OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, October 10, 1908, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1908-10-10/ed-1/seq-14/

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B Mi?
I If'
J Qulncy Junior Mining Company.
I Principal place of business, No. 204
I Dooly block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
J' There are delinquent upon the fol
lowing described stock, on account of
I Assessment No. 12 of three cents per
share, levied on the 20th day of June,
' 1908, the following amounts set op
,. posite the names of the respective
i stockholders as follows:
j Name. Cert. No, Shares. Amt.
E. I. Frankhauser ....204 497 ? 14.91
ij E. I. Frankhauser ....241 100 3.00.
1 E. I. Frankhauser ....246 BOO 15.00
t 33. I. Frankhauser ....248 11G 3.48
E. I. Frankhauser ....260 500 15.00
! E. I. Frankhauser ....261 500 15.00
' E. I. Frankhauser ....262 500 15.00
E. I. Frankhauser ....263 500 15.00
K I. Frankhauser ....264 500 15.00
E. L Frankhauser ....271 500 15.00
13. I. Frankhauser ....272 500 15.00
E. I. Frankhauser ....273 500 15.00
' E. I. Frankhauser ....274 500 15.00
Belle Cook Frank
hauser 265 500 15.00
Belle Cook Frank
hauser 266 500 15.00
Belle Cook Frank
hauser 267 500 15.00
Belle Qook Frank
hauser 268 500 15.00
Belle Cook Frank
hauser 269 500 15.00
John P. Cook 201 50 1.50
rm Bal
II i) I ances.
? David D. Erwin 129 1000 15.00
jl David D .Erwin 131 1000 15.00
! i David D. Erwin 132 1000 15.00
tt David D. Erwin 132 1000 15.00
jjfj David D. Erwin 133 1000 15.00
BR j David D. Erwin 134 4221 18.32
IN 'j F. A. Nims 137 1000 15.00
B ! j P. A. Nims 138 1000 15.00
1851 j F. A. Nims 139 1000 15.00
B mm F. A. Nims 140 1000 15.00
B W F. A. Nims 1411221 18.32
B 'J, 'j P. A!. Nims 247 1000 15.00
B ;i.jh H. J. Hoyt 142 1000 15.00
ml H. J. Hoyt .143 1000 15.00
B ! ' 1 11 J. Hoyt 144 1000 15.00
B i'Sr I K. J. Hoyt 145 1000 1&00
B f I H. J. Hoyt 146 1000 15i00
it H. J. Hoyt 147 1221 . 18.32
J C. W. Sessions 149 500 7.50
C. W. Sessions 150 500 7.50
I C. W. Sessions 151 500 7.50
f C. W. Sessions 152 500 7.50
C. W. Sessions 153 752 11.28
John Vanderwerp ....154 500 7.50
John Vanderwerp ....155 500 7.50
j John Vanderwerp ....156 500 7.50
B John Vanderwerp ....157 500 7.50
! John Vanderwerp ....158 753 11.30
I P. M. Cook 250 763 11.45
! P. M. Cook 251 1381 20.72
P. M. Cook 252 2000 30.00
i F. M. Cook 253 2000 30.00
' F. M. Cook 254 1000 15.00
S P. M. Cook 255 1000 15.00
F. M. Cook 256 2000 30.00
F. M. Cook 257 500 7.50
P. M. Cook 258 473 7.09
F. M. Cook 270 7559 113.38
Mrs. Fred B.
Baldwin 243 1112 16.68
Fred B. Baldwin ....244 1666 24.99
! Fred B. Baldwin ....249 66 .99
j In accordance with law and the or
der of the Board of Directors, made
on the said 20th- day of June, 1908,
so many shares of each parcel of said
stock as may be necessary will be
sold at public auction at the office of
said company, No. 204 Dooly block,
Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 27th
day of August, 1908, at 2 o'clock P.
M. of said day to' pay the delinquent
assessment, together with the costs
of advertising and expenses of sale.
Secretary, Quincy Junior Mining
71 J Company, Room 204, Dooly Block,
g ! Salt Lake City, Utah.
1 Dated July 30th. 1908.
IJ j Salt Lake City, Utah, Room No. 204
19 j ',, Dooly Block, August 27th, 1908.
f ' : Pursuant to an order of th Board
of Directors of the Quincy Junior
Mining Company, this day made, the
date of the above sale is hereby post
poned and adjourned to Tuesday, the
27th day of October, 1908, at 2 o'clock
P. M., at the above named place.
Secretary, Quincy Junior Mining Co.,
Room 204 Dooly Block, Salt Lake
City, Utah.
Dated August 27th. 1908.
Probate -and Guardianship Notices.
Consult County Clerk or respective
signers for further information.
Estate of Francis A. Tisher, De
ceased. Creditors will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned at No.
