Newspaper Page Text
QOODWIN'6 WEEKLY. 15 I Violet Black who appears at the Orpheum next week. CURE FOR LOVE. "I remember once," says Professor Grange, "hearing two very ordinary men, a bricklayer and a plumber, discuss love in a smoking car. " 'I hold,' said the bricklayer, 'that if you are terribly in love, the way to cure yourself is to runaway.' "The plumber shook his head and sneered. " 'That will cure you,' he said, 'pro vided you run away with the girl.' " Tatler. o THE ADVANTAGE. John Bright used to tell how a bar ber who was cutting his hair once said to him. "You 'ave a large 'ead, sir; it's a good thing to 'ave a large 'ead, for a large 'ead means -a large brain, and a large brain is the most useful thing a man can 'ave, as if nourishes the roots of the 'air." Sacred Heart Review. o OUR LEISURE CLASS. ( . "But," says the Grand Duke, who is dining incog, with Daniel Vorhees Pike, in Booth Tarkington's new play, "The Man From Home" "but you have no leisure class in Am I erica." "No leisure class!" drawls out Pike, thoughtfully. "Huh You ought I to see our colored population!" Current Literature. I n ! Little Davey Sloan is forever ask ing questions. "You'd bettor keep still or some thing will happen to you," his tired mother finally told him one night "Curiosity once killed a cat, you know." Davey was so impressed with this that ho kept s'lent for three min utes. Then: "Say, mother, what was it the cat wanted to know. Everybody's. O'Brien Oh, but me daughter's the smart girl. She set two min fightin' for her hand. Landers And she married the win ner? O'Brien Begorry,, no! She mar ried the one she could lick, aisiest. Boston Transcript. 0 "How old Is your baby brother?" asked little Tommy of his playmate. "One year old," replied Johnny. "Huh!" exclaimed 'Tommy. "I've got a dog a year old, and he can walk twice as well as that kid can." "Well, he ought to," replied John ny; "he's got twice as many legs." u A sick peasant motions feebly to his wife to approach his bedside, and whispers, painfully: "I think, my dear, I could fancy a little broth." "My dear, what do you want of broth? Hasn't the doctor just given you up?" LEGAL NOTICES. AN OIIDINANC13. An ordinanco amending and re-enacting Section 733 of tho Revised Ordi nances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended, as to tho appointment ana compensation of tho Supervisor of Streets. Bo it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 733 of tho Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance adopted April 5, 1909, and approved by the Mayor April 8, 1909, as to tho iip pointment and compensation of tho Supervisor of Street, be, and tho samo is hereby, amended and re-enacted so as to road as follows: 733. APPOINTMENT. COMPENSA TION. Tho Mayor shall have the pow er to appoint, during tho torm ioi which ho is elected, subject to confir mation by tho Council, a competent person as Supervisor of Streets, who shall hold offlco until tho Mondav next succeeding tho oxpiration of tin torm of tho appointing powor. Tho com pensation of such ofllcor is horoby fixed at twolvo hundrod dollars por an num, payablo monthly, as aro tho sal aries of other city ofllcers. SECTION 2. All oidinancos and t i resolutions or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed, to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinanco shall take effect upon approval. Passed by tho City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 19, 1909, ana referred to tho Mayor for his approval. J. B. MORETON, City Recorder. Approved this 20th day of April, 1909. J. S. BRANSFORD, Mayor. STATE OF UTAH, City and County of Salt Lake, ss I. J. B. MORETON, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinanco entitled, "An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 733 of tho Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended, as to the appointment and compensation of tho Supervisor of Streets," passed by the City Council of Salt Lnko City, Utah, April 19th, 1909, and approved by tho Mayor, April 20th, 1909, ns appears of record in my ofllcc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my hand and afllxcd tho corporate seal of said vity, this 20th day of April, 1909. (Seal.) J. B. MORETON, City Recorder. Bill No. 49. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. The North Point Consolidated Ir rigation .Company. Principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of the board of di rectors of The North Point Consoli dated Irrigation Company, held on the Gth day of April, 1909, assess ment No. 34, of ten cents per share, was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, issued and outstand ing, payable immediately to the sec retary at his office, rooms 41-42 Eagle Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assess ment may remain unpaid on Friday, May Gth, 1909, shall be declared de linquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Satur day, May 22nd, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the office of the secretary, to pay the delinquent assessment there on, together with the costs of adver tising and expense of sale. THOMAS J. ALMY, Secretary. First publication April 9th, 1909. 