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Image provided by: University of Utah, Marriott Library
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I GOODWIN'S WEEKLY. 7 jjj Eiab1Ihed 1 664 W. P. KISER, Mgr. HENRY WAQENER BREWING COMPANY Lager Beer and Porter Special attention given to bottled beer for family trade. Free delivery to all parts of the city ! OFFICE: 142 E. FIRST SOUTH PHONE 318 ! ' ' If You Want a Modern j Home j If You Want a Fine Lot I If You Want to Buy or Sell Any Kind of Real Estate 1 If You Want the Best Terms Obtainable I See i Richter, w. ui south - . NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC U. S. DEPOSITARY jm Frank Knox, Pros. James A. MunnxT, Vico-Pros. W. F. Eablb, Cashier E. A.OTJLBHrtTBON, AsstO-shlor I Capital Paid In $300,000 IB Banking In all its branches transacted. Exchange drawn on the principal cities In Europe ! Interest paid on Tlmo Deposits. I I DRUNKENNESS CURED H A positive and pormanont cure for 1 Drunkenness and Drug Addictions, Branch Parent Rouse, Dwlght In j Correspondence Confidential. KEELEY INSTITUTE I 334 W. South Temple St. Salt Lake City, Utah r Salt Lake Ice Co. I DISTILLED WATER IcT J PHON.E 48 J. O. LYNOH, Manager Ney, sweet, ,smilG not, to know at last j That thou or 1 or knave or fool Are hut the involltient tool Of some world purpose vague and vast. No har to passion's fury set, With monstrous popples spice the wine, For only drunk are we divine, And only mad shall we forget! Smart Set. Wise Old Theatre Party (over the 'phone to the Rialto show) Kindly reserve four $1.00 seats at the hox office for B. Jones. I'll call for them before 8 o'clock. Wise Old Box Office Man Very sorry, but the. dollar seats are all gone. Nothing left but $2.00 seats, and not more than a half dozen of them in sight Wise Old Patron Er all right. Set 'em aside. An hour later ho appears with his party and L. confldently laying down the money, says: "Four $1.00 seats, please." Promptly gets them. Fivo minutes later the Box Office Man returns the $2 seats to the case and roundly condemns B. Jones to the everlasting for cutting out the show. SMART WEDDINGS. And every other event where cards, invita tions or anything which should be handsomely en graved is used, there is just one place in the in termountain' country to have your order properly attended to. The place is known to smart people as the Held Engraving Company, about half way be tween the Temple and the corner where the cars stop. Easy enough to find us, or a written or tele phone order will receive the same 'attention as that given in person. We want you to see our work. Notice your invitation next time you're invited to a smart wedding. If it is smart we will have engraved the invitation. DECLARE REGULAR DIVIDEND. The Salt Lake Security & Trust company, Thursday declared its regular semi-annual divi dend of 7 per cent. A meeting of the directors was held at the bank building Thursday and the conference showed the I institution to be in splendid shape. The dividend . is payable July 1st, 1908, at the bank, 34 Main street, to stockholders of record June 20, 1908. (Expert Kodak finishing, Harry Shipler, Com mercial Photographer, 151 South Main Street. LUNCHES AT THE LOUVRE. The question of lunching down town at noon time brings to busy men and women, and to shoppers these questions convenience , comfort, reasonableness of charges and excellence of menu. We want you to try a lunch at the Louvre. We determined weeks ago to make our noon day lunches as popular as our dinners and after theater suppors and wo have succeeded in making this cafe the rendezvous of the greater part of those who lunch downtown. The menu we serve for 40 cents Is selected from twenty or moro pro pared by our chef and we are very sure that you cannot get as good for the money anywhere else. J If you are back from an (Eastern trip or from a run to the coast drop In and see if our service, our music and the quality and preparation of everything wo serve doesn't compare more than favorably with the finest cafes you visited in the larger cities. Wo have the finest cuslne department of any cafe in the west. It is the most modern and san itary nvrioy could put in. In ' way we are prepared to give our pat - rons Uio best of care. mmmjmmmm POWERS & MARIONEAUX I . H ATTORNEYS AT LAW JB Rooms 202, 203, 04, 205 and 206 New Herald Building (MI ' OALT LAKE OITY, UTAH $H Bell Phone 1850 1st' rf BRIDES ML TU716 GRADUATES U roses S.; We have the latter for the former and 'jH a hundred other blossoms in great var- BH iety and profusion. Order early. rjB The B. C. MORRIS FLORAL W COMPANY m C2 East Second South - B i vH HHHMH OPEN ALL NIGHT TELEPHONE 364 H S. D. EVANS H UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER H NEW LOCATION 48 STATE ST. SALT LAKE CITY tjH "SILVER BROOK" jl Anthracite jjfl aHB!H! m We have secured the Exclu- UH sive Agency for this High : B Grade Anthracite. Place 'm your orders now for Summer B and Fall Delivery before we ' ,H get busy B IB CENTRAL COAL & COKE CO. fl Phones 2600 South Main Street Wk I 1 Yisitors to Los Angeles ;S$J '.n APS m favorable atmospheric con- jnflfi ditioni in the world. ' Un- O B questionable endorsement! 3B Children's Pictures si )MM a Specialty 2y KB Awarded 1 8 medali. JxGC- H Studio 336ViS.Broadway H ""MMM-a-aH-MH-HMHMHH !-- 'f H What Tou Want m these cold mornings is coal that makes a B roaring hot fire in a mighty big hurry. - JK CASTLE GATE AND J CLEAR CREEK COAL IJH does this as no other coal can. It's "B easy to prove most dealers sell it. H Utah Fuel Company II DOOLY BLOCK, CITY 11 llv Appeals to Housekeepers M The splendid quality of our high grade vH OLIVE OIL B FRENCH, ITALIAN and CALIFORNIA Wm Delivered anywhere in one-half pints, pints and quarts 1MB phone Wm F. J. Hill Drug Co. 1 "The Never-Substl tutors" MB 'I J& -aMfinM-HHHM