I cost' of advertising and expense of
I sale. " """
1 J. B. HILL, Secretary.
1 214 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City,
First publication, September 12,
1908. Last publication October 10,
In the District Court of the Third
Judicial District of the State of Utah,
County of Salt Lake.
Susie Davies, Plaintiff, vs. David B.
Davies, Defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after the
service of this summons upon you,
if served within the county in which
(his action is brought, otherwise,
within thirty days after service,
and defend the above entitled action;
and in case of your failure so to do,
judgment will be rendered against
you according to the demand of the
complaint, which is now on file with
the clerk of said court.
j This action is brought for the
purpose of dissolving the bonds of
J matrimony now existing between
I plaintiff and defendant.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O. Address: Rooms 310-11 Auer
bach Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. 5
In the City Court of Salt Lake City,
County of Salt Lake, State of Utah.
James Henderson, Plaintiff, vs.
Percy Patterson, and Addle Patter-
I son, Defendants. Summons.
The State of Utah to Said Defendant:
You are hereby summoned to appear
within ten days after service of this
! summons upon you, if served within
, the county in which this action is
brought; otherwise within twenty
days after service, and defend the
above entitled action; and in case of
your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint, which,
within five days after service of this
summons upon you will be filed with
the clerk of said court. This action
is brought to recover a judgment fore
closing plaintiff's mortgage upon the
personal property described in said
Plaintiff's Attorney.
I P. 0. address: 123 Commercial
i Block, Salt Lake City, Utah-.
i ;
nnd providing for tho assessment of
tho proporty hereinafter described on
First South street between Sixth East
and Eighth East streets, in Paving
District No. 27, for tho purpose of pro
viding for tho grading, guttering and
curbing, and paving thereof.
Bo it ordained by tho City Council of
I Salt Lake City, Utah:
Section 1. That tho City Council
, xdoes hereby levy the tax and provide
for tho assessment of tho samo upon
i tho proporty hereinafter described In
Paving District No. 27, for tho purposo
I of providing for tho grading, gutter
ing and curbing, and paving of a por
tion of said district, to-wlt:
In Lots 5 and G, Block 54. and 1 and
2, Block GO, Plat "B," abutting on tho
south side of First South stxeot be
tween Seventh East and Eighth East
streets, and on the north side of First
South street between Sixth East and
Seventh East streets.
This tax Is lovled to defray tho ox
ponso of grading, guttering and curb
ing with cement, and paving with
Utah asphalt (said asphalt pavement
to be sixty (GO) feet wide between
curbs, and nlno (9) Inches thick), tho
portions of said street opposlto tho
proporty horolnboforo and hereinafter
described to bo especially afCectod and
benefited by said Improvement, and it
Is horoby adjudged, determined and
established that said proporty will bo
especially bonoflted thereby to tho full
amount of tho tax hereby levied, and
I said parcels of land aro horoby as-
II sossed at an equal and uniform rate
II In accordanco with tho linear foot
frontago uporisald portions of said
street fronting upon and to a depth of
twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom,
and the tax hereby levied and to bo
assessed upon said" parcels of land is
ton thousand olghty-three and 42-100
($10,083.42) dollars, or seven and
038952-1,000,000 ($7.038952) dollars
per front or linear foot of abutting
property, Uiero being 1320 feet of
abutting proporty within tho boundar
ies of tho lots, blocks and street
above mentioned in said district, which
is the total cost and cost per front foot
of said improvement according to the
contract entered into for tho perform
ance of said work and making said
improvement, with P. J. Moran, dated
tho 24th day of April, 1908, and tho
Treasurer Is horoby directed to assosd
In accordanco with tho provisions of