117 South "West Temple Street, in Salt
Lake City, Utah, on or before the 26th
day of January, A. D. 1909.
Administrator of the estate of Fran
ces A. Tisher, Deceased.
Date of first publication, September
26, A. D. 1908.
FRANK J. GUSTIN, Attorney.
In the District Court, Probate Di
vision, In and for Salt Lake County,
State of Utah.
In the matter of the estate and
guardianship of Sarah Bernice Strat
ton, Minor. Notice.
The petition of Nettie Moyer, pray
ing for the issuance to herself of let
ters of guardians on the person
and estate of Sarau Bernice Strat;
ton, minor, has been set for hearing
on Saturday, the 10th day of October,
A. D. 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the
County Court House, in the Court
Room of said Court, In Salt Lake
City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
Witness the Clerk of said Court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 22nd day
of September, A. D. 1908.
(Seal.) J. U. ELDREDGE, JR.,
By W. H. Farnsworth, Deputy Clerk.
FRANK J. GUSTIN, Attorney for
ING. The regular annual meeting of the
Stockholders of the North Point Con
solidated Irrigation Company will be
held on Monday, Nov. 9th, 1908, at the
company's office, No. 75 West Second
South Street, Eagle Building, Rooms
41 and 42, second floor, Salt Lake City,
Utah, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the elec
tion of Nine Directors and the trans
action of such other business as may
properly come before them.
First publication Oct. 10th, 1908.
Nevada-Falrvlew Mining Company.
Principal place of business, Elko,
Elko County, Nevada. General office
outside of Nevada, 214 Atlas Block,
Salt Lake City, Utah. Location of
mines, Fairvlew Mining District,
Churchill County, Nevada.
NOTICE. There are delinquent
upon the following described stock on
account of Assessment No. 2, of one
balf (l-2c) cent per share, levied on
the 18th day of May, 1908, the several
amounts set opposite the names of the
respective shareholders, as follows:
No. Name. Shares. Amt.
8 W. H. Dale 200 $1.00
121 James W. Wade 500 2.50
159 H. B. Colo.. t 100 .50
200 E. M. West 500 2.50
238 E. M. West & Co.... 500 2.50
239 E. M. West & Co.... 500 2.50
263 F. R. Woolley 600 2.50
267 Brokerage & Finance
Co 300. 1.50
273 E. M. West & Co.... 300 1.50
274 E. M. West & Co.... 600 2.60
283 E. M. West & Co.... 100 .60
284 I. H. Kent 1000 5.00
285 I. H. Kent 1000 5.00
286 I. H. Kent 500 2.60
359 R. W. Sloan. 100 .50
360 R. W. Sloan 100 .50
361 R. W. Sloan 100 .50
362 R. W. Sloan 100 .50
363 R. W. Sloan 100 .60
817 Chll'd, Cole & Co.... 100 .50
827 F. R. Woolley 200" 1.00
838 J. A. Pollock & Co... 300 1.50
852 F. R. Woolley 200 1.00
862 J. A. Pollock & Co.. 100 .50
944 F. W. Leonard 250 1.25
950 Edward Rittenhouse. 500 2.60
951 Edward Rittenhouse. 1000 5.00
1021 George T. Badger.... 500 2.50
1026 Ed J. Robertson....' 1000 5.00
1027 Dern & Thomas 500 2.50
1031 C. P. Goody 200 1.00
1038 F. R. Woolley 500 2.50
1071 D. H. Peery 1000 5.00
1072 Ben D. Luce 1000 5.00
1073 R. W. Sloan 36500 182.50
1074 W. H. Dale 36300 181.50
1078 Charles Walte 1525 7.62
1079 S. A. Whitney 150 .75
1080 S. A. Whitney 150 .75
1083 E. M. West & Co.... 300 1.50
1084 E. M. West & Co.... 300 1.50
1085 H. B. Cole 300 1.50
1087 Nannie M. Forbus... 300 1.50
1088 Alice P. Forbus 300 1.50
1089 W. M. Wantland.... 305 1.52
1091 IE. M. West 300 1.50
1092 E. M. West 300 1.50
1093 E. M. West 50 .25
1094 E. M. West 50 .25
1095 F. R. Woolley 600 3.00
1097 E. M. West & Co.... 110 .55
1098 E. M. West & Co.... 110 .55
1099 E. M. West & Co.... 180 .90
1100 F. R. Woolley 75 .37
1103 E. M. West & Co.... 75 .37
1104 Demlng-Davis Co.... 50 .25
1105 E. E. Shepard 1135 5.67
1116 E. M. West 50 .25
1117 E. J. Robertson 610 3.05
1118 E. J. Robertson 2500 12.50
And in accordance with law and the
order of the board of directors made
on the 13th day of May, 1908, and the
subsequent order made on the 3rd
day of August, 1908, so many shares
of each parcel of such stock as may
be necessary will be sold at public
auction at the office of the company,
214 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah,
on Monday, the 26th day of October,
1908, at 4 o'clock P. M., to pay the de
linquent assessment thereon, to
gether with the costs of advertising
and expense of sale.
