Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Loca
tion of mines, Little anfi Big Cotton
Wood Mining Districts, Salt Lake
County, Utah.
Notice is hereby given that at a
njeeting of the Board of Directors oi
Wasatch Utah Mining Company held
on the 29th day of December, 1908,
.,0R Assessment No. 2 of one (1) cent per
xj sbare was levied upon the capital
stock of the corporation, payable on
or before Monday, the 8th day of
February, 1909, to Frank Rumel, Sec
retary and Treasurer, No. 221 Altlas
Block,- Salt Lake City, Utah.
Any stock upon which this assess
ment may remain unpaid on Monday,
the 8th day of February, 1909, will
be delinquent and advertised for sale
at public auction, and unless pay
ment is made before, will be sold on
'onday, 'the 15th day of March,
109, at two o'clock p. m., at the
company's office, No. 221 Atlas Block,
Salt Lake City, Utah, to pay the de-
(Y llnquent assessment thereon, to
. gether with cost of advertising and
expenses of sale.
Secretary and Treasurer.
Starlight Mining Company.
Location of principal place of busi
ness, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice
is hereby given that at a meeting of
the Dlreqtors, held on the 2nd day of
January, 1909, an assessment of one
fourth (VI) cent per share was levied
en the capital stock of the corpora
tion, payable Immediately to W. A.
Cooke, the secretary of said Company,
400 McCornlck Building, Salt Lake
City, Utah. Any stock on which this
Assessment may remain unpaid on the
Gth day of February, 1909, will be de
linquent and advertised for sale at
public auction, and unless payment Is
i made before, will bo sold on the Gth
day of March, 1909, to pay the delin
quent assessment, together with the
i cost of advertising and expenses of
W. A. COOKE, Secretary.
400 McCornlck Bldg., Salt Lake City?
1 Utah.
Location of principal ofllce, 214 At
las Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lo
cation of mines, Robinson Mining
District, White Pine County, Nevada.
Notice Is hereby given that at a
meeting of the Board of Directors of
said company, held on the 13th day
of October, 1908, an assessment, to
be known as assessment No. 1, of two
(2) cents per share, was levied on the
capital stock of the corporation, pay
able to Gideon Snyder, Treasurer, at
214 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah,
or to Windsor Trust company, corner
Nassau and Cedar streets, New York
Mg. City, New York, on or before Novem
f ber 28th, 1908.
Ahy stock upon which this assess
ment may remain unpaid on Satur
day, November 28, 1908, will be de
linquent and advertised for sale at
public auction, and unless payment is
made bofore, will be sold on Monday,
the 11th day of January, 1909, at the
i qompany's office, In Salt Lake City,
Utah, at 3 o'clock p. m., to pay the
delinquent assessment, together with
the cost of advertising and expense
of sale.
, Salt Lake City, Utah
By order of the Board of Directors
of Ely Consolidated Copper Company
ot a meeting held on November 25,
1908, the date when stock shall bo
come delinquent pursuant to the fore
going notice was extended to and In
cluding December 24, 1908, and sale
day to January 27th, 1909, at 4 o'clock
p m., at the company's office, 414
Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah.
By order of the Board of Directors
of Ely Consolidated Copper Com
pany at a meeting held on December
23, 1908, the date upon which stock
shall become delinquent pursuant to
the foregoing notice and extension,
was further extended to Saturday,
January 23, 1909, and sale day to
Monday, March 1st, 1909, at 3 o'clock
P m at the company's ofllce, 414
Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah.
414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City,
Utah... 5
At a meeting of the board of direc
tors of Ely Consolidated Copper com
pany, held at the office of the com
pany, 414 Judge Bldg., Salt Lake
City, Utah, on January 25, 1909, the
delinquent day was further postponed
to March 3, 1909, and sale day to
Saturday, April 10, 1909, at 2 o'clock
p m.
414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City,
Western Mining & Milling Company.
Location of principal place of busl
ress, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice.