this ordinance for tho purposo heroin
The north sldo of Lots 5 and G,
Block 54; the south side of Lots 1 and
2, Block GO, all in Plat "B," Salt Lake
City Survey, as the samo are shown
upon the ofllcial plats of said city, to a
depth of twenty-five (25) feet back
from said street, and to collect said
Section 2. Said tax shall become
and bo delinquent In ten equal Install
ments, as follows, to-wlt: Ono-tonth
thereof one year after tho approval of
tho ordinance confirming tho levy of
the tax for tho payment for such im
provement; one-tenth thereof in two
years after such approval; one-tenth
thereof In threo years after such ap
proval; one-tenth thereof In four
years after such approval; one-tenth
thereof In fivo years after such ap
proval; one-tenth thereof in six years
after such approval; one-tenth thereof
in seven years after such approval;
one-tenth thereof In eight years after
"such approval; one-tenth thereof in
nine years after such approval; and
one-tenth thereof in ten years after
such approval. Ono or more of said
installments or tho whole tax may be
paid on or before ten days after tho
approval of tho ordinance confirming
the levy of tho tax. One or more In
stallments, or tho whole special tax,
may bo paid on tho dny any install
ment becomes duo by paying the
amount thereof and Interest to date of
payment. Each of said Installments
shall bear intei'cst at tho rate of six
(G) per cent per annum from the date
of tho approval of tho ordinance con
firming the levy of said tax until the
dato of delinquency, and eight (8) per
cent per annum from delinquency un
til nnLl
Section 3. This ordinance shall
take effect upon approval.
Passed by the City Council of Salt
LakoJ2Ity, Utah, Soptembor 21st, 1908.
and referred to tho Mayor for his ap
proval. J. B. MORETON,
City Recorder.
Approved this 22nd day of Soptom
bor, 1908.
State of Utah,
City and County of Salt Lake ss.
1, J. B. Moroton, City Recoidor of
Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify
that tho above and foregoing is a full,
true and correct copy of an ordinance
entitled, "An ordinance levying a tax
and providing for tho assessment of
tho proporty hereinafter described on
First South street botwoon Sixth East
and Eighth East streets, in Paving
District No. 27, for tho purposo of pro
viding for tho grading, guttering and
curbing, and pfivlng thereof," passed
by tho City Council of Salt Lake City,
Utah, September 21, 1908, and ap
proved by tho Mayor, Soptombor 22,
1908, as appoars of record In my office.
In witness whereof, I havo hereunto
sot my hand and afllxed tho corporato
seal of said city, this 22nd day of Sop
tombor, 1908.
(Seal) City Rocordor.
Bill No. 12G.
Paving Extonsion No. 31.
Third Partial Estimate.
"That's it," said a man who had
stopped in tho corner grocery store to
get three and one-half pounds of gran
ulated sugar. "I'm going homo tired.
I remind myself of the line:
"The plowman homeward ends his
weary way."
' You mean plods his weary way,"
said the schoolmaster, as he went out
of the door with a can of kerosene.
"He meant to quote the line that
"Homeward the plowman plods his
weary way,"
remarked the village lawyer.
"I meant to quote just what I did
quote," said the first speaker, sternli
"Tho weary plowman h'omeward pious
his way."
"I understand your quotation," said
a man who was sitting on a sugar bar
rel, "to be:
" Wearj lie homeward plowman plods
his way."
"You aro wrong," said a neighbor,
who was inquiring the price of hams.
"Ho said:
"Weary tho plowman homeward plods
his way."
"Pardon me," broke in a traveling
salesman for a sausage house. "If
the gentleman intended to quote from
Gray's 'Eulogy,' the quotation should
"Homeward the weary plowman plods
his way."
"Please understand," said the man
with the three and one-half pounds of
granulated sugar, "that I do not make
mistakes in quotation. I have twice
said that the line is:
"The weai'y plowman plods his home
ward way."
"I understood you to say," observed
another ne ghbor:
"Homeward the plowman weary plods
his way."
"We may easily have been mistak
en as to what he said," remarked an
elderly man, "but what he undoubted
ly wished to say was:
"The plowman weary homeward plods
his way."
