. JaslW la ta
Anderso? in charge of tbe depot
work, an,<S U was said 'last nigfet ; that
tie was in the city., . ?Borta/o
htm wer?' futile.
' /-' Stadt at ?-ill?(i^j^y.
Gteahyiiia, Jano 17.?Parker Cot'
tbh-AlWi atoek {wh?${??s*; *i-o
of Una JRainpU?i ^lii?s. M
i^n^ irreaUy ro ^a>^ iswow at
m ?p#;the,v. '
it-to^ zeetraitf^^a^; o?. .
of saille, and ?o,b>*? a
^^rara nasaed -Ter Ui3
A house of introductions
Late'Saturday we opened a few fcuite of most
attractive cool crashes. One b.ft good cSeay
gray with a dash of green/ the other b a
'.color all it's own?we can't name ft but We
know you'll like it '-''U
They're $8.B0.
' V ? V.
And with tills or any other good hind of sum
mer suits you will wjm^.qw'^alm Bench Ox
fords. In such quality,as ours nothing adds
quite so much to youtvnaturaj eppearauc^
as these cool, bright sh'o>*a> . \
We're continually introducing the new things
in men's and boys' clothes.
After a sssssss fcs? jterfed tk--^c*a a$l
to he a newer idea developed from exper
ience with the popular designs.
We're alway? doing the watchful v??:Uag for
anything of this sort, p ; , ^
There are all widths to give you ? perfect fit.
The price b $3.50.
... .. ,. , , ^ . ; I . *' {
Special summer neckwear in silks and wash
fabrics. For the tub test there's nothing to
compare with our Imported Russian Cords.
Unusual values indeed at 25c to 50c. .."
?. I'r:
Tfte Store with a Conscien??
?qaor fa Charlestoa. ^ .
. Charleston, June 17.?In Its' anal
presentment the grand Jury yester
day called attention to the allegation
that contraband whiskey in roschlng
Charleston - through an express
agency at Led son's Cross roads, . Dor
chester county, and nearby stations,
and recommended that all petty vio
lations of the law be handled .by mag
istrates. Two exhibits, one of the
report of the.dispensary board on its
final disposition ' I the dispepsary
stock and the ot). t.'.ve r?port of tho
state constabulat. S .\co January 1,
.1916; were attached to the present
Dodge Wms Derby.
. CInclnnait, O., June 17.-i-Dodge,
ridden by Murphy,, wdh thirty-fourth
Latonla derby at tho Latonta Ken
tucky race, track . today. George
Smith was second and'Dick .Williams
third., i
Security and Service
In establishingbanking .corth?ctioris./a. business
man looks primarily for two things,' viz: Security
.and Service, M
' * ' - '4...* . .
This bank, offers absolute cocurity ito its deposi
tors ajnd. endeavors at all times to rend??jprornpt.and
polite service to its customers. - V^ '.-V
Peoples Bank of Anderson
ANDERSON, S* ?* ?I0K?AY, JUNE 19, 191?.
NtraiBER sa.
Having made an'too-*'
targe purchase br Uiesa
Irena we are.in pcsUlpe'
-to Bell ,thsivi^^6.tt?? Sow
est prlco ever aaciad
here for a really good
Only &?.6& Ba-h
.by using an KTJBCTRTO
-Iron., it *mte'$mxi
with the hot stove-,^%^:
This Susnrncr
la. att?uttrr. f^ors
;v'V$^J^tf do ?warm
Mttw trred yota get
whe?s you are warai
- ?-::Bit?i?-F?iv.'-:-'.'
pute flies to Rsghfi
Makes yea eoolrar
- .da^. aiad ;^g^S'.- .
II yoti do it yourself if
; Standing over stMt^ Is nu
Wuafcr table and < uaaealttjful
I1 Th'ir>:. is" Re^^sa^-???tpt * where
With An Alcohol iUmp
you must fill the lamp,
adjqst .^the wick, strike
a match, . end bo very
caretu} not, to spill al
cohol on the tabjt? top:
-, Wta.Bisetrieiiy
. ypaiasert' the ?toff sj?d
turc if swj^^v''
;?Jra* delete a? your
att^ctt^; :tha.: wetp^.
Iner Matt >t^*^.'.??

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