"Get In Among the Skyscrapers" r
Have you seen the magnificent Boston and Newhouse buildings Wmf
pierce the sky? W jr,
Have you seen the announcement of the building of the New- I 9
house Hotel? The construction will be started shortly, and the 9
hotel will be the finest in the West. 9
Adjoining the Newhouse building on the east the Commercial 9
Club's palatial $200,000 home is to be located. Work will be- 9
gin July 4th, 1908. The ground is the generous gift of Samuel 9
Newhouse. 9
Every foot of ground is being made more valuable by these im- Im
provements, and commercial Salt Lake has set a moving day. 9 v
The Judge Building, the Federal Building, the I
Boston and Newhouse Blocks I;
are not architectual fancies, 9
They are Realities They are Here I
Mr Merchant, come in and let us tell you what we have in Store 9
Rooms in this vicinity. 9
If we haven't one already built that suits you, we will build you 9
one build to meet your wants. 9
Do not wait too long, for property in the new business center. is 9
going fast, and a few months will see a wonderful change. 9
Houston Real Estate Investment Co. I
"We Write Fire Insurance" 1
Telephones 27 251 S. Main Street I
Between Third and Fifth South, State and West Temple Streets, more modern f
buildings are planned and in course of construction than any twenty years of Salt a ; -
Lake's existence has ever known. v '" ' I