"That is not what I wished to say,
and not what I did say!" retorted the
man with threo and one-half pounds
of sugar for seventeen cents. "I said,
and I will stand by it:
"Weary the plowman plods his home
ward way."
"Pardon me for butting in again,
gents," said the sausage drummer,
"but I must insist, as before, that if
you would accurately quote the im
mortal 'Eulogy' the line must read:
"The plowman weary plods his home
ward way."
"Gen'm'm," said the village good-for-nothing,
getting up from a keg of
nails behind the stove, "you're rol
wong 'cuse me, you're all wrong. The (SPf MSB
quotation is: Rjl3 KM
"Tho weary plodman homeward plows ,Wb BHH
his way." lwn HH
Thereupon they went their ways, 'm', H
every one, even to the last speaker, $k l
believing he was right. Youth's Com- ! H
panion. 'fjrt
An American traveling in the un- Hi,,
derground of London between Ham- 'fM H
mersmith and Islington heard the V H
guard call : "Ammersmith, Ammer- , iVaffl
smith!" 1 tf-ffl
Whereupon, being of a n. 'morous $ I j VAYfl
turn of mind, he said to the guard: 'j H
"You have dropped something." frj M
"What?" said the guard. qV, H
"An 'h'," answered the American. 3 11 fl
"Oh, never mind," retorted the tfK H9
guard, "I'll pick it up at Hislington." ff Hfl
Travel Magazine. Hh HI
Actor Are we alone? Voice from $fflj j
the audience You Avould be if we ;M IH
could get our money back at the box ijjn j
office. Footlights. m i M
1 n fflfe I Ball
Wife What would you like for your . Mi WKM
birthday, dear? Husband Nothing at Wf
all. I haven't any money. Meggen- w H
dorfer Blatter. ,$$$!
o ip
"Pa!" "Well, what is it now?" "Pa, ! WM
when I grow up, how will I keep from $L U
marrying the wrong woman?" "You ''Ifl-'1 Hfl
won't." Life. , SH
Doctor You have some sort of poi- Wi Kfl
son in your system. Patient Should- W '
n't wonder. What was that last stuff "till B9
you gave me. New York Sun. m H
o m H
Blobbs A politician always re- ?lVi sAV
minds me of a piano. Slobbs How so? jfe? D
Blobbs If he's square he's consld- yA H
ered old fashioned. Philadelphia Rec- ''L H
ord' w H
vv H
Qet it out of your head , Your business is what you 'jj Si
that times are hard With our help $ HI
Are your business interests confined to one locality ? A 1M
flj Do you ever wonder what the situation or conditions may 'ij , Hj
be in your line of business in the territory surrounding you ? ',) J H
Ever stop to think that there are several thousand papers published in m 'm H
the States of the Inter-Mountain and Western country every day and c H
every week that are filled with trade news of every description, contract j
news, business repoits, building notes, news of every sort of prospective ' ! ;$ On
construction work, mining news, oil news and personal mentionings ? I SI
Do you know what the people and press of Utah and ' Hi
neighboring states are saying about you and your busi- ,1 N
ncss? ,,, ml
Would It help you or your business to know ? , ' y n
q The Inf er-Mounf ain Press Clipping Bureau is ;g K
the medium through which you can find out. It is the ONLY way (-1 1 H
that you can feel the commercial pulse of the Inter-Mountain country '' f.' H
every day. wM
We furnish Trade News, Advance Reports, Con- HU
tract News, Personal Clippings, Business . i m
Reports, Newspaper Correspondence, Scrap , m
Books, Building Notes, Mining and Oil News, etc. D
We clip on any subject from every American and Foreign , t
Paper and Magazine Published. We Make a Specialty of . t
Mining and OH News, Discoveries, Improvements and r- f B
Developments. r RI
both phones 232-233 COMMERCIAL CLUB BUILDING p...bxhs .
SfS"" SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ,274'"72 ;j
i HE
.'? K