There are delinquent upon the follow
ing described stock, on account of as
sessment levied on the 5th day of De
cember, 1908, the several amounts set
opposite the names of the respective
shareholders as follows:
Cert. No. of
Name No. Shares. Amt.
A. B. Hlrth 34 10 $ .10
A. B. Hlrth 37 29,990 299.90
A Hanauer, Jr. ..35 10 .10
A. Hanauer, Jr 41 14,990 149.90
L. D. Hasklns ....33 10 .10
F. D. Hasklns 4(5 21.990 219.90
E. D. Hasklns 47 7,000 70.00
C. A. Holder 43 29.000 290.00
And in accordance with law and an
order of the Board of Directors made
on the 5th day of December, 1908. so
many shares of each parcel of such
slock as may be necessary, will be
cold at public auction at the ofllce of
said company, 225 Atlas block. Salt
Lake City, Utah, on the Gth day of
February, 1909, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m to pay delinquent assess
ments thereon, together with the cost
of advertising and expenses of the
J. H. HURD, Secretary.
225 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City,
Principal place of business, Las
Vegas, Lincoln County. Nevada. Gen
oral office outside of Nevada, No. 2G
W. Second South Street, Salt Lake
City, Utah. Location of mines, Van
derbllt Mining District, San Bernar
dino County, California.
NOTICE. There are delinquent
upon the following described stock on
account of Assessmei No. 2 of one
fifth of one cent pei snare, levied on
the 23rd day of November, 1908, the
several amounts set opposite the
names of the respective shareholders,
as follows:
No. Ct. Name Shares. Amt.
12 R. W. Wanlace 2,000 $ 4.00
21 H. W. Gibson 1,000 2.00
22 J. M. Galley 200 .40
23 Ed. Bell 1.Q00 2.00
29 Mrs. John D.
Fencher :. 100 '.20
40 Hugh Tarbett 1,200 2.40
205 Chas. M. Hanf 1,500 3.00
212 Chas. C. Kizer 2.000 4.00
21G W. C. Bowman 1,500 3.00
251 Chas. C. Klzer 1,000 . 2.00
I252t(3has. C. Klzer .... 1,000 2.0
253 Chas. C. Kizer 1,000 2.00
255 C. H. Ragan 20,000 40.00
257 J. I. White 5,f50 11.50
258 J. A. Shanahan 5,750 11.50
274 R. A. Harlan 1,000 2.00
2G3 Mrs. W. J. Adams. .25,000 50.00
And In accordance with law and the
order of the Board of Directors made
on the 23rd day of November, 1908, as
modified by order of said Board made
on the 30th day of December, 1908, so
many shares of each parcel of such
stock as may be necessary will be
sold at public auction at the ofllce of
the company, No. 2G West Second
South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah,
on Monday, the 1st day of February,
1909, at 4 o'clock p. m., to pay the
delinquent assessment thereon, to
gether with the costs of advertlolng
and expense ot sale.
KARL H. MAYER, Secretary.
First publication January 2. 1909.
In the District Court of the Third
Judicial District of the State of Utah,
County of Salt Lake.
Maggie Jamison Plaintiff, vs. AHx
Jamison, Defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said Defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after the ser
vice of this summons upon you. if
served within the County in which
this action is brought, otherwise,
within thirty days after service, and
defend the above entitled action; and
in case of your failure so j do, judg
ment will be rendered against you
according to the demand of the com
plaint. This action Is brought to re
cover a judgment dissolving the
bonds of matrimony heretofore exist
ing between you and the plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attornev.
In the Justice's Court before Dana
T. Smith, Justice of the Peace, in and
for Salt Lake City Precinct, Salt Lake
County, State of Utah.
Effle Ettlnger, plnintlff, vs. Theo
dore Marston and Florence Stnnlev
Marston, defendants. Summons.
The State of Utah to the Defendants:
You are hereby summoned to ap
pear before the above entitled court
within ten days after the service o'
this Summons upon you, if served
within the county in which this action
h brought, otherwise within twentv
days after the service and defend the
above entitled action, brought against
you to recover judgment for $29.00
on an account for work and services
as an actress, between October 26,
1908, and November 5, 1908, $25.00 on
un account for work and services as
an actress performed by Cora Mitchell,
between October 26, 1908, and Novem
ber 5, 1908, and assigned to plaintiff;
$43.00 on an account for work and
services performed as an actor by
Lester F. Mitchell, between October 14.
