Newspaper Page Text
R H OOOtDWlN'S WEEKLY. I ' , ' Hi Willard Mack in "Secret Service." H AND IT CLICKED. H Click, little meter, for the range is lit, H Much gas is burning, so keep track ' of it; H! Though each click is but a trifle, Little things make life Mf It's a button for the collar Of the H gas 1 man's M Click, little meter for your work's be- H gun, M You'll get a layoff with the rising sun; fl Set the hands in steady motion, fl For you should, take note,. H That a cog space means a button H For the fl gas H man's M M Click, little meter, it is up to you. H Big oaks from acorns, so they've told M us, grew. H Take down every stray heat unit, H Tor you know they are H Just so many vap'rous chuggings M For the M gas H man's HE Charles R. Barnes in New York Sun. Hn ' o Hj Visitor (afraid ot dog)- Will he Hi t-Jte? Boy I dunno, ylt. Life. H i 1 CUT UP. 1 There was a man in our town, And wondrous wise was he, And with an axe and many whacks He once cut down a tree. And when he saw the tree was down, With all his might and main He straightway took another axe And cut it up again. . Indianapolis Journal. , n There is a story going the rounds that is good enough to be true, says the Brooklyn Eagle: "Are you to be literally understood when saying that your administra tion will be an exact duplicate ot Mr. Roosevelt on tho trusts?" asked a Washington friend of Mr. Taft. "I'll answer that question by telling you a story you once told me," said Mr. Taft. "What was- that story?" Inquired the friend. "It was this," said tho president elect: "A French lady was asked by. an American woman ,Ts or is it not a fact that the ladies of Paris are less circumspect in their conduct than ihose of America?' 'Qh, they are-quite as ciroumspect, but Uhey are not so abdicted to making a proclamation of their virtue.' " o "I ain't insultin' of yer I tell yer I m- simply callln' of yer a liar jxdZ. yer ARE one!" Punch. THE ARMY RIDING TEST. I have stormed the height when a rain of lead Beat men to the sodden ground; I've piled' Up cords of my gory dead While bearing a grizzly wound; I've faced the foe with the starry flag Draped over my stricnen breast; But I draw the line at a sway-backed nag, And a four days' riding test! I've walked with ghosts in the dis mal camps And slept at a dead man's side; v, I've breathed ' the ajr pf Che noisomfe swariips, '- ,? Where the fevers of doom abide f I've faced the fates with a hero's smiles, And laughed at the balls that flew; But I will not travel a thousand miles On a livery kangaroo. I lost one arm on the Shiloh plain, And a leg on. another field; The sword of a Southron clove my brain And the wound is scarcely healed. I bear my scars as I bear my jug, Nor sigh of the pains that rack; But I will not ride on a knock-kneed plug To Kalamazoo and back! Walt Mason, in Puck. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. The Irrigated Lands Company, with its principal place of business at 431 D. F. Walker building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Assessment No. 1. Notice is here by given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on Wednes day, January 27th, 1909, an assess ment of 50 cents per share was levied on the capital stock of said corpora tion, rayable at once to Charles Tyng. Secretary, at room 431 D. F. Walker building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assesment may remain unpaid on the 27th day of February, 1909, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment be made before will be sold on the 15th day of March, 1909, at 10 a. m. to pay the delln quent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expenses of sale. CHAS. TYNG, Secretary. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. BLACK ROCK COPPER MINING Cc MILLING COMPANY. Location of principal office, 414 Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Location of mine Beaver Lake Mining district, Beaver county, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tho board of directors of Black Rock Copper Mining & Milling Company held pn the 2Gth day of Jan uary, ' 1909, an assessment, to be known as Assessment No, 4, of one half (l-2c) cent per share was lev ied on the outstanding capital stocV of tho corporation, payable immedi ately to Gideon Snyder, secretary at 414 Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City LTtalu Any stock'upon which this as sessment may remain unpaid on Wed nesday, March 3, 1909. will be de llnquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is mado before, will be sold on Wed nesday, the 24th day of March, 1909 at4 o'cloplc p. m., to pay the delin quent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. GIDEON SNYDER. 414 .Judge Building, Salt Lake City, UtahV"; REVENUE' DEEP MINING & TUN". : NEL CO. , Principal place of business, 307.' Tribune Building, Salt Lake City,. Utah. . ; NOTICE. ': There aro delinquent upon the folf lowing: described stock on account ot; '' Assessment No. 5, levied on the 3rd!f day of December, 1908, the several amounts set opposite the names of. the respective shareholders, as fol- lows: No. Name. Shares. Amt. 40 W. C. Kennedy 798 ? 1.G0,,1 45 W. C. Kennedy ... 52 .10 49 W. C. Kennedy . . . 1,448 2.90 , 70 W. C. Kennedy . . . 1,400 2.80 75 W. C. Kennedy ... 800 1.G0 42 F. H. Mathews 5,000 10.00 43 F. H. Mathews .... 5,000 10.00 55 L. G. Sloan 1,263 2.53 5G Wm. Grimes 1,000 2.00 57 Wm. Grimes . .' 550 l.l'O G9 Wm. Grimes 1,200 2.40 0 72 Wm. Grimes 500 1.00 1G4 Wm. Grimes 1,000 2.00 Gl B. C. Shelly 1,473 2.95 G3 J. A. Walker G40 1.28 G5 C. C. Annable 1,473 2.95 GG E. B. Nason G54 1.30 77 Emma Mathews ... G38 1.28" 1G6 Emma Mathews . . . 2,200 4.40 1G8 Emma Mathews ... 800 1.G0' 78 L. A. Graves 1.G08 3.22" 89 T. W. Tullls 1,000 2.00' 12G R. S. Vance 33 .07 "28 J. M. Brotherton .. GG .15 134 R. A. Hopkins 41G .82 154 W. J. Russ 41G .82 15G W. Hatch 302 .GO 173 J. T. Anderson 283 .57 178 H. Taylor 83 .17 182 Henry Taylor GG .13 18G Birdie Stocks 2,000 4.00 190 J. D. Loftis 2,083 4.17 191 J. D. Loftis 1,000 2.00 192 Peter Clifford 4,290 8.58 193 Peter Clifford G.000 12.00 195 Mrs. H. W. Fletcher 40,000 80.00 And In accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors made December 3rd, 1908, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may he necessary, will be sold at 307 Trib une Building, 149 South Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 12th day of February, 1909, at tho hour of 8 c'clock p. m. of said day, to pay the delinquent assessments thereon, to gether with the cost of advertising and- expenses of sale. A. B. SAWYER, Jr., Secretary. 307 Tribune Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 2 NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCK HOLDERS' MEETING. TIN TIC SILVER CROWN MINING COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that a spec ial meeting of the stockholders of the Tintic Silver Crown Mining Company will be held at the company's ofligo, No. 50G-508 Auerbach Building, Salt I ako City, Utah, on the sixth day of & February, 1909, at 11 o'clock a. m., io consider and act upon the following (iiiestion: That the articles of in corporation of tho corporation bo so amended as to increase the amount of its capital stock from one hundred thousand dollars to one million dol lars, and tho par value of each share from ten cents to one dollar, to , transact all business necessnry to the consummation of said amendment and to make the same effective, if the srame shall bo decided upon, and also to transact any and all other business proporly coming before the meeting. Dated January 14th, 1909. J. A. EDWARDS, President M. L. SNOW, Secretary. . ASSESSMENT NO. 2. Wasatch Utah Mining Company. Principal place of business, Elko, I'illio County, Nevada. General Office outside of Nevada, No. 221 Atlas