214 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Pub. Sept. 26th, Oct. 3rd, 10th, 17th,
Washakie-Nevada Mines Co., princi
pal place of business Salt Lake City,
There are delinquent upon the fol
lowing described stock, on account of
assessment levied on the third day of
August, 1908, the amount set opposite
the names of respective shareholders
as follows:
No. of No. of
Certificate. Shares. Amt.
C. D. Rooklldge ..'..116 1000 $10.00
C. D. Rooklldge ....117 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklldge ....118 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklidge ....119 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklidge ....120 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklidge ....121 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklidge ....122 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklidgo ....123 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklidge ....124 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklidge ....125 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklidge ....126 10d0 10.00
C. D. Rooklidge ....127 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklidge ....128 1000 10.00
C. D. Rooklldge ....129 500 5.00
C. D. Rooklldge ....130 500 5.00
C. D. Rooklldge ....131 285 2.85
M. Rothenberger .. 20 2040 20.40
A. E. Beveridgo ... 21 100 1.00
A. E. Beverldge ... 22 100 1.00
A. E. Beveridge ... 23 100 1.00
A. E. Beveridge ... 24 100 1.00
A. E. Beveridge ... 25 100 1.00
A. E. Beveridge ... 26 140 1.40
E. O. Howard 41 1000 10.00
E. O. Howard 42 1000 10.00
E. O. Howard 43 40 .40
W. A. Wetmore ... 47 2040 20.40
P. J. Donahue 62 500 5.00
P. J. Donahue 63 500 5.00
P. J. Donahue .... 64 600 5.00
P. J. Donahue .... 65 540 5.40
Willard Hanson ...135 500 5.00 .
Willard Hanson ...136 500 5.00
Willard Hanson ...137 500 5.00 "
Willard Hanson ...138 540 5.40
Sam T. Whitaker .. 95 1000 10.00
Sam T. Whitaker .. 96 1040 10.40
Paul Armstrong ... 99 408 4.08
Carl Williams 100 408 4.08
Burl Armstrong . . .101 408 4.08
George Halverson .139 1000 10.00
George Halverson .140 1040 10.40
And In accordance with law, and
an order of the Board of Directors,
made on the 22nd day of September, '
1908, to postpone date oi sale to the
14th day of October, 1908, in place of j
the 30th day of September, 1908. So
many shares of each parcel of such
stock as may be necessary will be
sold at the office, No. 60 Richards St.,
Salt Lake City, Utah, on the said
14th day of October, 1908, at the hour
of 5 o'clodk p. m., to pay delinquent
assessment thereon, together with
the cost of advertising and expense
of sale. F. F. PHELPS,
New Mercur Gold Mining Company,
principal place of business, Salt Lake
City, Utah. Location of mines, Mer
cur, Utah. Notice is hereby given
that at a meeting of the Board of Di
rectors of The New Mercur Gold
Mining Company, held on the 16th
day of September, 1908, assessment
No. 4 of one (.01) cent per share was
levied upon the capital stock of the
corporation, issued and outstanding,
payable immediately to the secretary
at his offlct, Room 32 Commercial
block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Any stock upon which this ossess
ment may remain unpaid on Monday,
the 19th day of October, 1908, will be
delinquent and advertised for sale at
public auction, and unless payment is
made before, will be sold on Monday,
the 9th day of November, 1908, at 10
o'clock a. m., at the company's of
fice, to pay the delinquent assess
ment thereon, together with the costs
of advertising and expense of sale.
Pittsburg Consolidated Mining &
Milling Company.
Location of principal office, 214 At
las Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Loca
tion of mines, Little Cottonwood min
ing District, Salt Lake County, Utah,
and American Fork Mining, District,
Utah County, Utah.
Notice Is hereby given that at a
meeting of the Board of Directors of
Pittsburg Consolidated Mining &
Milling Company, heldon the 9th day
of September, 1908, assessment No.
3, of one (lc) cent per share was
lovled on the capital stock of the cor
poration, payable to Ray S. Bowman,
Treasure:-, at 214 Atlas Block, Salt
Lake City, on or before October 12,
1908. Any stook upon which this
assessment may remain unpaid on
Monday, the 12th day of October,
1908, will be delinquent and adver
tised for sale at public auction, and
unless payment is made before, will
be sold on Monday, the 2nd day of
November, 1908, to pay the delin
quent assessment, together with the

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