1908, and November 5, 1908, and as
signed to plaintiff; $3G.OO on account
for work and services performed as
an actor between October 14, 1908
'and November 5, 1908, by Bert Heyes
and assigned to plaintiff, making a
total of $133.00, together with In
torest at 8 per cent per annum, from
November 5, 1908, and in case of
your failure to do so, judgment will
be rendered- against you according to
the demand of the complaint.
Given under my hand this 6th day
of December, 1908.
Justice of the Peace.
No. 123 Commercial Blk., Salt Lake
City, Utah.
S. P. ARMSTRONG, Attorney for
In the District Court of the Third
Judicial District of the State of Utah.
F. C. Richmond Machinery Com
pany, a Corporation of Utah, Plaintiff, H
vs. Weston Mills, a Corporation of H
Idaho, Defendant. Summons. H
The State of Utah to the Said Defend H
You are hereby summoned to ap-
pear within twenty days after the H
service of this summons uponyou,rif H
served within the County In which H
this action is brought, otherwise, H
within thirty days after serviee, H
and defend the above entitled action; H
and In case of your failure so to do, H
judgment will be rendered against H
you according to the demand of the H
complaint, which Is now on file with H
the clerk of said court. This action H
Is brought to recover the sum of H
$5G.G7 for goods, wares and merchan- H
dise sold and delivered to defendant hH
with Interest from August 24, 1908, H
and the sum of $G.07 and Interest H
from October 5, 1908, for" and on ac- 9
count of money paid out to and for H
the use and benefit of said defendant. H
Plaintiff's Attorney. M
P. O. address: Rooms 310-11, Auer- H
bach Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. H
Probate and Guardianship Notices. H
Consult County Clerk or respective H
signers for further information. H
In the District Court ot the Third
Judicial District of the State of Utah, H
in and for Salt Lake County, Probate H
Division. H
In the matter of the Estate and B
Guardianship of Clara L. Herbst and H
John F. Herbst, Minors. Notice. . H
The petition of Martha Ehlert, M
Guardian of the above named minors, H
for confirmation of a mortgage given H
to Charles H. Lindley on or about De- H
cember 17, 1908, upon the real pnop-
erty of said estato to secure the loan M
ot $1,510.40 procured to pay the
claims of the Commercial National
I'ank and E. A. Walton, J. J. Whlta- H
ker and Evans & Evans against said H
Estate and Guardianship and the ex- '
penses incident to such loan, has been H
set for hearing on the 23rd day of H
fanuary, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m., at M
the County Court House in the Court H
oom of said Court in Salt Lake City H
3alt Lake County, Utah. H
Witness the Clerk of said Court M
with the seal thereof affixed, this Gth H
day of January. A. D. 1909. H
(Seal.) Clerk.
L. P. PALMER, Deputy Clerk. H
Attorneys for Petitioner. H
Estato of Eliza D. Hooper, De- M
"eased. Creditors will present claims M
with vouchors to the undersigned at M
ofllce of C. S. Patterson, 87-88 Com- H
merclal Block, Salt Lake City, on or JA
before the first day of June, A. D. M
Administrator of Estate of Eliza D. M
Hooper, Deceased.
C. S. PAITTERSON, Attorney for
Administrator. M
Date of first publication, Januaiy M
SO, 1909.
Estate of James Mickelson, De- H
ceased. Creditors will present claims iJ
with vouchers to the undersigned at JQ
the law office of S. P. Armstrong, 122 jH
Commercial Block, Salt Lake City. H
Utah, on or before the 28th day of H
April, A. D. 1909.
Administratrix of the Estate of James H
Mickelson, Deceased. H
S. P. ARMSTRONG, Attorney for '
Administratrix. H
Date of first publication, Dec 26, H