4-10-5-1 SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given, that a spec ial meeting of the stockholders of the Utah Portland Cement Company, a corporation under the laws of Utah, will be held at the office of J. R. Bowdle, Esq., Rooms 89-90, Com mercial Block, Salt Lake City, Utah, on Tuesday the 11th day of May, 1909, at two o'clock p. m., of said day, for the purpose of electing a full board of directors, consisting of seven members, a president, secre tary and treasurer, and the transac tion of such other business as may lawfully come before such meeting. This meeting is called by tho un dersigned directors for the reason that the president and secretary are absent from tho state. JOHN LaDUE, A. H. BOXRUD, W. P. NOBLE, J. R. BOWDLE. 4-10-5-1 Directors. THE DANA GOLD MINING & MILL ING CO. Notice of Special Meeting of Stock holders. Notice is hereby givea that a spe cial meeting of the stockholders of the Dana Gold Mining & Milling Com pany will be held at No. 419 Judge building, Salt Lake City, Utah, it 3 o'clock p. m., on Monday, May 3rd, 1909. Said meeting is called to con sider and vote upon the question of amending the articles of incorpora tion in the following particulars. JTo amend Article VIII so as to make tho par value of tlie stok five cents instead of fifty cents per share; to amend Articles IX and X so as to jH change the number of directors from H seven to five, and provide that three H directors shall constitute a quorum; lH to amend Article XII relative to the H sale of treasury stock; to validate , ,H the election of a hoard of five direct- 'H ors at a meeting of stockholders held jH on the Gth day of April, 1909; ane H to consider and vote upon suck other H questions as may properly come be- H fore the meeting. 'H Dated ot Salt Lake City, Utah, H April 7, 1909. M W. I. SNYDER, Secretary. 1 4-10-5-1. M ASSESSMENT NO. 3. M Wheeler Gold Mines Company H Principal place of business, Salt Lake H City, Utah. M Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors H held on tho 24th day of Feburary, H 1909, an assessment of one and one-. H half (l1) cents per share was lev- H led upon the capital stock of the cor- M poration, payable on or before the H ?9th day of March, 1909, to J. E. M Caine, Secretary, at Room 209, Hoop- H er Building, East First South street, H Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock 1 upon which this assessment shall re- H main unpaid upon the 29th day of M March, 1909, will be delinquent and M advertised for sale at public auction, M and unless payment is made before, M will be sold on the 22nd day of April, M 1909, to pay the delinquent assess- M ment, together with all costs of ad- M vertlsing and expense of sale. M J. E. CAINE, Secretary, Location of office: Room 209, Hoop- S er Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. H 2-28-09-5 By order of the Board of Directors H of the Wheeler Gold Mines Company, M the date of delinquency under Assess- M ment No. 3 is changed from the 29th H day of March to the 12th day ot H April, 1909, and the date of sale of H delinquent stock is changed from tho H 22nd day of April, 1909, to the 3rd day of May, 1909. H J. E. CAINE, Secretary, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 1st, 1909. By order of the Board of Directors H of the Wheeler Gold Mines Company, H the date of delinquency under As- 9 sessment No. 3 is hereby extended H to April 2Gth, 1909, and the date of sale of delinquent stock is extended H to May 18, 1909. J. E. CAINE, Secretary, Salt Lake City, Utah, Apirl 14th, 1909. 4-17-4-24 ASSESSMENT NO. 3. B Wasatch Utah Mining Company. H Principal place of business, Elko, H Elko County, Nevada. General Offico H outside of Nevada, No. 221 Atlas H Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Loca- tion of mines, Little and Big Cotton- H wood Mining Districts, Salt Lake County, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a H meeting of the Board of Directors of H Wasatch Utah Mining Company held H on the 24th day of March, 199, As- H sessment No. 3 of one (1) cent per H share was levied uopn the capital stock of the corporation, payable on or before Monday, the 2Gth day of H April, 1909, to Frank Rumel, Secre- tary and Treasurer, No. 221 Atlas H Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assess- H ment may remain unpaid on Monday, H the 2Gth day of April, 1909, will he delinquent and advertised for sale at H public auction, and unless payment is H made before, will be sold on Monday, H the 31st day of May, 1909, at two o'clock p. m., at the company's ofllce, No. 221 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah, to pay the delinquent assess- H ment thereon, together with cost of H advertising and oxpensep jf sale. H FRANK MEL, Secretary and Treasurer. H 3-27-4-24